
Expand children's knowledge about summer.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to designate the number of objects with numbers and determine the position of an object in space.
Practice sculptural and bas-relief modeling, gluing, finger painting, stamps and pencils.
Develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.


Black pencils, a blank picture depicting a train on rails without sleepers, adhesive pencils, colored silhouette pictures of “flower”, “strawberry”, “pear”, “cucumber”, “mushroom”, “hare”.
A background picture depicting flowers of different colors, with plastic plugs in the middle of the same colors.
Blank picture “sunflower”, black plasticine, sunflower seeds.
Cardboard “pies” - triangles made of cardboard of different sizes folded in half, “strawberries” of different sizes.
Colored silhouette pictures of vegetables and fruits, a background picture with drawn boxes in the form of geometric shapes.
Finger paints in yellow and red, blank picture “apple”.
Stamps “apple”, red gouache, blank pictures “apple tree”.
Clothespins, rope, colored silhouette pictures of mushrooms.
White plasticine, blank picture “fly agaric” without white spots on the cap.
A picture depicting four mushrooms, of which three are the same and one is different from the others.
A background picture depicting mushroom stems of different sizes, mushroom caps, leaves, and snails cut out from colored cardboard of a suitable size.
Flat shells, pieces of glass, glue, blank picture “On the seashore”.
A background picture depicting three bears of different sizes, inflatable rings cut out of colored cardboard corresponding to the size of the bears.
A container with sand in which various pebbles are buried.
Audio recording: “This is our summer!”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Reading a poem - Train "Gifts of Summer"

Summer is rushing by like a train,
All tickets sold out -
The summer train is coming our way
Through fields and forests.
The locomotive hums loudly -
A gray hare sits in it.
He is not a clown, not an artist -
He's a smart driver!

Drawing "Summer Train"

Draw with a black pencil the sleepers - short vertical stripes and the smoke from the chimney of the locomotive - curls.

Number one, I know for sure
There's a flower car on the train!
“The road to autumn is long!” –
Cornflower tells everyone.
And nods his head
field bell,
And the sunflower looks into the distance -
He's watching the sun!
It may be small, but still
He looks like the sun!

Didactic game “Pick the center of a flower”

Choose a center for each flower that is exactly the same color as the petals.

Handmade “Sunflower”

Let's make a sunflower like a real one: cover the middle with black plasticine, and put the seeds on top of the black plasticine.

And in carriage number two
Not flowers and not grass -
The berries in it are noble,
Very fragrant.
Strawberries and raspberries
Escaped from the basket -
They don't want to disappear
And get into the jam with us!

Didactic game “Pies with strawberries”

There are pies in front of you. Show the biggest pie, the medium one, the smallest one. Now you need to put the filling in the pies - strawberries. Just be careful, put the largest berries in the largest pie, medium berries in the middle pie, and small berries in the small pie.

At car number three
Only vegetables inside!
The carrot says: “Guys,
There is no better garden than ours!”
They immediately got into an argument with her.
Cucumber and tomato.

Didactic game “Place vegetables and fruits in boxes”

Place vegetables and fruits in suitable shaped boxes.

Modeling “Cucumber and Tomato Salad”

Children sculpt a cucumber from green plasticine by straight rolling, and tomatoes from red plasticine by circular rolling. Then the fashioned vegetables are cut into pieces and placed on a plate. Sprinkle the top with herbs - a green napkin torn into small pieces.

And in the fourth, to our gardens
Ripe fruits are coming!
The apple scares the pear
That everyone wants to eat it.
Pear is very timid
And the plum tree laughs at her.

Didactic game “Count the fruits in the vases”

Count the fruits in the vases and label them with a number.

Drawing with Apple Tree stamps

Dip the stamps into paint and leave imprints on the wood.

Drawing with paints “Apple pouring”

Look at this apple. One side of it is yellow and the other is red. Let's draw exactly the same apple with yellow and red barrels.

Dynamic pause “This is what it is, our summer”

Children, to the song of the same name, take rugs, lie on their stomachs, wave their legs, then their arms, turn over on their sides, then onto their backs, raise their legs and arms. They stand up, run in all directions with circular movements of their arms in front of their chest - “swim”.

And in the mushroom car - the fifth
Honey mushrooms are going to the summer forest.
And dream for a day
Take the stump before everyone else.
The porcini mushroom asked the fox:
“Where are you growing up, little sister?”
"I grow among the grass,
In other words, right where you are!”

Didactic game “Pick mushroom caps”

Choose a suitable size cap for each mushroom. and place a leaf on top of the cap. And plant snails underneath the mushrooms.

Bas-relief sculpture “Poisonous fly agaric mushroom”

Make white dots from plasticine for the poisonous fly agaric mushroom.

Show me a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

Exercise “Hang mushrooms to dry”

Children hang the “mushrooms” on a string using clothespins.

From dusk to dawn
The train rushes through the summer.
The train sings a song
And he gives out gifts!

Application “Summer Train”

There is a big-eared driver sitting in the locomotive - stick the hare on the locomotive. In the first carriage there is a flower, in the second - a berry, in the third - a cucumber, in the fourth - a pear, and in the fifth - a mushroom.

Modeling “On the seashore”

Children tear off pieces of plasticine, stick them to the background picture and place them on top, pressing flat shells and pieces of glass ground with sea water.

Didactic game “Give the bears inflatable rings”

The bears decided to swim in the warm sea, give them inflatable swimming rings. Choose circles that are the right size.

Didactic exercise “Find pebbles in the sand”

Try to find different beautiful pebbles in the sand.




Plan for summer health work in 1st junior group

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 1 “Ryabinka”

Pushchino, Moscow region.

Muratova Elena Alekseevna

Goals and objectives of work during the summer health period
1. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.
2. Implement a system of activities aimed at developing independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity.
3. Educate parents on pedagogical, educational, and health issues for children during the summer.

"Physical development":
1. Strengthen the health of children by increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body, developing motor and mental abilities, and promoting the formation of a positive emotional state.
2. Comprehensively improve the physical functions of the body.
3. Increase the performance of the child’s body through various forms of hardening.
4. Create interest and need for physical exercise.
5. Satisfy the natural need for movement, create conditions for demonstrating the motor skills of each child.
6. Contribute to the prevention of morbidity and childhood injuries.

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:
1. Consolidate and deepen the musical impressions received during the year.
2. Support children's initiative in improvisation.
3. Activate the child’s imagination, initiative, and creativity.
4. Develop the foundations of musical and theatrical culture, spiritually enrich children with positive emotions.
"Cognitive development":
1. Satisfy children's curiosity without suppressing interest in recognizing nature, form ideas about it necessary for the child's comprehensive development, and instill skills of activity and independent thinking.
2. Develop communication skills with peers, adults and the environment with a focus on a non-violent model of behavior.
“Social and communicative development”:
1. Develop the play activities of pupils;
2. Introduce basic generally accepted norms of relationships with peers and adults;
4. Develop work activity, cultivate a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people, and its results;
5. To form an idea of ​​situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and ways of behavior in them.
"Speech development"
1. Development of free communication with adults and children.
2. Development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities.
4. Promote speech stimulation (repetition, explanation, discussion, encouragement, reminder, clarification).

Organization of physical education and health activities with children
morning exercises;
physical activity;
sleeping without shirts, with the windows open (in warm weather);
ventilation of the room;
gymnastics after a nap with hardening procedures;
walking along a ribbed path;
classes, walks;
sports events and entertainment;
health week.
Forms of recreational activities in the summer.

1. Organized educational activities- This is the main form of organized systematic teaching of physical exercises to children. The organization of educational activities should exclude the possibility of overloading children, prevent them from becoming overtired or disrupting the functioning of physiological processes and structures of the body, in particular the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular structures as those most stressed during physical exercise. Exercises are selected depending on the objectives of direct educational activities, age, physical development and health status of children, and physical education equipment. Duration of organized educational activities – 20 minutes

2. Morning exercises.The purpose of the exercise is to increase the functional state and performance of the body, develop motor skills, form correct posture, and prevent flat feet.

3. Outdoor games. Games of medium and low mobility are recommended. The choice of game depends on the pedagogical objectives, preparedness, and individual characteristics of the children.
Types of games:
plot (use when explaining a little fairy tale or a plot story);
non-story ones with elements of competition at different stages of learning;
with elements of sports (badminton, football, basketball).
Outdoor games are held outdoors, on the sports ground every day, during the hours of least insolation. The duration of the games is 10-20 minutes.
Motor warm-ups(physical minutes, dynamic pauses).
rhythmic movements;
exercises for attention and coordination of movements;
balance exercises;
exercises to activate the eye muscles;
relaxation gymnastics;
exercises to develop correct posture;
exercises to form the arch of the foot.
They are carried out outdoors, on the sports ground every day, during the hours of least insolation. Duration - 10 minutes
5. Elements of sports, sports exercises. They contribute to the formation of special motor skills, the development of strong-willed qualities, emotions, and broadening the horizons of children. Types of sports exercises:
scooter riding;
a ride on the bicycle.
Applied significance of sports exercises: perception of appropriate work skills and careful attitude to equipment. They are carried out outdoors, on a playground or sports ground every day, during the hours of least insolation. Duration – 10 minutes.
Awakening gymnastics. Exercising after a nap. Gymnastics of a plot-game nature.
Warm-up after sleep is carried out using various exercises:
with objects and without objects;
on the formation of correct posture;
on the formation of the arch of the foot;
imitative nature;
plot or game;
for the development of fine motor skills;
on coordination of movements;
in balance
for the development of fine motor skills;
on coordination of movements;
in balance.
Venue: bedroom. Awakening gymnastics lasting 3-5 minutes. Gymnastics after a nap - 7-10 minutes.
Individual work during the day.It is carried out with individual children or in subgroups in order to stimulate physical activity, independent games and exercises. Provides assistance to children who have not mastered the program material in classes and who have developmental disorders. Helps promote health and improve the physical development of weakened children, correcting postural defects.
Hardening activities.A system of measures taking into account the health status, physical development, and individual characteristics of children:
elements of hardening in everyday life (washing with cool water, wide aeration of rooms);
hardening activities in combination with physical exercises (properly organized walks, sun and water treatments in combination with physical exercises).
System of hardening measures
- Air temperature regime: from +18 to + 20° C. A rational combination of air temperature and children’s clothing is ensured.
One-way ventilation:In cold weather it is carried out briefly (5-10 minutes). Temperature reduction by 1-2 °C is allowed.
Through ventilation(in the absence of children): In cold weather it is carried out briefly (5-10 minutes). The criterion for stopping ventilation is the air temperature reduced by 2-3 °C.
In the morning before the children arrive.Receiving children outdoors: By the time the children arrive, the air temperature is restored to normal.
Before children return from a day out:By the time the children arrive, the air temperature is restored to normal.
During daytime sleep, evening walk:In the warm season, it is carried out during the entire period of absence of children in the room. The state of thermal comfort is ensured by matching clothing and temperature.
Morning exercises:Outdoors in summer.
Physical Culture:Conducted daily in the fresh air, wearing lightweight clothing. Clothing and shoes correspond to meteorological conditions.
Walking barefoot:Daily. In the warm season at air temperatures from +20 °C to + 22 °C.

- Water procedures:
Hygiene procedures:

  • Washing, washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.
  • Washing, wiping the neck, washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.
  • In the summer, wash your feet.

Organization of children's activities
In the summer, systematic and authoritative work continues on sections of the programs. All activities are transferred to the air. Each type is given a place and time in the daily routine.

Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

1. Switching to a daily routine in accordance with the warm period of the year:

  • reception of children in kindergarten areas, walk - 4-5 hours, sleep - 3 hours,
  • outdoor educational activities;
  • presence of a tape recorder,
  • music center for music background.
    2. Organization of water and drinking regime:
  • Availability of a kettle,
  • chilled boiled water,
  • disposable cups.
    3.Organization of hardening procedures:
  • Availability of individual towels for hands and feet;
  • basin, watering can.
    Conditions for physical development
    4.Organization of safe conditions for children to stay in preschool departments:
  • Availability of a first aid kit,
  • proper equipment on walking areas.
    5. Formation of the foundations of safe behavior and healthy lifestyle habits:
  • Availability of didactic material for:
  • life safety work,
  • teaching children traffic rules,
  • work on healthy lifestyle.

6.Organization of optimal motor mode:

  • Availability of physical training equipment,
  • carrying out preventive work (correction, posture, flat feet, etc.)

7. Organization of educational activities in physical culture, sports events and entertainment.

Conditions for cognitive and environmental development
1. Organization of work and observations in nature:

  • the presence of a flower garden, vegetable garden, corner of nature in groups;
  • equipment and supplies (spatulas, watering cans, rakes).

2.Organization of games with sand and water:

  • availability of serviceable sandboxes on sites,
  • watering cans for sand processing,
  • shovels.
    Conditions for the development of visual creativity

1. Organization of fine arts and manual labor: the availability of traditional and non-traditional materials for visual activities (cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, threads, dough, fabric, vegetables).

2.Organization of an exhibition of children's works.

Organization of physical education and health activities with children.
Organization of motor mode
- Reception and morning exercises in the air.
- Breathing exercises (daily after naps).
- Physical education activities (2 times a week).
- Health-improving walking around the kindergarten to develop breathing (weekly).
- Dosed running to develop endurance (daily at the end of the walk according to individual indicators).
- Development of basic movements (ball games, jumping, balance exercises, etc.) (daily on walks, in subgroups and individually).
- Outdoor games during walks (daily).
- Physical education and entertainment (weekly).
Hardening activities
- Air baths (daily in warm weather).
- Walks (daily).
- Walking barefoot on sand and grass (daily in warm weather).
- Extensive washing (daily).
- Washing feet (daily).

Plan of educational work with children for the summer period


Topic of the week

Theme of the day

Working with parents


1 Week "My happy childhood"

Children Protection Day

Thematic conversation – review “I am a child and I have the right”

Reading the Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”;

Creative workshop

“Rainbow mood” (non-traditional technique);

Crafts competition “My Sunshine”

Excursion “Group visiting a group”;

Excursion to the “Land of Childhood”

(presentation of areas for walking, conversations about caring for buildings, maintaining the cleanliness of our garden)

holiday "Feast of Milk";

Folder folder:

"Hello summer"


  1. Invite parents to participate in the improvement and landscaping of the site and the repair of the group.
  1. “On the benefits of natural factors (sun, air, water) on the child’s body”
  2. "Children's safety in summer"

Individual conversations with parents:

"Child's Clothes for a Walk"


“The role of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales in the lives of children”

Invite parents to make paper airplanes with their children.

Day of rest from holidays

  • Independent play activity
  • Independent motor activity

Lukomorye Day

  • Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"(abridged version);
  • Modeling “Goldfish”
  • Application “The wind blows across the sea and propels the boat”
  • Drawing "Golden Cockerel"
  • Construction of “The city stands on an island”
  • Album of children's works: “Ah! What a delight these tales are! »

Birch Day.

  • Entertainment “There was a birch tree in the field”
  • View illustrations.
  • Riddles, poems, folk signs.
  • Reading a fairy tale about a birch tree
  • Observation “Looking at a birch tree”
  • Game exercise “Who can find birch, spruce, oak faster”
  • Drawing “Birch in summer, winter, spring, autumn”

Paper Airplane Day

  • Paper airplane competition
  • “Journey to the Cardboard Kingdom, Paper State” – an introductory conversation with making an “airplane” craft.
  • “A Fairy Tale Comes to Life” - making crafts for the fairy tale “Turnip”
  • Telling the fairy tale “Turnip”, retelling by roles.
  • Outdoor games: “Planes”, Butterfly 1

Week 2 “Week with experts.”

Day of wind turbines, large and small (wind day)

  • Musical entertainment “Blow, Breeze”
  • Screening of the film “The Wind - Good and Evil.”
  • Introduce children to air movement
  • Games with sultans

Folder folder:

"Harmless" fidget"


  1. “Summer is a time of new discoveries! Simple games while walking"
  2. “On the prevention of childhood injuries”

Familiarize parents with the following reminders:

  1. "Raising a little patriot"
  2. “Russia is the country in which we live”
  3. "The meaning of the stripes on the flag"

Homework for children and parents(selection of materials, making crafts from napkins).

Summer birthday

  • Conversation “What do we know about vegetables and fruits?”
  • Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables, fruits, flowers, labor.
  • Modeling “Merry vegetable garden”.
  • Drawing "Fruit Salad".
  • Games: Edible – not edible”, “What are we taking in the basket?”, “Find out by description”, “Test the taste”, “Tops-roots”, “Riddle - we will guess”.
  • P/games, relay games “Harvest the harvest”, “Carry the potatoes”.
  • S/r games: “Fruit and Vegetable Store”, “Family”,
  • Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers.”

Homeland Day

  • Conversations with children individual, subgroup and group, situational conversations: “Our home is Russia”, “Each country has its own flag”, “Where you can see flags”, “They recognize the army by its flag”
  • Reading poems:

V. Stepanov “Song”, “Russian Flag”, “Moscow”, “Our House”, G. Lapshina “Three colors on the Russian flag”.

  • Didactic game “Fold the flag”
  • Constructing different flags from counting sticks.
  • - Joint work of children and parents at home: making a Russian flag.

Paper Napkin Day

  • Experiments
  • Di “Numbers from rough paper”, “Snake”, “Fix the house”.
  • Outdoor games with paper balls, “Who can run the most and carry the ball at arm's length without dropping it”;

“Who can throw the most balls into the basket”; "Hit the target";

  • Breathing exercises “Blow paper balls into a box”, “Snowflakes”.
  • Breathing exercises (relaxation) “Ship and wind.”
  • Reading the poem “A Sheet of Paper” by S. Mikhalkov.
  • Reading a song about a paper boat.
  • Making riddles.
  • Application “Boats”, “Mountains”.
  • Drawing with elements of the “Leaves” applique.
  • Application (collective work of children) “Ladybugs”.
  • Exhibition "Paper fantasies!"

Fresh Bread Smell Day

  • Conversations: “How bread came to the table”; “What kind of bread is there?”

"Take care of bread"

  • Saying tongue twisters about bread: A good pie has curd inside
  • Reading fiction: “Winged, furry, and oily”, “Spikelet”
  • Looking at paintings and illustrations about bread.
  • Modeling bakery products from salt dough with children for role-playing games.
  • Making patterns and drawings from cereals.
  • Observations and viewing of albums;
  • selection of illustrations about agricultural machines;
  • reproductions of paintings by Russian artists on a given topic;
  • watching the film strip “From grain to loaf”.
  • Role-playing game: “Family”
  • Didactic games: “What kind of bread is it”; “Who can name more bakery products”;
  • Experimental activities:

Turning grain into flour (mortar, coffee grinder).

Kneading dough and baking bread at home (bread maker).

Week 3 “If you learn it yourself, teach someone else.”

Do-It-Yourself Miracle Day

  • conversation “Folk crafts”, “Talented people”;
  • viewing photographs, illustrations “Works of art. Sculpture. Painting"
  • creative workshop “Plasticine fairy tale”

Folder folder:

"The hand develops the brain"


  1. “Home workshop” D/v No. 1-93.
  2. Master class for parents on the topic: “Using non-traditional drawing techniques with preschool children.”

Painted Palms Day

  • leisure “Skills Fair” (non-traditional drawing)
  • on unconventional drawing
    (plasticineography) “Russian birch tree”.
  • on unconventional drawing “The magical properties of apples”(draw with your finger)

Wreath Weaving Day

  • Work on caring for the plants of the site.
  • Didactic games “Living Flowerbed”, “Garden - Meadow”, “Who Can Name More? "
  • Round dance games “Run to us, little flower”, “We are weaving a wreath, we are weaving”.
  • Riddles about flowers.
  • Creation of a photo collage “Flower fantasies”.

Day of drawing on the asphalt

  • Competition of children's drawings on asphalt"Colors of Summer"
  • Games:
  • From letter to letter
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Tightrope walker
  • Dorisuika
  • Hit the target
  • Connectors
  • Drawing shadows
  • Guessing game

Summer Watercolor Day

  • design – studio “Very Skillful Hands” (making crafts from waste material, dough-plastic)
  • Design of an album of children's drawings “Do-it-yourself miracles”
  • “Miracles of the Sorcerer of Color” - games with paints and colors.

Week 4 “Week of fun games and fun.”

Listening to Music Day

  • leisure "Children's Album" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
  • “For children about P.I. Tchaikovsky” Presentation
  • Listening to the works "Waltz"; "March of the Wooden Soldiers"
  • Classical music in cartoons

Folder folder:

"Dangerous items at home"


  1. "Games at home, on the playground"


Viewing the exhibition of non-games
Conversation about the safety of games and their use
Comparison of dominoes and lotto, logical cube, house with geometric figures
D/i “Guess and find in lotto”
D/i “Name the color and shape” - logical cube
Application “Making a flower lotto” (by applying it to a ready-made base)
P/n “Tea, tea to the rescue”
Ball school: “Toss - catch”, “Knock down the pin”

Day of games, toys and fun

  • educational conversation “Toy Story or how our grandmothers played”;
  • Exhibition “Parade of Favorite Toys”
  • collective homemade book “About a friend - a favorite toy”
  • targeted walk travel through the stations “Igrai-grada” (“Tsvetnaya” (finger painting), “Konstruktorskaya” (games with building materials), “Teatralnaya” (dramatization games, “Restless” (outdoor games).

Theater Kaleidoscope Day

  • Puppet show (staged by teachers)
  • “We are directors” (various types of theaters

Orange Fairy Tale Day

  • Compiling a collection of yellow objects and toys. Exhibition “Yellow Day”
  • In the group we play with toys and yellow objects.
  • Thematic drawing
  • (modeling). Exhibition of children's works.


1st week “Week of contrasts”.

rainbow day

  • Stories for children “Where does a rainbow come from?”, “Why does a rainbow have the shape of an arc?”, “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”
  • Reading fiction: S. Marshak “Rainbow-arc”, E. Blaginina “Rainbow”.
  • We look at paintings and illustrations depicting a rainbow.
  • Solving riddles about the rainbow.
  • Didactic games: “Collect the rainbow”, “Whose object?”
  • Outdoor games: “Who is faster”, “Rainbow, appear!” Rainbow, show yourself! »
  • Exhibition of drawings "Rainbow - a bridge to a fairyland."

Folder folder:


  1. "Watch out for the sun!"

Creation together with parents:

  • Ecological stand “Journey of the Droplet” (water cycle in nature).

Water day.

  • Conversation “What is water for?”;
  • visual activity “The rain fell on the ground barefoot...” (drawing), “Be careful with water, close the tap properly!” (applique), art co-creation “Transformation of a Drop”.
  • A series of games - experiments to familiarize yourself with the properties of water.
  • Reading fiction (K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”, A. Barto “The grimy girl”
  • Game-dramatization “Washing with a washcloth for two hours”, “Watch and play”.
  • Story games “Bathing the doll”, “Let's prepare lunch for the doll”, “Wash the clothes for the doll”.
  • Collage “The Adventures of Kapitoshka” (the importance of water in the life of people, animals, plants).

Cloud Watching Day

  • D.I. “Collect a cloud of cut cards”
  • Examination of the illustrations “Types of clouds”, discussion “What do they look like? »
  • D.I. “Find the same ones”
  • Listening to the song “Clouds, white-maned horses” and completing an illustration for it.
  • Watching the cartoon “Shake!” Hello!". Conversation after the viewing.
  • Exhibition of drawings “Clouds and white-maned horses”

Day of the sun.

  • Conversations: “Why do you need the sun”, “What color is the sun”, “Sun and vitamins”;
  • decorative drawing “Sunny, dress up!”,
  • reading fiction (G.R. Lagzdyn “Tatyanka’s chant”)
  • drawing-experimentation “Sunny color”,
  • applique made of woolen threads “Fluffy Sun”;
  • Games: outdoor games “Catch a sunny bunny”, “Sun and clouds”, etc.,
  • Manual labor, production of the collective work “Sun from palms”,
  • Creation of the album “Our Suns”

Sun Bunnies Day

  • “Festival of the Sun” - a play on the nursery rhymes “Sun-Bucket”, “Sun, show yourself, red, dress up!”
  • Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes “Sun”, “Sunny Bunny”
  • Physical education lessons - songs “I’m lying on my little son.”
  • Outdoor game “Sunny Bunny”
  • Didactic game “What does it look like?” (by shape, color, feeling)
  • Sedentary game “Build the sun”
  • Cognitive - research. Observing the sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group, using illustrations, with the help of parents at home)
  • Cognitive and research Experiment “Cold - Warm”
  • Experimental game “Sunny Bunnies”.

Week 2: “Get Healthy Week.”

Swing Day

  • Swing

Number of players: any

Extras: bedspread

One player lies down on the blanket, the others lift it higher and swing it. Every 2-3 minutes the players take turns changing places.

Folder folder:

“Forms of special hardening procedures during the summer health period”


  1. "Watch out for plants!"

Health Day.

  • "My friend is the bicycle." Games using story and elements
  • Thematic conversations: “What you need to do to be healthy”
  • “Visiting Dr. Aibolit “Fun Physical Education”

Chamomile Day (Family Day)

  • Exhibition of drawings “My Family”
  • Finger gymnastics “My Family”.
  • Thematic conversations “Rights and responsibilities in the family”
  • A selection of photographs on the topic “My Family.”
  • Looking through family photo albums
  • Proverbs and sayings about family.
  • Didactic games “Who to be”, “Whose children? »
  • Reading stories: K. D. Ushinsky “Medicine”, “Cockerel with his family”,
  • Poems: S. Cherny “When no one is home”, A. Maykov “Granddaughter”,

E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence.”

  • Fairy tales: “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, Little Red Riding Hood, Turnip.
  • Construction games "Furniture for the home."
  • Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Teremok”
  • Game situation “Helping Mom...”
  • Training game "I'm lost."
  • Drawing with crayons “My family”
  • Application "My hand is my family" (hand in hand)
  • Modeling "Family mascot" (ladybug)
  • Listening and singing songs about the family and its members.
  • Game "Granny's Basket" (foods that are good for health)
  • Problem situation “Why did dad get sick” (what needs to be done for dad to get better)
  • Composing flowers from a mosaic
  • Observation “Friends of Flowers” ​​- moths, butterflies, bees (how they collect nectar)
  • I/u “Flowers” ​​- dandelions and sun
  • D/i “Find by description”
  • P/i “I was born a Gardener”
  • D/i “Collect a flower” - cut pictures"
  • Drawing "Chamomile"

Barefoot Day

  • Conversations with children about health: “Diseases of dirty hands”, “Toughen up if you want to be healthy”
  • “The cat went to Torzhok” Russian folk games
  • Collective drawing “Hello, summer!”
  • Walking “The Path of Health” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass).
  • Hour of physical activity “Visiting Antoshka”
  • Outdoor games with elements of imitation.

Day of wallowing in the grass

  • Listening to music: Y. Antonov “Don’t pick the flowers”, W. Mozart “Flowers”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons Cycle”, “Waltz of the Flowers”, Yu. Chichkov “The Magic Flower”
  • Didactic game “The fourth odd one”, “I know five flowers”, “Flower names”, “Journey to the meadow”
  • Relaxation: Exercise “I am a flower”, “I am a bud”, “Flowers and the breeze”
  • Sketch “Rain and Flower”
  • Game – exercise “Flower – name”
  • Physical exercise “My flower”
  • Physical exercise “Flowers”
  • Outdoor game “Flowers and Rain”
  • Breathing exercise “Scent of flowers”, “Dandelion”
  • Gymnastics “Flowers-Magicians”
  • Application: Group work “Dandelion Clearing”

Week 3 “Visiting a fairy tale.”

Colored Ribbon Day

  • Conversation “Russian folk tales”.
  • Reading fairy tales.
  • Learning sayings, sayings, and proverbs about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.
  • Retelling fairy tales read and dramatizing them.
  • Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.
  • Riddles about fairy tales, fairy tale heroes.
  • Carrying out creative work independently and together with parents. Exhibition of drawings “Visiting the Fairy Tale”

Folder folder:



Memo for parents:

"Reading fairy tales"

Promotion “Give a Fairy Tale!”:

  • making crafts, drawing illustrations for fairy tales
  • Reading fairy tales with children.
  • Help in replenishing the book corner with fairy tales.

1. Questionnaire “Do I remember the fairy tales of Grandfather Korney?”

3. Consultation “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

5. Creation of an album of children's works together with parents based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

6. Consultation “The role of books in a child’s life.”

A day about green forests and forest wonders

  • “Visiting a fairy tale” - listening to recorded fairy tales, reading
  • Outdoor games: “The little white bunny is sitting...”, “Catch up with the fox”, “Crawl to the bear”, “The gray bunny is washing himself”, “Jump over the stream in the forest”.
  • Movements: jump like bunnies, walk like a bear.
  • Conversation “Healthy vegetables for the bunny”, “I love vitamins”, “Let’s teach Mishka to brush his teeth.”
  • Conversation-game “Bunny at home alone.”
  • Didactic games: “Let’s help grandma set the table”, “Wonderful bag” (vegetables for the animals), “Who left?” (characters from a fairy tale), “Kolobok is sad and happy,” “Three Bears.”
  • Role-playing games “Wolf’s Birthday”, “Bake Pies for the Animals”, “Bathing a Bear.”
  • Help the fox collect mushrooms in the forest.
  • Sweep the path for Kolobok.
  • Finger games.
  • Conversations: “Wild animals”, “My grandparents”.
  • Looking at paintings about forest animals and their cubs.
  • Examination of the illustrations “Trees in the Forest.”
  • “Teddy Bear’s Room” (furniture).
  • Sound pronunciation of “Bear cub” (sound e).
  • Making riddles about animals from fairy tales, reading fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “The Ryaba Hen”, reading nursery rhymes, poems about animals, learning the poem “Bunny” by A. Barto.
  • Modeling: “Kolobok”, “Carrot for the Hare”, “Fence around the house”.
  • Drawing: “Traces of wild animals”
  • Application: “Let’s treat the animals.”
  • listening: "Little bunny."

Day of searching for fairy tales

  • Creation of an album of children's works together with parents based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.
  • Conversation “Acquaintance with the work of the writer-storyteller K. Chukovsky” (A story about the writer K. I. Chukovsky, showing a portrait, getting acquainted with the work.)
  • Reading the writer's works.
  • Conversation and examination of illustrations of the heroes of the works “Aibolit”, “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Moidodyr”, “The Stolen Sun” and others. (by program)

Riddles Day

  • The story "The history of the appearance of the riddle."
  • Conversations “What are riddles for”, “How to solve riddles”, “Who comes up with riddles”.
  • D/i "Riddles and answers."
  • Learning riddles.
  • Modeling and drawing answers to riddles.
  • Looking at book illustrations.
  • Entertainment “Visiting the mystery grandmother.”

Day of Remembrance of Favorite Books

  • workshop “Fix a book”
  • Cycle of educational situations:
  • "Who Lives in the House"
  • “Who was the first to settle in the tower”
  • "Whose Shadow"
  • "Who's the odd one out"
  • "Puzzles"
  • "Find differences"
  • "Make by height"
  • "The path to the tower"
  • "Puzzle"
  • "Tell me a story"

Week 4 “Week of the Cautious Pedestrian”.

Pedestrian Day.

  • Entertainment “Dunno Got Lost”
  • conversations about traffic rules;
  • didactic games to develop safe behavior skills;
  • plot-role-playing game “We are pedestrians”, “We are traveling”
  • “Let's be careful! » excursion to the roadway

Folder folder:

"Road Safety"


“Your child on the street”, “Prevention of road traffic injuries”, “For parents - about road safety”, “Car seat for children”

reminders and leaflets appealing to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules

1) Offer to bring photographic material to make a collage on the topic “How to teach a child safe behavior on city roads?”

2) Conduct a survey among parents “Be careful, the road!”

3) Joint drawing of the “Dangerous Road” memo by children and parents.

moving folders: “01 – fire department telephone”, “Medicinal plants”, “Safety on the street” “We suggest you read. Poems for children about fire"

Road Signs Day.

  • Reading "The Tale of the City of Road Signs."
  • Role-playing game "Pedestrians".
  • Artistic creativity (drawing) “Road signs”.
  • Conversation “Why are road signs needed?”
  • Reading Kalinin N. “How the guys crossed the street”
  • making a collage on the topic “How to teach a child safe behavior on city roads.”

Traffic light day.

  • Entertainment "Pedestrian Bunny"
  • Excursion with children to the crossroads. Tell the children that they need to cross the street only at a certain place (intersection - traffic light, pedestrian crossing).
  • Transport surveillance.
  • Reading the work of E. Mashkovskaya “I am a machine.”

Safety Day.

  • Examination of the poster: Fire safety. "My health is my wealth."
  • Board game: “Valeology”, “Flammable objects”,
  • Didactic games: “Allowed and prohibited”, “Listen carefully”, “Guess the profession”, “What grows where”, “What can’t you go into the forest with?”, “Give me a word”, “Monkeys”, “Take care of the living”, "How to avoid trouble."
  • Active and sedentary games: “Colored Cars”, “Traffic Light”, “Cheerful Pedestrian”, “Firemen in Exercises”, “Planes”, “Chicks and the Mother Hen”, “Mousetrap”
  • riddles about fire
  • Conversations: “Matches are not a toy, fire is not fun,” “Home Alone,” with Pilyulkin, “Me and My Health.”
  • Tours of the kindergarten
  • Application “Fire Truck”,
  • Designing “The Streets of Our City”.
  • Exhibition in the book corner
  • breathing exercises with Pilyulkin.

Traveling Smile Day (Courtesy Day)

  • conversation “Take care of your friends - life is more fun with them”;
  • solving game situations “What is good”
  • “Do a good deed” campaign;
  • exhibition of drawings “Portrait of my friend”
  • Look at the illustrations of A. Usachev’s book “Safety School” with your children. Learn the rule: “Don’t play around with matches and lighters. This is the cause of fires."
  • excursion “Group visiting a group”
  • leisure "In the land of politeness"

- Week 5 “Week with the Experts”.


Experimenting "Colorful water". Meeting with Hottabych
P/i "Sun and Rain"
D/i “What has changed”
Conversation “What would happen if there was no water”
Ways to save water
P/i "Vodyanoy"

Folder folder:


Consultation for parents “The history of the Kinder Surprise toy.” Raise the information level and awareness of parents on this issue.

Increase interest in Kinder Surprise toys Preparing for the Mini Toy Museum exhibition

Gardener's Day.

  • Carrying out observations of onion growth;
  • Caring for planted plants (watering, loosening the soil);
  • Conversation, games “How to grow vegetables in the garden”;
  • Preparing salad (cucumber, tomato, green onion, dill, salt).
  • Game - compare by color, shape, size, taste;
  • Viewing the fairy tale - cartoon “Chippolino” (shortened version);
  • Drawing - “This is my onion!”;
  • Application “Poor bunny is sick - he hasn’t eaten anything since the morning...”;
  • Staging of the song “Ogorodnaya - round dance”;
  • Organization and conduct of didactic games to consolidate knowledge about vegetables: “Wonderful bag”, “What do they plant in the garden?”, “Guess by the description”, “Fold the picture”, “Guess by the taste”, “Guess by the smell”, “Fourth - extra”, Lotto “Find a Pair”;


Conversation about vitamins in vegetables and fruits
Decorating porridge with berries from jam or pieces of marmalade
Narrating the poem “The landlady once came from the market”
D/i “Test the taste of fruits and vegetables”
"Wonderful bag"
Labor in nature: weeding and loosening
I/u “Healthy” jumping and running, jumping
S/i "Hospital"

Day of surprises

  • Conversation “Introducing the Kinder Surprise toy.” Introduce children to the history of the toy and the materials from which it is made.
  • Safety minute “Be careful with small parts of the toy.” Introduce children to safety precautions when playing with Kinder Surprise toys
  • Joint activity of parents with children “Craft Kinder Surprise”
  • Photo exhibition “Me and my craft”.

Week 1 “Alone with Nature”

Mushroom Rain Day

  • rain observations
  • viewing paintings and illustrations about natural phenomena
  • memorizing the poem “Rain” by O. Maslova
  • reading the fairy tale “The Sun and the Cloud” by Gianni Rodari
  • learning the song “Rain” music and lyrics by M. M. Eremeeva
  • drawing “Big cloud”
  • telling riddles about rain
  • conducting experiments
  • video recording of experiments

Folder folder:

"Introduce children to nature"


  1. “Hygiene skills from an early age”
  2. "Summer is in full swing"
  3. “We will protect you from dangers”
  4. Recommendations for parents on organizing parties for preschool children in the summer

Joint creative work of parents and children

“Create an outfit for a beautiful butterfly” (decorating children’s crafts from salt dough.

Master Class

“We make a butterfly from salt dough.”


"Watching a butterfly while walking."

Day of the awakened snails

  • Looking at illustrations about snails, reading educational literature;
  • Watching the cartoon “House for a Snail”, talking with children about the cartoon they watched;
  • Games: “Cut pictures”, “Guess by description”, “Riddles of Zagadalkin”;
  • Memorizing a poem"Snail"
  • Conversation-reasoning: “How can I help the snail?”
  • Musical activities (listening to songs about snails, playing games that imitate snail movements)
  • Drawing on the topic: “A house for a snail?”
  • Reading fairy tales: “The Tale of the Snail Agasha”, “The Tale of the Snail and the Grasshopper”
  • Design of the exhibition of crafts “Making a snail”

Day of becoming a butterfly

  • Consideration
  • album illustrations
  • "Butterflies are beautiful."
  • Teacher's story:
  • "A friendly family of butterflies."
  • Reading a poem:
  • "Little Butterfly"(Lyudmila Melekhova),
  • "Butterfly is a beauty"
  • (Svetlana Antonyuk).
  • Listening
  • musical composition by E. Grieg “Butterfly”.
  • Exercise:
  • "Butterfly Dance"
  • Palm drawing
  • “Butterflies are beautiful.”
  • Conversation
  • "Wonderful transformations."
  • Finger gymnastics
  • "Caterpillar".
  • Didactic game
  • “Guess by the description.”
  • Word game
  • "One is many."
  • Application
  • "Merry caterpillar."
  • Watching cartoons:
  • “Luntik” series “Gift for a Butterfly”, “Lessons from Aunt Owl (Butterfly)”.
  • Outdoor game
  • "Butterflies and Flowers."
  • Modeling butterflies from salt dough.
  • Conversation “What are butterflies for?”

Day of colorful bouquets

  • Conversations “Flowers of the Red Book”, “Poisonous Flowers”.
  • Evening of riddles about flowers.
  • Lotto “Flower, flower, where do you grow?”
  • Domino "Flowers".
  • Didactic games “Recognize a flower by its silhouette”, “Find two identical flowers”. “Creating a flower image from geometric shapes.”

Ladybugs Flight Day

  • Organization of a mini-exhibition “Insects - Favorite Toys”
  • Observations on a walk
  • Conversation “What kinds of insects are there?”: "Journey into the world of insects"
  • Productive activity: sculpting “Butterfly”, drawing: coloring pictures of insects
  • Creating an album for viewing “Insects”

- Week 2 “Week of Knowledge”

Paper Day.

master class “We make paper ourselves”

  • Methodological manual “Types of paper”
  • presentation “The History of Paper”
  • presentation “Properties of paper and its application”
  • conducting experiments with paper
  • paper types research
  • study of paper properties
  • comparison of properties of different types of paper

Folder folder:


  1. Sociological survey of families of group children during the summer health period.

Purchasing magnets for each child

2. Collection of material for experimentation.

Day of candy wrappers.

  • album design with a collection of candy wrappers;
  • - didactic game “Paired candy wrappers”;
  • - guessing and memorizing riddles from candy wrappers from “Children’s” sweets;
  • - competition “Candy with a fabulous name”;
  • - breathing exercises using plumes and butterflies made from candy wrappers;
  • - round dancing games using folklore paraphernalia made from candy wrappers (headbands, belts, bracelets, beads, etc.)
  • - design of the exhibition “Magic candy wrapper”

Metal Day.

  • "Introduction to the properties of metal"
  • "Properties of a magnet"
  • "Magnet Test"
  • "What can a magnet do"
  • Conversation: “How people mine metal”
  • Didactic game “What is it made of? ", "Find the item you need", "Wonderful bag", "Fishing",
  • P. \i. "Hit the bell"
  • Game – dramatization “Magnetic Theater”.

Week 3 “Week of Favorite Games”

Folder folder:


Day of rest from holidays

  • conversation “How I spent my summer”;
  • medical visit office “That's how big we are! "(measurement of anthropometric indicators of children at the beginning of the school year)
  • exhibition of photographs and drawings of family vacations “Summer Travels”
  • tours of the kindergarten
  • leisure “Summer Kaleidoscope” (meeting after summer holiday)

Sandy day.

  • showing a video presentation “Sand Painting”
  • sand building competition “Sand Fantasy”
  • “Sand fantasies” – games for a walk

- 4th week. "A week of interesting things."

Balloon Party Day

  • Game program. "Balls over the city"
  • balloon drawing competition "Winnie the Pooh's Flight of Fancy"

Folder folder:


Bubble Blowing Day

  • The half-educated wizard (April Fool's Day)
  • "Making Soap Bubbles"
  • "Foam pillow"

Day of hats and bows.

  • Panama hat holiday.
  • competition of unusual panama hats and caps “Hat fashion show”

Gift Giving Day

  • Game program “Happy Birthday, Birthday Boys!”

Equipping and supplementing the teaching process with play areas.
a) “Mumming Corner” - sew sundresses, shirts, handbags.
b) “Book Corner” - update books for viewing; acquire new educational literature; encyclopedic, developmental literature.
c) “Doll Corner” - purchase new dolls, dishes, strollers, trim dolls.
d) “Physical education corner” - update the attributes for physical education activities.
e) “In the arts and crafts corner” update coloring books and pencils.


  1. “Musical Palette”, No. 2 2011; No. 3 2010; No. 4 2004; No. 4 2006; No. 3 2007; No. 3 2007; No. 3 2004; No. 3 2011; No. 4 2010.
  2. "Handbook Art. educator", No. 2 2008; No. 4 2012; No. 5 2009; No. 6 2009; No. 5 2012; No. 11 2010; No. 3 2011; No. 9 2010; No. 9 2011.
  3. “Musical Director”, No. 5 2007, p. 20 (see “Etiquette for Kids”); No. 6 2007; No. 7 2007; No. 4 2010; No. 4 2009.
  4. “Handbook of senior educators at preschool educational institutions” No. 8 2010; No. 4 2009; No. 5 2009; No. 1 2010; No. 7 2009, No. 6 2008.
  5. “Preschool education”, No. 5 2012.
  6. Kislenko L. E. “Magic bells.”
  7. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.”
  8. “Pedigree of a doll”, E. S. Evdokimova “Design technology in preschool educational institutions”
  9. Doronova T. N., Ryzhova N. A. “Kindergarten: everyday life and holidays” (see “What are sweets for”)
  10. Preschool pedagogy, No. 4 2009.
  11. Miryasova V.I. Entertaining games and tasks in kindergarten.
  12. 1. “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution,” a manual for practical workers of preschool educational institutions / Auth. -composition : L. S. Kiseleva,
  13. T. S. Lagoda, T. A. Danilina, M. B. Zuikova. -3rd ed., rev. and additional -M. :ARKTI, 2005
  14. "Project activities in kindergarten: parents and children" -M. : School Press, 2010
  15. I. Lukyanova "Korney Chukovsky" - M. : Young Guard, 2006
  16. K. I. Chukovsky "How I became a writer; Confessions of an old storyteller" / Life and work of Korney Chukovsky. -M. : Det. lit., 1978
  17. "Memories of Korney Chukovsky" Comp. K. I. Lozovskaya, Z. S. Paperny, E. Ts. Chukovskaya. -Ed. 2nd-M. : Sov. writer, 1983
  18. "I explore the world: Russian literature" - M. : LLC Publishing House AST: LLC Publishing House Astrel, 2004
  19. V.V. Gerbova "Introducing children to fiction", for classes with children 2-7 years old. -M. : Mozaiva-Sintez, 2010
  20. Korney Chukovsky "Poems and Fairy Tales" - Rostov-on-Don: Prof. -Press, 2005
  21. Korney Chukovsky "Moidodyr", poems and fairy tales - M. : Eksmo, 2012
  22. Korney Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun", poems and fairy tales - M. : Eksmo, 2011
  23. Korney Chukovsky "Confusion"_M. : Flamingo, 2008
  24. Korney Chukovsky No. Miracle Tree - M.: Flamingo, 2010
  25. Avdeeva, N. N. Safety on the streets / N. N. Avdeeva. M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 2003.
  26. Avdeeva, N. N. Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age / N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina. - M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 2005.
  27. Agafonova, K.V. Children and road traffic / K.V. Agafonova. - M.: Education, 2001.
  28. The ABCs of road safety. An educational program to develop safe behavior skills for preschool children in road traffic situations. – Tolstikova O.V., Gatchenko T.G. - Ekaterinburg: GBOU DPO SO "IRO". 2011. – 75 s.
  29. Boguslavekaya Z. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age / Z. M. Boguslavekaya, E. O. Smirnova. M.: Education, 2003.
  30. Wenger, L. A. Education of sensory culture from birth to 6 years / L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Venger. - M.: Education, 2001.
  31. Children and the road: method. kit for kindergarten teachers. - M., 1999.
  32. Dobrushin, A. D. How to take care of children / A. D. Dobrunin. Tallinn: Valgus, 2001.
  33. Dorokhov, A. A. Green, yellow, red / A. A. Dorokhov. - M.: Children's literature, 2002.
  34. Dushnov, A. S. My street / A. S. Dushnov. - M.: DOSAAF, 2002.
  35. Erofeeva, T. I Mathematics for preschoolers: book. for a kindergarten teacher / T. I. Erofeeva, L. N. Pavlova, V. P. Novikova. - M.: Education, 2002.
  36. Elzhova N.V. Traffic rules in kindergarten: developmental environment and methods for introducing children to traffic rules, long-term planning, lesson notes / N.V. Elzhova. – Ed. 2nd. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013 – 173 p. - (I give my heart to the children).
  37. Kirilova, O. S. Red - stop, green - you can. Yellow is shining - be careful: for preschool teachers, primary school teachers / O. S. Kirilova, B. P. Guchkov. - Volgograd: Seven Winds, 2005.
  38. Klimenko, V. R. Teach preschoolers the rules of movement / V. R. Klimenko. - M.: Education, 2007.
  39. Traffic rules: teaching preschoolers / author. - composed by T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Aleksandrova. – Volgograd: teacher, 2011.-219 p.
  40. Saulina T. F. Three traffic lights: Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road: For working with children 3-7 years old. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. – 112 p. : color on
  41. Startseva O. Yu. School of Road Sciences: Preschoolers about the rules of the road. – 3rd ed., additional. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012. – 64 p.
  42. Cherepanova S. N. Traffic rules for preschoolers. – M. “Scriptorium Publishing House 2003”, 2012. – 80 p.
  43. Kondrykinskaya L.A. “Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten” Moscow, 2003.
  44. Shorygina T.A. “Our Motherland Russia” “Sphere”, 2013
  45. Krasnushkina E “State symbols of the Russian Federation” Visual and didactic aid, 3-7 years
  46. V. Stepanov “My homeland is Russia” LLC “Foliant Press” 2005

Goncharova Yana Yakovlevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "TsRR" No. 22 kindergarten
Locality: Transbaikal region, Chita
Name of material: project
Subject:"Letne - health project in the first junior group"
Publication date: 08.05.2018
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 22 "Ladushki"


summer health work

"Summer is dressed in bright colors"

(June, July, August 2018)

Completed by the teacher:

Goncharova Ya. Ya.





Days of the week



Musical 15.35 – 15.50


Physical education 15.25 – 15.40


Musical 15.35 – 15.50


Physical education 15.35 – 15.50


Outdoor physical education 15.25 – 15.50


1. Conversations with parents for a month on the topics: “Drinking regime in the garden

and at home", "Parents on vacation" (child's mode outside kindergarten), "Water

procedures and sunbathing", "Trips out of town (danger of bite

ticks, making fires, starting fires, leaving children without


2. Summer theme in the design of sliding folders, information

stands in the reception room.

1. Conversations with parents for a month on the topics: “How to read books

together”, “We have grown out of “old” toys” (to help parents choose

toys appropriate for older children), “Child’s clothing”

(education of neatness, neatness, sense of taste and proportion in clothes;

clothing matches the baby’s age), “Footwear, one of the most important

components of a child’s health.”

associated with the psychological state of children during the transition to kindergarten

group and the crisis of three years.

1. Conversations with parents for a month on the topics: “Child’s adaptation to

garden”, “Feeding in the garden and at home” (observance of feeding hours and, according to

opportunities, diversity), “Cultural and hygienic skills: in the garden and

at home”, “Mode: in the garden of the house”.

2. Design of information stands and folders of movements on topics,

follow-up conversations with parents.






growing up

generation today is very relevant due to the fact that in groups



age. So


institution is the first stage of public education, that is

are entrusted








children. Summer is the most

favorable time for the strengthening and development of children. Summer work

period should be organized so that children spend it with joy and

with pleasure and received a charge of vigor and health. Equally important




Increasing time in the fresh air will provide an opportunity for formation













abilities, abilities

will form


skills. And very important

Organize the lives of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something...

something new, was filled with interesting content so that memories of

summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting

Episodes from their lives delighted children for a long time. One of the most important





organization of children's leisure time. On the one hand, good weather and opportunity



the severity of this problem. However, children quickly get bored with their usual games, and

if their activity does not find application, they strive to fill their

activities. Implementation










intellectual, creative and communication abilities.

Project duration: June – August 2018

Project type: cognitive-creative, health-improving.

Project participants: children of the first junior group, preschool educational institutions employees,

teacher, parents.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental

children's health, taking into account their individual characteristics, satisfaction

needs of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and






children, prevention of morbidity and injury.






physical development by optimizing the physical activity of everyone









activities in various educational fields.









ecological culture.

Project stages:

- Preparatory stage

Main stage

The final stage

Project implementation plan:


Instructing children on

injury prevention in

games with sports




Switch to mode in

in accordance with the warm

period of the year (walk 4-5

hours, sleep 3 hours, exercise

fresh air)




u s l o v i y



(sanitary and hygienic










fine art



work activity).

Morning exercises (in the air)



Awakening gymnastics

daily After



Physical education classes at

3 times a week


P o d b o r

m a t e r i a l a

didactic, sports games


carrying out




Outdoor games while walking



Decoration of the play area

summer season.



Air baths (in

lightweight clothing)



Walk in the air



Walking barefoot along the path




Water games

walks and



Corrective work

Exercising after a nap

(posture correction and

flat feet)



Finger gymnastics

2-3 times a week



Increasing interest in physical education and sports.

Reduced morbidity;

Increasing interest in the surrounding world;

Improving independent play and work activities

Improving children's speech development, increasing interest in

book culture.


“Social and communicative development”:

Develop the play activities of pupils;

Introduction to elementary generally accepted norms of relationships with

peers and adults;

Continue work on the formation of gender, family, civil

belonging, patriotic feelings;

Develop work activity, cultivate a value attitude towards

own work, the work of other people, its results;

To form an idea of ​​dangers to humans and the environment

the nature of situations and ways of behavior in them.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the world around you.

"Cognitive development":

Satisfy children's curiosity without suppressing interest in

recognition of nature, to form the necessary for a versatile

development of the child’s ideas about it, instill activity skills and

independence of thinking.

Develop communication skills with peers, adults and the environment

nature with a focus on a non-violent model of behavior.

Provide ample opportunity to use all five organs

senses: see, hear, touch, taste, feel

various elements of the surrounding world.

To instill in children an interest in the process of learning and a culture of mental work.

“Speech development”:

Development of free communication with adults and children.

Development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side,

grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech -

dialogic and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's


Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

Speech stimulation (repetition, explanation, discussion, encouragement,

reminder, clarification) - the formation of elementary replication.

Maintaining social contact (phatic conversation, heuristic

Joint subject and productive activities of children (collective


Independent artistic and speech activity of children.

Foster a culture of verbal communication.

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:


Consolidate and deepen the musical impressions received during

Support children's initiative in improvisation.

Activate the child’s imagination, initiative, and creativity.

Develop the foundations of musical and theatrical culture, spiritually enrich

children with positive emotions

Improve children's performing skills in creating

artistic image, using games, songs and

dance improvisations.

Develop communication skills in various communication situations: with

peers, teachers, parents and other people.

Cultivate an interest in musical creativity.

"Drawing, sculpting, applique"

Involve children in observing reality, develop the ability

see the world through the eyes of a creative artist.

Provide freedom in reflection - accessible to the child

by artistic means - their vision of the world.

Develop the ability to convey mood, state, attitude towards

depicted, experiment with different types and methods


Create maximum freedom to demonstrate initiative and the necessary

there is physical and psychological space for this.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving works

visual arts.

"Physical development":

Strengthen children's health by increasing adaptive capacity

body, develop motor and mental abilities,

promote the formation of a positive emotional state.

Comprehensively improve the physical functions of the body.

Increase the performance of the child’s body through various forms


Satisfy the natural need for movement, create conditions for

demonstration of each child's motor skills.

Contribute to the prevention of morbidity and childhood injuries.

Generate interest and need for physical exercise.



The sun has come out and invites you to go for a walk.

How nice it is for us to walk together with the sun

The sun has come out and is shining high.

It’s easy for us to run along the path with the sun.

“Looking for a ray of light”

A ray of sun appeared - it became brighter for us.

There is a ray on the right, a ray on the left, it has become more fun.

I.p. – standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Turn right – I.p., left

– I.p. - 2 times

"Rejoice in the sun"

Everyone in the world is happy about the sun, sparrows and children alike. 5 times

I.p. – o.s. – Jumping on two legs in place.

The game is over!

And now the kids have come together for breakfast

We'll go to the garden and collect the harvest!

Walking in a flock behind the teacher for 10 seconds.

Hey horse, go-gop,

Take us to the garden.

Run in a flock behind the teacher for 8 seconds.

"Merry vegetable garden"


The cabbage has rolls - that's how big they are!


sides up, connect your fingers to form a ring - I.p. - 3 times.


The carrot hides its nose in the garden bed.

Apparently the carrot is playing hide and seek!

I.p. – sitting, resting on the hands placed at the sides. Bend your legs

clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head - i.p. - 4 times


Our friendly garden is having fun and singing

I.p. – os. Jumping on two legs in place. - 4 times

The game is over!

And now the kids started walking together for breakfast.

Walking in a flock behind the teacher.

Walking in a flock behind the teacher for 10 seconds,

The birds flew away and flapped their wings.

Like this, like this, they flapped their wings.

Run in a flock behind the teacher for 8 seconds.


1. “Birds walk on the water”

Small birds walk along the water.

Small birds walk, lift their paws.

Like this, like this they walk by the water

I.p. – o.s. walking in place, raising your knees high. - 6 times

2. “I drink birds”

Small birds sat down by the water.

They sat down by the water to wash their paws and beaks.

I.p. – o.s. Squatting in place. - 4 times

3. “The grains are pecked”

And the sparrows are right there, pecking at the grains from the ground.

I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, bends forward.

The birds flew, small birds.

The birds soared high into the sky and flew away.

Walking in a flock behind the teacher.



Exercises in the crib:

left arm up, along the body (5 times).

2. “Rock the baby” - I. p.: sitting. The child presses his foot to his chest,

rocks the “baby”, touches the forehead to the knee, foot, lifts the “baby”

above the head, makes rotational movements around the face.

Exercises on the mat:

Daisies on the lawn

The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt. -

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I'm friends with daisies

I sway quietly in the wind,

I bend low and low.

Stand up, arms to the sides. Tilt to the left, stepping with your feet. The same - to the right.

Repeat 2-4 times at an average pace. Stand up, legs apart. Lean forward

hands down. Simultaneous pendulum-like movements of the arms from left to right and

from right to left. Repeat 2-3 times at a slow pace.

Breathing exercises:

1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “z-z-z” (mouth

tightly closed).

2. “Blow on the candle.” Sit on the floor, legs apart, holding an imaginary

candle. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; "three,

four" - long and slow exhalation, simulating blowing

candles. Repeat 3-4 times


Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms - up above

head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. On

exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu”

2. Foot massage. I. p. - sitting cross-legged. Pulling your left foot towards you,

the child stretches his toes, strokes between the toes, spreads

fingers. Presses hard on the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats



movement, pulls the toe forward, the heel, then pats the palm with the

the entire foot. As if driving in wishes, he says: “Be healthy, beautiful,

strong, dexterous, kind, happy. “The same thing with the right leg.

Exercises on the mat:

Bunny washes himself

The gray bunny washes himself,

Apparently he's going to visit

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear and wiped it dry!

Children perform appropriate movements. Then the children ride on two

moving forward

return to their places.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “w-w-w” (mouth

tightly closed).

2. “The geese are hissing.” Stand with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. "One, two,

bend over

pulling out


extended exhalation: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace

Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.


Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. Pull your left leg heel forward,

right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward,

left arm up along the body (5 times).

2. Massage of the chest area. I. p. - sitting cross-legged.

Stroking the chest area.

"Let's start



thymus gland down (except for the thumbs, all eight others

placed on the same line from top to bottom, makes rotational movements 5-6 times



counterclockwise movements.

Exercises on the mat:

Piglet Piglet

Relaxed for a while.

Got to my feet


And then he sat down and bent over

And he jumped a little

And he walked on the spot.

And then he lay down again,

But on the left side.

turn around

stretch. Sit down, stand up, bend forward, straighten up. Hands on

belt, jumping on two legs in place. Hands down, step in place.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “o-o-o” (mouth

tightly closed).

2. "Dandelion". An adult offers to blow on the flower so that it flies off.

all fluff. Take a deep breath through the nose and mouth and exhale sharply. Repeat (3-4

Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.


1. Lightweight clothing;

2. Ventilation of premises;

3. Washing with cool water;

4. Receiving children outdoors.

Special hardening events:

1. Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening;

2. Water procedures;

3. Pouring feet.

Physical education work.

1. Conducting direct educational activities in physical

outdoor culture according to long-term planning

direct educational activities.




I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. As you inhale, stretch with both hands

up, heels of two feet forward;

I.p. – exhale (4-6 times)

"Catch a mosquito"

I.p. – lying on your back, arms across your sides, clap in front of you

return to IP (4-6 times)


I.p. lying on your back (10–12 seconds)

The bears were riding a bicycle

And behind them is a cat, backwards.


We play the harmonica

We clap our hands loudly.

Our legs: top, top.

Our hands: clap, clap!

We lower our palms down,

Let's rest, rest.

« Warm-up in bed, self-massage"

Children wake up to the sounds of melodious music, then lie in bed on

perform 5-6 general developmental exercises on your back on top of a blanket


Turn your head right, left.

Lightly stroking the arms, abdomen, legs, heels.

Bending both legs with hands clasping the knees and gradually

straightening them.

"Happy Legs"

Legs up! Top, top!

More fun! Gop, hop!

Bell, don, don!

Louder, louder, ringing, ringing!

Hop, horse, gop, gop!

Whoa - ru - y, horse:

Stop, stop!


"Visiting the Sun"

"Smile at the sun ». I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart, hands on shoulders.

Right leg and right arm forward, palm up, smile. Return to

And. p. Do the same with the other arm and leg. Return to i. P.

Repeat three times; the pace is moderate.

Instructions: be attentive, carry out the task clearly: simultaneously

act with your right hand and right foot.

"Playing with the sun" ». I. p. - sitting, legs bent at the knees, knees

wrapped in arms. Turn on the buttocks, stepping on your feet, 360°.

Return to i. p. Repeat five times; the pace is moderate.

Note: Do not use your hands when turning.

« Let's play with the sun's rays." I. p. - sitting, legs together and lowered. Legs

spread to the sides, clap your palms on your knees. Return to i. P.

Repeat six times;

“Relaxing in the sun.” I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and

pressed to the chest. Roll onto your right side. Return to i. P.

Roll onto your left side. Return to i. p. Perform three times per

each side, moderate tempo.

(they move to the group, hardening procedures are carried out)


"Fun Zoo"

“The animals have woken up.” I. n. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Yawn and

good stretch. Repeat several times; the pace is slow.

Educator . Guess the riddle:

In the forest in cold winter

He walks around angry and hungry.

He clicks his teeth! This is gray... (wolf)

“Welcome to the wolf cubs.” I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body. Hands

bring it to your chest, then pull it forward. Return to i. n. Repeat five

once; the pace is moderate.

"Owl". I.p. - lying on your back, one hand on your stomach, the other on your

breasts Drawing in your stomach - inhale, sticking out your stomach - exhale. Exhaling loudly

pronounce "f-f-f-f". Repeat four times; the pace is slow.

"Nimble Monkeys".I. n. - lying on your back, arms along the body. By

The teacher’s command “Tummy” is to turn onto your stomach. By command

“Back” turn onto your back. Repeat five times; first moderately, then

"Bear Cub Growling" ». Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, tentatively pull “mmm-”

mmm,” simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with the fingers of both hands.

V-l: What a wonderful zoo we have. You are not only beautiful and

they correctly showed the proposed animals, but that’s all already

woke up (children perform hardening procedures)


Outdoor game "Round dance"

Purpose: to teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice squats.

The children pronounce the words behind the teacher. Hand in hand, they walk along

Around the rose bushes, among the herbs and flowers

We circle and circle the round dance, oh, we are merry people!

We were so dizzy that we fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, perform squats.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Goal: to develop children's balance in motion, running skills, increase

emotional tone.

Description. The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel.

Holds a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with

multi-colored ribbons. Children take up ribbons, teacher

moves with a hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. Educator

Barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, and then everything runs, runs, runs!

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,

One and two, one and two, the game is over!

The children stop.

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Target : teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other

friend, start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, find

own place.

Description. Children - "sparrows" sit on a bench - "nests".

The teacher depicts a “car”. After the words of the teacher:

“Let’s fly, sparrows, onto the path” - the children get up and run along

platform, waving his arms - “wings”. At the teacher's signal:

“The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - "automobile"

leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly to their “nests” (they sit on

benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

Outdoor game “One, two, three – run!”

Goal: to train children in the ability to act on a signal; develop speed

running, coherence of collective actions.

Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. If

the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the tree,” the children run to the tree and

waiting for the teacher. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, to the sandbox

run,” the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.

Outdoor game “Weave a wreath”

Purpose: to teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice running.

Description. The children and the teacher stand near a tree around which they can

form a circle and dance in a circle. The teacher says: “You,

Guys, leaves from which I will weave wreaths. The breeze blew

the leaves scattered" (children run around the playground). On signal

teacher: “Weave a wreath! Curl, wreath! Don't get confused! (children are running

to the teacher). The teacher helps to form a circle. Together with

The teacher leads the children in a round dance around the tree, saying rhyming

Let's go out, let's go out for a walk, for a walk in the garden,

We will collect leaves and make a wreath.

We’ll collect a lot of leaves, yellow and red,

And we will weave wreaths from different leaves.

Outdoor game “Shark and fish”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to run in a certain direction;

navigate in space.

Children are “fish” and “swim”. At the teacher’s signal: “Shark” - children

hide, “float away” to a shelter (a rope house).

Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting”

Goal: to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; learn

them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words

text; bring joy to children.

Description. Children - “bunnies” are sitting on a bench. The teacher offers

the “bunnies” run out to the middle of the site (“clearing”). Children go out to

middle of the playground, stand near the teacher and squat on

squat. The teacher says the text:

Little white bunny sits Children move their hands

And he wiggles his ears. hands, raising them to the head,

Like this, like this, imitating bunny ears.

He wiggles his ears.

It’s cold for the bunny to sit, they clap their hands.

I need to warm my paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, they bounce on both

The bunny needs to jump. feet in place.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

(Name of the toy) scared the bunny, Specifically indicated,

who scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away. (the teacher shows


The children run to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played with any number of children.

Before the start of the game, it is imperative to prepare the places where they will run away

children are “bunnies”. At first, you don’t have to single out the driver, all children

simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After

repeating the game many times, you can allocate the child to the role of a “bunny” and

put it in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, you should not

quickly run after the children, you need to give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves.

There is no need to demand from children that they sit down in their own place;

everyone takes an empty seat on the bench. With systematic

During the game, children remember their places well and quickly find

Outdoor game “My funny ringing ball”

Target : teach children to hop on two legs, listen carefully to the text and

run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, next to them is a teacher with

ball in hands. It shows how easily and high the ball bounces if

beat it off with your hand, accompanying the actions with the words:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Then the teacher invites the children to perform jumps, while

hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “Now

I’ll catch up!” The children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends

what catches them. The teacher, without using the ball, offers the children

perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand over

with children's heads, as if hitting balls.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other

friend, teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

Description. Children squat down behind the line marked

teacher The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go

walk". Children are running around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home! -

run behind the marked line and squat down. Educator

says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk,” and the game repeats.



I play with toys:

(Hands in front of you, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I'm throwing the ball to you

(We stretch our arms forward - “throw the ball.”)

I'm collecting a pyramid

(Put straight hands, palms down, on top of each other one by one.


I drive the truck everywhere.

(Move your right hand in front of you with a slightly open hand -


Finger gymnastics “Toys”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

My funny round ball

(With one hand we hit an imaginary ball.)

Don't hide your round cheeks!

(Change hands.)

I'll catch you

(With both hands, joining the fingers of the same name,

show the ball.)

I'll ride it in my hands!

(Roll an imaginary ball between your palms.)

Finger gymnastics “Berries”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I pick berries from a branch,

(The fingers are relaxed, hanging down. The fingers of the other

stroke your hands

every finger from the base to the very tip, like

as if removing from

him an imaginary berry.)

And I collect it in a basket.

(Cup both palms in front of you.)

There will be a full basket,

(Cover one palm, cupped, with the other

also folded


I'll try a little.

(One folded palm imitates a basket, the other

I'll eat a little more

take out imaginary berries and put them in your mouth.)

The path to home will be easy!

(Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Red-red fly agaric-

(We connect our fingertips to create a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern.

(One hand - “mushroom cap”, index finger

other hand

show “speckles”.)

You're beautiful, but don't tear!

(They shook their finger.)

And we don’t put it in the basket!

(Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Autumn came out for a walk,

(“Let’s go” with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

I started collecting leaves.

(We “pick up” the leaves with one hand and “put” them in the other.)

Finger gymnastics “Trees”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hello forest,

(Raise both hands with palms facing you, spread wide

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I am green cabbage

(Hands form a circle in front of you.)

Without me the pot is empty.

(We bowed our heads - “we look into the pan.”)

Take the leaves off me

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

And only I will remain!

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Yellow-yellow is our lemon,

(The fingers of the same name are connected by pads -

show lemon.)

It splashes with sour juice.

(We spread our fingers sharply to the sides.)

Let's put it in tea

(We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers

one hand and

“dip lemon into tea.”)

Along with yellow skin.

(Fingers in the same position, do rotational

movements –

“stir the tea.”)

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables and fruits”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

There are many beds in the garden,

(They clench and unclench their fingers.)

There are turnips and salad here,

(Bend fingers one by one.)

There are beets and peas here,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

(Clap their hands.)

It will feed us for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics “Clothes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I'll put on my boots

(We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand

(One hand with straightened fingers upwards, the other runs along

little finger and rib

palms, showing the direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll pull on the glove.

(Change hands.)

Finger gymnastics “Shoes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We put shoes on our feet to run on the track.

(They “walk” along the table with two fingers.)

Repeat after me the words:

(They clench and unclench their fingers.)

Leg - one, leg - two!

(Place two fingers on the table and raise

They buy in the store

(They clench and unclench their fingers.)

And they put it on your feet

Dad, mom, brother and me -

(They bend their fingers.)

The whole family loves shoes.

(“They walk” their fingers on the table.)

Finger gymnastics “Dishes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

From the plates, as one,

(Palms together in front of you “plate.”)

We eat soup with spoons.

(Rotational movements of the hand with an imaginary

We eat cutlets with a fork,

(Index and middle fingers straight, thumb

holds the ring and little fingers - “hold

The knife cuts our omelettes.

(“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)


"Guess what it sounds like"

Target: Introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, isolate them and


Progress: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they

sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and

acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects

belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and they all sound

in my own way.



Progress: V-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: “Tick-tock, tick-tock”, how the clock strikes:

“Bom-bom...” In order for them to walk, you need to start them: “tri-truck...”! .

Let's wind up the big clock (children repeat the appropriate

sound combination 3 times); our clock goes and first ticks, then strikes

(sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times).

Now let's wind up the little clock, the clock goes and sings quietly, the clock is very quiet

"Bear cubs eat honey"

Target: Develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Progress: The teacher tells the children that they will be bear cubs, and the bear cubs

they love honey very much. Offers to bring your palm closer to your mouth (fingers and

themselves) and “lick” the honey - children stick out their tongues and, without touching

palms pretending to eat honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove

his. (Mandatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.)

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Then the teacher says: “The bear cubs are full. They lick the top

lip (show, lower lip (show). They stroke their tummies, saying: “Oooh” (2-3

"The Frog and the Little Frogs"

Target: Develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The teacher divides the children into two groups: big and small

frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and

croak loudly: “Kva-kva” (children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly)

Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak quietly (children

imitate actions and croak quietly). All the frogs got tired and sat down on

shore on the sand." Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

"Let's feed the chicks"

Target: Develop children's speech apparatus.

Progress:(I am a mother bird, and you are my little chicks. The chicks are funny, they

they squeak: “pee-pee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew off to get some delicious food

crumbs for their children, and the chicks fly and squeak merrily. Arrived

mother and began to feed her children (children crouch, raise their heads

up, the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs.

(The teacher tries to get the children to open their mouths wider.) A game

repeated 2-3 times.

"At the doctor"

Target: Develop children's articulatory apparatus.

Progress: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt.

Q: Show the doctor your teeth (the teacher with the doll quickly walks around the children and

says that everyone has good teeth. The doctor will now check to see if you are in pain.

throat. Whoever she approaches will open his mouth wide (children open wide

The doctor is happy: no one has a sore throat.

"Guess what it sounds like"

Target: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical


Move: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and

demonstrates what they sound like. Then the teacher asks you to guess

puzzles. Closes the screen and works with different tools, and the children

recognize what different sounds belong to.

Target: Clarify and reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Progress: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks

pronounce it screaming. Closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes

toys and takes turns speaking for their animals. Another group

guesses who shouted.

“Who lives in the house? »

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop speech

children's breathing.

Progress:(The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this?

The dog barks loudly: “aw-aw.” And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children

repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture with

image of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: “Meow-meow.” And this

Who? (children's answers) The kitten meows quietly.

Let the little animals go home (the pictures are put away behind the cubes). Guess who's in

lives in this house: “av-av” (pronounced loudly? (Children’s answers)

That's right, dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers).

Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly? How

did the kitten meow?

Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat

sound combinations several times.

“Who is screaming? »

Target: Develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The bird's mother had a little chick (puts out pictures). Mother

taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat

sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (the children repeat

sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew far from its mother

(moves the picture of the chick further away). The bird is calling

son. What does she call him? (Children and the teacher repeat

sound combination). The chick heard its mother calling him and chirped. How is he

tweets? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly.


Walk No. 1 summer

Observation. We watch the birds flying to the site. Convert

children's attention to how birds move: walk, jump, fly. How

They peck at food and drink water from a puddle.

P/Game “Cat and Sparrows”

The goal is to develop agility, speed, and reaction.

Progress of the game: The driver (cat) is selected. The cat is sleeping, the sparrows (the rest of the children)

jumping around and flapping their wings. The cat woke up - the sparrows scattered

different sides. The cat catches up with the one he caught, who becomes the driver.

C\R game "Shop"

Work. Wipe the bench from dust with a damp cloth

Walk No. 2 summer

Observation. Watching the sun. Encourage children to notice how bright

and the sun may shine merrily. Induce in children a feeling of joy and desire

express your attitude in words, facial expressions, gestures. Expand the dictionary

adjectives - bright, radiant, cheerful.

After observing, play with the sunbeams (near the wall of the veranda) with

The sun is shining for all the animals:

birds, bunnies, even flies,

dandelion in the grass,

white seagull in the blue,

even the cat on the window, and of course me.

C/Role-playing game “Shop”

P/Game “Hen and Chicks”

GOAL: Development of attention, dexterity, speed.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: On one side of the site there is a “chicken coop” where

"chickens" (children) with a "hen". To the side there is a "big bird"

(one of the kids). The "mother hen" leaves the "chicken coop", crawls under the rope and

goes in search of food. She calls the "chickens": "Ko-ko-ko", "chickens" on

her call, they crawl under the rope and walk with her on the platform (“pecking

grains": bend over, squat, etc.). When an adult says: "It flies

big bird!”, “chickens” run home.

Work. Sweep the veranda.

Walk No. 3 summer

Observation. My grass is silk - watching over the grass. Develop

children's ideas that plants need warmth. Expand

child's vocabulary (grass, green). very careful attitude towards

green grass. During observations, the teacher reminds children that running around

the lawn and you can’t tear up the grass. Folklore text used: trampled

little kids playing with me...

P/Game “Zhmurki”

It is carried out on a flat place free of obstacles.

Goal: Develop coordination, hearing, imagination.

The driver is blindfolded. Children stand in a circle and take turns

clap. Whoever the driver reaches first, he leads.

C\R game "Shop"

Walk No. 4 summer

Observation. Reinforce ideas about trees. Show changes

happening to trees in the summer, instead of flowers, berries appeared (rowan,

bird cherry). Pay attention to the different shapes of the leaves.

C/Role playing. “Captain and Passengers” Purpose: Tell who the captain is

and what duties he performs on the ship. We choose a captain and

Let's go on a trip along the river.

P/Game. "Bees"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children pretend to be bees, run, waving their wings,

"They're buzzing." An adult - a "bear" - appears and says:

Teddy bear is coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly into the "hive". The “bear” waddles towards the same place. "Bees"

"Bees" flap their wings, chasing away the "bear", "fly away" from him, running along

room. The "bear" catches them.

Work. Collect dry twigs and stones from the area.

Walk No. 5 summer

Observation. Red sundress, black polka dots - observation of God

cow. To develop children's basic understanding of insects -

the bug crawls, flies, red with black polka dots, antennae on its head.

Foster a humane attitude towards small animals. God's

you can observe the cow on a leaf, on your palm, see how it

flies away with its wings spread. You can use a magnifying glass.

P/Game “Teddy Bear”

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children sit in a circle, one of them is in the center of the circle. Adult

Come out, Mishenka, dance, dance.

Paw, paw, Misha, wave, wave.

And we’ll dance around Mishenka,

Let's sing a funny song, sing it!

We will, we will hit our hands, we will hit them!

There will be, Mishenka will dance for us, we will dance!

The “bear” dances in the center of the circle, the children clap their hands.

C\R game "Chauffeur"

Labor Washing the table and benches

Walk No. 6 summer

Watching the rain. Developed presented. about rain - rain maybe small,

quiet, but maybe strong, frequent rain pouring from a cloud. Enrich and act

attached dictionary. Encourage students to notice connections between weather and clothing.

Help express holy impressions in games and drawings.

C/Role play “Planting a vegetable garden” Show children how to make beds, how to plant

some seeds. Remember what vegetables grow in the garden.

P/Game “Sunshine and Rain”

Work. We remove weeds from the flower beds.

Walk No. 7 summer

Observation. Dandelion observation. To develop children's basic

ideas about blooming dandelions. Encourage children to learn

elementary ideas about blooming dandelions. Encourage children

recognize dandelions and name them. Develop a vocabulary of adjectives

(yellow, golden, like the sun) to cultivate a feeling of sympathy, caring

relationship to the plant.

Girls and boys!

Don't pick dandelions!

Among the houses, among the cars -

Cheerful, meadow

Don’t rush to grab it in your palm -

A flower like you is alive!

P/game “There lived a goat with my grandmother”

Goal: Exercise in running, walking, crawling.

The children stand in a circle, the teacher says, “There lived a goat with grandma. He had

the legs were like this (they put their legs forward), the hooves were like this

here (crouch, show) etc. (horns, tail). The goat wanted

for a walk, and he went through the mountains, through the valleys (they get on all fours and disperse

throughout the site). The grandmother calls the goat home.” Go goat home, otherwise

the wolf will eat.” The teacher pretends to be a wolf and invites the children to run away from

Work. Sweep the veranda

Walk No. 8 summer

Watching the Christmas tree. Develop presented. about the uniqueness of spruce needles

it doesn’t fall off, it remains green even when it’s cold, the Christmas tree is bold,

brave, not afraid of autumn. cold. Arouse admiration for the Christmas tree, the cat was not afraid

cold weather, awaken the feeling of admiring its beauty. read the verse:

Let the leaves swirl in the sky and the cold is near,

I will never lose my green needles!

Just look at my forest outfit,

Just come talk to me.

Ask what we will tell the Christmas tree. Offer to play hide and seek with

toys near the Christmas tree.

P\Game "Carousel"

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning,

And then, and then

Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run,

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

Work. We water the flowers.

Walk No. 9 summer

Observation. Continue to learn to distinguish insects from other living things

creatures Insects are small, live in grass, in the ground, in the bark of trees,

feed on grass, leaves and nectar.

C\R game "Shop"

P\Game “Cat and Mice”

GOAL: Development of coordination of movements.


One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

The mice have run away!

The adult claps his hands, the child “mouse” runs into the “hole”, and the “cat”

is chasing him.

Work. My street toys

Walk No. 10 summer

Observation. Rain, rain, moreover - watching the spring rain.

To develop in children basic ideas about rain - heavy rain,

the rain is pouring, the rain is dripping drip-drip, the rain has passed. Everyone is happy about the rain

And grass, and flowers, and trees. Continue to develop your powers of observation

after the rain the ground is wet - the rain got wet)

The rain is pouring down from above,

grass and flowers are welcome,

happy maples, poplars,

Glad the wet ground.

If possible, watch passers-by from the window

They walk quickly, hide from the rain under an umbrella.

P/Game. "Day Night"

The beholder is chosen as the reader. The beholder says: “day...day” children

they walk, jump, run, the beholder says: “night”, the children freeze. Lost

the one who moved.

Work. Sweeping the veranda

Walk No. 11 summer

Observation. Show the features of windy weather in summer. The wind blows -

branches and trees sway, leaves rustle. A strong wind is blowing - branches

break and fall to the ground. Develop children's sensory perception and

emotional response (joy, surprise): the wind is blowing warm, gentle,

offer to listen to how it rustles in the young foliage. Offer to children

“look” for the wind (trees sway, grass moves, sways).

Arouse children's interest in this natural phenomenon. After observation

Give children sultans and pinwheels and invite them to play with them.

P\Game “At the Bear in the Forest”

The driver is selected and turns away. Children recite the rhyme: “U

I pick mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest, but the bear doesn’t sleep, it keeps growling at us.”

After these words, the children run away, and the presenter-bear catches. Whom will he catch?

that bear.

C\P game “Shop”

Work. We pull out weeds in flower beds

Walk No. 12 summer

Observation. Show the properties of water. The water is heated by the sun and

becomes warm. Plants are watered, birds drink water from puddles When

the water is clean, it is transparent. Water flows, it can be poured from one

vessel into another.

C\P game “Shop”

P\Game “Geese-swans”

A leading wolf is selected and stands in the middle of the field. Children stand in one

line at a distance of 5-10 steps from the wolf and recite the rhyme: “Geese-

geese, ha ha ha, do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes. Well, fly home. Gray wolf under

up the mountain, sharpens his teeth, drinks water, doesn’t let us pass. Well, fly as you wish

just take care of your wings.” After these words, all the children run to the other side, and the wolf

catches The one who is caught becomes a wolf.

Work. Wash outdoor toys.

Walk No. 13 summer

Observation. Show that summer rain can be different. Summer is coming

warm rain. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. Trees, houses and

the ground after rain is wet. The rain has passed and puddles have appeared. On warm days

You can walk barefoot in puddles.

P\Game “Paper snowballs”

Two teams throw paper balls at each other until the adult

will say: “Stop!” Children who threw snowballs after the word “Stop” leave

teams. The team with the most children left wins.

C\R Game "Chauffeurs"

Work. Collect all paper lumps

Walk No. 14 summer

Observation. Show the properties of sand. In the morning the sand is watered so that it is

humid and the air in the area was fresh. Dry sand crumbles, and from

When wet, you can make Easter cakes. You can draw on wet sand, but if

step on it, a trace will remain.

C\R Game "Chauffeurs"

P\Game. "Sunny bunnies"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: An adult makes sunbeams with a mirror and speaks

Sunny bunnies

They play on the wall

Lure them with your finger

Let them run to you!

Then on the command: “Catch the bunny!” - the child runs and tries to catch


Labor Removing faded flowers and dried leaves

Walk No. 15 summer

Observing passers-by in summer clothes and children's clothes. Develop

children have basic ideas about items of clothing. Activate

children's dictionary (dress, sundress, T-shirt, shorts, panties, socks, Panama hat)

Develop sensory perception of the color of clothing (Kolya has a yellow T-shirt, Anya has

Red sundress)

P\Game "Bubble"

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

Work. We sweep the veranda and wipe down the bench.

Walk No. 16 summer

Observation. We watch the ants. Tireless ants work

They carry sticks, blades of grass and straws into their house. In an anthill as in

a large house, there are bedrooms, children’s rooms, and many corridors

build your own houses.

P\Game "Bubble"

Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to accustom

them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

Work. We collect stones and dry twigs from the area

Walk No. 17 summer

Observation of leaves. Develop children's ability to

independent observations, bring the kids to the conclusion: the wind is blowing,

the leaves are rustling. Foster a sense of respect for objects

wildlife (we do not break green twigs, we do not tear leaves). This

observation is carried out repeatedly, children can be asked to find

large and small leaves, smell the fragrant aroma of freshness, etc.

P\Game “Don’t touch me”

Children arrange objects randomly on the playground. On command they

They begin to run, but so as not to collide or touch objects.

The child who hits the object is eliminated from the game. The game continues until

until the last player remains. He is the winner.

C\R game "Hospital"

Work. We wash the table and benches.

Walk No. 18 summer

Observing a white dandelion. To develop children's basic

ideas about the life of a dandelion during its flowering. Arouse desire

admire the flying fluffs, snow-white flower heads,

evoke an emotional response to an interesting phenomenon (blow on a dandelion

The fluff flew away). Make a riddle: there was a flower - like a yolk, and now it

like a snowball.

P\Game. “The Cat and the Sparrows”

Draw a circle in the sand. In the center of the circle is a cat. Children are sparrows. They

jumping around the circle, teasing, jumping into the circle when the cat doesn’t see them,

and they try not to let her catch them. As soon as the cat catches three

Sparrows, the role of the cat passes to another child.

C\R game “Builders” Tell children about the profession of a builder. Show how

build a house from sand, stones, dry twigs. Offer to children

build your own houses.

Work. We weed the garden bed. Loosen with small rakes

Walk No. 19 summer

Observation. Expand your understanding of trees. Show how they differ

deciduous trees from conifers. Show that on some trees instead

flowers, berries appeared.

C\R game "Chauffeurs"

P\Game “Bees and Bear”

Children run (fly) around the playground, flapping their “wings.” Occasionally

the presenter says: “Bees, bees, fly to the hive, honey from the bear

take care!” As soon as the bees hear these words, they must quickly run away

away from the bear and fly into the hive (circle). The bear catches up with the bees. After that

as the bees flew into the hive, they turn to the bear and angrily at him

buzzing. The game repeats itself.

Work. We sweep the veranda, wash outdoor toys.

Walk No. 20 summer

Observation. We watch the work of a janitor. In the morning the janitor waters

flowers, so that they do not wilt, waters the paths and sand to nail them down

dust. After watering, it's easy to breathe outside.

P\Game “Mice and Cat”

Goal: to teach children to run lightly, on their toes; navigate in

space, change movements according to the teacher’s signal. Description: children

sitting on benches or chairs - these are mice in minks. In the opposite

The teacher cat is sitting in the corner of the room. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes) and

mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching

mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. Caught

The cat takes the mice home. Afterwards the cat walks around the room again and again

falls asleep.

Work. We collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium.


JUNE “Childhood is you and me”

Days of the week

Activities with children



Defense Day

children – Children's


Conversation: “World Children’s Day”, “What is summer?”

: "Stories about

children”, “To our children”, L. Voronkova “What would I say

Mom", "World Children's Day", "For Our Children".

Drawing competition: “Summer is a small

life”, “The world through the eyes of children”.

Exhibition of joint creativity between children and

parents "Happy childhood".

Children Protection Day. "Balloon Festival"

"Musical palette"

Entertainment “Hello, red summer!”


"My motherland"

Days of the week

Activities with children




leisure "Sun"

air and water -

our best

Outdoor games “Sunny bunnies”, “Find your

color”, “Day - night”, “Jump into the water”, “Sun and

rain”, “The sea is agitated”, “Through the stream”, “Seine” and

Breathing exercises: “Steamboat”, “Hide in the water”

(holding your breath) - Conversations: “What benefits do they bring

sun, air and water”, “How to sunbathe correctly”,

“Can the sun, air and water cause harm

health”, “The sun and its properties”.

Drawing up instructions: “Rules of behavior on the water”,

"How to tan properly"

Guessing riddles on the topic

Drawing “Red Sun”

Drawing the sun in unconventional ways.

Observations: “Where the sun goes.”

Games “Sun and Shadow”, “Sunny Bunnies”, “Tear

Observations : "Sunny Bunny"

Experiment: “Water in a vessel” (heating water

rays of the sun).



Conversation “What kinds of books are there?” Give children the idea that

a book is a children's friend.

Book Day -

Organization of the exhibition “The Book is My Best Friend”

Lesson on speech development “Reading a favorite fairy tale”

Handmade books - little ones

Work in the “Ambulance” corner Teaching children to provide

assistance in repairing books, instilling careful

attitude towards the book



world day


Conversation: What is “the environment”? (flowers,

trees, mountains, rivers, fields, sun, air, sky). Answer-

question - Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who

these are (Insects.), etc.

"How to behave in nature."


sounds, we determine what kind of sound it is (the sound of rain, the noise

wind, birdsong, etc.).



Day of humor and

Game-entertainment "Blind Man's Bluff".


from "Yeralash".



"Russia Day"


friends day

Making a gift for a friend

Reading poems “Toys” by A. Barto

Conversations about Russia

Review of albums “My City”


"Road ABC"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Summer holiday and

water "Sea"

Conversation: “The Sorceress - Water” - consolidate and

expand children's knowledge about water and its properties.

Game-experimentation “What dissolves in water?”

“Water purification” - consolidation of material about water




Road Day


Conversations: “What kind of machines do people need”, “Signals

traffic lights", "Why are road signs needed",

"Safe behavior on the street"

Reading fiction:

S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”

Playing situations according to traffic rules

S/r games: “Garage”; "In the bus"; "Journey"

Construction games: "Garage"; "New area of ​​the city";

"Passenger stops", "Different types of roads"

city"; "Crossroads"



Literacy Day


Conversation “Where to Cross the Road”

Construction games: "Garage"; "New area

cities"; "Passenger stops", "Different types

P/n: “Traffic light”; "Colored Cars"

Drawing: “Prohibition signs on the road”; "Our

city"; "Crossroads"

Entertainment "Red, Yellow, Green"


"Week of the Intellectual"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Reading Day


Reading fairy tales

Modeling fairy tale characters

Writing a fairy tale for children with a teacher

Children's drawing competition:

Dramatization of favorite fairy tales

Story-based outdoor games

S/r game "Library"




Conversations about health: “If something hurts you, it will help you

Aibolit", "Live vitamins", "Junk food"

Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Miracle Pills”

Examination of illustrations: “Profession of a doctor”


The Coming of the Queen - Toothbrush

Guessing riddles - tricks based on the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.


Draw a hero from the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky

Sr game "Hospital"

Game - dramatization of the fairy tale "Aibolit"

P/n: “Help Aibolit collect medical

suitcase", "Call for help", games with water



Queen's Day


Mathematical exercises: “Patch for boots”, “Name

neighbors' numbers", "Connect similar", "Noisy

boxes”, “Cut pictures”, “Assemble a figure”

Educational games: Mosaic, games for the development of small

motor skills

P/n: “Find a pair”, “Build a bridge”, “Hide and seek”

S/r game "Furniture workshop"



art day

Looking at paintings “Summer”

Drawing using different materials.

Drawing: “Warm sunny day.”

Conversation “Great Painters”.

Non-traditional drawing competition

ways of “Summer Smiles”

Competition "Young Artists" collective drawing




Conversation "Fairy-tale little people."

Listening to children's songs from favorite fairy tales


Conversation “My favorite cartoon”


"Game Week"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Firefighter Day


Games: “Fire Hazardous Items”, “What is Necessary”


Guessing riddles

Conversations “Rules of conduct in case of fire”

Review of the album “People of the Heroic


Looking at posters and illustrations

Drawing competition “Matches are not toys for children”

D/i: “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Items - sources

fire", "Home helpers", "Who needs what",

"I'll start, and you finish"

P/n: “Traps”, “Hide and Seek”, “Find an object”, “With

bumps on bumps", "Run quietly"

S/r games: “Brave firefighters”



Drawing competition

on the asphalt



Guessing riddles about summer; "Say the word" game

song “Smile”, “Dance of the Little Ones”

drawing on the asphalt with multicolored

with crayons to the music “I Draw the Sun.”




x games “Even and

Conversation “My favorite game”, “Rules of the game with

friends so it's fun to play."

Favorite didactic, role-playing games,

active, theatrical games.

game situations: “Let’s wash the toys”,

Game “Hide and Seek with Toys”.

Game "Collect balls into a hoop."



Sports day

games "Sports"

Training game “Praise a friend.”

Game for developing emotions “Hurray, victory”



Health Day

Conversations: “Where health hides.” "Lessons

safety", "Conversation about health, cleanliness" "Friends



Reading fiction: S.

Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, A.

Barto "Walk".


“Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”

Days of the week

Activities with children



Friendship Day

Conversations: “Everyone needs a friendly family”, “What is

family”, “What is home”, “What makes you happy and what makes you sad

loved ones"

together with parents

Exhibition of drawings “My Family”, “Family


Entertainment "Birthday" (game - disco,

presentation of gifts, festive tea party).

Drawing "Chamomile - a symbol of family."

Friendly family"

Sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I am athletic



Day of care and

Conversations with children: “My family”, “What is

family tree", "What makes you happy and what makes you sad

loved ones"

Competitions: “Family tree”, “Family coat of arms” -

together with parents

Making gifts for family and friends

Conversation “What makes loved ones happy and sad”

Photo exhibition "Our friendly family".

S/r: “Family”

P/n: “Bubble”, “The gray bunny is washing his face”, “Train”,

"Catch the ball"



Day of humor and

Conversation “When a person finds it funny.”

Game-entertainment "Blind Man's Bluff".

Competition "The funniest face."

Dress-up game “Scarecrow-garden garden”.

Drawing “Unknown little animal”, “Funny


Role-playing game "Circus: clowns perform."

Conversation “Everyone loves Yeralash”, storytelling

from "Yeralash".



Congratulations to the birthday people

Making gifts for birthday people

birthday boy

P/n: “Loaf”, “I know 5 names” - with a ball,


Games: “Hello, it’s me”, “Gardener”

D/i: “Colorful water”

cocktail straw, vase with water, twig;

“Soap bubbles” - Plate, soap solution,


Entertainment "Loaf"




day of family, love

and loyalty

Holiday “Dad, Mom, Me – a Happy Family”

Conversations: “What is a family”, “What is a home”

Looking at family photos

Album design “Kindergarten – big”

Friendly family"

Drawing "My Family"

S/r game "Family"


"Water Week"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Water play day



Conversation “Making soap”, “Soap is a helper”.

Experimentation: “Properties of Soap”, “How to

dissolves faster”, “We make liquid for

soap bubbles”, “What items can be used

blowing soap bubbles", "Drawing with soap


Competition “The Bubble is the Best.”

Outdoor game “Burst the bubbles faster.”

Competition "The Biggest Bubble"

Festival of soap bubbles. Launch of soap

bubbles .



Nature Day

riddles about nature

Reading fiction

natural history

Competition of crafts made from natural materials “Forest

Production of the “Red Book”, the album “Native

plant by leaf"

“Sunny Bunnies”, “Jump Rope”, “Hide and Seek”,




Day of rivers and seas

and oceans "C"

blue stream


Looking at the poster “Water cycle in


Conversation “Take care of water”, “Life-giving properties of water”.

Conversation “The water cycle in nature.”



Neptune's day.



Game – journey “On the bottom of the ocean”

Modeling "Boat"

Drawing “Across the seas, along the waves”

Collective work “Ocean made of plasticine”.

Games with building materials “Let’s build


Sports festival “Neptune Day”

P/n: “Roll the ball”, “Get the ring”, “Find where

hidden", "Take care of the object"

S/r game: “Sailors”




Experimentation “Evaporation”, “Steam is water”.

Observations, experiments: “The Journey of a Droplet”

(properties of water, its different states: dew, puddle,

rain, river, pond, swamp, etc.).


"Week of the Olympic Games"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Opening day


A conversation about sports and its health benefits.

Coming up with chants for competitions.

Looking at the illustration “Types of Sports”.

Competition games: “Who is faster”, “Frogs”,

“Knock down the pin,” “Pass the ball.”

Game exercises with physical education


Drawing “At the stadium”, “Beautiful ball”.

Conversations: “My favorite outdoor game”, “Why

we need rules



Ball Day

A conversation about sports that use a ball.

Outdoor games: “Get into the circle” (small ball in



Day of the Houseyards

Competition games: “Sharp Shooters”, “Whose Link

will get ready faster”, “Roll the ball”, “Quickly

run”, “Climb through - don’t get stuck”.

Conversation “Should we rejoice at a friend’s success?”

Training game “Praise a friend.”

A game to develop emotions “Hurray, victory!”

Sports competition "Faster, higher, stronger"




Conversations: “What I liked most about


Reading: “The Snow Queen” by G.H. Andersen, "Flower"

- seven-colored" V. Kataev, "Doctor Aibolit" K.

Chukovsky, “About Penguins” G. Snegirev

P/n: “Find the treasure” - based on the map,

"Homeless Hare", "Sparrows and the Car"

Exhibition of drawings “Journey to the Future” -

transport of the future" together with parents




chess day

Introducing children to chess

Paper applique “Chessboard”

Modeling "Chess pieces"

Drawing competition “Non-existent chess

figure" - together with parents

Games: “Name the figure”, “Identify the figure on

touch", "Find the figure among

others", "Checkers", "Chess"

P/n: “Classics”, “Hippos”, “Move quietly -

S/r game: “School”


"Visiting a fairy tale"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Fairy tale day

A.S. Pushkin

Decorating book corners in groups.

Examination of the portrait of the writer A.S. Pushkin

Looking at illustrations for works

Drawing based on fairy tales

D/i: “Complete the hero”, “Color the hero”

S/r: “Journey on a Pirate Ship”,

"Book Shop"

P/n: “Magic Wand”, “By the Bear in the Forest”,

“Carousel”, “Take care of the object”



Musically –



"Trip to


Decorating book corners in groups.

Reading fiction

Showing different types of performances

Dramatization of fairy tales

Drawing “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”

Making baby books

Making a collage based on the plot of literary


Literary quiz “In the world of fairy tales”

Exhibition of books “Russian folk tales”

Exhibition of crafts, homemade toys “Heroes”

magical Russian fairy tales"

Exhibition of children's drawings “These magical

fairy tales", "We are illustrators



Beloved's Day

Decorating book corners in groups.

Reading fairy tales

Looking at illustrations for fairy tales

Excursion to the library

Modeling fairy tale characters

Listening to fairy tales on audio recordings

Writing a fairy tale for children

Children's drawing competition:

“Let’s hasten to the aid of paints - let’s draw together

fairy tale", "Color the fairy tale hero"

Dramatization of favorite fairy tales

Story-based outdoor games

S/R game "Library"



Competition "Summer



suits )




invented fairy-tale characters)

Competition – show of costumes

Dramatization of fairy tales at the request of children



quiz "These


fairy tales »

Decorating book corners in groups

Drawing fairy-tale characters

Conversation about favorite fairy tale characters

Quiz "Guess who it is?"

Musical competition “Favorite Fairy Tale”


"Week of Friendship and Kindness"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Give to people

Conversations: “What is a friend”, “What are friends for”

Entertainment "It's fun to walk together"

Reading fiction: “Teremok”,

“Toys” by A. Barto, “Song of Friends” by S. Mikhalkov,

“The Three Little Pigs”, “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky,

“Flower - seven-colored” V. Kataev, “Bobik visiting


Making a gift for a friend

P/n: “Hopscotch”, “Jump rope”, “Mousetrap”,

“Traps”, “Carousels”



Good day

Conversations: “How and with what you can please your loved ones,”

“Who came up with the rules of behavior and why”, “How do you

helping adults”, “My good deeds”

Examination of the plot pictures “Good-

Reading fiction: “What is

what is good and what is bad” - V. Mayakovsky; "Two

Greedy Bear", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse"

S. Marshak, “Bad advice”

Playing etudes: “Say a good word to a friend”

"Call me kindly"

Tasks: “How can you...(say hello, say goodbye,

thank, ask, refuse, contact)

P/n: “Kind words”, “Who can name more

polite words" - with a ball, "Pass the letter"

S/r games: “Supermarket”, “Beauty Salon”



Animal Day

has the Red Book of the Mari Region appeared?

Drawing “Animal” (finishing drawing)

"Find a Pair", "Who's Hiding"

P/n: “At the bear in the forest”, “Wolf and

hares", "Homeless hare", "Grey hare washes itself"



Insect Day

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction: V. Bianchi “How

the ant was in a hurry to get home”, K. Chukovsky “Fly -

"Tsokothuha", A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan",

“Conversation with a bee” M. Boroditskaya

Drawing “Butterflies in the meadow”

D/i: “Collect a flower”, “Find the artist’s mistakes”,

"Metamorphosis of the Caterpillar"

Transformation game “If you were a butterfly”

P/n: “The Bear and the Bees”, “Day and Night”, “Catch

mosquito", "Where do you live"

Insect observations on a walk

S/r game: “At the dacha”



In a world of kindness

Meeting of friends.

Reading B. Zakhoder “We are friends”

Interview “Tell about your friend”, “What kind of friend is not

it should be?"

Game “Recognize a friend by description”

D/i “Which color of the rainbow would you give to your

friend and why?

Singing songs by V. Shainsky “The world is like a colored one”

meadow", "When my friends are with me"

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Conversation about people of different nationalities



Days of the week

Activities with children



Gardener's Day

Reviewing encyclopedias

Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic

Reading fiction, guessing

Staging "Vegetable Dispute"

Design of the newspaper “Amazing Vegetables”

D/i: “Find by description”, “Puzzles”, “Cut

pictures", "Domino", "Wonderful bag",

"Tops - roots"

P/n: “Edible – inedible”, “Find

a couple", "Cucumber"

S/r games: “Vegetable shop”, “Family”



Holiday -

Assumption Day





Cereal Day

Examination: Ears of grain plants,

Scene pictures from the series “Where the bread came from”

Illustrations depicting cars and

devices used for growing

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread

Games: “Guess the taste” - identify wheat

or rye bread, “Who can name more dishes”, “From

why did you cook the porridge”, “Guess by touch” (cereals),

"Name your profession"

Theater on flannelograph "Kolobok"

Children's drawing competition "Magical


P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Edible -


S/r games: “Bakery”, “Supermarket”



Native Day

Conversations: “The land in which we live”, “What about

monuments tell", "People who glorified

our region"

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov.

“What we call Motherland”

Conversation about the natural resources of our native land

Reading and learning poems about your native land

Looking at books and albums with illustrations about

sights of the city, "Native Land"

Listening to audio recordings of songs about Yelets.

D/i: “Associations - the city”, “What is where”

S/r games: “Hospital”

Drawing “Our City”



Entertainment "B"

visiting grandma

Marusi »

Singing and dramatization of the song “Ladushki”,

guessing a riddle, didactic

game "Colorful cubes", onomatopoeia

pets, outdoor game "cats -

mice", a dramatization of the song "The Chicken Came Out

walk", reading a poem about a cockerel, A. Barto

"horse", "kid", "bull", singing and

staging of the song “Top, Top”).


"Week of Health and Sports"

Days of the week

Activities with children




Conversation “Athletes from the country of multi-remote”

Looking at books and albums about sports

Reading: “I’m growing” by A. Barto, “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky,

“About Mimosa” S. Mikhalkov.

Family newspaper competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sportswoman”

Design of the photo album “Active family recreation”

Drawing "Sports emblem of the group"

P/n: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down

pin", "Who is faster to the flag"



Builder's Day

Sand building competition





construction professions

D/i: “Complete the house”, “Find a way out” - a labyrinth,

Construction: “My favorite street”, “My house”,

"Children's Playground", "Park of the Future"

Sand buildings

P/n: “Make a figure”, “White and black”, “Paints”

S/r game: “City Builders”






sand day

Sand building competition “In a certain kingdom, in

sand state"

Drawing on the sand

Experiments: studying dry and wet sand

Observation of sand in containers wet - dry

Experiments: “What kind of sand is it?” (oversleeping,

sifting, temperature comparison)

S/R “Treasure Hunt” in the sandbox is hidden in advance

toys and various items

Sand games

Finger gymnastics “Drawing on the sand”

P/ and "Carousel"

“Barefoot in the sand” - prevention



Conversations: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy,”

“Safety Lessons”, “Conversation about Health and Cleanliness”

Health Day

"Friends of Moidodyr"

Looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about


Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach

“Temper yourself!”, A. Barto “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov

“Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”

Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic of health

Drawing competition “Journey to the Land of Health”

P/n: “Do as I do”, “Ball School”, “Traps in a Circle”

S/r games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.



sun day

Reading: “Caring Sun”

Walking game: “Pathfinders”

D/i: “Blots”, “Put out the sun”

Drawing “Sun” – non-traditional


Watching the sun while walking

P/n: “Sunshine and Rain”, “Sunny Bunnies”,

“Find your color”, “Day - night”


"Nature is our best friend"

Days of the week

Activities with children





radiant, in

guests come »

Observations of weather phenomena

Review of the albums “Seasons”

Nature riddle competition

Reading fiction and natural history


Games with natural materials

Making signs “Rules of behavior in the forest”

D/i: “Take care of nature”, “Say the name” “Name

plant by leaf"

P/n: “Earth, water, fire, air” - with a ball,

“Sunny Bunnies”, “Jump Rope”, “Hide and Seek”

S/r game: “Forest Journey”



Flowers Day


Conversations about flowering plants

Looking at illustrations

Album design “My Favorite Flower” -

children's drawings

P/n “Gardener”, “Find your color”, “Such a flower

run to me"

"Flower Ball" »

D/i: “Gather a bouquet”, “Flower shop”

Making flowers from paper (origami method)

Tour of the garden, viewing the flower beds

Caring for flowers in a flower bed

S/r game "Flower Shop"



Russian flag

Examination of the album “Russia – My Motherland”, flag

Russian Federation, flags of different countries

Reading poems about the native land, about the world

Reading: r.n.s. “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale -


Exhibition of works by folk craftsmen

Russian folk games “Rucheek”, “Handkerchief”.



Loved Ones Day




"Concert in

honor cats,

mice, kittens »

Conversations: “Wild and Domestic Animals”, “Why

has the Red Book of the Trans-Baikal Territory appeared?

Looking at postcards, illustrations, albums

Reading fiction, guessing

Drawing an “animal”, drawing by dots or


D/i: “Who lives where”, “Whose children”, “Who screams how”,

"Find a Pair", "Who's Hiding"

P/n: “At the bear in the forest”, “Wolf and hares”,

“Homeless Hare”, “Grey Bunny Washing”

S/r game: “Veterinary Hospital”



Along the rainbow -

Conversation about the rainbow-arc.

Application "Let's join hands, friends..."

Learning folk signs.

D/i “It looks similar.”

Dramatization of the poem "Colored Milk".

Conversation “Nature and Music”.

Sky observations.

Poem by A. Wenger “Colors of the Rainbow”.


"Farewell to Summer"

Days of the week

Activities with children



Bird Day

Conversation on the topic: “Birds, who are they?”, “Birds and


Guessing riddles about birds

Getting to know proverbs and sayings about birds

Writing stories about birds for children

Bird watching

D/i: “Guess what kind of bird?”, “The fourth wheel”

“Where the sparrow dined” S. Marshak, Feed the birds A.

Yashin, “Tit” E. Ilyin,

P/n: “Birds in nests”, “Birds and chicks”,

"Crows and Nests"



Name Day

Competition "Chamomile"

Game "Loaf"

Game "Magic bag"



Trip to


Guessing riddles on the topics “Transport”, “Signs”


D/i: “Pick up a wheel for the car”; "What am I on?

traveling"; "Talking Signs"; "Who needs what"

Playing situations according to traffic rules

Design of the album “Road Rules”

Drawing "red, yellow, green"



Soap Day

“Magic Water” - fun games with water

“The ABC of Health” - competition games with water

Experiments: “Blow, blow, blow” - Glass of water,

cocktail straw, vase with water, twig.;

“Soap bubbles” - Plate, soap solution,




Farewell to

Conversations “What do you remember about summer”

Collective application “Decorate the meadow with flowers” ​​(with

using different materials: napkins, paper,

leather, shavings from colored pencils...)

Album design “how I spent my summer” - in collaboration with


Entertainment “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Tasks: Evoke in children an emotional response to the spectacular

performance; stimulate interest in theatrical play. Introduce them

with Russian folk art; engage in shared retelling

a familiar fairy tale; encourage play with movements; expand and enrich

lexicon; develop thinking - solve riddles.

V-l: Dear guys, today we came to visit our grandmother

Riddle. Let's all call her together!

(Children clap their hands).

Grandmother: - Hello, my dear guys! I'm Grandma Riddle! Today

You and I will go to visit a fairy tale. Do you want to travel around

magical, amazing country "Fairy Tale"?

So let's begin!

“What a miracle these fairy tales are! Magical appearances, wonderful transformations!

One, and two, and five, and eight – we transport everyone into a fairy tale!”

(Grandma “casts a spell”, the children spin around).

So we found ourselves in a magical clearing!

(Children sit down).

Now I will tell you riddles:

“I know many, many of them,

I'll tell you a wish today,

Who is attentive -

He will quickly figure them out.”

“He gets up earlier than everyone else,

Ku-ka-re-ku! Sings. (Cockerel)

“What kind of bird is this?

Not afraid of people

Doesn't fly high

And sings: “Ko-ko-ko-ko!” (Hen)

Oh yes, guys, well done, you solved all the riddles.

Look, children, what kind of house is this? Who lives in it? That's right, grandfather and

woman. And they had a chicken Ryaba...

(Grandmother tells a fairy tale, children watch a puppet show).

Let's play the game "Birds Are Flying."

You will be birds, so show me how birds fly?

(At the end of the game, the grandmother draws the children’s attention to the table with


“I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox has a tooth,

Still got caught... (bun).

(Children look at fairy-tale characters).

Who has long ears? (at the hare).

How does our bunny jump?

Who has a red fur coat and a fluffy tail? (at the fox).

Who has a delicious barrel but has no arms or legs? (at the kolobok).

Who has a gray fur coat and sharp teeth? (at the wolf).

(Children imitate the movements of fairy tale characters - jump like a bunny;

walk like a bear; run around like a fox).

Song with movements:

1. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman

In a clearing by the river. (hands on the belt, making turns)

And they loved it very, very much

Koloboks with sour cream.

2. Although the grandmother has little strength,

Grandma kneaded the dough (roll between palms)

Well, and the little granddaughter

She rolled the bun in her hands.

3. There is a lot of hassle with the kolobok

Stupid jumps anywhere (up, down)

Maybe he will roll into the forest,

A fox might eat it. (run in place)

4. It’s better to take us a little bun

And hide it under the lock (hands back, make turns)

And then from under lock and key

Don't steal her little bun. (grosser)

Oh, you guys are great!

I had a lot of fun with you, you are the most resourceful and smart.

Now our journey is over, it’s time to return to kindergarten.

Did you like the land of fairy tales?

Let's say goodbye to the heroes of fairy tales.

“One, and two, and five, and eight -

We’re moving everyone to kindergarten!”

V-l: Guys, Grandma Riddle has prepared a treat for you.

(Distribution of treats).

Now let’s say thank you to grandma!

(Children say goodbye to Grandma Riddle).

Entertainment "Balloon Festival"

Target: create a joyful, cheerful mood.

Objectives: to cultivate activity, curiosity,

organization; develop a desire to communicate with each other

relaxed atmosphere; be able to use balls in different ways

outdoor games, develop mental activities such as thinking,


Equipment: colorful balls, balloons, soap bubbles,

Sweetie costume, musical accompaniment, umbrella, 2 basins, multi-colored

Progress: A funny children's song sounds. Toffee runs into the hall with a big

box (there is a balloon in the box).

Sweetie: hello, hello! I'm so glad to meet you guys! I

I heard that you are having a “Balloon Festival”. Can I have one too?

celebrate with you? play and have fun? I'm here (shows

box) brought her favorite balls (opens the box and

shows the children balloons). The yellow ball is like the sun, and

the blue ball is like the sky and the sea.

Candy: Since it’s your holiday, let’s dance.

Song-dance "Little frogs love to jump."

Candy: You guys dance so well, now let’s play with you.

P/i "Sun and Rain"

Sweetie: The rain has ended, look, the rain has left full

lakes of water. I think now is the time for you and me to go fishing

and catch colorful stars instead of fish.

Game "Colorful Fishing"

Sweetie: since you caught so many colorful stars, let's

Let's dance and sing a song.

Song-dance "Colorful game"

Candy: Guys, I have prepared colorful balls for you (hurries and

as if he drops a container with balls, the balls fly apart). Oh, what am I

clumsy, I scattered all the balls, guys, please help me collect

Game "Collect the ball"

Sweetie: I got it all mixed up, these are not the same balloons at all, I need air ones.

Now, now they will bring you real balloons.

While the teachers are bringing out the balloons. Sweetie plays the game “Oh yeah

“ball cheeks” (Sweetie recites poetry, and the guys do everything

movements and tasks.)

Cheeks puffed up like a balloon,

And then they quietly blew it away.

And they fooled me harder

To make it more fun.

They pricked the ball with a needle. Bang!

And the balloon burst loudly!

The candy and the teachers give the children colorful balls.

Dance with balls.

Candy: Well done! How smart you are! How fun we played! It's time for me

leave. I leave these beautiful balls to you. Until next time!

Olga Medvetskaya
Summer plan (first junior group)

Subject: Thematic planning for summer 2017.

1.“Childhood is you and me”-Conversation with children “Hello, summer red!

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain", "My funny ringing ball"-Reading fiction/literature

K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family"

Role-playing game "Family"-Listening to a song "Smile", "Friendship"-Didactic game "Call me kindly"---Round dance game "Carousel"-Conversation "My toys"

- Games with sand and water: properties of sand (dry, wet)-Traveling through stations "Play - discover"(sports, creative, educational, music, environmental stations)

2."Visiting Grandfather AU"-Conversation on topic: “The fairy tale is in a hurry to visit us”. -Watching cartoons

"Turnip", "Kolobok"-Di “What fairy tale is the picture drawn for?”,

- “Which fairy tale am I from?”-Reading a fairy tale

"Three Bears",

"Chicken Ryaba"-Desktop theater: Playing off a Russian folk tale "Teremok".

3. "Our Motherland - Russia"-Conversation "Russia is my homeland"

Memorizing a poem by A. Barto "Checkbox"- Teacher’s story about outdoor games of different peoples of Russia

Learning the game "The Fisherman and the Fishes"- Reading poems about Russia

A game "Journey to the Meadow"

Listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation

Construction "My house"-Composition of stories "My friend", "My family"

Logorhythmic game "Who lives in my apartment"

4. GTO "Growing up healthy"-Morning exercises to music.

Game situation “Aibolit comes to visit the guys”-Plot-role-playing game “My nose, my ears, my family”- Didactic game “Recognize and name vegetables”- Walking "Path of Health"-View an excerpt from the cartoon "Moidodyr", its discussion.

5."Week of Creativity"-Entertainment "Machine Morning"-Drawing "Grains for chicken". -Modeling "Grass for Geese". -Drawing "Beautiful flowers". -Drawing "Rain".

1 .“Mom, dad, I’m a friendly family”-Conversation "My family"-Fiction nursery rhymes “That’s what mom is like”

A. Barto « Younger brother» ,"Two sisters looking at their brother"-Finger game "Family"

Breathing exercise "Let's blow up a balloon for mom"-Di "Call me kindly", “Who needs what for work”(dad mom, “Choose a toy for a girl and a boy”, -Plot-role-playing game "Family"

Game situation “Granny came to visit us”

2." The river begins with a blue stream” - Looking at illustrations, albums "Fish",

Guessing riddles about fish.

Finger gymnastics "Fish"-Conversation "Who lives in the water?";

-P/n: "Caught a fish", -“Rules of behavior near bodies of water”

Drawing with chalk on asphalt "Fish"- D/ And: "The Fourth Wheel", “Birds, fish, animals, - Reading "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish"

3. "Theater Week" Conversation about puppet theater. (Tale about theatrical puppets) Folder - moving "Turnip"-Finger Theater "Kolobok"-Staging "Turnip" - "We are artists"

D/game "Teremok"- Toy Theater - fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

4. "Friendship begins with a smile" -Conversation: "We live together". -Game exercises "Who will be the first to say hello

-Learning counting rhymes: "About friendship"

Conversation "Kind words improve your mood"

A game "Call me kindly"

Memorization "Mirilki"

Finger gymnastics "Friendly guys"

Outdoor game "The name of? Let's be friends" -"Draw a smile for the clown"

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 .“Be careful, dear children! Remember these rules firmly."- Conversation “How did you get to kindergarten?”

D\game "Red-yellow-green"

Examination of subject pictures on the topic "Transport"

Finger gymnastics


Conversation "Red, yellow, green"-Looking at plot illustrations. Memorizing a poem about a traffic light "Traffic light" I. Leshkevich. - Finger gymnastics "Train", "Let's play"

Reading poems by I. Tokmakova “Shall we play?”, "We were traveling by car"

2. Week of games and toys. -Reading poems about toys by A. Barto "Toys", "Bear", "Ball", "Horse";

-Creation of game situations: "Let's build a home for our toys", "The bear is sick", “Let’s put the doll to sleep”. - Outdoor games while walking. "Sun and Rain", "Sparrows", "In an even circle..."-Desktop and didactic games:

"Collect a picture", "Fishing", “Build a beautiful pyramid”, “Which toy is gone”, "Wonderful bag", "Domino".

-Creation of game situations:

"Animal Hospital";

Telling a fairy tale "Teremok" with the help of toys (rubber, playing with. - Reading "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Application "Fish"

3. “All professions are important!”-Conversation “What does the cook do?”

Game “Cooking soup for Katya’s doll. – Didactic game "Lay out the dishes"- Round dance game "Loaf"

The game is fun

"I bake, bake, bake"- The game is fun "Toy Store"

Reading a poem


Fun game "Building a house"

4. "We are patriots"

Conversation "My home is my country"

-(applique) "Flag of Russia". - Russian folk games - Looking at the album “Russia is my Motherland”, flag of the Russian Federation. - "Collect the Russian flag"(puzzles) -(applique) "House"

5. "Little Explorers" -“Water is a miracle of nature”

Game experiment "Hide and Seek with Water" - "Sand Tricks"

Drawing on wet sand "The Miraculous Transformation of a Circle and a Square" - "Miracles in Nature"

Walk. Observations of natural phenomena - the sun, the wind. -Conversation "The Wind Wizard"


"Obedient Breeze"-Walk "Visiting the Sun" Observing the sun.

Outdoor game "Sunny bunnies"

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To develop practical knowledge about planting onions in the ground. Tell them that you can grow green onions from bulbs, which are very healthy and full of vitamins.

Scenario “Summer Holiday” (first junior group)“Summer Holiday” 2017, first junior group Goal: to bring joy to children through familiarization with calendar holidays. Tasks: - Fasten.

Goals: To introduce children to the works of A. Barto. Develop children's speech. Expand their vocabulary. Improve grammar.

Festival of Readers (first junior group) Festival of Readers. 1st junior gr. “B” “Sparrows” Goals: To introduce children to the works of A. Barto. Develop children's speech. Expand them.

Summer work is based on familiar games and exercises. At this time, in the 1st junior group, the development of CGN, communication abilities and the ability to fulfill the request of adults continues. Under the guidance of an adult, children learn to play together, calmly express their requests, and navigate the group room and area. The plan for the summer in the 1st junior group includes game situations, finger and outdoor games, by participating in which children expand their knowledge about nature and the social environment.

The summer plan for the 1st junior group contains a list of activities in 5 educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development and physical development.

Comprehensive thematic planning involves the work of a teacher in accordance with a particular topic. We offer weekly topics based on the approximate general education program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraxes.

Plan Structure

In June the following weeks are planned: Such planning allows children to expand their knowledge about summer changes in nature, to enrich their vocabulary on the topic “animals” through examination and discussion of subject and plot pictures, illustrations for familiar fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

In July, the teacher pays attention to the development of social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships in children, and plans weeks.

In the summer, work continues to develop children's theatrical and creative abilities through reading and discussing programmatic works of different genres. The plan for August includes the following weeks: , .

The summer plan includes final events and work with parents in accordance with the theme of the week.

The calendar plan, based on comprehensive thematic planning of work during the summer with children of the 1st junior group, is published on the website in the section.

Check out a fragment of a comprehensive thematic plan

Educational areas
Topic of the weekSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
June, 1 week
— Sketch of “The Cunning Fox.” Goal: to develop motor activity, the ability to convey mood through movements.
— Exercise “I am good.” Goal: to develop the ability to sing along with phrases in a song, to form in each child the confidence that adults love him.
— Examination of the painting “Forest Animals.” Goal: to continue introducing children to wild animals.
— Board game “Mother and Cub.” Goal: to expand knowledge about wild animals and their young.
- Game "Live Dominoes". Goal: to consolidate knowledge about color and shape, understanding of the words “identical”, “paired”.
— D.I. "Bear cubs eat honey." Goal: to develop the articulatory apparatus of children.
— Game situation “Tell the cat Purr a fairy tale.” Goal: to encourage children to tell familiar fairy tales and characterize the behavior of the characters.
- Listening to Zheleznova’s songs “Hares Doing Exercises”, “Little Bears”, “Little Frogs”. Goal: to please children, to promote the development of an ear for music and the desire to sing along.
— Finger painting “Fluffy Bear”. Goal: learn to paint over the entire image with your fingers, develop eye-hand coordination.
- Game “Who can run the fastest?” Goal: to teach children to run in a certain direction without bumping into each other.
— P.i. “Dance bunny.” Goal: remember movements and words, develop coordination and desire to play with the teacher.
— Physical exercise “Squirrels.” Goal: to promote the development of motor activity, to please children.
Working with parents: designing the booklet “Children’s Rights”
Final event: joint celebration of “Children’s Day”
June, 2 weeks
— Exercise “What comes first, what comes next” (considering the sequence). Goal: to continue to develop in children the habit of washing their hands in the correct sequence.
- Game "Sunshine". Goals: develop tactile sensations; learn to perform gentle touches.
— Examination of the kindergarten building. Purpose: to introduce the features of the structure (windows, doors, roof).
— Excursion to the museum of folk toys. Goal: to enrich children’s vocabulary, to remember what toys are made of.
— Experience “Drowning - not drowning.” Goal: maintain cognitive interest, remember why some objects sink and others don’t.
— Exercise “Tanechka and Manechka are sisters.” Goal: develop visual perception, teach how to choose identical pictures from a variety.
— Theatrical game “We are playing a fairy tale.” Goal: to cultivate interest in the game, activate and develop speech.
- Game “Tell me which one”. Goal: consolidate adjectives in the active dictionary that reflect various properties of objects.
— Conversation on the fairy tale “The Three Bears.” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the story, to encourage them to carry out a simple analysis of the work with the help of the teacher.
— Drawing “Bridge for a horse.” Goal: to practice brush painting techniques, develop a sense of form and rhythm.
— Modeling “Sun”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to roll out plasticine in circular and straight movements, to develop aesthetic perception.
— Construction of the “House of the Three Bears.” Goal: consolidate constructive skills, remember the heroes of the fairy tale.
— Exercise “We are hedgehogs.” Goal: to train children in crawling, to develop the ability to act in character.
- Game "Sunny Bunnies". Goal: to form emotional responsiveness to joint outdoor games.
— Physics lesson “Wind-up toys.” Goal: to develop the ability to coordinate speech and movement.