New Year's celebration in the royal palace.
Adults: King, Jester, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Father Frost

hussars, dolls, Santa Clauses, Christmas trees

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music. Stand in a semicircle

Child 1
How good it is that in this room
we met again with you,
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time
And he came in the cold winter.

The holiday is called New Year,
There is nothing more wonderful in the world,
It is dear to both adults and children,
He gives people happiness!
Child 2:

New Year is knocking on the door
With a song, a fairy tale and goodness
Everyone now believes in miracles,
They are waiting for gifts in every home.
Child 3:
May everyone this New Year
Meet with new happiness,
And it’s not in vain that on New Year’s
You can only believe in good things!
Child 4:
Let the poems and songs sound,
Let the childish laughter ring,
And adults too with us
It's not a sin to have fun!
Child 5:
Around the Christmas tree one after another
We'll go around in a fun circle
And look at all the toys
Everything, right to the top of the head.
Child 6:
Guys, stand in a circle,
Hold your hands tighter,
And bolder, more fun,
Let's sing about the Christmas tree soon!

The jester comes out
Jester: no, no, don’t rush to sing about the Christmas tree. The king has not yet issued a decree on celebrating the New Year. Hello, friends! I am the royal jester. I greet everyone who came to our holiday. And in order for the king to quickly sign the decree on welcoming the New Year, you need to sing a song about the New Year.
song "New Year's round dance"
One two three four. Smile to everyone today Music leader No. 7 2009 from 61

Sit down, music sounds
The king appears.

King: Hello, children! Finally! I am glad! Allow me to introduce myself - the King! (Nods head) King! I am very glad that you came to the holiday! (looks at the tree)
Oh, oh, oh, what a nuisance, what a horror! The lights on our Christmas tree don’t light up, what a disgrace! Why didn't my courtiers worry about this? Lazy people, Bunglers. Slackers! That’s it, (takes off the crown, throws it away), I’m leaving for the monastery. Since my courtiers behave so irresponsibly!

Jester: (raises the crown, catches up with the king) Ah! Your Majesty! How can you be upset over such a trifle? It's easy to fix.

King: Really?

Jester: In our kingdom we have not just a holiday, but a Ball. Children, what is our autumn, spring, or magical New Year's ball?

Children: New Year's.

King: What wonderful children know everything, today amazing events await all of you in my magical palace.
Well, let's start the New Year's ball. Fool, read the decree!

The jester reads the King's Decree!!! Celebrate the New Year's holiday, sing songs and dance. Get ready to dance

Jester New Year's toys dance the New Year's polka.
They sit down.

King: Do you know that today Santa Claus himself will arrive for the holiday.

Jester: Yes, and only the magic staff of Santa Claus can light the Christmas tree. We need to invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to our holiday and ask them to light the lights on the Christmas tree.
We say the magic words:
Santa Claus, come quickly
Light the lights

Children: Repeat several times
little Santa Clauses come out and dance
sit down
Jester: Where is the real Santa Claus?
Father Frost enters, and Baba Yaga sneaks behind him in the attributes of the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: Hello, my dear little friends and guests! Finally, Snegurochka and I have come to you. We are glad to meet you.
(does not notice Baba Yaga.)

King: Hello, Santa Claus.
Become honest people in a merry round dance.
We will celebrate the New Year by singing and dancing.

They perform a song. In a round dance with movements.

Song-game “how our frost has such a beard”

Sit down
Jester: Santa Claus, We invited you and the Snow Maiden to help light the lights on our beautiful Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Of course, we need to light the lights on the Christmas tree.
Well, wake up the Christmas tree
Come on, smile at the Christmas tree
Come on, Christmas tree 1,2,3
Shine with the light of joy! (it does not shine)

D.M.: Apparently they didn’t eat much porridge,
Maybe the children are sick? (touches the children’s forehead)
Why are you shouting so quietly?
Or don't you want to help us?
Snow Maiden, give me the magic staff.

Baba Yaga: I won’t give you the staff and will generally ruin the holiday. I don't like fun, I don't like laughter. I love it when everyone cries. You won't have a holiday!

Santa Claus: (turns around) Oh, oh, oh, he’s become very old, I didn’t see right away that this was not my granddaughter, who are you?

Baba Yaga: Who, who? Don't you see I'm the Snow Maiden, I'm old or what?

Santa Claus: Children, who is this?

Children: Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga, so what, I also want to play with the guys. Come on, children, stand behind me!

The game with Baba Yaga “I am Yaga, I am flying” gathers a tail of children.

At the end of the song, the children sit down.

Santa Claus Oh, you, evil spirit, dressed up as my granddaughter. And you think you deceived everyone, no, you can’t fool the kids, but where is my granddaughter?

Baba Yaga. And I hid your granddaughter with a staff and gifts in the forest, in a hut. And you won’t celebrate the New Year without the Snow Maiden and the magic staff.

King: What a self-confident Baba Yaga, my children and I will sing so hard that your legs will start dancing and carry you to your hut.
Santa Claus, you are a wizard, you have magic mittens, clap them and Baba Yaga will hide in her hut on chicken legs.

Santa Claus (Claps his hands, speaks)
Baba Yaga, bone leg.
fly to your hut
Give us back the Snow Maiden.
(Baba Yaga just sat down and spoke in a thin voice)

Baba Yaga: nothing will work out for you, old man.

Jester: Santa Claus, I know what to do, the guys need to help you
There are many of them, what a force there will be
Santa Claus: Guys, help, we’re all talking together.

Baba Yaga, bone leg.
fly to your hut
Give us back the Snow Maiden! They say 2 times.

Baba Yaga spins and disappears (runs away)

Santa Claus: I’m tired of fighting evil spirits, I need to sit and rest.

Jester: Of course, Santa Claus, sit down and the children have prepared poems for you.

Santa Claus: well done, guys, well, it’s time to call the Snow Maiden - her granddaughter. Help me (shouting) Snow Maiden.
Come on, louder.
Snow Maiden screaming

Music, the Snow Maiden comes in with a staff.
Snow Maiden:
Hello guys, Hello Santa Claus. Baba Yaga locked me in her hut so that the children would not celebrate the New Year, but with the help of a magic staff I got out and came to you for the holiday.

Santa Claus Well done, Snow Maiden, we need to light the lights on the Christmas tree. Give me the staff. He waves his staff.
Well, wake up the Christmas tree
Come on, smile at the Christmas tree
Well, what about the Christmas tree 1,2,3
Shine with the light of joy!
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, our children can scream loudly, let's do it one more time. Moms and dads, you are screaming too, help your children
Music, lights come on.

Father Frost:. The Christmas tree whispered to me that there were Christmas trees in the hall and they could dance.
Jester: Christmas trees, come out


They sit down and organize the game.

Jester Santa Claus, to make it easier for you to deliver gifts to children, you need to clear the snow from the paths. Let's invite our parents to the game. Dads, moms - who's ahead?
And now the boys and girls will clear another path.

Clear the snow from the paths."
Two teams with parents
The hoops are laid out on both sides. The first hoops contain snowballs. At the signal, the children must pass each other a snowball in a chain and release the hoop from the snowballs.

Jester: King, Santa Claus - trouble

Baba Yaga bewitched all the dolls in the palace.

King: Guards, where are you, show me how you protect the kingdom and our dolls. Soldiers, invite the dolls to dance, maybe the dance will break their spell.
Dance "Dolls and Soldiers"

Santa Claus, well, the dolls are broken, you can give gifts to the children, everyone did well today, they danced, sang, had fun, you will receive magic balls that turn into gifts. Snow Maiden, give us our magic car.

Distribute balloons, then gifts.

Santa Claus: Well, the New Year's ball in the palace is over, it's time for us to hit the road. We wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best.

Characters (adults): Wizard, Fairy, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, New Year's Miracle, Evil Witch.
Children portray themselves.

Props: prizes for competitions, paper snowflakes, cards with competitions, pieces of cotton wool, a bag of gifts.

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the hall. The lights on the tree are not on, the lights in the hall are dim. Music from the fairy tale “Cinderella” sounds, the garlands are lit, and the Wizard enters.

Wizard :
Many centuries ago, winter was a special time, a time of magic and miracles. Every day was special, amazing. New Year was considered the most magical day. It was on this night that dreams came to life, wishes came true and happiness came. On this night, good wizards and sorceresses left their castles and gave miracles to people. You know, in our kingdom on this night there is always a ball! Today, you will become guests of our ball. (The lights in the hall turn on, the Fairy appears)

Fairy :
How beautiful it is here! So many costumes and lights, I think there will be fun everywhere today!

Wizard :
Hello Fairy, how did you get there?

Fairy :
Oh, I flew for a long time, through the blizzard and cold, but I can’t look at it.

Wizard :
And that’s true, look how beautiful everyone is here, and how everyone is waiting for the ball to start!

Fairy :
So why are we sitting and waiting?
I propose to start the ball,
We'll all sing together now,
And then let's go dancing!

(Children sing a New Year's song with the Fairy)

Child 1 (girl):
Miracles are everywhere
The snow is sparkling in the yard,
Let's have fun today
Everyone is very happy about the ball!

Child 2 (boy):
We were really looking forward to this holiday,
Santa Claus is on his way,
And made wishes
We want to find a gift!

Fairy :
Soon Santa Claus will arrive,
With her beautiful granddaughter,
He will bring gifts to everyone,
Hey kids, don't be shy!
And while they are still on their way,
I suggest you play
You need to think a little
And solve riddles!

(The fairy asks riddles, for each answer there is a prize)

Wizard :
What smart kids
You managed to guess everything,
You probably read books,
Do kids use pencils?

Fairy :
Listen kids
Maybe we can call together
We are the Snow Maiden and Frost,
Let's get started!

(Everyone calls out Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The bells ring and they appear)

Father Frost :
Oh, it took us a long time to get to you,
And we've lost our way,
There's a snowstorm and chaos,
We almost got lost in the gardens!
Snow Maiden :
So much beauty and laughter
How much joy, kindness,
All such amazing children
Glad to see all friends!
Are you ready to have fun,
Sing and dance with us,
I offer you little ones,
Read your congratulations to us!

(There is a knock, the Evil Witch appears in the hall)

Evil Witch:
There's a ball again, but they forgot to invite me,
Well, it’s okay, I came without an invitation,
You are laughing here, having fun,
And in the castle I’m alone!
Well, what can you do, apparently you didn’t get it right,
Although, why should I suffer?
The New Year's Miracle was stolen by me,
I came to talk about this!
And with him, perhaps,
I'll take away all the gifts
Tired of loneliness
I want to dance too!

(Grabs the bag, runs away and comes back again)

Wizard :
Stop, listen, stay with us,
Just don’t take the gifts,
Give the children back the Miracle quickly,
And celebrate the New Year with us!

Evil Witch:
No, it’s not that interesting
I'm already in the mood for mischief,
I think it would be fair
If you give me something in return!

Fairy :
Guys, I suggest you find a Miracle,
Take gifts from the Evil Witch,
And continue the holiday!

Snow Maiden :
I suggest clearing the path first, otherwise the snow will cover your tracks. When you and I remove the snowflakes, then we will understand where we should go!

Game "Collect snowflakes".
Paper snowflakes are first scattered on the floor. Children are given a minute to collect them. Whoever collects the most snowflakes will receive a prize.

Wizard :
How quickly you did it, well done!
The tracks lead us there,
There are dreams behind the hill,
And it’s always very warm there.
But I don’t believe that in that country,
The witch hid everything
There is no way for evil to go there,
She deliberately confused us!

Father Frost :
Yes, it’s true, it’s true, what should we do now? What should I do?

Snow Maiden :
And I know, Maybe we’ll try to call Miracle, maybe he’ll respond!

(Children call Miracle in unison)

Fairy :
Or maybe we need to sing together, and then the Miracle will definitely hear us!

(They sing a New Year's song in chorus)

Snow Maiden :
Nothing comes of it. How to be? Are we really going to have to cancel the ball?

Evil Witch:
I thought about it and decided there should be a ball! You have been waiting for him for so long, and here I am with my anger. And besides, I'm tired of being harmful. I would gladly return both the gifts and the Miracle, but I don’t remember where I hid them. Let's try to find them together. I promise I will be good!

Fairy :
Well, guys, shall we believe it?

(Children answer in unison)

Snow Maiden :
And how can we look for gifts and Miracles if even you don’t remember where they go?

Evil Witch:
I left hints for myself. Look, my magic card! Let's see what's here.

(Task on the card - “Boogie-woogie dance. Children repeating after the witch dance)

Evil Witch:
Wait, I think, I’m looking for the next clue. Where could she be? Oh, I remembered! The second card should be here.

(Finds a card under the tree. The next one is on it)

Father Frost :
It seems to me that we are already close, look, the lace from my bag!

Evil Witch:
Indeed, he is the one. Oh, and there's a card here too. Look, it says here that in order to find the Miracle and gifts, you need to make it snow!

Snow Maiden :
Snowfall? In the middle of the hall? But how can this be done?

Wizard :
I know how, for this we need the help of the guys.

(The game “Snowfall” begins. The children are given a piece of cotton wool. This piece must be loosened and, at a signal, thrown up, and start blowing from below so that the “snowflakes” stay in the air as long as possible. The one whose snowflake lasts the longest wins)

Fairy :
Listen! Quiet! I hear something! It seems this is our Miracle!

(A cry for help is heard from the other end of the hall)

Snow Maiden :
I hear it too! Children, everyone follow me, let’s go rescue the Miracle!

Evil Witch:
Stop! I'll go get him myself, there might be a trap there, in case you turn into frogs.

(Leaves and returns with a Miracle and gifts)

Father Frost :
We managed to return miracles,
Let all your dreams come to life!

New Year's Miracle:
Well, I finally managed to get to the ball,
I had to languish in captivity for so long,
Read me your congratulations,
For now, I'll get away from the stress a little.

(Children take turns reading)

Father Frost :
Okay, Miracle, stop resting,
It's time to light the Christmas tree,
The children are waiting for the round dance,
We need to give them gifts!
There they are, what great fellows!
We were able to find you!

New Year's Miracle:
It's true that I'm sitting here
Now I’ll start my report,
One two Three,
Christmas tree, let's burn!

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on)

Snow Maiden :
Now let's get together
We will dance with you,
And we will sing a song with you,
About our wonderful New Year!

(Children form a round dance and sing a song together)

Father Frost :
Well, dear friends,
The ball is coming to an end,
But only before its finale,
I want to give gifts to everyone!

(Santa Claus distributes gifts and all the heroes say goodbye to the children)


Song "Fairy tales walk around the world"

The hall is beautifully decorated, with a Christmas tree in the center. Music. The guests are greeted by the Storyteller.

Tale - Hello guys! Today you came to visit a fairy tale, And you know who I am - (Children answer!). Of course, I am a Storyteller!

A song about a fairy tale.

Well, let's begin! Once upon a time in a kingdom

In a mighty and green forest, where there were willows and maples.

There lived a forester's family: a wife and a small daughter.

For the dear girl the sun was shining, and the blackbird was singing, and the bear was dancing,

And the rose bloomed. So it goes!

But trouble unexpectedly came to the house, and laughter disappeared from the forest forever.

This is how everything changed in the forester’s house:

And the feisty stepmother appeared there -

She adores her daughters, and drives the girl out of the house as soon as possible.

Storyteller - Guys, do you know what kind of fairy tale this is?

Children answer Yes, No, we don’t know

For the meek Cinderella: basins, pans, cauldrons and pots, pokes and clicks,

A needle and a broom - such things!

Cinderella comes onto the stage with a large saucepan. He sits down and begins to wash the pan and sing.

They tease me with Cinderella

Because it's by the fire

Sparing no effort,

In the kitchen I work, I work,

I'm fiddling with the stove, fiddling with it,

And I'm always angry.

Because I'm kind

I've been working up since the morning

Until late at night

Anyone can order

And tell me thank you

No one wants to.

I hide my sadness

I don't cry, I sing

I even smile

But will it never

I can't go anywhere

From ash and soot?

Oh guys, hello! How did you end up here?

The children answer, Cinderella comes down to them, introduces herself, goes through the first circle, and greets the Storyteller.

It’s true, New Year is coming soon, and I work so much that I didn’t even notice that it had come. How I love this holiday! And you? (The guys answer.) There will be dancing, songs, fun, Santa Claus will come and give everyone gifts! And of course, all your dreams will come true... Don’t you guys believe in this? And I believe.

Sings a song

Maybe a fairy tale, maybe a dream

Maybe it's a fairy tale

Maybe a dream

But let your wishes happen

Believe me in the world

She's there somewhere

What does the miracle bird bring us happiness?

Mom talked about her when I was a child

Don't be sad and trust fate

You follow the bird of happiness

You will find yours

Her flight is still only a dream

You fly overseas

Find my little happiness where...

I'm following you, giving my heart

Please take away your grief

give me a hug

At least believe me, at least check...

The herald runs in -

Attention! Attention!

Santa Claus ordered to notify everyone in advance:

Soon there will be a big and noisy ball in his palace.

And the one whom Frost called will be happy!

Here are the invitations to all girls without exception!

(Gives the invitation to Cinderella.) Cinderella carefully takes the invitation, begins to unfold it and read it, rejoices, presses the piece of paper to her heart, shows it to the children, to the music, they dance in a circle, and meanwhile the stepmother comes out,

Stepmother menacingly - Cinderella! You're making noise again, you're rattling pots,

You knock with spoons... you disturb my sleep!

He walks a circle around the Christmas tree, swearing at Cinderella and threatening the children for making noise.

She saw the herald and asked menacingly

Who else is this?

Having looked at him, anger is replaced by mercy

And, invitations to the New Year's ball with Santa Claus?

He rudely takes away his invitations, not just one, but three. The herald jumps away from her in fear and leaves, looking back. The stepmother, not noticing Cinderella, threatens the herald after her.

Stepmother's song. Sings, passing between children and threatening them, showing his fist, etc.

I am a weak woman, a nervous woman

And if sometimes the mood is bad

You shouldn't contradict me about anything,

I might accidentally hurt you.

I am a kind, gentle, sensitive woman

But if you come to me with a stupid joke

It's not hard to guess then.

Who will have the last laugh...

I am a smart and energetic woman

I could be a great queen

Of course I would be loved

And together we walked in line

I'm already wearing a royal crown

looked great on the throne.

She calls her daughters - Anna, Maryana, come here quickly. We're going to Santa Claus's ball! And there I can finally steal his magic staff and become the queen of the New Year. Yes, I will give everyone a glorious New Year!

Daughters run in

Anna - and I want to become the prince’s bride!

Maryana - No, I am!

Anna - Your legs are crooked!

Maryana is with me! Yes, you have a long nose!

(Ready to grab each other's hair).

Stepmother - Daughters, don’t argue, I’ll find you good suitors! The main thing is that we are going to the New Year's ball at the palace!!!

“To the ball, to the ball, hurray, hurray,” all the daughters shout and finally notice Cinderella. Everyone falls silent and you can only hear Cinderella rejoicing and singing “to the ball, to the ball...”. Seeing the invitation in her hands, the stepmother takes it away

What do you have? Oh, an invitation to a ball?

The sisters begin to mock her

1st daughter. Oh, it’s just hilarious - I’ll get dirty at the New Year’s ball!

2nd daughter. Santa Claus didn’t call you, you dirty little thing.

1st daughter. You surprised us, what a desire!

2nd: You made us laugh - empty efforts!

All day long I'm circling tirelessly like a bee,

I couldn’t even drink coffee in the morning.

I completely abandoned my daughters!

I don’t sleep, I don’t rest, I don’t sleep, I don’t drink, I don’t eat.

4 gossip, 5 intrigues, one scandal,

Doing nasty things - I'm a professional here.

I am raising you without sparing life.

And you keep jumping, ungrateful child!

You're sitting idle, you're not tired!

The dresses haven't been ironed and the house is a mess!

And you would sing everything, how dare you!

Ungrateful, I’m not your enemy!

After all, a ball is not a holiday,

Believe me, no it’s not a holiday

Oh, Cinderella, my baby!

After all, the ball is about connections,

Excellent connections

And I will fulfill my plan.

Sisters - Where are our dresses, hairpieces, feather ribbons

Stockings, garter shoes, diamonds of pearls!

Here they are, sisters!

Select text under minus sign

Can I go to the ball too?

Of course you can, but...

You first tidy up the rooms properly,

Wash the dishes, do the laundry, polish the parquet.

And tidy up the garden

And they poured coffee and they poured coffee

and the family got coffee for the whole year.

Of course it’s difficult, but you’ll do great

Another reminder for you is the list of urgent tasks. (Gives Cinderella the list, it unfolds into a long roll)

You will know yourself, you will read your prayers

And for today you and for today you

And today you are free from shackles.

The stepmother and daughters leave.

Cinderella - Wow list, guys! I won’t be able to do this in a month. What to do?

Presenter - Guys, we need your help here. Shall we help Cinderella?

Children YAAAAAA

The presenter, together with Cinderella, holds competitions.

Cinderella - so, we have completed almost all the tasks of the evil stepmother, (unfolds the list, and it still unwinds) No, we will never cope with this! (cries).

Presenter - guys, what should we do? I think I have an idea! After all, New Year is coming soon and who needs to be called - That's right, Snow Maiden. She is the granddaughter of the great wizard - Father Frost, and she certainly knows how to help Cinderella.

Shall we call the Snow Maiden? Yes? Let's get together - Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden!

PHONOGRAM ENTRANCE OF THE SNOW Maiden The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow. -Hello guys! What's happened? Hello Cinderella! Why are you crying? Someone offended you.

Cinderella (sobs) - Snow Maiden! Stepmother!!! To me!!! Plant 12 rose bushes!!! And I!!! Baaaallll!!!

Snow. - AHHHH! I think I understand! Your stepmother again didn’t take you to the ball, but filled you up with work!

Presenter - Yes! The guys and I helped - we helped Cinderella, but we couldn’t even complete half of the tasks! Look how huge the list is here! And she herself rushed to the ball, decided to become a queen

Snow Maiden - Yes, familiar handwriting! You know, Cinderella, it seems to me that your stepmother is not a stepmother!

Cinderella - Who?

Snow Maiden - It looks like your stepmother is an evil witch from a magical forest. She decided to become the queen of the New Year and ruin everyone's holiday. You need to act decisively with such witches. (takes the list, consults with the guys and crosses out the remaining tasks from it.)

Cinderella - and roses?

Snow Maiden - and the roses will grow on their own! All! Now you can go to the ball!

Cinderella - Thank you, Snow Maiden! (tries to run away, taking off his apron as he goes).

Presenter - Cinderella - What about the dress, and the shoes?

Snow Maiden - Yes, I forgot! Come on, Cinderella, come here!


Cinderella changes her dress to a beautiful one.

Snow Maiden - and also a gift for you - beautiful shoes! They will bring you happiness! In the meantime, I need to talk to grandpa. (Leaves).

Presenter. Cinderella’s dress is a miracle outfit: Diamonds, diamonds burn so brightly. Everything shines with brilliance, the brocade is silver, the tiara on the head sparkles.

Cinderella rejoices and shows her outfit and shoes to all the children and dances.

Presenter - it’s time for us to go to the ball, guys! But the road is so long. So winding, long... Well, everyone took hands together and went together to the palace of Santa Claus. (They walk like a snake and confuse the formation.) The main thing is not to lose anyone and not to break up our train.

The lighting and music change.

Here we are at the ball!

Pair dance of children at the ball.

Presenter - Who else are we missing next to the beautiful Christmas tree, where is the owner of the New Year himself? Let's call him, guys!

Children - Grandfather Frost! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus - Hello, my dear guests,

Both small and large.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

I wish you happiness and joy.

Look, our Christmas tree is amazing!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Presenter - sit down, grandfather. Grandfather sat down and put his staff behind the chair

Game "Fanta"

While the Children are playing, the Stepmother enters and tries to steal DM's staff with her daughters.

Cinderella - be careful, Grandfather Frost! My evil stepmother wants to steal your staff and become the queen of the New Year.

Stepmother - (grabs the staff and points it at Cinderella) - Oh, here you are, you mean girl! Well, I'll turn you into a rat now! (wants to bewitch her).

DM - we figured you out, evil witch! Although you are cunning, you are stupid. After all, the magic staff of Santa Claus obeys only its owner, that is, me. (stepmother tries to wave a staff and cast a spell) Nothing will work out for you, because you are greedy, envious, there is a lot of anger in you. Children, I know how to overcome anger. You have to laugh at her. Let's laugh at the greedy and harmful stepmother.

Stepmother - To the King - I finally got it.

Come on, quickly down the aisle!

(The king tries to escape.) The stepmother and daughters are chasing him. There is noise and commotion everywhere. Suddenly the sound of a bell. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

DM. As soon as I found out that there was trouble here, I came here as soon as possible.

Guys, I was in a hurry to get here.

I almost got lost in the dark forest.

I almost fell into a ravine on the way,

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children

Congratulations to all the guests.

I visited you a year ago.

I'm glad to see everyone again.

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Winter has brightened up...

M. Pozharov

Winter has brightened up:

The headdress has fringe

From transparent ice floes,

Snowflake stars.

All covered in diamonds, pearls,

In colorful lights,

The radiance is pouring around,

Whispers a spell:

- Lie down, soft snows,

To the forests and meadows,

Cover the paths

Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scatter crystal roses

Light visions

Tricky gossip.

You, blizzard, are a miracle,

Round dances of the backwaters,

Take off like a white whirlwind

Turning gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,

Keep your magical dreams:

Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,

New dawn!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Characters: Masha Kuzya Dunno Hare Santa Claus Snow Maiden Wolf Robbers Atamansha Ilya...
  • New Year tree scenario for children of junior groups 1 and 2 TEACHER: Wonderful day...

Zhuk Vera Nikolaevna

« New Year's Royal Ball» .


Listen, people, honest decree!

The king issued this order:

"We invite everyone today

Merry to the ball New Year»

People of fairyland

They should be at the ball!”


The hall was washed and decorated

It took a long time to decorate the Christmas tree

Everything is finally ready!

Guests are coming to the palace!

1st child

Let's start, let's start this New Year's ball

On this wonderful winter holiday

Everyone came to our Christmas tree

2nd child

Hello hello glorious holiday!

Hello joy, hello laughter!

The one in charge today is the one who laughs loudest.


A dense forest, a blizzard field

Winter the holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together.

Hello, hello new year.

Song: “It’s so good that winter has come.”

The children sat down

Presenter:Attention, attention!Today in royal palace masquerade. But there is still time until 12 o'clock.

Ministers, read out the duties of those having fun.

1 Minister

Everyone who came to us must:

Play and sing in our hall

That's why you were called here

Noise and hubbub is prohibited:

Stop someone else from having fun.

Follow these rules literally

Behave in a fun and carnival manner.

Prom participants with boring faces

Are considered invalid

We send back the boring ones

You can be bored at home for free

Let him remember old and small

This New Year's ball.

sits on the throne the king falls asleep.

Fox:How beautiful it is in the palace today!

Cat: This won’t happen! I won’t play with hair.

I will always find something dirty for them.

Fox:If everything is in order, I’ll make a mess.

Cat:I am Basilio a villain, I hate all people.

Today I’ll teach everyone a lesson and stop them from laughing.

Fox:King Father wakes up, the clear falcon opens his eyes. Did you sleep well, dad? What dreams did you have?

Cat: Does anything hurt, father? Does your side hurt?

The king sneezes. Be healthy, bright sunshine.

Baba Yaga: Apples, apples. Who needs fresh apples?

Happy New Year, in a good mood.

I give a magical treasure, dear to the king.

As soon as you take a bite, all sorrows will be forgotten at once.

Everything you wish for will come true immediately.

Fox: He takes an apple in his hand and brings it to his scarlet lips.

Cat: Slowly took a bite and quietly swallowed.

King: I’ll order you all to be flogged, I’m tired of you all.

Fox: Looks like the princess is coming here.

Princess: Where did everyone go? What silence all around.

Hey, courtiers, here, it’s time to start the ball!

1Buffoon: Everyone, run here quickly. Gather in this hall.

If you want to see the New Year's carnival.

2Buffoon:There will be masks, there will be dancing, so let’s hurry up

Let's all gather around the Christmas tree to welcome guests.

Song: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree."

The king sits on the throne. The robbers are near him.

Princess: Father, today we have New Year's ball.

Have you forgotten, who did you invite?

King: I’m not your father, but king villain.

I'll smash everyone to smithereens. Let there be eternal fear here.

Robbers are hiding behind a Christmas tree

Presenter: And at this very time, three young men came to us from that distant city. Good fellows, dashing heroes. They don’t know, they don’t know that robbers are on their way. (I'm putting out a stone)

1 hero: If you go to the right, you’ll have a fun time.

2 hero: If you go to the left, you will find everything you are looking for.

3bogatyr: You'll go straight to you'll get to the royal ball.

Let's go to the ball!

The heroes bind the robbers.

Presenter: Here are the winners! We are very glad to see you! All of you undoubtedly deserve a reward.

The minister and princess congratulate the winners.

1minister: Medal for courage and service the king is awarded:

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

The princess hangs up the medals and picks up pen and paper.

Prince: Should the robbers be executed or pardoned? There are fewer letters in the word execution, which means execution. Minister, read the royal decree!

2minister: In this year, on this date, as the index says, “It’s time to drive away the robbers - Let them not spoil holiday

Presenter:Or maybe we’ll forgive the robbers in honor holiday?

Robbers: Well, forgive us!

Princess: Well, okay - okay, I forgive you. But for this, let my wish come true.

Presenter: So what do you want, Your Majesty?

Princess: Where is summer hiding now? I really want to take a peek at it, smell the flowers, admire the butterflies.

Presenter: Yes, summer is far away now. But they say on New Year’s Eve that whatever you wish for will always happen, everything always comes true. And so watch the dance "Butterflies"

King: Oh, what a miracle? What happened to me? Could I really invite robbers to holiday? By I issue a decree to the kingdom: “Forgive the robbers this time.” Let them be with us, have fun, but don’t get caught again.

And this is a bouquet for you, princess.

Presenter: And here the guests are going to the ball! Yes, this is Cinderella and the prince.

Cinderella: The Fairy gave me a magic carriage. I was also in a hurry to go to the ball, to look at this Christmas tree. stay on festive balu is a great honor. There are a lot of friends here today, you just can’t count them all.

Prince: Everyone have fun today! Sing, play and dance. IN in the New Year's kingdom it is forbidden to be bored.

Guys: Only music and laughter, only time for fun. Well, play the music and invite us all into a fairy tale.

Presenter: Happy New Year, Happy New Year! WITH new joy for everyone. Let songs, music and laughter ring under these arches.

Song: A snowball is falling from the sky.

Snow Maiden: Winter carnival is here! We are waiting for everyone today. Joy and fun in the hall, songs, dances, laughter. It’s strange why there is still no Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga sings.

Snow Maiden: This is not my Grandfather!

Baba Yaga: I'm not Grandfather, I'm Grandmother. Hey, you blizzard and blizzard, it’s me - Baba Yaga. Well, mark the whole path so that Grandfather doesn’t go through it. I knocked him off the road, Santa Claus will not pass to you. You won’t receive gifts, Koschey took them to himself.

Snow Maiden: What to do? What should we do? We need to invite Faye to join us! Come on, Fairies, fly, invite Grandfather with you. It’s time for us to continue the ball, the children are waiting for gifts.

Dance "Feechek"

Santa Claus appears: Hey, Snow Maiden!

Let's shout to Santa Claus! Dear Grandfather Frost!

The children are calling!

Baba Yaga: It's time to leave.

Santa Claus is coming.

Father Frost: Hello long-awaited holiday!

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz.

D.M. Well, finally I got into this room. The staff showed me the right path. My sleigh rushed as if through air and now they ended up in the kingdom. And what a Christmas tree he brought, isn’t it beautiful?

Children: Gorgeous! Like.

Father Frost: Christmas tree, burn with the light of joy.

Snow Maiden: Well, hold hands and stand in a wide circle. We will sing and dance and celebrate the New Year.

Song "To us at holiday oh-oh D. M. Came"

A game: "Mitten", "Freeze your hands", "Game with a chair".

Father Frost: Tired. I'll sit and watch you. Children read poetry.

Guys: It smells like black tar again. Everyone has gathered here for the ball. Even the Christmas tree was dressed up, the lights on it were lit.

Presenter: We all live happily, play happily. IN kingdom New Year's ball we continue.

Cat, Fox, and Santa Claus appear.

They dance and play with a bag of gifts.

Song "New Year!"

Irina Frolova
Scenario of the New Year's party for the senior preparatory group "New Year's Ball"

New Year's holiday scenario for the senior group

« New Year's point»

Beautiful music sounds. Children stand outside the door in pairs. A boy and a girl come out

Boy: Let's start, let's start,

New Year's bright ball

We invite, we invite,

All guests to the hall today!

There will be games, there will be dancing,

Miracles await us today,

And heroes of good fairy tales

They will definitely come to us.

Girl: Dwarfs, princesses and Puss in Boots

People rush to visit on a magic sleigh.

With Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to us

Everyone will be happy to have cheerful guests

Boy: There will be no end to jokes and songs

Together: We are starting our holiday, it's time!

Children run into the hall in pairs, a dance is performed

« New Year's counting»

After the dance, the children remain in a circle around the Christmas tree

Child: We were waiting for this holiday

When will he come

Our bright, our elegant

Happy New Year

Child: Hello forest Christmas tree,

Silvery, thick

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday.

Child: You dressed up amazingly

So elegant, so beautiful!

All covered in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights

Presenter: To make the tree perk up and look more cheerful,

Smiled at all the kids, let's light the lights on it!

Let's say it together you: Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Presenter: Speak very quietly, you are guests, help us!

Let's say it loudly, with full by force: become beautiful, Christmas tree!

All: Become beautiful, Christmas tree! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Presenter: Still quiet, still weak. We all need to shout together.

Moms, dads, don't be silent.

Shout with us

All: "One two Three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)

Child: All is ready! The ball is open!

Our entire hall is on fire.

Let's celebrate the New Year,

Dance near the Christmas tree!

Quickly hold hands,

Everyone join the round dance!

Round dance "New Year is approaching"

(Children sit on chairs)

Presenter: Guys, look, the Christmas tree is flashing its lights, it probably wants to wish us a Happy New Year too. Let's listen.

Christmas tree: Hello! Hello! Hello children!

I am Yolka, glad to meet you here!

And this New Year's hour

I congratulate you too!

To the ball from the northern country

Honorable guests with me (on holiday) came

Snow Maiden and Father Frost

He brought wonderful gifts

Guys, welcome your long-awaited guests.

Solemn music sounds and Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter

Father Frost: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Snow Maiden: The kids are very nice,

Cheerful, funny!

Father Frost: Hello, dear guests!

Children: Hello Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

I wish you all health and happiness!

I remember exactly a year ago, I saw these guys!

The year flew by like an hour, I didn’t even notice!

Here I am again among you, dear children!

Snow Maiden: We congratulate all friends

How nice it is that we are together

Get up to the Christmas tree quickly

Let's all sing a song together

Presenter: Guys, stand around the Christmas tree and we’ll sing a song cheerfully "Hello Dedushka Moroz"

Round dance "Hello Dedushka Moroz"

Father Frost and Snow Maiden thank the children for the song

(children sat on chairs)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden walk around the Christmas tree and admire it. DM says

Father Frost: The Christmas tree shines wonderfully

With different lights,

Who is the Christmas tree rushing to us?

Tell me, make me happy

Christmas tree: Someone from a fairy tale is in a hurry to come to your ball

Beautiful maiden

Her name is Cinderella

All the guys like it

(Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit on their thrones.

Cinderella comes in, admires the Christmas tree, admires it, smiles)

Father Frost: Hello, Cinderella, beauty, we are glad to see you, dear!

Children: Hello, Cinderella!

Cinderella: Hello my friends,

I'm glad to meet you

I came to you from a good fairy tale.

So let's start the jokes and dancing

Everyone stand together in a circle,

Let's dance together!

You are my friend,

And I'm your friend

We don't stand still!

Presenter: Boys, invite the girls to the field

Polka "Good Beetle" DM and SN dance with the children

Cinderella: What great guys you all were, how fun you danced.

Father Frost: Well, Cinderella had fun. Well done!

Cinderella: Thank you for inviting me to your New Year's ball

But a fairy tale awaits me, friends.

I bid you farewell

I have to go!

Children: Goodbye, Cinderella!

Presenter: Santa Claus invites him to sit down and rest after the dance

Cinderella leaves

(the gnomes are hiding behind the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Beautiful Christmas tree, what other fairy-tale guests are rushing to our ball?

Christmas tree: I hear, I hear,

Someone's legs

They hurry along the forest path

Snow White will be here

The gnomes are following her

Guys, welcome the guests

(music plays, Snow White comes out)

Snow White: Hello guys.

Children: Hello, Snow White

Snow White: Guys, I received your invitation and hurried to your ball.

The gnomes came with me

To please you from the bottom of my heart

(2 Dwarves come out and read poetry)

Gnome: We are gnomes from a fairy tale,

We live in a dense forest.

We love dancing very much

And a beautiful Christmas tree.

Gnome: We love to have fun

And sing songs!

We want today

Show you the dance!

Dwarf dance with Snow White

Father Frost: Thank you, gnomes, for the wonderful dance, you made us happy.

Snow Maiden: And now it’s time for us to have some fun, friends. Let's see how clever these guys are.

A game “Move the snowballs from the snowdrift to the bucket with a shovel.” Team Snow White and Team Snow Maiden. Santa Claus suggests actively getting sick.

Father Frost: Well done guys, how clever...

Snow White says goodbye: Thank you for a wonderful holiday.

But it's time for me to return to the fairy tale. Goodbye!

Snow White leaves

Father Frost: Guys, who knows poems about winter?

Let everyone read it to the guests

Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit down

Child: In an ice carriage rushes


The wind beats its wings

To sleepy houses.

Squares and parks are blooming

Snowy white.

And the frost erects arches

Above the forest path.

Child: Fun winter has come

With skates and sleds,

With a powdered ski track,

With magic old fairy tale.

On the decorated Christmas tree

The lanterns are swinging.

May your winter be merry

It doesn't end any longer!

Presenter: Santa Claus, Snegurochka, and the guys have prepared a song about the Russian winter for you and all the guests. And now they want to sing it!

Song "Russian Winter"

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: children are praised for performing a song

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, guys, do you hear how the blizzard swirled, how the blizzard broke out, these are my snowflakes - the cold ones are rushing to New Year's ball


Hurry to me quickly

Near the Christmas tree

Show me your dance

(music plays, snowflake girls approach the leader, take snowflakes and line up to dance)

Snowflake: We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We don't mind spinning around.

We are ballerina snowflakes

We dance day and night.

Snowflake: Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out to be a snowball.

We whitewashed the trees

The roofs were covered with fluff.

The earth was covered with velvet

And they saved us from the cold.

Dance of Snowflakes

(After the dance, the girls put the snowflakes in hoops and gather in circles near the Christmas tree. "snowdrift".

Father Frost: Thank you snowflakes - chillies for your dance. It immediately became cool in the hall. Oh, where are my snowflakes? Where did they go... I still wanted to say a lot of kind words to them (the girls run across and hide again. Santa Claus is looking for them)

Game of Snowflakes and DM "Snowdrift"

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, let's ask the Christmas tree if there will be any more guests New Year's ball for the guys

Snow Maiden: Christmas tree, tell me dear

Who's in a hurry to go to the ball?

Christmas tree: I’ll play with you, children.

I'll tell you a riddle

This fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,

He has a feather in his hat,

I'm all striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots.

Snow Maiden: Guys, who is this?

Children: Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots enters to the music

Father Frost: Hello, Puss in Boots!

Puss in Boots: (bows with hat) Hello, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, hello guys, hello guests

Charles Perrault invented it for me

Boots on paws

My feather is sticking out

In a brave hat

I am Puss in Boots

I don't know fear in a fairy tale.

I live by the owner's worries

I love mice and babies

Always with me

Best comrade

Cat Matvey

The cat boy comes out Matvey:

Father Frost: Let's admire the handsome cats

Dance "Kotov Matveev"

DM and Snegurochka: praise cats

Puss in Boots: Well, it's time to say goodbye to me

Thank you for your attention! (bows)

Things await me in a fairy tale

Guys, goodbye!

(Puss in Boots leaves)

Snow Maiden: Guys, do you know poems about Grandfather Frost?

Children: YES!

Presenter: They want to tell their poems

Poems about Santa Claus

Child: New Year is coming soon,

Round dance around the tree,

Santa Claus comes to us,

He brings a cartload of gifts.

He will fulfill all dreams

If you believe in him,

To everyone who behaved well -

He will hand over the gifts personally!

Child: We are really looking forward to Santa Claus.

We believe that he will come to our house.

We'll tell him a poem

Spread the bun with butter.

And we will feed him,

Let's do good to grandfather.

Child: Santa Claus will congratulate everyone,

And not a red nose at all.

He is both smart and handsome,

Our beloved!

Father Frost: Thank you, guys, for the poems! I'm very pleased!

Snow Maiden: Christmas tree, will there be any more guests coming to our ball?

Christmas tree: Miracle fairy show yourself

And appear from a fairy tale

Enchant all children

The one who is in a quarrel makes friends

(Music sounds, the Dream Fairy appears)

Fairy Dreams: Hello my friends.

Presenter and Children: Hello Fairy!

Fairy: I am a dream fairy

And I live in the kingdom

Where there is no place for anger, anxiety, sadness

I always fulfill wishes, dreams,

People in the world should be kind.

I'll wave my magic wand

I'll revive the candies from the Christmas tree

Candy girls, hurry up,

surprise with a cheerful dance

(Music sounds, girls run out with candy and line up to dance)

Sweetie: We are funny candies,

We are hanging on the Christmas tree.

We swing on the branches

And we rustle the wrappers.

Sweetie: We are delicious candies,

There is simply no doubt about it!

We are candy - just class,

Try us quickly!

Candy Dance

Father Frost: Oh, what sweets,

Sweet and naughty

Bright, elegant,

Very fragrant!

Fairy: Did you guys like the candy? Are your guests dear?

Children: Yes!

Fairy: I was very pleased to attend your holiday. But it’s time for me to go to a fairy tale! Goodbye guys! Happy New Year!

(Fairy leaves)

Presenter: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, guests, the Christmas tree brought us so much joy. Let's play with it and decorate it with balls. Dear parents, we invite you to decorate the Christmas tree, come out to the kids and play with us.

A game "We'll hang the balloons"

(children and parents sat down)

Snow Maiden: Guys, look how the Christmas tree is shining brightly with lights, it wants to tell us something

Herringbone: Guys, New Year's ball ends. I want to ask you, was it interesting for you at the holiday? Were you glad to have fabulous guests?

Children: answer

Herringbone: I’m glad that you liked it at the ball and thank you for playing with me, decorating me with balls and lanterns. Goodbye guys, see you in New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, did you hear the Christmas tree said that the festive ball is ending, and the children are probably waiting for gifts.

Guys, are you waiting for gifts?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: Well, the surprises will continue

I will ask dear... bring me the magic table. I still need a big cauldron in which I will conjure gifts

(Santa Claus takes the staff and puts the jars and pours them into the cauldron)

Salt, sugar and ice cubes,

A little snow, tinsel.

I'll also add a snowflake.

Just a minute, friends,

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, staff, help!

Turn everything into gifts!”

DM: Guys. let's do it together again let's say:

Children and Santa Claus: “Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, staff, help!

Turn everything into gifts!”

(Gift distribution)

Snow Maiden: Friends, the ball is over, and we want to wish you

Kindness, health and good luck.

Happy New Year! We will be glad to see you again!

Father Frost: We visited dear friends,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.

It's time to say: "Before new meeting

Finished New Year's ball!

(DM and Snegurochka wave to the children and leave)