Absolutely all Slavic girls who have visited Georgia (blondes in particular) will confirm that Georgian men, to put it mildly, “breathe unevenly” towards us. They always give us a big discount “for beautiful eyes”; they look at us the way a thirsty person looks at ice water. I've always wondered why we get so much attention. With every look the horseman directed at me, I was surprised, “Are they really missing their women?!” Having recently visited the homeland of khachapuri and khinkali, and taking advantage of the moment, I found brave souls who explained to me why they were not satisfied with Georgians, writes Yulia Dryn in The People.

Sandro Nemsadze, 27 years old (was married to a Russian woman for 3 years)

We met my Russian wife in Turkey (I worked there, and she came to visit her boyfriend). If we call everything by its proper name, then I stole her from my friend (that’s how they are, Slavs - for their sake you can lose your head and sacrifice a friend). After dating for a couple of months, we got married in Georgia. I still remember how she called her parents in Russia and said: “Mom, I married a Georgian.” Unfortunately, we only lived together for three years, but I consider her a very good girl, friend, wife (and I will always be jealous of her). And in the future (if fate has another marriage in store for me), I would again really like a Slavic wife. Believe me, it is better to live a year with a Slavic woman than five with a Georgian woman. +

Since childhood, my grandmother said that I would have a Russian wife. Slavic women, unlike our girls, have always attracted attention with their alluring appearance. Just recently I met a Georgian woman at an event. She looked great and was open in communication (I was even surprised that I met such a well-groomed and uncomplicated Georgian). A week later he asked her out on a date and... regretted it. She came unkempt, as if she was not getting ready for a date, but to go to the garden. Georgian girls don’t know how to be sexy, to attract a guy, they don’t even try to attract a man. +

Most Georgian women are very complex, but at the same time they are very demanding, and they give nothing in return (they always want flowers, gifts, restaurants, attention and take everything for granted). +

The only advantage of Georgian wives is that they are easy to live with (they never ask their husbands to wash the dishes and clean the house, because from childhood they are taught to do it all on their own).

Vakhtang, 30 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 5 years) +

I met my wife at a friend's wedding. Fun, dancing, toasts... After the wedding, we started texting, then dating. Slowly everything moved towards the wedding again, only this time it was ours. We often laugh that it all started with a wedding and ended with a wedding. +

I was specifically looking for a Slavic wife. In principle, I have nothing against Georgian women - Georgians always put family first, many are even ready to turn a blind eye to their husband’s infidelity in order to save the family, and our men, unfortunately, take advantage of this. But a Slavic woman wants to be the only one for her husband and does everything to be so. Changed it - be prepared to see a suitcase with things at the door the next morning. Believe me, men married to Slavic women will never even think about cheating on her, and if they do, he’s just an idiot.

Georgiy, 22 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 2 years) +

I met my Ukrainian wife on vacation. To be honest, at the time we met, I was very drunk. But even in a drunken state, he realized that he was lost. The very next day I forgot about my friends and spent time exclusively with her. Six months later we got married. +

I am grateful to fate that it was a Ukrainian woman who won my heart. Some will say that appearance is not the main thing. But you must admit, loving a person who you like not only mentally, but also externally is twice as pleasant. +

Let's ignore the appearance (there is no need for unnecessary words here - the Slavs undoubtedly win). Georgian women are materialists, the Russian phrase “with a sweetheart is heaven and in a hut” is not about our women. But the Slavic people live by the soul, they are ready to live in this hut for the sake of feelings. Now someone will say that I’m wrong, because many Ukrainian women won’t even look at a guy without a car and a penthouse. There are exceptions everywhere, I will answer. +

In short, having a Slavic wife is as prestigious in our country as driving a Bentley to a luxury restaurant. Such men hold their noses high and consider themselves lucky, and everyone secretly envy them. +


As a rule, Georgian men are attractive and temperamental; moreover, they rarely limit the usual lifestyle of their chosen one until she has become a legal wife. Passionate and vibrant relationships sometimes end with a long-awaited marriage proposal, and it is then that the future wife must carefully weigh her decision. Finding a Georgian in Russia is not a problem at all; it is much more difficult to become the only one to whom he proposes.

First of all, you should think about where the young people will live. If a woman has to move to her husband’s homeland, a lot will change in her life. Even in big cities, where traditions are not adhered to so strictly, there are many restrictions that you will have to immediately come to terms with. In small regional centers, and even more so in villages, customs are given great importance: first of all, this concerns relations with members of the husband’s family and some lack of freedom of the woman herself.

Patriarchy almost always reigns in Georgian families, but this is not so bad, given the infantilism and irresponsibility of many men from among our compatriots. By showing feminine wisdom and gentleness, you can live a long and happy life with a Georgian husband, behind whom a woman will feel “as if behind a stone wall.”

The husband’s fidelity or infidelity will also have to be treated differently than is customary in the vastness of our homeland. Small affairs are not considered treason by Georgian husbands, and will not cause them the slightest remorse. At the same time, the wife cannot afford even light, harmless flirting and must be with her husband, both body and soul.

Another unusual detail of family life with a Georgian will be the fact that, as a rule, he does not participate in housework at all and does not provide his wife with any help in this matter. Raising children is also the exclusive prerogative of the mother.

But, as in any matter where love guides everything, you can adapt to such details. But the absolute majority of Georgians honor family, the elderly, and, importantly, are Orthodox. So, a woman will probably not have any difficulties that arise with a Muslim husband. There are no male or female halves of the house, and women and men participate in lavish and frequent celebrations. As for raising children, you can confidently count on their respect, as well as the support and support of your husband until old age.

The country, located on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, is famous for its distinctive culture and unique traditions, some of which are still observed. Incredibly beautiful wedding customs are the pride of Georgia, and a Georgian wedding is a rich and spectacular holiday.

Choosing a Spouse

Family and marriage have always been taken seriously in Georgia, even. Therefore, parents began to deal with the issue of choosing a groom or bride for their child even when their offspring was in the womb. Having agreed among themselves, the two families carried out the so-called cradle betrothal; this ritual was repeated when the children reached 10-11 years of age. The bride's refusal of the chosen groom was the reason for blood feud between families. Years passed and fathers began to respect the right of their children to independently choose a husband or wife. In modern Georgia, the family practically does not participate in this responsible choice, but marriage must be approved by the parents. Both families try to find out as much as possible about each other in advance and only after that give their consent.

If he met a girl whom he would like to see as his wife, then he will do everything possible and impossible to achieve her. He looks after her very beautifully, gives his chosen one freedom and is ready to close his eyes to many things. But the attitude changes radically after the wedding. For a Georgian, a girl is one thing, a wife is something completely different. Strict traditions still take place in Georgian families.

Wedding traditions

Creating a family consists of three stages: engagement and wedding. There is a beautiful custom in Georgia: when the bride enters their future home together, the groom climbs onto the roof and releases a white bird. After which the newlyweds are given a wedding glass filled with wine. First, the groom takes a sip and puts the wedding ring in the glass. Then the bride takes a sip. After this, the groom takes out the ring and hands it to his beloved, uttering words of love and fidelity.

Then the bride begins a ceremonial “inspection” of the groom’s house, because now she has to stay here. Before entering the house, accompanied by guests and witnesses, the young people break a beautiful plate “for luck”. It is also customary to give them wooden ornaments that represent “”. Grains are scattered in the corners so that there is prosperity and good offspring in the house. While walking around the house, the bride must touch the cauldron - a symbol of hearth and comfort, and also walk around the pot of oil or grain three times.

It’s not for nothing that a Georgian wedding is called a rich and magnificent holiday, because its first rule is a huge number of invited guests, which sometimes reaches several hundred. The thing is that refusing to come to the wedding means causing great offense to the family and starting a long-term feud. It's not customary to shout here

From travel notes: gatherings of Georgian men aged:

From observations:
It is a rare Slavic woman who can resist the compliments of Georgian men.

And if he does, then some kind of aching regret forms in his heart: either that at home (or nearby), although he is his own, he doesn’t know how to speak so beautifully... or about the lost years, or about that if you can’t and really want to, then you still can’t...))

The toasts are so soulful! They contain all the breadth of the Georgian soul...they bring tears to your eyes. 

And even the ugliest girl will feel like a “percy” and “caralaway”.
From a conversation with a Ukrainian woman living in Batumi:

-They are all liars. They all walk to the left. They don't like to work. They steal in Russia, and send money home... They stand in a crowd under their daughter’s windows and shout with each other: “You will still be May!” On the beach you often meet these: everything is in gold, but they themselves are looking for something to steal (we call them “sea guys”).

I laugh in my heart, but I don’t show it...

Random photo of Georgian policemen:

From a conversation with a Georgian woman:

They hold virgins in high esteem. And if she remained a virgin until she was 50 years old, her relatives know about it, they will definitely marry her to some Georgian, because she has an advantage.

I’m laughing in my heart again, but I don’t show it... (why didn’t they get married before I was 50?)

I see a lot of couples where he is Georgian and she is Slavic. Mixed-breed children are very beautiful. Georgians are interesting even at an honorable age.

They stick beautifully. They even manage to make attempts if the woman is in a couple.

I remembered a joke (bad line):
A girl is sitting in the compartment, wearing patterned tights.
A Georgian sits opposite and asks her:
- Darling, where do these patterns lead?
The girl playfully answers:
- To the station.
My husband jumps off the top shelf:
- You f***, give me two hundred rubles, I’ll show you the station master!

From my conversation with a Georgian:

I live both in the city and in the countryside. There is a wife in the village, and there is a woman in the city. Comfortable!

A man cheats - no one will be surprised, a Georgian woman cheats - a shame on the family.

Among the artists I can remember Papvliashvili, Kikabidze, Leps, the Meladze brothers, Tsiskaridze (continue the series). What kind of men, right?

And the Sukhishvili ensemble! How they dance!... What wonderful guys!

And for some reason, Georgians always have money... Undoubtedly, there are different layers, as in any country. But they are somehow nimble or something, or they find suitable conditions for business...

I know that young girls specifically go to Georgia to find a gentleman. I also know older women who go there to the sea, because it is there that they catch up with their lost youth.

How is life in families with Georgian men? Who will outline what limits of patience for themselves? But one thing is known for certain: traditionally, in Georgia, a man is the head of the family, and the last word always remains with him. There is even a saying for when you need to stop the flow of words from your life partner: “Your day, woman, is March 8!”

The post is of a comically exaggerated nature. Let our men not be offended. But Georgians deserve this separate post. IMHO.

In 2015, Georgians began to marry less often - compared to the previous year, the number of marriages in the country decreased by 7.1%. For a conservative country, where cohabitation without a stamp in the passport is not held in high esteem, this figure is rather bleak. And for us it is a signal to action: quickly pack our bags and save the situation, because it’s really worth it.

Well, first of all, it's beautiful.

Every time, walking along the Georgian streets, I remember all my free girlfriends who still won’t get here. You should see how many men wander around here - interesting, lonely and bored. It seems that for every 10 girls there are 20 guys here. And it’s written in their eyes that they are waiting for their “sweet, beautiful” one, just like in Pavliashvili’s song. And when you look into those eyes yourself, you will feel ashamed that you made them wait so long.

If you're one of those people whose knees start shaking just at the thought of a bearded man, welcome to heaven (by the way, Georgians started sporting beards even before it became a hipster mainstream). The degree of hair growth varies from slight stubble to the Robinson Crusoe stage - I don’t want to choose. There are also clean-shaven ones, as well as plump-lipped, black-browed and broad-shouldered ones. I won’t even talk about hooked noses (well, you can figure out everything else for yourself...).

The sweeter the bed, the harder it is to sleep

You will not have time to step off the ramp before you feel that your inner goddess is waking up from a lethargic sleep. Take a deep breath and get ready for generous portions of admiring glances. But be careful: wine vapors, combined with tourist euphoria, dull the senses that have been developed over the years and make you vulnerable to all sorts of riffraff. Avoid overly eloquent broadcasters. Georgians are experts at talking beautifully, but things often don’t go beyond chatter. Divide by 16 and don’t forget to ask if your talker is welcome at home. Having a wife and children for alpha males is not always a deterrent to romantic impulses.

It is possible, if with a trustworthy

“There is enough such goodness everywhere,” have you already thought? Don't rush to despair! As a woman happily married to a Georgian, I responsibly declare that Georgians are different from Georgians. We still need to look for more loving fathers and caring husbands. They are not afraid to start a family (even at a young age: according to statistics, men most often get married at the age of 20-24), they take responsibility and hold your hand tightly in both sorrow and joy. Mixed marriages, by the way, are not uncommon here, and Russian daughters-in-law are most often accepted by numerous Georgian relatives with open arms. In addition, the majority of Georgians profess Orthodoxy, and even if you are not the most pious parishioner, celebrating Christmas and Easter on the same dates significantly narrows the gap between mentalities.

Breaking stereotypes

It would probably be inappropriate to refute with foam at the mouth the assertion that all Georgian men are incorrigible rakes. But I wouldn’t cut it from the shoulder either: Georgians are not womanizers, they just love women very much. Whoever shows me an orthodox heterosexual whose brain is wired differently, let him be the first to throw a stone at me.

Georgians love different women, or rather all of them. But they court those with feminine forms with special ecstasy. So if you've been diving into a detox heading into the holidays in the desperate hope of bringing your abs out from under cover, pour out your spinach smoothie, sit back and eat a bar or two of chocolate with peace of mind (I know you've got it stashed away somewhere). . Georgian men value gentleness not only in character. And yes, don’t stop them from treating themselves: they consider it their duty to feed the guest to the point of fainting.

And to be honest, Georgians are greedy for Slavic girls. It's not just about appearance, although, of course, people like light-eyed and fair-haired people a little more - jokes about Georgians and blondes are not just made up. The whole tsimes (don’t let my Odessa dialect confuse you) of our girls is in relation to themselves, men and life in general. Despite the Caucasian temperament, Georgians can be too cold and reserved. And what about us - with our souls wide open, eating bread in stiletto heels, a twinkle in our eyes - it’s not scary to get burned.

Do you also consider yourself an expert on any country? Have you studied the men there and the features of national romance from A to Z? Write to us at[email protected] – perhaps you will become our next erotic-geographical expert!

Many representatives of the fair sex from the CIS (especially from a country like Ukraine) marry Georgian men. When these girls come to the country, they still have little idea of ​​the local way of life, which almost all families in Georgia adhere to. All local men are very temperamental, they respect the customs of their ancestors, so they are not going to violate them. There is, of course, complete patriarchy in the family.

If a girl decides to marry a Georgian citizen, and also to leave for his country for permanent residence, then she must unconditionally accept the local rules of behavior both in the house and in society, if she wants peace and tranquility in the family. You will have to come to terms with the fact that as long as your spouse’s father and mother are alive, they will live with you. Note that the mother-in-law is always right. There is no point in swearing, arguing or defending your point of view; your spouse will be on your mother’s side, especially if the sport took place in public.

Of course, you don’t need to expect that your husband will be faithful to you until his death.

Representatives of the stronger sex assume that they are entitled to everything, even visiting girls of easy virtue; they do not recognize such an action as a serious offense.

Let us note that they demand unconditional fidelity from their spouses, not only intimately, but even spiritually. If you are getting married in Georgia, then you need to forever forget about light flirting with young people, short dresses, even communicating with former classmates or classmates through social networks. Georgians are extremely jealous of their spouses and value their reputation as “true” men. It is very important for them that no one can say anything bad about his wife, which means that she should behave very quietly and modestly.

This state of affairs does not mean that the guys from the state are tyrants who lock their spouses up with ten locks and dress them in burqas. This is not true at all. This is a free country where women and men have equal rights, in theory they can do whatever their heart desires. Pay attention to the word “may”, yes they can, but this does not mean that they will do so. Of course, a Georgian wife has the right to wear a short skirt and walk like that on the streets of the country. But you can behave this way if you don’t know or don’t want to know the unspoken rules, since then it is possible that you and your husband will have a serious conversation about this, perhaps even a scandal if your spouse finds out about it. In Russia, Ukraine and other similar countries, wearing such clothes is normal, but in Georgia this behavior is unacceptable.

Another important factor is where the husband comes from. If you are from the capital or another large city, then you can hope for personal freedom, as well as for your own family to live separately. Urban citizens have a simpler view of the world, they want to get closer to European standards, for this reason their thinking is a little different. Let us note that most of Georgia is composed of villages, hamlets and small regional centers. And there, as you understand, patriarchy and the notorious adherence to the conventions and traditions that we talked about above reign.

Russian citizens in Georgia live under different laws, although there are practically no such people here. There are, of course, mixed families, although the influence of local culture is also felt there.

How do representatives of the fair sex from other countries live in this country, under the influence of such restrictions?

Very good, some are happy. Although many, when they marry a Georgian and come to his homeland, soon go back, sometimes without a husband, local traditions and customs seem so meaningless and unacceptable to them.

For example, few visitors can understand the following phenomenon... During a ceremonial feast, girls and men sit separately at the table, or at different tables.

If friends have gathered in your apartment (house), then you will not be able to sit down at all. The spouse must constantly spin around and serve those who come. Her responsibilities also include ensuring that mains and snacks are always fully stocked.

Let us note that men from Georgia give courtship very beautifully, especially if they are in another country. If a Georgian has definitely decided that he wants you to become his wife, then he will definitely achieve this. Georgian men give their girls, as well as potential brides, much more freedom; they turn a blind eye to some things, but this is only until the woman becomes his wife. Then the relationship can change a lot, since the girl is one thing, and the spouse is something else. When discussing your future family life with you, the Georgian groom will promise a lot of things, but everything said about Georgia and local customs is a lie, you should not believe it unconditionally.

If you are so in love that you are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of your feelings, including some freedom and a familiar way of life, then follow your love! Just remember that your Georgian spouse will never become your helper around the house, even if he rests on the sofa all day. By the way, raising children is also your job.

As a rule, girls marry Georgian men for only one reason – love. They also go to the country only because of this. All the inconveniences that appear during life together are a kind of payment for love.