"Family and School" is the oldest Russian magazine, founded in 1871.

Readers can find here everything they need to know about the development and upbringing of a child, about preparing for school and school difficulties, about the problems of a teenager, about gifted children and difficult children, about danger zones and risk groups; about how to keep your child healthy.

The magazine talks about the innovative processes taking place in school, about different approaches to teaching, about new educational programs, about the participation of parents in school life, about possible conflicts between family and school and ways to resolve them, about the responsibility of parents for the future of their children.

“Family and School” focuses mainly on the problems of schoolchildren and applicants, but also keeps in view children who are about to go to school or have already become students at a university, technical school, or college.

The most important line of “Family and School” is the promotion of traditional family values, analysis of the experience of prosperous families, which provide an optimal environment for raising children and ensuring the success of all family members. An important topic of the magazine is the organization of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren.

Modern processes in education and upbringing are “a revolution in learning” and a “revolution in consciousness.” School and “life” subjects for schoolchildren of the 21st century. School and society: parental movements and new forms of cooperation. New information about reading: what and how to read from the screen and from sheets. “Digital from birth” and “digital migrants” - the new nature of generational conflict?! Safe Internet and a lot of other useful information for caring and developing parents.

Magazine "Family and School"

“Family and School” is the oldest Russian magazine, founded in 1871.

Readers can find here everything they need to know about the development and upbringing of a child, about preparing for school and school difficulties, about the problems of a teenager, about gifted children and difficult children, about danger zones and risk groups; about how to keep your child healthy.
The magazine talks about the innovative processes taking place in school, about different approaches to teaching, about new educational programs, about the participation of parents in school life, about possible conflicts between family and school and ways to resolve them, about the responsibility of parents for the future of their children.
“Family and School” focuses mainly on the problems of schoolchildren and applicants, but also keeps in view children who are about to go to school or have already become students at a university, technical school, or college.
The most important line of “Family and School” is the promotion of traditional family values, analysis of the experience of prosperous families, which provide an optimal environment for raising children and ensuring the success of all family members. An important topic of the magazine is the organization of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren.

Modern processes in education and upbringing are “a revolution in learning” and a “revolution in consciousness.” School and “life” subjects for schoolchildren of the 21st century. School and society: parental movements and new forms of cooperation. New about reading: what and how to read from the screen and from sheets. “Digital from birth” and “digital migrants” – a new nature of generational conflict?! Safe Internet and a lot of other useful information for caring and developing parents.

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Since 2016, the publication of the magazine has been suspended.

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