Kira Strelnikova



Dedicated to all lovers of romance and dragons.

Special thanks to my readers from the forum who inspired and guided me.

And, of course, to my permanent beta.

Another fairy tale for you, dear.

The cozy little nursery was illuminated only by a night light - a large emerald crystal with a glowing ball inside and skillfully carved outlines of animals. The crystal was slowly spinning, and shadows were moving along the walls just as slowly, tuning the little inhabitants of the nursery into a peaceful and sleepy mood. A girl of about four years old with light flaxen curls and a younger boy with dark curls looked at their mother with the same attentive eyes of an unusual color - around the pupil the iris shimmered in all colors, from dark blue to silver-white. Otherwise, the kids looked like ordinary children their age.

Plenty of knights! - the boy responded enthusiastically, his eyes flashing.

No, about princesses! - The girl pursed her lips capriciously and raised her chin.

It’s boring,” the boy grimaced and reached for his sister’s dragon.

And nothing is boring! - The girl moved away just in case - my brother, despite being younger, was already quite confident in handling magic, and who knows what he could come up with in an effort to get to the dragon.

Although he himself has a closet full of toys, including these little dragons. The plump, petite young woman with a luxurious head of blonde hair laughed softly as she looked lovingly at the children.

“Don’t quarrel, dears,” she said in a pleasant, chesty voice, bending over and holding her son. - It will be about princesses and knights. - A dreamy smile appeared on her full lips, and the woman’s gaze was clouded with a haze of memories. - About love, of course. - Here the girl jumped joyfully on the bed. - And about adventures. - And at these words the boy began to smile. - I will tell you the stories of those with whom I studied all the years at the Royal boarding school, and the first will be sparkling like snow, cool like a mountain stream, and shining like a diamond...

The young mother’s speech flowed smoothly and unhurriedly, and her thoughts hovered far, far away, in those times when she was different, and those with whom she studied at the boarding school also did not yet suspect that an insidious fate had in store for them. They were young, and each had a dream that they definitely wanted to fulfill...


The story of Norrena de Livera

About eight years ago, the capital of Dimaria Tanior, the residence of the head of the Diamond clan

The Honorable Duke Eland de Livera was extremely upset and dissatisfied with the behavior of his sixteen-year-old daughter Norrena. His beloved first wife left him to give birth to Nori, and his lordship had to raise the girl alone, which was a difficult task. Of course, he loved his daughter, how could it be otherwise, although he also had a younger son from his second wife. But why doesn’t Norrena want to understand that he is only acting for her benefit? It was just a week since the ceremonial graduation from the Royal Boarding School for Noble Maidens took place in the main hall of the palace, and Eland did not think that difficulties would already arise; he hoped that studying would smooth out Norrena’s character. Lord Diamond was wrong...

Dad, me will not go marry the marquis, I don’t like him! - Out of excess emotion, the usually reserved young duchess stamped her foot and clenched her hands into fists. “I don’t want to get married at all, I’m only sixteen, I graduated from boarding school a week ago!” I don’t need a husband now, I don’t need children, I want to continue learning magic, dad!

The girl’s thin resin eyebrows met on the bridge of her nose, her silver eyes with a vertical pupil sparkled menacingly. Eland gasped silently as he listened to his daughter. Oh no, not that, wasn’t she really instilled with the right way of thinking at the boarding school? What did they teach there then?

Where did you manage to pick up such thoughts, daughter?! - He, too, could not stand it and raised his voice, frowning. - At the boarding house?! And where further, I won’t let you go to Rekko’s School! - said the Duke de Livera, crossing his arms over his chest. - There’s nothing for you to do there...

Yes, even in a boarding house! - Norrena interrupted him with annoyance. - Leave this thought, dad, you will have to drag me tied and gagged to the altar! - the girl answered categorically, raising her chin. - And I’ll go to school anyway and won’t ask you! - she added passionately and realized that she seemed to have gone too far.

But Norrena had no intention of backing down from her plans. The Duke snorted and slammed his fist on the table so that the writing instrument made of a solid druse of rock crystal jumped. Nori didn’t even raise an eyebrow, not reacting in any way to her father’s anger.

You will obey, my lady, period! - the head of the clan, turning purple, almost growled, his eyes blazing with a silver flame. “I don’t intend to listen to your outrageous speeches anymore!” Please return to your chambers, from this day you are under house arrest! - Nori shuddered, her pupils dilated, and her face reflected bewilderment and disbelief. - And not a word more! I am your father, and I know best what is good for you!

The young duchess gasped with indignation, opened and closed her mouth several times, and then, uttering an inaudible exclamation, turned sharply so that the pile of silk skirts swirled around her legs in a small whirlpool, and flew out of the office. Eland jumped up, almost ran out from the table and barked after his daughter:

Norrena, stop!

The Shrew did not even think to obey. Picking up her skirts, she rushed like a whirlwind along the corridor, turned into the wing where her chambers were located, and slammed the door in front of her father’s very nose. He snorted again, put his palm to the lock, and something clicked inside.

That’s it,” Duke Diamond nodded with satisfaction and grinned sparingly. “You’ll thank me later.” - He sighed, shook his head, hearing another indignant cry from his daughter from the other side - she felt magic that she could not cope with - and went to his room.

It was necessary to think through the details of the marriage contract, after all, Norrena was a rich heiress. And the girl will sit until tomorrow, think, calm down and accept her father’s decision. She doesn’t like the Marquis, but he really liked Nori, and so did his dragon - the meeting at the prom made an impression on the young man. His family is good, the Beryl family is respected and ancient, the Diamonds are closely related to them, since marriages between families took place often. Nori will have time to get to know her fiancé better and accept him, and her dragon too, while they are both still very young and freedom has not gone to their heads. If you wait until marriage, by the age of twenty-five, you can usually no longer force a girl down the aisle, if she and her beast are against it. After several sad cases when, after the ceremony, the young wife turned around and got rid of her unwanted husband, the king officially issued a decree that until the age of twenty, the family controls the fate of the daughters; from twenty to twenty-five, the decision on marriage is made together with the girl, her wishes are taken into account. But after twenty-five, if the family managed not to fuss about the fate of their daughter, the young lady is free to do as she saw fit. Yes, it’s natural that the dragons hold on to their freedom more than dragons...

Duke Diamond sighed and shook his head, remembering his recent conversation with his daughter. At the age of sixteen, declare that you don’t want to get married? This is what it means to grow up without a mother. The second wife, of course, was only concerned with her beloved son. By the way, Gilert is due back from college tomorrow for the weekend. Upon admission, both girls and boys moved to the territory of the educational institution and lived in dormitories; this is a mandatory condition for students. In this way, young people were taught to be independent. Eland put his hands behind his back and slowly went to his room, whistling under his breath. My thoughts returned to my daughter again. We should also put a guard at the door just in case. Nori, of course, will not overcome his magic, even if he attracts his beast to help - he is still higher in level, but it is better not to leave room for chance. As for the windows, the daughter’s chambers are on the second floor, several meters from the ground, there is no balcony in her rooms, and the Duke’s personal guard is on duty in the small garden. And it’s unlikely that Nori knows how to climb walls, she’s a girl. Having finally calmed down, his lordship returned to his office to get down to business.

Norrena threw open the dressing room doors, snoring furiously, her emotions bubbling, demanding a way out. Resentment towards my father burned like acid from within. Her, one of the best students of the Royal Boarding School for Noble Maidens, is to be married?! Make her into a sedate lady at the age of sixteen, and a mother at that?! The dragoness, Rainbow, stirred inside, grumbling restlessly - she also did not like the plans of her mistress’s father. Nori snorted and rolled her eyes, pushing away the pile of colorful dresses with a casual gesture. Well, I do not. Moreover, without her consent, for some vague young man - the girl vaguely remembered the prospective groom from the prom, and even then she did not like the enthusiastic sparkle of his eyes. The guy made absolutely no impression on Norrena or her beast, and let the father say as much as he wants that he knows best! “Calm down, Rada, we won’t tolerate this!” - she turned to the dragoness and received a wave of agreement in response.

Rainbow snorted quietly, and a chuckle came from her. “Drink less, Nori, otherwise you’ll make strange friends for yourself,” she said sarcastically. “You know, I don’t drink much,” Nori retorted calmly and looked around.

In the common room there were several long tables with benches and separate tables for small groups. Bunches of garlic and red and green peppers hung on darkened wooden beams, a fire crackled in a large hearth, and pretty maids in white aprons, caps and large round trays laden with food hurried between the tables. A staircase led to the second floor, and two men were just descending it, hugging and staggering slightly. Loud assurances of eternal friendship reached Nori, a sign flashed before his eyes, and the guy chuckled stifled into his fist. Yes, the name says it all, you can’t say anything. Ormar stopped near one of the few free tables, looked around and waved his hand to his new friend.

Nori! - he shouted loudly, drowning out the hubbub in the hall. - Here!

The guy hurried around the long table, where a noisy company was having fun, and sat down opposite Ormar. A rosy-cheeked waitress immediately stopped near them and glanced flirtatiously, first at the Count, then at Nori.

What do the gentlemen want? - the young lady chirped playfully, batting her eyelashes.

She was pretty, with a magnificent bust, the size of which could be assessed by the tight-fitting bodice and deep neckline.

The gentlemen would like to have a drink and a snack. - Ormar glanced at Nori. - El? Wine? What's stronger?

Let there be ale,” the guy nodded. - If you say so, he’s standing here.

So, a jug of ale to start, and some roast ribs to go with it. - Ormar looked at the guy again. - Is that enough or are you going to do something else?

Not yet,” Nori shook his head and leaned back in his chair. - Thank you.

Great. - The Count smiled widely and lightly slapped the maid on the thigh. - Come on, honey, trot, we are hungry and thirsty.

Irony flashed in Nori's bright eyes, and he lowered his head, hiding his grin. Yeah... For the sake of decency, the girl squealed quietly, turned around and hurried to the door to the kitchen. Ormar, sighing with satisfaction, moved slightly, casually placed his elbow on the back of the chair and looked at Nori with a thoughtful look.

Don’t you want to tell me anything at all about yourself? - he asked, raising the corner of his lips.

The guy bowed his head, closing his eyes slightly.

Are you that interested? - he said. “I happened to pass by, I happened to see that you needed help, and I helped.” I agreed to sit with you as a reward for saving you. But I don’t strive to make friends,” Nori added suggestively. - I live well alone.

Alone? So you don't live with your parents? - Ormar showed himself to be an attentive listener, and his interlocutor almost pursed his lips in annoyance. - You look young, forgive me, for an independent life.

“That’s how it happened,” Nori responded a little more harshly than necessary. - Let's not talk about my family anymore. I’ll have a drink and dinner with you, but I don’t think our acquaintance will continue,” the young man firmly stated. - We are too different. - He hesitated slightly.

Ori paused, and under his searching gaze the young man almost shuddered. Rainbow was fidgeting inside, also a little worried by such close attention. Protection by protection, but you never know.

“Okay, I’ll be frank,” the count finally spoke. - I am a Hunter, and although I usually work alone, sometimes I need helpers in various matters. Of course, not for free. Do you agree to work with me sometimes?

Nori never expected such an offer. He stared at his interlocutor incredulously.

Are you serious? - asked Nori. - We barely know each other, why such a generous offer?

Ormar shrugged.

“I’m not going to trust you with state secrets,” he grinned. - I’m just offering extra money. Or are you not interested in money?

“They’re interested,” Nori said thoughtfully. “But I’m not always in the city, quite often... I go away,” he added with a barely noticeable hesitation. “And I won’t tell you the address where I live either,” the guy honestly admitted. - We don't know each other that well.

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a maid with ale and ribs that exuded a divinely delicious spicy aroma. Ormar loudly swallowed saliva, rubbed his palms and, as soon as the jug was on the table, he poured a foamy drink into his mug.

The Count watched her absent-mindedly, but food and drink were now clearly more of his concern than the curvaceous waitress. Lord de Sano took a sip from the mug with visible pleasure, grabbed a rib and sank his strong teeth into the meat, closing his eyes. And he did it so deliciously that Nori’s mouth watered, although he didn’t seem to feel particularly hungry. The guy followed the example of his new friend, pouring ale and taking a sip - Ormar didn’t lie, the drink really turned out to be beyond praise, thick, cool, slightly tart, with a slight aftertaste of various herbs.

Well, for getting to know each other. - Ori raised his mug with a wide grin, touched the edge of Nori's mug and continued: - So, are you willing to work with me from time to time?

Nori again did not answer right away - first he tried the ribs, juicy, spicy, melting in the mouth. He chewed, washed down with more ale, and was just about to finally voice his thoughts on the generous offer when the unexpectedly calm evening in the tavern was disrupted. The door swung open, and a detachment of city guards burst into the common hall, clanking their iron, glaring menacingly around and frowning. The hubbub in the tavern immediately died down, Nori almost choked on a piece of meat, and Ormar stared in surprise at the unexpected visitors.

What else is this?.. - he muttered, putting the mug down.

The guy turned around a little to better see what was happening. Apparently their boss stepped forward, a head taller than the rest, powerful, with a wild head of curly blond hair and hard dark brown eyes. The plate armor resembled scales, and Rada confirmed Nori’s guess: the boss was a dragon. “One of the younger Rubies, Agate, apparently,” explained the dragoness. Animals always sensed each other's magic better, unless there was protection like Nori's. For the rest, he remained a boy from the Mother of Pearl clan, although he belonged to the Diamond clan, but stood almost at the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder of clans.

Why was Ebber brought here? - Ormar’s eyebrows crawled up, and his gaze became wary.

Whom? - Nori glanced sideways at the count.

The head of the Royal Investigation Service, Ebber Tabren,” Ori repeated patiently in an undertone. - Yes, and with guards...

“Search, the trail leads here,” this same Ebber ordered abruptly, looking around the tavern with a narrowed gaze.

The owner of the “Shelter for Friends” jumped out from behind the counter and ran up to the arrivals, smiling ingratiatingly and looking into Ebber’s face.

Excuse me, sir, but what exactly is the matter?.. My visitors are respectable...

Shut up,” the chief investigator interrupted him, while the guards scattered around the hall, carefully examining the visitors. - I'm looking for a thief.

With these words, Ebber himself moved past the tables, and Ori grunted quietly, leaning back in his chair. The owner froze with his jaw hanging open, looking after the dragon in amazement.

A thief?..” he muttered in confusion. - But I have decent company...

He didn't have time to finish. Lord Agate stopped not far from the table where Ormar and his new friend were sitting, and grabbed the shoulder of a young boy who looked no older than Nori himself.

“You,” the chief investigator said confidently.

The guy was very surprised by this statement and... as Nori noted, he was not at all afraid.

I? - he repeated, looking at Ebber with sincere bewilderment. - Excuse me, but what am I?..

“I stole an amulet,” Lord Tabren explained clearly and pulled the boy’s hand up, forcing him to stand up. - Now you’re walking with me and telling me everything, what, where, how, why...

Wait, what amulet? Why did you steal it?! - Concern slipped into the guy’s voice, he grabbed the table and jerked in an attempt to free himself. - Let me in!..

This. - Ebber deftly fished out from the pocket of the alleged thief’s jacket a long chain with a multi-rayed star, in the center of which a ruby ​​heart braided with silver threads flickered.

Someone gasped loudly, a murmur ran through the tavern's patrons, and Nori suddenly sat up, staring at the pendant. He knew him well...

“The guy got it,” Ori responded phlegmatically and took a sip of more ale from the mug. - But you can’t even tell that he’s a thief by looking at him.

The unknown accused really looked like an ordinary guy: short, even puny, his clothes were of good quality, but his jacket was slightly frayed at the elbows, short-cropped hair of a chestnut shade, a slightly snub nose and freckled cheeks. The guy's eyes, large, golden brown, were framed by girlish long and fluffy eyelashes, plump lips added to the teenager's charm. “About sixteen,” Nori confidently pronounced his verdict. - Well, seventeen, at most. Glad, where is this one from?” The dragoness answered almost immediately. "From Rubies, Tiger's Eye." Nori chuckled and raised an eyebrow. Well, the guy must have character, despite his not at all masculine appearance, and yes, he doesn’t look like a thief.

Since childhood, Norrena de Livera dreamed of going to the legendary Rekko School, where they studied magic. But her father has completely different plans for his only daughter, with which the girl categorically disagrees. She doesn’t want to get married at eighteen, and her dragon doesn’t agree with the choice. Nori had no idea what the fulfillment of her dream would entail and how the seemingly ordinary task that her mentor had given her would end. After all, the Rekko School actually teaches far more than just magic, and a seemingly random meeting in a tavern will turn into a serious investigation into a matter of national importance. And then, very inopportunely, feelings for your partner awoke - what kind of love is there when you still have six months to study at the School, and a rich and interesting life awaits you in the future?

Eona had long known that she would marry her childhood friend, because that’s what their families wanted, and the girl liked Ekar. Everything changed dramatically after just one kiss at a gala reception, and even from the one from whom Eona least expected. After all, she had been friends with Winhild since childhood! And he confessed his love and said that she would marry only him... Ani had no idea that Winhild was serious and that her wedding day would not end at all as she had dreamed.

Dedicated to all lovers of romance and dragons.

Special thanks to my readers from the forum who inspired and guided me.

And, of course, to my permanent beta.

Another fairy tale for you, dear.


The cozy little nursery was illuminated only by a night light - a large emerald crystal with a glowing ball inside and skillfully carved outlines of animals. The crystal was slowly spinning, and shadows were moving along the walls just as slowly, tuning the little inhabitants of the nursery into a peaceful and sleepy mood. A girl of about four years old with light flaxen curls and a younger boy with dark curls looked at their mother with the same attentive eyes of an unusual color - around the pupil the iris shimmered in all colors, from dark blue to silver-white. Otherwise, the kids looked like ordinary children their age.

Plenty of knights! - the boy responded enthusiastically, his eyes flashing.

No, about princesses! - The girl pursed her lips capriciously and raised her chin.

It’s boring,” the boy grimaced and reached for his sister’s dragon.

And nothing is boring! - The girl moved away just in case - my brother, despite being younger, was already quite confident in handling magic, and who knows what he could come up with in an effort to get to the dragon.

Although he himself has a closet full of toys, including these little dragons. The plump, petite young woman with a luxurious head of blonde hair laughed softly as she looked lovingly at the children.

“Don’t quarrel, dears,” she said in a pleasant, chesty voice, bending over and holding her son. - It will be about princesses and knights. - A dreamy smile appeared on her full lips, and the woman’s gaze was clouded with a haze of memories. - About love, of course. - Here the girl jumped joyfully on the bed. - And about adventures. - And at these words the boy began to smile. - I will tell you the stories of those with whom I studied all the years at the Royal boarding school, and the first will be sparkling like snow, cool like a mountain stream, and shining like a diamond...

The young mother’s speech flowed smoothly and unhurriedly, and her thoughts hovered far, far away, in those times when she was different, and those with whom she studied at the boarding school also did not yet suspect that an insidious fate had in store for them. They were young, and each had a dream that they definitely wanted to fulfill...

The story of Norrena de Livera


About eight years ago, the capital of Dimaria Tanior, the residence of the head of the Diamond clan

The Honorable Duke Eland de Livera was extremely upset and dissatisfied with the behavior of his sixteen-year-old daughter Norrena. His beloved first wife left him to give birth to Nori, and his lordship had to raise the girl alone, which was a difficult task. Of course, he loved his daughter, how could it be otherwise, although he also had a younger son from his second wife. But why doesn’t Norrena want to understand that he is only acting for her benefit? It was just a week since the ceremonial graduation from the Royal Boarding School for Noble Maidens took place in the main hall of the palace, and Eland did not think that difficulties would already arise; he hoped that studying would smooth out Norrena’s character. Lord Diamond was wrong...

Dad, me will not go marry the marquis, I don’t like him! - Out of excess emotion, the usually reserved young duchess stamped her foot and clenched her hands into fists. “I don’t want to get married at all, I’m only sixteen, I graduated from boarding school a week ago!” I don’t need a husband now, I don’t need children, I want to continue learning magic, dad!

The girl’s thin resin eyebrows met on the bridge of her nose, her silver eyes with a vertical pupil sparkled menacingly. Eland gasped silently as he listened to his daughter. Oh no, not that, wasn’t she really instilled with the right way of thinking at the boarding school? What did they teach there then?

Where did you manage to pick up such thoughts, daughter?! - He, too, could not stand it and raised his voice, frowning. - At the boarding house?! And where further, I won’t let you go to Rekko’s School! - said the Duke de Livera, crossing his arms over his chest. - There’s nothing for you to do there...

Yes, even in a boarding house! - Norrena interrupted him with annoyance. - Leave this thought, dad, you will have to drag me tied and gagged to the altar! - the girl answered categorically, raising her chin. - And I’ll go to school anyway and won’t ask you! - she added passionately and realized that she seemed to have gone too far.

But Norrena had no intention of backing down from her plans. The Duke snorted and slammed his fist on the table so that the writing instrument made of a solid druse of rock crystal jumped. Nori didn’t even raise an eyebrow, not reacting in any way to her father’s anger.

You will obey, my lady, period! - the head of the clan, turning purple, almost growled, his eyes blazing with a silver flame. “I don’t intend to listen to your outrageous speeches anymore!” Please return to your chambers, from this day you are under house arrest! - Nori shuddered, her pupils dilated, and her face reflected bewilderment and disbelief. - And not a word more! I am your father, and I know best what is good for you!

My jewel - 1

Dedicated to all lovers of romance and dragons.

Special thanks to my readers from the forum who inspired and guided me.

And, of course, to my permanent beta.

Another fairy tale for you, dear.


The cozy little nursery was illuminated only by a night light - a large emerald crystal with a glowing ball inside and skillfully carved outlines of animals. The crystal was slowly spinning, and shadows were moving along the walls just as slowly, tuning the little inhabitants of the nursery into a peaceful and sleepy mood. A girl of about four with light flaxen curls and a younger boy with dark curls looked at their mother with the same attentive eyes of an unusual color - around the pupil the iris shimmered in all colors, from dark blue to silver-white. Otherwise, the kids looked like ordinary children their age.

- Too many knights! — the boy responded enthusiastically, his eyes flashing.

- No, about princesses! — The girl pursed her lips capriciously and raised her chin.

“It’s boring,” the boy grimaced and reached for his sister’s dragon.

- And nothing is boring! “The girl moved away just in case - my brother, despite being younger, was already quite confident in handling magic, and who knows what he could come up with in an effort to get to the dragon.

Although he himself has a closet full of toys, including these little dragons. The plump, petite young woman with a luxurious head of blonde hair laughed softly as she looked lovingly at the children.

“Don’t quarrel, dears,” she said in a pleasant, chesty voice, bending over and holding her son. - It will be about princesses and knights. — A dreamy smile appeared on her full lips, and the woman’s gaze was clouded by a haze of memories. - About love, of course. “Then the girl jumped joyfully on the bed. - And about adventures. - And at these words the boy began to smile. “I will tell you the stories of those with whom I studied all the years at the Royal boarding school, and the first will be sparkling like snow, cool like a mountain stream, and shining like a diamond...

The young mother’s speech flowed smoothly and unhurriedly, and her thoughts hovered far, far away, in those times when she was different, and those with whom she studied at the boarding school also did not yet suspect that an insidious fate had in store for them. They were young, and each had a dream that they definitely wanted to fulfill...


The story of Norrena de Livera


About eight years ago, the capital of Dimaria Tanior, the residence of the head of the Diamond clan

The Honorable Duke Eland de Livera was extremely upset and dissatisfied with the behavior of his sixteen-year-old daughter Norrena. His beloved first wife left him to give birth to Nori, and his lordship had to raise the girl alone, which was a difficult task. Of course, he loved his daughter, how could it be otherwise, although he also had a younger son from his second wife. But why doesn’t Norrena want to understand that he is only acting for her benefit? It was just a week since the ceremonial graduation from the Royal Boarding School for Noble Maidens took place in the main hall of the palace, and Eland did not think that difficulties would already arise; he hoped that studying would smooth out Norrena’s character. Lord Diamond was wrong...

- Dad, I won’t marry the Marquis, I don’t like him! — Out of excess emotion, the usually reserved young duchess stamped her foot and clenched her hands into fists. “I don’t want to get married at all, I’m only sixteen, I graduated from boarding school a week ago!” I don’t need a husband now, I don’t need children, I want to continue learning magic, dad!

The girl’s thin resin eyebrows met on the bridge of her nose, her silver eyes with a vertical pupil sparkled menacingly.