The modern world is a very strange and unusual place. There is a lot in it that defies logical explanation at all and contradicts the seemingly unshakable laws of nature. The attitude of different people to this fact is sometimes quite the opposite: some see in previously unimaginable changes progress and natural evolution, the development of society, while others see the degradation of humanity and its disintegration, inexorably leading everyone to the end. Who is right is not for me, the author of this article, or for the readers to decide. Everyone can only choose their own path for themselves and follow it.

Similarity to each other

One of these unnatural changes for conservative people is the obvious “deviation from the norm” of the stronger sex. More and more often you can find a man adopting a female model of behavior, and many do it secretly from themselves. What’s interesting is that a fairly large number of people who condemn “effeminate boys” have nothing against women who have become strong.

Afraid to admit to themselves

The term “forced feminization”, as a rule, is applicable specifically to those men who subconsciously strive to “try on” the female role. In fact, this procedure does not imply real coercion - everything that happens is a game - sexual and psychological at the same time - in which the dominant partner simply helps the submissive man get what he wants, but is afraid to admit it even to himself. Thus, forced feminization may seem like violence only from the outside - in fact, both partners will be happy with each other.

Not just sexual minorities

It should be noted that such a representative of the supposedly stronger sex can be found not only among homosexuals. Forced feminization of men can be (and most often is) carried out by a woman. Another thing is that a lady should be “strong” by default - fortunately, there are not so few of them in the modern world.

At what age is forced feminization most often performed?

What’s interesting is that for carrying out such a ritual, the number of years the “victim” has lived is not that important. Of course, no one will molest babies, but the forced feminization of boys who have just reached adulthood is no less (but not more) widespread than similar “violence” against mature men. This is explained by the fact that a woman’s character is laid down in childhood (or adolescence), but when it is allowed to manifest itself depends on the person himself.

Who performs the ceremony?

Very rarely, forced feminization can be carried out in a family. After all, not every man is able to tell his wife or just a girlfriend about his inclinations. Therefore, as a rule, the role of dominatrix (or dominant, in the case of homosexual relationships) is performed by a partner specially hired for this purpose. The scenario for the development of actions must be agreed upon in advance, but, as a rule, it includes the following stages:

1. Meeting the mistress/master, in which the dominant partner immediately establishes his dominance.

2. Dressing the subordinate man in sexy women's clothing, applying makeup, removing hair from the face, intimate area and (by agreement) the entire body.

3. Humiliation by the dominant partner. It may include being forced to do “women’s” work - washing dishes, laundry, cleaning.

4. The sexy part. Must be agreed between partners, but, as a rule, always includes “rape”.

Found it on the Internet. The story is not mine.
I liked it... In general, I like dressing up in girls' clothes.
Handkerchiefs and swaddling too - and they are in this story

Zhenya. Daughters and mothers.

On Wednesday evening, Zhenya and his mother visited Aunt Vera, my mother’s sister. While his mother and aunt were keeping secrets in the hall, he was playing with his older cousin in her room. Sasha was 5 years older than him and behaved almost like an adult. At the age of 12, she was a very reasonable girl who came up with a logical explanation for any game. Zhenya was a quiet, obedient boy, short, with luxuriant hair. He recently started first grade, and Sasha liked to play school with him. Zhenya didn’t mind, because instead of fives for correct answers, he received candy. It’s true that Sasha took away the candy for the wrong ones, but still Zhenya still won. Soon the children were called to dinner. Zhenya even shared the candy he earned with his mother and aunt. After tea, aunt and mother stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Sasha and Zhenya again ran to the nursery, where they began to build a “house” under Sasha’s desk. Zhenya persistently called him a halabuda. Sasha insisted that this was their little castle, and Zhenya was an enchanted prince who needed to be saved.
The women were talking, and the children were playing and did not notice how time for bed approached. Zhenya’s mother was getting ready to go home. Sasha and Zhenya played so hard that they didn’t want to leave, and Aunt Vera suggested that her sister let Zhenya spend the night with them.
- There is a place, there is a quarantine at school, Sasha is at home, and she is already big, she can feed Zhenya herself.
And tomorrow they say they will meet again after work and go home early.
- It’s already half past ten by the time you get there, and it’s time for the child to go to bed.
Mom asked Zhenya if he agreed to stay, and he, having broken down a little, said that he would like to sleep with Sasha. Mom kissed him goodbye and said that she would definitely come by after work.
After seeing her mother off, Zhenya suddenly felt somehow sad. But then the phone rang, Aunt Vera got distracted, and Sasha offered to play some more...
“That’s it, guys, it’s time to go to bed,” Aunt Vera hung up the phone, “it’s already eleven o’clock.”
Sasha had a large room, and in addition to a tiny bed, which folded out on the sides as Sasha grew older, there was a chair-bed in it. The wife was laid out on the bed, and Sasha, as the mistress, had to lie on the chair. Aunt Vera gave Zhenya Sasha’s old knitted pajamas; they were very pleasantly soft, although the legs were a little short. She said good night and turned off the light.
The children did not fall asleep immediately. Sasha continued to tell Zhenya various almost scary stories for a long time.
Waking up in the morning, Zhenya saw that Sasha was no longer sleeping, but sitting at the table and enthusiastically drawing something. When he stood up and came closer, he saw that she was painting her nails with her mother's polish. The polish was pink and shiny. Having finished with her nails, Sasha began to persuade Zhenya to paint his nails too. He completely refused, but Sasha was very persistent, and, in the end, Zhenya agreed to the experiment. Sasha very carefully applied the varnish to Zhenya’s nails (she even stuck out her tongue from her zeal), and together they began to blow on the varnish so that it would dry faster. Sasha offered to paint her nails and toes, but Zhenya said that he wanted to go to the toilet and ran away from her in time.
At this time the bell rang and Sasha ran to open the door.
When Zhenya left the toilet, besides Sasha, there was another girl standing in the corridor. She was taller than Sasha, had long hair, unlike her, was dressed in a jacket and was holding a bag of bread and milk in her hands.
- Oh, what a sweet girl! Little sister? And what are our names? – she chattered.
- Yes, cousin...
- Why are we silent? What's our name?
“Zhenya,” Zhenya mumbled and ran into Sasha’s room.
- How shy we are.
Zhenya fell on the bed and covered his head with the blanket. He felt very ashamed. But then his girlfriends entered the room, and he hid and almost stopped breathing.
“Why are we still lying in bed, it’s time to get up,” the girls tried to rouse him.
Sasha’s friend said that she would take the shopping home and come back, then they would all play together. And she even knows what. Sasha did not dare to object to her.
- Zhenya, get up. Lena left,” she tried to push her brother Sasha away.
- Well, I couldn’t say that you are my brother. A disheveled miracle runs out in girl’s pajamas, with long hair and painted nails. If you want, I'll tell you that you're a boy.
Zhenya just burst into tears and turned to the wall.
- Don’t cry, otherwise you won’t believe that you’re a boy. If you want, we won’t say anything. Well, being a little girl isn’t scary at all.
And Sasha, captivated by the new idea, began rummaging through her old things to find something that fit Zhenya.
- Get up, Lena will come now. Wear tights, a T-shirt and a skirt. They should suit you. Zhenya stop crying. Decide something already. Lena is stubborn, she still has to get up.
The bell rang, Sasha went to open it, and Zhenya looked at the clothes his sister offered. If he would have agreed to put on tights, he didn’t want to wear a skirt at all. Tears ran from his eyes again, and he again covered his head with the blanket.
Then his girlfriends came into the room and began to bother him, and Lena also began to lisp.
- What a capricious Zhenya we have. Just like a little doll. I already know, my little sister just turned 2 years old. Oh, an idea...
And she began to whisper something to Sasha. Sasha tried to dissuade Lena, but still agreed. And with renewed vigor they began to slow down Zhenya.
- Zhenya, get up. It's time for breakfast. Stop being capricious. Come play with us. Get dressed. Let's play mother and daughter. Get up. Capricious. Well, that little doll is definitely not smart. That's it, we warned you. Blame yourself. If you don't want to obey your elders, we'll punish you. Do you want to lie in bed? Please. Only we will swaddle you. Get up.
Zhenya didn’t know what to do. He was afraid of Sasha's active friend. And he was probably ready to get up, but to change clothes in front of a stranger... Tears fell from their eyes.
The girls got tired of persuading him, and they began to implement their plan. They pulled off the blanket from Zhenya, took away the pillow and began to wrap him in the sheet on which he was lying. The girls were much older and together they easily broke Zhenya’s resistance. He shouted: “Don’t. I won't do it anymore. Let go." But the girls’ eyes lit up with excitement, and in a few minutes they finished swaddling in the sheet. Zhenya tried to squirm. And the girlfriends decided that they should continue swaddling. The little doll is very restless.
- Something is missing. Sasha, do you have a cap? All children must wear caps with frills.
- If there is, it will obviously be too small for Zhenechka.
- Then let's tie a scarf for her.
No sooner said than done. Sasha took out a white scarf and wrapped it tightly around Zhenya’s head. Then they laid out the blanket with which Zhenya covered himself and wrapped it as if in an envelope. Zhenya was already tired of crying, but tears flowed from his eyes, he felt completely helpless. Sasha took out her pink ribbons, and the girls secured the envelope by wrapping it several times with ribbons and tying them with beautiful bows.
- What a cute little girl. Usi-pusi, little one. Look what Aunt Lena has prepared for you.
And Lena inserted a pacifier into Zhenya’s mouth. He tried to spit it out, but Lena was prudent - the pacifier was on a ribbon, and the ribbon was tied with another bow. Zhenya failed to spit it out.
- That's it, little one, lie down, calm down. Little girls must obey their elders.
Sasha said that Zhenya needed to be fed breakfast, and the girls went to the kitchen to figure out what to feed the little doll. Zhenya couldn’t even move. A few minutes later the girls returned, took the pacifier out of Zhenya’s mouth and, with four hands, fed him a sandwich and milk. After wiping his mouth, they reinserted the pacifier, covered it with a corner of the envelope and, telling her to think about her behavior, went about their business. They were quite loud, so that Zhenya could hear the entire conversation through his scarf and blanket; they were distributing roles in the game among themselves.
- Let Zhenya be our daughter. “And I’ll be a mother,” Lena said.
“I also want to be a mother,” Sasha argued.
- Let you be a dad. Your name can be either a boy's or a woman's name. And you have short hair. But boys cannot be Lenami.
While they were arguing, Zhenya really wanted to go to the toilet, but the pacifier prevented him from speaking, and he could only hum through it. The girls noticed that the swaddled cocoon was somehow not calm and approached it.
- What happened to our baby? Do you want mommy to take out the pacifier? Will you behave?
Zhenya nodded vigorously. He agreed to everything, as long as he didn’t wet himself. The pacifier was taken out and he said he wanted to go to the toilet. But the girls made him promise to obey them in everything.
- Tell. I will be an obedient girl. Tell. Mommy, daddy, I want to pee-pee. Tell. Mommy, give me the pacifier. And don't you dare take it out until we give permission.
Zhenya obediently repeated everything after Lena. They gave him a pacifier again, unwrapped him, and he rushed like an arrow to the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, he looked quite unusual, and hardly anyone would have said that he was a boy. Girl's pajamas, head wrapped in a scarf, pacifier in mouth, nails painted, confused. But the girls immediately took it into their own hands.
- Did the little one make a pee-pee? And who will wash it off?
- Zhenya, let's go to the room.
- Let's swaddle our baby. Should I bring a diaper so I don't have to get up to go to the toilet?
“There’s no need to swaddle,” Zhenya cried.
- Don't cry, sister.
- Not a sister, but a daughter. Daughter, who allowed you to take out the pacifier? We will swaddle naughty girls.
- I won't do it again.
“Darling,” Sasha played along, “maybe it’s time to dress our girl.”
- Yes, dear, my daughter and I will go wash, and you prepare what to wear for her.
Lena, like a little girl, washed Zhenya’s hands and washed him. But she made me take the pacifier again.
Sasha, meanwhile, tidied up the bed and, in addition to tights, a T-shirt and a skirt, took out panties and a ribbon.
When Zhenya and Lena returned from the bathroom, Zhenya quickly changed clothes without talking to Sasha, so that Lena wouldn’t see that he was a boy. White panties, light green tights, a blue T-shirt with long sleeves and a Mini Mouse painted on the front, a blue tight skirt with small polka dots - seemingly ordinary clothes, but for girls. Zhenya stood and was afraid to move. Lena took off his scarf and began to comb him.
- What soft hair our daughter has. What do you want: a braid or ponytails, or just tie a bow?
- Just give me a bow, I already got the ribbon. The hair is still too short for a beautiful braid,” Sasha noted.
- And we can braid them into two ears...
Zhenya stood there, neither alive nor dead. He didn't know how girls acted in such situations. In addition, he still had a pacifier in his mouth.
- Why are you silent, little one? Oh, you have a pacifier in your mouth. That's right, I didn't allow her to be taken out. Only children don’t just hold it in their mouth, but suck it. That's it, try it. Well done. Smack your lips. Smart girl. Now let's tie a bow. Our girl will be beautiful. Well, how sleepy are you? Sasha, get the toys. Here, take the doll. And we'll see what else we have here.
The girls enthusiastically began to take out Sasha’s old toys. In addition to a large assortment of soft toys, which Sasha also played with, there were baby dolls, children’s dishes, cubes, a dollhouse, and many other girly things. Everything was dumped on the carpet, and the girls themselves began to dig through it all with great pleasure.
But soon they got tired of it, Zhenya was allowed to take out the pacifier, left him with the toys, and they themselves began to play “beauty salon”. At first, Lena acted as the master. She didn’t conjure Sasha’s hair for long. After all, Sasha played the role of dad, and Lena simply gave her a side parting instead of a straight one and carefully licked her hair. But Sasha showed her imagination. Lena had long hair, and with her ponytail down, Sasha styled her hair up, like an adult, using a bunch of her mother's hairpins. Then came the turn of cosmetics. Which means my parents are not at home. You can experiment to your fullest.
The girls had enough of playing and turned their attention to Zhenya. He forgot how he was dressed. He sat quietly on his carpet and built houses for dolls from blocks.
- Zhenechka, we are going to visit. Make-believe, of course. We need to change clothes. Sasha, do we have a festive dress that will suit our daughter?
- I'll look now.
-Come here, daughter. I'll untie the bow. It's not festive at all.
Zhenya approached Lena. He was very embarrassed, did not know what to do with his hands and was fiddling with the hem of his skirt. Lena untied the bow and began to take off his T-shirt. Meanwhile, Sasha took out her festive dress from the closet, which was bought for her when she was about Zhenya’s age.
The dress was green, velvet, with already sewn petticoats, long sleeves, gathered lanterns at the shoulders, with a white turn-down collar and cuffs. The belt at the waist was tied at the back with a large bow.
Zhenya's skirt was pulled off. Sasha handed him a white T-shirt with thin straps, and he put it on without objection. Then he raised his hands up, and they put this girlish splendor on him. Yes, it’s not like putting a sweater or T-shirt over your head. Zhenya even closed his eyes when white skirts rustled past his face, he put his hands into the sleeves and pulled the dress down.
He stood motionless. The girls straightened their dresses, fastened the buttons on the back, straightened their petticoats, which protruded slightly from under the hem, and tied a bow at their waists. And he was experiencing some new unfamiliar feelings and did not know whether he liked or not to be dressed in a dress. Any girl would be very pleased. The white cuffs, collar and lace edge of the petticoats nicely set off the dark green velvet of the festive dress.
- Why is our beauty silent? Do you like the new dress?
“Yes...” Zhenya answered confusedly.
- Say: thank you, mom, thank you, dad. Do not be silent.
- Thank you, mommy, thank you, daddy.
- Smart girl. Come, I'll kiss you.
Zhenya knew that girls kissed for any reason. But no matter how much I wanted to avoid it, it was impossible for Lena to suspect something. And he came up to her and turned his cheek.
- What a good girl we have. But she also needs to go to the hairdresser.
- That's right, you can't be so disheveled in such a beautiful dress.
- Chur, I will be a master. You, Sasha, just did my hair.
- OK. And my daughter and I seemed to have come to the hairdresser.
“I don’t want to get my hair cut,” Zhenya cried.
- All small children are afraid of scissors. What are you, little one? We won't cut your hair. Let's just comb it.
They sat him down in front of the mirror, and Lena picked up a large comb. Meanwhile, the curling iron was heating up. The girls decided to curl Zhenya’s hair a little. When Lena brought the curling iron to his hair, he began to struggle and cry.
- Dad, bring the pacifier and hold your daughter. I'm not doing anything bad.
The wife again put a pacifier in her mouth and forced her to suck.
- What kind of pampering is this? If you behave badly, we will undress you and swaddle you again, like a very small child.
Zhenya got scared and let himself be tricked. When Lena combed her curls curled with a curling iron, for some reason it was almost not noticeable that the hair had been curled, but her hairstyle became noticeably more voluminous.
- How our baby likes the pacifier. Stop sucking. Come here. Tell me what bow to tie. White or green.
“White,” said Zhenya. He saw that all girls with festive dresses were required to tie white bows.
- That's right, little one. Sasha, give us a big bow. And Zhenechka will close her eyes for now.
And Lena slightly tinted his eyelids and eyelashes. And then the girls tied a huge white bow for Zhenya. But they were still missing something. And they lightly rouged his cheeks and, as a final touch, painted his lips with shiny pink lipstick.
Zhenya sat with his eyes closed and was afraid to look at himself in the mirror.
- All. The eyes can be opened. Well, dad, are you happy? Where is your mommy?
Zhenya opened his eyes and immediately closed them.
- Oh, what a doll! Daughter, you are so beautiful! “Get up,” Lena was already playing the role of mother.
Zhenya was ready to cry. A real doll was looking at him from the mirror, well, at least, a girl of kindergarten age.
- What's happened? Whims again? Give me the pacifier again? Get up. Spin around. Smart girl. Give mom a pen, give dad a pen.
And they, taking him by the hands, walked throughout the apartment. Every now and then the girls stopped and admired their handiwork. And Zhenya had to spin around, learn to curtsey and kiss mom and dad. Then they no longer wanted to go on a visit, and they “went to the movies.” Sasha turned on the cartoon, and they sat down decorously on the sofa in the living room. Zhenya found himself in the middle and sat without moving, with his hands on his knees, like an exemplary girl. Sasha noticed his stiffness and brought a doll.
- That's right, dear. Let the baby rock the doll. She's definitely a doll herself! Zhenya, do you want to be a doll?
- No…
- Okay, okay, I was joking. You are our beloved daughter.
After the cartoon, the three of them played with dolls, set the table with children's dishes, and, in general, did ordinary girly things. Zhenya got involved in the game and was no longer afraid of being exposed by Lena every minute. The only thing was that he was very shy when Sasha accompanied him to the toilet to hold his beautiful dress.
The girls were playing and did not notice that lunch time had come. The phone rang. It was Lena's grandmother who called. Like, it’s almost three o’clock, it’s time for lunch. Lena got ready to go home. Sasha took the pins out of her hair. It turned out a little untidy, but Lena said she would comb her hair at home.
- Well, that's it, I ran. Otherwise grandma will scold you.
- Yes, it’s time for Zhenya and I to have a snack too.
- Goodbye, daughter. Kiss mommy... Well done. And I’ll give you a pacifier. Maybe we'll play some more. Or, if you’re naughty, Sasha will give it to you so you don’t cry. Okay, okay, just kidding. Kiss me again... That's it, bye.
Lena ran away. And for some reason Zhenya burst into tears.
- Well, why are you crying? Everything is fine. Lena didn't realize that you were a boy. Was it really boring to play with us? And in general, you, Zhenechka, are a very beautiful girl. Look in the mirror. I wish I had a sister like that. Let me kiss you. Okay, time for lunch. Come on, I’ll help you take off your dress so it doesn’t get dirty. Or do you want to stay in it while I heat up dinner?
Zhenya, in principle, had already gotten used to the dress, but there was no way he would admit it.
Sasha untied the belt, undid the buttons on the back and carefully took off Zhenya’s festive dress and T-shirt. But I noticed, what if suddenly, after lunch, Lena returns. Zhenya did not want to be a girl again. Then my sister suggested that for now we just put on a T-shirt, the same one we wore in the morning. We’ll have time to change clothes before our parents arrive, and if Lena does come in, then Zhenya will have time to put on her skirt; she won’t hide it for now. His wife had to agree, but he asked to remove the nail polish. Sasha helped him put on his T-shirt, set him up to heat up lunch, and there in the kitchen, she wiped off his and her nail polish with a special liquid. They had lunch, Sasha washed the dishes, and Zhenya helped dry them. Then they returned to the nursery and carefully hung the dress in Sasha’s closet. And then Zhenya saw himself in the large mirror in the closet door. A girl stood in the reflection. After all, he was wearing a girl’s T-shirt and tights, and, in addition, a large white bow in his hair. Sasha did not specifically remind him of the bow; she so wanted him to remain her little sister longer. And he somehow managed to get used to his hairstyle and while changing clothes, having lunch and removing nail polish, he didn’t notice that he was left with a bow.
- Sasha, untie me.
- What if Lena returns?
- So what. Girls go without bows.
- So you agree to be a girl?
“No-no...” Zhenya whined and began to tear off the bow himself.
- Wait, wait, I’ll carefully untie it myself. And there was no point in crying.
- You don’t wear bows.
- I'm already an adult. But I’m ready to tie a bow for myself if we tie one for you too. Want?
- No...
- OK OK. Let's go wash up. Otherwise mom will see the cosmetics.
They went to the bathroom and washed themselves with soap. Sasha dialed Lenin’s phone. She said that she would not come today, since her grandmother gave her housework. But he will definitely call you back in the evening. Therefore, Sasha hid the child’s skirt and took out Zhenya’s boy’s clothes, which she hid in the closet in the morning.
- It’s a pity, I got such a sister. And now again, brother. Let `s play.
And since there was still time before the parents arrived, they sat down on the carpet, where the toys were laid out.
The mothers arrived almost simultaneously. Sasha a little earlier, because it was much closer to her from work.
- Did you eat, what did you do?
- We ate, watched TV, played.
- And what did you play?
- To daughters and mothers.
Aunt Vera looked at Zhenya strangely. But then I thought: the boy is small, and what else is there to play with Sasha. Then Zhenya’s mother came. And they began to gather for the table again. We drank tea together. And mom and Zhenya got ready to go home.
- Zhenechka, you liked being with Sasha all day, will you come and visit us again? - asked Aunt Vera.
“Yes,” Zhenya answered timidly, holding his mother’s hand. He didn't know if he wanted a repeat of today. Probably not. But he was still interested in Sasha.
His mother, saying goodbye to her sister, noticed that the quarantine had just begun, and there was no one to leave him at home with. Tomorrow is of course the weekend. But next week she would ask Sasha to stay with Zhenya a couple more times, if they had such a good time together. Aunt Vera didn’t mind at all. But Zhenya didn’t know where to put his eyes from embarrassment, he was afraid that today’s game might repeat itself.
And the quarantine continued

Feminism originated in the 18th century, but this movement gained its greatest strength in the middle of the 20th century. During its development, it managed to have a significant impact on many areas of society, contributing to the strengthening of the political, economic, social and personal rights of women. There are three stages in the history of feminism, which are called the first, second and third waves of this movement.

The Birth of Feminism

The history of the emergence of feminism dates back to the collapse of feudal society. At this time, women began to be hired for work, and they themselves could act as owners of labor. The beginning of the spread of this ideology can be traced in literature:

  • in the 14th-15th centuries the first writers appeared, such as Christina of Pisa and Isotta Nagarolla;
  • later, in the 17th and 18th centuries, books were published that defended the idea of ​​​​the need for equal rights for women, their authors were English writers Aphra Behn and Marie Estelle, at the same time works about the unequal position of women written by men were also published;
  • in the 18th century, the greatest thinkers - Voltaire, Montesquieu, Helvetius - wrote about the need to equalize the rights of the sexes.

First wave of feminism

The first wave occurred in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. It was accomplished largely through the efforts of the suffragette movement. Their main goal was to fight for women's voting rights. They also advocated the prevention of any other discrimination against women in the political and economic life of society.

The feminist suffragette movement was strongest in Great Britain and the United States. Its representatives held demonstrations and single pickets, and also staged acts of civil disobedience - they sat on the rails, chained themselves to gates, and so on.

In 1893, the right to vote was granted to women in New Zealand, which was then part of the British Empire. Subsequently, in the first half of the 19th century, women received voting rights in Europe and the United States.

Second wave feminism

The second wave of feminism occurred in the 60-90s of the 20th century. Its representatives no longer fought to secure rights at the legislative level. Their goal was to prevent actual inequality between men and women.

Feminists of this time addressed issues related to working conditions, sexuality, family, and reproductive rights. One of the most famous slogans of this time is “The personal is political.” It was created by writer Carol Hanisch, who was an activist in the movement. Feminists of the 60-90s of the 20th century sought to convey to women the idea that politics greatly influences the personal life of every person, and cultural inequality is closely related to political inequality.

Third wave of feminism

The third wave of feminism began in the 90s of the 20th century. Activists of this movement continue the activities of their predecessors, advocating changes in the portrayal of women in the media, their designation in language and the rejection of some stereotypes. Feminists and third-wave feminists focus on many aspects that were not previously on the movement's radar, such as race issues. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, many movements of feminism appeared - individualist feminism, cyberfeminism, ecofeminism and others.

It is believed that the third wave is still ongoing. Feminists do not intend to stop there and advocate further changes in the position of women in society and in society's attitude towards them.

Ultimately, the campaign against pornography fizzled out. And who would have known, and Dworkin herself would not have fooled the heads of poor conservatives, that the point is not at all in the moral principles of this lady, but simply in the fact that she is a lesbian, a militant lesbian, who hates men, for whom she herself the idea of ​​heterosexual sex is intolerable.

Thus, the second wave of feminism should be considered gender, radical and lesbian feminism with a huge admixture of Marxism; all other movements of feminism, for example, equal rights feminism, did not receive much attention or influence and, in fact, to this day remain in the shadow of the above.

But at first, feminism appealed to the female masses directly as their spokesman, causing a wave of support, which was expressed, among other things, in demonstrations and other public actions, however, since the most important and closest goals for the majority of women were quickly achieved, by the mid-eighties interest and public support for feminism is falling. Realizing this, feminists are going into their “last and decisive battle.”

Thus, the lesbianism of feminist leaders is no longer hidden and a new thesis about the compulsory nature of heterosexuality is proposed to society. That is, as social divisions of roles, gender itself, heterosexuality was also declared to be an insidious invention of the Patriarchy, designed to keep women in male power. Only by ceasing all sexual relations with a man can a woman become truly free, lesbianism is the bright future of all women, which is where the following slogan “feminism is a theory, lesbianism is a practice” came from. From now on, the true goals and objectives of feminism were no longer hidden.

But how can you actually achieve them? Through controlled media, a powerful campaign is being launched against marital rape, incest, harassment at work and child molestation. Everything had to be done to form in a woman the image of sex with a man as a source of danger, and to turn the man himself into a devil. Men had to go to prison for having sex with their wives, and others, looking at such an instructive example, once and for all abandoned the idea of ​​approaching a woman. As a result, another and this time, we must assume, the final concept of feminism came to light, containing the need to build a separate, female, world from men (separatist feminism), since it was proclaimed that no peaceful existence with men was possible. This should not just be a world in which there will be no men, it should be a world in which there will be nothing masculine, for example, science, language, that is, words, medicine, and so on. All this is supposed to be created anew.

By the early nineties, feminism had firmly established itself in universities, having created there, according to various sources, from 15,000 to 30,000 cells and, having significant support and influence, as evidenced by at least the teaching staff of universities, 90% consisting of representatives of liberal views, at the same time these are ideal conditions for influencing young personnel, especially female students. Attempts to infiltrate schools began and continue to this day.

In general political terms, feminism, through the media it controls, continued to launch one after another man-hating campaigns, throwing into society fabricated figures about the number of rapes, “terrible” figures for women’s mortality from anurexia, domestic violence, and so on. Real “witch hunt” campaigns unfolded in society, one after another.

In fact, until the mid-nineties, feminism occupied a dominant position in ideology, without encountering any worthy and organized opposition. However, already from the late eighties in the United States, conservative tendencies began to rapidly intensify and the Men's Movement (masculinism), which, although formally existed since the seventies, began to rapidly grow and strengthen, was practically invisible. In 1996, feminism actually recognized its existence for the first time and called on its like-minded people to fight against a new, unexpected threat. In addition to this, contradictions within the feminist camp themselves have intensified. It was in the nineties that books began to be published one after another, written by feminists criticizing modern feminism, for example, “Who Stole Feminism” by Christina Sommers and “The Betrayal of the American Man” by Susan Faludi.

Perhaps the nineties would have been the years of decline of this movement if it had not been for the Clinton administration, which took the side of feminism completely and entirely, adhering to and supporting its ideology and its leaders in every possible way. Of course, the latter seems paradoxical, remembering the Clinton-Liwinsky scandal, but there is no room for paradoxes when you learn that in this standard dispute about sexual harassment, feminists came to the defense of Clinton, refusing to support the “victim” side, that is, they provided a favor for a favor . The reward was not long in coming, materializing in 1997 in the form of the sensational law “On the Prevention of Violence against Women.” There were other “gifts”, but this one was the most significant. And as we see, again there is no talk of equality, since even according to official data in the United States, more than 50,000 men are physically injured every year in family disputes; Apparently, the Clinton administration felt that men, belonging to the “oppressor” class, did not deserve any help. By the way, this policy of double standards, dividing the population into good and bad will be reflected not only in the domestic, but also in the foreign policy of the United States, for example, during the Balkan crisis. And finally, one of the articles of the American Constitution, of which the Americans themselves are so proud, was simply violated, which prohibits the state from caring for and protecting only one group of the population.

In 2000, the most unpleasant event in recent years happened for feminists - the Bush administration came to the White House, whom they disliked if only because of his position on abortion. We will all still have the opportunity to see how the Bush administration will turn out for feminism, but for now it’s time to take stock of the thirty-year march of feminism across the vastness of the United States and Europe.

Firstly, the birth rate has sharply decreased everywhere, in European countries it has become half the required minimum level for preserving the nation, but the number of emigrants is growing rapidly, and in the United States, representatives of the colored population, which, according to some forecasts, in twenty years will be equal to the number of white residents. The number of divorces grew catastrophically quickly again after the Second World War, but already in peacetime the word fatherlessness became relevant. Millions of teenagers, deprived of normal and natural conditions for their development and upbringing, joined the ranks of criminals and became addicted to drugs.

The standard accusations of the Patriarchy for producing violence look like the height of hypocrisy, when the direct connection between the rapid growth of crime and the virtually artificial expulsion of fathers from the family has now been unconditionally proven. That is, it was the efforts of feminism that led to the rapid growth of violence and crime in recent decades! The woman became freer than ever, but her security was significantly reduced. At the same time, we are not talking about any equality of rights and cannot yet be, since in fact women received new rights without losing most of their previous privileges and at the same time got rid of almost all responsibilities, while men lost some of their previous rights and did not lose any of theirs. On the contrary, new responsibilities were added to the old ones, and the woman also received a partial (for now) right to control the man’s fate, time, and money.

So, if today in Western society a woman does not owe this society anything, then a man, like a hundred and two hundred years ago, is obliged in most countries to undergo forced service in the army or forced labor service in case of refusal to serve. A modern woman does not owe a man anything, but a man, as a rule, in the event of a divorce, is forced to not only give his ex-wife the lion's share of the property, but also support her for many years, even if the breakup was due to his wife's fault. Biology is no longer a fate for a woman: she has at her disposal a large set of tools to resolve issues with unwanted pregnancy and even unwanted children. Men do not have even the most minimal opportunities for choice; coercion into unwanted paternity is the order of the day. And so on and so forth.

Now a few words about feminism in Russia. Russian feminists often try to present the situation in such a way that Russia “lags behind” Western countries, that wild patriarchy reigns in its vastness, and women have no rights like anywhere else. To say that this is not true is to say nothing. It is unlikely that there is at least one country in the West that has even caught up with Russia; most countries are currently going through the path that Russia took two or three decades ago.

Let's start with the fact that while suffragettes in the West were fighting for the right to vote, Soviet women were working in the mines, the party and government, through announced and unannounced benefits and quotas, pushed women into all spheres of public life, displacing men from there. As a result, the mass extermination of men during the repressions and the Great Patriotic War led to the final consolidation of women’s status as the leading force in society, the head of the family and the only parent; a man was viewed simply as labor and cannon fodder. If we talk about the history of Russian feminism itself, it is short and not replete with noticeable events. It is only worth noting the women's demonstrations in February 1917, where, among other things, there were demands to give women equal voting rights, which was done.

This was the first and last feminist demonstration in Russian history. Among Russian feminists, only Kolontai, the author of the glass of water theory, can be singled out. She was truly a true feminist, who remained so until the end of her life, which, however, did not stop her from faithfully serving the Stalinist regime, carrying out all his dirty orders. In the USSR, the quota principle of distributing “women’s” seats in parliament was applied, that is, something that the West came to only in recent years. The history of Soviet state feminism is also the hasty, poorly prepared flight of the female cosmonaut Tereshkova - so strong was the need to demonstrate to the whole world the role of women in our country.

And finally, only in the USSR and other socialist countries was and is officially celebrated the feminist holiday of March 8, known to us now simply as “Women’s Day.” Currently, Russian feminism is represented by many small, completely invisible groups that exist mainly on handouts from Western sponsors, such as Soros, the McCarthur Foundation, etc. If we generally try to name their main vector of aspirations, then this is not at all a struggle for some social preferences for women, but the desire for power, expressed in persistently pushing the idea of ​​returning to the Soviet practice of quotas for seats in parliament.

The results of the development of feminism in Russia are generally similar to the described results of its development throughout the world, but since in Russia the influence of feminism was and is more lasting and widespread, it was in the former USSR that the difference in life expectancy between men and women reached a value of 12- 14 years, twice as long as in Europe and the USA.

To summarize, I will say again that feminism is a variety and at the same time an integral part of Marxism and communist ideology in general. Having won the external war against communism, Western countries are losing this war step by step from within. Feminism has never really strived to establish equality; its strongest dream is not a society of equality, but the delusional idea of ​​a golden millennium of matriarchy. Matriarchy is the cave past of our distant ancestors, and now it is preserved only among certain backward tribes. The question of our time is whether modern civilization will allow itself to be led to these “glorious” origins or whether it will have the wisdom to remember the traditional eternal values ​​that are now ridiculed and spat upon.

A few weeks ago, my article on feminism was published. Its essence is that feminism is not a dirty word. One of the comments in response came from an educated and reading lady, a librarian by profession. For some reason she thinks that the first feminists were mainly demanding equal pay.

Although in fact, first-wave feminists, being educated middle-class ladies, demanded for women the right to paid work outside the home (decent married women were not supposed to work for hire), work in government bodies, as well as the right to own property (the property of a married lady is automatically became the property of the spouse). And also, the right to vote in elections (stupid women were not able to make such important decisions). It’s no surprise that in Saudi Arabia, women voted in elections for the first time just a year ago, in 2015.

Therefore, it would probably be nice for our girls to know, at least briefly, the history of the feminism movement. Of course, in reality, its history is as full of events as the Great Patriotic War. But at least know the main milestones and events, and what feminists really fought and are fighting for.

Main historical milestones in the development of feminism

In different centuries, the role of women in society was perceived differently. Let's consider the main historical milestones in the development of feminism.

For many years, feminists have sought equal rights with men.

3 waves of feminism

What did feminists want? Soviet ladies received some of these freedoms before their Western sisters, while others are still not available to Russian women.

1st wave (1850-1930)

  • property rights for married people
  • acceptability of paid work for middle class women
  • right to vote in elections
  • access to education for all girls, regardless of class
  • permission to enter the university in any department
  • the opportunity to work in any profession, including politics and law
  • possibility of election to parliament
  • pay equality for workers

2nd wave (1960-1981)

  • supporting girls to dream more than just “becoming a housewife”
  • eliminating discrimination in the work environment
  • equal pay
  • bodily autonomy and access to contraceptives, legalization of abortion
  • stop sexual objectification of women, ban pornography
  • protection for victims of domestic violence

3rd wave (1990-1999)

  • sexual freedom, the right to enjoy sex and pornography
  • eliminating stigma against women who enjoy sex, slut shaming
  • more shelters for victims of domestic violence
  • increasing the number of women in the media and high echelons of politics
  • positive body image, acceptability of different beauty standards
  • overcoming gender inequality in earnings (gender gap)
  • focus on preventing domestic violence, sexual violence
  • addressing stereotypes where sexual violence is normalized or covered up
  • more effective protection processes for victims of violence
  • overcoming the stereotype “the victim provokes the rapist”
  • eliminating sexism in all areas
  • legislation to prevent online attacks against women

Despite the fact that feminism has come a long way, it is still difficult to talk about the complete eradication of sexism.

Feminism: A Brief History

789: Sacre Cyarlemagne

For the first time in history, the French emperor issues an order to create schools in every city and suburb, where children of both sexes could receive an education. By the 11th century, the monastery was the only place where women could study.

1405: Christina the Deceiver

The writer Cristina from Pisan made a lot of noise with her books “City of Women” and “Cristina’s View”. She was the first to publicly present her memories of the scarlet lips and strong shoulders of her beloved, which aroused extraordinary interest in herself.

1509: is baldness a sign of weakness of spirit?

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, a German philosopher, astrologer and physician, once stated that women are biologically superior to men. The fact that women do not go bald, in his opinion, testifies to the strength of a woman’s spirit, and their tendency to excessive talkativeness only proves the superiority of women over men, because the word is a gift from God, it distinguishes people from animals, which means it must be used as much as possible.

1832: A woman named George Sand is a symbol of 19th-century literary feminism.

1848: equal rights for American women

The birth of the women's movement in America occurred during the height of abolitionism (the struggle for the abolition of slavery), or rather, it was the participation of women in the abolitionist movement that gave them the necessary experience and self-confidence in order to begin the fight for their rights. However, if slavery (at least in the northern United States) was recognized as a social evil, then women's lack of rights, which reached simply wild proportions in those days, was proclaimed a good, the fight against which was a social evil. In 1848, Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Muth organized the first women's rights convention in New York.

The history of feminism officially began less than 200 years ago.

1882: British Married Women's Property Act.

Previously, a woman’s legal status disappeared with her marriage and her husband automatically became the owner of the property. The new act recognized women's right to purchase and own property. Women could also now be sued.

1890s: the emergence of the term “feminism”

Until this time, the women's rights movement did not have its own name.

1893: vote - don't make noise

New Zealand was one of the first to give women the right to vote. It was followed by Australia and Finland (1902 and 1906, respectively). In 1920, it was the Americans' turn. In France this became possible only in 1944. And countries like Switzerland and Portugal only gave women the right to vote in the 1970s.

1903: Suffragist Emmeline Penkharts forms the Women's Social and Political Union in Manchester.

The goal is women's fight for the right to vote. Around the same period, the birth of the suffragette movement occurred, which partly influenced the marketing policy of London boutiques: they were simply overwhelmed with interesting new items - hats, badges and other little things. The suffragettes managed to make a unique contribution even to fashion trends - in particular, they wore exclusively violet-colored ribbons as a symbol of special dignity, green hats as a symbol of hope, and white blouses and skirts as a symbol of purity.

1909: give birth without going underground

A number of European countries have adopted the first law on parental leave. It is provided for 8 weeks, but is not paid for yet (they will start doing this in two years). The maternity leave law prohibits dismissing pregnant women from their jobs.

Previously, women could not own property. Their legal status disappeared with marriage.

1919: English act to remove sexual disqualification

Women were allowed to sit on criminal juries, work in government, be lawyers, and go to university, regardless of whether they were married or not.

1923: family planning

The first family planning office opens in New York; in particular, it provides advice on contraception. It is headed by Margaret Sanger, who herself was born into a family of 11 children. She wants to break existing taboos. To achieve social flourishing, women must stop being afraid of constant pregnancies.

1937: First modern magazine for women

The Provost group publishes the magazine “Marie Claire”. The slogan of the publication is a magazine for women who have not yet been able to realize themselves. Its circulation, which was originally 800,000 copies, reached a million before World War II.

1956: In Boston, Dr. Gregory Pincus produces a birth control pill called Enovid.

This 2-in-one combination of progesterone and estrogen will revolutionize the sex lives of men and women. Women stop being afraid of pregnancy and decide to be sexually liberated. The sudden release from age-related restraint led to such an explosion of sexual freedom that even the participants in the “revolution” themselves were embarrassed to remember it decades later.

1970: give me male thighs!

Holland. A women's collective called “Minas” creates a commando unit. Women go out into the street and pinch the legs of men passing by, thus proving their equality with men.

Thanks to contraception, women no longer fear constant pregnancies. This was another step towards freedom.

1976: Domestic violence law

In the UK, a victim of domestic violence could now obtain a protection order against her abuser, even if she was married to him. Marital rape has become a crime. The offender could now be evicted from the house upon the complaint of the victim.

1989: in bed with Madonna

In an aura of glory, with a pragmatic commercial approach to everything, Madonna manipulates men and appears before the world as a classic self-made woman who does not need men to assert herself. Maria Luisa Ciccone collects partners of both sexes, some sexier than others.

1992: Girls Who Love Girls

The beginning of the 90s of the last century was marked by the final and irrevocable victory of feminism. In addition, lesbians of all varieties and stripes are fully legalized. They are no longer hiding and creating a league of “girls who love girls.”

1993: early to leave the forests

American feminist Susan Faludi, in her essay “Backlash,” describes the condition of women in modern America in a rather pessimistic tone. While everyone is already completely sure that the war of the sexes is over, Susan claims that these are premature conclusions and there is nothing like that. Sexual harassment, unequal salaries, the cult of beautiful slim women, and so on. Susan Faludi becomes a kind of symbol of radical feminism.

1998-2004: cult series “Sex and the City”

For the first time in history, they showed a women's series where girls do not dream of marriage, but are happy to enter into relationships with men and have sex, build a career along the way and really stand up for each other as friends. One of the characters, Samantha, broke many barriers by creating the image of a girl who loves sex. In her relationship with her boyfriend, she fears becoming “one of those couples who have sex 3 times a week.” In a recent interview, Kim Cattrall admitted that she was scared to even say certain phrases written for her in the script, because none of the ladies around her had ever expressed themselves that way.

2011: “slut walk”

The first “slut walk” was organized in Toronto, Canada, in response to a police officer's comment that girls should not dress like “sluts” to avoid sexual assault. The movement quickly spread throughout the world. Feminists refuse to accept that a girl's clothing can justify sexual assault. In addition, a large number of rapes occur in countries where girls traditionally dress conservatively.

2015: First elections with women in Saudi Arabia

This country was the last in the world to allow women to vote.

2016: Women may lose the right to abortion

The US has imposed more than 282 restrictions on abortion since 2010, including waiting periods and the number of times a woman must see a doctor before receiving a referral. Poland raised the issue of completely limiting abortion. The same sentiments are in Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, these legislative changes will affect everyone, and girls have little opportunity to influence decisions. Is there a rollback?

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