Every man at least once in his life dreamed of an ideal woman, one who would “match and respond.” Despite the well-known statement that “all men are the same,” every man is an individual. Just don't giggle. And accordingly, our ideals are very diverse. Let's try to find something in common.

High chest, wasp waist, long beautiful legs, and most importantly - the complete absence of a head. This is what is generally considered the masculine ideal of a woman.

Perhaps, at first glance, this is so. There are also many types of options: barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen. And still…

I want to say right away: a woman should have a head! It is a myth that men love beautiful women! Do not like. They use it, yes. But they don't like it. On the other hand, no amount of intelligence, originality of thinking and talent can hide unkempt hair, bitten nails and, sorry, hairy legs. I understand perfectly well: no time, no money, no hot water. But you already have a head! And let her, this head, think about who will need your excuses when the man of your dreams passes by. That is, just passing by. No, no, I’m not saying that women must constantly wear stiletto heels, evening dresses and war paint, but you shouldn’t relax completely either.

Situation: you have been looking at a man for some time now. You like him and even look back. That's all. The matter does not move further. And then your friend appears - and in five minutes they are already chatting together about something, in a couple of hours they are kissing, in a couple of months they are getting married. Sound familiar? Why am I doing all this? And besides, if you like a man, then tell him about it! Right in the forehead. Even if he hasn’t noticed you before, he will still think about it. Gone are the days of languid sighs and glances from under eyelashes. Therefore, qualities such as courage, frankness and initiative are, if not mandatory, then very desirable for an ideal woman!

Well, we are stupid, stupid! Even if in response to your initiative he says: “Sorry,” then how much time and nerves you will save for further searches! Fortune smiles on the brave!

Sex. Sex is good. It's bad when he's not there. But if you have memorized the Kama Sutra, this does not mean that you are an ideal lover. Yes, for the sake of variety, sometimes you can try something new like “a flying crane” or “a pig under an oak tree.” But you shouldn’t shock a man every time with your deep knowledge in the field of sex. As life and films for adults show, three or four erotic positions are quite enough. But learn to enjoy them to the fullest!

Men, contrary to popular belief, also feel when a woman is unsatisfied. Hence the complexes. And, of course, a man will be with the woman who allows him to feel like a MAN. So – study, study and study again! Or keep pretending. But then at least it’s high quality.

It's the 21st century. No one is surprised by women with an active lifestyle. Women bosses. Women ministers. Wonderful. Just great! But if, when you come home, the only strength left is to say: “I’m tired. Shower and sleep!”, don’t be surprised that one day there will be no one to talk to. No matter how or what you do, there should always be enough time for us men. Selfishness? But we are talking about an ideal woman. Home is the place where a man should want to return. And this means coziness and comfort. We men are gentle creatures. It doesn’t matter how this very coziness is created - whether you invite a team of “au pairs” or add gloss and shine yourself. And you shouldn’t focus on this. “I was washing clothes!” Yes. The machine was washing, and you poured in the maximum amount of washing powder. By the way, at home you shouldn’t forget about your appearance either. A dressing gown can be no less sexy than a couture dress.

Finally, the last thing an ideal woman should not do is teach a man “life.” Believe me, this is the best way to lose him.

So, let's summarize. The ideal woman is well-groomed, with her head on her shoulders, determined, able to give and receive pleasure, create comfort and coziness in the home, always finding time for a man and turning a blind eye to his little shortcomings.

Of course, I didn’t discover any America. All these are long-known truths. It's just worth reminding sometimes. But by and large, we love and hate you just the way you are. And for many years I have been in love with a woman who is not at all like the ideal that I dreamed of in my youth...

We conducted our own survey of men to find out their ideal woman. It turned out that there are about as many ideals as there are men themselves, if not more. From which we can only draw one conclusion: if you are a woman, then you are already someone’s ideal. The only thing left is to find this person.

Stefan, 26 years old, single:“For me, the ideal is Victoria Beckham. Victoria always looks chic and stylish. Wears short Gucci dresses and high heels. She has a good sense of humor. She made a career in show business and fashion!”

Dima, 23 years old, unmarried:“Appearance: height no higher than 168 cm, breasts from size two to four, weight no more than 56 kg, hair on the head like the color of a raven wing, big blue eyes, intelligent, sociable, a little modest - this is my ideal. Clothing style - well-groomed girl; the main thing is that she is not a goth and not a rapper, that is, she does not belong to different communities. Behavior is appropriate! I want her to be sociable, but at the same time not talk about personal topics to strangers. Career: I want her to have a goal in life and achieve it! Education: secondary or higher, the crust is not the main thing for me, the main thing is its knowledge. Hobbies: not professional sports, not parachutes and not knitting.”

Alexander, 24 years old, married:“Unfortunately, I can’t answer for sure. Maybe there are general criteria by which a woman can attract me. For example, a beautiful figure, a pretty face, a cheerful disposition, intelligence. But there are a million combinations of very different qualities that will ultimately still give the same result - ideal! And at the same time, ideal girls can look and behave completely differently. For me, the ideal cannot be just one; the ideal is everything at once and always in different ways. And then you can always correct the person, mold him into what you need..."

The main secret of an ideal woman is attractiveness, femininity, sexuality, kindness and tolerance.

Women are designed in such a way that they strive for perfection all the time. It is no secret that the syndrome of an excellent student who has remained with them since school sometimes haunts them throughout their lives and does not give them the opportunity to relax and enjoy life. They are always interested in whether they meet standards, standards, whether they stand up to comparison, whether they are drawn to the ideal woman or whether they are lagging behind in all respects.

In order to answer these questions for herself, she, a woman, is looking for information about the ideal parameters so that, at all costs, she can achieve them and reveal all women’s secrets for herself.

BUT each time has its own standards and requirements, its own color scheme.

The ideal of female beauty is changing

Once upon a time, ruddy, healthy, busty beauties with steep hips and strong arms were held in high esteem. Then a pale complexion and subtle features of fragile femininity came into fashion, and later the notorious standard 90 - 60 - 90 appeared. Men liked either blondes or brunettes, and all the women on the planet actively changed their color.

Nowadays, the ideal woman, according to 66 thousand men surveyed around the world, should be long-haired blonde with blue eyes, 172 cm tall, not earn too much and be a good lover. She must wear size 42 clothing and weigh no more than 60 kg.

But a study conducted by the international social dating network Badoo in Britain, in which more than 2,000 men participated, refuted these findings and revealed what modern Britons like. It turned out that about 60% of survey participants admitted that the ideal of female beauty for them is a woman with dark hair. Of the total number, approximately a third of respondents (33.1%) said that they prefer brown-haired women, 28.6% - brunettes. Only 29.5% of study participants dream of blondes. Red-haired women had the least fans - only 8.8% of men voted for them.

An unexpected result also came out with the parameters of the figure. The majority of respondents (38.8%) more often pay attention to women who wear clothing sizes 44-46; only 10% of young people are convinced that size 42 is ideal. Men are not attracted to overly “curvy” young ladies (from size 52). Among the survey participants, only 4.2% were lovers of curvaceous figures.

- The Germans put culinary abilities first, then the ability to appreciate a man.

According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their intelligence. In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife, were external data. And third is kindness.

Some men like active and enterprising women, others like quiet and dependent ones. How many men - so many preferences.

The secret of the relationship is that for every product there is a merchant, as our grandmothers would say, consoling their granddaughters who do not like their appearance too much. Life shows that even women who are completely far from ideal can have a family and be happy in marriage and love. And the point here is not so much in appearance, but in qualities that are never subject to the trends of the times.

Women's secret of the ideal woman: SHE should be attractive, feminine, sexy, kind and tolerant. She is the focus of love and warmth, which a man strives for in our fast-paced life. That pier where he is drawn with all his heart, where he will be loved, surrounded by love, care and kindness. The ideal woman loves children and wants to have them. She is compassionate and empathetic. This is much more valuable than an ideal figure, eye color or hair color. Character, soul, tact, feminine wisdom are values ​​that never lose their relevance. They do not depend on age and external parameters, sometimes secretly hidden deep in each of us. But if we want to love and be loved, we should open them to the one who is dear to us.

Vlasenko Irina

The question of whom men want to see next to them, whom they marry and which woman they will never leave worries millions of women. Scientists have come close to solving the mystery. We present to you the results of a large-scale study in which 66 thousand men from around the world took part. As it turned out, men do not have excessive demands.

While glossy magazines promote their image of beauty and style, real men need completely different women. As sociologists have found out, the stronger sex for love and marriage does not need skinny fashion models with silicone lips and breasts, hung with branded clothes, and they do not need business women who earn huge money. Men also don’t want to see fat housewives next to them who spend whole days in the kitchen, and their entire range of interests comes down to cooking and discussing TV series and the lives of celebrities.

The study showed that men want to see next to them not an exemplary housewife who cooks deliciously, but a sweet and kind woman who loves children and animals, has a higher education, an interesting profession and hobby. She doesn’t have to be an excellent lover and have an ideal figure; men value a sense of humor and a cheerful disposition more, writes The Daily Mail.

As for external data, as scientists have found, most men prefer blondes with light eyes, height from 160 cm and not higher than 172 cm, weighing no more than 60 kg, the ideal woman can also wear glasses. In second place are redheads.

As for bad habits, the female ideal is allowed to drink occasionally in a friendly company or at a family celebration, but not to smoke. 86 percent of men noted that the ideal woman does not smoke.

As the study showed, housekeeping skills did not make it into the top 20 most important things that an ideal woman should have.

"Men are just as selective about women as women are about men, and they know exactly what they want," says research group director David Brown. He also adds that men date some and marry others, because they determine almost at first glance whether this woman is suitable for them for marriage or not. If a man meets his ideal soul mate, he usually does not delay the issue of marriage. If a man lives with a woman for years, but is in no hurry to go to the registry office, does not want to have children and is even against having a pet, this is an alarming signal; rather, he lives with a woman for the sake of convenience.

A recent study by British scientists showed that most men, when first looking at a woman, first of all pay attention to her hairstyle and face. 44 percent of the stronger sex noted that hair is the first thing they notice in women.

Next, men look at appearance - clothes + figure - 26 percent, 25 percent pay attention to legs. As for makeup, only 4 percent of men pay attention to it. So there is a reason to think: is it necessary to spend so much time, since the morning efforts will still remain unappreciated?

Respondents admitted that they were more likely to approach a lady with beautiful hair than one who was wearing a low-cut dress. Moreover: a woman’s sexuality, according to those surveyed, depends 82 percent on her hairstyle. And 60 percent, when choosing who to go on a date with - a big-breasted or bushy-haired lady - will choose the latter.

“Your hair is your resume,” says Steve Ward, head of the research group. “Healthy and well-groomed hair is a sign that you are proud of your appearance, and therefore deserve attention.”

If a man gives you an appraising look, don’t blame him. It was nature that programmed him to turn his head towards an attractive stranger.

Columnist Gabrielle Sayring, together with the Journal des Femmes, conducted a large-scale survey to find out what attracts men and what type of woman they consider ideal. The study helped identify 6 signs on the basis of which you can create a portrait of an ideal woman.

1. Dark hair color

Photo source: flickr.com

Do gentlemen prefer blondes? Whatever the case! According to the survey, 43% of men consider brunettes more attractive. In second place were brown-haired and red-haired women (28%), in third place were blondes (14%). And 15% of men could not decide.

2. Blue eyes

Photo source: pixabay.com

The majority of admirers turned out to be blue-eyed girls (40%). Brown-eyed girls come in second (approximately 30%), and girls with gray and green eyes come in third (21%). Very few admirers turned out to be girls with hazel eyes (light brown with green veins).

3. Long hair down

Photo source: pixabay.com

In their imagination, 60% of the stronger sex imagine an ideal woman with long and always flowing hair. And only 8% preferred a braid or hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.

On a note! To keep your hair clean for a long time, use.

4. Freckles

Photo source: pixabay.com

This may seem strange, but 42% of men are delighted with freckles, 35% are crazy about a mole on the upper lip (like Natalia Oreiro), 17% of men like a slight indentation on the chin and only 6% of men do not mind their the ideal woman had a piercing on her face.

5. Nose

Photo source: pixabay.com

According to the survey results, men found those with a small nose with a slightly raised tip the most attractive. But those with an “eagle” nose were the least popular.

6. Lips

Photo source: pixabay.com

Most girls strive to enlarge their lips at any cost and, as it turns out, in vain! Most men don't find lips like those of Angelina Jolie and Kylie Jenner attractive. They give them a brief description of “too much. Much more men are attracted to natural lips with a not too pronounced hollow. For example, like model Miranda Kerr.

On a note! True beauty always comes from within. To have beautiful skin, shiny hair and healthy nails, stick to.

Women have always strived to improve their appearance. Now you know how and what to fix to make men like you!

The question of whom men want to see next to them, whom they marry and which woman they will never leave worries millions of women.

Scientists are close to the solution. We present to you the results of a large-scale study in which 66 thousand men from around the world took part. As it turned out, men do not have excessive demands.

While glossy magazines promote their image of beauty and style, real men need completely different women. As sociologists have found out, the stronger sex for love and marriage does not need skinny fashion models with silicone lips and breasts, hung with branded clothes, and they do not need business women who earn huge money. Men also don’t want to see fat housewives next to them who spend whole days in the kitchen, and their entire range of interests comes down to cooking and discussing TV series and the lives of celebrities.

The study showed that men want to see next to them not an exemplary housewife who cooks deliciously, but a sweet and kind woman who loves children and animals, has a higher education, an interesting profession and hobby. She does not have to be an excellent lover and have an ideal figure; men value a sense of humor and a cheerful disposition more.

As for external data, as scientists have found, most men prefer blondes with light eyes, height from 160 cm and not higher than 172 cm, weighing no more than 60 kg, the ideal woman can also wear glasses. In second place are redheads.

As for bad habits, the female ideal is allowed to drink occasionally in a friendly company or at a family celebration, but not to smoke. 86 percent of men noted that the ideal woman does not smoke.

As the study showed, housekeeping skills did not make it into the top 20 most important things that an ideal woman should have.

“Men are Just as Selective with Women as Women are with Men, and Know Exactly What They Want,” says research group director David Brown. He also adds that men date some and marry others, because they determine almost at first glance whether this woman is suitable for them for marriage or not. Thus, if a man meets his ideal soul mate, he usually does not delay the issue of marriage. If a man lives with a woman for years, but is in no hurry to go to the registry office, does not want to have children and is even against having a pet, this is an alarming signal; rather, he lives with the woman for the sake of convenience.

A recent study by British scientists showed that most men, when first looking at a woman, first of all pay attention to her hairstyle and face. 44 percent of the stronger sex noted that hair is the first thing they notice in women.

Next, men look at appearance - clothes, figure - 26 percent, 25 percent pay attention to legs. As for makeup, only 4 percent of men pay attention to it. So there is a reason to think: is it necessary to spend so much time, since the morning efforts will still remain unappreciated?

Respondents admitted that they were more likely to approach a lady with beautiful hair than one who was wearing a low-cut dress. Moreover: a woman’s sexuality, according to those surveyed, depends 82 percent on her hairstyle. And 60 percent, when choosing who to go on a date with - a big-breasted or bushy-haired lady - will choose the latter.

That's how it is, otherwise it's all boobs and boobs.