This is an effective cosmetological technique for removing unwanted hair, patented in 1948. Let's try to figure it out: will electrolysis help permanently remove hair or not? Feedback from experts on the procedure convinces that total hair removal is indeed possible, but only in cases where the patient is committed to a long-term fight against “vegetation” and is ready to carry out 3-7 painful sessions of destroying hair follicles with electric current. In addition, patients who dream of quickly getting rid of hair are interested in how much one procedure is enough. From an analysis of reviews of electrolysis, we can conclude that hair usually grows back after a month and a half, and then it is recommended to conduct a repeat electrolysis session.

Due to the destructive effect of electric current on the follicles, the hair shafts gradually become thinner and discolored, and eventually disappear completely. The mechanism of electroepilation is simple: an electrode (the thinnest steel needle) is inserted into the follicle, through which a weak electric current is passed, causing heating and subsequent destruction of the germinal zone of the bulb. Using electrolysis, you can destroy only hair that is in the stage of active growth (anagenesis), however, this rule is valid for all types of hair removal and.

The result of electrolysis does not depend on the patient’s skin phototype and hair color In addition, the procedure is effective on any part of the body, however, it is not recommended to use this type of hair removal to remove hair growing in the nose (nostrils) and ears; there are also restrictions on electrolysis of the armpit area.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrolysis

Electrolysis has been used for more than 70 years and is only strengthening its position - the procedure has not been able to supplant either photoepilation or laser hair removal, not to mention depilation with sugar and wax. And this despite the abundance of contraindications and the high likelihood of complications! This love for a painful and lengthy procedure is explained by only one thing - a real opportunity to destroy hair follicles and get rid of “extra” hair forever.

Advantages of electrolysis:

  • the ability to remove blond, red and gray hair;
  • the result of electrolysis does not depend on skin color;
  • Each hair follicle is destroyed;
  • relatively low (compared to photoepilation and laser hair removal) cost of the procedure.

Disadvantages of electrolysis:

  • the painfulness of the procedure, which is almost always done with pain relief;
  • remoteness of obtaining the result - 3-4 courses of procedures are required to completely get rid of hair;
  • abundance of contraindications;
  • frequent complications;
  • high demands on the skill of a cosmetologist;
  • After the procedure, swelling and redness of the skin persist for 2-3 days.

Types (methods) of electrolysis

  1. Thermolysis alternating high-frequency current - this type of electrolysis is characterized by rapid heating and instant coagulation of the protein that makes up the follicle. Thermolysis shows good results when treating large surfaces, but only if the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist who can insert the needle exactly into the lower segment of the hair follicle, and this is quite difficult to do in the case of curved follicles.
  2. Electrolysis- this type of electrolysis is based on chemical processes triggered by galvanic current. For the procedure, two electrodes are used: an alkaline environment is formed around one (a negative charge is applied to it), and an acidic environment is formed around the other (a positive charge is applied to it). This method is suitable for destroying curved follicles, but according to patients, it takes more time.
  3. Flash- this is the same thermolysis performed with a needle covered with insulating material. Since the charge is at the end of the needle, the tissues through which the electrode passes are not injured, which means that electrolysis itself causes less discomfort. Flash is not used on the face and intimate area, but it shows excellent results on the arms and legs.
  4. Blend- this type of electrolysis allows you to achieve optimal results by combining the best properties of electrolysis and thermolysis. According to patient reviews, the Blend is well tolerated and does not cause discomfort.
  5. Electrolysis with tweezers- a rarely used method, although it is very effective and, according to patients, almost painless. The role of the electrode is played by tweezers: the hair is grabbed with tweezers, then a current is passed through the tweezers, which is transmitted along the hair shaft to the follicle. This is the most “long-lasting” method of electrolysis - processing one hair lasts almost 10 seconds.

Equipment used for electrolysis

Electrolysis is a hardware procedure and requires special equipment, namely an electrolysis apparatus and needles. Currently, the best devices are produced by the Spanish company ROS"S, and experts recognize one of the most advanced models Depil-Plus 13 Mhz- a universal device for electrolysis, capable of operating in electrolysis and thermolysis modes. It is convenient that the master has the ability to program the device and use the Blend and Flash modes. In addition, the device is equipped with an air ozonation function, which allows us to talk about antibacterial protection during the procedure. Cosmetologists also speak well about electric epilator EHVCh-20-MTUSI (Russia)- the use of this relatively inexpensive device allows you to reduce the price of electrolysis in the salon.

The result of hair removal depends not only on the characteristics of the electrolysis machine, but also on the needles used, which are usually made of an alloy of nickel and chromium (medical alloy). For patients with allergies, needles coated with 24-karat gold are used, and for Flash thermolysis - insulated, coated with a thin layer of Teflon.

Attention! For electrolysis, a sterile disposable needle is used, the packaging of which is opened by the doctor immediately before the procedure in the presence of the patient.

How to do electrolysis: procedure procedure

Preparing for the procedure. It is more convenient to do electrolysis on regrown hair with a length of at least three millimeters, so hair removal should be stopped 10 days before the procedure. Before the session, it is recommended to treat the skin with a soft scrub to clean and soften the skin, as well as take a shower or bath.

Procedure. Regardless of the method of electrolysis used, the issue of pain relief should be decided in advance: if these are injections of an anesthetic drug, then the doctor will perform them immediately before the procedure, and if it is planned to use an anesthetic cream, then, as a rule, the patient applies it independently two hours before session.

The cosmetologist gives a neutral electrode into the hands of the patient, who is sitting on the couch, and begins the procedure (the method of electrolysis and the features of the needle-electrode are discussed in advance). With a smooth movement, the doctor inserts a needle into the follicle and applies an electric current that destroys the hair follicle.. Next, the specialist takes out the hair shaft with tweezers and begins processing the next follicle.

After the entire area is cleared of hair, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, after which some ointment with an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect is applied.

Skin care after electrolysis. After the procedure, it is recommended to use cosmetic preparations with panthenol, which will help quickly get rid of redness and swelling of the skin. On the first day, the skin in the epilation area should not be wet, and in the future it is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and beach until the skin is completely restored and cleared of scabs formed at the puncture sites. The rehabilitation period usually lasts up to two weeks, during which it is recommended to wear loose clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics. During the rehabilitation period, you should limit the use of perfumes and cosmetics and avoid situations that lead to increased sweating.

Attention! Care after electrolysis often involves avoiding taking hormonal medications, as they can cause increased hair growth. Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist- for some diseases of the thyroid gland, electrolysis will not give the expected result, although this technique is more suitable than others for combating hairiness caused by hormonal imbalance.

Features of electrolysis on the face and in different areas of the body

Electrolysis on the face gives a good result, but you should take into account that it will take at least 2-3 days to restore the skin, and you should not rely on foundation and powder, since during these days the use of decorative cosmetics can cause irritation and ingrown hairs. Electrolysis is extremely rarely used to remove nasal hair due to the unpleasant and painful sensations that occur during the procedure.

It gets rid of “vegetation” very effectively, but often in their reviews patients are dissatisfied with the fact that after the procedure puncture points are visible for a long time. I would like to note that such the problem will not be so acute if electrolysis of the antennae is done on tanned skin. Another annoying point for patients: before the procedure, the mustache should be grown to 2.5 - 3.5 millimeters, which is sometimes quite difficult to do.

Electrolysis of armpits and bikini area does not cause any particular difficulties, but one must not forget that there are lymph nodes in the armpits and perineum, for which exposure to even weak electrical impulses can be harmful.

Electrolysis of legs and arms usually pass without complications, but due to the large treatment area, the procedure will take a lot of time.

Electrolysis: video

How much does electrolysis cost? Price for hair removal in a salon

Typically, the price of electrolysis is determined by the time spent on the procedure. One minute of a session costs from 20 to 50 rubles and depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the level of the cosmetology establishment and the brand of the device used. When calculating how much electrolysis will cost, you need to take into account the price of an anesthetic (on average 100 rubles), as well as the cost of a disposable needle (50-300 rubles). Approximate minimum prices for electrolysis of various areas of the body are given in the table:

Attention! The table shows the price of one electrolysis procedure, and how many sessions lasting from 15 to 60 minutes are required depends on the structure of the hair and the specifics of the treatment area:

  • you can get rid of hair on the legs and thighs in 3-4 sessions;
  • correction of the eyebrow line will require 5-7 sessions;
  • You won’t be able to get rid of the “antennae” above your upper lip in less than seven electrolysis sessions.

Typically, course procedures are performed at 1-2 month intervals, so it may take more than a year to get rid of the hair. But that's not all! Rarely does anyone manage to limit themselves to one course - more often they have to be repeated at least 3-4 times.

Each electrolysis session guarantees a loss of 10-20% of the total hair, and each time the hairs become thinner and lighter.

Contraindications to electrolysis:

During electrolysis, damage to the skin occurs.(insertion of an electrode), and in addition, the body is exposed to electric current, which in itself can be dangerous for patients suffering from certain diseases - therefore, there are more contraindications to electrolysis than to photo- and even.

Chronic diseases for which electrolysis cannot be performed: neoplasms, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, varicose veins, skin and blood diseases. This also includes previous hepatitis, strokes and heart attacks.

Contraindications to electrolysis associated with the use of electric current: electric pacemaker (pacemaker), intrauterine device (for bikini area hair removal), metal dental implants and gold threads (for facial hair removal), electric current intolerance.

Besides, It is contraindicated to do electrolysis if there is a tendency to form keloid tissue, as well as for any inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Attention! Patients are often concerned about whether electrolysis can be done during pregnancy. The answer is clear - no. Not only pregnancy, but also breastfeeding are absolute contraindications to the procedure.

Negative consequences of electropilation and how to avoid them

Electrolysis is fraught with complications. The risk increases if the patient hid diseases for which the procedure cannot be performed or neglected the cosmetologist’s recommendations for post-epilation skin care.

Complications after electrolysis:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness- absolutely natural consequences of electrolysis, but only if they last no more than 2-3 days.
  2. Crusts, tightening wounds at the puncture site - form quite often, usually disappear within 14 days. It is very important that the crusts come off on their own (they cannot be forcibly exfoliated).
  3. Hyperpigmentation- one of the most common and unpleasant consequences of electrolysis. Pigment spots in the treatment area occur as a result of forced removal of scabs or sunbathing until the skin is completely restored. If hyperpigmentation could not be prevented, a course of chemical peeling will have to be carried out.
  4. Irritation and inflammation skin - these problems indicate improper home care after the procedure, which resulted in infection of the treatment area.
  5. Burns- this complication is entirely the responsibility of the doctor, who failed to correctly select the optimal treatment regimen. To treat and quickly heal the skin, ointments with panthenol, calendula and chamomile, as well as other anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agents, are usually used.
  6. Scarring- occur when there are violations in the procedure and the patient’s tendency to form keloid tissue. With this complication, contratubex ointment helps, as well as cosmetic procedures such as electrophoresis and.
  7. Ingrown hair- this complication occurs often and causes a lot of discomfort. Hairs that have curled up in the follicle due to the impossibility of coming to the surface are removed by a cosmetologist during the next visit.
  8. Hematomas- occur if the electrode needle damages a blood vessel or if the patient has a blood disease. The complication is treated with heparin ointment.

Electrolysis: before and after photos

Electrolysis is an effective method of removing excess hair for a long period of time. The name of the procedure is due to the principle of its implementation: hairs are removed using electric current. Through a sensor-electrode it enters the hair, heats and destroys its shaft, bulb and papilla. The technique involves a targeted approach, that is, processing each hair separately, which is especially successful when it is necessary to work with small problem areas.

Classification of procedures

Electrolysis is divided into several independent areas, differing in the type of devices used and electric current. Thus, types of hair removal can be determined depending on the electrode:

  • Tweezer sensor, captures each hair, passes current through it and removes it according to the classical principle. This solution is considered painless and suitable for working with sensitive skin.
  • Sensor - needle. The most popular and frequently practiced method. A needle is inserted into the hole from which the hair grows, an electric current is applied, and then the hair falls out on its own. The sensor can be made of a medical alloy or gold, and even have a Teflon coating.

Sensor - tweezers Sensors - needles

By far, the most commonly used classification of the procedure involves taking into account different types of electrical currents. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following most popular types of electrolysis.


It is carried out on the basis of high frequency alternating current. It is distinguished by extremely rapid destruction of the follicle, due to which a high speed of manipulation is achieved. It must be taken into account that the effectiveness of such a technique is directly related to the qualifications of the cosmetologist.


Destroys hairs by forming an electrochemical process based on galvanic current. This method is suitable for destroying even damaged follicles, but requires a significant amount of time.


It is a symbiosis of thermolysis and electrolysis. He has absorbed their best positive aspects, thanks to which he receives positive reviews from professionals.

Flash (advanced thermolysis)

Due to its characteristics, it has a less painful effect, but the final results are again determined by the skill and skill of the specialist.

Indications for electrolysis

Electric hair removal is a truly universal technique. It is used to eliminate hair of any type (both the darkest and very light and even gray). This is precisely why the procedure compares favorably with laser treatment or photoepilation. In addition, it does not matter at all what type of skin the patient has; this is not a limitation to the manipulations.

Preparation stage

Carrying out this hair removal requires little preliminary preparation. It consists of the patient performing the following actions:

  • Refusal to sunbathe (7-10 days before).
  • Shaving the hair in the problem area (about 2 - 3 days in advance).
  • Performing hygiene procedures (several hours in advance).

The final effect of all procedures will depend on how accurately these recommendations are followed.

Main stages of the procedure

Electrical hair removal is a very painstaking and time-consuming technique. One session can take from 10 minutes to several hours.

The procedure begins with mandatory anesthesia. Anesthesia during electrolysis can be carried out either by an injection or by a special surface anesthetic cream. Then the patient takes a comfortable position and takes a passive electrode in his hand, the active sensor is located by the cosmetologist, and it is with the help of it that every hair is removed.

Upon completion of the manipulations, a prerequisite is the application of a sedative that has an antiseptic effect.

Video: how electrolysis works

A positive effect can only be achieved by completing the full course. Reviews from patients indicate that visible changes occur after the first session, but they do not bring 100% results.

On average, a full course involves from 5 to 8 procedures (less often - more or less, this can only be determined by a cosmetologist during a personal meeting). The break between sessions is approximately 45 - 60 days, and if necessary can be reduced to a month.

How to properly organize rehabilitation?

Skin care after electrolysis should be performed on a regular basis. It is imperative to use antiseptics, for example, alcohol-containing solutions or Miramistin. The preparations are applied to a clean cotton pad and used for further treatment of the skin 3 - 4 times a day at equal time intervals.

If necessary, it may be necessary to use anti-inflammatory and healing compounds (Bepanten, Panthenol and others ointments). They are used for burns and severe redness of the dermis to relieve inflammation, soothe damaged tissues and provide additional hydration.

On average, rehabilitation lasts up to 14 days, but for many patients it ends much faster. In addition to using the special tools described above, it is necessary to adhere to the following standard restrictions, namely:

  • Do not go out in the sun without special protective cosmetics.
  • Do not visit solariums, saunas and baths.
  • Avoid swimming in pools and open water.
  • Limit physical activity so as not to provoke active sweating.
  • Minimize any mechanical impact on the treated area (it is strictly forbidden to comb the resulting crusts at the site of the removed hairs).

Negative consequences of electrolysis

Unfortunately, even such an effective procedure is often accompanied by various side effects. Some of them are a natural reaction of the body to external interference, while others can be quite dangerous and indicate errors that occurred during exposure. Thus, the following manifestations are considered normal:

  • Swelling.
  • Local redness.
  • Mild itching.
  • Formation of crusts and peeling of the skin.

Skin after electrolysis

Of course, complications can be more pronounced. Usually they are associated with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, low professionalism of the cosmetologist, neglect of safety precautions or contraindications. These include:

  • Hyperpigmentation (formation of dark spots on the skin).
  • Spread of infection and formation of hidden inflammations.
  • Burns (their cause is medical error or skin hypersensitivity).
  • Scarring.
  • Hematomas.

If you observe any of the listed complications, or existing side effects do not go away within 3 to 5 days, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist for further consultation and appointments.

Main contraindications

Electrical hair removal has a fairly large number of restrictions on its implementation, which is direct evidence of the seriousness of such an intervention. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature and decreased immunity;
  • the presence of implanted gold threads, pacemakers, intrauterine devices;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases, the presence of open wounds and cuts in the area subject to treatment.

Burns after electrolysis, immediately and after a few days


How much does electrolysis cost? Formation of prices is a rather complex process that takes into account many additional factors. The unit of measurement in this case is a minute, the cost of which can be either 10 or 50 rubles. This is explained by the presence of several methods, the use of various instruments, the classification of a specialist, and the availability of various additional services. If you still want to know the approximate costs of the procedures, the information in the table below may be useful to you.

Electrolysis allows you to permanently remove unwanted hair on the face and body. The principle of the progressive technique is based on the destruction of hair follicles (follicles) by electric current. In 2-3 sessions you can completely cleanse the skin surface of light fluff and coarse hairs.

Benefits of electrolysis

Electrolysis damages the hair growth zone and follicle. It should be noted the versatility of the technique and the ability to use electrolysis to remove hair on the face, back, legs, arms and bikini area. Barely noticeable spots and swelling after the procedure disappear within a day or two.

Pain relief during electrolysis

The pain of the procedure depends on the individual sensitivity of the patient. For large areas of electrolysis, local anesthesia with lidocaine or novocaine spray is possible.
In cosmetology and aesthetic medicine clinics in Moscow, they use innovative technology for aeroanesthesia or cryoanesthesia, which significantly reduces the patient’s sensitivity during electrolysis.

Types of electrolysis

1. The fastest method of electrolysis is thermolysis. A cosmetologist or dermatologist inserts a needle electrode into the hair canal, a current pulse instantly heats and destroys the follicle. Thermolysis allows for rapid hair removal over large areas of the body. The method is not suitable for curved follicle canals. 2. Alkaline electrolysis. A direct electric current transmitted by a needle electrode creates an alkaline environment in the channel (electrolysis). Active alkali destroys any follicles, including those with curved canals. 3. Flash hair removal. The destruction of the hair follicle occurs from an intense outbreak (analogous to thermolysis). The voltage of the supplied current pulse is several times less than during thermolysis. 4. Bland technique. Blend hair removal combines electrolysis and thermolysis techniques. This is the most effective way to destroy follicles with curved canals and coarse hair with a triangular structure.

Where in Moscow can you get electrolysis?

In the database of the Zoon information portal you will find the addresses and telephone numbers of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine centers, cosmetology clinics, and beauty salons in Moscow. On the Zoon website you can also read the ratings and reviews of the work of cosmetologists, dermatologists, and other specialized specialists.

Electrolysis of bikini, face and legs is a popular modern cosmetic procedure. Despite the rapid development of hardware cosmetology, this method of hair removal is considered the most reliable and effective. Electrolysis of the face, legs and bikini area is very popular in our salon in Moscow. Complete hair removal can be achieved after several sessions.

The procedure is carried out by inserting a special disposable needle, which acts as an electrode, into the hair follicle. An electric current is supplied through it, which has a destructive effect on the root and the rest of the hair. The first stage of treatment of hair growth zones leads to the fact that hair grows only from neighboring (“spare”) follicles, with each session the amount of hair is reduced. If we take into account that hair follicles are not formed during life, but only those that were formed at the stage of intrauterine development wake up, then regular electrolysis will help to radically get rid of unnecessary hair.

Electrolysis of the face, legs and bikini area is best entrusted to the professionals of our salon located in the center of Moscow, who will carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently at prices that are optimal for the client!

"Epil Salon" is the first among the best!

Our electrolysis center “Epil Salon” employs a well-coordinated team of highly qualified professionals with higher medical education. They have at their disposal high-quality equipment that provides a high level of customer service: Biomak made in Hungary and a Spanish device from Ros's.

For the bikini electrolysis procedure, disposable needles of several types are used:

  • with gold plating;
  • with insulating coating;
  • from a special medical alloy.

For sensitive patients, various types of anesthesia are additionally provided, which will minimize the discomfort from electrolysis in the salon. We use: Emla cream, ultracaine in ampoules, lidocaine spray. At the end of each hair removal session, the skin is treated with a softening antibacterial cream, which ensures a comfortable condition and additional relaxation for the client.

Cost of electrolysis

Before and After Photos





Since hair growth depends on individual qualities, the cosmetologist first examines the client and develops the optimal method for electrolysis of the bikini, face, legs and other areas of the body. In different cases, the number of sessions can vary from 4 to 10.

The three most common methods of electrolysis are:

  • thermolysis;
  • electrolysis;
  • Blend technique.


The essence of thermolysis is the exposure of the hair follicle to alternating current of a certain frequency. The tip of a thin needle inserted into the base of the hair instantly heats the follicle, which initiates its destruction. A special case of thermolysis is the Flash method, which allows for a targeted lesion of a hair follicle of any diameter without affecting the adjacent layers of skin. The needle affects the hair using high-frequency radio radiation concentrated at one point for 0.5 seconds. This time is enough to destroy small and shallow hairs. For coarser hair on the face, legs and bikini area, other electrolysis techniques are recommended.

Electrolysis causes the death of the hair follicle under the influence of a chemical reaction, during which an alkali is formed. The entire procedure for electrolysis of the bikini, face or legs is carried out using two electrodes, one of which is inserted into the hair follicle, and the other is in the patient’s hand. Under the influence of a constant voltage current, a caustic alkali is formed around the tip of the needle. The appearance of hydrogen bubbles on the surface of the skin signals the end of the reaction. The damaged hair is removed. The method has proven itself well in small areas with coarse hair texture, but it takes a lot of time.

Using the Blend technique

This electrolysis technique combines the advantages of the previous two: first, a temperature effect is applied to the hair follicle, and then a short-term use of electrolysis completely destroys it, and accidental exposure to delicate skin is completely eliminated. This hair removal method is recommended for coarse hair and is suitable for any part of the body.

With the onset of the beach season, electrolysis in the deep bikini area is becoming widespread. Hair removal serves not only aesthetic, but also hygienic purposes. Moreover, carrying out the procedure in the electrolysis center in Moscow “Epil Salon” allows you to avoid unwanted complications and massive inflammation that can develop after shaving the deep bikini area at home.

The face is the most delicate and delicate area that needs careful and attentive cosmetic care. Only an experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the right hair removal method so as not to cause unwanted hair coarsening. Electrolysis of the face as a particularly sensitive area is carried out with preliminary local anesthesia and gives good results without additional complications.

Today, electrolysis is the only method that guarantees the ability to permanently get rid of unwanted hair on the body of a man or woman.

There is no doubt about this, since reviews indicate the effectiveness of this method, proven over the years and enjoying deserved popularity among clients.

What is the essence of electrolysis, what is it?

The hair removal method involves destroying the follicle.(hair follicle) by exposure to electric current through a very thin needle-electrode or microforceps.

The hair removal method involves destroying the follicle (hair follicle) by applying electric current through a thin electrode needle or micro forceps.

After such a procedure, the hair follicle is not restored, and the ability to grow hair is lost forever.

But you should know that Human hair goes through several stages:

  • growth stage;
  • regression period;
  • state of rest.

The peculiarity of electrolysis is that hairs can be permanently removed only during the period of their active growth. There is no possibility that all hairs were at this stage at the time of the procedure.

The peculiarity of electrolysis is that hairs can be permanently removed only during the period of their active growth.

Therefore, in order to completely get rid of unwanted hair on the body, you need to undergo at least 5 or 6 procedures. Clients in reviews It is recommended to take a break of 1 month between sessions.

How does hair removal work?

Removal of unwanted hairs during electrolysis can be carried out two ways:

In the first case, the electrode is made in the form of micro-forceps, allowing the capture of individual hairs. With the needle method, an electric current is supplied to the hair follicle through a very thin needle.

Electrolysis with a needle-electrode can be carried out in the following ways.


The hair follicle is burned out by high-frequency alternating current heating. This method is used if hair must be removed from a large area of ​​the body in a short period of time.

The hair follicle is burned out by high-frequency alternating current heating.

The peculiarity of this procedure is also its pain. and the need to use painkillers. But This type of electrolysis is performed only by experienced specialists. This often determines whether electrolysis will be permanent or not.

Customer reviews indicate that inexperienced specialists cannot achieve maximum effectiveness, and there is also a risk of leaving scars at the injection sites.


Provides hair removal using an alkaline reaction under the influence of direct current. This method requires a longer time.

Electrolysis involves hair removal using an alkaline reaction under the influence of direct current.

It may take several seconds to remove one hair. But at the same time electrolysis is less traumatic than thermolysis.

Blend method

Use of alternating and direct electric current. The positive effect is guaranteed by a double effect on the follicle. This method also removes those hairs that grow at an angle.

Flash method

Identical to thermolysis. The needle is insulated, and high-frequency electric current is applied only to the tip of the needle. The pain is quite low.

But this procedure is not used on the bikini area and face.

The choice of electrolysis method is carried out by cosmetologists based on certain factors.

The choice of electrolysis method is carried out by cosmetologists based on factors such as the length and thickness of the hair intended for removal, the individual tendency of the skin to scar and the patient’s ability to perceive pain.

In what areas of the body can it be performed?

Electrolysis can be used to permanently remove unwanted hair on the arms, legs, face or other parts of the body. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the method.

However, expert reviews boil down to the fact that It is undesirable to use it for the armpits. In this place, the lymph nodes are located very close to the surface. Therefore, there is a possibility of the onset of an inflammatory process.

Contraindications to the procedure

Electrolysis is not suitable for everyone who wants to get rid of unwanted body hair. This procedure definitely cannot be used for patients with certain health problems and body characteristics.

This procedure definitely cannot be used for patients with certain health problems and body characteristics, as well as during pregnancy.

So, Contraindications include:

  • dermatological diseases and other damage to the skin;
  • the presence of tumors in the patient, including benign ones;
  • diabetes;
  • predisposition of the skin to scar formation;
  • period of lactation and intrauterine pregnancy;
  • dilated blood vessels at the site of electrolysis;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • any heart disease, as well as the presence of a pacemaker in the patient;
  • if the patient has an intrauterine device, then such hair removal in the bikini area is not performed;
  • after skin tightening on the face with reinforced threads;
  • neurological problems;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Be careful! Particular care is required when using electrolysis for those who suffer from various manifestations of allergic reactions in the body.

What to pay attention to

Master's qualification

The main condition for proper hair removal using electric current is highly qualified specialists.

If the master’s experience is insufficient, then After hair removal, the following complications may appear:

  • if the needle was inserted into a blood vessel, a hematoma will appear;
  • after electrolysis, hairs may appear that have grown into the body;
  • if the current strength is incorrectly calculated, microburns and scars appear;
  • skin infection.

That's why The choice of a specialist should be approached responsibly. Typically, specialists with many years of experience work in specialized clinics.


If the patient has a sufficiently low pain threshold, then pain relief cannot be avoided.

If the patient has a sufficiently low pain threshold, then pain relief cannot be avoided.

For this The following types of anesthesia are used:

  • in the form of injections of “Lidocaine” or “Ultracaine” (the injection is given before the procedure in sensitive areas - armpits, abdomen, thighs, bikini area);
  • treatment of areas with lidocaine spray (suitable for pain relief during electrolysis of arms and legs). Apply 2-3 hours before the procedure. To prevent the active ingredients from evaporating, the treated areas are covered with plastic wrap until hair removal;
  • pain relief with anesthetic cream. It is usually used to remove hair from the face, neck and chest. The area is treated half an hour before the procedure.

The issue of anesthesia must be discussed with a specialist before the procedure.


The choice of needles for the procedure is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Needles can be made from the following types of metals and alloys:

  • made of copper alloy is used for patients with low pain sensitivity;
  • coated with gold dust, suitable for people who are allergic to the presence of nickel in devices;
  • The Teflon sheath on the needles is acceptable for electrolysis for people with a very low pain threshold.

Duration of the procedure

The time for one procedure varies depending on the thickness of the hair., intended for removal. The more hairs grow on the treated area of ​​the skin, the longer the procedure lasts.

The time for one procedure varies depending on the thickness of the hair intended for removal.

For example, for the leg area it can last about 3 hours.

Also The duration of electrolysis depends on the skill of the specialist. As a rule, a master processes an area measuring 10x10 cm for about 1 hour.

How to care for your skin after electrolysis

To avoid infections, special measures are recommended after the hair removal procedure. Usually During the first hours, some swelling remains in the hair removal area and a feeling of warmth.

But, in the case of pathologies in this place, the swelling may persist for more than 2 days, and purulent crusts may also form at the site of needle insertion. Wherein It is recommended to lubricate such areas with Panthenol.

In the case of pathologies in this place, the swelling may persist for more than 2 days, and purulent crusts may form at the site of needle insertion. It is recommended to lubricate such areas with Panthenol.

At home, it is important to take care of your skin, avoiding infections in the wounds, protecting it from any kind of heat and carrying out procedures to moisturize it.

In the first days you should not visit the pool or swim in open water. Clothing should be loose and made from natural fabrics.

It is important to know! In the first two days after electrolysis, you should avoid direct sun rays on your skin.

To maintain normal skin moisture, you should drink plenty of water, and it is better to avoid alcohol.

Do not touch treated skin with unwashed hands or take hot showers. It is better to completely prevent moisture from coming into contact with the skin at this time.

In the first days, areas that have undergone electrolysis do not need to be treated with deodorants, lotions and other cosmetics, including wet wipes with fragrances.

Twice a day, such areas are treated with aloe juice or antiseptics. For normal skin, the above procedures are sufficient.

Twice a day, epilated areas are treated with aloe juice or antiseptics. For normal skin, the above procedures are sufficient.

But For problem skin, additional care products are used:

If you have doubts whether electrolysis will work permanently or not, read patient reviews. They indicate that after the first procedures, only a small amount of hair grows, which can be shaved or cut with scissors, but in no case plucked.

Consequences of electrolysis

Exposure to electric current can cause microburns. In some patients, red spots remain on the treated areas for a week or more.

Improper skin care after electrolysis can lead to scarring. This result can also occur due to incorrect calculation of the current strength during the procedure, or due to the predisposition of the skin to scarring. In this case, electrolysis is contraindicated for use for hair removal.

You can permanently get rid of unwanted hair on the body using another salon method or alternative methods.

You can permanently get rid of unwanted hair on the body using another salon method or alternative methods. If you can’t visit a salon, you can try folk remedies. Reviews about them are often positive.

Patients often complain of itching in the treated areas. But scratching them is strictly not recommended. At the same time, crusts can be torn off, which increases the healing time, and scars can form in such places.

Is it possible to reverse hair growth with electrolysis?

Of the many ways to remove unwanted hair, electrolysis is the most popular. This method has been used for almost 100 years.

Clients are inclined to believe that body hair can be completely eliminated after a few sessions.

Customer confidence in this procedure is quite high. If you want to clarify for yourself whether electrolysis is possible forever or not, read the reviews of those who have used this method of getting rid of unwanted hairs.

They are inclined to think that You can completely get rid of body hair after a few sessions.

The cosmetologist treats an area of ​​approximately 10x10 cm in 1 hour. Therefore, large areas can be treated with electrolysis in just a few sessions.

After regrowth of hair that was in inactive growth during the procedure, additional sessions are required. Usually 5-6 procedures are enough to completely remove the vegetation.

After regrowth of hair that was in inactive growth during the procedure, additional sessions are required. Usually 5-6 procedures are enough to completely remove the vegetation. One hundred percent hair removal can be achieved in about 6-12 sessions.

From this video you will learn about the electrolysis procedure itself.

This video will tell you about the electrolysis method, as well as the duration of its effect.