When you go searching for Valentine's Day, make a stop in our online store - we have prepared for you a magnificent selection of wonderful and original gifts for February 14th! February 14 is a day of touching confessions, romantic dates and sweet surprises for loved ones!

Why should you give gifts on February 14? Of course, to see how the face of your loved one lights up with a smile! So what if many gifts may seem too sentimental, because the main thing is for the relationship between lovers to become even closer and more tender. How to buy suitable gifts for Valentine's Day on February 14? First of all, it is important to remember that Valentine's Day is a symbolic holiday, therefore, what is important in a gift is not its cost, but the main message. He should talk, or even shout, about your feelings.

In the collection of gifts for February 14th of the online store Red Cube you will find many “talking” gifts, decorated with romantic symbols and playful prints; they are not without a spark of good humor and practical use. Wonderful and, and, and - these and many other products will be wonderful gifts for February 14th! We also have decorative elements with a love theme for festive interior decoration - after all, a gift on February 14 can be not only an item, but a beautiful romantic surprise.

A gift for a loved one is a common dilemma for many ladies, almost a reason for panic. There is no need to be nervous, there are a huge number of creative options for how to simply, quickly and inexpensively decorate this wonderful day with pleasant and sweet surprises, delighting your man. We offer you several such options to take note, armed with which you will not be afraid of either Birthdays or Valentine's Days.

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Do-it-yourself delicious and sweet candy gift for February 14th

One of the simple ways to congratulate your loved one is to make a Valentine card yourself, for which you can include imagination and romance, use improvised means and sweets and make, for example, a jar of sweets, decorated with all sorts of amorous elements. It will be tasty, beautiful and will definitely please your chosen one.
To do this, you will need a jar with a screw-on and wide lid, colorful paper, decorative elements, glue, scissors, and of course, candy or cookies. Everything is incredibly simple: prepare the jar, wash it, check to see if it smells like old food, dry it. Then cover the jar with the paper of your choice, add decorative elements in the form of hearts, a photo of you together or a loving inscription. At the end, we tie a ribbon around the neck, add some sweets and the present is ready. Simple, isn't it? One of the disadvantages of this option (despite its simplicity) is the need to have a lot of materials (paper, glue, ribbons, decorations); if they are not at hand, then the option with such a gift is problematic. If you have everything you need, then go for it, this bright gift will definitely brighten up the day of all lovers.

Homemade chocolate

You can go the more traditional route by making homemade chocolate for your loved one. This method is very popular, for example, in Japan, where a gift in the form of handmade chocolate is
a traditional way to express sympathy or hint at a desire to become friends. For such a present you need a minimum of products; it is quite simple even for people without culinary talents. In addition to the products, you can also use various molds in the form of hearts, angels or any other romantic theme, which will make the sweetness more piquant and suitable for the holiday.

What you will need for the simplest homemade chocolate recipe: cocoa powder, butter, a little sugar, milk. Heat the butter in a saucepan, gradually add cocoa and sugar to the boiling butter, everything by eye and according to your taste, watch the consistency, it should resemble sour cream. Wait a minute and you can remove from heat. Pour into molds and wait for it to cool.
It is not necessary to make chocolate with hearts or to construct the word “love” from chocolate letters, if your significant other, for example, is a football fan, you can try, if you have the skill and dexterity, to make a ball or something else related to his hobbies. He will be extremely pleased to receive such a gift from his beloved.

This option has a lot of advantages, but be sure to take into account the preferences of your other half; not everyone likes chocolate and some may not like this gift. In this case, you can try a different culinary option.

Homemade cookies

Many people love flour cookies, and even more so, sweet cookies; if your chosen one is one of them, then this option is just for him. On Valentine's Day, heart-shaped cookies, neatly collected in a basket, or, for example, in the same decorated jar (discussed above), can be an excellent and self-sufficient gift. There are a great many recipes for gift cookies, there are almost pompous options with icing and a lot of culinary decorations, but if you don’t have much time or experience, and you still want to treat your loved one, then we offer this

  1. a simple, simple recipe: take a chocolate bar, a glass of flour, a pinch of soda and salt, an egg, half a glass of sugar (preferably brown), butter (4 tablespoons)
  2. Mix flour, cocoa, soda and salt.
  3. Melt the chocolate, butter and sugar in a double boiler. Mix well. Cool slightly.
  4. Add the egg, then gradually the flour. Knead the dough.
  5. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 6 mm (I recommend dividing it into several parts first).
  6. Place the dough layers on a baking sheet with parchment and place in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  8. Take out the dough, remove the paper and cut out heart-shaped cookies with a cookie cutter. Place on a baking sheet a short distance apart and bake for about 8 minutes until done.

Remove and cool. The gift for your loved one is ready.

Homemade cookies are almost a family, sentimental gift and will certainly touch your man, which is, of course, a plus. But not everyone likes to tinker with flour; this requires a lot of time and steps, which may be a disadvantage for some.

Poster with sweets

A simple and quick option that does not require any special skills, an interesting way to make something for your loved one that is both individual and simple.

All you need is imagination, a sense of humor and ingenuity to please your companion. So, for this we need: The idea is suitable for those who doesn’t want to do complex crafts or make sweets on their own

, all you need is your time.

Fruit bouquet Does your other half not like chocolate or flour? Is he more serious than the sphinx and won’t appreciate a poster with sweets? Then you can please your loved one with a fruit bouquet.

To do this, you need to stock up on wooden skewers, berries and fruits and, of course, a basket. The technology for making fruit bouquets is simple and accessible even for children; if your chosen one loves this particular delicacy, then it would be a great idea to congratulate him in this way.

The picture would be incomplete without mentioning the classic method of creating a sweet gift, namely about cooking cakes and pies. A variant from the classics that we all know and
love. If you love to cook, you have the time and opportunity and, most importantly, your chosen one loves such cooking, then you can go the old and proven way without going into experiments. Make a cake, decorate it with pleasant and romantic inscriptions and solemnly present it to your loved one. A damn festive, almost pretentious option, showing your man that you are ready to do anything to please him on Valentine's Day. The downside is obvious - a lot of time and effort, but if you are ready, then go for it, because a homemade cake or pie is always a reason for positive emotions and joy.

We considered only a few options for sweet gifts for a loved one, although they are limitless as human imagination; we considered, first of all, what you can do with your own hands. But it is not necessary, of course, to do something yourself. If you don’t have the desire or time, you can always go to specialized sweet shops, where you can find original gifts for your man. Don't forget that on the day of love, feelings are important, not gifts and surprises. A bar of chocolate is enough if you bring happiness and tenderness to the life of your partner.

In the ranking of Russians' favorite holidays, Valentine's Day is in third place after New Year and Christmas. And each of us simply does not have the right to ignore our soulmate on this day. However, you shouldn’t spend money on expensive gifts or search headlong for extra-original souvenirs. To paraphrase the classics: “Everything has already been invented for you!” Sweet gifts for February 14th are the best way to please your loved one.

Sweet Valentine - a delicious manifestation of feelings

Traditional paper valentines as a way to tell about your romantic feelings have long ceased to surprise. Do you want to make a real surprise for Valentine's Day? Then for you:

  • desserts with delicate cream;
  • cakes and macaroons with photo prints of your photos together;
  • heart-shaped gingerbread cookies;
  • the most delicate bouquets on the cake.

Such gifts will definitely not leave either girls or men indifferent.

By choosing original sweets, you will not only make your loved one happy, but also enjoy delicious desserts in his company. And this romantic evening can easily turn into a real feast, a celebration of love and reciprocity.

Seize the moment, love beautifully

On Valentine's Day, confectionery shops are busy, because everyone wants to get their own piece of sweet happiness. Therefore, it is better to take care of the gift in advance. Hurry up to buy a sweet gift by February 14 before the rush begins, make your choice now, and the person dear to your heart will not be left empty-handed.

The variety of design options, shapes and types of delicious gifts will make it easy to choose the right sweet that will fully reflect your feelings. And the delivery service guarantees the arrival of your order at the desired time at the specified location.

Original gifts for Valentine's Day

Find your soulmate, confess your love, gallantly propose your hand and heart, take an oath of fidelity, legitimize relationships or renew feelings, giving them freshness and novelty... All this has been done for 18 centuries on February 14, Valentine's Day, by millions people all over the world. Taking any of these difficult steps is much easier if you have original gifts for lovers in your arsenal.

The accuracy with which the impulses of your sincere emotional impulse will enter the soul of your chosen one or chosen one depends on how correctly the gift for February 14 is selected.

A loving heart can do anything: move mountains, reach stars, but the question of what to give to the dearest person on February 14 is often perplexing. After all, a gift should not only surprise, but convey the main message more eloquently than the most pompous words - I love you!

Our online store is a godsend for those looking for gifts for February 14th. Each of the presented copies can be a worthy gift for Valentine's Day for someone you care about. In order for you to please your loved ones, we have shown maximum creativity and creativity, applied a lot of effort and originality.

And one should not envy Shakespeare and Goethe, Byron and Pushkin, Sappho and Akhmatova, who expressed the best set of words about love to their loved ones. After all, they did not have the same opportunities to express feelings as you, a visitor to our site, have. Gifts for Valentine's Day from our studio are the high poetry of the 21st century.

Being in love is wonderful, being original is easy if you choose gifts for February 14th for your ideal on our website. At the same time, we performed another important function - we did everything possible to make an original and memorable present accessible. Whatever you choose, your taste, generosity and desire to make surprises will be appreciated! After all, each of the gifts that you see in front of you is a work of art, a symbol and an exclusive in one bottle!

Love rests on trust, harmony and original gifts presented on our website.

Valentine's Day is one of the most popular holidays in most countries. On February 14, every person tries to pay attention to their soulmate. However, sometimes choosing a gift can be a real challenge. After all, I want to give original gifts on February 14th. Below in the article we will present ideas for gifts for Valentine's Day, which may help in choosing a present.

Gift for February 14th for a guy

It is not an easy task to choose a gift for a man on February 14th. Hearts and valentines for the stronger half of humanity will simply lie on the shelf, toys and other trinkets will probably also take up space on the shelf and gather dust for a long time. How to give a valuable gift that will be practical and romantic at the same time?

The very first step for a girl will be to determine the interests and priorities of her loved one. If you have been dating for a long time, then giving a creative gift on February 14th will not be difficult for you, because you know the area of ​​interests of your betrothed. For those who have been dating for a couple of months, it will be more difficult.

Electronic news:

Taking into account the fact that almost all men and boys are technically minded, they like gifts from the field of technology. It is common knowledge that the male sex is comparable to children. Therefore, even giving a guy a helicopter that can be controlled, he will immediately decide to play with it. Well, now, let’s look in more detail at the issue of gifts for February 14th.

  • One of the simplest and most necessary gifts in the modern world is headphones. There is such a variety of them that you can please even the most demanding person. Modern showrooms and online stores offer a large selection - wireless, Bluetooth headphones, different in size, quality, and sound. These headphones will allow your boyfriend to enjoy good sound in any situation. If your loved one likes to while away the evenings playing his favorite online game with friends, give him good quality headphones with a headset. Large headphones are suitable for such purposes. Focus on prices and your budget; the more expensive the headphones, the higher their quality. If the guy is an athlete, buy him compact in-ear headphones as a gift.
  • Wireless speaker. If your young man is not a fan of headphones and prefers not to “torment” his ears, then a wireless speaker option is suitable for him. They can come in a variety of forms: small columns to quite impressive sizes. If you choose a large speaker, you can easily use them for a laptop. And small speakers can be taken with you anywhere. Such a gift would be quite an original gift for February 14th.
  • Virtual reality glasses. Many people can agree that the thing is quite useless. But such glasses are a fairly new invention. Immersing yourself in virtual reality can be quite exciting, and these are new emotions that will be remembered for a long time. Such a present would be good for a guy. The glasses can be used for gaming, watching 360-degree videos, and simply quenching curiosity. Please note that these glasses are produced for gaming. If the young man is a gamer, then the gift will be a good choice, but be sure to find out about such models before purchasing from consultants.
  • Quadcopter. This kind of thing will be of interest to everyone. It also appeared quite recently on the gadget market. What is it? It looks like a helicopter under control, equipped with cameras, and transmits the image from above directly to a mobile phone. Suitable for amateur and professional filming. If a guy is passionate about photography and related activities with video about photography, then he will appreciate such a gift. Perhaps such a gift will have only one drawback - good and high-quality models are quite expensive. Consider this when planning before purchasing a gift.
  • External battery. The world has long been enslaved by smartphones. Every person nowadays has a smartphone. The problem with these phone devices is the short battery life. A portable external battery can solve this issue. A rather necessary gift for every person, not only for men.

Useful gifts for a guy on February 14:

What is meant by the word “useful”? This is the tangible benefit of gifts that you can put on yourself, feel the warmth and experience some benefit from such gifts.

  • Scarf. Valentine's Day is a winter holiday. At this time there is still snow, despite the fact that spring is already creeping up. A beautiful scarf for your man will be a useful and warm gift. Lately, snood scarves have become quite fashionable. Just be sure to casually ask your loved one if he likes these types of scarves.
  • Gloves. Another winter item that every person needs is gloves. Advice - buy gloves with special tips on the fingers for touch phones. Surely your boyfriend uses a phone; you won’t have to take off these gloves before using the phone on the street.
  • Wrist watch. Contrary to the belief that watches cannot be given as gifts, this is a fairly good gift and a rather original gift for February 14th. Watches are always in fashion; they are quite a stylish thing that makes a man look respectable. There are a lot of options to choose from. You can choose an excellent watch for a fairly low cost. However, it is better to give preference to mechanical watches. Although they are more expensive, they will last for many years.
  • Knitted Socks. A gift imbued with tenderness, care and love, especially if you knitted them yourself. An interesting option is to knit or purchase socks with the same pattern. Looks cute and romantic.

Thus, there are many gift ideas for February 14th. You just need to connect logic, imagination and preferences of the other half and you will get an original gift for Valentine's Day.

Creative gifts for a guy on February 14:

Creativity is now highly valued in modern society. Many people are increasingly unwilling to do the banal and therefore try to go beyond the usual. What creative gifts can you give for Valentine's Day?

  • "Cake cocktail." What is meant by such a phrase? It's simple - you need to buy about 20 cans of Coca-Cola and a bottle of whiskey. For whiskey you can buy JackDaniels. They're certainly not cheap, but your boyfriend will definitely be delighted with this type of whiskey. How can all this be connected? The first level is filled entirely with tin cans of cola - you will need about 14 pieces. The second level is the remaining 6 cans and insert a bottle of whiskey into the center. All this must be tied with a red bow - both the first tier and the second. You can also use your imagination and come up with some interesting Valentine’s card and stick it to the whiskey bottle itself. Quite a cool and unusual gift for February 14th, isn’t it?
  • DIY dry perfume. Anything that is fragrant and smells good is a classic gift for any occasion. But giving perfume from a store is quite banal. You can make your own personal scent in beautiful packaging with sweet declarations of love, putting all your creativity and soul into it.

How to make such a gift and what you need for this:

  1. 2 tsp beeswax;
  2. 2 tsp oils (you can choose coconut, olive, almond - sold in pharmacies);
  3. 40 drops of essential oil (you can choose any to your taste - orange, mint, peach, lavender and many others);
  4. Packaging for the resulting aromatic mixture.

First you need to mix the essential oils. You should take into account and not be afraid of a too rich smell - in finished form, the aroma from essential oils will become weaker. When you have reached the aroma that is most attractive to you, you can begin preparing the base.

The base should be prepared as follows: wax is heated in a water bath, then oil (not essential oil!) is poured in and everything is mixed. The solution must be removed from the heat and quickly pour in the prepared essential oils. Please note - the wax begins to harden almost instantly! You can decorate with red hearts, which must first be placed on the bottom of the selected box.

  • Edible tic-tac-toe. Another creative and unusual gift for February 14th. This gift belongs to the category of games for two. To play tic-tac-toe, you need to prepare the board and the tic-tac-toe themselves.

How to make a board: draw out everything for the game beautifully on white cardboard. Be creative - you can make an interesting inscription or confession below.

How to make crosses and toes: there are two options - from dough and from chocolate. The dough can be prepared as shortbread, or done in special molds. Add dye of two colors, it will be more beautiful. It is much easier to make everything from chocolate - you will need milk and white chocolate. Melt everything in a water bath and pour into molds. Everything will freeze in the refrigerator and you can already play. Don’t forget, to add spice and interest to such a game, play with the young man’s desires.

Only you can choose the best gift for February 14th for your loved one. Who knows all his interests, hobbies and preferences like you? Apply maximum imagination and imagination, and you will be able to make the most unforgettable gift.

An original gift for February 14th to your girlfriend

There is an opinion that giving a gift to a girl is much easier than for a man. To some extent, this is the correct opinion, because a girl is a more emotional creature than a man. By giving her a simple keychain with a declaration of love, she will already be happy, and there are plenty of options.

The first piece of advice for guys is to take into account the interests of your lover, her hobbies and type of activity. Below are the main gifts for the fair half on Valentine's Day:

  • Since girls are emotional creatures, give her emotions. This could be a sightseeing tour. Any girl would not mind going on excursions. Another option is a package holiday in hot countries or a ski resort. Such a gift, of course, is not cheap, but the two of you are guaranteed emotions for many years.
  • Romance. Every girl loves this, regardless of age. What romantic things can you give:
  • If you live together, you can make sure that on such a day your girlfriend wakes up in a room in which, for example, 10 helium balloons will fly and a heart with a confession is attached to each ribbon.
  • A bouquet of your favorite flowers is always in fashion and will help you out in any case. Today's florists can make anything out of flowers. Baskets with flowers, even bears made of flowers. But you shouldn’t invest too much money in such a thing, because sooner or later the flowers will wither and there will be no memory left.
  • Box of sweets. This gift is suitable for those with a true sweet tooth. For girls who watch their figure, such a gift is not suitable. Let's deal with those who love sweets. The stores sell a huge range of beautiful boxes. Pick up a heart box and fill it with all sorts of goodies. It can be chocolates, sweets, kinder surprise and much more.
  • Going to a restaurant, cinema. Traditional romance is always in fashion.
  • Postcards, valentines, interesting and unusual confessions.
  • Finally, you can propose to a girl on such a day. She will definitely be beside herself with such a gift. This is a very romantic and serious step on the part of the guy. If you are confident in your chosen one, do not be afraid to take such a step.

When choosing the best gift for Valentine's Day, focus on your own budget, the preferences and needs of your chosen one. Here are only gift ideas for February 14th, and the choice is yours.

Top 5 best gifts for February 14th

Many people are looking forward to the arrival of Valentine's Day, as this holiday is directly related to all lovers and loving hearts. It’s worth thinking about cool and unusual gifts for February 14th in advance. After all, you really want to give an interesting and necessary gift for your loved one. To make it easier to resolve this issue, this article will list the top 5 best gifts for February 14th. Let's divide the gifts between the female and male genders.

Top 5 Valentine's Day gifts for women:

  1. 5th place goes to a sweet bouquet of candies. If your loved one loves sweets, then such a bouquet will be an ideal option for her. It is beautiful, original, and delicious.
  2. 4th place goes to a bouquet of fruits. Refers to the same option as the previous one, but this one has one very big plus. What is he wearing? Many modern girls are watching their figure, and the sweets suggested above will definitely not help this. Therefore, an alternative is a tasty and healthy option with fruit.
  3. 3rd place. Beauty and health services. Such interesting gifts for Valentine's Day are increasingly gaining interest. Many girls may refuse such procedures for certain reasons. Find out exactly where the girl would like to go. And give her a certificate for visiting her favorite place.
  4. 2nd place. It is trivial and traditional to give flowers. It's always beautiful and romantic. In addition, such a gift will be a big plus for those who, for some reason, are not close to each other. Flowers to order and delivery to your beloved woman are the best gift in such a situation.
  5. 1st place goes to a classic romantic dinner for two. Toys and candies are, of course, interesting, but dinner for two is much more substantial. Such a dinner will be especially good if you decide to propose marriage to a girl on such a day.

Top 5 Valentine's Day gifts for men:

Every lover is waiting for gifts on Valentine's Day. Even a simple confession. Let us help girls choose the best gifts for February 14th.

  1. 5th place is occupied by a rather convenient and necessary thing - an external battery for a smartphone. Modern realities increasingly express the need for this device, so the thing is quite necessary.
  2. 4th place. If your loved one travels or flies often, give him a headrest pillow. It is this thing that will be able to take care of the comfort of your loved one. Choose compact options.
  3. 3rd place. Skydiving is a gift for real men. Such a gift will be a great emotional outburst and adrenaline rush. Just first find out how the young man feels about heights and similar jumps.
  4. 2nd place. Elite alcohol. Any self-respecting man prefers to drink elite alcohol. But, as a rule, he does not buy it for himself. Therefore, buying such a drink would be a good option.
  5. 1 place. Romantic night. Give yourself to your boyfriend on Valentine's Day. S, do what he loves most in bed and end it all with passionate lovemaking.

Cool and unusual gifts for February 14: reviews


Quite interesting gifts were offered. My boyfriend proposed to me on February 14th. I think that this is the best day and the best holiday to give the best gift on February 14th. There was dinner at home, after which he proposed to me. There was no limit to the joy. We have been married for 5 years now and celebrate February 14 not only as Valentine's Day, but also as the day of our love.


He gave his girlfriend a ring with an infinity symbol. To say that she was happy would be an understatement. Make your loved ones happy.


One day on February 14th, I gave my husband a wonderful gift in the form of a passionate night of love. After 9 months, fate gave us another most important gift in life. There was a good reason for making love, there was an atmosphere. Before this, having a child had never been possible, but now it’s simple and easy. This gift was the best for us.