If you do eye makeup correctly, it will help you solve many problems, for example, visually remove dark circles and bags under the eyes or correct your eye shape, as well as give your look expressiveness and a fresh look. Careful and correctly selected arrows specifically for your eye shape can solve all these problems. Many Hollywood divas, such as Elizabeth Taylor or Audrey Hepburn, never appeared at social events without chic arrows. Many fashionistas still use this beauty trick.

To draw beautiful arrows, you need a steady hand. To do this, your elbow should rest on a hard surface, and the mirror should be at eye level.

There are a large number of options and ideas on how and what kind of arrows to draw on the eyes. It all depends on your skills and imagination. The arrows can be wide or thin, colored or black, with a long tail or rounded. You can draw arrows with a pencil, liquid or gel eyeliner. If you dream of learning how to draw perfect arrows, this material will help you.

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Remember that a perfectly straight arrow line can only be drawn with a well-sharpened eyeliner. This is why the pencil should be sharpened every time before you are going to draw arrows on your eyes. You won't be able to create clear lines with a dull pencil.

You can find out how to sharpen your eyeliner. Makeup options with arrows, which you can repeat yourself (for example, by creating), look in the photo gallery below:

Which arrows suit your eye shape?

Round eyes

Round eyes can be visually made more elongated by applying eyeliner in the inner corner of the eye. Don't forget to blend the arrows so that the pigment gets to the lash line. Otherwise, you risk making your eyes appear bulging. Also, girls with round eyes are not recommended to line the lower eyelid.

Versace © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Narrow eyes

Wide arrows will help make your eyes look bigger. When you draw an arrow, do not go far beyond the border of the eye. This will visually narrow the shape of the eye. Avoid colored eyeliners for the lower eyelid. Also avoid dark eyeliner colors, especially black. Your best choice is light arrows. Light nude or bright shades will allow you to make your eyes larger and more expressive. Do not draw wide arrows immediately from the inner corner of the eye, start with a thin line and widen it slightly from the middle of the eye.

Wide-set eyes

This beauty trick will help you make the distance between your eyes less significant: draw a line with eyeliner along the entire length of your eye along the lash line, going slightly beyond the border and extending the line to the bridge of your nose, extending the line. Draw the lower eyelid from the outside without touching the mucous membrane. The tip of the arrow should be rounded.

  • Advice! No matter how wide your arrow is, always start drawing it with a thin line. Then thicken as needed.

Dolce & Gabbana © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Close-set eyes

In this case, you should do everything the other way around. When you draw a line on the upper eyelid, try to make an indent from the inner corner. A lower eyelid that is drawn up will visually make your look wider. It is better to extend the tip towards the temple so that the eyes become visually further apart from each other.

Elie Saab © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Eyes with drooping corners

To eliminate the effect of a sad look, at the beginning of the eye the arrow should be thin, and in the outer corner, on the contrary, wide. The tail of the frog should be high to balance the eye. The mucous membrane from below must be darkened.

  • Advice! If you decide to line your lower eyelid, you should not use liquid eyeliner, otherwise it will end up under your eyes. The rule is: pencil on the lower eyelid, and liquid eyeliner on the upper.

Christian Dior © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Types of arrows for the eyes

    In ancient times, for example, in Ancient Egypt, not only women, but also men loved to emphasize the beauty and depth of their eyes with the help of makeup. Famous arrows, like Cleopatra's, will look chic at an evening social event or at a photo shoot.

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    Thick, rounded arrows should be reserved for parties or themed events. They can also be decorated with glitter on top.

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    A thin line of arrows is good for everyday makeup, for example, for work. But drawing such arrows is much more difficult than wide ones.

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    Wing arrows are suitable for romantic and creative people. Such arrows will look especially good on round eyes, since such arrows visually elongate the eyes.

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You can learn how to draw arrows correctly with a felt-tip eyeliner from our video.

When creating makeup, a woman always strives for changes. Not everyone considers their face perfect, but those who love themselves do not become disheartened by this. Makeup exists in order to correct features that seem inharmonious.

Makeup with arrows and shadows is best suited for this. You will find a step-by-step method for applying this makeup in several options below.

Arrows and eye shape. Which ones are right for you?

If you want to visually enlarge your eyes, black and dark shades of eyeliner will not work - they will “reduce” them. The arrow needs a lighter, “opening” one. With her look will acquire shine and sensuality.

Round eyes

Round eyes will be visually elongated if you draw an arrow on the upper eyelid from the center to the outer corner, at the end slightly widening and lifting it. It is necessary to shade the line of the arrow a little so that it does not move away from the eyelashes and does not create the effect of bulging eyes. There is no need to line the bottom of the eyes.

Narrow eyes

Narrow eyes are corrected with wide, dark arrows. They should not be placed outside the eye. The eyeliner lines should be clear in the middle and slightly softened shadows in both corners, this will create a more rounded and open effect. The lower eyelid is lined with a soft color, without affecting its inner corner.

Almond shaped eyes

Thin, classic arrows will add charm to almond-shaped eyes. They are applied along the lash line, their width and brightness depend on the occasion. If your makeup is everyday, they barely extend beyond the eyes. For an evening out, you can apply them in a thicker line.

The upper arrow, drawn from the middle of the eyelid, will visually distance the eyes from the bridge of the nose. It is made thin at first, widening and raised towards the outer edge. The effect will be more complete if you shade the inner corner of the eye with a light shade. The lower eyelid is drawn in the same way.

Wide-set eyes

Eyes placed too wide have the opposite effect. To achieve it, the arrow, bright and wide at the inner corner, tapers towards the outer corner. Only the outer side of the lower eyelid is lined.

Deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes will become more beautiful if you line them with a wide, shiny, not very long arrow. It needs to be shaded upward towards the temples.

The arrows also correct slightly drooping eyelids. The upper line continues the line of the lower eyelid until it joins the crease. Above, a line is added along the crease of the eyelid until it connects with the one already drawn. The resulting corner is completely painted over with eyeliner and tinted with shadows. This deepens the crease above the eye.

Types of arrows

Let's look at the main types of arrows.

  • The classic version is thin arrows. Their lines carefully line the eyelids along the entire length and rise towards the temples.
  • Double arrows are always bright. Unlike others, here the upper and lower arrows are not connected, but form a thin gap. This is not everyday makeup; it is inappropriate in daylight.

  • Egyptian arrows - the eyelids are outlined along the entire length, the outer tips of the arrows are brought up to the eyebrow, and the inner tips are lowered to the bridge of the nose. They are perfect for evening makeup.
  • “Smoky” arrows are drawn with a pencil and slightly shaded with a sponge.
  • Thick arrows add thickness to eyelashes. They are applied in a thin line from the inner corner of the eye and thicken towards the middle.
  • Colored arrows suggest the use of different eyeliner tones, from the lightest to the brightest and most saturated. You can combine several colors.
  • Creativity – here the imagination is not limited. These can be arrows with a pattern or modeling an unusual eye shape. You can come up with many options for such arrows. They will look very good at a disco or theme evening.
  • “Cat eye” and “fox eye” - the lines of the upper and lower eyelids from the outside are drawn upward and connect at the eyebrow. A very popular and impressive image. Below we will take a closer look at this type of makeup, consider the features of applying eyeliner and shadows, and provide step-by-step instructions.

Tools for creating arrows

The perfect arrow is not a problem if you have the skill and a convenient tool. How can you draw a beautiful arrow?

This is the simplest and most convenient tool. It is indispensable for those inexperienced in makeup or when you need to hurry. The soft texture allows you to confidently draw a line in one stroke. It does not spread, does not smear and, in case of a mistake, can be easily removed.

Step-by-step drawing of arrows using at least a pencil

Such arrows are easy to shade and at the same time look neat. For smoky makeup, it is preferable to use a powder-based pencil.

Compact eyeliner

This product is good for light and natural makeup. It is made in the form of pressed powder, which is applied to the eyelids using a thin, moistened brush. Its structure is often waterproof and lasts for a long time without smearing. Most of all, this eyeliner is suitable for cases when makeup is designed to last all day.

Liquid eyeliner

This tool is suitable for the most spectacular arrow lines, thin and even. But to use it, you need to have experience. Most likely, it will not be possible to make a clear outline right away. And this is the only drawback of this eyeliner.

Eye marker

Like a pencil, it is light and easy to use. With its help, you can draw clear and beautiful arrow lines quickly and in almost any conditions. However, it is short-lived due to drying out. This tool needs to be updated more often than others.

Helium (cream) eyeliner

And this is already a professional tool. Applying it requires time and a special angled brush with a curved handle. This eyeliner hardens slowly, which allows you to adjust the arrow line. This product goes on smoothly and evenly, but is difficult to use at home.

Arrow color

When choosing an eyeliner, first of all, consider your skin tone and eye color. Makeup should also be in harmony with clothes. Classic is the black color of the arrows. Black eyeliner visually narrows and burdens the eye.

In everyday makeup, other colors look more attractive - brown, dark green, dark blue or dark purple. During the daytime, lighter colors are also appropriate. This kind of makeup is youthful and refreshing. Gray eyeliner highlights the color of the eyes.

Options with arrows of different colors are very interesting. For example, if you use a saturated color for the top arrow, and a couple of tones lighter for the bottom, the look will “open up” and become more expressive.

Step-by-step instructions for applying certain types of makeup

There are quite a lot of types and variations of makeup with arrows; below we will consider the most popular and spectacular images.

The shape of the arrow always depends on the shape of the face, eye and eyebrow

Just as no two faces are the same, makeup lines are always individual. Based on the advice in this article, find “your” arrow and your combination of shadows.

Most of all, this makeup is suitable for those who have almond-shaped and large eyes. Makeup with “cat” arrows is performed using liquid or compact eyeliner and shadows.

Step-by-step application of arrows for the “Cat Eye” look

It has the following step-by-step description:

  1. Cover the upper eyelid and then up to the eyebrow with white or beige shadows.
  2. Line the outer line with a darker eyeshadow, such as peach, from the outer corner to the brow. Apply dark shadows just above the crease of the eyelid and highlight the edge of the arrow with them.
  3. Blend the transitions between shadows. Take a soft brush for this. After blending, lighten the area under the eyebrows.
  4. With your eyes slightly closed, carefully apply small dots along the eyelash line, outlining the shape of the future arrow. Its length and shape completely depends on your taste, but ideally it is directed towards the temple.
  5. Connect the guide points into one smooth, thin line, expanding towards the outer tip of the arrow. Draw the lower eyelid in the same way, bringing both lines together. This can be done with either eyeliner or dark shadows.
  6. Pay attention to the eyelashes, especially from the outer edge. Use mascara.

In general, this makeup is identical to the “cat eye”. Only the shape of the arrows is slightly different, emphasizing small eyes with slightly overhanging eyelids. It implies a golden-brown color scheme. But shadows of other colors also look no worse.

Eye design using arrows in the “Fox Look” style

It is applied step by step like this:

  1. Apply light eyeshadow to both eyelids. Lighten the area under the eyebrows especially carefully.
  2. Give your upper eyelid depth by applying a light brown or light gray eyeshadow just above the crease.
  3. Blend to create a light shadow effect.
  4. The arrow is drawn in the same way as in the “cat's eye”, but, unlike it, its outer corner is not very raised. The lower eyelid is drawn only from the middle to the outer edge of the eye. And both arrows are connected in the same way.
  5. For this type of makeup, eyelashes need to be curled and lifted up. False eyelashes will add languor to your look.

Retro style arrows

The 60s style is associated with the beautiful face of Audrey Hepburn. Many modern fans admire her and consider her the standard of beauty.

If you wish, her image is easy to reproduce. The step-by-step guide below will help you repeat this elegant makeup with arrows and shadows.

This style emphasizes either the eyes or the lips.

Now we're talking about the eyes.

  1. First of all, even out and highlight your complexion with foundation and powder.
  2. Choose shadows of the same tone in three different shades - basic, light and dark. Apply the main color to the upper eyelid. Highlight the outer corner with a darker tone, and the inner corner with a lighter tone.
  3. Using a black pencil, draw an arrow along the border of the eyelashes, and blend it so that it is slightly wider in the middle of the eyelid. This will give the look of innocent surprise. Draw the bottom arrow in the same way and connect it to the top one.
  4. Emphasize the arrows with eyeliner.
  5. Now you need to select the eyelashes. To do this, you need mascara with a lengthening effect. Apply it in several layers.
  6. Lipstick is suitable in a neutral color or light - beige, pink.

Arabic style eyes

This makeup is very effective, but requires care. If the arrows and shadows are applied carefully and harmoniously, your eyes will become hypnotically charming.

Arabic style display option with arrows

With the following step-by-step instructions, you can easily do this makeup yourself:

  • You need to start by choosing a color scheme. Do this taking into account your eye color and skin tone. Don't limit yourself to one eyeshadow color, choose several that suit you best.

Pearlescent shadows are suitable for young girls, matte ones are suitable for older girls. You will also need white shadows to create a highlight between the arrow lines, and black ones to draw the lower eyelid.

Take two colors of pencils for drawing arrows. One must be black, and the second must match the color of the shadows you have chosen - dark gray, rich brown or another suitable one. You will also need liquid eyeliner.

  • First of all, prepare your face for makeup. Remove wrinkles and minor imperfections with a corrector.

Eyebrow shape must be perfect

  • Now do your eyes. Apply a little makeup base or foundation and spread evenly over the top of the eyelid. This will prevent the shadows from rolling and make them brighter.
  • Apply light shadows from those you have chosen, starting from the inner corner. For the middle of the century - bright. Closer to the temple - a darker, more saturated color. Blend the shadows with a straight brush to create a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Take the prepared pencils. Using black, draw an arrow in the outer corner towards the tip of the eyebrow. Then, with a second line, just above the crease of the eyelid, draw the upper edge of the arrow. Connect both features with a beautiful, smooth bend.

Completely color the eyelid in the space between the lines with another, lighter pencil and blend the resulting base of the arrow with a thin brush. Do this in circular motions in the direction of the darker color of the eyeshadow.

  • Now you can start working on the arrow. Using liquid eyeliner, apply a clear, even line along the lash line. This should be done from the inside of the eye to the outside, without changing the pressure and following the trajectory. The top arrow is ready.
  • We draw the feather highlight with white shadows along the lower border of the end of the arrow towards the eyebrow.
  • We also decorate the lower eyelid with an arrow, which will give the eye a beautiful, elongated shape. We draw it with black shadows. The inner corner of the eye is also drawn in black.

The arrow can be given depth by emphasizing it with dark, rich shadows. After this, paint the mucous membrane from the inner corner to the center of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. And then to the outer corner - white.

  • Use a round brush to soften makeup, remove clear boundaries and transitions.
  • Lengthen your eyelashes with mascara.

Don't be afraid to experiment with colors when creating Arabic makeup. The combination of unexpected shades will give it luxury and originality. The main thing is that the colors highlight your own eye color, and do not overwhelm it.

White arrows

They look very unusual. And like everything unusual, they do not depend on patterns and stereotypes. There is complete scope for your imagination. This could be a contrasting combination of white eyeliner and black mascara.

In retro style, a combination of three colors – black, red and white – will impress. All these images imply equal participation of the eyes and lips. Therefore, you should choose a bright lipstick. But if you gravitate toward natural tones, don't emphasize the contour. It is recommended to apply mascara only to the upper eyelashes.

You can easily master bright and expressive makeup with arrows and shadows using the step-by-step guide offered above. It will meet and exceed your expectations if you consider a few more tips.

Important to remember! Arrows always attract attention to the eyes. That's why Take care of the skin around your eyes, avoid swelling and use concealer or foundation.

The arrows are beautiful, smooth and confident. “Dancing” arrows will ruin the entire make-up. This cannot be allowed. You shouldn't rush when creating arrows. Don't try to draw them while holding your hands up. For a straight line, your hand should have a rest.

Arrows in any form or variation of makeup will always help make a woman’s look mysterious and attractive

Place the mirror at eye level and when drawing an arrow, do not turn one side to it, look straight into it. Then the lines will lie smoothly, and the arrows will look neat and attractive.


Makeup with arrows is one of the most popular. As you can see, it suits all women and all occasions. The techniques and types of such makeup described above do not exhaust its diversity. Experiment, show your imagination, and create your unique image.

How to draw arrows correctly and quickly: tips and tricks. Watch this helpful video:

How to make perfectly straight arrows in 3 minutes? Watch video instructions:

How to draw arrows with shadows? Find out from the video:

Girls who know how to properly apply eye makeup and emphasize the advantages of a cat-like look with eye-catching winged eyeliner are always confident and attractive. Is it possible to easily draw arrows and make perfect lines yourself? To do this, you need to be patient, practice a little and take note of useful information. You can learn how to properly line your eyes and make straight arrows, as well as get acquainted with the technique of applying cosmetics to create a spectacular new look.

Options for arrows and their choice for different types of eyes

How do you like these arrows?

Consider what popular types of arrows are in fashion now in order to correctly draw and design beautiful makeup.

Options may vary...

Classic arrows

The traditional version of classic arrows can be an excellent addition to any eye makeup, and also serve as the only accent of appearance. Thin arrows are drawn as follows: first the outline of the ponytail, then the line along the growth of the eyelashes, then it all needs to be connected. Be sure to make a gradual thickening from the inner corner to the outer.

Double arrows look very impressive. This fashionable makeup opens up the eyes, visually thickens the eyelashes, and is an active tool for seducing the opposite sex. To begin, use a black liner to draw tails from the corners of the eyes to the tips of the eyebrows. Next, draw a line towards the inner corner of the eye. Then we make another short ponytail, from the outer corner of the eye down.

Thick arrows

They give you the opportunity to draw cute arrows with an effective shape and brightly outline the eye contour. Here you need to adhere to the basic rule: the thicker you make the arrow, the thicker and longer the eyelashes will be needed. In some cases, false eyelash bundles are relevant.

Raised winged wings for a cat eye effect

cat look will is definitely guaranteed if you draw this option. The eyes will appear larger, the look will be more slanted. Raising the arrow should be done from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple. The line should be wide and the rise should be quite sharp.

Arabic arrow

This option is very popular on Instagram, especially in combination with bright shadows. The contour under the eyelashes, on the lower and upper eyelids is well painted, without gaps. From above, the arrow thickens with a retreat from the corner of the eye, and from below, a thickening is made at the end and connected.

Master class on drawing arrows with shadows

First, you need to choose the right drawing tools and decide which brush is most convenient for you to paint with. You will need an angled brush or a thin brush for eyebrows. Next follow the instructions:

  • Place the required amount of shadow on the brush.
  • Mark the tail of the arrow, mentally or using improvised means, continuing the line of the lower eyelid.
  • Apply the continuation of the arrow as close to the lash line as possible, painting over the empty areas.
  • If the shape is incorrect, you can correct the arrow using a cotton swab, dry or wet.

How to draw arrows on different types of eyes with your own hands

First you need to determine what kind of eyes you have and choose a form of makeup for them. This will allow you to correctly choose the most profitable option from all existing ones.


The round shape needs to be lengthened a little by outlining the inner corner with eyeliner. It is advisable to make bold, rather than thin, lines with a pencil, otherwise you will be guaranteed the effect of bulging eyes. Try to draw and shade the arrows correctly to fill the space between the eyelashes and narrow the roundness. It is not recommended to draw lower arrows.


In this case, you can draw different types of arrows, since such eyes are the standard of beauty. An interesting idea is to make long shaded arrows with an expanding effect. You can try the 60s style with dramatic winged wings. Start drawing the line from the inner corner, gradually increasing it closer to the end. Note that the ponytail at the end should continue along the lash line.


It is better to draw visually enlarging arrows for narrow eyes that do not go beyond the border of the eye. The lower eyelid is left unpainted, or the line is emphasized only at the end. It is unacceptable to use a bright pencil for the bottom line. An eastern cut with small eyes can be corrected by making thin arrows, thickened only in the middle. The edges of the lines should be shaded.

Wide-set eyes

Some secrets will help you reduce this shape: draw the eyelid along its entire length, extending the line towards the bridge of the nose. It is advisable to perform it along the eyelash growth line. The lower eyelid should also be drawn along its entire length.

Arrows on close-set eyes

Here, the makeup process is the opposite of a close-up approach. It is better to make the beginning of the arrow with a slight indentation from the inner corner of the eyelid. On the outer corner you need to make beautiful rounded ends.

Who suits different arrow shapes?

Who came up with the idea of ​​drawing underlining lines on the eyes, and why are they needed? This fashion came from ancient Egypt. Egyptian beauties, and Cleopatra herself, were fans of such tricks, applying makeup to make their eyes appear larger. Since then, this trick has not lost its relevance, continuing to be very popular among women, regardless of age. The age of 40 is also not a hindrance to looking well-groomed and stylish. In this case, black classic options on the eyes or in a retro style are suitable.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners: how to beautifully make up your eyes with eyeliner, felt-tip pen, pencil

The drawing scheme with a felt-tip pen and liquid eyeliner is simple step by step, consider further the simple rules of drawing:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to your eyes.
  2. Using a pencil with a hard lead, draw the outline of the arrow from the inner corner to the middle. Next, we will continue the line and finish with a neat tip.
  3. Using eyeliner, paint over the outline of the arrow, leaving no gaps.

How to do eye makeup with a pencil step by step? You can correctly apply makeup on the right and left eyes with a pencil as follows:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to your eyelids, then blend with a brush.
  2. Take a soft or medium soft pencil. We place one point near the inner corner, the second just above the growth of the eyelashes, in the middle, and the third parallel to the outer corner, at a level above the middle.
  3. Connect all three points into one, try to make the transition as smooth as possible. The arrow should go clearly along the eyelash growth line.

Learning to make everyday and holiday arrows at home: tips for a beginner

It is better to do daily makeup for study, school, and work in a discreet, neat manner. Here it is important to correctly draw thin and even outlines of the eyes with a pencil or eyeliner.

On the contrary, unusual multi-colored options for making beautiful makeup will be useful on the occasion of a celebration or holiday or will add fresh notes to your look.

Colored arrow options come in different types, some of them are as follows:

"Important. The color of the eyeliner must be lighter than the tone of the mascara, otherwise the makeup will turn out tasteless and not expressive, and the eyes will appear smaller.”

Makeup for gray eyes with arrows

If you want makeup like Hollywood stars, you can decorate your eyelids with glitter and rhinestones, and stick special stickers in the form of arrows with patterns on your eyes. British singer Adele is famous for her spectacular, bright eyes; if you learn to paint like her, you will always shine with your beauty.

Eye tattoo: pros and cons of the procedure

There is not always enough time to draw perfect arrows. In order not to have to draw every morning, you can do permanent eyeliner makeup, which allows you to highlight the advantages of your eyes for a long time and paints the space between the eyelashes.

How long does a tattoo last? After the first application of the permanent, a correction will be required, about 1.5 months after the procedure. How long a tattoo on your eyes will last depends on your skin type and special care, on average the time will be one and a half years.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? While painting the eyeliner, the technician applies a special anesthetic to the eyelids to reduce pain.

The tattoo takes a long time to heal, crusts, swollen eyelids, redness and bruising may appear, but they disappear within two weeks. It needs to be carefully looked after. Post-procedure care involves the use of antiseptics, panthenol, and micellar water to remove makeup.

Keep in mind that the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo can be disastrous if you choose an inexperienced artist or use low-quality, cheap paint during the procedures.

What is biotattoo? In this case, the arrows are applied using henna. This is done painlessly, without tattoo machines, and will last about 2 weeks.

Lifehacks for drawing: interesting ideas and tricks

You can make smooth, wide lines using a spoon. The result will be quite active and catchy makeup. Step by step we draw the arrows as follows:

  • Take a clean, dry spoon. Hold the spoon by the edge and place it diagonally towards half of the eye, towards the lower eyelid.
  • Press the spoon firmly against your eyelid. Try to place the tips of the arrows in the upper corner.
  • To complete the arrow shape, take a spoon and apply it to the upper eyelid close to the growth of the eyelashes. Try to draw the shape evenly. If your hand slips, use micellar water.

Drawing shadows with a spoon

You can also quickly draw arrows using a stencil. To do this, you need to purchase a special device in the form of a stencil, which will become an assistant in express makeup.

You can easily draw eyeliner and quickly draw wings using ordinary tape, a piece of which is glued parallel to the line of the eyebrow so that the eyes do not look sadly drooping. Draw the required line along the upper contour with eyeliner or pencil. The result is neat and even makeup, which is very easy to do.

My video on the topic

The right makeup for the looming eyelid will open up your eyes and visually enlarge your eyes. Beautiful arrows, correctly selected shadows, and good mascara will help you create the desired effect. Special serums and bases that strengthen the skin of the eyelids and relieve swelling can slightly tighten the skin.

Drooping eyelids: what is the cause of the problem

Excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids can occur due to age, excess weight, and hormonal changes in the body. Swelling in the eye area occurs in representatives of some nationalities; they can be inherited. There is no need to fight your looming eyelid; modern cosmetics will gently correct the flaw and add charm to your appearance.

Skin tightening skin care products will help improve the situation. It is useful to apply cold lotions to relieve swelling and tighten drooping eyelids. Before applying makeup in the morning, you can wipe the area around the eyes with a piece of ice; it will not only remove excess swelling, but also revive the look. Tea bags or cucumber slices applied to the eyelids have a good effect. A more modern procedure is gel patches or special cooling masks with caffeine, collagen and ceramides. They moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin, remove swelling and swelling.

Drooping eyelids - what to do?

Whether it is worth correcting too heavy eyelids, the girl must decide for herself. Puffy eyes give the face a sleepy, tired expression and visually make it look older. Professional makeup artists suggest eliminating the problem by slightly lifting the outer corners of the eyes and carefully evening out the skin around them. These simple techniques will make your look more open and emphasize your unusual cut. With certain skills, corrective makeup will take no more than 10 minutes. Layering of cosmetics guarantees a noticeable effect and long-lasting results. The arrows and shadows will not need to be corrected during the course; the applied products will maintain color saturation.

Selection of cosmetics

Makeup for eyes with drooping eyelids requires special cosmetics. It is preferable to use professional brand products. These products are distinguished by a particularly durable texture, they are easy to apply, quickly fix on the skin and last for several hours without any problems. A beginner makeup artist’s mini-makeup bag can include:

  • base for shadows;
  • eye powder;
  • corrector;
  • wax or eyebrow pencil;
  • shadows in 3 harmonizing shades;
  • soft powder eyeliner pencil;
  • Mascara;
  • makeup fixative;
  • moisturizing serum or eye cream.

Professional makeup artists recommend choosing products with a matte texture. However, they should not make the skin dull. It is advisable that shadows and eyeliners do not contain mineral oils, which have a harmful effect on the condition of the skin and can cause severe swelling.

To work, you will need convenient tools: tweezers with flat tips, latex applicators, brushes. You should stock up on micellar water and cotton swabs to quickly correct bad lines. This step-by-step guide will help you understand how to apply makeup. You can look for it in fashion magazines or on the blogs of popular makeup artists. There are also courses designed specifically for beginners. Having mastered the basic techniques, you can begin more daring experiments.

You need to apply cosmetics in front of a magnifying mirror, in good natural or artificial lighting. It is important to take your time and perform all operations simultaneously, then the eyes will turn out symmetrical.

Preparatory activities

With drooping eyelids, makeup should be done very carefully. Properly selected skincare products will help keep your makeup in place. First, the area around the eyes is cleansed with an alcohol-free tonic or floral hydrosol. A mild preparation will remove excess sebaceous secretions while maintaining natural moisture. A thickening serum or emulsion is beaten into the skin. Its task is a slight lifting effect. Flaccid skin becomes toned, strengthened and smoothed.

The next stage is a concealer in a yellowish tones. It is preferable to use the drug in the form of a liquid cream. It spreads easily and does not highlight wrinkles. The concealer is carefully distributed under the eyes, and then pressed in with your fingertips or a latex sponge. A high-quality concealer that perfectly masks bruises, redness, broken blood vessels and other minor imperfections. The product is applied in thin layers until the skin under the eyes becomes perfectly smooth. Finally, it is powdered using a thin fan-shaped brush, not forgetting to brush off the excess fixing powder. The best option is a translucent powder with a reflective effect that visually smoothes the skin.

A base in the form of a cream, paste or gel is applied to the upper eyelid. The foundation smoothes the skin, shadows and eyeliner go on smoother and stay in place for several hours. In addition, this product makes the color of cosmetics brighter and more saturated. The base slightly dries out the skin, so it can only be applied after moisturizing serum.

An obligatory point is eyebrow shaping. Heavy arches hanging over the eyes enhance the negative impression of swollen eyelids, giving the face a gloomy expression. The hairs at the bottom of the arch are carefully removed using flat-tipped pliers. You shouldn't pluck too much; your eyebrows should maintain their natural shape.

Everyday makeup

Makeup for drooping eyelids involves applying shadows in natural tones. The lightest tone is applied up to the eyebrow. A darker shade is applied on top, closer to the outer corner. This color can be carefully applied to the lower eyelid using a thin latex applicator. With an overhanging eyelid, it is worth using the third, most saturated color. They are used to highlight the outer part of the eye, slightly extending the line beyond the contours of the eyelid.

A very important point is the eyeliner. It more clearly indicates the shape of the eyes and distracts attention from heavy eyelids. It is not difficult to understand which arrows are suitable for a particular makeup. The daytime look implies thin lines of dark brown, graphite, soft black. Shiny textures should be left for the evening. For convenience, lift the drooping eyelid slightly with your fingers and guide the pencil from the center of the upper eyelid to the outer corner. There is no need to draw an uneven thick line. It is better to draw arrows for the looming eyelid with short, thin strokes, slightly overlapping each other. The line should lie as close to the roots of the eyelashes as possible.

Another layer of eyeliner is applied over the arrow. The technique is repeated on the second eye. If desired, you can carefully tint the lower eyelid. The line is drawn from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Eyeliners for eyes with drooping eyelids should be carefully shaded with a short brush or latex applicator. After rubbing, the eyeliner will last much longer and will look more natural. In addition, this procedure visually enlarges the incision and emphasizes the beautiful shade of the iris.

Arrows on the eyes are suitable even for very modest makeup. The thinner the lines are, the more neat and invisible the eyeliner will be. Mascara with the effect of lengthening and volume will help to emphasize the cut. It is applied in 1 layer, moving the brush from the roots to the tips of the eyelashes and lightly pressing it to fix the curl. The color is chosen depending on the outfit, skin tone and eyes. For daytime makeup, gray, brown or purple colors are suitable. The less mascara on the lower lashes, the better. A clean comb or baby toothbrush will help get rid of lumps.

A tinted gel with grayish-beige or brown tones will help shape your eyebrows. Hair is dyed by holding the brush at an angle and moving it from bottom to top. This technique will visually open your eyes and distract attention from drooping eyelids.

Evening option

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes can be unusual and even shocking. It is ideal for a party, theater premiere or other special occasions. Unassuming daytime eyeliner for hooded eyelids can be transformed into luxurious, sweeping lines with the help of a soft powder pencil and a set of brushes.

The eyelids are drawn according to the usual pattern. Then the lines thicken, and gradually the entire moving eyelid is painted over with a pencil. In the outer corners of the eyes, the arrows are slightly raised, starting from the middle of the lower eyelid, a thin line is drawn, thickening towards the outer corner. Pencil strokes are thoroughly rubbed, if necessary, you can add another layer. For this makeup, use a liner in very dark tones: black, chocolate, burgundy, inky purple.

You can fix the result using a fixing spray, which is sprayed over the shadows or pencil. Finally, the eyelashes are tinted with rich black voluminous mascara. Colored options are not suitable for the evening. Lumps are removed with a clean brush. If your own eyelashes seem too thin and sparse, you can attach artificial tufts to the corners of your eyes.

Bright, attention-grabbing eyes require perfectly defined eyebrows. They are lined with colorless wax and then tinted with powder shadows. Gray-brown shades are suitable for brunettes; blondes should try dark ash or beige shades. Redheads will have ocher eyebrows. A colorless gel or regular hairspray can add natural shine to your arches. It is distributed in a very thin layer, the excess is removed with a clean cotton swab.

When focusing on the eyes, you should choose a calmer color for the lips. In the evening, tinted gloss or fashionable matte lipstick in beige and pink tones looks beautiful.

Mistakes of a beginner makeup artist

Drooping eyelids require special makeup techniques. There are foods and methods to avoid that can highlight a deficiency. The main mistakes include

  1. Using pearl or glitter shadows. Eyelids with an oily sheen will appear even more swollen, and eyeliner does not adhere well to this texture.
  2. The arrow on the looming eyelid goes down. The technique makes the already small eyes smaller, giving the face a dull expression. When drawing lines, you need to move the pencil upward, making sure that the strokes lie symmetrically.
  3. Using too oily cosmetic products. They will be imprinted on the eyelid, and if accidentally touched, they will smudge and flow, making the makeup sloppy.
  4. Neglecting eyebrow correction. Curved arches that are too thin will look strange; heavy and shaggy ones will visually narrow the eyes.
  5. Multicolor makeup. On swollen eyelids, you should not use too bright shades or contrasting combinations. The ideal choice is a restrained monochrome palette with a predominance of medium and dark tones.

Drooping or swollen eyelids can be visually lifted using makeup. Suitable cosmetics will hide the flaw and give the face brightness and a unique charm. Eyeliners for small eyes, done according to all the rules, will make the image bright, indicate a beautiful cut, and are suitable for everyday wear or evening outings.


Every woman knows that with the help of properly applied makeup, you can correct the expressiveness of your eyes, highlight your face’s strengths and hide its flaws.

For representatives of the fair sex who have almond-shaped eyes, significant space under the eyebrows and moving eyelids, it is not difficult to make their appearance even more attractive by emphasizing it with decorative cosmetics. And the owner of “heavy eyelids” has to make a lot of effort to look impressive.

But, having learned the basic techniques for lining your eyeliner, you will learn to give your face an expression of lightness, making your look interesting, sincere and unique.

Drooping eyelid: a flaw or a feature?

Many beautiful ladies with drooping eyelids feel awkward. Simply, you will not solve the problem, since with this feature the eyelids are not visible behind the skin. A piece of fabric resembling a hood is located at the top of the moving eyelid, interfering with makeup application.

And famous personalities, including singers and actresses, have a similar problem, but this does not give them a reason to stop their careers and despair. Makeup artists in such cases advise to put in a little effort, show creativity and skill, since the skillful use of colors can work wonders.

Why do my eyelids droop?

Most often, drooping eyelids appear in women whose age has reached thirty-five years of age, although this feature is also found in young girls. The reason for the occurrence of an anomaly is poor performance of the muscle tissue around the eyeball or nationality.

Possible reasons:

maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, overwork, stressful situations);
insufficient resistance of the body to various external factors;
intense releases of hormones that occur during the initial period of menopause;
natural withering of the skin.

An alternative option to correct the situation is the intervention of plastic surgery, but this method is a last resort. It is not accessible to everyone, and it is not always appropriate, because an experienced makeup artist will help you stop worrying about this. This is especially true for girls and women of a certain nationality; for them, cosmetic tricks become a real salvation and turn minor imperfections in appearance into an individual and unique image.

What should you pay attention to?

When working on your face, be guided by the principles of highlighting advantages and hiding imperfections.

By hiding drooping eyelids with makeup, you will eliminate fatigue in your eyes. Cosmetics and knowledge of the secrets that consist in visually raising the outer corner of the eyes help to “open” the eyes. This, in turn, will hide the overhang and give expressiveness to the look.

Don't consider this characteristic feature of your face to be a huge defect. Applying cosmetics will require some caution, confidence, and a fair amount of experience and training. Do not think that it is not difficult to apply makeup to a girl or woman who has a classic eye shape and no signs of drooping eyelids. They also experience certain difficulties, since this type of art needs to be learned. Without skill and preparation, a girl, even with perfect eyes, is not able to perform beautiful, competent makeup.

Experienced makeup artists do not recommend that girls with impending eyelids give up eyeliner. According to them, arrows are the best option for such eyes. By lifting the corner, they open up the look, form the volume of the eyes, and give the look individuality and charm.

Applying arrows for the impending eyelid

It is recommended to draw arrows on the looming eyelid thinly and almost imperceptibly; this will exclusively emphasize the contour of the eyes and eyelashes. For greater effect and expressiveness, we offer the option of drawing an arrow that is more noticeable in thickness. The second option for applying arrows is to apply a small loop in the upper part.

When creating a unique image, to achieve the best result, do not forget about the methods of applying cosmetics.

The sequence of makeup for drooping eyelids

Start with . If you cannot decide on their shape yourself, cosmetologists in the salon will help you. They will shape them, following the rules of makeup, depending on the type of your face, recommending that you subsequently constantly maintain the shape obtained by the master. Eyebrows should not be too thick or thin. The best option is slightly raised and elongated, without refractions. A corrective pencil will help give your eyebrows the desired shape. Draw on eyebrows and arrows with the eye slightly open, not closed, in order to see possible imperfections and irregularities.
Caring for your eyebrows is just as important as caring for your eyelids. Consider the option of finishing the contour line with a pencil, which will keep your makeup intact all day long. For some, there is a problem with bald spots in the eyebrows. In this case, shadows come to the rescue, helping to fill out the shape and give the makeup the most natural look. To secure and hold all the hairs when shaping your eyebrows, use gel.
Apply a base coat to your eyelid to prevent the eyeshadow from creasing. The base makes it easier to draw and shade shadows. Apply it with a special brush over the entire eyelid from bottom to top in a thin layer. The corrector will help disguise bags under the eyes.
For the main tone, take matte shades to avoid creating unnecessary shine that enhances the image of the volume of the overhanging part of the eyelid. A good option would be light, not flashy colors (white, beige, pale brown). Without covering your eyes, outline the lower edge of your eyelid and blend this part of the skin with dark shadows. In the middle, apply an eyeshadow a shade or two lighter. Shade them, darkening towards the outer edge of the eyelid. Any boundaries between different shades are shaded with soft upward movements.
Apply the softest, palest shade under the eyebrow, while tinting the eyelid with light eyeshadow colors. By brightening the area around the upper eyelid, you will give it fullness and depth.
Use a pencil exclusively to outline the upper eyelid. Lead the arrow from its middle, thickening it to the outer edge and leading upward. Using shadows, line the lower eyelid, drawing a contour from the middle of the eyelid to its outer edge.
can curl the eyelashes, which will give the eyelid expressiveness. An alternative can be an eyelash curler, with the help of which you first give the eyelashes the required shape, then apply makeup. Do not allow the mascara to smear to avoid leaving marks under the eyes and do not overdo it so that the resulting volume gives expressiveness and charm to the eyes.

Secrets and tricks of makeup artists

By using the technique of creating a light haze, you will give your eyes expressiveness, visually enlarging them;
achieve maximum expression of the edge of the eyelash;
blend the shadows from the outer corner, staying as close to the eyelash edge as possible;
When applying makeup, be guided by a stable product, since an unstable product either leaves an imprint of a dense line under the eyebrow, or spreads across the surface of the moving eyelid.
Using a shading brush, they create soft color transitions and create fashionable smoky makeup.
Draw the inner corners of the eyes with light shadows, the outer corners with dark ones.
Using a light eye shadow to color the tops of your drooping eyelids will help lighten up the look.
Draw the lower eyelids with rich dark colors.
avoid contrasts.

Possible mistakes

When doing makeup, consider factors that will help you with your task:

When drawing arrows, make sure that they do not lead down the outer corner of the eye;
When applying shadows, do not forget that when the eye is open, there is a possibility of missing some areas of the skin;
straight eyebrows increase the effect of drooping eyelids, round ones give the look a shy tint;
pearlescent shadows visually varnish the eyelids, more clearly indicating the problem;
large eyelids painted with oil shadows appear swollen;
apply pearlescent paints in the form of a thin line under the eyebrow, giving your look a relaxed expression;
shadows of dark shades tend to roll off; to prevent this from happening, treat the eyelid with a special base;
when using a variety of cosmetics, stick to the golden mean in your work, do not allow excesses;
do not use many colors to paint the inner corner of the eye, the best option is to select a matte or light shade, since in this case the image of proportions is disrupted;
Beware of clear and sharp outlines, which make any imperfections more noticeable.
shade each stripe, gradually changing shades with a pencil, avoid clear drawings;
Do not draw arrows with liquid eyeliner, replace it with loose eyeshadow or a pencil.

Heavy eyelids are not a panacea or a pathology. With proper and competent application of makeup, they will give your eyes a languid shade.

Not paying attention to the rules of applying makeup, a woman denies herself beautiful appearance and charm. Don’t be lazy to master simple methods of applying cosmetics, then every representative of the fair sex will feel attractive and confident!

29 April 2014, 14:41