The energy of children contributes not only to understanding the world, but also to receiving various types of injuries. In babies with uncoordinated movements, the head mostly suffers. When preparing for the arrival of a new family member, it is worth assessing the home environment in terms of the presence of traumatic items (for example, furniture with sharp corners) and try to remove them.

But this will not completely protect the young researcher, because he can fall even on a flat floor while learning to walk. If a child hits his head, you should quickly, without panicking, assess the severity of the injury. It depends on the strength and location of the impact whether it will be just a bump or whether you should rush to the hospital.

Indeed, often a blow to the forehead is accompanied only by a bruise of soft tissues - a bump appears on the child’s head. It forms in the same way as any bruise, but it will be convex due to a large number of small vessels that burst and fill nearby tissues with blood.

Serious injuries from such a blow are unlikely, since the strong frontal bone reliably protects the head. But you should play it safe and call a pediatrician if your newborn hits his forehead. The younger the victim, the more serious consequences a hematoma on the forehead can have.

However, a strong blow can cause a traumatic brain injury. The open injury is obvious: there is a wound on the head and obvious bone damage. It is treated surgically in combination with medication.

With a closed injury, the skin and bones are externally intact, but there are internal injuries, the signs of which should be known.

Closed head injuries vary in severity:

  1. With a brain injury, loss of consciousness usually occurs and breathing is impaired. You may experience ear or nosebleeds, dark circles around the eyes, problems with speech, and disturbances in facial expressions due to damage to the facial nerve. To treat a mild bruise, a course of medications is prescribed, but only a surgeon can eliminate the consequences of a severe bruise.
  2. Concussions from impact are diagnosed frequently by doctors and can usually be treated with medication without further complications. If a concussion occurs, a child may be unconscious for several minutes and then experience nausea, vomiting, and headache. If the doctor has prescribed medications and prescribed home bed rest, but the patient has persistent restless sleep or other alarming signs, it would be useful to call a pediatrician at home.
  3. A skull fracture can be suspected by bloody discharge from the ears and nostrils. You should immediately go to the hospital to have an x-ray done. Treatment in this case involves surgery followed by medication.

A blow to the back of the head is no less dangerous

A blow to the back of the head can cause visual impairment. The occipital lobe of the brain is responsible for the functioning of the visual organs. Moreover, the consequences may not appear immediately, but after some time. Therefore, even if there are no complaints from the victim, it would be wiser to quickly show him to a specialist who knows what to do if the child hits the back of his head.

A rare, but extremely unpleasant complication occurs if the child hits the back of the head on the left side. Sometimes victims develop disturbances in the perception of the surrounding space on the left, they begin to forget everything, sleep poorly, and suffer from headaches. Similar phenomena can be observed when the back of the head is damaged on the right.

A strong blow to the back of the head can cause traumatic brain injury in the same way as a blow to the forehead.

What should a mother do if her baby falls?

  1. Feel sorry for and calm the baby after a fall, and then examine him from all sides, starting from the head, for scratches, bruises, bleeding wounds on the forehead and the back of the head.
  2. Calm down yourself and evaluate whether the fall was really serious. If the baby slipped from the sofa onto the carpet and bumped, then he cries more from fear and gets off with a bruise. But if he fell out of the high stroller and hit his head on the asphalt, his mother should worry.
  3. The grown-up child is able to talk about what happened. You should ask him whether his head hurts or not, whether there is blurred vision. The pupils should not be constricted or dilated.
  4. Measure the pulse and compare the data with the age norm (in newborns it reaches 130-140 beats per minute, then becomes less frequent as they grow older). Deviations from the norm should alert you.
  5. Eliminate noisy entertainment and visual stress, but do not allow sleep. While sleeping, it will be more difficult to diagnose a concussion, if any.
  6. It must be borne in mind that if, after hitting a child, he does not cry for several minutes, then, most likely, he lost consciousness.
  7. Treat damaged skin. Small abrasions are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, after which wound healing ointments are used. And if a child has a bump, then apply cooling compresses to it for 3 minutes to prevent swelling. In case of severe bleeding that could not be stopped within a quarter of an hour, as well as when the symptoms described above appear, you should call a doctor.
  8. Schedule a visit to the clinic soon. It is necessary to show a child who has hit his head to a pediatrician to assess his general condition, an ophthalmologist to rule out visual disturbances after a blow, and a neurosurgeon to receive a referral for a brain examination.

Warning signs that you shouldn't stay home

If a child falls and hits their head, the most frightening consequence is brain damage. Moreover, its signs may not appear instantly, but after several hours.

You should call an ambulance immediately if the following symptoms appear:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • deviation of heart rate from the age norm;
  • bleeding from the ears or nose;
  • vomiting, diarrhea with traces of blood;
  • blue or pale skin;
  • darkened skin under the eyes and behind the ears;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements, twitching, numbness of the limbs;
  • change in pupil size, squint;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, changes in sleep patterns and patterns, tearfulness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the child's lump is too swollen or a depression appears instead of a lump.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, you should put the baby to bed, while distracting him and not allowing him to fall asleep. When vomiting, it is better to turn it on its side so that liquid does not enter the respiratory tract. Painkillers taken before the doctor arrives may interfere with assessing the baby’s condition.

If a child falls on his back and hits himself, there is a possibility of a spinal injury; he must be handled very carefully to avoid additional displacement of the vertebrae.

What to expect when admitted to hospital

The doctor will examine the victim, ask him or his parents to tell him about the blow, clarify whether he hit the back of the head or the forehead, assess the damage and advise on further actions.

The baby will probably be sent for a CT scan of the brain to rule out hemorrhages and fractures.
Patients up to one and a half years old are examined through a fontanelle that is not yet closed.

How to protect your child's head from blows

You should always be on guard with a baby. This even applies to a newborn, who, it would seem, cannot even turn on his side. After all, it is the absence of a mother that can prompt a baby to learn to roll over right on the changing table.

Such tables are convenient for parents, but from a safety point of view, a large soft surface (a bed or a blanket spread on the floor) is preferable for changing clothes. Let the baby always be under supervision or in a safe area - in the playpen.

It is unwise to neglect seat belts in a stroller. Although the baby is not yet able to get out of it, nothing can guarantee that the stroller will not tip over if it hits a bump. The straps will keep the little passenger from falling onto the road. It is not for nothing that there are belts on high chairs, because a fall from such a height onto the floor or tiles can result in injury.

When the baby begins to explore the space at home and often bumps, you need to look at the surrounding objects from the height of his height and protect every sharp corner with silicone pads. For children learning to walk, there are special socks and tights with non-slip soles.

Kids often trip and hit themselves when going down the stairs, so you need to not let go of the child's hand. While climbing the steps, you also need to hold the baby’s hand or secure him from behind, as there is a danger of falling on his back.

Many injuries happen on the playground. It is dangerous to play next to older children; it is better to distract and take your baby away. If it is not possible to leave, then the mother should be near the child. You need to be especially vigilant near swings, carousels and other moving structures.

Children who have shown a desire to master roller skates or a balance bike must immediately be taught that they must wear a helmet. The young athlete should also be taught how to fall correctly.

Parents should know what to do if their child does hit their head. And you need to patiently explain to your children how important it is not to hit themselves. Infants simply need to be protected, and older children need to be taught household safety rules.


In childhood, any baby often falls and hits hard surfaces. Due to the structure of the body, a significant proportion of injuries occur in the head. In most cases, this is not accompanied by adverse consequences. Still, parents are advised to know what to look for if their child hits their head and when to seek medical help. It is important to understand that if a baby stumbles in the bathroom and hits the tiles or falls down a slide, this is much more dangerous than falling on the carpet or colliding with a cabinet door. Particular attention should be paid to cases of damage to the back of the head or temporal region, situations when a heavy object fell on the child’s head.

What could be the consequences if a child hits his head?

Regardless of whether the baby fell out of bed on his back or hit his forehead on the edge of the table, he must be shown to a doctor.

Symptoms of head injuries can be obvious or subtle, and sometimes they are absent altogether. Even unusual activity of a baby may indicate a serious problem that requires professional intervention. Complications of head injuries can occur several days, weeks and even years after the injury.

How dangerous are head impacts in young children?

A head injury in a child under one year of age is usually not dangerous. In this period The baby’s brain is protected as much as possible by nature. Due to the relative softness of the skull bones, the dynamic sutures between them and the shock-absorbing properties of the cerebrospinal fluid, serious damage is practically excluded. When a newborn is injured, he may not even notice it. Children over six months old after a blow begin to scream and cry a lot, but most often this is not a reaction to pain, but to an unexpected movement in space. If a few minutes after knocking, the child calms down and continues to behave as usual, this is a very good sign.

Although there is no reason to panic in most situations, it is better not to risk it and visit a doctor. He will assess the patient's condition and check his reflexes. Both a month-old baby and an older baby need rest in any case after an injury. You should not put him to bed, but at least for 1-2 hours you need to give up excessive activity, eliminate exposure to bright light and loud sounds on the child’s body. Despite the degree of protection of the brain in the first year of life, everything possible must be done to ensure that the baby has to hit his head as little as possible.

Symptoms of head injury

Newborns are constantly under the supervision of their parents, the level of their activity is very
limited. This allows you to monitor the baby and notice all cases of injury. When an older child falls and hits his head, it may escape the attention of adults. Sometimes children get so carried away that they simply forget to talk about the injury. A bump on the head from a blow is not the only evidence of an accident. There are several points that should alert you and become a prerequisite for a visit to the doctor.

If a child hits their head, this can manifest itself in different ways:

  • a hematoma appears - it looks like a bruise or bump, can cause discomfort to a small patient or be practically invisible;
  • there are traces of dissection - in some cases it is a small scratch, in others it is a deep and bleeding cut;
  • There are no external consequences, but there are changes in the baby’s behavior and condition – poor coordination of movements, mood swings, nausea and vomiting, different reactions of the pupils, drowsiness and much more.

The baby may fall on the carpet and not react to the situation in any way, and the consequences will be serious. It is better not to risk his health and at the first opportunity to visit a doctor who will eliminate any possibility of complications.

Consequences of a bruise

A blow to the floor or other hard surface can result in open and closed wounds. In the first case, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, and bone damage may occur. Closed injuries are diagnosed when there is no blood on the surface of the affected area. Contrary to popular belief, the latter scenario is not always less dangerous.

The consequences of a bruise are as follows:

  • damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue - this can be a bruise, bump, cut. A bruise of the soft tissues of the head without bleeding usually has no consequences. The presence of an open wound requires immediate treatment to prevent infection;
  • concussion is extremely rare in infants due to natural protective mechanisms. The condition has a characteristic clinical picture and requires medical attention;
  • Brain contusion is a serious injury that may be accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness. A child does not necessarily have a headache after a blow. The development of the condition is indicated by the patient’s sallow complexion, darkening of the skin around the eyes, the appearance of blood from the ears or nose, changes in facial expressions, deterioration in speech;
  • Compression of the brain is another dangerous condition that develops against the background of compression inside the skull. Accompanied by profuse and repeated vomiting. Periods of “enlightenment,” when the baby behaves as usual, are followed by moments of loss of consciousness.

The presence of one of the consequences does not exclude the presence of the others. A cut or bump on a child’s head after a fall does not mean that everything went well. If the patient experiences impaired consciousness, problems with coordination, or a fever, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

How does a baby get a bump?

When the head is bruised, the vessels located in the soft tissues burst. Blood collects in the thickness of the skin and a hematoma forms. It can be slightly soft or very dense, in different sizes and colors.

The frontal part of the head has the densest capillary network, so the largest and most voluminous cones are formed in this area. At the same time, they are considered the most harmless, because... The frontal bone is the strongest of the components of the skull. Such formations most often resolve on their own, without negative consequences for the body.


It is observed after the child has hit his head hard, and the location of the injury does not matter. This is the simplest of all traumatic brain injuries. It is characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness immediately after the impact or some time after it.

Learn more about how to recognize the symptoms of a concussion in

The clinical picture is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Due to the mobility of the skull bones and shock absorption, concussions in newborns are extremely rare. In this case, a sign of injury is the baby's restless crying and screaming. The baby may refuse food, burp often, and be capricious for no reason.

The brain does not suffer after the blow that led to the concussion. In it, the functioning of a number of cells is only temporarily disrupted, which leads to the listed consequences. After 2-3 days, the patient’s condition returns to normal, but with this injury, bed rest and rest for 7-10 days are still indicated.

What to do if your child hits his head

Head injuries in childhood are almost inevitable, so adults need to know how to react to them. There is no need to panic; you need to act quickly, clearly and in accordance with the specifics of the situation. If there is such a possibility, it is better to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance, which will eliminate the possibility of negative developments.

First aid in the absence of visible damage

First you need to establish what and what part of the skull the baby hit, and assess his general condition. The affected area begins to swell very quickly; cold must be applied to it. This could be a handkerchief soaked in cold water, a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, or frozen food wrapped in a cloth. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.

After a blow, children often start to have real hysterics. In most cases, first aid for hitting their head comes down to calming the child down. A loud cry is not an indicator of severe pain; most often it is the result of fear. The main thing for parents is to remain calm; this will allow them to quickly find out all the circumstances of the accident and begin providing assistance. After the baby has calmed down, you need to limit his activity for 1-2 days. If the baby falls asleep soon after the injury, he should be woken up every three hours and asked simple questions to exclude changes in consciousness due to serious injuries.

When to see a doctor after a child falls

If a child hits the back of the head or temple, this requires mandatory consultation with a professional. In the first case, there is a high probability of brain damage, in the second there is a danger of violating the integrity of the skull bones. There is no need to go to the hospital after every accident, but after a severe impact it is better to do so, even if there are no external signs of damage.

Indications for visiting a doctor or calling an ambulance:

  • weakness, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • the appearance on the surface of the impact is not a bump, but a dent;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • prolonged crying, anxiety and severe agitation of the patient;
  • pallor, blue lips, heavy breathing;
  • enlarged pupils, their different sizes, squint;
  • lethargy of the baby, problems with speech;
  • bleeding from the nose or ears;
  • large hematoma;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • even short-term loss of consciousness;
  • memory loss, double vision.

Which doctor you see for an injury depends on the type of injury. If this is a cut or a frighteningly large lump, you can visit a surgeon. The specialist will treat the affected area and check the patient for neurological disorders. When it is necessary to exclude the possibility of brain damage, it is better to immediately go to a neurologist.

Drug treatment

Head injuries that result in brain damage require specific therapy. It is strictly forbidden to give your child medications to relieve headaches after a blow. The drugs are selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis. Their action can be aimed at reducing swelling, relieving pain or inflammation, preventing neurological symptoms, and eliminating nausea and vomiting. Parents may only use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the wound before applying a bandage.

Medicines to get rid of lumps

To speed up the resorption of the lump, you can use traditional methods and pharmaceutical medicines. A good effect is achieved by treating the surface with a mixture of iodine and medical alcohol - the drugs are taken in equal quantities. You can also buy “Troxevasin”, “Rescuer” or “Troxerutin” gels and heparin ointment at the pharmacy.

Plants that help with bruises

If a child was injured while relaxing in nature or at the dacha, and there was no first aid kit at hand, you can use natural medicines. Juice obtained from fresh green onions will help with bruises. The liquid is applied directly to the sore spot or used to prepare a compress. Plantain leaves are applied to areas of scratches, abrasions or small cuts. Just first you need to mash them slightly so that they release the juice. Wormwood has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Fresh grass is crushed, mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the hematomas.

Head injuries are dangerous not only in the acute period. Their negative consequences can manifest themselves months and years after the impact. Even if your child does not have the symptoms listed above, it is worth visiting a doctor to make sure there are no risks to his health. At a minimum, you should observe the baby’s behavior for 2-3 days and evaluate the quality of his sleep. It is better to report any alarming moments to a specialist.

Danger lurks everywhere for young children and their parents, and we are not just talking about lively grown-up children who have already found their feet and begun to explore the world around them. Babies can also suffer greatly due to the carelessness of the mother. Children often fall from changing tables and sofas. What to do if a child falls and hits his head? Do I need to immediately call an ambulance or can I use home remedies? We'll talk about this further.

Is falling dangerous for a child?

If your baby hits his head in a fall, calm down and read the information below. Not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance.

Nature is wise. She, anticipating the frequent falls of children, provided them with reliable protection mechanisms that adults do not have. First of all, these are, of course, the fontanelles on the head. There are four of them in total: front, rear and two side. Thanks to the fontanelles, the baby can better withstand shocks - the fontanelles serve as some kind of shock absorbers that protect the head from damage.

In addition, in the head of a child in the first months of life, the amount of fluid is greater than in an adult. Due to this, the brain is protected during impact.

But still, you should not allow your baby to fall from a height and, especially, to hit his head. If such a problem occurs, try not to panic and consistently follow the following recommendations.

What to do if a child falls?

  1. Calm your baby and calm yourself.
  2. Examine the child carefully. Pay special attention to your head. Note the presence of bumps, hematomas, abrasions, bleeding, if any.
  3. If the child is an adult and can already speak, ask him to talk about what happened.
  4. Ask the baby how he feels - whether his eyes are getting dark, whether his head hurts.
  5. If the impact occurred on a hard surface - concrete, metal elements, brick, etc. - do not hesitate and take your child to the doctor.
  6. Take your baby's pulse. It should be normal (any slowdown or increase in heart rate should cause you alarm). Remember that for infants the norm is 100-120 beats per minute.
  7. Look into the child's eyes. The pupils should be the same size, neither dilated nor constricted.
  8. If you have not identified any visible deviations, simply protect your baby from noisy games for at least an hour and watch him during this time.
  9. Don't let your child fall asleep! This must be done persistently, but gently. You need to make sure that the baby does not have a concussion, but if he falls asleep, then identifying it will be problematic.

If a bump jumped up

So, you begin a visual examination of the injured baby and come across a lump. What to do?

Apply a cold object to the injury site as soon as possible. This could be anything from the freezer, a bottle of ice water, or just a cold compress. It would be useful to disinfect in advance the object that you are going to apply to the sore spot.

The compress must be kept for at least 3 minutes. Try to persuade your child to sit quietly during this time and not fidget.

  • pediatrician - he will conduct an initial examination and prescribe ointments and remedies for lumps (hematomas);
  • an ophthalmologist - will make sure that the blow does not cause complications on vision;
  • surgeon - will conduct a more detailed examination, may prescribe an ultrasound of the brain, tomography and other studies, and will tell you what to do next.

If a traumatic brain injury is not detected, only external remedies for bumps and bruises will be sufficient.

If there is an abrasion on the head

The wound from which blood is flowing indicates that when the child hit his head, he received a soft tissue bruise. As a rule, such an injury is not serious (unlike a lump, which can be a sign of internal damage) and passes quickly, but there are exceptions.

If the child is bleeding...

  1. Apply a disinfectant (such as hydrogen peroxide) to disinfect the wound and stop bleeding.
  2. Provide your child with peace and relaxation.
  3. If after 7-10 minutes the wound continues to bleed, consult a doctor, or better yet, call an ambulance.

If the child loses consciousness

The child fell and hit his head, losing consciousness. What to do? In this case, there can be only one recommendation: call a team of doctors immediately!

While the ambulance is driving, carefully lay the baby on his side and stay next to him until specialists arrive. Don't let your child roll over onto his back. If vomiting begins, in this position the child can easily choke on the vomit.

Losing consciousness after falling and hitting your head hard may be a sign of a concussion. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis. But there are symptoms by which you can assess the severity of the situation.

Signs of a concussion

Concussion in children is quite difficult to recognize, so it is often detected only a few days after the fall. Here are its symptoms:

  • the child is lethargic, drowsy and apathetic;
  • the baby has a loss of appetite;
  • a concussion can cause sleep disturbances;
  • frequent headaches that began after a fall;
  • the child is sick;
  • The baby becomes whiny in the first months of life, hardly sleeps or, on the contrary, sleeps a lot.

When should you go to the doctor?

It happens that everything seems fine - the baby has no bruises, abrasions, or other negative manifestations of a recent fall. But things may not be so smooth. What to do? After the fall, watch your child. If you have at least a few of the symptoms below, do not delay going to the doctor.

  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Drowsiness, absent-mindedness, lethargy.
  • Pulse failure.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea with blood.
  • Increased moodiness, tearfulness.
  • Pupils of unusual size (dilated or constricted).
  • Dark spots under the eyes and behind the ears.
  • Other behavioral abnormalities.


Every parent should know what to do if they have a head injury. Not only the child’s health, but often his life depends on the correctness and efficiency of your actions.

But don't panic too much. Often falls from a height pass without consequences for the baby.

Every child can fall and hit the back of their head. This happens at different ages, be it a month, a year, 2 years old, and under any circumstances, but such a fall often comes as a shock to any mother. Any head injury can lead to the most serious consequences, but if your child falls and hits the back of his head, the main thing is not to panic, but to provide first aid correctly. Today we’ll talk about what to do in such situations and what consequences such blows can cause.

What to expect

Small children are restless, therefore, only after learning to walk, they begin to attract various injuries. Usually these are minor abrasions, bruises, cuts, bumps, but the situation can be much more serious. For example, if a child, by an absurd accident, hits the back of his head on any surface: asphalt, floor, corner, etc.

The baby’s body is not yet so strong, which is why children face frequent fractures. Children's brain tissue is also very fragile and can easily be damaged. Therefore, a strong blow to this area can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI). This type of damage occurs:

  • open (with violation of the integrity of bones and tissues);
  • closed (no visible damage).

In turn, closed TBI is divided into the following types:

  • bruise of brain tissue;
  • concussion;
  • brain compression.

If a child hits his forehead or the back of his head, a bruise will be the mildest injury. The brain itself will not be harmed. However, if we are talking about a concussion, or even more so, compression, then everything is much worse. But how can we determine the nature of the baby’s damage? There are several characteristic features of each injury. For example, symptoms of a concussion may include:

  1. Loss of consciousness.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Pale skin color.
  5. Lack of appetite.

If a child falls and hits the back of his head, causing a bruise, you may notice interrupted breathing and irregular heartbeat. With a fracture of the skull and compression of the brain, the appearance of cerebrospinal fluid is noted - a light-colored liquid, and the tissues around the eyes can turn blue.

Symptoms usually take time to appear, so be extremely vigilant. It is better not to go far at all in the first few hours. If the child cries for a quarter of an hour and calms down, then most likely everything is fine and you will not need an ambulance. If you still have doubts and are afraid that you did not notice the absence of damage, it is better to contact a specialist who will examine your baby and tell you what to do next. It is better to be extra vigilant and examine the child than to deal with the consequences of a fracture.

The arriving specialist can examine the baby and refer him for neurosonography. This procedure can be performed on children under one and a half years old whose fontanel has not yet become overgrown. The method is absolutely safe and includes examination using an ultrasound machine. Neurosonography allows you to detect an increase in intracranial pressure, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

We found out possible troubles and their symptoms that may appear in a child after a fall or blow to the back of the head. Next, we’ll talk about how to provide first aid to your baby for certain injuries.

We provide first aid

First aid in such a situation will depend on the nature of the injuries the child received as a result of the blow. If you have a lump on the back of your head, the first thing you need to do is apply something cold (ice is best). If you have magnesium in your home, you can use it; experts (including Komarovsky) recommend making lotions with it 2 times a day.

Is the child bleeding? You should definitely have gauze swabs at home for this case. However, if the bleeding continues for more than a quarter of an hour, call a specialist. It is important not to let the baby sleep in the first hours after the impact. Try to watch him and talk. Based on his reaction, one can easily determine the presence of brain damage. At night, experts advise waking up the baby and checking the coordination of his movements. If the fact of injury is nevertheless recorded, the child is contraindicated for a week from any visual stress.

If the baby has lost consciousness or the bleeding does not stop for a long time, you should urgently call an ambulance. If the child loses consciousness, it is necessary to turn him on his side; this will prevent him from swallowing his tongue and choking when vomiting occurs. When falling from a height onto the back, spinal injuries may also occur; in such cases, the baby’s position should be changed with the utmost caution.

There are a number of symptoms for which an ambulance must be called immediately. Let's list them below:

  1. Bad feeling.
  2. Dizziness, severe drowsiness.
  3. Jerking of limbs, convulsions, paralysis.
  4. Pallor of the skin.
  5. Vomit, feces, urine mixed with blood.
  6. Dilation of the pupils without any reaction to external stimuli.

As you know, it is better to prevent any trouble, so pay special attention to the prevention of such situations. Small children should not be left alone on the changing table, and if you need to leave, it is better to place the child on the floor (of course, not naked). Changing tables are generally very unreliable; a small area often leads to a fall of a baby who has already learned to roll over. Therefore, it is better to carry out swaddling on a soft surface.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 4 minutes


A child's skull is more fragile and vulnerable than that of an adult. Accordingly, the risk of serious injury increases significantly. Especially in the 1st year of life, when the bones have not yet fused and can easily move from a blow. Babies fall out of strollers and cribs, roll off the changing table and just plop down out of the blue. It’s good if everything turns out to be a bump or abrasion, but what should a mother do if the baby hits his head hard?

We treat the bruise after hitting a child with his head - first aid rules for bumps and wounds on the head.

If your baby hits his head, the most important thing is not to panic and not to scare your baby with your panic.

  • We soberly and calmly assess the condition of the baby: carefully place the child on the bed and examine the head to see if there are visible injuries (hematomas or redness, abrasions on the forehead and head, lump, bleeding, swelling, dissection of soft tissues).
  • If your baby fell while you were flipping pancakes in the kitchen, ask the baby in detail- where you fell, how you fell, and where you hit. If, of course, the baby is already able to speak.
  • If you fall from a serious height onto a hard surface(tiles, concrete, etc.), do not waste time - call an ambulance right away.
  • When falling on the carpet During the game, most likely, the worst thing that awaits the baby is a bump, but attentiveness will not hurt.
  • Calm your child down and distract him with something– hysteria increases bleeding (if any) and increases intracranial pressure.

  • Apply ice wrapped in a towel to the injury site. Keep it for no more than 15 minutes; ice is needed to relieve swelling and prevent the hematoma from spreading. If there is no ice, you can use a bag with any frozen food.
  • Treat the wound or abrasion with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection. If there is further bleeding (if it is not stopped), call an ambulance.
  • Watch your baby carefully. If signs of a concussion appear, call an ambulance immediately. Before the doctor arrives, do not give any painkillers, so as not to “blur the picture” for the diagnosis.

The child fell and hit his head, but there were no injuries - we are monitoring the general condition of the baby

It happens that after a baby falls and hurts its head, the mother cannot find any visible injuries. What should I do?

  • Over the next 24 hours be especially attentive to your baby. The hours immediately after the fall are the most important for symptoms.
  • Note - Is your baby dizzy? whether he suddenly fell asleep, whether he felt nauseous, whether he was able to answer questions, etc.
  • Don't let the baby sleep so as not to miss the appearance of certain symptoms.
  • If the baby calms down after 10-20 minutes, and no visible symptoms appeared within 24 hours; most likely, everything turned out to be a slight bruise of soft tissues. But if you have even the slightest doubt or suspicion, consult a doctor. It's better to play it safe once again.
  • Children of the 1st year of life cannot tell what and where it hurts. As a rule, they only cry loudly, are nervous, refuse to eat, sleep restlessly after an injury, and experience nausea or vomiting. If these symptoms are prolonged and even worsen, a concussion can be assumed.

For what symptoms after a head injury does a child need to be seen urgently by a doctor - be careful!

You should urgently call an ambulance if you have the following symptoms:

  • The baby loses consciousness.
  • There is heavy bleeding.
  • The baby feels sick or vomits.
  • The child developed headaches.
  • The baby suddenly fell asleep.
  • The child is restless and does not stop crying.
  • The baby's pupils are enlarged or have different sizes.
  • The child is not able to answer even simple questions.
  • The baby's movements are abrupt and erratic.
  • Convulsions appeared.
  • Confused consciousness.
  • Limbs don't move.
  • There is bleeding from the ears and nose (sometimes with the appearance of colorless liquid from there).
  • Blue-black incomprehensible spots or a bruise appeared behind the ear.
  • Blood appeared in the whites of the eyes.

What to do before the doctor arrives?

  • Place your baby on his side to prevent choking on vomit.
  • Secure the child in a safe position.
  • Check his pulse, the regularity of his breathing and the size of his pupils.
  • Keep your baby awake and keep him in a horizontal position so that both his head and body are at the same level.
  • Give artificial respiration if the baby is not breathing. Tilt his head back, check that the tongue does not block the larynx, and, holding the baby’s nose, blow air from mouth to mouth. You are doing everything correctly if your chest visually rises.
  • If there are convulsions, immediately turn the baby on his side; in this state he needs complete rest. Do not give medications, wait for the doctor.

Even if everything is good and serious you didn’t need an examination - don’t relax. Observe the baby for 7-10 days. Take him to the doctor immediately if in doubt. And remember that it is better to once again make sure of the baby’s health than to later treat the consequences of a bruise that you “overlooked.”