Often, while expecting a child, women have to deal with a condition such as excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus (hypertonicity). What is it and how can it affect the process of bearing a child?

What is hypertonicity of the uterine muscles?

The uterus is an organ designed for bearing a baby, lined with smooth muscles. Normally, the muscles of this organ are in a relaxed state, and begin to contract immediately with the onset of labor, pushing the fetus out. If for some reason the muscles of the uterus begin to contract earlier than the expected date of birth or are in constant tension, then doctors talk about hypertonicity.

Why is this condition dangerous?

Increased tension in the muscles of the uterus at any stage of gestation poses a danger to the development of the child. Most often, of course, hypertonicity occurs in the early stages, but contractile activity of the uterus in the second and third trimesters is not excluded. The consequences and dangers of straining the uterine muscles while expecting a baby are:

  • Difficulty in implantation of the zygote into the uterine cavity, as a result of which the pregnancy may end at this stage or the fertilized egg is implanted into the fallopian tube;
  • Spontaneous miscarriage - with hypertension before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, since as a result of constant muscle tension, blood flows poorly through the vessels of the placenta into the uterus;
  • Antenatal fetal death as a result of oxygen deficiency due to hypertension;
  • Premature birth.

When muscle tension increases after 30 weeks of gestation, we can say that the body is preparing for the upcoming birth of a child, that is, the expectant mother experiences training contractions. However, if uterine contractions are accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, bloody or other discharge from the genital tract, then you should seek medical help as soon as possible, since such symptoms may indicate the onset of premature labor.

Causes of hypertension in expectant mothers

Increased tension in the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy can occur for various reasons, most often due to:

  • Insufficiency of the hormone progesterone - most typical for hypertension in the early stages;
  • Congenital anomalies of the structure of the uterus;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Severe early toxicosis - along with intense vomiting, the body naturally tries to get rid of a foreign object by contracting the muscles of the uterus;
  • Diarrhea caused by toxicosis or poisoning - synchronously with the contraction of the intestinal muscles, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, which can lead to hypertonicity;
  • Rh conflict between mother and fetus - more often with negative Rh in the mother and positive in the child;
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Previously performed abortions, as a result of which the lining of the uterus was damaged.

Symptoms: determine the tone of the uterus yourself

It is not difficult for a woman to independently identify uterine tension.

Symptoms of tone in the 1st trimester

In the early stages of expecting a child, the main sign of increased uterine tension is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which may resemble pain during menstrual periods and radiate to the lower back and sacrum.

Symptoms of excessive tone in the second trimester

Tension of the uterus in the second half of the term can be noticed even with the naked eye - the abdomen shrinks into a lump and becomes hard, while the expectant mother may also be bothered by nagging pain in the abdomen. If such symptoms appear, a woman should contact her gynecologist in order to maintain the pregnancy and not harm the baby.

Symptoms of tone in the third trimester

With the beginning of the last trimester, the expectant mother may experience daily symptoms, which are accompanied by tension in the muscles of the uterus and “petrification” of the abdomen for several seconds, several times a day. This condition is normal and should not cause pain. If during contractions of the uterus the expectant mother feels pain in the lower abdomen and lower back or the abdomen remains hard all the time, you should definitely consult a doctor. This condition can threaten the health and even the life of the fetus.


In the early stages, increased uterine tension is determined by ultrasound. If increased tone is suspected, a bimanual examination on a gynecological chair is not performed so as not to provoke even greater contraction of the muscles of the organ.

In the second and third trimesters, the tension of the uterus is determined even by palpation of the abdomen. You can evaluate the fetus's reaction to contractions of muscle fibers by listening to its heartbeat with a special wooden tube, as well as through ultrasound.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of increased uterine tension is important at any stage of gestation, because otherwise a miscarriage or labor may begin and the child’s life cannot be saved. In severe cases, the expectant mother is sent to a hospital. Depending on the gestational age and the causes of muscle tension, appropriate treatment is prescribed:

  • Progesterone preparations - for tone in the first trimester due to progesterone deficiency;
  • Sedatives to relieve stress;
  • Antispasmodics - Papaverine or No-shpa;
  • Psycho-emotional peace;
  • Magne-B6;
  • In the presence of bloody discharge and slight placental abruption, hemostatic drugs are injected or in the form of droppers;
  • Sometimes it is prescribed to relieve uterine tension.

According to indications, the woman is given acupuncture and given consultations with a psychologist.

Is it possible to eliminate increased tone on your own?

If uterine tension is detected, it is still better for a woman to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate. The specialist must assess the condition of the fetus and, if necessary, conduct additional studies.

Products for uterine tone

It is believed that magnesium deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman can contribute to increased tension in the uterine muscles. To prevent this condition and relax smooth muscles, you can include dates and bananas in your diet. These products contain a large number of microelements, including magnesium, which has a beneficial effect not only on muscle contractility, but also on the state of the nervous system. But you should avoid using hot seasonings, as they can provoke a rush of blood to the pelvis and, accordingly, increase contractions of smooth muscles.

Papaverine for uterine tone

Exercises for uterine tone

Any physical activity can provoke even greater muscle contraction. It is for this reason that pregnant women should always consult a doctor before engaging in any sports. If the uterus contracts excessively, yoga and breathing exercises are best suited for expectant mothers - these activities help relax the body and saturate the body tissues with the oxygen that the fetus so needs.

Sex with increased uterine muscle tension

If the expectant mother has been diagnosed with excessive contractions of the uterus, then she will have to stop having sex for a while. Remember that the most important thing is to carry your baby to term and give birth to a healthy baby, and you can resume sexual activity after childbirth!

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site website

Pregnancy is an almost magical state, well, at least definitely miraculous. Naturally, at this time a woman simply must be attentive to herself and very careful. During pregnancy, a woman faces a huge number of dangers and unpleasant diagnoses. One of the most common diagnoses is the so-called uterine tone during pregnancy, or uterine hypertonicity. What does “Tonic Uterus” mean?

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ consisting of three layers: the outer mucous membrane - the perimeter, the middle muscular layer - the myometrium and the inner mucous membrane - the endometrium. Myometrium is smooth muscle tissue capable of contraction, for example, it contracts during childbirth. However, in its natural state, this muscle should be relaxed; this state is usually called normal uterine tone.

If during pregnancy, but before the onset of labor, the uterus begins to contract, they say that the tone of the uterus is increased during pregnancy. It’s worth making a reservation here: since the process of muscle contraction is natural, it is not always the case that the uterus is in good shape is a problem.

In Western medicine, this condition is considered a normal physiological process. Of course, if this diagnosis is not associated with other symptoms that cause discomfort or indicate serious disorders. There is some common sense in this reasoning, because even in the process of sneezing or laughing, almost all muscles contract, including the uterus. The same applies to ordinary orgasm. Affects the condition of the uterus and the psychological state of the pregnant woman. Very often, tension in the muscles of the uterus is observed during a gynecological examination.

However, the peculiarity of uterine tone in all these cases is its short duration. And this condition usually does not cause any unpleasant sensations. It’s another matter if the uterus is in good shape for a long time. Constant tone of the uterus during pregnancy is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for the fetus, and for maintaining the pregnancy too.

Why is uterine tone dangerous?

The consequences of uterine hypertonicity can be very dire, including spontaneous miscarriage, if we are talking about uterine tone in the early stages of pregnancy, to premature birth, if we are talking about uterine tone in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Most often, uterine tone is observed precisely in the early stages, when uterine tension can complicate the process of implantation of the fertilized egg, and can also cause its rejection or death. In this case, they talk about spontaneous miscarriage.

Sometimes uterine tone occurs before childbirth, in which case it is customary to talk about training contractions. They are generally not dangerous. In this way, the uterus prepares for the birth process, roughly speaking, it trains.

May threaten the tone of the uterus and the condition of the baby. So, due to the fact that the tense muscles of the uterus compress the vessels of the umbilical cord, the fetus may not receive enough oxygen, which entails the development of hypoxia. If, for the same reason, the baby does not receive additional nutrients, then malnutrition and growth arrest may develop.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity

The reasons for uterine tone during pregnancy can be very diverse. So, above we have already described why the uterus can become toned for natural reasons. Unfortunately, in many cases, the causes of hypertension lie in a variety of problems associated with pregnancy.

It is almost impossible to list and describe all the causes of hypertension in one article, but we will try to give readers as much information as possible about such a common diagnosis. After all, more than 60% of women are diagnosed with increased uterine tone at least once during their entire pregnancy.

In the early stages, the cause of a toned uterus is most often a lack of the hormone progesterone. During pregnancy up to 4 months, this hormone is produced by the so-called corpus luteum, formed at the site of the follicle that burst during release of a mature egg. The main function of progesterone is to prepare the endometrium for implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as to relax smooth muscles in order to prevent the development of uterine tone. Lack of progesterone can thus cause hypertension.

There are other hormonal disorders, the consequence of which can be the same diagnosis. In particular, an excess of certain male hormones. This is why it is very important to closely monitor a woman’s hormonal levels during pregnancy.

Severe toxicosis also affects the condition of the uterus. Especially if accompanied by profuse and frequent vomiting. During vomiting, many muscles of the body, particularly the abdominal cavity, contract. This process also affects the uterus. Unfortunately, toxicosis in the early stages cannot be completely removed; you can only alleviate the woman’s condition a little, but it makes sense to do this too.

Hypertonicity, as well as miscarriage in general, may be associated with the presence of abnormalities in the development of the uterus: the uterus may be bicornuate or saddle-shaped, as well as have other abnormalities. Any anomaly in the development of the uterus creates difficulties for bearing a child, and sometimes makes it impossible.

It is very important that at the time of conception a woman is aware of all her problems, and throughout her pregnancy the woman should be under constant medical supervision. All abnormalities in the development of the uterus will make themselves felt in the very early stages of pregnancy.

In some cases, the cause of uterine tone may be the so-called Rh conflict. If the mother’s blood Rh factor is negative and the child’s father is positive, the woman’s body can reject the fetus as a foreign body. The rejection process will be expressed in an increase in tone.

Some infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the genital organs or in the uterine cavity also cause an increase in uterine tone. Typically, infections are accompanied by other symptoms, such as: changes in the nature of discharge, pain, itching, and so on.

The cause of tone may be excessive stretching of the uterus. This condition occurs if the fetus is too large or the pregnancy is multiple. Also, stretching of the uterus occurs with polyhydramnios.

The list can be almost endless: tumors, abortions/miscarriages before real pregnancy, and so on - all this can also cause uterine tone and other painful conditions. We have not yet touched upon psychological problems, tension and stress, which also affect the state of smooth muscles.

There are also completely prosaic reasons. Thus, the tone of the uterus often develops due to the intestines, more precisely, due to strong gas formation and altered intestinal peristalsis.

The main thing you need to understand and remember from this section: uterine tone is a symptom, so it would be fundamentally wrong to treat it as an independent disease. It is always necessary to conduct additional research and establish an accurate diagnosis, and only then prescribe treatment.

Symptoms: how to determine that the uterus is toned?

How to determine the tone of the uterus yourself? In most cases this will not be difficult to do. Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy are simple and understandable, although they vary at different stages.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone in the early stages of pregnancy are heaviness in the lower abdomen, nagging pain, as during menstruation, sometimes these pains radiate to the lower back or sacral area. Symptoms of uterine tone in the second and third trimester are almost the same, in addition, at such times hypertonicity can be noticed even visually: the abdomen contracts, becomes hard, the uterus “turns to stone.” In general, every woman can easily understand how the tone of the uterus feels during pregnancy.

In some cases, the tone of the uterus is manifested by spotting and spotting. These are very alarming symptoms, you need to immediately call an ambulance and try to calm down. In most cases, with timely treatment, pregnancy can be saved. It remains to add that in some cases the tone of the uterus is asymptomatic, or rather, the woman may not feel them.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

There are several methods for medical diagnosis of uterine hypertonicity. It is often noticeable even during a simple gynecological examination. However, the most common diagnostic method is ultrasound. An ultrasound shows the condition of the uterine muscles. In particular, it is ultrasound that shows pathologies such as uterine tone along the posterior or anterior wall of grade 1 or 2. The fact is that the tone along one of the walls of the uterus is expressed by a change in its shape, and the degree directly depends on which wall the fetus is attached to.

There are also special devices that measure the tone of the uterus. However, they are not widely used due to the fact that diagnosing this problem is not difficult. It can be much more difficult to determine the cause of tone.

Hypertonicity of the uterus: treatment

But now, the diagnosis is known, the uterus is in good shape. What to do? First of all, listen to your doctor's advice. The choice of treatment largely depends on how strong the tone of the uterus is during pregnancy, as well as on what causes it. If the situation is not associated with a serious risk, treatment of uterine tone during pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis.

The woman is advised to remain in bed and is prescribed antispasmodics, usually no-shpu or papaverine. Magnesium B6 and sodalite agents, for example, motherwort, are often prescribed for uterine tone. Please note that all these remedies should only relieve the tone of the uterus during pregnancy; in addition, you will probably be prescribed other medications that should cure the cause of the appearance of tone.

So, if we are talking about a lack of progesterone, then the woman is prescribed a drug containing it. If the cause of uterine tone is an excess of male hormones, then their antipodes are prescribed. In case of toxicosis, they do everything necessary to alleviate this condition, and if the cause is problems with the intestines, it is necessary to reduce gas formation. There is a treatment for both Rhesus conflict and any other diagnosis.

If the tone of the uterus cannot be relieved for a long time, or the situation initially becomes very serious, doctors will insist on hospitalization and further treatment in a hospital. In a hospital, the patient will not be able to systematically violate bed rest, as women usually do while at home: cleaning, cooking and other household chores do not give rest to housewives. In addition, only in a hospital will doctors be able to more closely monitor the condition of the mother and child, as well as promptly reduce the increased tone in order to prevent premature birth from occurring.

Here it is worth making a short digression, in which we will talk about why, starting from the 28th week, they talk about premature birth, although the baby is clearly not full-term yet. The fact is that with the current state of medicine, it is from the 28th week that you can try to save the life of a newborn. Of course, this is far from the best outcome; it is always advisable to extend the pregnancy by at least one more day.

So, if the tone of the uterus at the 26th week of pregnancy provokes the onset of labor, then doctors will do their best to stop it. To do this, tocolytic therapy is carried out, that is, they relax the uterus in every possible way using appropriate regimens and medications. And it is very important to start on time, since at this time the child most likely will not survive. That is why doctors in hospitals fight for every day to preserve pregnancy. Still, uterine tone at 36-38 weeks of pregnancy is not so risky, although it threatens the condition of the fetus. Therefore, after 28 weeks, first of all, they try to maintain the pregnancy.

Should I agree to hospitalization?

Very often women have a question: how necessary is hospitalization? This question is usually asked by those who have older children or those who are afraid of losing their job due to a long absence, they say, the child needs to be fed, money needs to be earned, but no-shpa and papaverine can be taken at home.

Unfortunately, there is no single correct answer here. It all depends on the specific situation: how great the risk of miscarriage or premature birth is, how strong the tone is, and so on. A woman must understand that she refuses hospitalization at her own peril and risk, and she risks, first of all, her unborn child. Is the job, for example, worth the risk? And you can ask your husband, relatives or close friend to look after your older child. There is almost always a solution to the situation.

How to relieve uterine tone at home?

In some cases, tone can actually be relieved at home, and not only with medications, although you should not give them up too hastily. How to relieve uterine tone at home?

The best way to do this is through exercises to tone the uterus. For example, "Cat". You need to get on all fours, raise your head and arch your back, stand in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. This exercise must be repeated several times, and then lie down for an hour.

It has long been noted that relaxation of the muscles of the uterus helps to relax the muscles of the face. That is why the second exercise recommended for uterine tone is related specifically to the face. You need to lower your head and relax all the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. You only need to breathe through your mouth.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of the unpleasant sensations and symptoms of hypertonicity that have appeared, it is enough to simply stand in such a position that the uterus is in a suspended position: that is, again, on all fours, with emphasis on the elbows.

By combining this simple set of exercises with sedatives and antispasmodics, uterine tone can be relieved quite quickly. However, do not forget that it is important not only to relieve the tone of the uterus, but also to eliminate the cause, and for this it is important to strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician. In addition, we consider it our duty to remind you that if this condition cannot be relieved, or the discomfort intensifies, you will still have to agree to hospitalization.


Preventing hypertension is a very simple matter. The main thing is to avoid unnecessary physical activity and stress. It is also useful to eat right and follow a daily routine: go to bed and get up at approximately the same time. At this time, proper rest and healthy sleep are very important.

Separately, it is worth mentioning a variety of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking. Both, as is known, increase, among other things, the risk of uterine tone, and other, even more unpleasant pathologies. Therefore, it is better to give up tobacco and alcohol at the pregnancy planning stage.

Of great importance for prevention and timely detection is constant observation by a gynecologist, as well as timely completion of all related studies: tests, ultrasound, examinations by specialists, and so on. This is especially true if a woman belongs to one of the risk groups.

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Why does increased uterine tone occur, how to prevent this problem in the early stages of pregnancy? Before answering questions about what to do with hypertonicity, you need to know not only the structure and function of the uterus, but the factors that negatively affect contractility. So, the tone of the uterus can increase not only for natural reasons; there are also other provoking factors.

A pregnant woman should understand that increased tone does not always indicate a normal pregnancy. As medical practice shows, this phenomenon indicates a complication that must be treated immediately.

What is uterine tone?

The uterus itself is a smooth muscle organ, which in turn consists of several layers.

  1. The first layer is called the perimeter, the second name is the outer lining of the uterus.
  2. The second layer is called the myometrium or muscle.
  3. The very last layer is the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity or, as it is also called in medical practice, the endometrium.

Contractility is characteristic of the myometrium, which is why the name “uterine tone” comes from this.

When pregnancy proceeds without serious complications, relaxed uterine muscles are considered the norm. When the myometrium contracts, the woman’s uterus gradually begins to contract. Against the background of such a complex mechanism, a certain pressure is created in the organ.

The second name for increased tone is hypertonicity. , especially in the first trimester. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, this can lead to the death of the fetus.

Causes of uterine tone

This problem can arise for a variety of reasons, so let’s look at the main ones.

Quite often, tone occurs against the background of a hormonal disorder. During pregnancy you cannot do without hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor hormones and take appropriate medications. When hormonal levels are disrupted during pregnancy, this indicates a lack of progesterone in the body.

The second, no less common reason is a fairly high level of male hormones (testosterone).

An equally common cause of the problem is a congenital disorder of the development of the uterine cavity. What does it mean? In this case, a bicornuate uterus or a bend of the organ is noted. Thus, pregnancy can occur with a variety of complications.

Additional provoking factors:

  1. As practice shows, early onset of toxicosis can also provoke tone. During the period of toxicosis, a woman experiences spasmodic contraction. It is this moment that affects the muscles of the uterus, and they begin to contract.
  2. Rh factor mismatch. If a pregnant woman is Rh positive, and the baby’s father is negative, then this provokes tone. In such situations, the woman should be constantly monitored by a doctor.
  3. If there are scars on the uterus or adhesions that formed after an inflammatory process.
  4. Intestinal bloating, and also if during pregnancy a woman is constantly tormented by constipation.
  5. Active sexual intercourse.
  6. Constant stress.
  7. Infectious processes that affect the genitals.

In addition to these reasons, it is necessary to note multiple pregnancies. Many women experience cramps during multiple pregnancies, which is why babies are born several weeks ahead of schedule.

Gynecologists say that active movement of the child can also provoke it. As a rule, spasms when the baby moves are painless and do not last long.

With diseases of the thyroid gland, this problem often occurs in the early stages. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a doctor, eliminate diseases and correct the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of uterine tone in early pregnancy

Most women recognize the signs on their own. In the early stages, this problem most often occurs before 16 weeks. The initial signs are not particularly pronounced. A woman experiences slight heaviness, directly in the lower abdomen.

Important! The pain symptom in the first trimester resembles pain like during menstruation.

In the early stages there are also spotting from the genitals, but this happens extremely rarely. In the second trimester, similar signs appear, but they are already more pronounced.

As for the third trimester, every woman experiences tone. Why? The fact is that the child does not have enough space, so it is very difficult for him to change his position. Thus, the woman experiences pain, and due to muscle compression, tone increases.

Consequences of uterine tone

In the early stages of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus can provoke a miscarriage - perhaps the most unpleasant complication and consequence of untimely treatment.

If the problem manifests itself in the II-III trimester, then there is a possibility of premature birth. Therefore, it is important to recognize the first signs in time.

But this condition does not always indicate danger. In order to determine whether there is a risk of developing complications or not, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

If the uterus is overactive, it can also affect the baby. When the uterus contracts, the umbilical cord is compressed. Against this background, the child does not receive enough oxygen, which leads to hypoxia in the fetus.


You can diagnose uterine hypertonicity in a woman during pregnancy with a simple gynecological examination. However, in most cases, doctors use ultrasound examination. Using this examination method, you can more carefully examine the condition of the uterine muscles.

It should be noted that ultrasound diagnostics helps to determine the tension of the uterus, which occurs not only along the anterior, but also along the uterus.

In some clinics, gynecologists use special devices that help measure the exact tone of the uterus. Such methods, despite accurate measurement, cannot establish the cause of this condition. Therefore, it is best to undergo an ultrasound examination and examination by a doctor in a gynecological chair.

Treatment of uterine tone

Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid serious complications.

When increased tone is noted, bed rest must be observed, and sexual intercourse is prohibited.

In order to relieve stress and thereby relax the muscles of the organ, doctors prescribe sedatives to the woman. You can take motherwort-based tincture or valerian.

If no positive effect is observed, then drugs with a broad spectrum of action are prescribed.

The drug helps relieve tone well Sibazol. The active component of the drug is Diazepam. The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution.

  • intolerance to the composition of the drug;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • acute respiratory failure.

The second no less well-known drug, which is prescribed in the gynecological department for women with increased tone - Nozepam. The anxiolytic drug is available in tablet form; the drug belongs to the benzodiazepine group. Prescribed in a dosage of 10 - 120 mg, depending on the general condition of the woman.

Important! This drug can only be used from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Contraindications for use:

  • acute respiratory failure;
  • COPD;
  • myasthenia gravis.

Of course, to quickly relax muscles, doctors prescribe antispasmodic drugs, for example, No-shpu or Papaverine.

Drotaverine or No-shpa relieves pain and relaxes the muscle layer of the uterus. The drug is available in tablet form, but you can buy Papaverine in the form of rectal suppositories, they act much faster.

Antispasmodic drugs do not have a negative effect on the embryo, but it is better to use them as prescribed by the attending physician.

Additional drugs to relax the uterine muscles:

  1. A drug from the group of calcium channel blockers is prescribed. Actively used Nifedipine or Corinfar.
  2. If a woman experiences bleeding, doctors prescribe drugs with a broad spectrum of action that have a good hemostatic effect. For example: Dicynone If there are contraindications for use, the drug is prescribed Sodium ethamsylate.

In the later stages of pregnancy, doctors prescribe tablet forms of medications, and then recommend droppers. As a rule, a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate is introduced.

In addition to drug treatment, a woman needs to adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

If necessary, the woman is prescribed both physical therapy and psychotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic treatment for tone, it includes endonasal galvanization. During the procedure, a continuous low-power current is supplied through special electrodes.

Often, for tone in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors prescribe electrophoresis with magnesium. The principle of the procedure is almost the same, but the drug is additionally administered through the skin or mucous membrane.

In case of pain, a course may be prescribed electroanalgesia. Pain relief occurs through the flow of sinusoidal current. This method is often used when there is a threat of miscarriage at 15-16 weeks.

If physiotherapeutic procedures and the above-described drug therapy do not bring a positive result, then prescribe sedatives. Medicines help improve uteroplacental circulation.


  1. Eufillin.
  2. Trental.
  3. Chimes.

In order to quickly improve metabolic processes, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum drugs to pregnant women.

For example:

  1. Actovegin.
  2. Potassium orotate.
  3. Riboxin.

We said above that fetal hypoxia may occur as a complication if treatment is not timely. In this case, doctors prescribe medications that will help increase the stability of the baby’s nerve cells. Piracetam or Instenon are prescribed.

Diet food

In addition to medications, proper nutrition must also be observed. The diet includes foods that are rich in magnesium.

Magnesium can be found in nuts, green vegetables, buckwheat porridge and bran bread. Beans contain some magnesium.

Fluid also plays an important role; it helps protect a pregnant woman’s body from dehydration. Therefore, during the day, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid. But, if there is swelling, then this amount is not suitable, otherwise complications will arise. A gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will be able to tell you exactly how much fluid to drink during swelling.

Proper drinking regimen will help protect not only from dehydration, but also prevent constipation.

How to relieve uterine tone using folk remedies

Yes, traditional medicine is very often used for various problems during pregnancy. It is allowed to prepare soothing teas at home without prior consultation with a doctor.

Tea made from lemon balm helps a lot. To prepare you will need 1 teaspoon of dry lemon balm and 250 ml. boiling water Leave for 10 minutes; for convenience, you can strain before use.

If you have an individual intolerance to lemon balm, you can make mint tea. To prepare this recipe, use dry or fresh mint. If you bought dry mint, then you will need 2 tablespoons and 200-300 ml. boiling water Leave for 30 minutes. The tea turns out very aromatic and tasty; if desired, you can add a little sugar and a slice of lemon. If you have fresh mint, then first you need to dry it well and then grind it. Take a simple tea bag and put dry mint in it. Carefully place the bag into the mug and pour in boiling water.

The most common tea for uterine tone is a collection of herbs. To prepare it you will need 2 parts mint, 1 part valerian and 1 part motherwort. Brew in a thermos for half an hour. After this, keep the tea for another 15 minutes in a water bath.

You need to drink the drinks warm; if the tea seems bitter to you, you can add natural honey or sugar.

During pregnancy, with increased tone, it is allowed to resort to aromatherapy. Special aromatic oils help relax the body.

Buy a pendant with oils at a pharmacy or any store, or prepare aromatic oil yourself. What aromatic oils can be prepared?

  1. If you prepare jasmine-based oil, it will not only eliminate increased tone, but will also help improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Lotus oil helps to calm down due to its pleasant aroma.
  3. Rose-based oil helps relieve tension.

You can prepare oil based on chamomile or lemon balm at home.

If you can’t buy a coupon, you can take a bath with the listed ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient to 250 ml. boiling water Strain through cheesecloth and pour the resulting broth into the bath. Remember that during pregnancy you cannot sit in the bath for a long time.

Some women prefer to use scented candles at home. They are used not only for uterine tone, but also as a preventive measure.

Preventive actions

Preventive measures are very simple, the most important thing is to follow all the points and additional recommendations of the gynecologist.

  1. Wear a prenatal bandage to help relieve tension.
  2. Eat properly.
  3. Rest more, if there are signs of tone, observe bed rest.
  4. Try to avoid stressful situations.
  5. Walk more in the fresh air.

In addition to these rules, a woman should not wear tight clothes and high heels during pregnancy. If you undergo all tests prescribed by your doctor in a timely manner and follow general recommendations, you can prevent complications and give birth to a healthy baby.

As you know, the uterus is an organ consisting entirely of muscles. With normal tone, the muscles are relaxed. During childbirth, the uterus begins to contract, in which case it is said that its tone is increased. In both of these cases, the uterus behaved naturally. However, sometimes tone can increase during pregnancy for a long time. This condition is not typical and can even be dangerous for the fetus, and therefore requires immediate treatment. Many expectant mothers do not know how to treat uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester in order to avoid many problems. So let's take a closer look at this disease.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can be very different, and they are all related to the characteristics of the body of a particular woman and the course of pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at the most common of them:

  1. Hormonal. Most often, this is a lack of progesterone, the main function of which is aimed at relaxing smooth muscles; accordingly, its lack can cause their increased tone.
  2. Severe toxicosis. Vomiting, accompanied by nausea, causes contractions of the abdominal muscles, which also affect the uterus.
  3. Pathologies. This refers to various developmental anomalies.
  4. Rhesus conflict. If the Rh factors of the mother and child do not match, the body may reject the fetus as a foreign body, thereby provoking hypertonicity.
  5. Infections and inflammations of the genital organs.
  6. Stretching of the uterus.
  7. Cancer diseases.
  8. Miscarriage or abortion before pregnancy.
  9. Flatulence. Due to increased gas formation, pressure may occur on the uterus from the intestines.
  10. Neurological problems causing muscle tension.

In addition, the risk of uterine hypertonicity in the first trimester can be increased by early or late pregnancy, negative environmental influences, physical strain, bad habits, and unhealthy sleep.

Important! Uterine tone in the first trimester may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.


How to independently determine the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? Let's look at the sensations caused by this anomaly at different stages of pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of contractions;
  • cramping pain;
  • nagging pain, as during menstruation, radiating to the lower back or sacrum.

At a later stage, visual symptoms are added to the listed symptoms. You may notice how your stomach shrinks and hardens. In some cases, bloody discharge may appear.

It should be noted that sometimes uterine tone can be asymptomatic.

Self-medication treatment

So, you have discovered the above symptoms, which means you have uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, what should you do? To begin with, you can take an antispasmodic drug, for example, No-shpu. If the contractions have not stopped, you need to go to a gynecologist.

Important! Do not panic! Strong experiences can only increase the tone of the uterus, and in most cases, the fetus can be saved.

Treatment with modern medicine

Treatment in the 1st trimester begins with diagnostics, during which an ultrasound is performed to confirm the diagnosis. During this procedure, muscle contractions are clearly visible on the screen.

Drug treatment during the first trimester is prescribed only for prolonged and severe pain, including drugs that help relax muscles. Sometimes additional sedatives are prescribed, for example, tincture of motherwort or valerian. In case of disturbances in the production of progesterone in the first trimester, Duphaston is prescribed.

To reduce muscle activity, a magnesium solution is prescribed, which is administered intramuscularly or intravenously using a dropper.

It is also mandatory to follow a certain diet, during which you must:

  • include foods containing magnesium in your diet (chocolate, cereals, eggs, nuts, etc.);
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • Do not consume products containing caffeine.

Removing tone at home

If you do not trust doctors or at the time of detection of symptoms you do not have the opportunity to seek medical help, you can try to relieve uterine hypertonicity at home using exercises.


To perform the exercise, you need to get on all fours, arching your back and raising your head up. Fix the position for 5-10 seconds, and arch your back in the opposite direction, lowering your head. Perform the exercise about 10 times, after completing it you should rest a little. This exercise is great in the first trimester. The photo shows how to correctly take the position to relax as much as possible.

Relaxation of facial muscles

The next exercise is performed for the facial muscles. There is such an effect that when they relax, the whole body begins to relax. While doing this, take a comfortable sitting position and lower your head. Start gradually relaxing the facial muscles, start with the forehead, then the cheeks, lips, neck, etc.

Pain relief

Another exercise will help you cope with pain. To perform, you need to get on all fours, bend your arms and transfer the weight to your elbows. Being in this position, you seem to “suspend” the uterus.

In addition to exercises, a warm bath, soothing aromatic candles, hot tea, relaxation, and listening to calm classical music are perfect for general relaxation of the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with traditional medicine includes taking substances that help relax the body and reduce muscle activity.

Soothing tea

Brew tea from two pinches of dry and valerian. Add a couple of drops of valerian tincture to it. Drink tea and eat it with honey.

Milk with honey

This recipe is widely known as a good sedative. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to drink a glass of warm milk with honey every day before going to bed.


  • maintaining a daily routine, proper sleep, limiting stress;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • healthy eating;
  • adding foods containing fiber to the diet to avoid intestinal problems;
  • compliance with the rules of sexual hygiene;
  • observation by a gynecologist.

Compliance with preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy.