Clay is a miraculous remedy, known since ancient times as one of the best for skin and hair. Today it is very easy to purchase it: in cosmetic stores or pharmacies it is sold in the form of a powder, diluted in a special way to create a mask that can solve many problems.

Blue clay cleanses hair, absorbs dirt and excess oil. Protects them from exposure to harmful environments. Possessing a large number of nutrients and beneficial minerals, it nourishes hair, strengthens it and makes it healthier. Hair clay has the ability to restore shine, silkiness and volume to hair. Using blue clay you can stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Blue clay masks can not only improve hair health, but also strengthen the roots, and also heal the scalp. This way you can get rid of itching and dandruff.

Blue clay contains a number of metals that are beneficial for hair, such as aluminum, iron, calcium and magnesium. Blue clay contains trace elements and mineral salts, which give the hair additional nutrition. High silicon content prevents breakage and promotes hair strengthening and growth.

Preparation and use of clay masks

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, many girls are afraid of using a clay mask. While preparing and applying it to the face is very simple, the situation with hair is somewhat more complicated. In addition, the ability of clay to dry out results in another big fear: will it be possible to rinse the hair well and will it fall out when washed off? Therefore, before deciding on such a mask, you need to know some of the subtleties of its preparation and use.

Like any other homemade mask, the clay mask is prepared not in advance, but immediately before use. It is very important to use non-metallic utensils, and this concerns both where to mix and what to mix with. A plastic or, better yet, wooden spoon works well for this purpose.

If, when making a face mask, it is recommended to dilute clay in a one-to-one ratio, then when making it for hair, this rule should be neglected for personal convenience and slightly increase the amount of water. For example, take 5-6 tablespoons of water for 4 tablespoons. However, it is better to add it gradually: a liquid mass, like one that is too thick, will cause inconvenience. The consistency of liquid sour cream is considered optimal. Moreover, you should use warm boiled water.

It must be applied to the roots first. It will be more convenient if you part your hair, gently rubbing the mixture into your scalp and roots and only then distributing it throughout your hair. There is no need to apply a mask to the ends, especially if they are too dry: the best option would be to lubricate them with moisturizing oil, for example, burdock. After this, you need to cover your head with a plastic bag or use a shower cap, and cover it with a towel on top - the heat created inside promotes better absorption of all useful elements.

You need to keep the blue clay mask on your hair for about 15-20 minutes, but no more. You need to wash your hair with warm water, and it is best to use soft water, that is, boiled water. Tap water is very hard and it will be much more difficult to wash off dried clay. If you see more fallen hair than usual, then do not worry: only dead hair fell under the influence of the heavy mask. If the length of your hair is very dry, then you can immediately apply burdock or jojoba oil along the entire length for about 15 minutes, and only then use a mild shampoo and be sure to conditioner, otherwise it will be very difficult to comb your hair, and the hair itself, after drying, will will be very tough.

Blue clay, as already mentioned, has strong exfoliating and cleansing properties. Therefore, if you are a blonde who maintains a certain, especially cool, shade, then it is best to wash your hair with a special toning shampoo, since after the mask the color may change slightly.

Blue clay mask recipes

Thanks to the use of additional components, the blue clay mask becomes even more effective, and special ingredients allow you to achieve a certain result.

  • A mask that strengthens hair roots, nourishes and improves their appearance

This recipe is one of the most effective, perfect for both dry and oily hair and has a comprehensive effect. To prepare it, you need to take one teaspoon each of blue clay, honey, castor oil and lemon juice, as well as one yolk. The yolk has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties, honey contains a large number of microelements and antioxidants, and castor oil has a positive effect on strengthening the roots and accelerating hair growth. Together with blue clay, this creates a truly magical mixture. It should be kept on your hair for one to two hours: it depends on your time and capabilities. Using this mask recipe regularly once a week, within a month you can see a significant improvement in the condition of your hair: the roots will become stronger and growth will increase.

  • Mask against dandruff and strengthening hair roots

To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of blue clay, a clove of garlic, a tablespoon of lemon juice and warm boiled water in order to make the resulting mass more liquid. Garlic can be finely chopped with a knife or squeezed through a garlic press. Lemon in this mask is needed not only as a beneficial ingredient, but also to neutralize the smell of garlic.

  • Mask against oily hair

To prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of clay, three - natural yogurt without additives and one spoon of lemon juice. You need to keep the mask on your hair for at least half an hour. The combination of these ingredients and the constant use of the mask allows you to reduce excess sebum secretion - the hair will not become dirty so quickly, and the volume will last longer.

  • Hair growth mask

You need to mix a tablespoon of blue clay and mustard with a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and one yolk. Clay containing silicon in its composition stimulates the growth of new hair, and mustard improves blood circulation, thus, the necessary effect “doubles” and hair grows with renewed vigor. Additional components of the mask nourish the hair, making it shiny and elastic. For good absorption, you need to keep it for an hour, or even more - it definitely won’t make your hair worse. The mask may burn a little, but don’t be afraid of this - this means that it is working.

  • Mask against hair loss

Blue clay itself stops hair loss, strengthening the roots well. And an additional ingredient that will work with clay in one direction is rosemary essential oil. To prepare this mask, you need to mix six tablespoons of clay with warm boiled water to form a medium thick sour cream, then add about 4-5 drops of rosemary. The roots are thickly lubricated with the mask, and it is left for forty minutes, during which you can feel a slight tingling sensation. You can use it quite often: 2-3 times a week, and the result will be noticeable after five times - hair will fall out less when washed, and soon it will stop completely.

Homemade clay masks for hair

There is a large variety of blue clay masks with the addition of various components. Such as: lemon juice, vinegar, honey, egg yolk, garlic, kefir, rye bread, fruits, medicinal herbs, various oils, including essential oils. Experts advise alternating these components in mask compositions so that the effect does not decrease. As you know, there are several types of hair: normal, oily, dry or combination.

The simplest blue clay mask

First, grind the blue clay into powder. Dilute it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The water should not be too hot. Apply the resulting mixture to the entire length of the hair and rub into the scalp. We put a plastic bag or hat on top, then wrap the head in woolen cloth. Leave the mask on for half an hour. Then the clay is washed off with warm water and shampoo. Hair should be rinsed thoroughly, and after the procedure you can apply conditioner.

Blue clay mask for normal hair

This is one of the most effective masks using blue clay. To prepare the mask you will need: clay powder, a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, butter, and one egg yolk. Dilute the clay powder with water until it becomes liquid sour cream. Then add the ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the resulting composition to the hair and scalp. Put a hat or plastic bag on top and wrap it with woolen cloth. You need to keep the mask on for about an hour, then rinse it off with water and rinse your hair thoroughly. You can use the mask once a week for two months, then you can take a break and repeat the course again. This mask strengthens hair and accelerates its growth.

Mask with blue clay and garlic for oily hair

To prepare the mask you will need blue clay powder, a couple of garlic cloves, and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Pour warm water over the clay, add chopped garlic cloves and two teaspoons of lemon juice to the solution. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. It is better to apply the mask for half an hour before going to bed. After application, put a plastic bag and a towel on your head. After the procedure, rinse everything thoroughly using shampoo for oily hair. The mask must be used every 1-2 days for a month; it will remove excess fat and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The hair will become thick again and take on a normal appearance.

Blue clay and apple cider vinegar mask for oily hair

Fill the blue clay powder with the required amount of warm water. Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask, put on a cap and wrap your head with a towel. Wait 20-25 minutes, then rinse the mask thoroughly. This mask will remove excess oil and give your hair airiness and a healthy, non-greasy shine. Hair becomes supple and manageable. You need to apply the mask twice a week.

Blue clay and honey mask for dry hair

Pour two tablespoons of blue clay powder with warm, preferably mineral water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the solution. Honey must be liquid; for this, frozen honey must be heated. Also add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask to your hair and hair roots for half an hour, put on a cap and wrap your head in woolen cloth. After the procedure, wash off the mask with shampoo for dry hair. It is enough to apply the mask once or twice a week.

Mask for dry hair based on blue clay and yogurt

In this mask, together with blue clay, we will use real country yogurt. This recipe has been used for hundreds of years; your great-grandmother probably used it too. Stir the ingredients until smooth. Apply the solution to hair and roots, leave for half an hour, then rinse. Apply once a week.

Blue clay mask to strengthen hair

To prepare the mask you will need: blue clay powder, a teaspoon each of onion juice, garlic, lemon and honey. Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mask must be rubbed into the hair and scalp. Leave for an hour, then wash off. It is necessary to remember that there will be an unpleasant smell of garlic, so it is better to do the mask before the weekend once a week.

Blue clay mask to accelerate hair growth

You can speed up hair growth using the following blue clay mask and natural products. Take a few tablespoons of crushed blue clay, add two or three tablespoons of cabbage juice and the same amount of peach juice to it. Then add a spoonful of honey and one yolk to the mixture. Water is added as needed. Rub the mask into your hair and scalp. Leave on for one hour, then rinse off. You need to use the mask once every 10 days.

It contains such important elements as iron, aluminum, calcium and magnesium, which help strengthen and cleanse hair. And the silicon it contains ensures enhanced growth. If you regularly use this product at home, you can slow down hair loss, eliminate brittleness and dandruff, and also relieve allergies and skin irritation.

Hair clay is an effective and time-tested folk remedy. Clay masks help with hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and strengthen. Folk remedies with clay successfully fight dandruff and excess oily hair.

  • Hair clay can be purchased at cosmetic stores or pharmacies.
  • The clay is diluted in such a proportion that the mixture resembles sour cream.
  • Apply the clay mask to damp hair.
  • It is recommended to use masks twice a month for preventive purposes or twice a week for severe hair problems.

Clay collects dirt and excess oil from the hair, making hair soft, shiny and looking fuller.

Clay can be different: green, red, yellow, blue, white, black

Clay of different colors differs in its composition, so you need to select it for your hair type.

  • White clay (kaolin) is rich in zinc, magnesium and silica. It strengthens thinning and damaged hair. Masks made from white and blue clay are used for hair loss.
  • Blue clay is rich in iron, nitrogen, and phosphate. It activates metabolism and exfoliates the skin, is perfect for making masks, and successfully fights hair loss and baldness.
  • Yellow clay masks help fight dandruff at home.
  • Green clay is rich in silver and is used to combat seborrhea. Green clay masks are recommended for oily scalp.
  • Red clay contains oxides of iron and copper. Folk masks made from red clay are suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Pink clay contains a lot of silicon. Tones the scalp and activates the circulatory system.
  • Black clay is not used in hair masks. It is best used to combat cellulite.

Video: clay for hair, homemade clay masks

Many modern hair care products cannot compare in their effectiveness with natural substances that have long proven themselves to be positive. One of these products is white clay, from which hair masks are made, which have a healing effect and help improve the appearance of strands.

In cosmetology, not only the white variety of the substance is used to care for them, but also its other types, each of which has its own advantages.

The benefits of cosmetic clay for hair

The beneficial properties of clay largely depend on its color. The following types of clay are used in cosmetology:

  • Blue. It is one of the most commonly used hair care products. Thanks to it, they become thicker and grow faster. This is facilitated by the composition of the substance, which includes calcium, titanium, silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium. It contributes to the successful fight against dandruff, and with regular use of masks with this product, the strands stop splitting, falling out, and become stronger;
  • White. This type of substance is used to improve the condition of weakened, thin, damaged hair. It helps to increase the volume of hair, since the product contains elements that fill the hairs from the inside, eliminating porosity. Thanks to this, the curls become not only more attractive, but also elastic, moisturized, and healthy;
  • Black. With regular use of the substance, the strands and scalp are cleansed. Thanks to it, you can normalize the condition of your curls if they are oily. This is an excellent remedy for combating dandruff, ridding strands and scalp of excess oil produced by the sebaceous glands;
  • Pink. It is usually used for fragile, thinning strands, as it helps restore them;
  • Red. This type of substance restores curls, providing primarily a therapeutic effect on the skin - moisturizes, cleanses, stimulates blood flow, while soothing the dermis of the head;
  • Gray. As a rule, this variety is used for dried out curls in order to moisturize them, restore their shine and strength;
  • Yellow. It also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, cleanses, disinfects, and helps eliminate toxins;
  • Green. This type is often used for oily strands, as it is able to regulate the production of sebum, and relieve hair from unhealthy shine, dandruff, and itching.

Women often use the white version of the product, since its effect can be called universal.

Useful properties of white clay

The most important advantage of this product is its naturalness. Here's what it does to your hair:

  • Makes them less fatty, more manageable, thicker;
  • The substance also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, cleansing it of dead cells, dandruff, and nourishing. The effect of white clay is that it normalizes blood flow, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of curls;
  • The product replenishes the structure of the hair, penetrating into it, thanks to which it is possible to protect the strands from thinning, splitting, and fragility;
  • White clay envelops hairs on the outside, protecting them from the negative effects of external factors.

The substance has a complex effect, thanks to which it is possible not only to make curls attractive, but also to improve their health and scalp.

8 rules for using white clay for hair

Despite all the beneficial properties of the substance, it must be used taking into account a number of recommendations. Otherwise, a mask with white clay will not only be ineffective, but will also have a negative effect on the hair.

  • White clay can cause allergies. Before applying the mask to your head, you need to do a test by trying the composition on your wrist. You need to apply it for half an hour, and observe the skin reaction for an hour.
  • To prepare a regular hair mask, you need to dilute white clay with warm water. The quantity should be such that the mixture has the consistency of a cream. It is necessary that the clay be easy to distribute throughout the hair.
  • It is recommended to apply the mask to washed hair in a thin layer, making massaging movements, while the strands should be slightly damp. You need to treat not only the curls themselves, but also the scalp.
  • To get the maximum result from the procedure, you should put a polyethylene cap on your head (for example, for a shower) after applying the mask. It would be a good idea to wrap her in a towel.
  • It is important to consider that you need to keep the mask on your hair for no more than half an hour. Otherwise, it will dry out too much, making your hair hard. The optimal time is 20 minutes. This applies not only to white, but also to blue, pink, green and other types of clay.
  • To wash off the product, use only warm water, but you should avoid using shampoo. But decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used to rinse curls.
  • After using the product, you need to dry your hair exclusively naturally - you cannot use a hairdryer for this.
  • Such procedures should be carried out no more than 2 times a week in order to achieve the desired result, but to avoid drying out the curls.

Hair masks with white clay - the best recipes

You can use white clay for hair not only in its pure form. You can mix it with other components to make the cosmetic product even more useful.

  • Recipe No. 1 - for dry hair

To care for dry hair, you can prepare a mask with bell pepper.

  1. Grind medium-sized bell peppers using a meat grinder or blender;
  2. Combine the resulting slurry with 1 tbsp. l. white raw materials and 2 tbsp. l. kefir

The product must be used taking into account the rules described above.

  • Recipe No. 2 - to strengthen hair

To strengthen weakened hair, damaged by frequent drying and dyeing, you need to prepare such a cosmetic product.

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons of the main component with water;
  2. Add 1 egg to the mixture (you can only use the yolk).

If you want your curls to grow more intensively and be thicker, you need to add a few drops of burdock oil to the mixture of water and raw materials.

  • Recipe No. 3 - against hair loss

To prevent the problem, make such a mask.

  1. We dilute the white clay with water to make the mixture thick;
  2. Prepare a chamomile decoction (brew 1 tbsp of chamomile in a glass of water, let it brew, strain);
  3. Add enough broth to the clay so that it acquires the desired consistency.

Instead of chamomile infusion, you can add onion juice.

  • Recipe No. 4 - for oily hair
  1. We dilute the white clay with warm water, but make the mixture a little thicker than it should be;
  2. Add a few drops of jojoba oil to the mixture.
  • Recipe No. 5 - for shine and volume of hair
  1. We dilute white clay in an amount of 50 g, the consistency of the mixture should be like a cream;
  2. Add 1 tbsp colorless henna to the mixture. l. and the same amount of apple cider vinegar.

Both additional ingredients used for this mask are used to care for oily hair, so this mixture will reduce the oiliness of curls and relieve dandruff and itching.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Nowadays, the shelves of cosmetic departments of supermarkets and specialty stores are littered with all kinds of care products for their hair, but many representatives of the fair sex simply pass by them. And the reason for this is simple - natural cosmetics and herbs cope much better with various skin and hair problems, do not contain harmful chemical additives, and are several times cheaper. One of these natural remedies, which has not lost popularity for several centuries in a row, is clay powder.

What is hair clay

This substance is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that is dusty when dry, but when moistened it becomes plastic and pliable. The composition of the rock includes various minerals, due to which the healing properties of this substance are manifested in relation to human skin and hair. The breed is found in nature in different colors, but white, black, red, yellow, green, pink and blue clay powder is most often used to care for hair. The color of the rock depends on the amount of impurities ions or chromophores included in its composition.

Action of clay

Depending on the color, different types of clay have different effects on the hair and scalp, but in general, clay hair masks have the following range of healing qualities:

  • strengthen hair follicles and help cope with hair loss in a short time;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so they quickly get rid of dandruff, rashes, seborrhea;
  • effectively cleanse the scalp, relieve itching and irritation;
  • stimulate growth, noticeably thicken the structure of each hair;
  • reduce fragility, increase elasticity, restore damaged strands;
  • treat split ends, nourish and moisturize;
  • create good root volume, make hair smooth, manageable and shiny.


This breed is considered one of the best natural remedies for combating skin and hair problems. It contains useful minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • strontium;
  • quartz.

Black clay powder has high cleansing properties, so it is often used to get rid of various types of rashes on the scalp. If, after using a new shampoo, you experience unpleasant reactions to any component of its composition, for example, itching, irritation or dandruff, a clay mask will help you quickly cope with such problems. In addition, this natural remedy:

  • strengthens hair roots, prevents hair loss;
  • improves growth, has a beneficial effect on hair structure;
  • accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, therefore ensuring maximum filling of hair follicles with nutrients;
  • makes hair thick, strong and shiny.

One unpleasant thing associated with using black clay powder on the scalp is that such a product can give light hair an unattractive gray tint, so blondes should use tint balms after masks with it. In addition, black, like any other clay, can greatly dry out hair, therefore, when using such a product for dry hair, it is necessary to mix it with some fatty component - milk, egg yolk, mayonnaise, sour cream or any other fermented milk product.


Blue clay is considered the best natural remedy against hair loss, and all thanks to the unique chemical composition of this product, which includes:

  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • titanium anhydrite.

This type of clay powder is universal, because it is suitable for any type of hair. True, a blue clay hair mask also colors light curls, so those with blonde hair will have to use a tint that can simply be added to shampoo and used to wash their hair. This type of breed as part of complex masks helps:

  • restore shine, strength, volume to the hairstyle;
  • strengthen the roots, saturate them with useful substances;
  • reduce the level of sebum production;
  • eliminate the manifestations of seborrhea, improve the health of the epidermis of the head.

In addition to masks based on this cosmetic powder, blue clay is often used for washing hair, which gives an equally pronounced positive effect. For this procedure, apple cider vinegar and water are mixed in equal proportions (3-4 tablespoons each), after which approximately 50 grams of clay base is diluted with this mixture. The mass is mixed with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous paste is obtained, then the mixture is applied to damp hair along the entire length. For 5-8 minutes, you need to lightly massage the scalp, as when washing with regular shampoo, and then rinse thoroughly with water.


This type of breed is often used to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, get rid of excess oily hair, and dry and cleanse the scalp. This is possible due to the content of white clay in the following minerals:

  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • phosphates;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon

This natural cosmetic product also contains a whole complex of mineral salts, so with regular use, this clay powder will help solve a number of problems with the hair and scalp:

  • cleanse the scalp of excess sebum;
  • eliminate peeling of the skin, cure dermatological diseases of the scalp;
  • restore the structure of damaged hairs, strengthen the roots;
  • make hair healthy, strong, shiny.

The second name for the white variety of the rock is porcelain, and it is also often called kaolin. A white clay hair mask helps very well with dryness, burns, and damaged hair after coloring and perming. Practicing cosmetologists advise ladies who like to constantly change their appearance by experimenting with their hairstyle to regularly carry out kaolin-based cosmetic procedures for her. Such masks will help maintain healthy scalp and protect it from the harmful effects of dyes and chemicals.


This type of clay powder has a delicate effect on the epidermis of the scalp and hair follicles, so it is suitable even for irritated and sensitive skin. Pink clay is a mixture of red and white rock powder that combines the healing properties of both varieties. This natural product can be used to care for any type of hair, but it is better to use it for hair prone to dryness, brittleness, split ends, and hair loss. The pink powder of the breed includes a complex of microelements beneficial for the skin and curls:

  • aluminum;
  • iron oxide;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper oxide;
  • silicon;
  • zinc.

Skin care products based on pink clay powder help:

  • eliminating dryness, fragility, split hairs;
  • normalization of the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • stopping the destruction of hair follicles and baldness;
  • cure seborrhea and other dermatological diseases of the scalp;
  • giving hair volume and healthy shine.


Green clay powder is considered one of the best products for caring for oily hair that is prone to dandruff. The beneficial properties of this rock are due to the following mineral components:

  • silver;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum.

Silver, a noble metal that has long been famous for its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, gives the substance a beautiful green tint. A green clay hair mask effectively combats excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, so it helps to quickly get rid of dandruff, rashes and irritations on the scalp. Solutions with this natural component accelerate the process of renewal of epidermal cells, due to which deep cleansing and complete renewal of the scalp gradually occurs.

The beneficial effects of this product on hair are:

  • normalization of sebum secretion, narrowing of pores;
  • nutrition, restoration, healing of each hair;
  • activation of growth and renewal of hair follicles;
  • regeneration of epidermal cells, increased blood circulation;
  • therapeutic effect on hair structure.


Yellow clay powder is famous for its disinfecting properties, so it is often used to combat dandruff, various types of rashes and irritations on the scalp. The composition of the yellow rock in large quantities includes:

  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • silica;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc.

Thanks to such a rich mineral composition, yellow clay powder removes toxins well, saturates hair follicles with active oxygen, nourishes and heals them from the inside, stimulating the growth of new hairs and strengthening existing ones. In general, the yellow breed has the following therapeutic effect on the scalp:

  • cleanses epidermal cells from the “garbage” accumulated in them;
  • activates the processes of growth, restoration and renewal of hair follicles;
  • treats dandruff, and if there is no such problem with the scalp, prevents its occurrence;
  • gives hair shine, makes it smooth and manageable.


Another type of clay powder that is incredibly beneficial for the health of curls is red. Such a bright, saturated color is given to the rock by its content in large quantities of copper and red iron oxide. In addition to these main components, red clay contains:

  • aluminum;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon.

This type of breed is distinguished by its gentle effect on the hair follicles and scalp, therefore it is recommended for use on sensitive, rash-prone skin. For curls that are often susceptible to dyeing or perming, solutions based on such powder will help quickly recover, regain lost strength, health, and shine. This breed also has excellent wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to use it to soothe the epidermis irritated by chemicals.

The healing effect of such a natural remedy on curls is:

  • cleansing the scalp, removing dead epidermal cells;
  • treatment of skin from dandruff, itching, rashes, and other manifestations of dermatological ailments;
  • nutrition, hydration, activation of the root system of the scalp;
  • preventing hair loss, getting rid of split ends;
  • improvement of blood circulation, saturation of hair follicles with oxygen and, as a result, their regeneration.

Which clay is better

No cosmetologist can say unequivocally which color breed is better, because each type of clay powder has a whole range of unique healing qualities. Almost any type of clay will help you get your hair in order, because all varieties of this natural rock effectively relieve problems with the skin and scalp. The main thing when choosing such a natural hair care product is to take “your” variety, which can not only quickly eliminate all existing hair problems, but also will not harm it.

Some types of clay powder can severely dry out hair, but this effect from using such a useful natural remedy can be easily neutralized by simply adding some nutritional component during the preparation of the treatment solution, or moisturize your hair well after a clay spa procedure using your favorite balm or cosmetic oils You can find out which type of clay is best to choose for your type of curls in order to solve certain problems with the skin and scalp from the table:

Hair type

Suitable clay grade


Yellow, white, blue, red

White, pink, blue, black

Green, black, yellow, red, white


Black, yellow, white, green

Thin and weakened

Blue, white, green, red

Prone to dandruff

Black, green, yellow


Pink, red

Clay masks

There are a great variety of medicinal solutions based on this natural cosmetic product: the main component in them always remains clay, only the useful components that enhance the effect of the healing rock are changed. To prepare the mask, you first need to dilute the clay powder with lukewarm water to the consistency of a thin slurry, and then mix it with the rest of the ingredients according to the chosen recipe.

You can buy the base for such masks at any pharmacy, cosmetic departments of supermarkets or specialized cosmetics stores - this product is in great demand, so it almost never goes out of sale. You can very cheaply order a bag of this product in online stores or even receive it as a gift with your main order, and many sites in Moscow and St. Petersburg provide free delivery.

Rules of application

In order for clay masks to heal and restore hair, it is important not only to choose the right color of the breed, but also to apply it correctly. Remember a few important recommendations for using clay solutions as care products for your hair and scalp:

  1. Even if you have chosen the color of the powder based on your hair type and existing problems with it, before making a mask, make sure that your skin does not react with an allergy to the components of the solution: to do this, apply a little of the prepared composition to the inside of your wrist and leave for half an hour . If no unpleasant reactions are observed, you can safely begin clay spa treatments for your hair.
  2. To obtain a quality product, it is important to properly dilute the powder with water - for this, use a slightly warm liquid or brought to room temperature. You need to take so much water that you end up with a light creamy substance that will easily lie on the strands along the entire length.
  3. Alternatively, you can dilute the base with decoctions of medicinal herbs. To prepare them, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  4. When the composition for the mask is ready, you can begin the procedure itself: apply the solution in a thin layer to clean, dry strands, distribute along their entire length from roots to ends, and it is better to massage the most problematic areas a little.
  5. For a better effect of the medicinal composition on the roots and structure of the hairs, you can lightly rub the mask into the scalp, then put on a cap for cosmetic procedures or simply wrap the treated strands with polyethylene, and then wrap them in a soft terry towel.
  6. After covering the strands with the prepared solution, leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. You should not carry out the procedure longer, otherwise the clay may dry out greatly, and then it will be very difficult to wash it and comb the strands.
  7. Clay masks should be washed off with warm water, thoroughly washing each strand. To consolidate the healing effect of using such a natural remedy, cosmetologists recommend that after washing off the solution, rinse your hair with a herbal decoction or water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.
  8. To obtain a pronounced healing effect, you need to use clay masks to care for the skin and scalp regularly, 1-2 times a week, and it is better to dry your hair after such spa treatments naturally without using a hair dryer.

Home Recipes

Clay is a proven natural cosmetic product that always remains in demand among the fair half of humanity. There are a whole sea of ​​recipes for clay masks for different types of hair - all of them are equally effective for caring for your hair. Now pharmacies sell ready-made formulations for treating the scalp, but homemade medicinal solutions using high-quality ingredients are much healthier than store-bought ones. A selection of the most effective clay mask recipes for different hair types is presented below.

For dry hair

If your hair needs urgent hydration and nutrition, treatment solutions based on white, black, blue or red rock are suitable for you. As additional useful components, you can use various pharmacy vitamins in ampoules, cosmetic vegetable oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, honey, eggs, fermented milk products, etc. Options for natural masks made from clay powder for dry hair:

  • From white clay with the addition of bell pepper and kefir: 1 tbsp. l. dilute kaolin with a small amount of warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream; Remove seeds from 1 sweet pepper and puree using a blender; Heat kefir to body temperature. Mix all the prepared ingredients, apply the mixture to the entire length of the strands. Insulate your head with polyethylene and a towel and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse the strands thoroughly without using shampoo, rinse with calendula decoction. Apply twice a week.
  • With blue clay, yolk, vitamin C and burdock oil: pour 85 grams of blue clay powder with water and stir until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Mix the egg yolk with two tablespoons of burdock oil and two ampoules of liquid ascorbic acid, beat lightly with a mixer. Combine both parts, apply the mixture to dry hair, lightly rubbing into the roots and ends. Put on a shower cap and leave the mask on for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and treat the strands with balm. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
  • Based on black clay with honey, milk, cinnamon and vitamins: heat a glass of milk to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, dilute 65 grams of black clay powder with it. Mix in a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and one ampoule of vitamins A and E. Distribute the mixture on your hair, warm it, and hold for 20 minutes. After the specified time, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Use the mask 5-6 times a month.

For fatty people

Hair prone to oiliness and dandruff will benefit from natural healing solutions based on black, green, red, and white clay. Products prepared according to the following recipes have a good drying and cleansing effect:

  • From red clay with dry cream, lemon juice, mayonnaise: combine 40 grams of red clay with the same amount of dry cream powder, add 75 grams of mayonnaise and juice from half a lemon. Stir the resulting mixture until smooth, dilute with water if necessary. Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap it in plastic and a scarf, leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse the strands well and dry naturally. Use this mask for treatment 1-2 times a week.
  • With white clay, yeast, natural yogurt: heat the yogurt to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, add 2 tbsp. spoons of dry yeast, leave in a warm place for half an hour until air bubbles appear on the surface of the mass. Mix a heaping tablespoon of kaolin into the yoghurt-yeast mixture and coat your hair with the mixture. Wrap your head with film and a towel. After 35 minutes, wash your strands with warm water and rinse with green tea infusion. Repeat twice a week.
  • With green clay, almond oil, apple cider vinegar, herbal decoction: take 50 ml of decoction of your favorite medicinal herbs, add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and 30 ml of almond oil. Dilute 85 grams of green clay powder with the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. Distribute the mask on the scalp and hair along the entire length, massage a little. Wrap with plastic and a scarf, hold for 25 minutes. Rinse your hair and strands, rinse them with herbal decoction. Apply the product twice weekly.

For the weakened

Thin, brittle, tired and weakened hairs will benefit from care products based on red, yellow and pink clay. You can prepare masks using the following recipes:

  • With red clay, bread, herbal infusion, olive oil: brew a tablespoon of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, thyme) in a glass of boiling water. Strain the infusion and pour it over 30 grams of rye bread crumb. Mix two tablespoons of red clay powder and olive oil, add softened bread, stir. Gradually adding the remaining herbal infusion into the mixture, bring the mask to a paste-like consistency, cover your hair with it, wrap it in plastic and a towel for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. Repeat the procedure up to 8 times a month.
  • From yellow clay with the addition of honey, egg yolk, sea buckthorn oil: 90 grams of yellow grade powder, pour 50 ml of water, stir. Add one egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, previously melted in a water bath, and 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Stir the mixture until smooth, apply to strands from roots to ends. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Apply the mask every three days.
  • With pink clay, ground coffee, apple cider vinegar, sour cream: mix 55 grams of pink clay powder with 35 grams of ground coffee, add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and 35 ml of water. Stir, add a tablespoon of rich sour cream into the mixture. Distribute the resulting mask on your hair, lightly rubbing the product into the scalp, put on a plastic cap, and wrap it in a towel. Leave for 25 minutes. After rinsing, treat the strands with a nourishing balm. For complete hair restoration, apply the mask twice a week for 3 months.


Cosmetic clay is an inexpensive product, so you can pamper your hair with such a healing natural remedy every day. Clay powder is sold in small packages weighing 100 grams, although larger ones are available. The cost of the product is determined by the volume of packaging and the manufacturer. The average price in Moscow pharmacies for one package of a domestically produced natural product does not exceed 35 rubles, but on specialized websites you can buy a 100-gram bag even for 20 rubles. Imported products cost a little more - in the range of 50-70 rubles per 100 grams.


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Clay for hair - beneficial properties, rules of use and selection, preparing masks at home

Masks based on cosmetic clay fight hair loss, eliminate excess oiliness and, on the contrary, dryness. The products also allow you to moisturize the strands along the entire length, strengthen the follicles, and remove dandruff and seborrhea. Clay is distinguished by color, each shade belongs to a specific type. For this reason, it is easy to choose one type or another (gray, pink, black, blue, white, green, yellow clay). Let's look at the most popular mask recipes based on this component.

Features of using clay masks

  1. Only freshly prepared formulations can be applied to hair. You cannot mix clay with other ingredients for future use, otherwise the product will quickly lose its beneficial properties.
  2. When using dishes for preparing a mask, give preference to glass or ceramic containers. Do not use iron or aluminum cookware as they are prone to oxidation.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, make sure that the mixture has a creamy consistency. Do not apply a dry mask; it is better to add more water to the clay.
  4. Do not apply the mask on your hair in a thick layer, use moderation. If the composition is designed to be rubbed into the skin, after all manipulations, do a five-minute massage to speed up blood circulation.
  5. Clay-based masks are kept exclusively under plastic film. Additionally, you should warm up a terry towel with a hairdryer or iron, then wrap it around your head.
  6. Depending on your hair type, the mask should be kept on for about 20-60 minutes. The fattier the strands, the longer the exposure should be. Also don't forget to massage your scalp.
  7. If any natural oil is added to the mask, wash off the composition with shampoo. In other cases, clay can be easily removed with plain water and lemon juice or vinegar.
  8. Clay can make hair harsh, so finish with a conditioner or balm to make it easier to comb and moisturize.
  9. To achieve results, carry out therapy with clay masks for 2-3 months. The optimal frequency of sessions is 3 times a week for oily hair, 2 times for dry, normal, and combination hair.
  10. Clay is diluted separately from other components; choose separate dishes for it. Honey, sour cream, chicken eggs, lemon juice, dairy products, and natural oils are added as auxiliary ingredients.

Choosing the right clay for making masks

  1. If your hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, give preference to clay in a black, white or green shade.
  2. Blue, pink, green, white, black clay is suitable for a normal type of mop. The same applies to a dry-type mop, which is such along the entire length or in certain zones.
  3. Brittle, weakened hair requires clay in a black, gray or pink shade. These same colors normalize blood flow and fight dandruff and hair loss.
  4. If you have irritation of the root zone, use white, black, or blue clay. You will also be able to improve intracellular metabolism.
  5. Pink and black clay has bactericidal properties, restores the scalp, eliminating microcracks, abrasions, and purulent pimples.
  6. If you need to get rid of massive hair loss and strengthen hair follicles, choose blue, green, pink clay.

Blue clay and milk

  1. If your scalp is irritated, use blue clay. Measure 50 grams, sift, dilute 80 ml. hot milk (you can replace it with water).
  2. Leave the composition to infuse for half an hour. After this period, comb the strands and moisten them with a spray bottle. Distribute the mask, wait 1 hour.

Blue clay and bell pepper

  1. Sift 70 gr. blue clay, dilute with warm water in a ratio of 2:1. Break 1 egg, mix with a fork or mixer. Cover the bowl with the mixture with film and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. After this time, turn 1 bell pepper and tomato into a paste and add to the first mass. If the composition turns out to be liquid, add more clay to it.
  3. After applying the mask, distribute it over the entire length, touching the roots and ends. Leave the composition to act for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Blue clay, sage and honey

  1. Take 40 gr. sage, pour boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Measure out 80 ml, add 60 g to this decoction. blue clay. Add 40 gr. flower honey.
  2. The mask can be applied. The main thing is to carry out manipulations on wet strands. Keep under cellophane for 30 minutes, remove with warm water and shampoo.

Black clay and onion juice

  1. You can use either black or gray clay. It all depends on the product you have on hand. Take about 60 grams, sift, fill with warm water according to the instructions.
  2. Leave the diluted clay for half an hour. At this time, prepare the onions. It must be peeled, chopped and turned into pulp. This composition is mixed with clay.
  3. An important feature of this mask from all others is that you need to wash your hair first. The composition is distributed onto moistened curls, then rubbed into the skin.
  4. The exposure period should not exceed half an hour, otherwise you may burn the strands. Wash off with shampoo and water with lemon juice (this will eliminate the unpleasant smell of onions).

Black clay, mayonnaise and salt

  1. Mix 60 gr. black clay with 60 gr. mayonnaise, add 15 g. salt. Achieve uniformity, apply to hair roots and rub in. Give yourself a short massage.
  2. For better results, insulate your head with film and a scarf and let the composition work. After 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo diluted with water.

Black clay, sour cream and egg

  1. Break the egg into a bowl and cool it, add 60 g. sour cream. Beat the contents with a mixer or blender. Add 45 gr. black clay, leave the product for 40 minutes.
  2. Comb your hair, separate the strands, and treat each of them with the mixture. Give a light scalp massage, cover the head with a plastic bag and a warm scarf.
  3. The duration of exposure depends on the type of hair. If they are oily, leave the product on for 40 minutes.

Pink clay, coffee and vinegar

  1. If your hair is weakened as a result of external factors, the use of thermal devices, or poor nutrition, make a mask based on pink clay.
  2. You can buy it at the pharmacy, measure out 50 grams. composition. Pour in 25 ml. apple or wine vinegar. Add 50 ml. hot milk, stir.
  3. Brew natural coffee, measure 40 ml, add to the general mixture. You can add a couple of yolks. Stir the mixture until smooth and apply through hair.
  4. Rub into the scalp, wrap the head with plastic wrap and a scarf. Leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water and lemon juice.

Pink clay, henna and yolk

  1. Combine 40 gr. henna with 50 gr. pink clay, dilute with warm water in an approximate ratio of 2:1. Let the mixture sit for 40 minutes, then add 3 chicken yolks.
  2. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, apply the mask over your hair. Make a warm hat from film and a warm towel. Leave the composition for 40 minutes.

Pink clay, lemon and honey

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the clay. Measure out 50 g. product, dilute with water in the ratio specified in the instructions. After 20 minutes of infusion, inject 35 ml. lemon juice and a spoon of honey.
  2. Apply the composition along the entire length of the head, rub in circular movements into the skin. Keep under a plastic bag and a scarf for 40-60 minutes, depending on the amount of free time.

Green clay, honey and oil

  1. Green clay can be bought at any pharmacy. Take 45-50 grams, dilute with water or milk. Heat the composition, add 20 g. honey, 30 ml. olive or corn oil.
  2. Comb the mop, spray it with water from a spray bottle. Apply a clay mask, stretch to the ends. Leave under the film for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Green clay and cinnamon

  1. Mix 60 gr. green clay with 20 gr. chopped cinnamon, pour in 70 g. hot sour cream or milk. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Comb your hair and apply with a brush to all strands. Wrap yourself in cling film and place a scarf or towel on top. Leave the mixture for a third of an hour, rinse the mop.

Green clay, yeast and sour cream

  1. Pour 40 g into a bowl. baker's yeast, add 80 ml. fatty kefir, sour cream or fermented baked milk. Leave the product to rise for half an hour, and in the meantime prepare 50 grams. clay.
  2. Combine all components into one mass, distribute warmly onto hair. Comb, stretching the composition to the ends. Warm your head, wait 45 minutes.

Gray clay, bread and butter

  1. Melt 50 gr. butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Place 2 pieces of black bread in another bowl, after kneading it. Pour 70 ml here. hot milk.
  2. Now knead the crumb, squeeze out the excess liquid, and add the butter to the bread. Separately dilute 50 g. gray clay with water.
  3. Combine all ingredients and distribute through hair. Rub into scalp and leave for 45 minutes. After this time, get rid of the remaining composition with water and balm.

Gray clay, apple cider vinegar and thyme

  1. Collect thyme, brew 50 g. herbs in 100 ml. boiling water Leave covered for an hour, then pass through a gauze filter. Combine the composition with 60 gr. gray clay, knead until lumps are eliminated.
  2. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. The mask is applied in liquid form to dry hair and rubbed well into the root area. If you don't like this consistency, add a packet of gelatin and let it sit.
  3. Regardless of what kind of mask you use (liquid or thick), it must be left on for at least 45 minutes. After the specified period, the product is washed off without shampoo.

White clay and lemon juice

  1. White clay is used to prevent oily hair. It is enough to make masks 3-4 times a month. To prepare the mask, take 50-60 grams, dilute with water, leave for a third of an hour.
  2. Achieve a paste-like mass, add lemon juice obtained from half a citrus. Rub into the root area and massage.
  3. After 5 minutes, wrap your hair with cellophane and a scarf. Leave the product for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. Be sure to use the balm after removing the mask.

White clay, vitamins A and B3

  1. Buy several ampoules of vitamin A, 1 ampoule of vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. Combine the preparations with each other, dilute with water in equal quantities.
  2. Additionally dilute 50 g. white clay, leave it for 1 hour. Now mix into the preparations and distribute through your hair. Leave for about 45 minutes, rinse.

Yellow clay and calendula infusion

  1. Calendula tincture is sold at the pharmacy; you will need half a teaspoon. Mix it with 80 ml. clean water, add and sift 50 g. yellow clay (you can replace it with pink).
  2. Let the product sit for about 25 minutes, after this time, rub well with a fork and start applying. Treat all hair and root area well. Keep the mixture under a warming cap for half an hour.

Yellow clay and corn oil

  1. Mix 40 gr. yellow clay with 20 gr. pink, add 80 ml. warm water or full-fat milk. Stir the mixture with a fork and pour in 30 ml. corn oil.
  2. Comb your hair and start distributing the product. Rub it into the roots for 5 minutes, then use a comb to stretch it to the ends. Wrap cellophane and a woolen scarf around your head. Keep for 40 minutes.

Depending on the initial hair problem, choose pink, blue, green, white, black, yellow clay. Mix the main component with honey, egg, apple cider vinegar, gelatin, butter, henna, and milk. Rub into skin and curls along the entire length.

Video: clay hair masks

Hair masks with clay are an excellent and budget-friendly way to care for your hair at home. Clay masks are highly effective and can cope with a wide range of problems that many girls have with their hair. Depending on the type, clay can give your hair softness, add volume, get rid of excess oil at the roots, and strengthen your hair. Clay can also relieve irritation of sensitive scalp and even help.

Any clay contains a lot of nutrients and minerals that help fight many hair problems. Using clay to improve the quality of your hair, you heal your entire body.

Why is clay good for hair?

According to the types of clay, they are divided by color and composition, and their color usually depends on the predominance of which minerals it contains. The beneficial properties of clay may also depend on where it was mined. In cosmetology, clay is used in a variety of colors, each of which has its own properties and specific uses. Regardless of color, clay contains several basic components. The basis of any clay is silicon, an extremely useful mineral, thanks to which clay has gained wide popularity in cosmetology. The second important component of any clay is aluminum, which has drying properties. And the third component that can be found in any clay is iron.

Types of clay for hair

Before you start using clay masks for hair, it is important to determine which type of clay is right for you. Clay is commercially available and you can easily purchase it at a pharmacy, buy it dry or ready-made.

Green clay

One of the most effective clays for hair. Green clay is an ideal option for those with oily hair; it dries and exfoliates the scalp well. Clay is rich in minerals and can strengthen even the weakest hair.

Blue clay

Blue hair clay is ideal for those who dream of having long hair. It will significantly reduce hair loss, accelerate hair growth and help in the fight against brittle, split ends.

Pink clay

This clay is suitable for those who naturally have thin hair. Clay will help compact them and make them stronger. It will also help restore sensitive scalp after dyeing or other aggressive effects on the hair.

Gray clay

Clay is suitable for hair prone to dryness and brittleness. Also ideal for hair restoration after arriving from the sea. Masks based on gray clay will return your hair to its natural shine, revitalize and moisturize it well.

As you can already understand, clays are extremely effective in hair care, and now let’s look at masks that can be made from different types of clays.

Recipes for hair masks using clay

The amount of clay you use will depend on the length and thickness of your hair. Take the amount of clay you need and dilute it with plain water, but it will be better if you use a decoction of herbs for your hair type. If you want the mask to become even more effective and nourishing, you can add vitamins A or E to it. Then distribute the mask along the partings and along the entire length of the hair. Put on a special cap and warm your head with a towel, wait about half an hour. It is necessary to wash off the mask very carefully and afterward be sure to use a softening balm, because clay can make hair stiff.

Masks that solve the problem of oily hair

  • Dilute a few tablespoons of green clay with water or medicinal decoction to the consistency of sour cream.
  • Dilute the blue clay and add a few teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mask against increased hair loss

Dilute a few tablespoons of blue clay with water and add 1 teaspoon of citric acid and an egg yolk with a spoon of honey.

Accelerates growth and increases hair density

Mix gray and blue clay in a 1:1 ratio, dilute with water, add burdock oil and 1 egg yolk.

Washing hair with clay

Clay copes well with the increased secretion of sebum on the head and cleanses the hair well. Therefore, clay can be used not only as masks, but also to wash your hair with it. Make a weak solution of any clay that suits you and rinse your hair with this water after washing your hair. Pay attention to the hair roots and massage them for 5 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with cool water or decoction.

It is better to store a weak clay solution in the refrigerator and rinse your hair periodically.

We can say that clay is a truly miraculous and universal hair care product. It is easy to use, easy to find on sale and available to people of any income. Clay masks are inexpensive, but in their effectiveness they are not inferior to expensive and sometimes ineffective salon procedures.

Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to give your hair a real spa treatment at home!