Wide pores on the face are the result of excessive sebum production, which leads to clogging of the pores and their further expansion. Clogged pores lead to another problem - inflammation of sebaceous plugs and the development of acne. Most often, enlarged pores are observed in those with oily skin.

Wide pores on the face most often appear in oily skin types.

Excessive sebum production occurs as a result of many factors. Before you narrow the pores on your face, you need to identify the cause that caused this phenomenon, and only then carry out a set of cosmetic procedures. You can learn how to narrow the pores on your face, what steps to take in this direction and how to do it at home from our article on this problem.

Pore ​​size is determined by genetics. Therefore, the main cause of enlarged pores is heredity. It is for this reason that in some people the pores are not visible at all, while in others they resemble a “golf course”. However, not only heredity plays an important role in the size of pores on the face; there are also many reasons that can cause this unpleasant defect:

The process of expansion and contraction of pores on the skin
  1. Poor quality facial skin care. Poor or insufficient cleansing of the facial skin leads to the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous ducts. After all, pores are microscopic holes through which sebum, dirt and sweat come to the surface of the skin. If these openings are clogged, then their secretion begins to accumulate in the sebaceous ducts and stagnate, increasing the size of the pores. In addition, an oily and dirty environment is favorable for the growth of germs and bacteria, which ultimately leads to acne and acne.
  2. Fluctuations in hormonal levels and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. Malfunctions in the hormonal and endocrine systems lead to excessive production of sebum and, as a result, huge pores. For some reason, the sebaceous glands begin to work hard, producing large quantities of sebum. Most often this happens due to an excess of male hormones – androgens. Their predominance in the body is fraught with the development of acne.
  3. Nutrition. An improper and unbalanced diet with a lot of sweet, starchy, fatty, spicy and salty foods leads to excessive sebum production. In order to avoid this problem, you need to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products and grains in your diet.
  4. Love for tanning. Regular ultraviolet irradiation leads to a thickening of the stratum corneum, which makes it difficult to cleanse the pores of impurities.
  5. Elderly age. A reduction in the production of collagen and elastin leads to a loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, which makes it impossible to narrow the pores; they remain enlarged.

Basic rules for dealing with enlarged pores

Despite the fact that the reasons for this phenomenon are well known, many ladies still wonder how to clean the pores on the nose and reduce the pores on the face? But for this you need to know the basic rules for caring for oily skin. The most important rule: high-quality cleansing of the skin twice a day, and deep cleaning of the pores every month.

Facial cleansing can be done by a specialist in an aesthetic clinic or independently at home. Unfortunately, it is not possible to do a high-quality cleaning at home, since a steamed face cools down very quickly. In salons and clinics there are special devices that constantly supply steam and the face remains steamed for a long time, so it is better to entrust your face to a professional.

After washing, you need to use a special product to tighten pores.

Another rule: every time after cleansing and washing, you should use a special product to narrow the pores. This could be a toner with herbal extracts containing salicylic acid, copper, zinc oxide, lemon and glycolic acid.

And the last rule: scrub your skin twice a week. It should be noted that only those with oily skin should scrub twice a week; normal, dry and sensitive skin should be scrubbed once every 2-3 weeks. After using the scrub, a tonic is applied to the face, which tightens the pores.

It has long been noted that the best remedy for tightening pores is zinc. So, when choosing skincare products, you should give preference to those drugs that contain this element in their composition.

Don't forget about masks. They play a vital role in the fight against oily skin and enlarged pores. Currently, the cosmetic market provides a huge number of such masks. Masks for narrowing pores prepared at home are also very effective. After all, they are prepared from natural products and ingredients, and they are also very easy to prepare and use.

How to tighten pores on your face at home

It is very important to choose the right tactics to combat enlarged pores depending on your skin type. First you need to clean the pores on your nose from blackheads:

Gelatin film mask

This is a homemade mask that works on the principle of a patch. It sticks to the skin, fits tightly to the pores, and when they start to remove it, it takes blackheads with it. Do not forget that the dirt clogged into the pores forms rather dense small rods, which a high-quality home remedy of this kind can easily remove.

Gelatin face mask against blackheads does the job perfectly. You need to heat a mixture of gelatin and milk, taken in equal parts, in a microwave oven. The composition, while it is still warm, should be applied to the T-zone and removed after drying. Blackheads will also be removed along with the mask.

Now that you know how to unclog the pores on your nose and face, you can start tightening them.

Let's name the most effective methods for narrowing pores for each skin type:

For oily and problematic skin tones

Recipe No. 1. A mask of black, blue and white clay is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of any of the listed clays, mix with one spoon of water and apply to the face. Leave the mask until completely dry. The mask brightens the skin well, makes it soft and smooth, and makes pores less noticeable.

Recipe No. 2. A mask made from egg whites and lemon juice perfectly whitens the skin and makes pores less noticeable. To prepare the mask, take: one tablespoon of beaten egg white and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 3. Almond peeling. It is carried out after the epidermis has been well steamed. Ground almonds are a medium exfoliant. It has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. It is important to remember that scrubbing the skin is prohibited if there are inflammatory elements on it.

Recipe No. 4. Orange zest and pulp perfectly tightens pores and cleanses the skin of comedones. Grate the orange zest and mix it with the pulp of the fruit. You need to take enough pulp and zest to apply to the problem area. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 5. Massage with ice cubes. Cryomassage copes with this problem very effectively. Cold helps improve the characteristics of the skin and increases the tone of its blood vessels. You can use cryomassage as the final stage after steaming and cleansing the skin.

For dry and sensitive skin tones

This type of skin suffers from a lack of both moisture and fat. As a rule, all effective treatments increase sensitivity and contribute to irritation. Sometimes, in order to tighten the pores, preliminary application of a nourishing cream is required.

Recipe No. 1. Rosehip decoction has an excellent effect on aging mature dry skin. The prepared decoction is used as a compress. To do this, gauze is soaked in rosehip broth and applied to the face for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a week.

Recipe No. 2. Pour one liter of boiling water into one spoon of dry burdock and one spoon of dried nettle leaves. Close with a tight lid and leave for 24 hours in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Wipe your face with the broth twice a day. You can also take a bath with a decoction of these herbs to improve the condition of your skin.

For normal tone

As for normal skin, pores are most often not visible at all. However, after cleaning, you still need to narrow the pores. Therefore, we use the following recipes:

Recipe No. 1. Mask made from whey or sour milk. Take 2 tablespoons of whey or sour milk, add 3 aspirin tablets, crushed into powder, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Recipe No. 2. Sauerkraut juice will help whiten the skin, nourish it with vitamin C, and also eliminate enlarged pores. To prepare the mask, take two tablespoons of sauerkraut juice and add one spoon of oat or rye bran. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 3. Take 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice, mix with 2 tablespoons of bran. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream, so the amount of ingredients can be adjusted independently. You can also use other types of bran.

How to get rid of enlarged pores using salon treatments

Currently, in salons and aesthetic clinics there are a number of procedures that help narrow pores. Any competent cosmetologist can cope with this unpleasant problem. The simplest and most popular method is mechanical cleaning, which removes dust, dirt and sebum from the sebaceous ducts.

The cosmetologist must disinfect the area where comedones accumulate. This procedure is not entirely pleasant, but quite effective. First of all, the face is cleansed of decorative cosmetics, then it is steamed using a vaporizer (a device for producing steam), then blackheads are removed with a special tool - an acne squeezer.

However, cosmetology does not stand still; over the past two decades, mechanical cleaning has been replaced by new technologies and devices. Hardware cosmetologists offer cleaning with darsonval and ultrasound. Using sound waves, the area where comedones accumulate is treated, as a result of which the skin is freed from sebum and impurities.

Another modern method is cryomassage. This is a superficial treatment of the skin with liquid nitrogen. The method effectively allows you to narrow pores and make them completely invisible.

Microdermabrasion - hardware resurfacing of the skin allows you to remove blackheads, dead cells, folds and fine wrinkles. Peeling based on fruit acids also eliminates the problem. It not only gets rid of comedones and dead scales, but also completely removes the surface layer of the epidermis.

After restoration, the skin looks smooth, firm, elastic with a beautiful complexion.

Also, a cosmetologist, focusing on the patient’s tone type, will select an individual complex for skin care to prevent the appearance of comedones and get rid of enlarged pores for a long time.

How to get rid of enlarged pores using essential oils

Essential oils do a great job with this problem. Under the influence of essential oil, sebum is broken down and the sebaceous duct is cleansed. In addition, essential oil improves the external characteristics of the skin and protects it from harmful external manifestations of the environment.

However, not every essential oil has a narrowing effect. This effect has: oil of dill, cedar, fennel, spruce, pine. The mask is prepared as follows: take any clay and add 2-3 drops of essential oil (from those listed above). The mask is applied to the face and left until completely dry, then washed off with slightly cool water.

Massage with essential oils is very effective. It improves blood circulation, strengthens the blood vessels of the epidermis, promotes nutrition and oxygenation of cells. You should be aware that when using essential oils to nourish the skin, there will be a temporary side effect. The sebaceous glands will begin to actively produce sebum and the skin will begin to cleanse itself. However, there is no need to worry as this is a temporary side effect. Then the pores will narrow, the skin will become fresh, elastic and soft.

How to get rid of enlarged pores using decorative cosmetics

To disguise stretched pores, you can resort to some decorative cosmetics.


Before applying cosmetics to your face, be sure to apply primer to clean skin. This can prevent cosmetics (powder, foundation, foundation) from getting into the pores. If you don’t do this and immediately cover your face with foundation or foundation, the edges of the pores will become darker, and therefore even more noticeable.

Skin hydration

The drier the skin, the more stretched it is and the pores look very stretched. To avoid this, you need to regularly use light moisturizing fluids, serums and emulsions.

Retinol cream

Perfectly renews the upper layer of the epidermis, helps reduce sebum production, improves complexion, makes it fresh and blooming. This condition of the skin will make the problem less urgent.

Sun protection

You need to use sunscreen all year round! Ultraviolet radiation destroys skin proteins (elastin and collagen), promotes their deformation and changes their structure. Deformed, inhomogeneous collagen contributes to sagging skin, which qualitatively worsens the condition of pores. They also become stretched out and large.

Clay masks

Pharmaceutical clay is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs excess sebum. As a result, the pores shrink and become completely invisible.

How to whiten skin at home

You can whiten your skin at home using various cosmetic masks, chemical and natural products. The problem of pigmentation is so pressing that the question of how to whiten skin at home remains relevant at all times.

Light skin is a sign of youth and health

In recent decades, tanning has boomed. People desperately rushed to beaches and solariums, forgetting that ultraviolet radiation contributes to photoaging of the skin. Cosmetologists have long been saying that white skin looks young and healthy, in contrast to tanned and pigmented skin. After all, this is what the skin looks like in older people.

Let's name the basic principles:

  1. Do not sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.
  2. In summer, during active insolation, avoid direct sunlight and protect the skin with sunscreen.
  3. Sunscreens must contain a high protection factor (SPF up to 50).
  4. Be sure to wear glasses and a wide-brimmed hat.
  5. During the hot season, use natural means of protection: wear light clothing with long sleeves.

It should be noted that it is necessary to use sunscreens in the winter season, because even if the sun does not heat, it emits ultraviolet radiation.

Why bleach your skin

It is well known that age spots are easier to prevent than to eliminate. Even if the skin shines with whiteness, you need to put every effort into maintaining this effect. To do this, it is not necessary to use powerful chemicals; simple prevention at home is sufficient.

Any skin can be bleached, but the duration of the process itself depends on its individual characteristics. Before you begin the process of lightening the skin, it is important to find out the reason for its darkening. Sometimes simple external manipulations to eliminate pigmentation are not sufficient, so they resort to additional measures to obtain an even complexion. If the reason for the appearance of pigmentation lies in the disruption of the internal organs, then the problem is difficult to eliminate, and sometimes even impossible.

Modern cosmetics and foundations contain sunscreen filters, but this is often not enough to seriously protect the skin, so additional protective measures are necessary.

Whitening is indicated for those who, for certain reasons, have a dull complexion - gray or with a yellow tint. As a rule, this is caused by heredity, diseases of internal organs, disturbances in sleep and rest patterns, or bad habits.

Often those with freckles on their faces dream of eliminating them, although “sun-kissed” faces in childhood and adolescence look cute and attractive.

Also, those who have red or brown spots and nodules on their face after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures need skin lightening.

So, when should you start whitening? It is recommended to do it:

  • if chloasma, freckles or lentigo have spread throughout the entire perimeter of the face;
  • with excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • with a dark, gray or yellow complexion;
  • after certain cosmetic procedures that caused the appearance of age spots;
  • if there are irregularities on the skin;
  • with uneven complexion;
  • in the presence of spots after acne, acne and pimples.

Benefits of face whitening at home

Whitening can be done in aesthetic salons, or at home. However, let’s say right away that some types of pigmentation require intensive treatment and this can only be done in aesthetic clinics. Homemade beauty recipes can remove fresh and small dark spots. This type of whitening has its advantages.

Salon whitening procedures are selected depending on the patient’s age, structure and type of skin. However, it should be remembered that such procedures are not suitable for everyone. Very often they are associated with a certain risk, because active chemical acids can cause irritation, allergies and even burns. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin, his age and type, and also calculate the correct duration of the procedure.

Unlike salon treatments, home treatments are completely safe. Their advantages are accessibility, simplicity and naturalness. All ingredients for the procedures can be found in your refrigerator. In addition, home treatments do not require additional costs for transportation and a trip to a beauty salon.

When not to bleach your skin yourself

Sometimes pigmentation on the face may indicate serious diseases of the internal organs. Dark brown spots on the forehead may indicate liver disease; large spots with jagged edges may indicate a malfunction of the hormonal system.

A dull gray complexion indicates diseases of the thyroid gland, a face with an earthy tint indicates kidney ailments and cirrhosis of the liver, and extensive red spots indicate allergies, rasacea, rosacea and tuberculosis. The initial stage of a malignant skin disease can also masquerade as a pigment spot. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and try to bleach the stain yourself, in this case you can waste time and allow the disease to develop.

You should not bleach your face if you have:

  • wounds, abrasions and cracks;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • dryness and dehydration of the skin.

Also, do not lighten stains after a recent salon procedure.

Even if the skin is healthy, you still need to be alert and conduct a dermatological test. To do this, apply a whitening composition to the inside of the elbow. Leave for 5-10 minutes and wait for the result. If the skin turns red, an allergic reaction is observed. In this case, the bleaching procedure is strictly contraindicated.

General rules for using facial whitening products

Essentially, skin whitening is the exfoliation of its top layer. Therefore, at home you need to focus your attention on substances and products that have this property. These substances include fruit and lactic acids, vegetable essential oils, etc. All these substances can be found in the products that we eat every day.

It is better to carry out the whitening procedure in the evening so that the skin is restored overnight. After all, after the procedure, it may turn red, its sensitivity increases, and if you go outside right away, you can get a sunburn, which will only add pigment spots.

When carrying out this procedure, it is important not to overdo it. At home there will be no quick results; this is a long and gradual process, which is determined not by the intensity of the impact, but by regularity and consistency. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse your face with a homemade scrub or peeling. Exfoliation of the skin increases the effectiveness of the procedure. The scrub is washed off with slightly warm water, and then the skin is wiped with tonic.

How to lighten skin at home

To lighten the skin at home use:

  • whitening masks of different brands;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • folk recipes.

Whitening masks of industrial origin

Not everyone wants to tinker with traditional methods of skin lightening. In this case, you can use ready-made masks, serums and creams. Below we highlight the best of them.

Cream "LIERAC Sunific Extreme"

Protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and blocks melanin synthesis. This is done thanks to the protective filters that are included in the cream. The product contains noni extract (a healing tropical plant), which prevents the development of pigmentation foci, while jasmine oil and aloe extract intensively moisturize the epidermis. Vitamin E, which is part of the cream, promotes the regeneration and renewal of damaged epidermis. The cream can be applied under makeup in any weather, even sunny.

Meladerm skin lightening cream

The product contains famous natural whitening ingredients - arbutin and hydroquinone, as well as ascorbic acid, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals and is a natural antioxidant. It is better to apply the product at night; this cream cannot be used during the day during active sun exposure.

Serum "BiodermaWhiteObjective"

Effectively removes pigment spots, whitens the epidermis and evens out its tone, helps prevent pigmentation. Contains glycolic acid, which causes the effect of chemical exfoliation, and vitamin C controls the level of melanin in the skin. This product is very effective and ideal for use at home and can lighten the skin in a short time.

Serum"Kiehl's Clearlu"corrective dark spot solution"

This product is an eco-product that does not contain synthetic ingredients. It contains vitamin C, which is well known for its whitening effect. The serum has a special innovative formula that controls the level of melanin and the process of changing the color of the epidermis. White rose and peony extract moisturizes and brightens the skin.

Cream "Weltox"

The product contains substances that can break down melanin and prevent its synthesis. In addition to lightening, the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, contains eco-ingredients, and is therefore completely safe. Licorice extract improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and algae extract improves complexion. Grape, olive and almond oil perfectly moisturize and regenerate damaged epidermis, glycolic acid has an exfoliating effect, which promotes intense lightening.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy beauty products for pennies can have a powerful whitening effect. And at the top of this list, of course, is hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide

A very popular face whitening product. In recipes, only a 3% solution of this substance is used, because its high concentration can cause irritation and peeling. To determine sensitivity to this product, testing is carried out: peroxide is applied to the inner bend of the elbow. If there is no redness, then you can use it on your face. This product should be used without fanaticism, since it can cause dryness and dehydration of the epidermis. You can use peroxide only for one month, after which you take a three-month break.

Important! Do not allow peroxide to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, and also do not apply it to eyebrows and hair, as their color may change. To lighten the skin, you can use the following recipes:

Hydrogen peroxide and yeast

Take instant dry yeast in the amount of half a tablespoon, add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide and mix everything well. Apply to pre-steamed face and leave for 10 minutes. This recipe is suitable for dry skin.

Peroxide and baking soda

Take one teaspoon of baking soda, 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, yogurt or sour cream - 1 tablespoon. Mix all ingredients well. Apply to face for 5 minutes, then rinse with slightly warm water. The mask is suitable for oily skin.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are a storehouse of useful substances and vitamin products for facial skin. Below we present the most effective recipes that our mothers and grandmothers used.

Baking soda

To lighten the face, soda is appropriate to use for people with an oily epidermis tone. This product is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin tones. Using baking soda you can prepare:

Recipe No. 1. Dilute baking soda with water to a paste. Apply to pigmented areas, massage a little and rinse with slightly warm water.

Recipe No. 2. Mix baking soda and clay (any) in equal quantities. Bring to a paste and apply to face for 15 minutes. After drying, rinse off the mask with cool water, then apply moisturizer.

Recipe No. 3. Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda with water and add 20 grams of honey. Mix everything well and apply to pre-steamed skin.

Lemon juice

This is the most famous product that is very effective in removing dark spots. However, when using citrus juice, you should make sure that you are not sensitive to this product. The following recipes can be used.

Recipe No. 1 Squeeze lemon juice and mix with water in equal quantities. Take a cotton pad, soak it in the mixture and wipe your face with it. Remember! Lemon juice cannot be used in its pure form.

Recipe No. 2 Take 20 grams of lemon juice, mix with the same amount of olive oil and honey. Mix all ingredients well and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad.


Fermented milk products provide mild, non-aggressive whitening. Kefir-based recipes are suitable for sensitive and problematic skin.

Recipe No. 1. Take one grated cucumber and 2-3 tablespoons of kefir. Mix everything and apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.


This unique plant perfectly brightens the epidermis, nourishes and moisturizes it. Parsley combined with lemon and cucumber is very effective.

Recipe No. 1. Take a bunch of dandelion leaves and a bunch of parsley. Finely chop the plants and add mineral water. Infuse the mixture for two days and then use it as a facial lotion.

Recipe No. 2. You can make cosmetic ice from parsley, which well tones and moisturizes the epidermis. To do this, prepare a decoction of parsley and pour it into special molds. Place them in the freezer. Wipe the epidermis with it every morning to tone it.

Often encountered are women with unattractive appearance.

The reason for their unattractiveness is acne and pimples on the face. Every woman dreams of being beautiful and having clear skin.

Reason for enlarged pores

Human skin requires constant care. In addition, care should be individual, since each person has a different skin type. But enlarged pores are something that unites all women, regardless of age.

When this problem occurs, the following appears on the face:

  • Oily skin shine;
  • Acne;
  • Acne;
  • Black dots. Read the answer to the question here:

Enlarged pores on the face appear due to a genetic predisposition.

In addition, the reasons for this problem may be:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Sunburn;
  • Dehydration;
  • Improper skin cleansing;
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Stressful situations and many other factors.

When the skin is exposed to sunlight, a large amount of collagen is produced and the pores expand.

And under such influence, the skin is not able to eliminate this problem on its own.

In addition, in most cases, pore enlargement occurs due to improper use of cosmetics, as well as its quality. If the cosmetic product is incorrectly selected and the face cream was not washed off. This may trigger expansion. In this case, you need to narrow the pores as quickly as possible.

Consequences of pore enlargement

Skin type is not the only reason for enlarged pores. In addition, this cause is also affected by improper skin care for a long time. During puberty, young people develop fatty secretions on their facial skin. This is the first sign of a hormonal surge, during which the work of the sebaceous glands increases.

During this process, the oil that is released from the skin is mixed with dust and clogged into the pores. In this case, fat accumulates under this plug and stretches the pore walls. In young years, the skin is elastic and therefore the pores themselves narrow to normal.

How to tighten pores?

To combat enlarged pores, it is necessary, first of all, to adhere to personal skin hygiene. Because it is impossible to narrow pores clogged with fat and dirt. And after pimples, dark spots and blackheads disappear from the skin, you can begin the pore narrowing procedure.

  • And you can do this in several ways: For any operations aimed at cleansing the skin, it is necessary to use tonic lotions.
  • The tonics that are part of the lotion have a soothing effect on the skin of the face and at the same time significantly narrow the pores of the face.
  • Each time makeup is applied, it is necessary to remove it at night and give the skin the opportunity to rest and breathe. It is necessary to regularly exfoliate your face
  • . At the same time, all pores of the face are completely cleansed of dirt and oil secretions. In addition, this procedure improves facial blood circulation and smoothes out fine wrinkles. Under no circumstances should you use hot water for washing.
  • Because the skin is injured and the pores do not narrow, but rather expand. It is best to use cold water.
  • You should not squeeze pimples, because this will only harm the skin. You should wipe your face with ice several times a week.

Cold in this case also acts as a tonic and tightens the pores.

In order to tighten the pores of the face, masks are effectively used, with the help of which not only the pores are narrowed, but also the skin is cleansed of oily secretions and old particles.

Clay face mask. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. But it should be borne in mind that this mask should not be allowed to dry completely. As soon as you feel a feeling of tightness, you should immediately wash the mask off your face.

Lemon-protein mask. For this mask, you need to beat the white of a chicken egg into an airy mass and add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Then apply to face. At the same time, lemon juice cleanses the pores of the face, and protein tightens the pores. The mask also perfectly brightens the skin.

Almond. In this case, almonds are used for peeling. But it should be remembered that those who have inflammatory processes on the face are not recommended to use this method.

Berry mask. This berry paste perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin, and also tightens pores:

  • Strawberries;
  • Apricot;
  • Raspberries;
  • Grapes;
  • Currants.

In this case, you can add a small amount of milk to this mask.

Kaolin mask. Combine a spoonful of fennel oil with a small amount of kaolin, add a little glycerin and mineral water. Mix all this thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the solution to problem areas. But remember that the length of time the mask stays on depends on your skin type. For sensitive people, 10 minutes is enough. For oily or combination skin, the mask must be kept on for at least 20 minutes.

Decoction of linden flowers. Add two to three tablespoons of dried linden flowers to half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then wash your face with the resulting infusion. Carry out the procedure several times a day. At the same time, the skin is not only cleansed, but also significantly rejuvenated.

Elderberry decoction. Elderberry berries have been used in ancient times to disinfect wounds and also whiten skin. But in this situation, it is necessary to take chamomile, elderberry and linden flowers in equal proportions and cook for several minutes over low heat. Then cool the broth a little and mix with honey and oatmeal. Add flour in such a proportion that the mass has the consistency of thick sour cream. Boil a little and let cool again. Apply several layers to the skin. Keep for no more than 20 minutes.

Orange zest. To prepare the mask, you need to turn the orange peel and its pulp into a paste. Mix thoroughly and apply to problem skin. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Currently, orange extract is used to prepare cosmetics.

Mask with starch. This mask has been used for a long time. To do this, take two tablespoons of starch, a small amount of honey, and a little warm milk. The entire mixture is thoroughly mixed. Spread on the face. The mask should be kept on for half an hour.

Mashed potato mask. For older women, a mask prepared as follows is very suitable. Mix a small amount of wheat flour with whipped egg whites and mashed potatoes. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin, gives it elasticity and whitens.

Narrowing pores with modern means

Narrowing the pores of your face is not so difficult these days. All you need is patience. There are many products on sale that can be used to cleanse facial skin and tighten pores. These drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy or cosmetics store.

Such drugs include:

Cream. This drug is very easy to use. At the same time, it perfectly tightens pores. The cream is produced for both oily and combination skin types. This tool is very easy to use. To do this, you just need to apply a layer of cream to your face after cleansing it.

The cream must be used several times a day. But at the same time, two types of cream are produced: day and night.

Each must be used for its intended purpose. Currently, the cream from Faberlik is in greatest demand among beautiful women.

This cream is distinguished by its delicate structure and excellent action. Tonic . After cleansing the pores of the face or after steaming it, it is recommended to wipe the skin with toner. But at the same time, you should make sure that it contains zinc oxide, which helps to narrow the pores.

This procedure can be carried out after regular washing in the morning and evening. Serums

. This is an excellent remedy that has a double effect. The serum not only perfectly tightens the pores of the face, but also makes the surface of the facial skin matte and much younger in appearance. The result of this product is visible immediately after its first use. This is what earned it its recognition among users.

Salon treatments

After the visit, the woman’s skin becomes clean and elastic, like that of a young girl.

  • In the first place is mechanical cleaning of pores. This procedure is characterized by its pain. But for the sake of the result it is worth being patient. During the cleansing process, first of all, a special loosening substance is applied to the face, which softens the skin. Then squeeze out blackheads and pimples. And only at the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a special serum that tightens the pores.
  • Cryotherapy. During this procedure, the sebaceous glands are stopped, the secretion of fat is reduced, and the pores are narrowed.
  • Peeling. The process is aimed at cleansing the skin of dead cells. As a result, the time becomes smaller and, accordingly, narrower.
  • Microdermabrasion. This process resembles the same peeling, but it uses a device with a diamond tip. At the same time, by cleansing the skin of dead cells, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and pores are naturally narrowed.

It should be noted that all these procedures must be done only in a beauty salon, using sterile instruments. In addition, they can only be entrusted to a professional master. Under no circumstances should such procedures be performed at home.

Cosmetics for masking pores

Acne on a woman's face greatly spoils her appearance. Therefore, everyone tries to somehow disguise them. You should consider how to do this correctly and not cause any harm to the skin.

First of all, you need to prepare the skin. You can use regular eye drops for this. They will perfectly relieve redness in the pimple area. To do this, place a swab moistened with drops in the freezer, and after ten minutes, treat the pimple. Or you can also use tea tree oil. It also works well as an antiseptic.

The next step is to cover up the pimple. Many people try to cover it up with foundation, but they don’t take into account the fact that in this case the cream is applied in an uneven layer and looks unnatural on the face. If you use foundation, it is best to apply it in a thin layer using a brush.

With the same success you can use:

  • Moisturizing foundation;
  • Corrector pencil.

After the cream has been applied, mineral powder should be used. This is done so that the face does not shine, but has a matte color. In addition, cosmetics based on mineral powder will look very impressive and will be much more stable.

To the questions of many women on how to narrow enlarged pores, experts give the following answers.

If the pores are enlarged due to heredity, then it is practically impossible to narrow them. You can only hide this defect by maintaining hygiene.
Firstly, the skin should be clean and the pores should not be clogged. Oily skin requires proper care.

Many people mistakenly try to degrease their skin. To do this, wash with hot water and soap, wipe the skin with alcohol and try to dry it in any way. This can lead to even greater problems.

It is correct to wash your face with cold water. Because it is well water that narrows the pores. The next step is to cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells. At the same time, the thickness of the sebaceous glands decreases. In addition, you should use masks made from lemon juice or sauerkraut. Thanks to the acids found in these products, the skin is well cleansed of excess fat.

In order to constantly look beautiful and young, you need to constantly properly care for your facial skin. Wash your face with cool water twice a day, which will not only give your skin freshness, but also tighten the pores. When using cosmetics, look not only at the quality, but also at the timing of use, which also plays an important role. Use refreshing masks periodically. And then the woman’s face will always look beautiful.

Well-groomed and smooth skin is a dream for many girls. Especially those lovely ladies who every day face the struggle against acne, pimples and other troubles. Enlarged pores are one of the most upsetting problems for us.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Pores perform a very important function in our body. They help remove dirt and all sorts of toxins. This part of the body helps our skin look healthy and soft. But when these skin “holes” expand too much, not very pleasant moments begin.

When too much dirt and oil gets into the dilated socket, there is a danger of acne. If a similar problem is not dealt with in time, it can lead to more unpleasant cases. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how it is possible to narrow the pores on your face at home.

First of all, a girl who is faced with a similar problem should have in stock several different masks and narrowing tonics that will come to the rescue. What helps best in such cases?

  1. Potato. Mashed potatoes work very well when you need to tighten the pores on your face. This product will help fight the problem if your skin is mature. It will get rid of age spots, make it more elastic and uniform.
  2. Grape seed oil. Taken as a base, mixed with grapefruit, cedar and tea tree ether, it will tighten pores, nourish the skin and give it shine and a pleasant smell.
  3. Lemon juice. Lemon is one of the main helpers in this situation. It can whiten the skin, even out its color and create a barrier to the penetration of fat, dirt and other harmful substances.
  4. Clay mask. Blue clay is the best remedy for normal and combination skin. Reviews from women say that clay perfectly tightens pores and helps make the skin smooth and silky.
  5. Parsley. In order for the greens to become your assistant, you need to finely chop them and mix them with kefir or low-fat yogurt. Apply this mask to your face for 20 minutes and enjoy your appearance in the mirror. Parsley decoction can be frozen in ice cubes and wiped over the skin every morning.
  6. Almond. Scrubbing the skin with this nut works great for cleansing enlarged pores. Almond peeling should be done on a steamed face, but avoid this method if you have any inflammation.

What other products are there to tighten pores on the face?

Any girl can turn to a specialist for help. After cleansing your face, you will be offered a series of treatments to combat enlarged pores. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be overcome forever. Therefore, girls facing this problem need to get used to constantly taking care of their skin condition.

A cosmetologist will tell you how to quickly deal with enlarged pores, what helps get rid of unnerving depressions on the skin of the face, what to do to get rid of this unpleasant situation not forever, but at least for a while. Be sure to find a good specialist. A person who understands the intricacies of the skin will know everything about means for narrowing the pores on the face. A master about whom you will find several good reviews and satisfied clients.

Tightening tonics will come to your aid. Some specialists will tell you what procedures you can undergo in their salon to forget about this problem forever. Also, don’t forget that there are tightening facial serums.

There can be a lot of funds. The main thing is not to overdo it with them. It is important to understand what helps you. You need to figure out how quickly your skin responds to treatment. Which recipes most favorably help you get rid of such hated enlarged pores?

A few rules on how to tighten the pores on your face

As in any other matter, the fight against dilated holes on the skin has its own rules. It is important to always remember them, so that the help to your body really becomes useful, and does not cause even more harm. Below are the most important rules, without which your actions will not bring any benefit, and in the worst case, they will even add to trouble.

First you need to understand that skin with enlarged pores is already damaged epidermis. This means that care for her is specific. For this type of skin, gentle exfoliation should be used. It must be carried out with constant regularity. The procedure should take place in your life, if you have a similar problem, at least once a week.

Peeling is a very important moment in the life of women who are faced with the problem of enlarged pores. It helps get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This, definitely, when done regularly, eliminates the possibility of clogging the “holes” on your facial skin. Another nice thing is that facial cleansing improves blood circulation, thereby creating a healthy and fresh color for the skin.

The second point that is worth paying attention to if you are struggling with the problem described above is cleaning your face after applying makeup. If you have a problematic face, then you should remove your make-up every day and with special care. Can you go to bed with makeup on? Definitely NO. You should know what helps to efficiently remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics on your beautiful face.

The next rule that absolutely must be followed is a narrowing tonic. He is your best friend in the field of facial care, he is your faithful assistant. Without it, you don’t go on an overnight visit, don’t relax on weekends, at the dacha, and don’t go on vacation. A tonic is a lifesaver in the fight against your problem. You must and constantly use it after cleansing your face. In addition to this, it is very useful to wipe your face with ice cubes. This will enhance the effect of narrowing pores on the face.

The last, but most important rule of care for girls who are struggling with the problem that everyone talks about so much. It goes like this: any care must be comprehensive and continuous. Is it possible to interrupt any of the procedures during the process? YES, but only if it causes harm. In any other case, nothing should cause a stop to one or another method of treatment.

Everything you do with your pretty face helps better and does not add trouble if it has a certain algorithm. Any creams, ointments, oils, contracting tonics and other remedies become friends only if they are used wisely and carefully. Carefully study the recipes of all the products that narrow the pores on the face that you want to prepare according to popular advice. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

If you can’t figure out the medications or are afraid to deal with the problem at home, seek help from a specialist. Carefully study the reviews about the clinic or the specialist providing private services. Choose the person you like and feel free to go to him for tips.

If the assistance provided is effective for you, if you see the results of his actions, if your skin begins to glow with health, and problems with dirt on your lovely face fade into the background - then you have found the one you were looking for. Stay with this master for a long time.

Self-care is always hard work. Nothing is done at once. You cannot find a magic remedy that will help once and for all. But if you approach the problem of enlarged pores with comprehensive care, select the right products, and consult with educated people in this field, the result will not be long in coming.

Study your body, look for the cosmetic products you need, don’t be lazy to help your body, and your reflection in the mirror will become a holiday for you for many years.

Young ladies with oily and combination skin types most often face such a problem as enlarged pores. This is especially evident during the process of applying foundation. It is necessary to understand that it is completely impossible to get rid of this, but it is quite possible to narrow down and stop the occurrence of comedones. Let's find out how to tighten pores in more detail.

What causes this problem?

  • cosmetics (non-intended use; not removing makeup)
  • genetic predisposition (don’t worry, home treatments and masks can visually reduce all this)
  • hormonal levels (puberty, pregnancy, menopause)
  • food (quite a common cause)
  • bad habits (alcohol, nicotine)
  • oily skin
  • ultraviolet rays (this applies to solarium lovers)
  • stressful situations, constant depression
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract

How to tighten pores on your face?

Cosmetology procedures

  • various types of peeling (glycolic, chemical, salicylic - the latter option is allowed to be done at home).
  • microdermabrasion (the dermis is polished with small crystals or a special attachment). Thanks to this method, you can exfoliate and even out the top layer of skin.
  • cryotherapy (the skin is exposed to cold air, resulting in a reflective narrowing of pores, a slowdown in sebum production, skin color evens out, acne disappears)
  • photorejuvenation (the work is carried out with a special laser, which allows you to smooth out the relief of the dermis and reduce pores)
  • darsonvalization (the skin is exposed to ultrasound, which leads to a reduction in pores)
Narrow pores on your face at home

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit beauty salons, then don’t worry, all skin manipulations to reduce pores can be done yourself at home. There is a large selection of masks, compresses, scrubs based on familiar ingredients. Well, shall we get started?

Clay based mask. This recipe not only tightens pores, but also normalizes the volume of sebum secreted. In addition, it effectively cleanses the dermis and has a whitening effect. In a container, dilute any type of clay (blue, white, black) with warm water (according to the instructions), apply to previously cleansed skin and hold for several minutes. For a double effect, you can add aloe juice (a couple of drops). Note: if the skin is too sensitive, then reduce the exposure time of the mask (do not wait until it starts to harden), but immediately rinse with warm water.

Lemon juice

  • dilute a couple of drops of juice in a container with water and treat the skin 2 times a day (morning/evening)
  • Pour lemon juice (fresh) into the whipped egg whites, mix and apply on the dermis for up to 15 minutes.
  • combine lemon juice (1 tsp) + cream (1 tsp) and process for up to 20 minutes.

Egg white. Combine protein (1 piece) with oatmeal flakes (2 tbsp) and lemon juice (2 tbsp). Mix until smooth and apply for up to 35 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water (cold, otherwise it may curdle). Perform such manipulations with the skin 2 times a week.

Cucumber juice. Evens out facial tone, tones, tightens pores.

  • In a container, mix corn flour with fresh cucumber juice until thick. Leave the mixture on your face for up to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Combine the grated cucumber with lemon juice and apply the mixture for up to 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Ice. Effectively copes with the narrowing of pores, tones the skin, and gives a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Treat your skin after cleansing. You can use various decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, green tea, mint, linden, etc. How is it prepared? The selected type of herb is poured into a container with water, boiled, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. Use the resulting ice cubes to treat your face in the morning/evening.

Badyaga. Copes well with the task. Available in gel or powder version. A small amount is diluted with water and applied to the dermis. Redness may occur after the session, so use in the evening.

How to tighten pores with tomato juice. This ingredient contains a high percentage of K and acids, which help narrow pores. Apply the pulp for up to 20 minutes.

Soda scrub. In a container, mix baking soda with water (warm, 3 tablespoons each), rub into the dermis.

Honey mixture. Prepare: honey (2 tbsp), starch (1 tsp), salt (a little), warm milk (1/4 cup). Combine all prepared ingredients, apply in a thick layer and leave for up to 40 minutes.

Sugar and honey scrub. Mix honey (1 tbsp) with sugar (brown 1 tbsp) and pour in a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply like a scrub.

Orange pore tightening mask. Mash finely chopped orange with a fork, apply to your nose, cover with a napkin and leave for up to 20 minutes.

Aloe juice. This product saves you from many skin problems. Dip a cotton pad into the squeezed fresh aloe juice and treat the skin areas. You can cover with gauze and leave it for up to 20 minutes.

Parsley. Add kefir (2 tbsp) to chopped parsley (1 tbsp). Mix and treat face for up to 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

How to tighten pores with oils

The type of oil is purchased according to your skin (oily, combination). Suitable options: jojoba, almond, grape seed, citrus, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, tea tree, etc.

  • mix almond oil (1 tbsp) with tea tree ether (1 drop) and treat the dermis for up to 10 minutes. We rinse.
  • Take your choice: 5 ml jojoba/hazelnut oil and 1 drop each of mint + lemon oils. Apply the resulting mixture to the face for up to 15 minutes.
  • Combine grape seed oil (1 tbsp) with jojoba oil (1 tbsp), rosemary (2 drops) and lemon oil (drop). Apply the resulting mixture every other day for 20 minutes. You can also take steam baths with grapefruit to tighten pores and cleanse the dermis.
Herbal decoctions
  • Pour dried rose hips or linden berries (2 tbsp) with hot water (1 glass), leave for up to 40 minutes and then wash your face 2 times a day. You can apply compresses once a week.

  • Pour chamomile flowers (or calendula) into a container with boiling water (1 glass), let it brew for up to 40 minutes, pour into a glass jar and wipe your face 2 times a day.
  • Pour plantain leaves (2 tbsp) into a glass of water, dip into gauze and apply to face for up to 20 minutes. Or prepare a cream: beat an egg yolk into chopped, fresh plantain leaves, beat and apply as a cream.
  • Self-squeezing pimples is prohibited
  • do not treat the skin with alcohol-containing products (they temporarily reduce pores, but at the same time greatly dry out the dermis)
  • do not use soap as a wash (moisture loss occurs; take a closer look at gels and foams)
  • Only after cleansing can you proceed to further procedures to narrow pores
  • Don’t be lazy and always wash off your makeup before going to bed
  • Replenish your cosmetic bag with micellar water, tightening toners and herbal infusions. Be sure to scrub your face once a week.
  • Cosmetics should match your skin type
  • review your diet
  • Wash your face with warm or cold water, and then get into the habit of treating with ice cubes, herbal infusions or lotions.

Each of us has our own list of problems with which we regularly go to a cosmetologist: some have sensitive reactive skin, some have a dull complexion, some - but almost every 3rd girl (so says my cosmetologist) suffers from enlarged pores. This is a non-aging problem, which can be solved even if the matter has been so advanced that the pores have completely swallowed up your skin. You can narrow the pores on your face in several main ways: using care cosmetics, folk methods (tested and safe), as well as using cosmetic procedures in a salon. First, let's figure out what is the cause of enlarged, contaminated pores, and then we will begin therapy.

Pores are expanding: what is the reason?

What is time? Without going into medical vocabulary, we can say that this is the valve through which our skin breathes. Pores, like a ship's lock, allow skin cells to enter and allow them to function normally. They are responsible for the metabolic processes of the skin, its immunity and, accordingly, its appearance. Through the pores, the cells receive the skincare products that you apply to your face morning and evening, and with them particles of make-up products, dust and dirt - products of industrialization and our cosmopolitan lifestyle.

Each pore contains a hair follicle, through which not only micro-hairs make their way to the surface, but also the secretion of the sebaceous glands located in the dermis (the middle layer of the skin). If the pores become clogged, comedones or blackheads form, interfering with the normal lipid metabolism of cells, which leads to inflammatory processes and acne. And here the following pattern can be traced: the wider the pore, the more sebum is produced, excess secretion is formed in the pores, and this, again, leads to inflammation and pustular formations.

Why do pores expand? There can be many reasons, among the main ones dermatologists call disruption of the sebaceous glands. The breakdown of our lipid metabolism also has a number of reasons:

  • Insufficient cleansing of the skin (“oops, I forgot to take off my makeup before going to bed” - that’s it!) and incorrectly chosen care
  • Toxins accumulated in the body (in particular, the intestines)
  • Bad habits (lots of coffee, smoking, alcohol abuse)
  • Improper nutrition and drinking regime. If you lean on fatty, sweet, fried, spicy, fast food. You don’t drink the amount of water your body needs per day.
  • Hormonal problems. Enlarged pores can be a sign of disease or simply dysfunction of the pancreas and thyroid gland.

Other causes of enlarged pores also include: constant stress, weak immunity, taking specific medications - for example, hormonal ones, as well as heavy decorative cosmetics. You understand: to narrow the pores on your face, you first need to find the root of the evil, and then choose an effective method. If health problems are excluded, we move on to the question of how to narrow the pores on the face so that the skin becomes like a mirror surface!

How to tighten pores at home using cosmetics

First of all, you should take care of high-quality skin cleansing. To narrow the pores on your nose, for example, you first need to clear it of comedones. To do this, you should do homemade facial peeling a couple of times a week, choose a cleanser that suits your skin type, purchase a deeply moisturizing serum, a special cream to tighten pores, possibly with a mattifying effect, and also regularly apply masks with fruit acids and masks on your face. natural clay.

Peelings for facial skin. High-quality peeling will help narrow the pores on the face, which will remove dirt and excess oil from the pores, and also have a smoothing effect. Exfoliants in the peeling will eliminate dead skin particles, open the pores, allow them to breathe and, over time, improve metabolic processes. Peeling can be overnight - like the Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate from Kiehl's, and also multifunctional like the Energie De Vie Peeling Mask for Skin Radiance or the Glycolic Peeling Mask from Caudalie. Such products usually contain active exfoliating acids , extracts of plants, berries and fruits that help quickly cleanse and tighten pores.

Caudalie Glycolic Peeling Mask, Energie De Vie Radiance Peeling Mask and Kiehl's Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate

Cleanser. Next, choose the right facial cleanser. Gel, mousse or foam - its form is not so important, the main thing is that the product is intended for high-quality deep cleansing of the skin and regulation of the sebaceous glands. Mattifying and antibacterial formulas work well here, such as Mambino Deep Cleansing Foam, Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam and La Roche-Posay Effaclar Gel Mousse. You should cleanse your skin every day - morning and evening after makeup removal. To remove makeup from the face, choose a high-quality one; remove makeup from the eyes with a soft two-phase lotion.

Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam, La Roche-Posay Effaclar Gel Mousse and Mambino Deep Cleansing Foam

In this category, manufacturers delight with a large selection - for every time, taste and budget. To tighten pores at home, purchase an effective tandem of a moisturizing serum and a pore-narrowing cream with a mattifying effect, for example. When your pores are open, any cosmetic formula will work much more effectively, which means that the active moisturizing ingredients in the serum will penetrate it faster and stay there longer. Choose, for example, the Mission Perfection moisturizing serum to even out skin tone from Clarins or the Hydrasea Ultra-Moisturizing Polarized Water Serum from Phytomer. And to tighten pores, you can try a moisturizing lotion from the Japanese brand Isehan with extracts of yogurt and honey (500 UAH) or Serum for tightening pores from Clarins (605 UAH).

Isehan's Pore Tightening Moisturizing Lotion, Phytomer's Hydrasea Ultra-Moisturizing Polarized Water Serum and Clarins' Mission Perfection Serum

Complete your skin care routine with a mattifying cream designed for oily and combination skin. As a rule, such creams narrow the pores on the skin, even out the relief and refresh the complexion, and also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A good option would be Oligopur Hydra-Matifying Control Cream from Phytomer and Pureness Mattifying Moisturizer from Shiseido.

Phytomer Oligopur Hydra-Matifying Control Cream and Shiseido Pureness Mattifying Moisturizer

Clay masks with AHA and BHA acids. Pore-tightening products are not only peelings and creams, these include a whole army of effective face masks based on natural clay, AHA (fruit acids) and BHA acids (salicylic acid). These active ingredients have long been known for their exfoliating, smoothing effect, as well as their antibacterial and therefore anti-inflammatory effect. Apply peeling or mask to your face 1-2 times a week, you can alternate products to enhance the effect and minimize pores. You should not abuse acid-based products: after peeling, discard the mask or vice versa. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning do not forget to apply cream with SPF to your face.