Warts spoil the appearance of the skin. Over time, they become rougher, begin to hurt and get in the way. You have to go to the clinic or use traditional methods. One of the ways to remove them is the Salipod patch for warts and calluses. It softens the skin, corrodes the core of the formation, and helps to completely get rid of painful growths and dead skin. The low price allows you to buy Salipod callus plasters in the quantity required for the course of treatment.

Clinical options for callus and wart removal

Doctors have not yet been able to invent a painless way to remove calluses, especially core ones. In clinics, depending on the available equipment, they can use the following to remove the root:

  • Surgical cutter.
  • A liquid nitrogen.
  • Ultrasound.

All procedures are painful, unpleasant, and the wound healing period is long. Colloidal scars may remain. The cost of services is more than 2000 rubles per root. Patient reviews are mostly negative. Over time, the result of surgical removal acquired a negative effect.

Salipod patch. Its composition and manufacturer

At home, to get rid of hardened skin and growths, you can use ointments and bandages. Good reviews about the method of gluing the patches. Salipod callus patch and its Chinese analogue are available for sale.

The main manufacturer of the line of Salipod patches is Veropharm. Production facilities are located in Voronezh. On the back of the package there are instructions for use, expiration date, and how to use correctly. You can buy a patch for calluses at any pharmacy. The price of one sticker is from 30 rubles, if you want to have more, take a pack of 5 pieces. Storage of the Salipod patch is 2 years.

Several types of salicylic patch are produced, used:

  • Removing warts.
  • Anti-callus.
  • From papillomas.
  • From root callus.

Before applying the film, it is necessary to steam and dry the damaged area. Should be used carefully. If the medicinal composition gets on healthy skin, you can get burns and irritation.

Main active ingredients:

  • Salicylic acid.
  • Sulfur.
  • Rubber.
  • Lanolin.
  • Rosin.

The acid softens rough skin, allows sulfur to penetrate deeper into the root, separating it from healthy tissue and suppressing the process of fungal formation. Rosin kills bacteria. Rubber and lanolin bind all components and enhance their effect.

Salipod callus set

If possible, it is better to treat corns before they become very rough and form a core. You can use it with a helium pad for this. Apply for 10 – 12 hours and secure. If the foot is affected, it is better to use the sticker at night. After removing the bandage, steam the softened skin and remove it using a pumice stone or a special foot grater.

To remove the rods, a callus kit is available:

  • Sulfur-salicylic strip in cellophane packaging.
  • Regular roll.

You should cut a piece of the treatment strip to the size of the callus. Those who know how sulfur works recommend sticking a regular patch around the callus. Then the active components will not get on healthy skin, causing irritation. Then peel off the protective film and place a piece of the composition on the callus. Secure with adhesive tape. The acid will act for 10 hours. Then you need to remove everything and see the results. Old calluses do not come off at once; you should use several patches one at a time, gluing them on at once, without allowing the core to recover. When the edges of the rough growth rise, you can drop iodine onto the root and leave it open. After about a week, the dried root will easily emerge from the healthy tissue. After each session, the treated area is steamed and dried.

Removing warts

The Salipod patch is used for multilayer warts, which usually affect the leg. It must be used carefully and act in the same way as removing a callus.

  1. Steam the leg on which you will remove the wart for 10–15 minutes.
  2. Cut a piece of brown plaster from the kit. Remove the protective cellophane and apply the film to the spine.
  3. Secure with regular paper adhesive tape.
  4. Remove after 2 days. If the skin has not softened, seal it for the same amount of time.
  5. Reducing the wart patch to the size of the remaining growth, continue treatment until only the stick spot remains.

The root of a wart is formed by the papilloma virus. Therefore, their number increases over time. After removing the top layer, the root must be disinfected. Strong antiseptics are used for this. You can use duofilm, solcoderm. People who have used folk remedies recommend celandine juice.

The Salipod patch and its Chinese analogue relieve pain. Thin films do not interfere with putting on shoes and working.

Contraindications for the use of Salipod

Traditionally, the list of contraindications begins with pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. Diabetics should be careful when removing calluses. After removing the rod, a wound remains that will take a long time to heal. and spikes can be used independently only on the soles of the feet. If formations are on your hands, you should consult your doctor. It is dangerous to remove stains related to moles yourself.

The components of the patch are incompatible with the use of certain medications. This is a treatment for kidney failure and arthrosis. Before using dressings, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components. If there are wounds, inflammation and rashes on the skin, or signs of dermatitis, the corn patch should not be used.

When dry calluses appear, a person experiences noticeable discomfort and pain. There are many options for eliminating unpleasant formations, but the Salipod patch for core calluses is rightfully the best medication that helps quickly remove painful dry formations.

Salipod - the most popular remedy for corns

Operating principle and composition

Salipod is a dermatotropic drug that provides a softening, exfoliating and antiseptic effect on keratinized skin. Produced by the domestic pharmacological enterprise Veropharm, located in Voronezh. The medical composition is indicated for use when forming on the skin:

  • core calluses;
  • corns;
  • rough areas on the feet or heels - calluses.

The effectiveness of the patch against calluses is ensured by a medical complex of components of the medicinal product, which includes:

  • The main active substance (32.8%) is salicylic acid, its action is aimed at softening and exfoliating dead skin, the product also has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect, preventing the development of inflammatory processes at the site of callus formation. The acid has an irritating effect on the epidermis, thereby providing a distracting effect and reducing painful manifestations.
  • Purified sulfur makes up 8.1 of the therapeutic complex, its activity is directed against pathogenic microorganisms. The component has a keratolytic property, which promotes loosening and rejection of the coarsened layer of the epidermis. The element dries the skin, preventing wetting in the area of ​​compaction.
  • Auxiliary components include lanolin and rubber; the substances soothe and soften the skin, allowing the active component to act on the callus.
  • The rosin in the structure of the patch gives its surface sufficient stickiness.

The complex effect of the components of the Salipod callus patch on the roughened area of ​​the skin allows you to eliminate discomfort without pain and in a short time and restore the skin to a healthy appearance.

The rosin in the composition provides the patch with excellent adhesiveness.

Release form

In the pharmacy, Salipod for corns and calluses is sold in sealed paper packaging, instructions for use are located on the reverse side. The drug is applied to the base in the form of a brown sticky composition, the product has a specific odor.

Depending on the size of the callus, you can purchase a patch:

  • in the form of strips measuring 6x10 cm;
  • the 2x10 cm form, in addition to the medicinal plaster, requires the presence of a regular adhesive plaster, with which the medicine is fixed.

Since a single application is usually not enough, salicylic patches can be purchased in packages of several pieces.

The cost depends on the form of release and packaging, the price varies from 30 to 100 rubles.

Mode of application

A callus is a dense, keratinized growth on the skin that appears due to prolonged mechanical action on the skin: compression or friction. It most often forms between the toes, on the feet and heels, less often on the palms, and there is also a rod located in the middle of the keratotic formation.

This type of callus grows deeply into the layers of the skin, causing pain and discomfort when walking.

  • The Salipod callus patch can quickly and effectively get rid of calluses and corns if you use it correctly in accordance with the instructions:
  • The core of a hard callus can be easily removed if the problem area is well steamed before applying the patch. To do this, lower the leg into a bath of hot water for ten minutes.
  • After this, the area must be thoroughly dried.
  • Next, cut a piece of the patch to the size of the callus, peel off the protective film and stick it directly onto the seal. If healthy skin is sensitive to active ingredients, to avoid burning it, you can first stick a regular patch around the growth.
  • As a result of treatment, the corns will turn white and soften, and the dead elements will peel off. To remove dead skin, the foot is immersed in a warm bath; when the skin is steamed, it should be lightly rubbed with a pumice stone. You should not do this too actively; only those parts that come off easily are removed.

For advanced dry formations, manipulations will have to be repeated several times, sometimes three or four procedures are required before the callus with the stem is removed. Additionally, you can use medicinal ointments or creams; it is usually recommended to use Nemozol. After steaming, old calluses and corns are dried well, lubricated with a thin layer of cream and the patch is attached again, and this is repeated until the seal completely disappears.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Salipod for calluses and corns is a relatively safe external remedy, but not everyone can use it. Therefore, before using its medicinal properties, it is important to read the contraindications in the instructions. The patch cannot be used:

  • when a person has intolerance to one of the components of the composition;
  • if there are moles at the site of callus formation, the skin is inflamed or damaged;
  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • with liver failure.

Children have delicate skin, so this treatment is not suitable for children under twelve years of age, as it is possible to get not only severe irritation of the epidermis, but also toxic reactions.

Resorcinol cannot be used together with Salipod

When using the Salipod patch for root calluses, it should be taken into account that salicylic acid can interact with some medications and chemical compounds, therefore it is not recommended to treat calluses with them:

  • while taking medications to lower blood sugar;
  • during antitumor therapy;
  • during treatment with Resorcinol for dermatoses or fungal skin lesions.
  • in parallel with products containing zinc oxide.

Basically, Salipod does not cause adverse reactions, but their occurrence cannot be excluded. Sometimes redness appears at the application site, a burning sensation occurs, and allergies are possible. Sometimes small cracks form on the skin after treatment with the product. In diabetes, any wounds take a long time to heal, so if your sugar is high, it is preferable to choose a more gentle remedy.

For people with dermatological problems, it is better to consult a doctor before using the solipod patch so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of dry calluses on the feet is a long and difficult process; the Salipod patch effectively copes with the problem of keratinized formations and is a safe and low-toxic product. It has become widely used even in the removal of certain types of warty growths, but in this case, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. It does not treat wet abrasions; there are other remedies for this.

A patch for calluses, corns and warts is a product that includes substances with an antibacterial, softening, and analgesic effect. In modern pharmacology, there are many types of patches with their own characteristics of use. The most common of them is the Salipod patch.

Composition and principle of action

Salipod acts as an antiseptic and actively fights keratosis, i.e. keratinization of the skin. This effect is achieved due to the fact that it contains salicylic acid and sulfur. Moreover, the first helps the second penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The patch, used exclusively externally (topically), helps exfoliate the upper (keratinized) layers of the skin and kill the pathogenic microorganisms in them.

The softening and antiseptic effect on the skin and the gentle removal of its upper layer occurs precisely thanks to salicylic acid in the composition of salipod. It also maintains the acidic environment of the epithelium, due to which the risk of developing bacteria or fungal infection that often accompanies the process of superficial exfoliation of rough skin is significantly reduced. At the same time, sulfur, the second main component of the patch, dries out the skin.

Antifungal, copes well with fungus and also has a softening effect, reduces itching and promotes recovery.

The remaining components that make up the salipod (rubber, lanolin - softens and rosin - fights bacteria) play a supporting role and enhance the effect of the above components.

Salipod is produced in a paper bag in the form of strips of two sizes:

  • 2 by 10 cm;
  • 6 by 10 cm.

An ordinary plaster is attached to it, which helps to tightly fix the medicinal plaster.

The medicinal product should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees; the patch is valid for two years.

Method of application and treatment features

The scheme for using the medicinal patch is as follows:

  • Before applying the product, the foot should be kept in warm water and then wiped dry;
  • The protective film should be removed from the patch and firmly fixed in the required place. To do this, fix it on top with a regular plaster, without touching healthy skin;
  • The patch must be kept on the leg for up to two days.

The result of the procedure should be a whitened and easily removable callus.. However, if this does not happen the first time (“old” callus), treatment should be repeated until all disturbing phenomena are completely removed. Sometimes you will need to do this 3-4 times.

In special cases - warts, corns - it is better to combine salipod with a special ointment for calluses, for example “Nemozol”. In this case, after a warm bath and thorough drying of the feet, an ointment is first applied, and then a medicinal plaster is applied, and then a regular one.

Indications and contraindications

The Salipod patch is effectively used for dry calluses, corns and warts.
But this remedy has a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of this patch;
  • moles at the site of application of the product;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin wounds and burns;
  • early infancy.

Side effects, precautions

In rare cases, salipod can cause dermatitis, accompanied by itching, slight burning, and redness of the skin at the site of attachment of this medicinal drug.

In addition, salicylic acid contained in Salipod may be incompatible with some medications used orally (by mouth). Here are some of them:

  • antidiabetic drugs, in particular sulfonylureas;
  • antitumor drugs - methotrex and others.

Also his cannot be used simultaneously with certain products used for skin diseases - resorcinol. It is not recommended to combine this patch with zinc oxide, which is included in some cosmetics and tanning creams, is used in certain abrasive toothpastes and in medical dentistry.

When removing calluses using a salipod, micro-wounds can form on the leg, and in severe forms of diabetes they heal poorly. Therefore, if you have such a problem, you should think twice before removing the callus.

Uncomfortable and tight shoes cause discomfort and chafe your feet. Painful blisters appear at the very beginning. Over time, they begin to become coarser, the keratinized layers thicken, after which dry patches of skin form. If nothing is done, they gradually grow into the soft tissues, where rod growths appear. The Salipod callus patch will help deal with such problems.

Composition and properties

In order to get rid of skin defects in the area of ​​​​the feet, various ointments and patches are used. The Salipod adhesive plaster provides the most effective results. With its help you can get rid of corns and calluses. The keratinized areas of the skin are effectively softened thanks to the medicinal composition of the product. These are antiseptic and emollient components.

The main substance in the composition is salicylic acid, which can prevent the development of beneficial microflora for bacteria. This component tends to maintain an acidic environment in the problem area, preventing fungus from appearing. Over time, the therapeutic mass of the patch gently exfoliates dead skin and helps in removing dead cells.

The sulfur in the composition has a bactericidal effect on keratinized areas. It does not allow bacteria and fungi to develop in the problem area. Together with salicylic acid, both substances dry out the skin surface. As a result, the core growths soften well and peel off faster.

The composition of the medicinal mass also includes other auxiliary components:

  • lanolin;
  • pine rosin;
  • rubber.

Together with the main components, they enhance the effect of medicinal Salipod and kill bacteria. The product is produced in the form of two strips, one of them is narrow for treatment, and the second is wider. It is ordinary and is designed to fix the main tape.

Action of the remedy

A dermatotropic agent with pronounced keratolytic and antiseptic properties is a solipid patch. The use of the composition has an active effect on keratinized skin. After applying the medicinal composition, pathogenic microorganisms in the layers of problem skin are killed.

Thanks to the effective medicinal composition, in just a few days you can get rid of various types of dry calluses on any part of the foot, including between the toes. The patch provides good disinfection in the wound area, which allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process in a matter of days. The components in the product promote the formation of new and healthy skin in problem areas after treatment.

Instructions for use

It is very important to read carefully how to use Salipod patch correctly. The instructions for use indicate that the effectiveness of the treatment strips will depend on the correct application of the applications. The duration of treatment also depends on the size and condition of root deposits and corns.

If the affected area is small, you will need to spend only 2-3 days on treatment. If the damaged areas are of medium size, then treatment procedures will take up to 4 days. Most of all, you will have to spend time and effort to eliminate old calluses. In this case, the patient must apply applications to the affected areas of the skin for 7 days. This will help soften them and promote regeneration of the skin surface.

The positive effect of Salipod can be determined by skin color. She will turn white and begin to lag behind. If callus applications do not immediately help, then callus removal procedures should be repeated.

Before use, you need to steam your feet well and then dry them with a towel. Using scissors, you need to cut a piece of tape to the required size. Then peel off the protective film and stick it to the problem area of ​​the skin surface. For good fixation, the product is secured with a regular adhesive plaster. If it is not there, then you can use a bandage.

After just 1-2 days it can be removed from the leg carefully and without jerking. The skin must remain intact. If necessary, cut it with nail scissors. In most cases, it should come off on its own along with the patch.

If the procedure does not work, it is repeated again until the callus disappears completely. Usually the positive effect is noticeable after the first application. The skin becomes soft, pink, after which it dries and recovers without Salipod patches. The instructions and price of the product are available to all consumers, which allows it to be used if necessary.

Benefits of use

Core and other types of calluses bring a lot of suffering. Often people use various folk remedies to solve this problem. Using Salipod adhesive plaster is much more effective.

It is much better than other products due to its properties and advantages:

  • removes not only fresh, but also old formations on the skin from the roots;
  • softens keratinized areas and relieves pain;
  • easy to use at home, after which the calluses disappear on their own;
  • the composition of the product prevents the development of fungal diseases;
  • antiseptic substances prevent wound infection.

For calluses, it gently and completely painlessly removes dead skin in just a few days. It is sometimes used to eliminate plantar warts. In this case, the drug must be used in combination with other medications after consultation with a specialist.

Contraindications and restrictions

Despite the good effectiveness of patches, they cannot be used by everyone. The main active ingredient is salicylic acid- Known for its aggressive action. It can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. If Salipod is used incorrectly, burns may result.

After applications, redness sometimes occurs on the skin. itching and burning appears. If such symptoms appear, then the patch must be removed. The use of such a remedy is not recommended in case of individual intolerance to the components of the adhesive plaster, the presence of wounds, moles, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or renal failure. It should not be used by children under 10 years of age, or by patients taking certain medications.

Price and patient reviews

There are many types of adhesive plasters you can buy at online pharmacies. However, Salipod has the best effect. Instructions for use and the price of the medicinal product are generally accessible and easy to use. The price will depend on the release option. On average, the cost ranges from 40 to 70 rubles.

Judging by the reviews of patients, the product copes with rough tissue very quickly. It works painlessly and almost never shows a negative reaction.

Due to uncomfortable and sometimes tight winter shoes, a spike appeared on the heel. Over time, it began to interfere with walking normally. I bought Salipod and began using it according to the instructions for use. After removal, I cut off the remains. The size of the growth was small, so we managed to remove it quickly.

Evgeniy, Samara

I often have to walk in heels, which is why I suffer from corns. A salipod patch helps after a couple of days, if they are not old. The skin becomes soft and soft.

Marina, Omsk

I periodically develop dry calluses, so Salipod has become a real salvation. It is always available in the pharmacy, is inexpensive and provides quick and positive results.

Alina, Vladivostok

The Salipod patch is a drug used to treat formed warts and calluses. The product is classified as dermotropic and is produced in the form of a patch, available for purchase in pharmacies.

Medicinal Salipod patch, according to the instructions for use, has a disinfecting and softening effect on the epidermis.

The main components of the healing surface of the patch are several chemical agents.

They are:

  • Sulfur;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lanolin;
  • Rubber;
  • Rosin.

The form of the Salipod patch is adapted for use against calluses and warts.

Action of the Salipod patch

With the help of salicylic acid (32%), which is part of the active substance of the medicinal patch, sulfur (8%) easily enters the deeper subcutaneous layers.

Sulfur has an antimicrobial effect and softens rough skin.

When using the drug topically, sulfur provokes exfoliation and death of harmful bacteria from the surface of the epidermis, as a result of which they die. Salicylic acid has a slight disinfecting effect.

It also has the following properties:

  • Mitigation skin, while keratinized particles on the surface of the skin are gently removed, due to which sulfur penetrates much deeper into the epidermis;
  • Drying wounded areas of skin;
  • Anti-inflammatory property.

When the patch covers the foci of callous or wart pathologies, the healing process begins with the eventual growth of healthy skin at the site of application of the product.

The active ingredient in the patch maintains an acidic environment on the skin surface, which prevents the proliferation of various bacteria or fungi. Since the Salipod patch contains salicylic acid, it has a specific odor, which is normal.

It is important to know! Since the acid can cause irritation, experts recommend not using the patch on intact areas of the skin.

Release form and cost of the drug

The medicinal patch is available in different types and sizes.

Most often in pharmacies you can find the following forms of release:

  • “Salipod” patch 6×10, price ranges from 40-45 rubles depending on the region of the country;
  • “Salipod” patch 2×10 dark color;
  • “Salipod” patch 4×10 white color – price from 35-60 rubles;
  • “Salipod” patch, set of 11 pieces – price 80 rubles.

Manufacturers produce patches of various shapes.

Indications for use

Indications for the drug may vary.

As the instructions for use indicate, the Salipod patch is used:

  • In the treatment of calluses, incl. Blood calluses;
  • For corns;
  • When warts form, both on the feet and hands.

Foci of pathologies to which the Salipod patch is applied.

Attention! Do not apply the medicinal patch to any damaged surface of the skin - wounds, burns, cuts.

Instructions for using the patch

For calluses and corns

Corns are areas of the body that have been exposed to prolonged exposure– external pressure, similar to old calluses. The difference between calluses and corns is the depth of penetration - calluses penetrate deeper, and corns are located on the surface of the damaged area.

To quickly and effectively get rid of this problem, use the Salipod patch. Dermatologists advise using other medications along with the patch., which accelerate the process of skin restoration. Based on many studies, the effective method for corns and calluses is a special medicinal patch.

Such a remedy acts on the affected area constantly, regardless of whether the person moves or not. The patch is a kind of barrier against various microbes and further damage.

The Salipod patch, according to the instructions for use, should be used at the first appearance of corns or calluses.

First of all, you need to wash and steam the bothering leg for ten minutes, then dry the skin with a towel. Take the patch and cut out the desired part to fit the size of the callus. But before that, in order for the patch to stick better, you need to warm it with your hands.

Original instructions for use of the Salipod patch, printed on its packaging.

After this, you need to remove the protective film from the patch and stick it on the affected area. It is worth gluing a regular white plaster on top for fixation. If the callus is small, then carefully remove the patch after 24 hours, and if the callus is large, then after 48 hours.

In that case, If the corn or callus is still hard, repeat the procedure. When the skin becomes softer and the affected area is mobile, then nothing needs to be done. After a week or 10 days everything will go away on its own.

Attention! To make the treatment of calluses more effective, the Salipod patch should be used according to the instructions .

Using a patch to remove warts and spines

To cure warts and spines, the same instructions are used as for calluses and corns. The Salipord patch is a painless and effective remedy that can help you get rid of warts in a certain period of time.

At the site of the formation of a wart or thorn, you need to glue a small piece of adhesive tape that will correspond to the size of the formation on the skin. You need to glue a white one onto the brown patch. to set and hold for 24 hours.

After the expiration date, the patch is carefully removed. There should be a softened zone.

Use nail scissors to cut off the spine, the wart is parallel to the skin, right to the root. Experts do not recommend rubbing this area with a pumice stone - this method can harm healthy skin and create a wound.

Therefore, each time it is necessary to cut off a smaller piece of the patch so as not to touch the healing areas of the skin. After these steps, you need to re-glue the healing plaster onto the cut site of the spine for the same amount of time. It is recommended to remove the patch after 2 days, but depending on the ease of skin damage.

An example of the use of a patch for multiple foci of pathology on the toes.

After the expiration of the period, it is necessary to remove the strip and allow the wound to dry and the skin to rest. It takes about 2 weeks to remove a small wart. Taking this into account, the wart should not be left for a long time without a patch.

When the wart begins to go away, after a while a pink spot will form, which will heal over time. Dermatologists strictly prohibit removing a wart on your own. so as not to cause further harm to yourself.

It is important to know! If after a few days of using the product it becomes noticeable that the wart continues to grow, it is necessary to stop treatment and use a laser to cauterize the site of wart formation.


Despite the therapeutic composition of the Salipod patch, there are still a number of reasons why you should refuse to use it.

The main ones are the following:

  • Sensitivity. Experts do not recommend using the product if the skin is hypersensitive or if you are allergic to the components contained in the medicinal patch;
  • Moles. Do not use the Salipod patch on areas of the skin where there are moles, age spots, or on healthy areas of the skin;
  • Children. Children under 10 years of age should not use the patch, as children have delicate skin;
  • Pregnancy. The Salipod patch is not recommended for use during pregnancy, as indicated in the instructions for use;
  • Wounds. If there are open wounds, cracks, suppuration, pimples on the skin;
  • Water calluses. In the event that calluses contain liquid;
  • Kidneys. In case of renal failure.

The areas of the sole where lesions are most common require caution when applying the medicated patch.

Attention! The instructions for using the Salipod patch say that you should not stick the patch on healthy skin so as not to harm it.

Precautionary measures

Before attaching the patch to the affected area, you first need to steam your legs. When the skin is steamed, dry it with a towel. The patch must be removed one day after application., but in more advanced cases, doctors recommend keeping the patch on for 2 days.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several more times until the skin becomes soft and the callus separates.

To treat plantar lesions, it is convenient to use special bandages that prevent the patch from rolling off when walking.

Salicylic acid is incompatible with resorcinol and various zinc oxides. Therefore, you need to be careful when using the drug simultaneously with taking hypoglycemic, antitumor or antidiabetic drugs, since Salicylic acid contained in the patch can provoke an allergic reaction on the surface of the skin.

Possible side effects

There are cases where the Salipod medicinal patch turned out to be the cause of dermatitis, which is accompanied by itching, burning, and the area of ​​skin that was in contact with the patch begins to turn red.

Dermatologists recommend steaming your feet before using the patch. and then wipe dry with a towel. If there is redness in the area of ​​the skin where the application was made, then you should stop using the patch.

To avoid side effects when using the Salipod patch, there are instructions for use , which you need to familiarize yourself with.

Useful videos about the Salipod patch and instructions for its use

Additionally, we have compiled a selection of videos for you, from which you will learn more information about the Salipod patch, instructions for its use, indications and contraindications, as well as reviews from those who have used this product:

I wish you healthy skin, body and cheerful mood!