Rubellite or pink tourmaline is the stone of Venus and Cleopatra, which was first described by the Irish scientist Richard Kirwan in the second half of the eighteenth century. The name of the mineral comes from the Latin rubellus, which means reddish. This stone is otherwise called crimson schorl, apirite, daurite, sibirite. A separate variety of rubellite is elbaite, mined on the island of Elba and distinguished by its particular beauty.

Shades of pink tourmaline can range from deep red to soft pink. In total, there are more than fifty color varieties of this mineral. The color saturation depends on the amount of manganese compounds in the stone. In appearance, rubellite is sometimes confused with rubies. Under this name it even found its way into imperial crowns. In fact, these two stones are easy to distinguish: in the light, a ray passing through a ruby ​​will be red, and through a rubellite it will split into two different shades. Transparent stones are classified as precious stones. Opaque - are considered ornamental and are used in interior design, making small figurines and costume jewelry.

Mineral deposits

The richest deposits of pink tourmaline are located in California, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, the Middle Urals and Eastern Transbaikalia, as well as in Kazakhstan. Deposits in Brazil occupy a special place - not only the most valuable, but also the largest rubellites are mined there. The heaviest druse weighed about four tons.

The length of the largest of the Brazilian crystals reached forty centimeters. Pink tourmaline is in great demand among jewelers. Depending on the size, color and saturation, prices for jewelry with rubellites start from 20 to 500 dollars. Particularly valuable stones, such as a recently discovered twelve-carat Brazilian stone, cost $7,500,000.

Interesting facts from the history of pink tourmaline

Probably, in the East, rubellite as a valuable jewelry raw material has been known since ancient times. It was mined in India, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Jewelry was made from it in Afghanistan, Persia and other Eastern countries. Some sources say that the famous Queen Cleopatra really liked rubellites. According to legend, one of these stones belonged to her, then passed to her last lover - the commander, who gave it to Julius Caesar. From that time on, the famous stone traveled for a long time, passing from hand to hand. Its owners were the masters of the Templar Order, the rulers of France, and King Gustav III Charles of Sweden. He ordered a decoration in the form of a bunch of grapes to be made from stone and presented it to the Russian Empress Catherine II.

In fact, the stone was taken from Burma and was classified as a ruby ​​for a long time. Now this jewel with a stone weighing more than two hundred and fifty carats is kept in the Diamond Fund.

In Russia, pink tourmaline was considered a type of ruby. Such minerals are found on the famous Monomakh's Cap and on imperial crowns. Rubellites were also used to decorate church utensils and religious objects. In the second half of the eighteenth century, after the discovery of pink tourmaline, a stir immediately broke out in Europe - fashionistas and primps began to order countless jewelry with rubellites. There is another legend, more like a scary fairy tale. It is believed that the crown of the Czech kings contained a ruby, which instantly killed impostors and those who simply wanted to try on the royal crown. The story is certainly fantastic and was invented to scare off uninvited pretenders to the throne, but the crown actually exists, only it is decorated not with a ruby, but with rubellite.

Magical properties of the stone

The best amulets with rubellites are jewelry set in gold or silver. The most popular tourmaline jewelry is earrings or a ring. The common property of the stone is the ability to calm the soul and instill confidence in it. If you are overwhelmed by emotion and feel that you are getting turned on, then you should think about purchasing tourmaline jewelry. Charms made from this stone give hope and faith, helping people experiencing the loss of loved ones or simply being under deep stress. The magical properties of pink tourmaline have been known for a long time.

Pink tourmaline is believed to be the stone of the goddess of love, Venus. Accordingly, its magical properties are aimed at achieving success in love for single people and maintaining peace and fidelity for married people. That is why in some countries rubellite is considered the best wedding gift. Another feature of this mineral is the ability to multiply and return what is given. This concerns not so much material wealth as the work of the soul: if you give kindness and love, you receive more kindness and happiness in return. However, according to the same rule, anger and aggression returns to the sender.

In addition, rubellite has the ability to harmonize not only relationships, but in general make the life of its owner calmer and more measured. Like other stones used as a magical amulet, rubellite needs regular cleaning of accumulated negativity and a kind of recharging. You can clean pink tourmaline by immersing it in silver, spring or blessed water for a while. And restoring his strength is even easier - just put your amulet in the sun and hold it there for several hours.

The healing properties of tourmaline

The mineral has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect. According to lithotherapists, rubellite is of great importance and helps with many diseases. The healing properties of the stone depend on its color. Light rubellites soothe, dark rubellites stimulate. Raspberry and dark tourmalines should be used for disorders of the digestive tract and loss of appetite.

These same stones restore the endocrine system and increase the overall immunity of the body, helping to fight infections. Rubellites help men avoid many problems with the genitourinary system. Since rubellite improves the condition of blood vessels, it is used in lithotherapy during the recovery period after strokes and paresis. Before using the mineral as a healing stone, it is recommended to consult with specialists.

Interaction of rubellite with zodiac signs

Pink tourmaline is primarily suitable for people born under the sign of Libra. He helps women find their betrothed, create a peaceful and warm environment in the house, preserve love and family hearth. Any jewelry with rubellites can serve as amulets for them. But for men there is a very specific amulet. If a man born under the sign of Libra constantly wears a ring with red tourmaline, he will become more courageous, self-confident, cool-headed and get rid of indecision.

Astrologers note that wearing pink tourmaline is not contraindicated for any of the zodiac signs. This peaceful stone is “friends” with almost every one of them. It is especially good to use this stone to increase vitality for Aries and Leos. This is this magical stone that protects love and soothes the soul, healing and supporting.

Pink tourmaline belongs to the category of stones that can and should be given to strengthen the family and preserve tender feelings in the heart. For many peoples, this gemstone is a symbol of the hearth and the ability of a person to preserve the best qualities in himself. The stone is actively used in lithotherapy, in the manufacture of church utensils, and in the production of medical equipment.

Tourmaline, regardless of its color, belongs to the category of men's stones, but wearing it can also bring good luck to women.

Tourmaline enhances masculine qualities in the character of the fair sex: courage, fearlessness, willpower, analytical thinking, the desire to independently solve any problems. The largest locations of cattail tourmaline are in Brazil; before their discovery, the stone was extremely rare and expensive.

Mineral that gives hope and harmony

Some pink tourmalines can become colorless when heat treated. Unscrupulous manufacturers of gemstone jewelry often use another trick. They heat-treat red-brown tourmalines, which are cheaper than pink ones. The hardness and transparency of the red-brown stone does not change significantly, but in terms of energy, as lithotherapists assure, the mineral that has been subjected to such an effect becomes different.

Purchasing pink tourmaline for medicinal purposes is not uncommon. It turns out that jewelers, by changing the color of the stone from red-brown to pink, are deliberately deceiving buyers and clients. Red-brown tourmaline also has unique healing properties; healers actively use it in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to increase the vitality of the body, against low blood pressure, lethargy and apathy. Pink tourmaline is intended primarily for the treatment of the cardiovascular system. Natural pink mineral:

  • has a positive effect on the kidneys, in which its properties are similar to jade;
  • strengthens the lungs, relieves asthmatic attacks;
  • helps get rid of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • improves overall well-being.

The mystical properties of tourmaline are multifaceted. But the most important of them, as esotericists and theosophists recognize, is the ability to give hope. The stone is considered a talisman for those who know how not to lose hope and optimism. Tourmaline is a harmonious and balanced stone, considered a symbol of the human spirit's desire for harmony and perfection.

Healing properties of the stone

To whom do litotherapists primarily prescribe wearing tourmaline? The stone perfectly helps to get rid of depression and aggressive conditions. Long contemplation of tourmaline calms the nerves. The mineral is considered an effective remedy for neuroses and depression; it helps to cope with attacks of groundless panic and fear.

For people with weakened immune systems, wearing pink tourmaline is vital. And there is no mysticism here, but there is solid physics and chemistry.

Scientists have long proven that mineral crystals emit short-wave infrared rays that are beneficial to the human body. Under their influence, blood capillaries expand and begin to function better. At the same time, the functioning of body tissues improves and damaged cells are restored. Many have heard that the Chizhevsky lamp has such properties, but few assume: it was this property of tourmaline crystals that became the basis for the creation of its design.

For centuries, humanity has been searching for a universal remedy against metabolic disorders. Healers strongly recommend wearing tourmaline for people suffering from endocrine diseases and various metabolic disorders.

If a person has suffered stress or nervous shock, pink tourmalines will help him recover faster from the experience. Traditional medicine prescribes them in the form of bracelets and beads. It is necessary that the stone is in direct contact with the body and transmits the necessary energy vibrations to the body. For those who suffer from nightmares or insomnia, even one mineral will help. To normalize sleep, tourmaline is placed under the pillow.

In order for the stone to constantly work and the negativity collected from a person to leave it, tourmaline is cleaned by passing candles over a fire or immersing it in silver water. Silver water for cleaning stones is very simple to prepare. To do this, just immerse any silver item in drinking water for a day. After 24 hours you can clean tourmaline in it.

If silver water is not available, another method is used. Tourmaline is immersed in running water so that it carries away the negativity accumulated by the pink stone. But still, the best option is to place the mineral under the sun’s rays, which not only cleanse it, but also charge it with energy.

About the secrets of beauty and the fulfillment of desires

Pink tourmaline is considered a stone of beauty. It helps get rid of wrinkles, acne, and makes skin healthy. The mineral tends to improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain, so it is useful to wear it to strengthen memory and attention. For those who suffer from headaches, earrings with pink tourmaline can help get rid of them. The stone is actively used in lithotherapy to treat male potency and female infertility.

At all times, persons of royal blood valued tourmalines for the fact that the stone is able to enhance the charismatic qualities of a person, win the hearts of people, and instill love and respect in their subjects. One of the largest collections of tourmalines was once owned by Catherine the Great. It is noteworthy that the ruby ​​in one of the crowns of the Czech kings was, as chemical analysis confirmed, tourmaline.

Tourmaline also plays an important role in religious rituals. The stone is used to inlay the very utensils in churches where donations from parishioners are kept. Tourmaline is considered an unofficial symbol of patronage and charity. But long-term wearing of tourmaline by idealists is not the best option, because the energy of the stone, combined with such a personality quality, separates a person from reality and does not allow him to descend from heaven to earth in time. Pink tourmaline is prescribed the property of fulfilling wishes.

Why is the stone so popular?

Pink minerals are usually recommended to be worn by those who are under close attention from others. This stone protects creative people from the evil eye and damage. These stones especially favor extraordinary people. The favorites of tourmalines are actors, artists, musicians, and poets, who are patronized by the mineral. Pink tourmalines protect a person from slander and slander, inspire calm and preserve the joy of life. Minerals are actively mined in Brazil and India, but the demand for pink tourmalines does not decrease, primarily due to their medicinal properties. Over the past few years, the price of the mineral has increased 89 times.

The amazing properties of tourmaline inspired scientists to create a synthetic analogue of the stone.

In jewelry, pink tourmalines are actively being replaced with synthetic analogues. In order not to find yourself in the role of a deceived buyer, you can purchase a stone:

  • test for scratches;
  • check in strong artificial light.

A knife blade on real tourmaline leaves no marks, since the value of the stone on the Mohs scale is 7. In strong artificial light, the pink natural stone takes on a light brownish tone. If a brown tint does not appear, the tourmaline is synthetic. The mineral favors almost all signs of the zodiac, but it is most friendly towards Aries, Leo and Libra.

Tourmaline is a unique natural stone that contains a constant electrical charge, similar to the charge in the human body, and has the ability to emit infrared radiation. This mineral has many different colors. The shade of a stone determines its chemical composition. The predominant component of a particular metal determines the color of tourmaline. The variety of shades allows people with any taste to choose this stone.

The mineral was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century from the island of Ceylon. He immediately won the hearts of the nobility and gained great popularity. At the same time, esotericists discovered that tourmaline has magical properties. From then until today, the mineral began to be used as a talisman.

This stone has many types. Here is their description and photo:

The magical properties of Tourmaline

Tourmaline creates an energy field around the owner that protects him from any negative influence. The stone protects against evil forces, the evil eye, damage, gossip, intrigue and envy. The mineral can even neutralize the negative effects that come from electronic devices if placed next to equipment (TV, computer monitor, etc.).

Tourmaline stone helps to identify hidden talents and develop them. In addition, it gives inspiration to creative people.

The mineral improves mood and helps to overcome even the most difficult life situations more easily. In addition, with its help you can find a way out of even the most difficult life situations.

Tourmaline stone is used by magicians and sorcerers for meditation. It frees the mind from all thoughts, but at the same time concentrates attention.

Tourmaline helps you achieve your goal and overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. In addition, it makes it possible to understand your true purpose and find the meaning of life.

Healing properties of the stone

The properties and significance of the mineral were studied by stone healing specialists. They found that tourmaline has healing properties. It has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems. The healing properties of tourmaline even help to cope with malignant oncological pathologies. The stone is also recommended for insomnia and mental disorders.

Its medicinal properties depend on the color of tourmaline. Thus, the green mineral is recommended to be worn for pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Such tourmaline will help heal them. In addition, this stone can increase the protective properties of the body. Green tourmaline improves blood circulation. It slows down aging and rejuvenates.

Blue tourmalines increase immunity, improve the condition of lymph nodes and normalize hormone levels.

In India, tourmalines are used in black, green, pink and blue shades. It is believed that such minerals improve the functioning of the body as a whole and help get rid of any ailment.

Who is Tourmaline suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Tourmaline is a mineral that cannot be used as a talisman for all zodiac signs. For whom this stone is suitable and for whom it is not, look in the table.

Compatibility of tourmaline with zodiac signs. Table 1.

Tourmaline is ideal for Scorpios. The magic of the mineral clarifies the consciousness of representatives of this zodiac sign, relieving them of false illusions. Astrologers recommend choosing black stones for Scorpios. He gives them protection, helps them reach their goal and overcome all obstacles that arise along the way. In addition, black tourmaline relieves Scorpios of negative character traits and enhances positive traits.

Pink and green minerals are recommended for Leo, Libra and Aries. Such stones have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system of representatives of these zodiac signs. They calm and help them find harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Blue tourmalines are suitable for Sagittarius and Aquarius. They will help develop intuition among representatives of these zodiac signs and discover hidden talents.

Gemini, Pisces and Cancer can use tourmalines of all colors as a talisman. However, they cannot be worn all the time.

Tourmaline of all shades is contraindicated for Taurus and Virgo.

Tourmaline is a beautiful stone and a powerful talisman. However, it has powerful energy, so it is not recommended for anyone to wear it constantly.

Today, the most common and beautiful piece of jewelry is tourmaline, which amazes with its beauty and unusual range of colors. This stone symbolizes the feminine principle and has the advantage of bringing peace and joy to the one who possesses it.

Tourmaline has adorned and brought joy, light and romance to many great people. Tourmaline has a different shape and color palette, for example, a stone like a watermelon was the main decoration of the great Alexander the Great. And Catherine II became the happy owner of a piece of jewelry that weighed 255 carats; the value of this mineral was appreciated by French rulers and even Julius Caesar. This mineral was found on the crowns of the rulers of Russia and was so skillfully and magnificently made that it did not differ from the precious mineral ruby. These facts reflect the professional qualities of jewelers of those times, because creating jewelry from this mineral is not an easy task; it is necessary to take into account not only the shade, but also its properties. You can see this in the photo and admire the work of the jewelers.

The history of the origin of the mineral is very interesting; tourmaline was brought to Europe from Ceylon and gained wide popularity. The events date back to the 18th century, and then many European scientists studied the gem. And Richard Kirwan, an Irish scientist, studied the properties of the mineral in detail and gave the gem a name. Various magical properties are attributed to this rock, and it is believed that owners of the gem can maintain relationships and trust. Preserving love is the main function of the gem and it becomes possible thanks to the connection of the mineral with the goddess of love and beauty, Venus. The gem attracts love and relieves loneliness; the mineral will also be a wonderful gift for newlyweds. The healing properties of the stone are strengthening the nervous system, restoring the immune system, improving blood circulation in the body, restoring normal functioning of the kidneys. Tourmaline has a beneficial effect on sleep, purification of consciousness and creates a balance between spiritual and physical forces.

As the legend says, the appearance of this stone in the human world was facilitated by magic, or rather by a sorcerer. In addition to its magical properties, our ancestors “healed diseases of the nerves and blood flow with it.” And he helps those born under the sign of Libra in everything: in making difficult decisions, and in gaining confidence in themselves and in masculine actions. And the name of this noble stone is rubellite.

There is a legend according to which red tourmaline in the form of a bunch of grapes belonged to a Chaldean magician. The sorcerer got it by cunning, because he lured the stone away from the demon, who took the jewelry out of hell. Thanks to this decoration, the magician gained the ability to pass through walls.

After several thousand years, Julius Caesar became the new owner of rubellite. He was not as lucky as the Chaldean sorcerer, because the ruler was no longer able to penetrate the walls. The death of Caesar put the stone out of sight for several centuries.

After one and a half thousand years, rubellite appeared again. The Swedish king presented it as a gift to the Russian Empress. This time, rubellite showed not magical properties, but its hellish essence. Although relations with the donor improved at first, a war soon broke out between the two states, in which Russia turned out to be the winner.

Historical discovery of rubellite

The first mention of rubellite stone dates back to 1794. The discovery of rubellite, which means reddish in Latin, was due to the Irish scientist Richard Kirwan. It was he who described the properties and characteristics of the fossil rock in his scientific works.

Although there is other information. If you believe the legends, jewelry with rubellite in the shape of a bunch of grapes adorned the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. You can also find descriptions of this stone among the Templars.

But many scientists adhere to the version that rubellite first sparkled on the royal crowns of the Russian and English courts. Soon after them, jewelers under the French throne and among the subjects of the Swedish king Gustav began to use it.

This is interesting! The Diamond Fund of Russia houses the most famous rubellite, “Caesar’s Ruby,” weighing 250 carats. It has the shape of a bunch of grapes and, according to legend, was carried out of hell by a demon, and then became an adornment for Egyptian rulers.

Healing and magic

Our ancestors believed that rubellite helps heal a person from diseases:

The stone helps normalize sleep, relieves nightmares, improves memory, strengthens the immune system and activates blood flow. It is also believed that the medicinal properties of rubellite enhance male strength and relieve potency problems. But the uniqueness in the matter of healing does not lie in this, but in the ability of rubellite to fully restore the body’s functionality after paralysis.

Modern magicians have not ignored pink tourmaline. All minerals of pink and red shades are considered the personification of love and a pure heart. Rubellite is also credited with having beneficial effects on the human mind and body. If the stone is set in gold or silver, it becomes a talisman for a talented person, which enhances his abilities. Pink tourmaline was considered amulet of artists helping to gain recognition.

For a happy relationship, a stone in a gold frame in the form of a ring should wear on the left hand on the index or middle finger. Such a talisman with rubellite promotes peace and harmony in the family, helps two loving people find mutual understanding.

Astrologers consider rubellite stone that protects Libra. Men who own the mineral acquire courage and the ability to make smart decisions. The indecision and uncertainty characteristic of people born under this constellation disappears.

Libra women gain personal happiness, because the red hue of the mineral attracts love. Owners of rubellite in a gold frame enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them, not only in the family circle, but also in the work team.

Places of industrial development and properties of stone

The main production of the pink-red mineral occurs in several parts of the world. The largest rubellites, about 20 cm long, are mined in Brazil. The development of deposits on Elba Island, North America and Namibia has also been established. Germany, Mozambique, Madagascar, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic are distinguished by considerable reserves of rubellite in the form of stone. In Russia, industrial stone mining is carried out in Transbaikalia and the Urals.

This is interesting! Rubellite, which is mined on the island of Elba, is distinguished by its special structure, bright colors and beauty. Experts identified them as a separate group and called them elbaites.

The hardness of the mineral according to MOSS is determined by a high hardness index of -7-7.5. The stones are grateful for their reddish and pinkish hue to the admixtures of manganese in their composition, which is described in the form of a chemical formula as follows: Na(Li,Al)3Al6[(OH)4.

The influence of the gemological relative of tourmaline is largely influenced. He gave rubellite a wide range of colors, because it has several shades in the spectrum from soft pink, which in saturation turns almost red, and sometimes even purple. But most experts are of the opinion that the main color of rubellite is pink.

This is interesting! Several rubellites are classified into separate groups. These are stones with a dark cherry tint, which are considered the most valuable and are called siberites, and the already mentioned elbaites.

How to avoid getting a fake stone?

Natural minerals have a glassy luster and an unusual play of reflections on the edges, which jewelers immediately appreciated. But not only real tourmalines can be found in jewelry. Often, with a quick glance at a piece of jewelry, doubts arise about the authenticity of the stones. You can distinguish a fake rubellite from a real one by the following signs:

  • a natural mineral has high hardness, if the stone can be scratched, then it is fake;
  • when heated, real stone attracts small paper pieces;
  • real rubellite does not have any inclusions inside - it is an impeccably pure mineral.

Video on the topic: Tourmaline gemstone. All types of tourmaline. Gems

But even if all the listed signs are present, doubts have not disappeared, an expert will always help determine the authenticity of the stone. There are people who believe that rubellite as a stone has little value. But it is loved by jewelers, it is classified as precious and delights its owners with its beauty.