In the modern world, people are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their minds, which is why people strive to look stylish and neat. Women leading an active lifestyle need an ideal appearance: stylish clothes, fashionable hairstyle, and excellent makeup. In order to achieve all this, girls often turn to stylists for help, but we can safely assure that this is not always necessary, because creating professional makeup at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to carefully study your face, understand its individual characteristics and spend a little time creating salon make-up.

What it is?

There are many types of makeup, and in most cases women do it themselves at home, because any representative of the fair sex strives to appear before the public in the best possible way.

However, many girls have no idea what types of cosmetics are best suited for which occasions, so they do their own makeup on a whim. Of course, not everyone knows how professional makeup differs from ordinary makeup, and they are also unaware of the existing subtleties and nuances of its creation.

The essence of salon makeup is to highlight your best sides and hide your flaws, without creating a vulgar and cheap look.

To do this, you need to be able to choose the right quality cosmetics and use professional accessories, such as brushes and applicators. This is important when trying to create high-end rather than amateurish makeup. However, the key point here is the need to pay attention to make-up lessons from professional makeup artists, and you also need to study tutorials from beauty industry gurus.

Advantages and disadvantages

It cannot be said that professional makeup is a panacea that will change your appearance and, possibly, your life in the shortest possible time. However, it is a fairly effective tool that helps raise women’s self-esteem and perception of their own appearance. The main feature of this type of makeup is the ability to adjust your own appearance., and also when using professional techniques, you can create exactly the image that will, on the one hand, be universal, and on the other, help create an elegant and not boring image. Along with a lot of advantages, this type make up There are also a number of disadvantages that are also important to know about. First of all, it is necessary to buy professional cosmetics, which consists of a number of products from well-known companies, such as, for example, Chanel And Dior.

To create the perfect make-up, which will be indistinguishable from the salon one, you need to spend a certain amount of time and, as they say, get better at it, studying in detail all the features of the structure of the face, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. What decorates and is a highlight must be emphasized, and defects and imperfections must be hidden. However, this cannot be done the first time, so it will require a certain level of skills and preparation, which not every woman has, but you should not be afraid of this, because the main thing in this process is play and ample opportunities for experimentation!

In what cases is it used?

Makeup provides ample opportunity to create different looks and change your appearance. However, you need to know that the look simply must be combined with the occasion for which it was created, otherwise it looks ridiculous and inappropriate, and no one takes such a girl seriously.

Make up exists in various variations, because there is no single correct solution in creating a style. Let's roughly divide makeup into four types:

  • Day makeup- this is the simplest and most gentle and innocent. It must be done when there are no special occasions to create bright images, otherwise it is called everyday. It looks almost invisible on the face, it only masks skin imperfections and places natural highlights and shades on it, which makes the face lively and fresh.

  • Exists cocktail makeup, which is significantly different from the daytime one and creates a festive role for a woman who turns to this look. It is very bright and intense, so it is perfect for various parties and festive gatherings, be it a birthday in a cafe or a trip to a nightclub. Such an image will be expressive and memorable, because it is often created for a specific festive event, but at the same time it does not deprive of individuality, emphasizing the zest in the girl’s appearance.

  • Evening make-up is the basis of elegant and refined look. Interestingly, it is suitable not only for a dinner party or an important reception, but will also serve as an excellent help when creating an image for a photo shoot. Often, daytime and cocktail looks are very faded and are not enough for a bright and remarkable photo shoot. At the same time, the evening make-up style will never look provocative and vulgar, but it creates a memorable, chic and elegant image. This makeup accomplishes the task of not only making the face fresh and healthy, but also complementing the original image by placing bright, unusual accents.

  • The most complex makeup technique- this is the so-called "weekend makeup", the name of which comes not from the day off, but from the opportunity to go out into the world and show oneself in all its glory. Stylists resort to creating such an image on especially significant events, such as a wedding. The purpose of this makeup is to improve the natural background of the face, create the ideal tone, emphasize the expressiveness of the look and create long-lasting makeup, because the bride will probably have both a video shoot and a photo shoot. Some stylists compare it to makeup, but to be fair, it is worth noting that this image should emphasize the natural beauty and emphasize the tenderness, softness and fragility of the girl.

How to choose cosmetics?

Creating salon makeup at home is actually not that difficult. To do this, you just need to approach the choice of cosmetics correctly and seriously. Let us immediately note that there should be a lot of decorative cosmetics in order to create different images and have a wide potential for experimenting with your appearance.

First you need to buy high-quality professional cosmetics, for example, brands such as MAC or NYX. This is important because this type of product already takes into account the requests of makeup artists for natural and safe raw materials, the quality of the products and their durability. These basic criteria will provide women with basic opportunities to create extraordinary look's that will amaze others with their beauty and impeccable execution.

It is important to provide yourself with the widest possible arsenal of products, so the main advice is to buy mostly not individual packages of cosmetics, but entire palettes of shadows, blushes and highlighters. This makes more sense because it gives you more opportunities to create the perfect look.

The palette should not be the same type. Of course, it must be combined with the type of appearance, since some colors and textures are suitable for “winter”, and completely different ones for autumn, for example. However, this does not mean that you should focus only on some colors, forgetting about the existence of others. Fashion and makeup are good because it is a game where there are no special strict rules, everyone has the right to experiment and it is necessary to take advantage of this fact. That is why it is worth expanding the shade base of your cosmetics bag as much as possible.

When choosing cosmetics, be guided by thoughts about how this or that palette will suit the image you are creating. Pay great attention to textures and their compatibility with your skin type and appearance. It’s better to buy a few of these products that actually work and highlight real advantages, rather than buying an innumerable variety of products in a wide color palette and in all sorts of consistencies only in the hope that at least something will fit.

How to apply it correctly?

Applying high-quality, beautiful and professional makeup with your own hands at home is within the competence of absolutely any girl! In order to decide on it, you don’t need much - the right mood, time, a mirror and cosmetics.

They not only highlight certain rules for applying cosmetics, but also form good taste that can be used to guide you when creating a particular image. This, in turn, will allow you not only to put on expressive makeup, but also to emphasize your true advantages. At the same time, you should not strive for the ideal dictated by Hollywood red carpets, because blindly following the celebrity style, you can easily lose your individuality. That is why the main recommendation would be to highlight natural facial features and avoid sudden and radical transformations.

According to the advice of stylists, creating makeup is traditionally divided into several stages:

  • First you need to decide on a style. We carefully think through the image that we will create. This is a key point that determines the entire outcome of the enterprise, as well as the result: whether the makeup will be truly beautiful or whether it will be mediocre. This step must be followed, since without being a professional, it is impossible to create makeup from scratch, thinking look only while applying cosmetics. At this stage, you need to think about the compatibility of various decorative means both with each other and with clothing and type of appearance.
  • It is also important to think through several options and never stop at a couple, since it may well happen that the only image that is invented will not fit the general style or will be too difficult for beginners to perform on their own. That is why it is necessary to compare existing variations, of which ideally there should be about five.

  • Before starting makeup, analyze the condition of your skin, After all, the basis of a truly luxurious look is a clean and healthy face and well-groomed skin. Ideally, it should be free of redness, irritation and other imperfections, but this rarely happens, and if there are still small defects on the skin, it’s okay: they can always be disguised with the help of decorative cosmetics. If there are many rashes on the face, then first it would be more advisable to cure the skin.
  • Before using cosmetics, the skin must be cleansed. This is best done both during regular facial care and immediately before creating an image. To avoid peeling, scrub your skin, deep cleansing it, and then moisturize it with special creams and masks.

  • When starting to apply makeup directly, use a base. It will not only prepare the skin for subsequent exposure, but will also create a durable but breathable coating on it, thanks to which the makeup will not smudge or roll off. You can do without a base if you do not plan to wear makeup for a long time - that is, no more than four hours.
  • Next you need to apply it under your eyes. and to the so-called problem areas concealer, which will hide both dark circles under the eyes and uneven skin tone. To do this, use products of different shades, for example, blue concealer is designed to cover the beauty of the face, yellow conceals wrinkles, green will visually eliminate rashes and small pimples, and pink will help remove dark circles under the eyes and swelling. Of course, these are instant helpers who work in emergency mode, although it is better not to mask the problem, but to visit a cosmetology office where real help will be provided.
  • In order to achieve the most natural and effective coverage, It is better to use a sponge, which absorbs excess products, but at the same time stains the skin well, firmly driving the product into the pores. This must be done very carefully to avoid subsequent poor-quality and weak shading of the product.

  • Next - eyebrows. Owners of thick eyebrows can simply comb them to give them the correct shape and direction, but if they grow thin and “liquid,” then special attention should be paid to them. To do this, outline the correct shape, and then fill in the light areas, thus making the eyebrows uniform in color.
  • Eye makeup is an art therefore, it should be given special attention. It begins by applying a light, light-textured shadow under the brow to accentuate its dramatic arch or its avant-garde straightness. This line should not be conspicuous, which means it needs to be shaded to make a soft transition from it to the shadows.

  • The next step is to apply shadows. Here, absolute freedom of choice is provided, limited only by imagination, a beautiful combination of colors and the event for which the look is created. You can choose delicate textures of natural color with light shimmer - this will create a reverent and charming image. Matte colors are now more popular and will be recommended for those with oily eyelids. Such shadows will help get rid of unnecessary shine. It is important to remember that the application of shadows always follows a gradient principle: from the lightest to the most saturated and dark.
  • After that apply mascara actively separating the eyelashes and making zigzag movements.
  • Bobbi Brown, which has a wide range for beginners and professionals.

    Regarding some cosmetic products, stylists share the following tricks:

  1. You should always choose a foundation a tone lighter than the natural skin tone, otherwise it will create the impression of a mask on the face, unnatural makeup, and the difference between the color of the neck and face will be visible. This will only ruin the image.
  2. We must not forget about naturalness, completely changing your facial features! Identify only the most important features that could be adjusted, but not changed! For example, you can create more distance between the eyes by adding some light shadows to the inner corner, but do not get carried away with transforming the natural features of the face.
  3. Avoid flashy and colorful combinations. Don’t highlight everything at once: this will cheapen the image and make it ridiculous and tasteless. It’s better to use one accent and work on all other parts of the face in soft mode.

If you are interested in the beauty field, you need to watch and attend master classes where other profs will be revealed. secrets.

Not every girl is able to pay for the services of a personal makeup artist and contact him on a daily basis. Most ladies try to solve this issue on their own and apply makeup themselves. Makeup for beginners is not complicated and is accessible to every girl who wants to look attractive.

What it is?

Makeup is the art of changing and adjusting shapes along with complexion. Actions are carried out through decorative cosmetic products. Makeup makes it possible to eliminate minor defects, allows you to look younger, highlight the advantages of each woman and demonstrate individual qualities. Women's psychology is to support and emphasize their natural beauty. This is due to the fact that every well-groomed lady gains self-confidence.

Based on execution, makeup is divided into two types:

  • Difficult. The main goal is to correct the forms;
  • Simple. This type of makeup is performed on the face, which has regular shapes along with ideal proportions. With its help, expressiveness and individual features are emphasized.

When working with makeup, you should follow the sequence and some rules with which you can create any makeup even at home.

Benefits and Features

Applying makeup has its own advantages and features that every girl should become familiar with. The advantages include the following points:

  • With makeup you can hide any imperfection in your appearance, as well as highlight your advantages. Having mastered the basics of this art, you will always feel irresistible and attractive;
  • Using the advice of makeup artists, you can look different every day. The use of decorative cosmetics makes it possible to experiment with images, choosing the most attractive one;
  • Using makeup, you will stop biting your nails, rubbing your eyes and biting your lips;

  • Make-up gives you self-confidence stands out from the crowd. Every girl knows that it is enough to powder her nose in the morning to feel stunning throughout the day;
  • Modern preparations for applying makeup have beneficial properties. With their help, you can take care of your skin, protecting it from the negative effects of the external environment.

Many male representatives report that makeup makes a woman look more glamorous. Applying cosmetics is an optional procedure, but without it the image becomes “bland.”

Each girl must decide for herself whether she needs to use cosmetics. You can choose complete naturalness or learn makeup lessons.

Application techniques

Every girl can do perfect makeup at home. To create it, you should use the instructions described in this article. Make-up is performed step by step and without haste.

Step-by-step instructions for applying makeup:

  • On the first step you will need to choose the right tone. A well-chosen foundation should blend with the natural color of the skin. It should be distributed evenly, avoiding streaks and stains. The product should be applied to the face using a sponge;
  • Remember that that applying the tone in parts leads to pilling. Your skin will look unnatural in any light and will differ in color from the skin on your neck. These properties indicate that the foundation was applied incorrectly and you should choose a different shade;
  • If you can't make the right choice of foundation, for beginners there is an excellent alternative in the form of a matte primer. It is able to hide enlarged pores and gives the dermis well-groomed, smoothing its surface;
  • The next stage involves eyebrow correction. You can easily do this procedure yourself by studying the rules for giving the eyebrows the required shape. You should not make the line saturated, this will only lead to damage to the entire makeup. Bring your eyebrows to perfection with the help of a small amount of shadows and competent shading;

  • Shadows are drawn onto the brush and are located on the eyebrow area. You should comb upwards, respecting the growth of hairs. Use a special brush for these purposes;
  • Beautiful makeup depends entirely on shadows. This component of cosmetics is very noticeable, and, based on the chosen color, you can make your image provocative or natural. Before using shadows, you need to apply a base. Then a light shade is applied to the entire eyelid and shaded with a brush;
  • Now you should line your eyes with dark shadows. You can apply a black or lighter palette to an angled brush, using it for the moving eyelid. As an alternative, you can use a pencil, drawing an arrow and muting the shade by shading;
  • The next step is to color the eyelashes. The procedure should be carried out from the center of the eyelids, distributing mascara from roots to tips;
  • The last step is to apply gloss or lipstick. There are no difficulties in this, so every beginner will cope with the task. If desired, you can use a lip contour that is similar to your natural shade.

Using these steps, you can create high-quality makeup step by step. This technique can be used for selfies, for work, walking with friends and any other event.

How to choose cosmetics?

If you decide to tackle the issue of make-up yourself, you will need to choose the right cosmetics. This step refers to a responsible event on which the quality of the entire makeup as a whole depends.


You should choose a foundation based on your skin type. You need to keep in mind that you will only need foundation if you have problem skin and want to hide its defects. For the dermis that does not need specific disguise, a regular concealer or corrector is suitable. If your face does not have severe redness or uneven areas, you can use only powder. It will dry out the redness and return the skin to its normal state.

For normal or combination skin types, you should choose a foundation with moisturizing properties. For oily dermis, a foundation from the BB series is suitable. This is a mattifying series that has a slight moisturizing effect.

For eyebrows

Cosmetic series for eyebrows should be chosen responsibly yu, because this element of makeup requires special attention and skills in application. To learn how to paint eyebrows, you will need a lot of time along with studying master classes from masters.

Beginners should opt for a palette of two shadows: brown and brownish-gray. Additionally, a white tint may be required. It’s impossible to imagine filling in your eyebrows without a quality brush. You can purchase a set of several brushes or purchase individually.

Choose fairly soft products with natural bristles.


In order for the shadows to stick better, you need to purchase a basic foundation for them. X. Due to this component, the shadows look more saturated, bright, and are not prone to shedding and rolling.

When you start choosing eyeshadows, test them in the store. Make sure that the cosmetics have good pigment and are easily transferred to your fingers. High-quality shadows should have a rich hue.

If the eyeshadow doesn't transfer well to your fingers, try a different brand. Based on your eye color, event and mood, you should choose a color palette. A palette with black shadows, a brown palette for natural makeup, and a turquoise shade are suitable for a youth party.

Shadows with similar properties are easy to apply and blend. They provide a smooth transition of shades. Applying makeup with such shadows will have a high level of durability over a long period of time.


Choose pencils with a high level of durability And. If you do not have extra finances, you can make a choice from the budget line. Such a pencil should have a bright and rich color, a creamy texture that is easy to shade.


Makeup artists recommend that beginners purchase mascara from well-known brands. It is of good quality and can withstand even the longest events. Such products are not prone to shedding, do not float and do not spoil the image with poor durability.


When choosing a lipstick or gloss, you should consider such qualities as durability, moisturizing, pleasant smell. The color of the cosmetics should be combined with your image, without making it too pretentious or, conversely, pale.

Having a set of these cosmetics in your arsenal, you can create makeup from scratch and create an image for any occasion.

Makeup artist lessons for beginners are based on so that beginners can master basic skills and learn the purpose of each type of cosmetics. This section contains a theory with which you will be able to create high-quality makeup with your own hands.

The initial stages always involve working with the face. You will need to learn how to use it. Even for dummies it won't be difficult to start painting. You will need to buy a foundation that is suitable for your skin type, a primer, and powder in light shades.

You should follow the procedure and apply the foundation using a special brush or sponge. The movement is carried out from the center to the periphery. If you're working at home, use an eye primer, covering your eyelids and dusting.

Facial sculpting involves darkening or lightening certain areas of the face. Based on professional makeup, this procedure looks step by step as follows: cheekbones, cheeks, under the eyes, bridge of the nose, center of the forehead, center of the chin, nostrils. The skin above the upper lip should be 2 shades lighter. Areas such as the corners of the jaw, nasal wings, the forehead line along the hairline, the area of ​​the temples and cheekbones are darkened.

To learn the basics of cut-off correction, you should study its location visually with explanations.

Using blush you can refresh your complexion. If you master this course, you will be able to competently emphasize facial features using make-up. High-quality makeup will help give your face symmetrical shape. Makeup artists recommend using the following tips:

  • Dry blush applied using a fluffy brush. Excess particles are removed by tapping the palm;
  • Carry out short and soft strokes;
  • to “stretch out” a wide face Blush should be applied strictly vertically. There is no need to use shading. Draw a line from the center of the pupils to the dimples on the cheeks;

  • To “tighten” sagging cheeks, you need to apply blush slightly above the level of the cheekbones;
  • Soften the angularity of features Bronzer applied in a circular motion to the center of the cheeks will help;
  • Well hides the fullness of the face proper application of blush under the cheekbone. You should move the brush diagonally - from the pit to the temples;
  • For a narrow face Application should be carried out clearly horizontally at the level of the cheekbones.

To create high-quality makeup, you should learn how to apply eye makeup. Each form has its own technique.

If you have narrow eyes, makeup artists recommend using the following tips:

  • Draw arrows. They should be located one third lower from the inner corners. Extend the contour line that is located in the middle of the eyelid, rounding its shape. Make sure that the bottom arrow does not connect to the top one. When you take a beginner's makeup course, use dark eyeshadow only on the outer and inner corners of your eyelids. The middle should be light. This method will allow you to apply your makeup correctly;
  • For round eyes you should draw a long arrow that will protrude 2/3 beyond the outer side of the eyelid. The eyeliner should start from the eye line. Fold the top line of the eyeliner along with the bottom up. Both lines must not intersect;

  • For close-set eyes You should only darken the outer corners. Matte light shades can be applied to the inner zone;
  • For those girls those with a wide distance between the eyes need to apply a dark pigment on the inner corners, and the outer part needs to be lightened. The contour cannot be drawn beyond the border of the upper eyelid;
  • If you have small eyes, then makeup consists of using light shadows over the entire surface of the eyelid. Don't forget to work on the crease with a darker pigment. Highlight the brow ridge with a white tone.

Applying lipstick is not difficult. Every girl can put on lipstick. If you need, the contour correction is done using a pencil. Make a choice that matches the color of your lipstick or lips. It shouldn't be noticeable. The contour is also slightly shaded.

Cosmetics should be applied from the center to the edges. Perform the procedure using a special brush. After the lipstick is applied, you should use a napkin to remove excess.

By applying a transparent gloss over lipstick, you can make your lips look fuller.


Every girl can learn how to do makeup for beginners. You only need to determine the type of dermis, as well as the shape of your face. After studying the advice of makeup artists, you can begin to navigate and understand how colors are combined with each other.

  • Makeup in the “smoky eye” style is very popular, applying which is not difficult even for a beginner. Before starting work, you should even out your skin tone and apply a small amount of powder to your eyelids.
  • You need to start your make-up with the arrows. They are applied using a cosmetic pencil. If you wish, you can use a flat brush or outline the eye contour using shadows. Keep in mind that this technique excludes the use of liquid eyeliner, because you need to get clear and strict contours.
  • Next, you should raise the line of the outer corner, heading towards the temple area. Give the line a thickness that is much thicker compared to the inner corner. The contour should be carefully shaded. A thinner outline is drawn on the lower eyelid, which should also be shaded.

  • Buy shadows whose shades are close to each other and form smooth transitions. Choose a color palette so that it looks harmonious with the pencil. The darker shadow pigment should be placed on the moving eyelids, using several layers to create the effect of sufficient thickness. Apply starting from the outer corner, moving towards the inner corner. You can create a contour using shadows, and highlight an arc in the area of ​​the eye sockets.
  • Apply shadow to the lower eyelids in the outer corners. The movement should be carried out towards the inside of the corner, reducing the intensity of the shades. Light pigment is applied from the age-old folds towards the eyebrows. All transitions with borders should be shaded.

“Smoky eyes” involves generous application of mascara to the upper and lower eyelids. Special attention should be paid to the outer corners.

The described makeup technique is not considered the only one. This option is more popular, but in order to master its subtleties, you should try out different techniques for this type of makeup. For example, the main shade is replaced by a thicker pencil line. It is shaded upward along the upper eyelid. A similar manipulation can be done using your fingers. Shadows are also distributed with your fingers.

Some makeup artists initially use an intermediate shade in the middle of the upper eyelid. Then a black tone is applied along the lash line and under the crease with the outer corner of the eye. All lines are carefully shaded.

High-quality and beautiful makeup can transform any girl - not only externally, but also internally. Makeup gives you confidence. The hands of professional makeup artists work wonders. But, unfortunately, there is often neither time nor opportunity to constantly go to beauty salons. Therefore, modern girls often wonder how to do makeup at home, so that it is practically no different from professional makeup.

Anyone can learn how to do flawless makeup at home. The main thing is effort and practice. However, an equally important factor is the quality of cosmetics. You certainly can’t skimp on this. It is the quality of cosmetic products that determines how your makeup looks and how long it will last.

For makeup at home you will need:

  • brushes of different sizes and different cuts;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • foundation and foundation;
  • pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows;
  • mascara;
  • shadows;
  • lipstick, gloss;
  • powder;
  • blush.

Basic rules for applying cosmetics

In order to understand how to properly do makeup at home, you need to know some rules and tricks. Regardless of what it is (simple or complex, daytime or evening, holiday or everyday), you need to go through the same stages of applying cosmetics. This includes toning the skin and evening out the color, lining the eyebrows and eyes, applying blush and applying product to the lips. The order of stages may vary depending on the type of make-up and emphasis on the lips or eyes.

Preparing to apply cosmetics

Preparation for makeup occurs in two stages.

  1. Cleansing facial skin.

If your skin is peeling, you need to use a facial scrub. If it is not problematic, you can simply wash your face with foam or soap.

  1. Hydration.

Use regular face cream or other moisturizers.

In order to do yourself excellent and high-quality makeup in the future, for the first time we recommend using the service of a stylist-makeup artist. The specialist will tell you what colors suit you, what to look for, and also recommend good cosmetics.

Eyebrow shaping

Before that or a pencil, you need to complete. Remove excess hairs, trim too long ones.

Eye makeup

The sequence of actions and the cosmetics used depend on the type of makeup. For makeup using eye shadow, it is very important to choose the right shade. Consider your skin color and eye color. Brown is considered a universal shade.

Rules for applying lipstick

  1. Along the contour of the lips - a pencil to match the lipstick or a little darker. This is necessary so that the lipstick or gloss does not run or smudge, but evens out the contours of the lips. Use a brush to blend the pencil a little.
  2. Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. If warranted, you can apply lipstick first and then some gloss.

Step-by-step guide to daytime makeup at home

You can do beautiful makeup at home every day; it doesn’t require much effort. It is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. Cleanse your face and décolleté area.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face. Wait a few minutes until the cream is absorbed, and remove excess with a napkin.
  3. Apply makeup base to your face. Use concealer to even out your complexion. Then - foundation.
  4. A shadow base is placed on the upper eyelid. Use beige eyeshadow as a base.
  5. Apply light shadows from the inner corner of the eye. Blend.
  6. Apply brown eyeshadow from the outer corner of the eye. Rub in with a brush.
  7. Blend the transition well in the middle of the eyelid to make it smooth.
  8. Apply dark brown eyeshadow to the lower eyelid. Blend.
  9. On the upper eyelid, make a thin line with a brown pencil. Lift the end of the arrow up slightly.
  10. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  11. Eyebrows – brown shadows.
  12. Apply a light powder to your face.
  13. Use light blush to highlight the cheekbone area.
  14. Apply clear gloss to your lips.

How to do classic evening makeup at home?

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Apply moisturizer to décolleté and face. On the lips - a moisturizing balm. After a few minutes, remove any remaining moisturizer with a tissue.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. The concealer evens out the complexion, removes puffiness, redness and circles under the eyes.
  4. Using a special brush along the lines of the face. From the contours to the center of the face.
  5. Apply foundation (for example, beige shadow) to the upper eyelid. Next, on the part of the eyelid that is closer to the inner corner of the eye, apply white shadows and blend. Apply a dark eye shadow to the area near the outer corner of the eye. Paint the area near the eyebrows with white shadows. Then, shading, make smooth transitions.
  6. Place dark shadows on the lower part, blending thoroughly.
  7. Use liquid eyeliner to create a line on the upper eyelid. Extend the arrow and lift it slightly.
  8. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  9. Eyebrows - with a brown pencil, blend well with a brush and comb.
  10. Dust your face with light powder. If necessary, you can use a bronzer.
  11. Blush will help highlight your cheekbones well.
  12. Lightly blending, apply a pencil along the contour of your lips, and then lipstick.

10 common mistakes

Improperly applied foundation

The most common mistake is putting too thick a layer of foundation on your face. This leads to a heavier image, creating negligence and sloppiness. This error is most often made by those who have problem areas of skin (redness, pimples, dark skin). It is better to hide problem areas point by point using a corrector or pigment.

Poorly chosen foundation

The color of the foundation plays an extremely important role. An inappropriate shade visually creates a mask on the face. It is important to remember that in the summer, due to tanning, the skin changes color, so you need to purchase different foundations for the summer and winter periods. Often problems with choosing the right tone arise due to a yellowish tint on the face. In this case, you can add a little yellow pigment to the foundation. This will help create the desired color.

Applying foundation to areas that are flaking

If you have problems with peeling, you should initially use a facial scrub, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. Only after this can you start applying foundation.

Wrong blush or bronzer

Instead of blush, many girls use bronzer. However, brown blush does not exist in nature. Blush can be pink, red, coral. The ideal option is if their color matches the color of the lipstick.

Untidy eyebrows

Many people underestimate the importance of eyebrows in overall makeup. Remember: they should always be in perfect order, even if you are not wearing makeup. Ungroomed eyebrows are the first thing that catches your eye.

Glued eyelashes

Eyelashes stick together most often due to excessively applied mascara. It must have a comfortable brush. It is advisable to comb them with a special brush after applying mascara. A light and neat layer is better than a thickly painted and clumpy row of lashes.

Pale lips

To emphasize your eyes, you don’t have to paint your lips a very pale color or cover them with foundation. A natural lipstick color or a clear gloss would look ideal.

Apply liberally of powder

Powder is used to make makeup last, to set it, and not as a separate element.

Poorly chosen shadows

The choice of shadows must be approached very carefully. Not all shades are compatible with different skin types and eye colors.

Lip line too dark

The lip pencil should be the same color as the lipstick or one shade darker.

We are sure: learning how to do exceptional professional makeup on your own is not so difficult! The main thing is to have in your arsenal high-quality cosmetics that are ideally matched to your skin type, eyes, and hair. Next, it’s just a matter of small things: frequent practice will help you achieve brilliant success!

To get a great result when applying cosmetics, you should learn how to choose it. The quality of the products used affects not only the effect obtained, but also the structure of the skin. Skin conditions may worsen after using products containing harmful substances. One of the dangerous consequences is allergies. Toxic components are absorbed into the blood and can cause serious health complications.

Another equally important factor is mastering makeup techniques and using color combinations that match the type of appearance. The ideal makeup will skillfully hide drooping eyelids, tired eyes, and sore spots. A beautifully made-up woman feels confident and self-sufficient.

Skin preparation

Preparatory procedures consist of two stages: cleansing and moisturizing the skin. The following products are used for cleaning:

  • lotion;
  • scrub;
  • gel;
  • tonic;
  • milk

A small amount of selected cosmetics is applied to clean, dry skin and then used according to the instructions.

Cleaning helps open the pores and get rid of dead skin cells. Oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process. Useful minerals and trace elements included in the products stimulate cell regeneration and restore structure.

After cleansing, moisturize follows with the help of a cream. It is enough to apply a small amount of product to your face and let it soak in for a few minutes. Residues should be removed with a dry cloth.

Cleaning helps to open the pores, get rid of dead particles, oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process

General rules for applying makeup

It is better to choose a powder with a light structure, then you can avoid overloading and weighing down the skin

Makeup stages
  1. The upper eyelid is lined with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, followed by shading. Cleaning the skin.
  2. Before using any cosmetics, the skin should be cleansed to prevent clogging of pores and not to provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. The skin should be scrubbed twice a week, and it should be treated daily with lotion, tonic or milk. The result of the procedure: clean, smooth skin without keratinized particles. Hydration.
  3. Water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of all vital processes, including the epidermis. Regular use of moisturizers prolongs youth and freshness. The composition of day creams includes essential microelements that retain moisture in cells and tissues. Before applying makeup, apply the cream and leave to absorb for a few minutes, then blot off the residue with a napkin. The foundation is applied to the entire face in a thin layer. It is recommended to include the neck as well to avoid emphasis on demarcation. Distribute the product over the skin with a cosmetic brush. You also need to apply a base to your eyelids so that the layer of shadow adheres better. To correct problem areas and add shades, you can use several tones at the same time, but no more than 3. You can evaluate the result by looking in the mirror. If the skin does not look like a mask, then the desired effect has been achieved.
  4. If necessary, problem areas are masked. A corrector is also suitable for this. Concealers are available in several colors, each of which masks a specific problem. For example, green color is suitable for hiding blueness in the eye area, and white or beige is suitable for hiding blackheads. The layer should be thin. Use your fingertips to lightly press the concealer into the skin.
  5. Applying powder. Apply a thin layer of powder to your face. Proper use of the product involves rolling the brush in the powder and then spreading it over the skin. The area around the eyes is not treated, since after half an hour unsightly folds form on the moving areas (the effect of old age).
  6. Accentuating cheekbones with blush. This technique is refreshing and youthful. For daytime makeup, neutral tones of blush are used. Before applying, you need to pull your cheeks inward to highlight the border of your cheekbones and draw along them with a brush. 2-3 strokes are enough. If the tone turns out to be more saturated, you need to lighten the area with a clean brush.
  7. . First, shadows are applied. You can combine several shades. Next, the upper eyelid is lined with a pencil or followed by shading. The final touch is tinting the eyelashes.
  8. Lip shaping. To create a beautiful contour, you need to outline the boundaries of your lips with a pencil, in the color of your lipstick or 1-2 shades darker. After this, lipstick or gloss is applied.
Step-by-step eye makeup instructions

How to apply blush correctly

Secrets of makeup artists

  • Eyebrow shaping has become popular recently. To create an expressive line, you need a gel, but what to do if you don’t have it on hand? The answer is simple - use a clear lip balm. The result will be no worse, as will the stability. It is enough to use a thin brush to brush along the eyebrow hairs, placing them in the desired direction. The balm has a gel-like effect, so its shape will last for a long time. Using hairspray and a mascara brush will also help. After spraying a little styling product onto a brush, brush your eyebrows with it, giving the desired arch.
  • Lipstick with a soft creamy structure can replace blush. After the foundation is applied to the face, you need to draw one small stroke along the cheekbones with the rod. Using a thick brush or fingertips, blend without rubbing into the skin. This technique will help to quickly give your face freshness in the absence of blush.
  • The rules for applying makeup include using day cream before applying foundation. You can save time by using a cream with the abbreviation BB or CC. Such products have a caring effect, mask small problem areas, and even out the color.
  • Mattifying wipes will help keep your appearance fresh and well-groomed throughout the day., and quickly eliminate fat content when it appears.
  • A technique that involves tinting it twice a time will help make your eyelashes look fluffy. The secret is transparent powder, which is applied to the first layer of mascara. It should be used in small quantities so as not to weigh down the eyelashes.
  • To get a bright lipstick color on your lips, you can create a base of concealer. Applying it to the lips creates a dense base that will not absorb the brightness of the lip product.

The rules for applying makeup include applying day cream before applying foundation.

Differences between daytime and evening makeup

With different lighting intensities, the perception of the same makeup is significantly different. This factor forms the basis for the use of cosmetics for different purposes. Natural light enhances natural beauty well. Sometimes all you need to do is even out your skin tone or apply a little lip gloss and the look is ready. In the evening, bright accents will not hurt, they will make the look more expressive and playful.

The features of daytime makeup are to create naturalness and freshness. Mainly neutral shades are used. Problem areas are lightened and matted. Excessive bulges are tinted with dark powder or foundation 1-2 shades darker than the main one.

Using techniques of playing with shades, you can successfully correct the oval of the face, nose, cheekbones and other areas. The eyeliner lines must be shaded, otherwise you will get the effect of artificial eyes or eyebrows. Layers of cosmetics are applied super thin so as not to weigh down the image. A balanced combination of shades will give freshness and lightness.

You can't do without bright shades. The first thing that distinguishes it from the daytime procedure is the applied tone. Several tones are used to even out skin color. This will make it possible not only to correct problem areas, but also to emphasize the natural beauty and make the skin structure more saturated.

For eyeliner, it is preferable to use dark colors: black, dark brown, blue, purple. The arrow is shaded slightly for a harmonious combination with the shadows. Despite all the expressiveness, it is important not to overdo it with tones, otherwise you may end up with a so-called “war coloring”. When focusing on the eyes, do not paint your lips brightly and vice versa. For an overall positive perception, it is enough to express only one zone.

Common Mistakes

  • Many girls try to create a tan effect by using a darker foundation. Do not use a foundation that differs in color from your skin. This will create a mask effect.
  • You should be careful when applying white concealer to the eye area. Too much difference in skin tones will create a panda effect.
  • If the shelf life of cosmetics has expired, you should urgently replace it. Before using new products for the first time, testing should be done to prevent an allergic reaction.
  • Often women express their eyes brightly, highlighting them with dark eyeliner, thick eyelashes, and lips using bright lipstick colors.
  • In proper makeup, the emphasis is on one thing. If in an evening look this can still be justified, then in a daytime look the brightness emphasizes the complete lack of taste. The small size of the eyes should not be compromised.
  • Black eyeliner will make it even smaller. You can express your look by shading dark shadows along the lash line. It has become popular to use bright red lipstick in evening makeup.
  • Before applying, you need to take into account the condition of the teeth, because the red color can only highlight white teeth. If there is yellowness and darkened enamel, the appearance will be even more unhealthy.The effectiveness of the method is considered an error. using pencil and lipstick.

Leafing through glossy magazines, you are amazed at the impeccable appearance of the models, and especially their makeup. Many are sure that such “beauty” can only be done by a professional makeup artist, but this is not so. Knowing some secrets and basic rules, any representative of the fair sex can do beautiful makeup at home.

Remember that many options from not very well-known manufacturers are often in no way inferior, and in some cases even superior to them.

Preparing for makeup at home

Preparation is an important part of the process, since even professional makeup can look ugly and sloppy. It is important to choose the right care cosmetics. You must have cream, tonic, scrub. The rest of the products are at your discretion, depending on the type and characteristics of your skin.

Before applying foundation, it is important to cleanse your face thoroughly. It is enough to wash your face and wipe your face with lotion. The next step is to apply a base, for example, a translucent emulsion, which is necessary to ensure that the cosmetics last as long as possible.

How to apply foundation correctly?

Young girls who do not have skin problems can skip this point. Other ladies need to start with the right foundation.

To do this, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • The product must match your skin color. To check when purchasing, apply a small amount of tester to the inside of your wrist;
  • It is important to consider that foundation is also divided according to skin type. If you do not take this into account, the product may dry out the skin or, conversely, cause it to look too oily;
  • To achieve perfect makeup at home, you need to have high-quality cosmetics. Don't skimp, as cheap options may contain substances that cause irritation and other problems.

Silicone-based options are not suitable for young girls, but for older ladies this is an excellent solution, since the cream can hide fine wrinkles. To apply, use a special brush; this will allow you to evenly distribute the tone over your face.

If there are pimples on your face, then to disguise them, use a light-colored cream-powder, which is applied with patting movements. To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, apply a lighter shade to the foundation or use a special product.

Features of eyebrow makeup at home

You should start by using tweezers to give your eyebrows the desired shape. Keep in mind that their length is of great importance. There is a way to determine this.

Take a regular pencil or any other flat object and place it on the line connecting the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye.

The point on the eyebrow is its beginning. To determine the end, rotate the pencil so that its beginning is on the wing of the nose and the end is at the other corner of the eyes. Considering these parameters, remove the unnecessary ones. After this, comb your hair with a special brush.

Using an eyebrow pencil, draw the bottom line. You can lengthen it, and if desired, make the tip sharp or round. Then draw the entire eyebrow. Using an angled brush, lightly blend the lines for a more natural look. Finally, comb your brow again.

How to apply eye makeup at home?

This part of the makeup causes the most problems for women. You need to switch to it when your eyebrows are already in order. To give your eyes shine, it is recommended to use a concealer in subtle tones, which should be applied to the eyelids.

It is important to choose the right eye shadow for your eye color. When choosing options, keep in mind that light shades enlarge and emphasize the eyes, while dark shades do the opposite. Professional makeup at home involves using at least two shades of the same color scheme. A special pencil is also used for the eyes. Its color should be combined with the shadows, eye color and hair.

Apply light shadows to the inner corners of your eyelids to make your eyes look more open and fresh. In the same tone, walk under the eyebrow. For the central part, brighter shades are used. Moving to the outer corners, you need to choose darker colors, which will allow you to deepen your eyes. The same shade should be used to cover the crease of the upper eyelid.

To complete your eye makeup, you need to apply eyelashes. To increase volume, it is first recommended to lightly powder them, and only then use mascara.

Perfect lip makeup

Using some secrets you can easily correct the shape of your lips. To do this, you need to choose a special pencil. If you want to enlarge your lips, then you should draw a line slightly beyond the existing contour. To make it smaller, draw the line inward.

It is also important to choose the right shade of lipstick. It is generally accepted that the ideal option is the one that looks on a bare face. If your eyes are brightly painted, then the tone of the lipstick should be restrained, and vice versa.

To ensure that the lipstick lasts for a long time, it can be fixed. To do this, first cover your lips with hygienic lipstick, then with powder, and only then apply the tone using a brush. Blot your lips with a napkin and repeat all steps again. To add volume, it is recommended to apply a small amount of transparent glitter to the central part.

Evening makeup at home

Let's look at a few rules that will help you create an image for going to a restaurant, theater or any other establishment.

For evening makeup, you can take bronze, black, gray, brown and golden shadows. All these colors will help make your eyes more expressive. Apply a small amount of shadow to the moving eyelid and blend. The lower eyelid needs to be lined using a pencil or liquid eyeliner. The line should not be too thin and not too thick.

For girls with dark hair, a black pencil is suitable, and as for blondes, you should choose lighter shades, for example, light brown. The next step is eyelashes. Apply mascara not only to the lower, but also to the upper part of the eyelashes. Thanks to this, you will be able to get excellent volume.

Removing makeup at home

Remember that you need to take care of your skin and in order to remove makeup, simply rinsing it off with water is not enough. The task is not only to remove decorative cosmetics, but also dirt.

To remove makeup at home, you can use products that are sold in the store, for example, milk, special wipes, or infusions and decoctions of traditional medicine. By the way, it is worth choosing such cosmetics and recipes, taking into account your skin type and the possibility of allergies.