Tatiana Belova
Scenario for the anniversary “40 years of kindergarten”

Scenario for 40th anniversary"ALENKA"

Scene"Why is it necessary kindergarten»

A son was born to mom and dad,

The child has reached his fifth year,

It's time to come to his senses

And take care of education.

Mother. We have a lot of things to do,

Business does not provide profit.

As luck would have it,

My son is still growing up ill-mannered!

(to dad) You, at least for the sake of decency,

Find a kindergarten for your child,

Let them not say that we are growing up a loafer!

Presenter. The father thought about it.

Dad. How can we find a good one for our son? kindergarten?

So that the child is looked after,

And trained and fed,

And so that kindergarten like this, was not too expensive!

Presenter. Now my father found out everything.

Dad. Until my son is accepted into kindergarten,

The line is long, many people are waiting.

Presenter. I had to act privately

They sent their son to the village, to his grandmother.

The son was friends with his grandmother,

He sang ditties and sewed patches.

Of course, the skill is good,

But for school we need another one.

Leading. But then a miracle happened, they called and said they were waiting for you at "Alenke", Friends.

Dance performed by children "Colorful Glasses"

Mother. Oh yes garden! Wow!

It's clean and beautiful!

Children have a blast here!

Dad. What about the educational process?

Leading. The manager, of course, has an answer.

Manager. For your lovely little children

Everything works kindergarten.

We don't have all the success count:

We have our own program

We teach children to sing,

Temper yourself, don't get sick,

Love mathematics

Be very polite

Play sports and not become arrogant.

Our teachers are craftswomen

They know how to sing and dance, draw and compose, they will find an approach to the baby

and you won't be bored!

Presenter. Before mom and dad had time to hug the boy, their boy ran away and was never seen again.

Sweet, kind, warm kindergarten, you are ready to accept everyone under your wing.

Manager. Here your boy blossomed like a flower, here he found knowledge and friends.

Dad. Now, I’m calm for my son, and I’m happy with my education!

Fanfare sounds. 2 presenters enter.

IN: Good afternoon dear friends!

IN: Good afternoon, dear guests!

IN: We are pleased to welcome everyone who came to us today to our anniversary!

IN: We are -40 today!

Together: WITH anniversary, native, kindergarten!

IN: Among the birches stands our kindergarten.

In winter - in snow, in spring - dressed in foliage.

It is a home for all the children.

It’s not for nothing that children love him so much.

Here they teach you to sing and draw,

Play and help mom,

Learn a lot about the world.

Every adult here is like family.

Children are loved here with all their hearts!

IN: And, bringing the children to our house,

Don't be sad about anything.

Children will feel comfortable here,

They will bring fun and joy.

It's a lot of fun here today

The songs sound loud.

Because he's celebrating a birthday kindergarten!

IN: Listen! Listen! Listen!

Everything from the first to the last row!

The children of our kindergarten welcome you!

(Children run into the hall with balloons in their hands).

1st child: We celebrated holidays in this hall many times,

But we have never known anyone like this!

The best holiday - everyone sends congratulations,

Because the kindergarten is celebrating its birthday!

2nd child: Birthday is a holiday childhood,

And today and in "Alenke" He!

We will give with all our hearts

A million smiles for you!

3rd child: We are very happy to congratulate you

All employees kindergarten:

Everyone who lives here with us,

He gives his heart to children!

4 children: We will divide joys and sorrows in half,

And our heart Today we give you children's!

(Children release helium-filled balloons from their hands upward)

5 children: We believe that the mood will be excellent.

Dances, poetry, and songs - it's all for you!

Together: Happy Birthday!

Song "Happy Birthday, kindergarten»

IN: Today there are many guests at our holiday. They came to congratulate our "Alenka" with wonderful anniversary.

IN: The floor for congratulations is given to the methodologist of the CSDO

IN: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the district trade union organization

IN: The floor for congratulations is given to the head teacher of the MBOU "Lyceum No. 1"

Ved: Team of working employees kindergarten diligently

preserves and continues the good traditions of its predecessors.

Ved.: When they were still young girls, they came to work in children's

garden: (veteran employees are being listed). They connected their lives with

raising children, with this difficult work. Now they are veterans who

Today they are on well-deserved rest.

Ved.: Veterans of the preschool world,

Giving yourself to children

You are heroes and idols for us!

We praise you today, lovingly!

IN: Word for congratulations to veterans

IN: Our children want to thank you for your work and congratulate you on our anniversary.

Dance "Drip-drip-drip"

Boy with a teacher.

M: How big are you? kindergarten! There are so many guys here!

IN: Yes, we have a large kindergarten. Do you know who works at kindergarten?

M: No. Will you tell me?

IN: Necessarily! I'll introduce you to everyone who works here.

Song of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

To the tune "Honestly"

We must honestly tell you -

All professions are important for the garden!

Well, who will fry cutlets for the kids?

Who will distribute vitamins to everyone at lunch?

Who will bring us our salaries?

Who will sweep the paths in the morning?

Who will put things in order and wash the floor?

We are all trying to make our kindergarten bloom!

Well, how can you live without us? Well, tell me, tell me.

Where would the garden be without us? Just nowhere!

And even though sometimes we get very tired in it.

But we love our garden, we will not leave it!

(after the song they leave)

Sketch about 7 dwarves

Snow White: IN our kindergarten has a special smell:

Dwarf cook: The kitchen smells like cabbage soup and baked goods,

Gnome washerwoman: In the laundry - soap and powder,

caretaker: At the caretaker - a dusty bag,

Storekeeper: And vegetables, bay leaves, cinnamon -

It smells in the storekeeper's closet.

Nanny: In the group, the nanny smells of bleach,

Watchman: The watchman smells like an old broom.

Nurse: Our doctors smell like medicine,

Together: And in accounting - everyone will tell you -

No matter how much you suck in the air through your nostrils,

Smells like very little money!

IN: We are having a good holiday! Everyone is in a great mood! We invited so many guests today.

IN: But for some reason I can’t shake the disturbing feeling that we forgot to invite someone.

Head and senior teacher and educators

Manager: Our holiday is going well,

My soul is singing!

Senior sing: He will sing even more,

Once you find out who's coming!

I won’t read it, no way!

Manager: It’s immediately obvious that he’s literate!

Give it here and don't be embarrassed.

(Reads with fear) Fathers, pray quickly!

We forgot Miracle Yudo

Invite to anniversary!

Senior vosp.: Yes, they are afraid of him everywhere!

We don't want such guests!

Manager: Stop seditious speeches!

Call everyone quickly,

Don't forget from the royal oven

Bring us a loaf!

Senior vosp.: Hey, people, come here quickly!

Trouble has come to our kindergarten!

God, God, help!

Save us from anger! (takes a loaf)

Everyone comes to the fore. Thunder sounds, scary music. The three-headed Miracle Yudo appears (three teachers in one robe, a sign hanging on his chest "Commission").

All the teachers sing to the tune "What do you want?"

Song "What do you want?" (commission meeting)

Manager and Senior song: You are our long-awaited one,

Come on in, come on in

Have some bread and salt with us!

Come on, everyone, take a bow.

Yes, lower, lower,

Bring kvass from the cellar.

Together. We are distinguished guests

Always very happy

You can't live without control,

You tell me, you tell me

What do you need, what do you need,

What else can we please you with?

1st head. I'm ready to eat bread and salt,

But first I want to listen

How do you prepare for SES,

Is there progress in the kindergarten?

Educator. There are, of course, considerable

We are now experienced people:

Nothing can scare us

We know what to show!

Teachers sing to the tune "Happy Neighbor".

We have cleanliness everywhere

Everything glitters - you can’t tear your eyes out!

Soap and soda solution

We've washed everything!

Under the beds is sterile,

There are no quarantines in the group,

We stocked up on bleach

We are ahead a thousand years! Pam Pam…

2nd head. And doubt gnaws at me -

Everything can't be okay!

Report to me

Labor protection!

Educator. What can I say - and so everything is clear,

All claims are in vain.

Even though we have problems,

We all solve them together!

Sing to the tune "What to say?"

Well, what can I say, what can I say?

We all love work

And on the weekend we go here,

We will work on holiday.

We arrive in the morning just before light,

And at night we write plans,

The family was completely abandoned -

You forgot your mother's children!

3rd head. Enough for us to sing songs here,

I would like to see,

Where is your fire extinguisher?

Bring it here for me!

Educator. We'll bring you whatever you want!

This is your fire extinguisher! (puts before the commission)

We have about 50 of them,

They stand every meter!

Heads in turn.

1. Well, this time we believe you.

2. We'll check again in a year.

3. Have fun, have fun,

Together. But don't relax too much! (leave)

Boy with Teacher

M: It’s interesting here you have! Who do you have here? the most important one in the garden?

Vosp: Our most important manager is Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

M: Is she even more important than the president?

Vosp: Well, the most important thing is not the most important thing, but it can solve a variety of issues!

Sketch about the Marquise

Manager's song:

Ale-ale, what news?

IN I haven't been to the garden for a long time.

Fourth day since I took the course,

Tell me, how are things going?

And we're doing well,

Not a single sad surprise

Except for a trifle:

Only one lady came from the SES

And I collected a bunch of flushes,

But we don’t have to pay the fine have to -

Aunt didn’t find any microbes.

Ale-ale, what news?

I'm calling from the accounting department.

Tell me, are the nannies all in place?

After all, I love them all very much!

Everything is fine, Tatyana Aleksanna,

And we're doing well.

Not a single sad surprise

Except for a trifle:

A spotlight fell on the window,

And the toilet has been leaking for a long time,

Everything is fine, everything is fine!

Hello, hello, what news?

I'm calling you from Rayono.

Are all the teachers present?

Now I’ll come to them with control!

Everything is fine, Tatyana Aleksanna,

And we're doing well,

Not a single sad surprise

Except for a trifle:

The script needs to be written,

And to anniversary to invite everyone,

And then the electrician came to you,

I didn’t find you at work,

And the report card must be closed,

Give it to the accountant

And you need to get soap,

Replace the pipes in the basement,

And buy new curtains,

Attach cornices in the hall,

As for the rest, Tatyana Aleksanna,

Everything is fine, everything is fine!

IN: Of course, the manager has a lot of worries and problems.

IN: Let's dream about what ours will be like kindergarten in 50 years!

The curtain opens. On scene of the kindergarten manager's office. The manager sits at a desk, there is equipment on the table, and there are many telephones. The manager herself is talking on her cell phone.

Manager. Yes Yes. Come, we are waiting for you.

The manager puts the phone on the table. He presses the equipment button and speaks.

Manager: Svetlana Sergeevna, come to me.

A secretary comes in with a notepad and pen in hand.

Secretary: Yes, Tatyana Petrovna, I’m listening.

Manager: Has the car with toys arrived?

Secretary: Yes.

Manager: Order that they unload as soon as possible

Secretary: Where to put it? Just last week they delivered exactly the same toy car. The groups are littered with toys, even closets and corridors.

Manager. Find a place! Place a request to the store for new physical education equipment. By the way, does the water in the pool today have an orange or nutty aroma?

Secretary: / writing down the manager’s order in a notebook / With lavender, yesterday I had orange flavor. Tatyana Petrovna, the teachers are asking us to somehow regulate the temperature in the groups, it’s so hot, how can we harden the children?

Manager: Will this not harm the pineapples in the winter greenhouse?

Secretary: No. The pineapple harvest has already been harvested.

Manager: Okay, I will solve this issue today. You can go

The secretary leaves.

The phone is ringing. The manager picks up the phone.

Manager: I'm listening. What? Will the President speak? Fine. /in five seconds/. Hello Vladimir Vladimirovich. Yes, old computers were replaced with new ones. Yes, in all groups. Thank you.

/listens/. You say they built a dacha for the children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea? Thank you very much for this. Yes, I will definitely pass it on. Goodbye, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

The manager hangs up and presses the button.

Manager: Svetlana Sergeevna, come to me urgently. Don't forget your notepad.

The secretary enters.

Secretary: What's happened?

Manager: Announce to everyone that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' meeting. Invite educators, narrow specialists: physical education instructor, music director, doctor. nutritionist, massage therapist, ecologist, speech therapist, sociologist, psychologist, parents, head of the Tyulgan administration

Teachers' council topic: “Summer vacation for the children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea.”

Secretary: Okay, Tatyana Petrovna.

Manager: I won’t be here today, I went to Gorono. By the way, is the car ready?

Secretary: Yes, the driver has been waiting for a long time.

Both leave. The soundtrack of a song about the Black Sea plays.


To the tune of the song "Top-top stomping baby"

Years, years, 40 years ago,

There's a new one kindergarten.

Little children came to the garden

We found tenderness and care in him.

We, we are all one family.

It's impossible to live without work,

Children wait with interest for miracles -

So our place is definitely here!

Top-top, top-top, very difficult,

Top-top, top-top, first days!

To the tune « Childhood, childhood»

How in childhood, I go to kindergarten every day,

The kids are already there waiting for me.

Of course, you can’t be bored with children,

minutes childhood can be remembered.

And I can, and I can again

Do exercises, braid hair,

Watch cartoons, collect puzzles,

Play snowballs outside in winter.

To the tune "From a smile"

A smile makes our life more beautiful,

Even if the preschool work is nervous,

If a conflict suddenly arises, hold on,

Smile when you feel like screaming!

And then, for sure,

You are in the eyes of a preschooler

Respect you will read without error,

The river begins with a blue stream,

Education starts with a smile.

The teacher comes out with the boy.

M: I liked everything about your kindergarten. I'll definitely come again tomorrow!

IN: Of course come! We will be very happy!

IN: The floor is given to the manager.

Anniversary of the kindergarten - “Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century”

The recording contains the soundtrack of the song “Small Country”.
Voice behind the scene: There is one country in the world -
Can't find another one like this
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.
But he lives in that glorious country
Wonderful people
And wherever you look -
A friend is walking next to you!
In that country this is the order:
Everything is in the hands of the guys
And they all live together
Like a family - one unit.
1 child:
The sun's ray is knocking on the window,
Wake up adults and children.
"Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten! »
2nd child:
The wind sings songs,
And with a ringing breeze
We are on a cheerful street
We are happily going to kindergarten.
3rd child:
And in our garden today
Glorious holiday! Everyone is in a hurry
Happy birthday to us...
Happy birthday, kindergarten!

The children leave, the presenter comes out

Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,
But we have never known anyone like this!
The best holiday - everyone sends congratulations,
Because the kindergarten is celebrating its birthday!

Anniversary is the word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
- This is the day when there are so many friends,
There is joy, happiness and warmth in the house.

Song "Good mood"
(performed by kindergarten staff)
Dear guests, we are very glad to see you.
We gathered in the hall on a holiday,
Smile together, no need to frown.
After all, today the garden is only 50 years old!
And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly it touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you again!
With beautiful flowers, happy autumn holiday
We congratulate you all on this bright hour.
We believe that the mood will be excellent.
Dances and poems and songs - it's all for you!
We invite you all to our program.
Look how many kind eyes there are in the hall!
Smile, guests, rejoice - you are with us,
After all, today we are only 50!

Presenter. And the evening is truly good, because in this hall gathered old, good friends, who were united by kindergarten No. 24 in Verkhnetulomsky... For 50 years now, little children have been growing and developing in our kindergarten like spikelets. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not tear them down, but carefully pass them on to other friendly hands. And over 50 years, more than 1000 children have grown up in our garden.
Just think about this figure!
Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our teachers. We have kind and caring junior teachers, cooks and kitchen workers who cook delicious food. A senior nurse works next to us and monitors the health of the children.
We have a wonderful caretaker who supplies us with everything we need. And, most importantly, we have an excellent director who gave our kindergarten life and prosperity, became its main savior during the crisis and has been skillfully leading it for many years.
The first word of congratulations goes to the head of kindergarten No. 24, Natalya Nikolaevna Ilchenko.

Today we really have a lot of dear guests. The word for congratulations is given...

The music is “Film, film, film”
There is noise outside the door, a film crew enters the hall (director with a megaphone, operator with a camera, assistant with a clapperboard)

So, we carefully bring in the equipment, the light is on the left, the operator is in the center. Clear the central part of the hall. Make-up artist, where is the make-up artist? Are the artists ready?

What's the matter? Who invited you here?

Who is this? Here I have (takes out papers... Here is an order for the shooting of a short film about the history of kindergarten (looks at papers) of kindergarten No. 24.

How was filming? But we have a gala event here dedicated to the anniversary of the kindergarten, we have a program, look here.

I don’t know anything, I have all the documents signed, and we are starting filming. Well, you... you can be the announcer in our film. So, that's it, we don't wait for time, we're starting. The working title of the film is “Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century. "Episode one - opening of a kindergarten.

Clapper Assistant:
“Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century,” opening of a kindergarten, take one. (claps)

In 1963, a kindergarten with 40 places was opened in the department of the Verkhnetulomsky Timber Industry Enterprise in the village of Padun. It was located in a small wooden building with stove heating and imported water. The first head of the kindergarten was Anna Romanovna Karpova. In our hall there is Appolinaria Petrovna Kostyanova, who has been working since the opening of the kindergarten.
Dear Appolinaria Petrovna, we give you the floor.

Children's performance Song “Guests have come to us”

Stop, it's taken off! Wonderful, wonderful! On to the next episode!

Clapper Assistant:
“Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century,” New kindergarten, take one!

Ten years later, in 1974, a new 2-story building with 280 seats was built. The reason for the emergence of a preschool institution is the high birth rate and 100% demand for kindergartens among the population. The list of children in all age groups at that time was 30 - 35 people per group. Large windows, own laundry, spacious groups, new furniture was purchased, groups were staffed, workdays began. The institution is headed by Antonina Egorovna Gudkova. The territory was not landscaped and there were no green spaces. The improvement was carried out by kindergarten staff and parents. Preschool workers created conditions for raising and teaching children in groups.

Children's performances Musical instruments

Stop, it's taken off! (rubs his hands) We don’t relax, we keep working, we have limited time, and we definitely need to film everything in one day. What's the next episode?

Next episode of "dynasty"

I don't understand anything. What relation can a dynasty have to a kindergarten? (addresses the presenters) Can you explain to me?

Yes, it's very simple. A new team consisting mainly of young specialists was recruited. Their children came to our kindergarten and now they are employees of our team who now bring their children. In recent years, there have been big changes in the life of kindergarten. Veteran teachers and talented young people successfully complement each other. In 1999, a compensatory group was opened for children with severe speech impairments. There is an art studio, a modern gym, and the music room hosts classes for the Okolitsa dance group.

Camera, attention, let's film!

Assistant “For half a century, feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten,”

Children's performance Dance "Pillows"

Director:(rubs hands)
So, so far so good! Now there would be some live episode, energetic music.

The team of MDOU No. 24 in Verkhnetulomsky takes an active part in regional events and is a repeated winner.

“Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century”, children’s performance, take one

Dance "Fairy".

Somehow our film turns out to be too sweet, it lacks sharpness. Everything is so good with you: the team is good, children are brought to you, and graduates do not forget the way to you. Have you not had any problems in 50 years?

“Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century,” a difficult time, one take.

We didn't have any problems? The 90s were very difficult years, as for the whole country. These were years of survival, the birth rate fell sharply and kindergarten groups became smaller and smaller. The downsizing was very painful; the material and technical base was falling into disrepair. There is only one group left. Since 1998, the children's institution has been revived. Natalya Nikolaevna Ilchenko was appointed to the position of head. Thanks to the active work and understanding of parents, as well as the Education Department, funds began to be allocated for cosmetic and major repairs, and new children's furniture appeared in the groups.
Over the past 10 years, all premises of the kindergarten have been renovated; groups, catering units, and staircases have been repeatedly renovated. The water supply system and heating unit were repaired, 2 porches were repaired, and plumbing equipment was partially replaced. The roof was repaired, the entrance doors and windows were replaced.

Great! Here it is, a poignant moment! Stop, it's taken off!

Children's performance Song

A kindergarten is a home where an organized environment creates the best conditions for the healthy physical and mental development of a child. These are new methods and programs, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve the fulfillment of program requirements for standards for the parameters of the child’s intellectual, moral, aesthetic and mental development.

Great! All episodes were filmed in the first take. We turn off the equipment. Goodbye, watch the film in a week on the Verkhnetulomsky TV channel.

The film crew leaves.

Well, the film crew has finally finished working, and now we can give the floor to our guests.
There are good words: “Happiness is when you are understood.” They fully relate to the people from whom our entire team receives support and understanding. This is the education department of the Kola district of the Murmansk region. Words of congratulations are provided………………………………………………………..

I would like to say a lot of warm words to those who now continue to raise and educate the younger generation - all the employees of the kindergarten.
And, of course, the most difficult, responsible, but at the same time pleasant burden falls on the shoulders of educators, because children’s smiles, laughter, their successes, sincerity, love for their educators are the greatest gratitude for the work of the educator. .The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the administration of the urban settlement of Verkhnetulomsky ………………………………………………………………………………….

You are good fairies, leading to knowledge,
Giving joy, bringing light.
Happy hopes to you, great recognition,
And new finds, and new victories!
The floor for congratulations is given to the acting director of the Verkhnetulomsk secondary school………………...

Presenter. Our dear parents: fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers! Without your support it would be difficult for us. Thank you very much for your cooperation with us in raising children! And today, of course, we are very pleased to accept gifts and congratulations. And I am happy to give the floor to representatives of the parent committee of the kindergarten………………..

Scenario for the kindergarten's 40th anniversary

Anniversary is a fun holiday

Author-compiler: Olga Leonidovna Rukavishnikova, music director, MKDOU kindergarten “Kolosok” p. Kalinino, Malmyzh district, Kirov region

This material will be useful to teachers, music directors, and event organizers.

Target- Develop communication skills and artistry, create the prerequisites for a joyful lifestyle.

Tasks: To develop dexterity, speed, attention, creativity of children, through the participation of pupils in competitions, emotional mood, a sense of joy, celebration.
To cultivate a sense of beauty, friendly relations with each other, as well as to cultivate a culture of behavior at the holiday.

Equipment: “Happy Anniversary” banner, balloons, nylon ribbons, details for competitions: candy, 3 buckets with clothespins (the same number of clothespins), basket hats for two children, object pictures, a saucepan, a cookbook, a pie.

Clowns: Birthday Party, Congratulations
Cook A boy and a girl - children of the preparatory group - enter the hall:
1REB: That there are a lot of people in the hall,
And there are no children here?

2REB: Don’t you know yet -
After all, it’s our anniversary!

1REB: Anniversary? What's the celebration?
I only know New Year,
Santa Claus, gray-haired prankster,
There he gives out gifts...

3 more children are coming out
3 REB - Where is Santa Claus?
4 REB -When will the gifts be handed out?
5 REB -No, the New Year has long passed.

1REB: Well, there will be gifts here too,
Everyone will congratulate us,
40th birthday
This is where we will celebrate!

3REB: 40 years! But we're seven!
We are not old at all!

4REB: Well, you are stupid, child,
Our garden is 40 years old
And on a cheerful, noisy holiday
He sends greetings to everyone!

5REB: And he wishes everyone health,
New creative heights,
Well, the team is childish
Will never let you down!

Song "Guests have come to us"

(music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by M. Evensen)

Let's start the holiday
Accept congratulations.

Children of the senior and middle groups come in(music from the movie “Masha and the Bear” - Birthday)

6th child:
Happy birthday "Kolosok"
We'll congratulate you now.
Our song for you
We will give from the bottom of our hearts!

Song "Happy Birthday, Kindergarten"

Performed by children of senior and preparatory groups
(music and lyrics by L Olifirova)

(clowns run into the hall)

Clowns: Hello!

My name is Birthday!

And I-Congratulations! Do you know who the best health person in the world is? Of course it's me! Come on, put your palms up. Now I’ll say hello to everyone in one fell swoop!

Children put out one hand. Congratulations, Congratulations runs and slaps everyone’s hand.

Our favorite holiday is Birthday!

Congratulations: And that’s why we are visiting you today together with this holiday!

Birthday: Name days are wonderful! This is wonderful and funny!

Congratulations: By the way, how old is your kindergarten?

Presenter:... 40.

Congratulations: Wow! And you know, it’s not your real birthday!

Presenter: Why is this?
Congratulations: But what about accepting congratulations and receiving gifts at a birthday!

Let's congratulate our kindergarten

Game "Congratulations"

The clowns divide everyone into a team of children and a team of adults. At the signal, children shout “Happy Birthday!”, and adults shout “Happy Birthday!” Clowns confuse things by giving commands several times only to children or only to adults. At the end, everyone shouts in unison: “Happy birthday!”

Congratulations: Congratulations, so congratulations!

Birthday girl: Shall we congratulate?

What's so special about an anniversary? Meeting old and good friends,
A sea of ​​bright impressions, a meeting of different generations!

Happy birthday, kindergarten.
Like a birdhouse you are with your chicks,
House two - so they say - You help your mother a lot.

Everyone, from the cook to the nannies, raises the baby chicks:
Igorkov, Tanyushek, Vanechek, these little guys.

Congratulations and wish you “yellow-faced” worries,
Keep releasing
Guys on a new flight in life.

Presenter: Let our children sing and dance for you!

Dance "Colorful Game"

Performed by children of the middle group

And now it's time for us kids to play!

Game "Dress your friend in a candy outfit"

3 pairs of children are invited. You need to attach the candies to your clothes with clothespins. Clowns help those who find it difficult.

Oh, what beautiful outfits they turned out to be! But we can’t always wear them! Therefore, I need two assistants who, blindfolded, will remove the candy from the guys.

Game "Collect candies".

3 children are invited. You need to unhook the candy from your clothes. Clowns help.

Game "Basket - Trap".

(a small plastic basket is sewn onto any headdress)

2 pairs of children are invited. Some have basket hats on their heads, others throw tennis balls into baskets.
First the clowns throw in, then the children

Kindergarten, kindergarten
It's full of guys
And today they are themselves
They perform in front of you!

Scene “Who to be?”

Readers come out
1 child:
Years go by for me
I'll be 17.
Where should I work then?
What should I do?

2nd child:
Maybe you'll run for mayor?

Child 3: Better become a carpenter.

4th child:

No, go to kindergarten quickly
You adore children, don't you?

1 child: I love it!

4th child:
Do you respect mom and dad?

1 child: I respect you!

5th child:
Well, go to GORONO
It's been waiting for someone like this for a long time!

1st child: Why?

5th child:
Apply for work
Go back to our kindergarten.
Will you play with the kids?
And receive a salary

1st child: What is the salary?

2nd child:
Let's be honest, it's not big.
But honor and glory!

3rd child:
Respect - teacher,
Doctor, cook or nanny -
Respect everyone, my friend,
And the responsibility is great

1st child: Which one?

All: Wow!

1 child:
No! I won't go to kindergarten
I'll find something calmer.
Children's noise all day long,
Screams and quarrels here and there.
Don't sit down, don't move away.,
You can go so crazy!
Play with dolls all your life,
Run, jump and gallop.
And fiddling with pots...
This is no good!

2nd child:
Ah, I agree with you
Oh, these guys!
Capricious, brawlers.
What nerves are needed here!
We must cherish and teach everyone,
Sometimes even treat!
Help them get dressed
Getting ready for a walk,
Put them all to bed,
Read fairy tales before bed.

3rd child:
They can cook porridge and compotes.
Every day there are only worries.
Who should be punished?
Plans to write day and night.

4th child:
OK! What do you! Stop it!
After all, we have a holiday here!
And today, in this room
We will reveal the secret for you.

5th child: To work in the garden, to live,
We must love all children!

1 child - It’s so good that now we are all together - adults and children!

Presenter: What about without children, is our life brighter with them?

1 child - Who will we congratulate and give flowers to?

That's all: all this to them - our dear employees.
(Author - O.I. Marchenko “Scenario for Preschool Worker’s Day in Kindergarten”)

(against the background of music from the film “Mustachioed Nannies”)

In our kindergarten, truly creative people work - our teachers. We have kind teacher assistants and cooks who cook delicious food, a caretaker, a wardrobe maid and a laundry worker work alongside them. We also have a wonderful manager, thanks to her leadership, children and parents feel warm, cozy and comfortable in the garden.

Children give flowers to kindergarten staff

We are pleased to welcome in our hall today the most dear guests of our holiday, our veterans, they were the ones who stood on the threshold of the opening of the kindergarten, they were the first to start working here with the first children.

7th child:
On Green Street,
Our kindergarten is worth
Where are you early in the morning?
We went for many years in a row.

8th child:
To the guys, to work,
You don't need to rush.
You gave so much to the garden,
How can this be forgotten?

9th child:
You lived here together,
Walking here felt like coming home
Here both joy and sorrow were shared
Of course, he has become dear to you.
Thank you for everything and honor and honor to you
And thank you for being and still being!

Musical gift for you

Dance “A Stream Flows”

Performed by children of the preparatory group:
10th child:
Oh, how fun it is today
The songs sound loud,
Because it's an anniversary
Our kindergarten celebrates!

Happy Birthday
We love you, our kindergarten,
We wish you joy and good things
For you and for the guys!

12th child:
Let's be happy, healthy,
We will give bright light!
Let guests come more often
We will make them happy!

Dance “For me, for you”

Performed by children of the younger group
Congratulations, what is customary to give for a birthday?

Congratulations: Gifts!

Birthday girl: Which ones?

Congratulations: These are the ones! Look like this! Guess...

It comes with oatmeal,
With rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries,
First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time.
(Answer: pie)

Who would help us bake a pie? Who bakes pies in kindergarten?

Congratulations: Let’s call the cook: “Cook, cook, come out, help us bake a pie.”

The children shout: “Cook, cook, come out, help us bake a pie.”
Clowns involve adults in chants

A cook comes out with a saucepan and a recipe book.

Hello children and adults, why did you need the pie?
(children's answers - birthday, treat guests, etc.)
do you know what products are needed for the pie -
- Yes
- then help me?
(takes out a book with recipes).

Game “Products for Pie”:

with subject pictures
(reads the recipe - the necessary products, the children clap, the unnecessary ones - stomp. The clowns help put the correct products in the pan).
Do you need what for the pie?
Two glasses of MILK.
Grandma's old BOOT.
Our pie will be delicious.
Another IRON, and a POKER.
OIL three to four spoons,
And heavy weights.
There is also a product SAUSAGE,
Very sweet TOFFEE.
The taste of chocolate will be given by COCOA,
To make the dish tastier.
Our pie is almost ready
In the dough - a BOOK,
Raisins, pilaf.
Maybe semolina?
I think it's time
Place the dough in the oven.
It will bake with a bang.
I'll keep an eye on him.

The cook and the clowns take away the pan

In the meantime, so that the cake bakes faster, sing a song.

Song to the tune of “Loaf”

For a happy anniversary
Bake a pie quickly
Such lows
Such a height
These are the dinners
This is the width
Bake a pie quickly
For a happy anniversary

The cook comes in with a pie

The pie is ready and the songs are sung,
Poems read, couplets….

So that the holiday leaves a joyful trace in the soul,
Please accept musical greetings from us!

Dance "Skomorokhi"

Guys, do you want to try the anniversary pie?
- Yes
- Come with me, the clowns put a samovar there.
Children leave to the song of the ensemble "Semitsvetik" - "Planet of Childhood"

So the official moment arrives,
We invite someone who knows everything
About the entire team who helps us
And he courageously heads the kindergarten.
The manager's word

There are many honored guests in the hall,
And the Education Department came to the anniversary,
We ask you to congratulate us quickly.
A word from representatives from the education department

Without good, good and faithful friends
Life in the world is always harder...
And now they are rushing to congratulate us
Colleagues raising preschool children.
A word to colleagues from a neighboring kindergarten

Dance with nylon ribbons

Performed by older children
Accepting congratulations, today we would like to say a huge thank you to the parents. Thanks to your support and help, we are able to implement many of our ideas.
A word to parents

The kindergarten is located on the land of the Kalininsky rural settlement, let's greet the head of our settlement...
Word from the head of the settlement

We are working together with a rural club
Word from the club director

We cooperate with the school
Word from school representatives

Our entire “fairy-tale” life is surrounded by the attention, care and help of people who provide material assistance - this is...... (we list sponsors)

Song "Three Wishes"

(from the film "Masha and the Bear") - performed by children of the preparatory group

The word for congratulations is given to the hosts of the holiday
Teachers come out - one by one:
1. Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.

2.You can’t earn them, it’s not a reward,
By grace, God gives them to adults.

3. Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.

4.They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

5.Children are like life has started all over again:
First smiles, first steps,

6.First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us.

So, the garden can live and live -
Raise your kids!
And don't relax at all,
Constantly update!
Our favorite "Spikelet"
Let your fire burn!
It shines brightly and brightly for both adults and children.

Everyone is invited to tea.

Veterans who worked in our kindergarten are invited to visit. The invited guests sit in their places. Children of the senior and preparatory groups (No. 6, 7, 8 - about 20 people) run into the hall to the backing track of the music “I, you, he, she - together the whole country” with balloons in their hands. They stand in a checkerboard pattern, sing a song to the tune of the DDT group “Autumn” and at the end of the song they release balloons. The balloons are inflated with gas, so they rise to the ceiling and remain there until the end of the holiday.

The progress of the holiday

Lyrics of the song "Autumn".

Verse 1 (teachers sing):

What is childhood? This is a kindergarten.
A rosy childhood behind me.
Here we are friends and play
We miss mommy
And don’t forget our beloved garden.

Chorus (children sing):

Dear kindergarten we love you
We always rush to kindergarten in a crowd

Mom lead us quickly.

Verse 2 (children sing):

What is kindergarten "Alenka"?
Kindergarten "Alenka" is happiness
We are interested in theater
We play sports
This is what kindergarten "Alenka" means

Chorus (children sing).

Verse 3 (children sing):

Who are the second mothers here?
These are teachers and nannies
Here they love us
They teach and pigeons
They will never stop loving us.

Chorus (teachers sing):

Dear kindergarten we love you
We always rush to kindergarten in a crowd
It's our kindergarten anniversary
(Children): Mom, lead us quickly!!!


October autumn circles at the gates
Pre-school people are rushing to kindergarten.


Moms and dads lead us by the hand
To where we are loved, to where we are expected.

They perform a song to the tune of “You Got It Cool.”

Lyrics of the song “I Got It Cool.”

So that you can get into our kindergarten
You need to make an effort
And as soon as you were born
Go to management
In kindergarten "Alenka"
we live a lot of fun
and we go hiking here
and dance and sing.
Our musical worker
He dances and sings with us
We still don't understand
Why doesn't he get tired?

Cool, I ended up in kindergarten
I am a star, I am a star in Alenka they tell me
Cool, I ended up in kindergarten
I am a star, I am a star in Alenka, they tell me.


Our kindergarten invited guests
Today is my birthday.
The kindergarten celebrates its anniversary
And accepts congratulations.


How beautiful it is in our hall - it will be fun with us.
We were waiting impatiently for the holiday, and now it is the long-awaited hour.


Our good home, congratulations on your anniversary from the bottom of our hearts
We’ve known you for forty years, but don’t rush to grow old!
Here there is always a cheerful crowd of children who love to sing and dance
Here they grow up before going to school, they want to know about everything.
Dear home, we wish you never to say goodbye to your childhood.

Children perform the song “Kindergarten - a house of joy” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova “Musical Director” No. 2, 2007, p. 56).

Presenter 1:

Let the days and years fly over us,
It's raining and snowing.
But here, in Alenka, the weather is beautiful
Today, tomorrow and always.

They perform a song to the tune of “Chocolate Bunny”.

Lyrics of the song "Chocolate Bunny".

1. Be careful, be careful here today is the anniversary
“Alenka” receives congratulations from guests here.
Today we will perform in front of you together
Because, because we are forty-five today.
We will sing verses for the kindergarten employees
We are very grateful to you that we are all having fun
We frolic on a walk, the nannies wash, clean, tinder
The laundresses wash our clothes, the cooks bake delicious food.

We are kindergarten "Alenka" - a cheerful girl
Cool as hell
We are kindergarten "Alenka" we sing very loudly
And here we feel good o-o-o.

2. And the head of our service has a difficult job.
Checks, entertains, does not give everyone peace
Teachers and nannies sometimes upset you
Sorry dears, we still love you very much.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the chief specialist of the Education Department __________. At this time, the children change clothes and prepare for the next performance. The children of preparatory group No. 7 come out with Domovenok at their head. Presenter 1 brings out a loaf with lit candles and gives it to the manager.


So that our holiday is bright,
Friendly little people
As a gift for the birthday boy
Prepared a round dance.

The song “Loaf” is performed.

Lyrics of the song Karavai.

1. For our anniversary holiday
We baked a loaf
Loaf, loaf
Live to be a hundred years old.

2. It has many parts.
To make him bigger
Loaf, loaf

3. Make the anniversary a success
And so that it remains in memory
Loaf, loaf


There is a children's country in the world - it is the most beautiful.
Games and laughter live there. I invite everyone to dance.
Children who don't dance read poetry.

Child 1:

There is a house in the alley, just like a mansion.
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a two-story building?

Child 2: Maybe the mouse is a bitch?

Child 1: No!

Child 2: Well, the frog is a croak!

Child 1: No!

Child 2: So, the bunny is a coward...

Child 1:

Not really! There are cribs in Tom's little house
The kids are sleeping on the beds...
They get up early and wash themselves white
They congratulate the kindergarten, have fun and make noise.
They dance and sing - they live very happily.

E. Blaginina.

They perform the “U-ha-ha” dance.

Child 1:

The teachers said that today in this hall
There will be many kind eyes and they did not deceive us.

Child 2:

It’s so warm for you and me together, that’s what we want to say
Without embellishment, without any flattery - we are happy to celebrate the holiday.

The children run out of the hall.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the chiefs of the Oktyabr Production Association (congratulations from the plant).

Presenter 2:

We are glad to receive your congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Look at us, how good we are.

The teachers bring in the children of the 1st junior group and “put” them to bed (the children squat all over the hall).


There is a scheduled quiet time in the garden
Who woke up here?
Who reached out so sweetly?

Children perform a dance to K. Orbakaite’s song “Sponges with a bow.”

Presenter 2: Many guests came to congratulate our kindergarten. And we are all very happy. Allow the theater to present “Long Live the Children.”

Congratulatory performance of the theater “Long live the children!”

Children of senior group No. 8 who do not dance come out.

Presenter 2:

Today we invited someone who has lived for many years to visit
It’s not for nothing that they were called veterans - after all, no one is wiser.

Child 1:

You lived honestly and with dignity. Worked tirelessly
They raised a young tribe... But the autumn of life came suddenly.

Child 2:

My hands are tired, my head is gray, wrinkles appear around my eyes...
But your age-old wisdom always surprises us so much.

Child 1:

We want to tell you honestly - we look at you with envy.
Now you can do everything, it’s not difficult for you to read books...

Child 2:

Now you can jump, you can stay awake during quiet hours
Now no one will tell you: “No! It is forbidden! Don't touch it! Don't interfere!
You can eat at least a ton of sweets!!!

Child 1:

Well, we give you our word that someday we will
We will be our own grandson, just like you.
Groom, undead and cherish, tell him “Don’t interfere!
No! It is forbidden! Don't touch it! Do not jump! Quickly get down from above!”

All children: Thank you for your titanic work!

Presenter 2: Believe me, your children will return all this to you!

Children give veterans souvenirs and run away from the hall to the music. Children, dancers from the same group, run out and get up to dance.”

Presenter 2: Provides feedback to veterans.

Child 1:

Dear veterans, we wish you now
Stay young, we'll dance here for you.

Child 2:

Funny toys came to visit us today
Funny, funny, catchy toys.
Light pillows, soft toys.

Children perform the “Soft Toys” dance.

Presenter 1:

This long-awaited day and this hour has come to us
This is not the last time we have gathered together in this hall.
Our garden is famous for its coziness, we, of course, like it
There are so many interesting things in it and the children there are wonderful.

Girls from middle group No. 2 come in with dolls in their hands and sit the dolls in front of them on the floor.

Child 1:

We are children of the middle group, we came to congratulate everyone
Today we will tell you how ringing laughter flows...
How we play with dolls, and there are so many of them
How we quarrel and make up, because we love them all.

The girls perform the song “Oh, what a pity...” (music by T. Kopylova).

Lyrics of the song “Oh, what a pity.”

1. Oh, what a pity - it’s already been four days

I don’t want to put up with her - she is silent and I am silent
She is silent and I am silent.

2. We were friends and it wasn’t my fault
That she's not sleeping next to her on the pillow
Now she stands in the corner day and night on the shelf
Day and night on the floor.

3. Oh, what a pity - it’s already been four days
I had a fight with a doll - he doesn’t listen to me
And yet I’m still sad, I’ll probably forgive the doll
I'll probably forgive the doll.

Presenter 1:

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday cannot be compared with anything...
Someone smart once came up with this idea
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, smiles, hope...
Wishing you good luck and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless
May success come every day.

And now the guys from the Yunost Palace of Culture came to congratulate us. Meet me.

The dance group of the House of Culture "Yunost" is performing a number.

Children of the 2nd junior group No. 4 come in with a teacher.


You can't escape anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.
Today is our anniversary. Everyone congratulates us from the bottom of their hearts.
And even our kids sing songs today.

Children of the 2nd junior group sing the song “Kindergarten” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Presenter 1: Graduates also came to congratulate our kindergarten.

First-graders come in and stand in pairs for the “Lukomorye” dance.

Child 1:

We had fun within the walls of the kindergarten
Always warmed by affection and care.
We grew up strong, we became strong
And it’s time for us to go to school.

Child 2:

Many, many days in a row in summer and winter
We went to this kindergarten, our own kindergarten.
We always rushed here, we loved it very much
It was a pity to say goodbye to him, a pity to part with him...

They perform the song “Behind the Low Fence.”

Lyrics of the song “Behind the Low Fence.”

1. Behind a low fence is our kindergarten
I have to say goodbye to him soon and I’m not at all happy.

Kindergarten, kindergarten
A happy home for the kids.
It's a pity that I'm going to kindergarten
We won't come back again.

Child 1:

Gone are those years and those days when the little ones entered
This is where we go to kindergarten, and at first we cried loudly, screamed
They asked to go to mommy's house. What happened…. In general, oh-oh-oh.

Child 2:

And it doesn’t matter that there is neither mom nor dad in the group
There are teachers and nannies here - they are with us everywhere.
They taught us to read, write, and of course, dance.

They perform the dance “Lukomorye”.

Child 1:

The kindergarten and carefree days are left behind.
Soon we will receive the first grades in our diaries

Child 2:

We used to play school, but the game ended
The preschool children in the yard are jealous of us today.

Child 1:

Each of us is very happy today
We all sing, and with us the birds
We came to this hall again
They came to congratulate and say goodbye.
Congratulations everyone!!!

Children shout words, wave their arms and run out of the hall.

Presenter 2: Not only the graduating children came to congratulate us, but also the parents of our children who are still in kindergarten. Meet the parent committee of the kindergarten.

Congratulations from the parent committee.

Children of senior and preparatory groups /10-15 people/ come out. The head stands in the middle of the children.


Birthday is a happy date.
This holiday cannot be compared with anything.
It was not in vain that it was once invented
To give joy.
We are glad to see these children's voices / points to children
And we are glad to see the shine of children's eyes.
Together with them we believe in miracles.
And we know that this will not be the last time.

Child 1:

Long live the kindergarten for many, many years
Let restless hearts beat.
We wish you light and victories

All: And we will stay with you forever.

Adults and children perform a song to the tune of “My Guardian Angel.”

Song "My Guardian Angel".

1. My first step (the manager sings - recitative)
My first friend
I remembered all this
And suddenly it became brighter.
Thank you
With all my soul
Everyone who is with me
I've come a long way.

Chorus (everyone sings):

In this kindergarten both in winter and summer
A swarm of bright pearls.
Never leave the world
My favorite kindergarten.

2. After the rain (manager)
Rainbow trail
And after the music
There is a quiet light in my soul.
But betray us
Each other is not allowed
After all, the angel of music
Let's look us in the eye.

Chorus (everyone sings):

In this kindergarten both in winter and summer
A swarm of bright pearls.
Never leave the world
My favorite kindergarten.

After singing the song to lose, the children take balloons that hang on the ceiling and give them to all the guests present.


We are already finishing the concert. We, guests, wish you
Live a hundred years and not bother, be friends with the bright sun
May nature give you the generosity of the Russian people
If you suddenly feel sad -
May you have a childhood dream
And candy,... and cookies,... and our treat.

The head of the kindergarten invites guests to a tea party.