Due to their young age or living conditions, not all children are allowed by their parents to have pets. And if your child still has a burning desire to have a pet, then the toy"Dragon egg" , also called " Dinosaur in an egg ", will be a very wonderful way out of this situation.

How to raise a dinosaur from an egg?

The toy is an egg from which a dinosaur later hatches. The process of transforming a dinosaur itself will take a little time and is not something difficult to use. To do this, the egg should be placed in water with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. After some time, the dinosaur figurine will begin to grow in size and thereby open the egg shell.

As you can see, the transformation process is quite simple, so it will be easy for both parents and children to do it.

It is advisable that the egg and water be in a transparent plate or jar. This will make it easier for the child to observe the process of dinosaur development. It will certainly be fascinating for children to watch the transformation of an egg into a dinosaur. The toy will encourage the baby to learn. Often, children become eagerly interested in the origin of dinosaurs and their history. Thereby expanding your horizons and erudition. Some children will become curious about the process of transforming a toy and thereby increase their interest in chemical reactions and properties of objects. This all contributes to increasing interest in knowledge and the educational process in general.


  • Dimensions: 3 x 2 cm;
  • Weight: 27 g;
  • Material: EVA – environmentally friendly and completely safe for children;
  • Egg opening time: from 12 to 24 hours;

A growing dinosaur egg in water is a wonderful gift for your child. Which will surprise, amuse, captivate to knowledge and bring a lot of positive emotions to the child.

Note! The minimum quantity of this product (Dinosaur Egg toy) for ordering is 6 pcs.

Detailed information about methods of payment and delivery of this product


Delivery method: FSUE "Russian Post". Ddelivery to other countries by the postal service of the country that will be indicated in the order.

Cost of delivery:

180 rubles - across Russia to any region;

250 rubles - to the CIS countries and neighboring countries.If another currency is selected, the amount will be automatically recalculated at the ruble exchange rate.

Free delivery is valid for orders over 2,700 rubles or also at the exchange rate to the ruble in the selected currency.

Order dispatch time: for all products, with the exception of tourmaline products from the SugarBae company, is 3 business days from the date of payment of the order.

Tourmaline, jade rugs, pillows and mats "Sugarbae" require a more thorough inspection, therefore, the dispatch period is 5-7 working days from the date of payment of the order.

Delivery period: from 10 before 30 working days (depending on the postal service).


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note ! With cash on delivery we are morewe don't workfrom February 2016!


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Payment via Qiwi wallet is a convenient way for buyers living in the CIS and neighboring countries (it is possible to choose a different currency).


The order is valid for 3 days. The order will then be cancelled.

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All children love to conduct experiments and a wide variety of experiments at home. And toys designed to satisfy such an inquisitive need should be in every home. Today, purchasing products in this category is not difficult at all, and many of them are suitable for children of all ages. An interesting option is toys that grow in water. You can carry out an interesting experiment with minimal effort, such fun is very inexpensive, and children are always delighted with it!

Raise your “pet” yourself!

Figures growing in water appeared in stores in our country relatively recently. The essence of the game-experience is simple: you just need to remove the toy from its packaging and place it in a container of water. Then all you have to do is watch her amazing transformation. The figure will increase in size for several days. There are toys that grow in water, hidden in a capsule. Children like them even more - usually they are a bright ball or egg, from which, some time after soaking, some animal or fairy-tale character appears.

Figures growing in liquid: what is the secret of the trick?

Surely everyone has at least once seen the hydrosoil that is fashionable today for indoor plants and freshly cut flowers - multi-colored balls growing in water. It is on the same principle that toys are made that can expand after soaking. There is no magic in this, the whole secret is in the material used for manufacturing. Such figures are made from a synthetic copolymer that, like a sponge, can absorb large amounts of water. Many manufacturers guarantee that toys that grow in water can expand by 600%. And this is true, it is only important to follow all the recommendations for soaking them.

Instructions for use

Before you start soaking a toy that is expanding in water, carefully read all the recommendations on the packaging for this experiment. However, all figures of this type are “grown” in approximately the same way. First you need to remove the packaging and select a suitable container. Be sure to only place any growing toys in water in cold water. The instructions may not contain this instruction, but it is important to follow it. The soaking time for these figures is usually 24-48 hours. The first changes can usually be noticed after 6-12 hours. Consumers who regularly buy such toys for their children are also advised to change the water and rinse the figurine at least once a day. However, this manipulation is not necessary.

Toys that grow in water: dinosaurs from eggs

One of the most popular types of figures that swell in water are animals hatching from eggs. These are all kinds of birds and reptiles, as well as dinosaurs. Yes, yes, you heard right - today you can buy a toy egg, from which, during the soaking process, a real prehistoric lizard will hatch right in your home. Children like these toys that grow in water more due to the specific nature of the surprise. You can never say with certainty exactly who will hatch from an egg. The outer shell is most often made opaque and cracks only when soaked. Among the egg toys you can find a full range of animals that are born this way in the natural environment. These are chickens and other birds, snakes, turtles, crocodiles and many other animals.

Customer Reviews

Figures that swell in water are quite inexpensive, usually in the range of 50-300 rubles. You can buy such a toy at any children's store. What do those who have already tried to grow a figurine say about this category of products? Not everyone likes ordinary water toys without an egg shell. It is worth noting that in their original form, such figures look as if they were made of plastic or rubber.

When soaked, the structure of the material from which the toy is made changes and becomes like a sponge. There are also complaints about the formation of mucus on the surface of the figurine and the unevenness of its swelling. However, among those who bought toys growing in water, there are many satisfied consumers. Watching the figure grow in water or emerge from the egg is very interesting for children and adults. After finishing the experiment, you can dry the toy and play with it like any other one depicting an animal or a fairy-tale character.

Washcloths that grow when wet

More recently, another type of toys that can expand in water has appeared on sale - these are growing washcloths for bathing. Such accessories can be made in the form of a funny little animal, a cartoon character, a funny doll or a bright fruit. But the most interesting thing is to watch them while changing size. There is no need to soak anything in advance. Run a bath for your child and submerge a toy in the water. In just a couple of minutes it will noticeably increase in size. But the game is not over yet; you can wash yourself with this amazing growing sponge. What is the secret of this toy? Everything is simple - in a hydrogel. Balls growing in water are used as filler. What is important is that the growing sponge is a completely safe and hygienic toy. After bathing, dry it well enough, after which you can use it again. These washcloths are suitable even for the youngest children. Only safe materials are used in the manufacture of toys.

How to make a toy for children “Dinosaur Egg or Home Incubator” - eggs from which dinosaurs and other animals hatch.

Toys "Home incubator" or "Dino incubator" (growing dinosaur from an egg)

There are such children's toys from the "Magic Egg" series: "Home Incubator" or "Dino Incubator". They are an egg slightly larger than a chicken egg that needs to be placed in cold water for several hours according to the instructions on the package, usually 48 hours. After 8 hours, the egg shell begins to crack and a dinosaur or other animal gradually hatches from it and continues to grow in the water (increase in size due to the fact that it absorbs water).

Without water, the toy shrinks back to the size of an egg. When dry, the material from which it is made is soft and rubber-like.

The idea is good, since it is very interesting for children to watch how someone hatches from an egg (especially if it is an animal that cannot be found in nature) and is a little reminiscent of Kinder Surprise, because it is not known in advance who is in the egg - what kind of dinosaur or not a dinosaur at all, but a crocodile, turtle, duckling, chicken, etc.

We bought a Dino Incubator for our daughter a couple of years ago, she really liked it. But it also had its drawbacks: the dinosaur was an unnatural green color, unpleasant to the touch, slippery (afterwards you immediately wanted to wash your hands), the smell from it was also very pungent and unpleasant.

I don’t know how safe (non-toxic) this toy is and whether children can then play with the removed pet. Or does playing with it only consist of watching the hatching and growth of the little animal, which then needs to be thrown away, because it has a very suspicious chemical smell?

But if you still decide to keep your pet, then you need to wash it, dry it and leave it outside for a couple of weeks, for example, on a balcony, so that the smell disappears.

We came across this dinosaur - a baby Triceratops. It is small, 6 cm in length and 3.5 cm in height.

How to make a “Home Incubator” toy with your own hands

A less spectacular, but much safer for children version of this toy can be made with your own hands. The result is an ice toy - an egg.

To do this you will need an empty eggshell with a small hole in its bottom.

How to make a hole in an eggshell

Use the sharp end of a knife to press on the raw egg, and while pressing, turn the knife until you get a small hole. Enlarge the hole to the desired size by prying the shell along the edges of the hole with a knife from the inside. Turn the egg over and pour the contents into a plate or bowl. Wash the shell, dry it (from the same shell, if you paint it and fill it with confetti, you will get ).

How to make a toy egg out of ice with a toy inside

Option 1

Carefully place a small plastic or rubber toy: a dinosaur, a crocodile, into the prepared shell.

Toys from .

Place the shells in an egg container, preferably not a cardboard one, but a plastic one, and pour water into it. From boiled water, ice usually turns out more transparent, from tap water - not so transparent, almost white.

You can make such a toy out of ice at any time of the year. In winter, when it’s cold, it’s enough to take the container outside; at other times of the year, place the container in the freezer overnight.

After the water turns into ice, peel off the shell and you can play.

Option 2

To make ice eggs, use inflatable balloons rather than egg shells. They can accommodate larger toys than shells, and eggs made this way will also be larger.

How to play

Place the eggs in a deep bowl (to speed up the process, you can pour warm water into it first), wait until the ice melts and someone “hatches” from it.

I suggest you look:

  • article on how to do it,
  • other articles from the section,
  • article about .

Happy creativity! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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For a long time we knew nothing about the existence of such toys, and one day in a children’s park my daughter was given one such egg. At first we didn’t understand: well, an egg and an egg, what to do with it?! They explained to us that we needed to immerse it in water. This is how our first dinosaur hatched.

I really enjoyed the process. I also wanted more))) And it’s a shame: these eggs were not on sale anywhere - neither in large chains like Detsky Mir and Korablik, nor in small online stores. Nowhere! It's a shame!

I had to take on Aliexpress, at that time I had just re-registered there with a new email address after blocking my account (more about this in the review on AliExpress). And my first purchase after restoration was these eggs. We ordered.

For the rest I will continue here.

So, for $4.16 we became the owners of as many as 20 eggs in soft plastic containers. The eggs were like this (you understand, not all of them are here anymore))):

Now pay attention: look at the holes:

In order for an egg to hatch (although we, by the way, have one that turns out to be self-hatching, more on that in the video), it must be immersed in water. But first, fill these holes with water. If you don't do this, you may end up with a bad dinosaur!

This happened with our first dinosaur, when my daughter and I still didn’t really know how to handle these eggs. And be sure to tell your child that the dinosaur must hatch on its own. under no circumstances should you help him ! Otherwise, you may end up with what happened with the first one - he was born with a blurry eye and a partially torn off neck.

The dinosaurs hatch something like this (look only at the pink one, the rest were put in a jar for company, my daughter decided this “so that the dinosaur wouldn’t be scared alone”):

At first they are very small, just crumbs:

After the required number of dinosaurs hatch, they need to be kept in water for some time (up to two days):

Why is this being done?

The first thing is for all the particles of the shell to completely fall off from the newborns (which under no circumstances should be chipped off!) Because of this, the water will be somewhat cloudy:

And secondly, so that the dinosaurs grow up . Yes, imagine, they are growing!

And this is very noticeable, especially when compared with the size of the eggs:

The dinosaurs will have texture and more interesting outlines.

What can I say about the types of dinosaurs hatching: today we have 10 dinosaurs born out of the 20 we ordered. Here are their types))):

What's left of the eggs:

To size

I should note that this seller, in the link I gave above, has very small eggs! About 4 cm in height. Our first egg was larger, probably about 7 cm. Here is a comparison of our big dinosaur with a similar one made from small eggs:


The parcel was waited for more than 1.5 months. A very long time.

P.S. And an urgent addition: we have another egg, one of the remaining ones, broke on its own (and how do dinosaurs guess the time when to hatch?) and there it turned out... two whole newborn dinosaurs:

Now my daughter is busy raising our newborn twins)))


I want to say, this is my funniest and most interesting purchase on Aliexpress, of all the things I ordered there. Dinosaur eggs brought great joy to my child. I definitely recommend these eggs to everyone, girls and boys.