The greatest pleasure on the eve of the New Year holidays for every child is decorating the Christmas tree. Children will be able to fully demonstrate their talents not just by hanging toys on spruce branches, but by making them in advance with their own hands.

The symbol of 2017 - a colorful rooster - is the most popular children's craft before the New Year holidays. But a cheerful cockerel made with your own hands will come in handy at all subsequent New Year's Eve celebrations as a bright, kind and original Christmas tree toy. Children 10 years and older will be able to make such a craft on their own, following the master class demonstrated below. And children from 4-5 years old can create together with their mother.

What you need to sew a felt rooster for a Christmas tree

To sew a rooster you will need:

Master class Rooster on the Christmas tree - main part

First of all, the head is decorated on each half of the rooster figurine. The upper part with plumage is placed on top of the body. In certain places (see photo) white circles are sewn on, imitating the eyes of a bird with a black bead-pupil in the center.

Next, the remaining parts of the toy are connected one by one. For this, a buttonhole or overlock stitch is used.

Before assembling the toy, your child can practice making a seam like this on any scrap:

When it comes to the cock's comb, at the same time a loop formed from a silk ribbon is sewn into the upper part of the toy, with the help of which the toy can later be hung on the Christmas tree.

The last elements of the rooster are sewn on the three elements of its tail.

When sewing them in, each fragment should be slightly overlapped with the previous one.

The lower part of the toy is not treated with a seam. First, you need to put the required amount of padding polyester into the cavity of the figure to give the felt rooster volume.

And only after this is done, the lower edge of the figure is sewn with the seam already described, thus completing the work of assembling the toy. Ready!

New Year's felt crafts are always neat and beautiful handmade holiday souvenirs.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 will be the year of the Rooster, so it will be nice to include such a small gift.

Today we will offer you photo ideas for felt crafts in the form of a Cockerel or Hen, which are easy to make at home.

Such handmade gifts will turn out to be special, original, memorable and very beautiful, because felt is easy to process.

New Year's craft Chicken made from felt hearts

Do you want to make souvenirs for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands? Try making a chicken from felt. All parts can be cut out in the shape of hearts and glued together.

You will need:

Felt in different colors
padding polyester or cotton wool
thread and needle
small bead for eye
beautiful ribbon
stencils of large and small hearts, they can be made from cardboard
fabric glue

How to sew a felt chicken:

1. Cut out two large hearts from light felt. Fold together and sew around the perimeter. Without finishing the stitching a little, fill the hearts with padding polyester or cotton wool. Then sew to the end and cut the thread.

2. Cut out four small red hearts of different sizes for the wing, comb and wattle and several colored ones for the tail.

3. Glue the two red parts of the scallop and sew it to the body.

4. Fold the third red heart in half and sew it in the middle of the body so that one half remains unsewn and gives the product a voluminous look. This will be the wing.

5. Also fold the fourth heart in half and sew on it like a rooster’s beard.

6. Roll up the yellow heart and sew on the beak.

7. Make an eye out of a bead.

8. Glue the remaining colored hearts one after another on the top of the heart, like a rooster’s tail.

All that remains is to sew on a beautiful ribbon so that the Cockerel can be hung up like a New Year’s toy.

Such a felt souvenir will definitely bring good luck in the New Year!

Fridge magnet Rooster made of felt

You can make an original Cockerel magnet for your refrigerator with your own hands, for example, from felt fabric. This is a educational craft, it’s not difficult to make.

It’s nice to make such a gift yourself and give it to someone as a small present. For example, it will please people born in the year of the Rooster, or on the New Year of the Rooster, close people and friends.

Materials you will need:

  • white and red felt
  • sequins flowers
  • wood beads
  • ribbons
  • shifty eye
  • floss threads iris
  • universal glue
  • magnet

How to make a Rooster magnet from felt:

1. Cut out all the necessary details from the fabric: beak, scallop, wings.

2. Sew a wing to one of the body parts.

3. Insert a comb, beak and ribbons between the main parts.

4. Connect with a chain stitch, sewing on both sides at the junction with the red elements.

5. Place beads on the ribbons and tie the ends with a knot. Secure with glue.

6. Glue the eye and sequins onto the wing.

7. Glue a magnet to the back side. If the magnet is large, you can hide it inside. Before doing this, check whether it will stick through the felt.

The felt Cockerel magnet is ready!

Here are some more options for refrigerator magnets in the shape of a Rooster:

Felt chicken on a skewer for the New Year of the Rooster

A skewer with a Cockerel, this craft is also called a “felt lollipop,” can be placed in a flower pot, as well as decorate Easter cakes.

You will need:

  • yellow, orange and green felt
  • threads
  • padding polyester
  • beads
  • skewer

How to make chicken on a skewer:

1. Make patterns from paper and use them to cut out 2 parts of the body, a beak, a comb and circles for decoration, as in the photo.

2. Place padding polyester inside for volume and sew the parts together with double orange thread, stringing small beads onto each stitch.

3. Decorate the chicken with green circles, onto one of which you need to sew black beads on both sides - eyes.

Felt Rooster crafts are also good because they can be left until Easter, and they will not lose their relevance for many years, and not just for the 2017 New Year of the Rooster.

Happy creativity!

The rooster, which will become the symbol of 2017, can be made with your own hands as a cute gift for the New Year. There are many options for making a bright Rooster from, but in this material we will share detailed instructions on how to make the Rooster symbol of 2017 with your own hands from felt. The applications of such a souvenir can be called universal: it can become, and if you sew a loop to it, then the cockerel will have a place on the holiday tree. You can also attach a pin to the back of the product, and then the felt Cockerel can be used as a handmade brooch.

Instructions on how to make a Rooster from felt

Before you start working on a felt Cockerel, you should make sure that you have all the necessary elements to create it, because when all the parts are ready for use, the work goes much faster.

Material you will need to make the 2017 Rooster symbol with your own hands from felt:

Pieces of felt of different colors (white for the base, brown for the legs and beak, blue, green, orange for the feathers on the wings of the Cockerel and his tail, cream for the body of the bird);
Floss threads in the same colors as the pieces of felt;
Double-sided adhesive fabric for gluing applications (web);
Small beads for eyes;

Instructions for implementation:

1. You can find a stencil of a cockerel on the Internet; you need to print it out (you can draw the image of a cockerel yourself, if you wish).
2. Using the printed stencil, you need to cut out a rooster pattern from white felt. There should be two blanks. One of them is the back one, it needs to be put aside for now.

3. All the details of the cockerel (tail, wings, beak, and so on) are first glued to the base using cobwebs (the base is the front part of the pattern made of white felt), and then sewn along the contour with floss threads. This must be done so that the cockerel does not accidentally lose one of its parts, and also so that the product itself looks more voluminous.
4. Next, you need to place double-sided adhesive fabric under a piece of brown felt and cut out the cockerel’s legs. The part is placed on the base, and a heated iron is applied to it, which must be held for about 5 seconds so that the fabric sticks. Of course, you cannot hold the iron longer, otherwise the fabric will simply burn.

5. From a piece of cream felt, you need to cut out the body of a rooster; it is advisable to make small indents from the edges, since at the moment of sewing both parts together, the final size of the product will decrease, and the rooster may lose its proportionality.
6. In the same way, you need to cut out the body of the cockerel from the cobweb, the size is the same.
7. You also need to make a head pattern from white felt and web (all patterns must be at least 7 millimeters larger, otherwise it will be impossible to attach other parts of the cockerel on top of them).
8. Next, again, using a hot iron, you need to glue the body and head of the cockerel to the white felt base.
9. You need to separate the wing and tail from the main pattern. The wing pattern must be made separately, using white felt and web.
10. First, the wing pattern must be placed on the main blank in order to aim exactly where it is best to attach the wing.
11. Next, the wing is glued with an iron.
12. From multi-colored felt and cobwebs, you need to cut out all the feathers of the bird’s tail separately; the colors can be combined in any way you like, which ones you like best. Each part is glued with an iron to the main workpiece.
13. Next, you need to cut out a rooster’s comb from red felt and glue it.
14. A part of the wing is cut out from orange felt and also glued to the main workpiece.
15. Next, you need to cut out a beard from red felt and a beak from orange felt, and also glue them to the main workpiece.
16. Next, very painstaking work begins, because each individual piece must be sewn along the contour of the product with threads of the appropriate color. You will often have to change the threads and insert them into the needle, therefore, if there are many needles, you can immediately thread threads of different colors into them and calmly do the stitching. The contour is made with an intermittent or dotted seam, the execution of which can be seen in the photo.

17. Using brown threads, you need to sew on the beak, making a small seam, going beyond the contour of the part, this will be a continuation of the beak for greater relief.
18. Next, you need to sew on an eye with white threads, and around it with black threads make three strokes, which will become the cilia of the cockerel.
19. Next, you need to sew the bird’s legs with brown threads, leaving strokes simulating claws.
20. When all the parts are sewn along the contour, you can sew the two sides of the cockerel using a U-shaped seam. When stitching, you need to leave a small hole to fill the inside of the product with cotton wool or synthetic fluff. At the end of the work, this hole is also sewn together with a U-shaped seam, the execution diagram of which can be seen in the photo.

Neat and miniature felt toys are becoming increasingly popular. They are easy to work with even for children. It's always nice to give them. Such surprises, made from the heart, have a special value: they keep warmth and pleasant memories. The symbol of the New Year will be an excellent souvenir for friends and family. It will definitely bring good luck. To make your own felt rooster, learn a simple pattern.

What will you need?

To work on the toy you will need:

  • Soft felt (red, light green, yellow, red, white, gray, green/turquoise, blue/dark blue);
  • Down (synthetic);
  • Threads to match the felt;
  • Fabric glue or glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Button;
  • Fabric marker;
  • Stick for stuffing fluff;
  • Eye.

Making blanks

To make a felt rooster, transfer the pattern to plain paper. Carefully cut out the image.

Using a paper figure you can quickly cut out a couple of blanks. You can use gray and white colors for the body, as in the picture. Or use felt of the same tones. In the same way we prepare blanks for future parts: tail, beak, wings, scallop and more.

Please note that when cutting feathers, an allowance is made in the upper part - about 4-5 mm. This allowance size will be used in other parts.

Collecting details

It is optimal to start working from the tail. To do this, glue the bottom feather to the applique. All subsequent feathers are superimposed on top of the previous one. This overlapping pattern will add volume to the toy. Without any allowance, cut out only the last one – the green feather.

Take the white pattern and cut out the head. From red material, make a neck with a small allowance on the sides and top. Apply a few drops of glue and secure to the base.

Using scarlet material, cut out a beard with an allowance at the top. It is attached over the neck plumage, with an overlap.

The head of a felt rooster is cut out from white material with your own hands. Cut out the scarlet crest and beak without any allowance and glue it on.

The wing is made from two yellow parts. They are sewn together with a regular seam in the shape of the letter “P”. Don't forget to fill the wing with down before finishing. Decorate the place where the part is sewn with a button.

The second blank is made in this way. Together they are sewn to match the color of the felt. It is better to move from the paws towards the tail and towards the beard. Fill the New Year's souvenir with down in the belly area and sew it up.

A little time and a cheerful do-it-yourself felt rooster is ready, and the master class clearly demonstrates how quick and easy it is! You can attach a small loop and it will make a great toy for the New Year tree.

It’s easy to create a rooster as a symbol of 2017 with your own hands from felt, but only if you have patterns at hand. You can download a variety of patterns for the eastern symbol of next year for free directly from this article. You need to follow the link, where a large collection of cockerels will open without additional registration. Then choose the templates you like the most and download them to your computer.

To make the symbol of 2017 with your own hands from felt, you need to have good patterns on hand. In many modern families, when preparing for the holiday, the eastern symbol of the year is given special and important attention, so the figurine of this character will be relevant. Probably, for people who have minimal experience in needlework, making a felt cockerel with your own hands for the New Year is the simplest type of craft. Felt cockerel is easy to make because this material is easy to work with. You just need to choose a template and cut it out, and then transfer the patterns to the fabric, skillfully select colors and sew everything.

About important moments of creativity

, if you follow Eastern philosophy, and this has always been the case among the Slavs, is a domestic bird. He loves order and comfort, natural fabrics. But at the same time, the rooster does not like routine and dullness; everything that is done for the home with one’s own hands, even inexpensive, must be done beautifully and with love. When making crafts, these factors must be taken into account. That is, try to show off your imagination, show your creative abilities to the maximum and be sure to express them in your crafts.

A master class on making any craft for the New Year holidays requires some knowledge and skills. But it’s worth noting separately that a felt cockerel can be made with a minimum of such skills, the main thing is to have a good pattern on hand. Which, in a huge variety, as already mentioned at the beginning of this material, can be downloaded for free from the catalog of our website. Bringing your creative ideas to life for the New Year is interesting and exciting, and be sure to involve your family in the creative process.

This is just one of the options for how you can make a felt rooster toy for the New Year, because according to the eastern calendar, this particular bird will be a symbol of the future calendar period. Please note that this is a rather complex master class. If you don’t have time at all, then simply cut out the cockerels from felt according to ready-made patterns and carefully sew them along the contour. The result will be a flat, but stylish and bright, original New Year's craft.