Purpose, direction of the project:

Research activities to study nature in all its manifestations in the autumn period, as well as creative expression of one’s impressions in the creation of decorative compositions.


  • Expand your understanding of the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits ripened in the autumn;
  • To form: the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers through practical activities, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material; skills in artistic performance of various images during singing, dramatizations and games; children's spatial competence;
  • Improve: knowledge about changing weather conditions; the ability to observe living objects and inanimate natural phenomena in the autumn;
  • Focus children's attention on surrounding natural objects;
  • Promote the development of memory, perception, logical thinking;
  • To cultivate aesthetic feelings, interest in cognitive activities, and the ability to work in a team.

Type of project: informational and creative, collective

Children's age: 4-7 years

Project duration: 3 months (September – November)

Social partners: children, parents, teachers, music director.

Project implementation forms:

  • classes;
  • entertainment for children;
  • exhibition of crafts made from natural materials;
  • didactic, role-playing, Russian folk games;
  • conversations;
  • viewing illustrations, postcards;
  • excursions to the autumn park and vegetable store;
  • use of multimedia presentations;
  • working with parents.

Expected result:

  • Children’s knowledge about autumn, its signs and gifts will expand;
  • Your vocabulary will be expanded;
  • Activity and interest in the educational process will be formed in children and their parents;
  • An interest in learning about the environment will be established.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory stage: (20.08 – 30.08.2015)

Drawing up a plan for joint work with children, teachers and parents:


Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, and games with children.

Musical director:

selection of songs, musical games, dance compositions related to the theme of the project.

Collaboration with parents:

Decoration of an exhibition of crafts "Gifts of Autumn"

Design of folders for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photographs, literature.

Conversations with parents about their necessary participation in the project, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

3. Main stage: (01.09.2015 – 20.11.2015)

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching fiction and multimedia presentations, conversations, classes, entertainment, excursions, observations, drawing, appliqué, making crafts from natural materials, didactic and Russian folk games.

  1. Reading fiction: And Bunin "Leaf Fall" , V. Dahl "War of Mushrooms and Berries" , A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn” , M. Voloshin "Autumn" .
  2. View MF: "Cipollino" , "Tops and Roots" , "Thumbelina" , "A bag of apples" .
  3. Examination of reproductions of paintings: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, M. Nesterov “Autumn Landscape”, E. Volkov “Swamps in Autumn”, K. Vasiliev "Autumn" , V. D. Polenov "Early Snow" , "Gold autumn" , A.M. Vasnetsov "Autumn" , I. I. Shishkin "Gold autumn" , I.I. Levitan "October" , "In the forest in autumn"
  4. View presentations: "Vegetables" , "Fruits" , “What is autumn?” , "Autumn Sketches" , "Autumn Transformations" , “Why is November piebald?” (Sladkov), "Seasons" , "12 months" , "Seasons" .
  5. Conversations and activities: "Vitamin basket" , “Compiling a story based on a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" , “Composing a descriptive story about vegetables based on a model” , "Vitamin Family" (making salad), “Our cheerful garden, whatever grows here”
  6. Observations were carried out daily on walks, according to long-term planning.
  7. Excursions: "Excursion to the autumn park" , "Excursion to the grocery store" .
  8. Work on the site: harvesting vegetables, planting before winter (garlic, carrots).
  9. Drawing: "The Beauty of Autumn Leaves" (middle group), drawing a still life of vegetables, drawing fruits and vegetables (senior and preparatory groups).
  10. Application: "The Transformation of an Autumn Leaf" (floristics), "Vitamin basket" (complex lesson), "Funny Carrots" (break off).
  11. Design and manual labor: "Vegetable store" (large and small building material), "Harvest" (waste and natural material), "Apple tree" (wire, beads), "A Tale in the Autumn Forest" (natural material), "Hedgehog with supplies" (natural material), "Vegetables and fruits for the store" (salty dough).
  12. Didactic games: "The Fourth Wheel" , “Listen, remember, repeat” , "Call me kindly" , “What’s missing?” , "Say the opposite" , "A lot is a little" , "Vegetable shop" .
  13. Russian folk games: "Gardener" , "By the Bear in the Forest" ,
  14. Music games: "On the street" , "Rain" , Sun", "Gardeners" , Hares", "Apples" .
  15. Plot-role-playing games: "Family" , "Shop" , "In the forest" , "Canning factory" , "Zoo" .
  16. Fun for kids “Golden autumn, our dear guest” .

Activities to work with teachers:

  • extensive use of toys, dolls - vegetables, demonstration and handout material, in accordance with the theme of the project
  • use of multimedia presentations at work
  • making educational aids and decorations for entertainment
  • production of diplomas

Design of exhibitions of children's and joint works.

Activities to work with parents:

  • production of printed consultations on the following topics: "Autumn" , "Fruits" , "Vegetables"
  • design of mini-workshops on making toys from the natural gifts of autumn
  • organizing exhibitions of children's works: drawings, applications, crafts made from natural materials, plasticine, seeds, vegetable and fruit salads.
  • conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to the making of crafts - toys from natural gifts, children's costumes, decorations for the hall.

1. Final stage:

  • making a digital photo album “Autumn has come to visit us”
  • summing up the competition among families
  • presentation of memorable diplomas
  • design of an exhibition of drawings
  • performance demonstration for kindergarten children: "Riddles from the garden"
  • designing an exhibition of family crafts from autumn gifts; (showing the children the garden)
  • presentation of the project.

Expected Result:

The teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project. All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized.

Children know and call:

  • a large number of vegetables, fruits and autumn gifts
  • autumn signs and phenomena:
  • proverbs, sayings about autumn

Children have become more liberated and independent;

In free activities, singing songs is widely used, and outfits and attributes are used for this activity.

Parents developed an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with teachers, and participate in the life of the group.

A child’s knowledge of the world around him necessarily includes knowledge of nature. Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with a limitless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child’s mind. It is very important to develop in children the ability to contemplate from an early age , enjoy it, peer into it and listen." Considering that the ideas of children of the fifth year of life about objects of nature and the seasons in general are not yet stable enough, and practical, labor skills are just beginning to be formed, it is necessary to systematically and purposefully introduce preschoolers to nature. The organization of project activities “Autumn is a wonderful time” contributed to increasing consistency in work. It makes it possible to purposefully and effectively build pedagogical work, as it goes through all types of children's activities: cognitive, observation, work, games, children's speech development, productive activities, children's design and creative tasks.

Information card of the project.

  1. Full name of the project: Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children during joint activities of an adult and a child
  2. Creative Group:

Kurilenko N.V., Dyatlova A.N., Martirosyan O.G.

3. Type, type of project: group, medium-term, research and creative.

4. Purpose, direction of the project:

Children's research activities to study nature in all its manifestations in the autumn period, as well as the creative expression of the impressions received in various types of activities.

5. Tasks:

  • Create a subject-development environment and conditions for the further development of the cognitive abilities of preschool children;
  • Create and systematize teaching materials for children’s knowledge

6. Summary of the project:

Organizing and conducting classes and routine moments aimed at replenishing and enriching children’s knowledge on the topic of the project.

Accumulation of an information base on the problem being studied in the course of practical activities.

Systematization of the stages of interaction between living and inanimate nature in the autumn period.

Analysis of animal and human behavior in nature in autumn.

Reflection of acquired knowledge in various activities (visual, mental, play (creative, labor, musical).

7. Improving the group’s development environment:

Enrichment with didactic material.

Organization of an exhibition of joint works of parents and children "Gifts of Autumn".

9. Project participants: 98 children, 10 teachers, parents.

10. Age of children: 4 – 7 years.

11. Format: daytime (within the framework of organizing the pedagogical process in the classroom and in everyday life, taking into account the principles of partial integration).

12. Expected results (project product):

  • implementation of the educational process in the group on the identified problem;
  • development of research activities of preschoolers during joint practical activities with the teacher;
  • development of logical thinking through awareness of the cause-and-effect mechanisms of the ecosystem;
  • improving the group's development environment;
  • involving parents in the group’s pedagogical process, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten;
  • replenishing the card index of walks;
  • competition for expressive reading of poems about autumn;
  • Autumn holiday;
  • exhibition "Autumn Fantasies";
  • exhibition of children's drawings;
  • children keeping an observation diary.

3. Practical stage - implementation of the complex project “Autumn is a wonderful time” with project participants.

In working with children, a variety of teaching methods were used: environmental fairy tales, observations and excursions, educational reading, competitions, productive activities, looking at pictures, classes, conversations of a cognitive-heuristic nature, environmental games - travel, experiments and experiences, environmental tasks.

In the corner of nature of 4 kindergarten groups, the gifts of autumn were placed - vegetables and fruits, berries. Children learned to distinguish them by appearance, taste, and name them correctly.

Observations of inanimate nature were organized with children: the activity of the sun (amount of heat and light), nature of precipitation, wind, length of day. As a result of this work, children developed an idea of ​​the weather: clear and cloudy, and its characteristic features. They taught children to find the causes of certain natural phenomena, to establish connections between them if they are clearly presented: it rained - puddles appeared; it’s cold - puddles don’t dry out for a long time; no sun - cloudy, dark; the wind is blowing - clouds are moving quickly across the sky; frost at night - thin ice appeared on the puddles; The sun is very low above the horizon during the day - the onset of the polar night is approaching.

Observations of inanimate nature phenomena were associated with observations of the life activity of plants and animals. Using specific examples, they showed children that inanimate nature is the environment in which plants and animals exist. During walks, attention was paid not only to the peculiarities of the appearance of plants, but also to the way of existence of all plants - being attached to the ground. We clarified children's ideas about the underground part of plants - the root. While observing with children the coloring of leaves and then the fall of leaves, we drew the children’s attention to the conditions in which these phenomena occur: the sun shines and heats less; the ground becomes wet, cold, then freezes; Cold winds blow.

Deepening knowledge about the reasons that cause changes in the appearance and behavior of animals, children were informed that animals need warmth and food at all times of the year. However, in the fall it gets colder, food (insects, plants) disappears and animals change their appearance and behavior in order to survive.

We conducted a series of walks outside the kindergarten site for different purposes. We watched what was happening in the park, behind the neighboring houses. We organized a variety of didactic games and exercises with natural materials - “One, two, three, run to the bush!”, “Whose leaf?”, “Children on a branch,” “Find the same one.”

In order to enrich the teaching experience of parents and attract them to joint creativity, an exhibition of family works made from natural materials called “Gifts of Autumn” was organized. This made it possible to unite the educational institution and the family, to involve parents in the educational process, to create a unified environment for the development of the child, to ensure a psychological climate between children, parents, teachers, and to get to know our own children better. The presentation of the exhibition of these works was carried out by the children themselves.

Presentation of the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn"

Organizers - children of the middle group "Bell", the senior group "Matryoshka", preparatory groups "Violet" And "Chamomile" .

Goal: to help the child reveal his and his parenting skills in front of children of different groups.


  1. help children learn social roles (tour guide, visitor, author of the work);
  2. promote the joint participation of children and parents in performing work;
  3. teach children how to establish relationships with peers.

Preliminary work:

  1. making crafts from natural materials together with parents;
  2. thinking about a mini-presentation of your craft (title, poem, riddle, etc.) together with parents;
  3. placement of exhibits in a group;
  4. memorizing poetry;

Child 1:

Dear guests, come in,
Check out our exhibition.
We will show you our crafts.
And we’ll tell you everything about them.


Yellow leaves swirled in the air,
Various mushrooms appeared in the tundra.
We really wanted such beauty
Place it in a bright, large exhibition.

A competition was announced for creative works.
The theme is "Autumn Fantasies" - people came.
We have fulfilled the condition - we must create
Moms and dads and babies too!

Child 2:

There are some toys, there are paintings and animals,
There are autumn bouquets and natural layouts.
It’s amazing here, we’ll tell you now.

Educator: Guys, let each of you tell about your craft, how it was made, with whom and what poem you wrote about it.

The teacher draws attention to each craft at the exhibition in turn, and the child whose work is highlighted talks about it.

Educator: I see a bird sitting and looking around.

Aigul: Our bird is good, made from a branch. The beak is the thorns that we found when we went for a walk in the forest.

"Sweet Autumn" (grass, flowers)


Golden autumn has come to visit us,

And she brought an autumn bouquet as a gift.


I collected blades of grass. I'll show you all.
So that they don’t get lost, I’ll tie them into a bouquet.
"Gifts of Autumn" (leaves, grass, pine nuts)
Educator: What are these autumn quirks here?


Hello, autumn!
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came!
We, autumn, will ask you,

What did you bring as a gift?

And she brought nuts and colorful leaves, from which my mother and I made this bouquet.

"Farewell to Summer" (leaves, stones, foil)

Educator: Flowers grew in a pot among the stones. What kind of miracle is there in them on thin legs?


Mom and I came up with a riddle:
I weave fine lace -
You won't notice it on the fly.
Who got caught in my net?

It will remain hanging in it. (spider)
"For mushrooms" (cereals, grass)

Educator: Here I see a picture with a fragrant basket.


My feet walked merrily along the road,
They brought us to visit some fragrant mushrooms.
I'll put them in a basket and bring them home.
"House in the village" (stones, branches, leaves, cotton wool, orange peel)

Educator: And in this picture there are a lot of different natural materials.


So we built a house - the house in which we live.
The clouds above him are like a lump. Its walls are stone.
Flowers of amazing beauty grow behind the fence.
Lesovichok (cones, acorns, branches, leaves)

Educator: Apparently there is a forester in the forest?

He walks through the forest, sings funny songs.
The forest protects from evil, sometimes it scares people.
"On the edge of the forest" (cardboard, leaves, branches, grass)
Educator: Is there someone’s hut here?


In a clearing in the middle of the forest
There is a beautiful hut
For any forest animal,
Cardboard replaces the walls, leaves cover the roof.

"Bright Friends" (stones)

Educator: They look like bugs, but they’re kind of hard.


Our insects are good, made of pebbles.
Mom and I painted them and varnished them.
"Gold autumn" (sunflower seeds, branches, cereals)
Educator: I see a golden grove and a path in it.

Sonya: Past the stumps and past the hummocks, the path runs to the treasured threshold. The path is made of seeds, and the golden trees are sprinkled with cereals.

"Doggie Jack" (shells, coconut flakes)

Educator: I’ve seen a lot of dogs, but I’ve never met one like this.


We were on the Black Sea, and they brought shells.
Dad and I decided together that they were turned into dogs.
"In the autumn park" (leaves, branches)
Educator: What miracle of miracles is this craft?


There is a wonderful town with a park and mushrooms.
The inhabitants are tiny! See for yourself!
"Teddy Bear" (cones, watermelon seeds, branches, leaves)
Educator: And here is the clumsy bear.


A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and puts them in a basket.
After all the stories about the crafts have been heard, invite guests to carefully look at the exhibition and get acquainted with other works of the children in the group.
Children improvise to the music of P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn" from the cycle "The Seasons".

According to cognitive development

“Golden Autumn” educational activity
in the senior group

Educator: Kulikova E.P.
Kindergarten No. 204 JSC Russian Railways

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


  1. Strengthen the ability to establish connections between signs in nature and the ability to defend one’s point of view and draw conclusions.
  2. Teach children to name the signs of autumn, changes in nature, using figurative words and expressions.
  3. Strengthen the skill of forming an adjective from a noun.
  4. Continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and gaming exercises.
  5. Foster a love of nature and a caring attitude towards animals.

Developmental environment:

  • The chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children.
  • Board with table, felt-tip pen, box.
  • A small casket with vegetables and fruits, a letter, a ball.
  • Two branches in vases.
  • Illustration of paintings "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn".
  • Tape recorder, audio recording “sounds of an awakening forest.”

Vocabulary work

  • Thermometer, golden, majestic, charming, colorful, early, late.

Pedagogical technologies: TRIZ, musical influence.

Health-saving technologies: aromatherapy, dynamic pause.


Educator: Today we will take you on a journey. Where will you find out if you guess the riddle:


Walked through the meadows

Through the forests, through the fields.

She prepared supplies for us,

She hid them in cellars, in bins,

She said: Winter will come for me.

Children: Autumn. The door opens and a hare's face peeks out. He brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

Kindergarten No. 204 for children of the “Zateiniki” group.

Return address: Hare glade in a suburban forest.

Hello! A meeting of hares took place in the hare clearing. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change our gray fur coats to white ones? It turned out that one half thought it was time, and the other hares said it was too early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that winter had already arrived. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We cannot understand whether autumn is ending or not? They say that winter is coming to us through your city. Tell me when she will be in the forest.

All we ask is that you provide convincing evidence. After all, changing coats is not an easy task for hares.

Educator: This question is very interesting. But we will try to answer it. Children, the hares are lucky, now we will travel to the autumn and will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You are watching the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What it is? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes it down.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, read the thermometer).

Game "Weather in autumn"

I have a multi-colored ball: an autumn and magical ball,

He will jump into your arms and ask questions.

Educator: Children, what is the weather like in autumn?

  • When it rains, it's rainy.
  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - cloudy
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • Clear - clear

Educator: Great. You are right about the weather. I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly and interestingly.

Educator: Do you think all autumn is the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

Children: (Early, late)

Educator: You see several paintings depicting autumn. Show what kind of autumn they depict. (Children point and name)

Educator: You know, each season consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You named the months correctly. What happens to nature in autumn?

Children: The weather is warm, there are colorful leaves on the trees, silver threads of cobwebs are flying, cold winds are blowing, the grass is turning yellow and drying up, there is warm and drizzling rain, there are gray clouds in the sky, there are fogs in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice, acorns and nuts are ripening, cranberries are ripening .

Children: The days are shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, the wind blows leaves from the trees, there is a fine cold rain, the sky is gray, the grass turns brown, the flowers wither, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared, the sun rarely shines.

Children: The leaves have all fallen off and turned black, the pines and spruces are green, the grass has turned brown, the sky is in lead clouds, there are long cold rains with snow, at night there is frost on the puddles, the ground is frozen, the tree branches ring and are covered with frost.

Educator: Well done, you accurately named the autumn months and talked about changes in nature. Yes, autumn can be beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, riddles and proverbs. Listen, I will tell you about the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

Autumn will approach silently,

He will stand quietly at the gate.

There is a cherry leaf in the garden,

It will fall on the road.

This is the first sign

That summer is leaving us.

And the second raspberry bush,

In the threads of the white web.

The day will become a little shorter,

The clouds will darken

As if a shadow will cover them,

The river will become cloudy -

The third true sign:

Autumn is wandering nearby somewhere

Early in the morning in the clearings,

White fogs will fall.

And then wait, don't wait


The veil will cover your blues

So, autumn has come. In our kindergarten we have a piggy bank of folk wisdom; children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it. Do you want to put your knowledge there? (Yes).

Guys, stand in a circle,

Hold your hands tightly.

I'll take the box

And I’ll collect signs.

Educator: He opens the lid, and the children name signs and proverbs.


  1. If it’s clear, then autumn is beautiful.
  2. Autumn is coming, and the rain is coming with it.
  3. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
  4. From autumn to summer, there is no turn.
  5. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.
  6. Fungus in the box - there will be a pie in winter.


  1. In autumn, cobwebs on clear weather.
  2. Thunder in September - warm autumn.
  3. If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  4. Large ant heaps - for a mild winter.
  5. When the goose flies away, snow falls.

Educator: Children, you said everything wonderfully, our box has been replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named many interesting signs that allow you to predict the weather.

(Children sit on chairs)

Now read the poem “Autumn” written on the table.

The yellow maples cried at night,

We remembered the maples that were green.

The yellow birch tree was also dripping,

This means that the birch tree was also crying.

Educator: Why do you think the birch tree cried?

Children:(I regretted that summer was over, that the leaves were falling).

Educator: Why do the leaves of trees fall?

Children:(There's not enough sun, it's getting cold)

Educator: Children, is it possible to do anything to keep the leaves on the tree?

Children:(Glue, sew).

Educator: Will such leaves stick?

Children:(No, they will curl up, turn black, they will not be beautiful, they will fall off).

Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew and you swayed (music plays, children dance).

Physical exercise "Leaves".

Autumn leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

Oh, there are so many leaves on the carpet. Let's play a game.

Color the leaves according to the icons

Go to the tables and color the leaves according to the icons. Be careful, look where the icon is.

Educator: Good guys, I didn't manage to trap you. You have accurately identified the leaves.

Educator: From your answers, I understood that you like autumn, and what beautiful words you could say about autumn.

Autumn words game

Children: Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, lingering, motley, warm, cold, early, late, middle, good, wondrous, thoughtful, wonderful, interesting, majestic, sad, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious, boring, sad, affectionate.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. As we say goodbye to autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Forest echo, may I ask?

Where have the forest leaves gone?

They fell, they fell, they fell:

Little singing birds, how long have they been making noise?

They flew, they flew, they flew south:

Squirrels and hares, don’t we know about you?

Shed, shed, shed:

So what's going on in the forest? - we’ll ask.

Autumn, autumn, autumn.

Lesson summary

Educator: Children, think and say that we will write to the hares.

Children: Autumn has arrived. It's already snowing at night. It's time to change your fur coats to white ones, otherwise the fox or wolf will notice. The trees are bare, the grass has withered, insects, beetles and worms have disappeared, birds have flown south.

Educator: I am glad that you yourself have found convincing evidence that autumn has passed through our city and headed into the forest. Today after our walk we will write an answer to the hares. Children, who was the most active in class today? Whose answers did you like? Who liked their answers and why? (Children's answers)

Educator: Well done, you tried your best, I’m pleased with you. I have a little secret for you: autumn sent us a package. Accept a message from her. Autumn has sent you leaves that you can color.

Presentation for the senior group "Autumn Fair"

Project type: creative research, group.
Duration: a week.
Educational area: cognitive, social and communicative development.
Target: To develop children's cognitive and creative abilities in the process of solving problem and simulated situations in the process of search activity.
Tasks: expand children’s understanding of the diversity of the plant world, teach them to correctly name and recognize vegetables, fruits and berries, form an idea of ​​the benefits of vegetables and fruits, and the variety of different dishes made from them. Expand your understanding of how to care for garden plants. Accumulate vocabulary.

Main directions
1. Game activity “In the garden or in the vegetable garden.”
2. Conversations: “Autumn has come to visit us”, “Where and how do vegetables grow? What is prepared from them?”, The benefits of vegetables for humans.”
3. Game-situation “What is good for health.”
4. Manual labor: “Fence for the garden.”
5. Didactic and educational games.
6. Playful educational and research activities: preparing orange juice, preparing apple and pear puree.
7. Homework for children and parents. – select vegetables for manual labor – making crafts from vegetables.

Preliminary work
1. Selection of illustrations and paintings on the topic “Vegetables”.
2. Reading Russian folk tales “Tops and Roots.”
3. Listening to the recording of “Chippolino”..
4. Outdoor games “Harvest”, “Helpers”, “Past the Garden”, “Let’s Ask for Autumn”.
5. Educational games
6. Learning finger gymnastics: “The landlady once came from the market.”
7. Learning the poem by E. Blaginina “Come to the garden.”
8. Making a group collage “Our Rich Harvest” (torn paper)
9. Assignment for parents “Vegetable encyclopedia”. Compiling a culinary album “Vegetable Yummy”. Exhibition of crafts “Miracle from the Garden”.

Expected result
1. Know and recognize vegetables and their parts.
2. Possess general concepts.
3. Identify by touch, taste and recognize by description.
4. Find similarities and differences based on several characteristics..
5. Know the time of harvesting vegetables, their beneficial properties, what can be prepared from them, how vegetables are prepared for the winter.
6. Using natural waste materials, together with parents, teach how to find original solutions in creating unusual crafts from vegetables, and select interesting educational material.

Game week
Day 1 “Our wonderful garden”
We harvest cucumbers, beets, and onions.
Learning finger gymnastics: “The landlady came home from the market one day.”
Didactic games: “Guess it”, “One-many”, “Define by taste”.
Outdoor game "Harvest".
Role-playing game "Vegetable shop".

Day 2 “Day of Riddles”
Game-situation “What is good for health.”
Developmental verse by E. Blaginina “Come to the garden.”
Didactic game “Find the mistake”, “Name three fruits”, “Tell me which one?”, “Say a word”.
Outdoor games: “Cucumber - cucumber”, “Past the garden”, “Evening of riddles”.
Game educational and research activity “Let's prepare orange juice.”

Day 3 Skillful hands"
Lesson “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”
(Modeling vegetables and fruits from salt dough for the game “Vegetable Shop”).
Outdoor game “Autumn we’ll ask.”
Didactic games: “Put the vegetables into baskets”, “What’s extra”.
Finger game "Cabbage".
Psychological study “Dance of autumn leaves.”
Competition game "Turnip".

Day 4 “Playing a fairy tale”
Conversation “The benefits of vegetables for humans.”
Game “Name what kind of juice it is.”
Didactic games: “Place the fruits in baskets”, “Decorate the word”.
Outdoor game “Past the garden”.
Reading and acting out the fairy tale “Apple” by V. Suteev.
Game "Wonderful bag".
Game educational and research activity: “Preparing puree from apples and pears.”

Day 5 “Cooking show” (with the invitation of parents)
Role play "Let's get to know each other"
Both girls and boys
We love the stumps very much.
I - cabbage - do not boast:
I have great taste
Table 1 – an exhibition of children's crafts.

Table 2 – an exhibition of joint crafts by children and parents “Miracle from the Garden”.

Table 3 – buffet: canapes of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

What a beautiful Autumn

What a golden carpet!

And visit today, guys,

The autumn holiday has come to us.

SINGING: “AUTUMN IS WAITING”- (“Bell” No. 19 – p. 8)

Congratulations to everyone today

We have a good harvest.

But we are sad about summer

We are not going to part with him.

SINGING: “WHAT COLOR IS SUMMER”- (collection of preschool education No. 8 – 1999)

We walk without paths, playing with colors,

Miracle - needlewoman Golden Autumn!

Guys, do you want to meet autumn?

Let's go to the autumn forest!

(walk in pairs in a circle and sing...)


We walk along the path into the forest,

Mountain ash greets us.

The birds sing merrily

Everyone is invited to the autumn forest. – (col. 30-27)

1. Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit.

Took off the green one, tried on a new one,

Yellow, red and purple.

2. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing!

3. Let's collect a fan of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

4. And obediently following the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming.

Well, well, take the leaves,

Have fun dancing with them.

"DANCE WITH LEAVES"- (col. 48-19)

Everything around is as in the picture:

And birches and aspens

They are dressed in gold.

So, Autumn is somewhere nearby!

We'll go down the path

Maybe we'll find her.

(they walk in a circle like a snake, Lesovichok sits unnoticed on a stump)

Look, old man,

Old man - Lesovichok!

He sits and is silent,

He sleeps very, very soundly...

Well, let's clap more cheerfully,

Let him wake up quickly!

(children clap their hands)


Who is this walking in the forest?

Who is it that bothers me to sleep?

You are not bears. No bunnies...

Well, who are you?

Children. Guys!

We are children from kindergarten!

Lesovichok. What do you need in the forest?

We are looking for autumn,

We really, really need it!


So, so, my friends,

I'll tell you a secret.

Autumn loves only those

Who has a cheerful laugh.

Those who dance and sing,

Those who live happily!

We know how to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

"COUPLES DANCE"- (sat. senior group – 25)

Well we danced.

They ran along the path into the forest.

El shakes his head

The maple tree is rustling with its thick foliage!


There are waves and honey mushrooms here,

Russulas and boletus.

Ved. We'll have some fragrant soup!

Lesovichok. The forest is not stingy with its friends.

Together we will go now,

Let's sing a song about mushrooms!



And now it's time

Work hard, kids.

There's no time to waste

You need to collect all the mushrooms.

GAME "TRAP"- (col. 48-30) – ending


It's good to walk in the forest

We picked a lot of mushrooms here.

We played, we frolicked and,

Probably got lost...


Nothing, no problem!

You guys are where you are!

And that's why you

I'll give you a little advice:

If you get lost in the forest,

I need to shout out to you...

Children. And U-U!

GAME: “WHO IS CALLING YOU, FIND OUT!”- (Sat. birthday – 146)


You are funny, friends!

Don't forget me.

I wish you well

Goodbye, kids! (Runs away)

Let's take a good look at everything,

Maybe we'll find someone.

(play out the rhyme)

Mosquitoes are buzzing above us.

(swatting away mosquitoes)

Mosquitoes bite on the forehead.

(shakes their head, covering their forehead with their palms)

We are at war with mosquitoes.

(swatting away mosquitoes)

We clap and clap our hands!

(clap their hands, catching mosquitoes)

Miracles await us again!

Who is sitting on the stumps?

Who is this? Let's see!

Oh look, there are kids here,

Both girls and boys!

Together. Hello!

We are funny bunnies!

Do you guys recognize us?

We ran through the forest.

Wow, we're cold... Wow, we're tired...

There's already frost on the nose,

It's very cold in the forest.

Ears are freezing, nose is freezing,

Paws are freezing, tail is freezing.

We don't know where to go

We don't know how to keep warm! (Sneezes)

What is there to think? Guess what?

You should dance!

Dancing will quickly warm you up,

The one who dances does not get sick.


Your dance goes anywhere!

Have you warmed up, bunnies?

Hares. Yes!

Oh! The weather is gloomy, it's dark on the horizon.

Is it really going to rain?

And we don't have umbrellas.

Hares. Who will hide us from him?

1. If it’s pouring rain,

I take umbrellas with me.

Very bright and big

Yellow – red – blue.

2. Who will not meet

Very surprised...

People around say:

“What a miracle! The umbrella is coming!

3. We are not afraid of rain

And cool gloomy days.

Let's sing and have fun

With umbrellas everything is spinning.


The rain has stopped, friends,

Do you want to play?

And you bunnies, stay with us.


Where is the golden autumn!

Here's a riddle. Here's the secret.

We're singing songs here,

We play games

And she’s still not there.

Where are you, autumn? Respond!

Where are you, Autumn? Show up!

Where are you, Autumn? Answer me!

Where are you, autumn? Show up!


Hello guys

I'm always happy for a holiday

Come to our kindergarten,

How the boys grew up

Tanned in summer

We came to kindergarten in the fall

They sang songs.

Thank you, Autumn, for being with us now.

We, autumn, praise you with songs and poems.

5. We said goodbye to the warm summer,

Autumn has already come to us.

Golden - red

She colored everything.

6. With a thin brush like an artist,

I painted all the flowers

Only the proud plantain

Keeps its green color.

7. The cloud turned blue in the sky,

Seen the cranes off

And to the titmice and sparrows

The food is prepared quickly.

8. Gold and crimson

Autumn suddenly appeared.

And she decorated everything around with rowan beads.


Thank you, dear singers.

I praise you. Well done!

Children in hats run up to Autumn: hare, squirrel, bear, hedgehog.

It's time for my bunny to molt,

It's time for me to change my fur coat

I can't be gray in winter.

They'll spot me in the snow.

Will you, Autumn, find me a fur coat?

Autumn. I will find it, I will find it! Then you will come.

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,

I dry mushrooms on twigs,

I'm stocking up on nuts!

Autumn. Well, try your best. Good morning!

11. Bear.

I'll soon go to bed in the den.

After Autumn, winter comes again.

Let me dream about honey.

I'll wake up when spring comes.

Autumn. What do you say, hedgehog?

I, too, will sleep like a bear.

I hunted for the summer,

I looked for mushrooms and caught mice.

I need to rest for this

I was tired, exhausted.

Well, everything is fine with you,

You're all ready for a cold day.

Now everyone stand in a circle

And play with me.


13. How beautiful you were, Autumn!

We remember the fall of leaves.

Autumn bunches of rowan.

They burn bright red with fire.

14. We say goodbye to you, Autumn.

Winter is just around the corner.

Thank you for the gifts

For everything that you, Autumn, have given.


Well, the holiday is over

The autumn forest says goodbye to friends.

And so that you don’t forget this bright holiday,

I have prepared autumn gifts for you.

Goodbye, Autumn, goodbye,

We'll wave you goodbye.

Well, friends, it's time to go back to kindergarten.

To find yourself in place

We all need to spin around.

We were spinning, we were spinning

And we found ourselves in place,

It's time to end the holiday

Goodbye kids.

Let's spend a golden Autumn,

Now we will wait for winter - winter.