10th place. History of Swords / Katanagatari

I open my top list with, perhaps, one of the most unconventional representatives of the “romance” genre. Unlike everything we are so used to seeing in romance anime, Katanagatari is a powerful historical drama, action, philosophical reasoning with a romantic line at the center of the entire plot narrative. In order to classify this picture specifically as a love story, you need to watch it to the end, since even the 10th series is perceived as a standard shonen. There is no innocence or eroticism in this picture, there is only passion that gives vent to the feelings of the main characters, who are not even looking for love, do not understand it and do not need it. And it is against the background of such magnificent feelings that all the other bright advantages of this picture look faded and do not attract attention at all.

The whole story is saturated with fleeting hints of love between Togame and Ichika, a love so unconventional and invisible that it is not even perceived as such. At the same time, I’m even afraid to call the feelings of the main characters love, this is not the love that we are used to, it is something more, akin to the connection between the closest people themselves, more than friends, more than lovers... as if they are really halves of one whole.

Such a strange “love”, such an intriguing plot and such a dramatic finale in its splendor - that’s why you can love this picture. An equally unconventional romance cannot be missed at all.

9th place. Reach You / Kimi ni Todoke

But this series, on the contrary, boasts many standards and templates. What we have in the plot: an unsociable girl and a prince, a set of complexes and problems for all the heroes of the picture, without exception, a heap and a small cart of romantic lines. We have all seen this more than once, but if you watch just the first episode of this film, you won’t be pulled away by the ears, because all this romantic tradition is shown in amazing quality. Over the course of two seasons, we see a beautiful and innocent love story of schoolchildren, devoid of cynicism and vulgarity, coupled with dramatic experiences and all sorts of obstacles, and most importantly the ending... such a gentle ending, it seems that you can forgive any mistake or failure of the film for it.

In addition to romance, the series perfectly reveals and develops the personalities of the main characters, is filled with modest humor and rather unconventional art (sometimes even rude and rustic, but no less interesting). I would say that this picture is a “light version” of such a dramatic giant as “That Was Us”, in many ways their plots are similar, but Kimi ni Todoke is a much more positive work (after all, whatever you say, there is no better combination of genres than romance and comedy).

There is only one reason why I put this masterpiece of the romance genre in 9th place, and it is because I never saw what I was waiting for over 50 episodes of the development of the relationship between Sawako and Seta - a kiss. Without him, this picture never became ideal, but, whatever you say, it did not lose its splendor.

8th place. Very nice. God / Kami-sama Hajimemashita

The first representative of the top, where the relationship between the main characters is not so simple, and it is not yet possible to see their ending even in the manga of the same name. But romance is good not only for its purpose, but also for the path to it. This picture is a great example of the fact that it’s better not to stray too far from the original manga.

A series magnificent in its humor and charming romance. The main feature of the romantic line of the series is a problem like “First of all, admit to yourself that you love...”. Such a “prelude” of love occurs quite often, but in few places we can observe interesting experiences and “throwing” of the heroes, a psychological struggle with themselves, and then decisive attempts to seize the object of passion.

The series is notable for its almost complete absence of drama, which in itself is nonsense; even certain sad events or memories are presented through the prism of humor, which, by the way, permeates almost everything here.

Perhaps, it is precisely with its comedic romance that the series attracts attention; if in an ordinary love story you flinch from any “obstacle” that faces the couple, then in this film you already know in advance that nothing threatens this couple, and they will definitely be together.

A beautifully presented romantic story about the difficult relationship between a youkai and an ordinary teenage girl, which exudes exclusively positivity - that’s my opinion about the series in a nutshell.

7th place. Chronicle of Wings / Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

Perhaps everyone knows this series; not knowing about it is sacrilege. This painting is the most beautiful representative of dramatic romance.

The entire storyline is a search for lost memories, lost love on the scale of many worlds, in the intertwining of dozens of destinies. This series is so sublime that it seems almost perfect. The relationship between Sakura and Syaoran is incredibly beautiful, their desire for each other through all the vicissitudes of the cruel plot, when it feels like the authors themselves are against them being together... perhaps I have never worried about anyone so much.

The romance in this film is distinguished by its gloominess, as if they want to push it into the background, to give us a feeling a la “don’t even expect a happy ending,” and this is what keeps us glued to the screens, until we grind our teeth, we worry about the heroes and hope for the best. All the beauty of CLAMP's drawing, all the splendor of the twisted plot of the chronicles (and other stories closely related to it), all the quality of the characters' development - all this is just a screen and frame for love stories that are stunning in their beauty and sadness. Despite the dramatic orientation, the plot of the series is not devoid of humor, sometimes you can even observe outright theater of the absurd.

In general, the chronicles are an incredibly high-quality and interesting series, the distinctive feature of which is also a masterpiece musical accompaniment, however, it also has one drawback - the plot is incomplete, therefore (those who have not read the manga) can only guess what ending awaits our lovers.

6th place. From his side - from her side / His and Her Circumstances

This picture is another example of an unfinished plot that was able to win the hearts of very, very many. The plot centers on the ordinary life of schoolchildren, but there is no traditional banality to which we are accustomed, the relationship between the main characters Miyazawa and Arima is a kind of struggle, we watch how they fight among themselves, gradually getting to know each other, and finally fall in love. It seems like an ordinary school story, but it is so unique, so innocent, gentle and charming in a Japanese way. It was in this picture, when the characters just held hands, that I realized that I had never seen such a fantastically beautiful romantic moment in my life.

I would like to note that this picture is stunningly real, it feels like we are not watching anime, but seeing the story of ordinary people. Everything here is as it should be, from gentle and hesitant touches to kisses, from platonic love to sensual love, from recognition to general plans for the future. And we see all this against the backdrop of the most beautiful drawings, as “poor” and simple as the time when this anime was created. The facial expressions of the characters in this picture are truly filigree work, the characters seem to breathe, as if we ourselves are experiencing their very real emotions, and these deviations from the animation are pictures that seem to have stepped out of the pages of the manga of the same name.

And, of course, the characters are wonderfully revealed, their feelings, thoughts and the very essence are shown to us in stunningly colorful and accurate ways. And humor played a significant role in this series; without the wonderful comedic inserts, the film would have turned out to be too everyday.

It is difficult to convey with what pleasure I watched the development of the feelings of the main characters, the best is displayed here - there is no typical boredom and indecision, everything is real and at the same time sublime, innocent and charming. It’s just a pity that due to the conflict between the author and the director, we never saw the ending of this story, but I’m sure it would have been great.

5th place. Special class "A" / Special A

The top 5 opens with a wonderful comedy dedicated to not one, but four love stories. Of course, the main role in the series is played by the story of Hikari and Kei, which is also based on rivalry. Almost the entire series we watch how the restless Hikari torments the cold-blooded Kei with all sorts of competitions, either in studies, or in sports, or in cooking (!), and in the end, over and over again, falling into the arms of the charming prince, the blushing girl finishes him off with statements of a- "Next time I'll definitely be able to beat you," and he just smiles in response or encourages her, "Of course, Miss second place."

It is a pleasure to watch such kindergarten games. Returning to other romantic lines, we were shown the development of the relationship between the charming quiet Megumi, who communicates throughout the series through a notebook, and one of the antagonists, the sadist Yahiro; brother Megumi Jun - sometimes a modest, sometimes daring young man suffering from a split personality, and a fighter for goodness and justice, Sakura; and of course, the not-so-ambiguous romance between Hikari’s best friend, the “tomboy” Akira (that the entire series protects her like a mommy from Kei the wolf) and the school principal’s son Tadashi, who has an inexhaustible appetite for everything Akira cooks.

All lines are shown and revealed perfectly; this is the only romantic series in my memory where many love stories are shown so clearly and efficiently (with the possible exception of Amagami, but it’s difficult to call it a full-fledged story). Plus, this picture has a funny and excellent ending, when Hikari turns out to be the prince on a white horse, saving Kei, who is perfect in everything, from a life without love. And all this is crowned with a beautiful kiss accompanied by the chimes of Big Ben.

Whatever you say, the series turned out to be remarkable, showing us many wonderful stories filled with touching love, real feelings and delightful endings.

4th place. Touching complex / Lovely Complex

And here is, perhaps, the best example of an unconventional shojo that popularized the idea that “there are no and cannot be barriers to true love.” This story will tell us about the difficult relationship between the beautiful, eccentric Risa and the cocky, but insecure Otani, and everything would have turned out in a formulaic way, if not for one thing - their height difference is 14 cm, in Risa's favor. Throughout the series, I watched how this notorious difference was vilified in every way, clothed in one comedic form or another, when the characters almost tear each other’s hair out because of a careless joke, and then suffer, blush and show mercy - and that’s all it looks so funny and beautiful that it’s simply impossible not to be happy for such impudent relationships.

I also liked the fact that in the series there is no agonizing over her insecurities and feelings, Risa soon realizes what she feels for Otani, and by hook or by crook she tries to achieve him, literally obsessed with the idea of ​​​​making him regret that he refused her , and given the comedic madness of the film, it all looks so funny that you literally can’t get away from the screen, warily waiting for what our comedy duo will do next time. And time after time, on the basis of comedy, we get the most beautiful romantic moments, full of the stupidest kisses and careless, but wonderful confessions.

This series is the brightest representative of comedic romance among all that I have seen. Laughing non-stop and worrying about the main characters is what awaits you if you watch at least one episode of this film, and I am sure that it is simply impossible for true romantics not to watch it to the end.

3rd place. Tiger vs Dragon! (Toradora!) / Toradora!

Bronze goes to the first in my top picture with a tsundere heroine, a series filled with both drama and the most beautiful romance, and, of course, a funny comedy, because it is the right combination of this trio of genres that determines the bar for a masterpiece. In this series, it’s just the opposite; a lot of time will pass before the characters realize their true feelings, experience a lot, learn even more about each other and understand that true love is much closer than they thought. The series tells us how a couple of high school students - the menacing-looking but economical Ryuji and the miniature devil in a skirt Taiga - try to help each other in romantic endeavors with their best friends, gradually getting closer and realizing that they cannot live without each other.

The entire series is filled with the bright colors of the everyday life of schoolchildren, they study, travel, celebrate and, finally, fall in love, this picture is incredibly simple and life-like and that’s why it’s so charming. With what a sinking heart I watched how the characters either mark time, or make a sharp breakthrough in relationships, how they struggle with themselves and their feelings, and how they innocently reach out to each other in a fit of such new and sublime feelings.

But in the end, the series became a real standard of “happy ending”; perhaps no one can boast of such a beautiful love ending. To say that I was delighted with this picture is to say nothing, I literally fell in love with this story, so bright, beautiful and innocent. There is something thanks to which this series will forever remain in my memory - it was here that I watched the most passionate and sensual kiss in the anime world.

2nd place. Louise-Zuliza's henchman / Zero no Tsukaima

Silver goes to another anime with a tsundere heroine, the most beautiful comedy fantasy, the main theme and decoration of which was wonderful love. The plot of the picture is based on magic, dragons, ancient prophecies, and an ordinary schoolboy Saito finds himself in this strange world, however, his fate is not an easy one, he became the familiar of one eccentric, selfish, incompetent sorceress Louise. And although we receive a kiss already in the first episode, the love of the heroes will only develop over time, from slave and mistress to friends, and from there to lovers.

The romance between Saito and Louise is a story of trials, tears, jealousy and pain... pain that Saito will never forget, because Louise knows how to inflict it very, very well. All the romance in this series is imbued with humor, which is so wonderful (albeit harem-clichéd), sharp, and appropriate in all the ramifications of the plot.

The very love of the heroes, although it carries a tinge of sarcasm and frivolity, shows us that no matter how different people are, no matter how they part and scold, get angry and jealous, if they are connected by such a great feeling, they cannot live without each other. This picture, by the way, was the only harem that made it to the top, but, despite the youthful maximalism of our heroes and some of Saito’s concern about the bust sizes of many, many girls, there is not even a thought about betrayal. I was very pleased with the fact that on the way to a happy ending, our heroes faced many trials, their feelings were tested more than once for strength, and time after time they proved that there is nothing stronger than their love.

Whatever you say, this picture is the most magical love story, a love that was built with sweat, blood, humor and drama. I will never stop admiring this story, and as I watched it over and over again, I realized that I gave it second place for its great ending.

1 place. The student council president is a maid! / Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

And here it is, the best romantic picture of all time, the best love story, so beautiful and perfect that you still can’t believe that such a masterpiece was created. In the center of events is the story of the confrontation between a workaholic, a charmer, and a student president. advice from Misaki and the perfect sadistic prince Usui, who quite by chance found out that our brave president works part-time as a maid in a cafe - and this is where the fun begins. In her attempts to kill Usui, who now constantly revolves around Misaki for reasons completely incomprehensible to her, she gradually develops feelings for him that she is afraid to admit to herself, and even hatred for guys plays an important role.

But the heroes live, rejoice, experience all kinds of adventures and trials and, finally, understand how much they need each other. It seems like an ordinary school romance... but every frame, every emotion and joke is conveyed with unsurpassed quality. You sit and enjoy this perfect story, you can’t tear yourself away, you want to know what will happen next, and your only regret is that the series will soon come to an end. I have never seen such a perfect romantic picture before; the relationships between the characters are not just magical, they are divine.

This series is almost addictive; I still remember with a shudder how much pleasure I watched the first episodes, how happy and worried I was about our lovers. Nowhere else will you see such a perfect combination of love and drama, comedy and pathos, fantastic art and the brightest emotions. Each hero here is in some way the embodiment of perfection, a bright and interesting personality, the story of each is a separate chapter, only decorating the overall picture, ultimately creating an unsurpassed masterpiece.

Never before have any love story captivated me so much. This story carries an unlimited amount of positive emotions, it is one of the best anime in history, amazing with its quality and great characters. There is no person who would remain indifferent to this series. And this story gets gold for the most beautiful and magical declaration of love. I will never stop loving this picture, because it gave me some of the most vivid emotions of my life.

Such genres of Japanese art as manga and anime have found a response in the souls of many viewers. Many people are fond of anime, following with interest the adventures of the drawn characters. One of the popular anime genres is anime about love. There are many anime that focus on romantic relationships. It’s difficult to review all of them, so I offer you the top 10 best anime about love.

10 The monster is at the next desk.

This 13-episode anime tells the story of the relationship between Shizuku Mizutani, who devotes almost all her free time to studying, and Haru Yoshida, who is considered a terrible bully at school. Shizuku gets to know Haru better and realizes that there are positive traits in his character. The schoolchildren begin a romantic relationship that changes both of them.

9 Spice and Wolf.

The anime "Spice and Wolf" consists of two seasons, each of which has 12 episodes. The wolf goddess Horo, a girl with animal ears and a tail, guarded the harvests of one village. But people chose to use technology rather than rely on Holo. The girl meets a traveling merchant named Lawrence. A guy and a girl go on a trip together. Along the way, many interesting stories happen to them, against the backdrop of which a romantic line develops.

8 A touching complex.

24 episodes of the anime “Touching Complex” tell about the relationship between high school student Risa Koizumi and her classmate Atsushi Otani. These two schoolchildren have a lot in common in their tastes in music, entertainment and more. However, there is one obstacle on the way to a romantic relationship: Risa is much taller than Atsushi.

7 Playful Kiss.

The anime “Naughty Kiss” consists of 25 episodes. Kotoko Aiharu is in love with a guy named Naoki. She writes him a love letter, but the girl’s feelings are not mutual. Kotoko and her father's house is destroyed by an earthquake, after which the family goes to stay with a friend of Kotoko's father. And the son of this very friend turns out to be Naoki. Next to her beloved, Kotoko begins to study diligently. In adulthood, the girl first becomes a nurse, then a doctor, and also... the wife of Naoki, who fell in love with Kotoko.

6 Say I love you".

The 13-episode anime tells the story of a girl, Mei Tachiban, and a guy, Yamato Kurosawa. May is a very introverted teenager. She has no friends or boyfriend. But one day everything changes - Mei arouses the interest of Yamato Kurosawa, who over time changes her attitude towards people and herself.

5 Garden of beautiful words.

When talking about the best anime about love, it is impossible not to mention Makoto Shinkai, the author of delightful romantic anime stories. The full-length anime “The Garden of Fine Words” tells the story of fifteen-year-old Takao Akizuki and twenty-seven-year-old Yukari Yukino. Their first meeting takes place in a beautiful garden during the rain. After this, a relationship begins to develop between Takao and Yukari.

4 Very nice, God.

The first season of this anime consists of 15 episodes, and the second season of 16 episodes. A young girl, Nanami Momodzono, finds herself on the street because Nanami's father lost his property. Nanami meets a guy named Mikage, who offers to help the girl. Nanami accepts her and comes to the temple, where she becomes a Goddess. The girl meets the werefox Tomoe, and they begin a romantic relationship.

3 Reach you.

The first season of the anime consists of 25 episodes, and the second season of 13 episodes. Schoolgirl Sawako Kuronumoi is very similar to the heroine of the horror film “The Ring”. Because of this, almost everyone at school is afraid of her, believing that Sawako is somehow connected to mysticism. Sawako is a kind and shy girl who is secretly in love with a guy named Seth Kazehai. Seth turns his attention to Sawako. First love settles in the girl's soul.

No matter how much the writers’ imagination diverges, giving birth to incredible plot twists and leading characters through a kaleidoscope of desires and emotions, the most amazing and unsolved feeling remains love. Anime creators often turn to the eternal theme, putting it in various forms. This rating will consider the brightest representatives of the genre, telling about romantic relationships.

10 Confessions / Tsurezure Children (2017)

10th place - Tsurezure Children

This year's new release delighted viewers with a collection of touching stories about youthful affections. One hero is afraid to admit his sympathy for fear of losing many years of friendship, another categorically does not understand hints and cannot imagine that someone might like him, the third cannot get rid of the image of a recognized womanizer. This is a real treasure trove of advice for teenagers on what to do in love affairs and what not to do.

9 The Monster at the Next Desk / Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (2012)

9th place - Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

The leitmotif of the touching story is, in fact, a classic of the genre - opposites attract. The plot centers on two polarly different heroes - the strict excellent student Shizuka Mizutani and the rake with a heart of gold - Haru Yoshida. Their meeting is a pure coincidence, radically changing the lives of both. After all, for the sake of love, you can get out of your “shell” and change for the better.

8 Toradora! / Toradora! (2008-2009)

8th place - Toradora!

A light, hilarious comedy with truly unique characters - a modest boy and a fighting girl. It’s a paradox, but with a creepy appearance that strikes fear into passers-by, the main character is a very gentle and kind guy, while the cute-looking heroine is a real tiger in a skirt. After learning each other's secrets, they decide to team up to win the hearts of their longtime lovers, and unexpectedly begin to grow closer.

7 Reaching Out to You / Kimi ni Todoke (2009-2010)

7th place - Kimi ni Todoke

Sawako Kuranuma is a quiet and reserved girl who finds it very difficult to make friends. And the reason for this is a specific appearance. When meeting her, she is often mistaken for the heroine of the horror movie “The Ring” - Sadako. However, one person in the class is not subject to prejudice. Popular and handsome Shota begins to communicate with an unsociable girl, forcing her to open up and make friends. And gradually a wonderful feeling blossoms between them.

6 Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (2014-2015)

6th place - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

A real hit from A-1 Pictures Inc. This is not just a romantic plot with languid sighs and timid confessions, it is a deep, well-written story that shows that love can heal long-standing wounds and awaken forgotten talent in a person. This anime is a riot of colors and feelings, framed by amazing art and classical musical compositions.

5 Student Council President – ​​Maid / Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (2010)

5th place - Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

Loyal fans of the anime genre are tired of watching timid girls and indecisive guys, and “Maid” is a breath of fresh air for them. The plot centers on the lively and strong Ayuzawa Misaki, who keeps an entire school of mostly boys in check. She herself has a boyish disposition, and therefore is terribly embarrassed when the recognized handsome and smart Usui Takumi confesses his love for her. This is where the fun begins.

4 Sword Art Online (2012)

4th place - Sword Art Online

The scenario revolves around a multiplayer online game, where everyone can choose a character to their liking, participate in quests, battles and take a break from real life. Do you agree that it smells like mediocre science fiction? However, the authors managed to move away from the cliched story, motivating the main characters to perform exploits with the greatest feeling. Why, if not for love, should one become a hero? The series has several sequels, but they were frankly weaker than the original.

3 Your name / Kimi no Na wa (2016)

3rd place - Kimi no Na wa

Director Makoto Shinkai is a recognized genius of modern Japanese animation. It's rare that his film doesn't deserve praise, and his latest work is no exception. This anime will especially appeal to fans of films such as The Lake House or The Time Traveler's Wife. Timeless love that overcomes barriers, stunningly beautiful pictures and sensual songs - this masterpiece will not leave anyone indifferent.

2 My story!! /Ore Monogatari!! (2015)

2nd place - Ore Monogatari!!

Love doesn't always go hand in hand with heartbreaking drama and difficult obstacles. Despite the fact that the main character is a big guy with a scary face, he meets the sweetest girl and they fall in love at first sight. However, unlike other representatives of the genre, the heroes, timid at first glance, boldly open their hearts and run towards their feelings. This is an incredibly sweet image from the Land of the Rising Sun, which will never leave your smile even for a second.

1 Nana / Nana (2006-2007)

1st place - Nana

This series got first place for a reason. "Nana" is a surprisingly true and heartbreaking story that touches on all forms of love. After all, this is not only awe towards a guy or girl. You can love your best friend scorchingly, and sometimes even more. In the center of the story are two heroines with the same name, who become friends and begin to live in the same apartment. During the time period shown by the authors, girls fall in love, suffer, have fun, are disappointed, and light up with hope. And the viewer also experiences a crazy range of emotions when looking at them. It’s simply impossible not to feel a connection with the characters in Nana.

List of the most beautiful anime about love. Pictures that give pleasure and dreams of possible happiness in your personal life. And also stories about sincere feelings that excite the hearts of lovers.

Rating of the most touching anime about love

Love is a wonderful feeling that has been shown in all areas of modern art and anime is no exception. There are a huge number of paintings dedicated to the most powerful feeling in the world - from happy to unrequited and tragic.

But all this diversity is united into one thing - constant charm and pleasure, capable of melting the hearts of millions of fans of this genre. Below is a list of the best anime about love.

1st place – Beautiful as the moon / Tsuki ga Kirei

The anime follows the lives of high school students Kotaro Azumi and Akane Mizuno as these bright and hopeful people chase their dreams and end up falling in love with each other.

Last year of high school, they meet as strangers in the same class, but several chance encounters bring them together. This anime about love shows the path of two young hearts who go through all the stages of building a love relationship.

2nd place – Confessions / Tsurezure Children

Love in this anime revolves around several potentially beautiful couples who have good chances for the future. Showing the delicate nature of love among young people, viewers will suffer and rejoice at the success of these boys and girls.

This anime about love shows all sorts of trials on the path to happiness of every potential couple, all the romanticism and tragedy of youth, and heartfelt fears and suffering, all this underlies true love and strong emotions.

3rd place – Full life online / Net-juu no Susume

Another story about non-trivial love, the romanticism of which simply devastates hearts and makes you believe in the beauty of feelings. This story is about fictional virtual love and real feelings, which seem much more serious and realistic.

But the forbidden and inaccessible fruit is always sweet, so the main character is torn between real and fictional happiness. But whatever she chooses will undoubtedly bring her many happy moments.

4th place - Masamune's Revenge! / Masamune-kun no Revenge

Even as a child, the main character was greatly offended by the rich and spoiled girl Aki Adagaki. She constantly mocked him because of his excess weight, calling him a pig. It was her mockery that led to the desire for revenge.

Masamune pulled himself together and became a smart, handsome and handsome young man. After several long years, he finally achieved his goal and comes in a new guise to the same school to make a girl fall in love with him and force her to go through all the trials that she subjected him to as a child.

But somewhere along the path of revenge, he himself, unnoticed by himself, will become a victim of her charms and he will have to share this beautiful love with her.

5th place – Siren / Seiren

The anime talks about the endless possibilities in which a person can adjust their relationships from different angles. Shoichi clearly demonstrates that every new meeting should be different and special, that there is no specific path to a successful romance.

But just because the experience has to be tried and tested with a specific partner makes him an ambiguous character. In this beautiful production, the viewer is given the opportunity to rethink a lot in their relationships, perhaps even saving them from collapse.

Release year: 2020

Genre: comedy, romance

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 12+ (25 min.)

Description: Talented idols don't leave guys' imaginations untouched. The movements and figures of these girls provide the basis for fantasies. But even girls can care about idols and feel admiration for them. Eripiyo was a big fan and didn't hide it. She loved attending events where idols performed. She especially liked Myna. This girl was incredibly shy. It would seem that such a quality is not suitable for a person who is an idol. But she knew how to combine incompatible things. Maina was in the group “Cham Jam”. Eripiyo believed that this group would achieve fame.

During one of the performances of this group, Eripiyo felt unwell. When Maina performed on stage, her fan began to have a nosebleed. Fragile vessels may not withstand strong nervous tension. Eripiyo was indeed passionately rooting for her idol. The fan was not used to worrying about herself, and there was no reason to worry. Eripiyo had much more thoughts regarding Maina. The girl intended to provide her with maximum support, no matter the circumstances. And this will last until the group’s performance at Budokan.