Before you dye your hair with vegetable dyes, you need to know their basic properties in order to ensure maximum safety for your strands.

Natural raw material henna is made from the leaves of the lawsonia plant (henna), which are collected from the middle part of the plant. The lighter the natural color, the more pronounced the coloring properties.

The dye does not destroy the structure of the hair, since it does not penetrate the keratin core.

Enveloping the scales, it presses them closer, so the curls visually look heavier and denser. The natural product has a beneficial effect on the scalp, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and strengthening the hair follicles. Henna does not contain chemicals and can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Intolerance occurs only with an individual reaction. Basma is made from the leaves of the indigofera tree. The dye is used together with henna, otherwise the curls acquire a greenish tint.

Basma does not have a healing effect on keratin rods and hair follicles, although it also thickens the strands. But you can’t use it very often, your hair will dry out. You can’t paint with basma more than once a month; if you need to adjust the color, you need to tint the roots.

To get different shades of hair, the proportions of henna and basma are changed.

Proportions of henna and basma depending on the desired tone

It is impossible to determine the exact amount of natural dye powder - the volume depends on the length and thickness of the hair. Shoulder length may require from 20 to 50 g - 1-2 packs - of funds. For curls below the shoulders, it is not recommended to purchase less than two packs of henna, regardless of the severity of the strands.

The ratio of henna and basma, depending on the result, is as follows:

  • Light brown tone from light brown, light chestnut - not dark - 1/1 - paint is kept for about half an hour;
  • light chestnut tone - the original color is the same - 1.5/1 - kept for 60 minutes, if only henna is used, then just leave for up to 30 minutes, a slight reddish tint will appear;
  • chestnut tone - you can change the color of darker hair - 1/2 - applied for 1.5 hours;
  • bronze shade – 2/1 – from 1.5 hours to 1 hour 45 minutes;
  • black color – regardless of the original shade – 1/3.

In the latter case, you will have to spend a whole day on the procedure - you will have to keep the mixture for at least 3-4 hours, and then correction may be required if a greenish tint appears.

In this case, the hair is washed with detergents - in other cases, you should refrain from using them for 3 days - and then only diluted henna is applied for a quarter of an hour. The bright color neutralizes the application of vegetable oil - it is distributed over the strands for 15-20 minutes, washed off with shampoo; Diluted lemon juice helps lighten too dark tones - rinse your hair in it, after diluting it 1/1 with water.

The proportion of henna and basma for coloring gray hair, if you want to get the following colors, is included in the table for convenience.

Desired result How long does henna last? minutes How long does Basma last?/ minutes
Light blond From 2 to 3 =
Blond 5 and rinse immediately =
Dark blond 8-10 4-6
Light brown hair 10-15 6-7
Brown-haired 20-25 15
Dark brown 45 30
Light chestnut shade up to half an hour 20-25
Dark chestnut shade 40 40-45
Black 60-90 60-90

The result may differ from the indicated table value - hair may react to coloring agents individually. In this case, you should immediately use neutralizers, and then take into account your own susceptibility.

Hair coloring rules

Hair is dyed with henna according to the following algorithm:

  1. wash your hair;
  2. the powder is diluted with boiling water and allowed to brew for about five minutes until it becomes a thick paste;
  3. applied to the head, dividing the hair into separate strands, from the back of the head, like paint of any kind;
  4. wash off without using detergents;
  5. You cannot wash your hair for 3 days after dyeing, otherwise the shade will become paler.

How long to keep the dye on your hair depends on the original hair color, the desired result and the quality of the dye. To intensify the color and speed up the coloring process, after applying the product, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer.

To slightly shade light hair and give it a hint of red, 15 to 30 minutes is enough, dark brown hair
“they will take it” no earlier than in 40 minutes to an hour. Natural henna, which is sold in spoons at the bazaar, colors slowly, but the one sold in packages changes shades in a shorter time. The pack contains a table that clearly shows the time ratio relative to the original shade. Turkish and Israeli henna are the most vibrant and lasting.

Basma is diluted in the same way as henna, but the consistency should be more liquid - basma sets and thickens faster. Coloring is carried out according to the same algorithm.

You cannot use a hairdryer to strengthen the color, otherwise the dye will not set.

Do not leave the product on your hair for too long - it can dry out. If the shade seems less saturated than expected, it is better to repeat the procedure later.

All natural products are diluted in a ceramic or glass container. You can use a food-grade plastic or ceramic cup. If you use only basma, you can boil it for 5 minutes to make it stick better.

There are 2 ways to color hair with natural dyes - separate and combined:

  1. First, the hair is dyed with henna, and after it is washed off, basma is applied. If you want to find out
    what was the result after the first part of the procedure, and how much should be darkened, the strands are allowed to dry. But you need to take into account that the full color will appear only on the 3rd day, so you can make a mistake in assessing the color scheme - albeit slightly;
  2. Coloring mixtures are diluted together in a certain proportion. By varying the amount of each component, you can get many different shades of hair.

You cannot use natural products if chemical dyes were applied to your hair relatively recently - up to six months ago.

The result will be unpredictable. It is also impossible to guess what will happen when natural components are applied first, and then chemical ones.

Experiments with color and tone

Basma without henna is not used, but with henna you can experiment endlessly, mixing it with various natural dyes.

This helps to get new interesting shades.

  1. Bordeaux - in this case, you need to dilute a natural coloring agent in beet juice, preheated to 60ºC, in a strong infusion of elderberries or hibiscus tea;
  2. Red tree. There are two ways to get this shade. Dilute the powder with hot Cahors or cranberry juice. In the second case, the paste should be applied to clean, dried strands;
  3. A black color can be obtained without adding basma - it is successfully replaced with black coffee in the same proportion;
  4. A chestnut shade can be acquired by combining a pack of henna with a teaspoon of coffee, or by diluting a bag of natural paint with a freshly brewed drink - a teaspoon per glass of boiling water;
  5. 25 grams of henna and 4 tablespoons of cocoa - pale chestnut shade. Apply to dry hair;
  6. Golden - red tones;
  7. Honey shade - the dye is brewed with infusions of chamomile, turmeric, saffron, rhubarb - you can use white wine instead of water;
  8. Old gold - a small pinch of saffron is boiled for 5 minutes, added to the already diluted henna. Milk chocolate - the powder is diluted with black tea infusion or a decoction of walnut shells.

Radically black is obtained if you simultaneously mix a bag of basma, half a bag of henna, dilute it all with black tea and add a tablespoon of ground coffee. Any mixture of brightness is added by clove powder, added in the amount of a teaspoon to the finished mixture.

More and more modern women prefer artificial hair color. This can be explained by the desire to constantly look new and beautiful. To change the shade of your strands, you don’t have to resort to chemical dyes. Women have been dyeing with henna and basma for a long time. These substances do not spoil the curls, but even make them healthier. The publication will tell you how to change your hair color using them.

Features of henna and basma

Henna is extracted from lawsonia leaves, which are pre-dried and crushed. If the powder is red, it is an old product. It is not advisable to use it. Quality henna has a greenish-yellow hue. It contains essential oils and other beneficial substances. Therefore, lavsonia has a positive effect on hair: it strengthens, gives thickness and shine. In addition, it protects against sunlight and atmospheric agents. It is worth noting that this substance tends to accumulate in the hair structure. Therefore, repeated dyeing gives a more saturated and vibrant color.

Basma, the second common natural dye, is made from indigofera. After crushing, the leaves of the plant acquire a greenish-gray tint. This substance eliminates dandruff, restores structure and accelerates hair growth.

It is important to note that henna can be used in its pure form for coloring, but basma cannot. It must be diluted with lavsonia powder.

How many products do you need?

It is important to know exactly how to breed basma and henna. The proportions and color that you get in the end depend on the length of the curls. Here is the approximate amount of powder to base your mixture on.

  • Short hair - 30-50 grams.
  • Medium (up to the neck) - 100 grams.
  • Long (just below the shoulders) - 150 grams.
  • Long (to the waist) - 400 grams.

The mixture will most likely remain. But it's better than not having enough. You will have to dilute the powders again, but in most cases the color turns out completely different. The remaining mixture can be used to color eyebrows and eyelashes.

Exposure time

The result also depends on how long the mixture is left on the hair. Recommended time for dyeing with henna and basma:

  • To obtain light brown shades - 40 minutes.
  • For chocolate color - 3 hours.
  • For cold and blue-black tones - 4-5 hours.
  • To cover gray hair - 5-6 hours.
  • To get a pure red color, use only one henna.
  • Bronze tones - henna and basma in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Chestnut shades - henna and basma 1:1.
  • Black color - basma and henna 2:1.

In general, the result depends on the original hair color. Therefore, before dyeing your entire hair, it is advisable to try applying the mixture to one strand. This way you can determine what shade you will get and how long to keep the composition.

Original color and proportions

Henna and basma can give completely different shades on different hair. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the original shade of hair. Depending on this, the proportions and holding time are selected (see table).

There are many recipes for coloring with basma and henna. If you add other ingredients to the mixture in addition to these powders, you can achieve the desired result.

  • Golden honey hue. It is necessary to add a decoction of chamomile and turmeric.
  • Rich gold. It will work if you pour in a strong chamomile infusion.
  • Color similar to old gold. You need to add a spoon of saffron to the mixture.
  • Natural chestnut shade with a slight brown tint. To get this color, in addition to henna and basma, you need to use cocoa powder.
  • Deep chestnut tone or enhanced black pigment. Cloves do this job well. To improve the effect, it can be supplemented with black tea, coffee or ground walnut shells.
  • Chocolate color. It turns out if you pour brewed natural coffee into the mixture.
  • Mahogany shade. It comes out when adding a small amount of Cahors or cranberry juice.
  • Noble burgundy color. To obtain it you will need beetroot juice, strong hibiscus tea or elderberry juice.

You can experiment with other products by adding natural dyes. This way you can achieve a completely unique shade. It all depends on imagination and needs.

Frequency of staining

Basma and henna are not only natural dyes, but also useful substances that can significantly heal hair. Despite this fact, you should not get carried away with these natural components. Otherwise, the procedures will damage the hair, causing it to become weakened and dry.

It is recommended to dye with basma and henna no more than once a month. It is after this period of time that the hair grows back, and the border between the native and artificial pigment becomes visible. In most cases, it is enough to just tint the roots. The color of the main length can be renewed every 2-3 months, since basma and henna provide a fairly stable pigment.

How to properly prepare the coloring mixture?

  • To prevent the mixture from drying out your hair, you can add two yolks.
  • Basma can be diluted exclusively with water. You can even use boiling water, this will only make the color richer.
  • Henna can be diluted with almost anything, not just water. If your hair is dry, kefir is suitable; if your hair is oily, use a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. But it is important not to boil henna, otherwise it will lose its coloring properties and the color will be pale.
  • The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream, this is very important. Too liquid a mass will flow, and the hair will be colored unevenly. A very thick mixture will quickly harden on the curls, without having time to color them.
  • It is advisable to wear gloves when diluting and applying the composition. Otherwise, not only your hair will be dyed.

There are many nuances in dyeing with henna and basma that must be observed.

  • It is better to dilute the powders with a special brush in a porcelain bowl. You cannot use tools and containers made of plastic or metal.
  • Before dyeing, it is recommended to wash your hair and dry it a little.
  • It is better to apply the composition to slightly damp curls.
  • Since basma tends to leak, it is recommended to stock up on napkins for the duration of the procedure.
  • Before dyeing, it is recommended to wrap your neck and wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  • It is better to cover the ears and face contour with a rich cream. After all, the pigment penetrates not only into the hair, but also into the skin.
  • If you dye only with henna, then at the end you need to put on a plastic cap. In the case of basma, it is not needed.
  • The mixture must be washed off very carefully. Otherwise, you will have to comb out the remaining powder from your hair for a very long time.
  • It is advisable not to wash your hair with shampoo for the first three days after the procedure. This will preserve more pigment in the strands.
  • The result can be assessed immediately after the first wash of hair with shampoo. Therefore, it is better to paint at least a week before an important event. This will leave time to correct the color you don’t like.
  • It is worth understanding that you should not expect any bright shade from dyeing dark hair with henna and basma. If you need to achieve a light tone, you will have to bleach the strands.

Staining methods

In general, there are two methods of staining - separate and simultaneous. During the first one, henna is applied first, and then basma. With the second method, you need to mix two types of powder at once. Which one to choose generally depends on personal preference. The results will be approximately the same. But, as reviews show, it is better to use henna and basma sequentially. Because when used simultaneously, unpredictable results can occur. For example, you want to get a “brown” hair color. When dyeing at the same time, you should understand that the strands may have a green tint or the shade may turn red. With the separate method, the color turns out cooler without a coppery sheen. But it manifests itself when the basma begins to gradually wash off. Repeated dyeing without henna will help remove the red tint.

Separate method

Henna is first applied to the curls, and then basma, but not vice versa. It is worth taking a closer look at exactly how coloring is done. For example, the initial hair color is “brown”, the length is average. The goal is to get chestnut curls. Then henna and basma are taken in equal proportions. For medium hair you will need 100 grams. They must be diluted in water to the desired consistency. Apply henna to the strands and put on a cap. After 2 hours, rinse with water. Dry your hair with a towel and apply basma. Also leave for 2 hours. Apply the balm and rinse thoroughly with water.

Simultaneous method

Henna and basma are mixed in one bowl and diluted to the required consistency. The proportions depend on the original color of the curls and their length. For example, for short hair you will need approximately 40 grams of basma and henna. Apply the warm mixture to the strands and hold for a certain amount of time. Rinse the powder thoroughly with water. Apply conditioner and rinse hair again.

Features of dyeing gray hair with henna and basma

For gray hair, henna is rarely used as an independent dye. The exception is when only some hairs have lost their pigment. Otherwise you'll end up with a very bright, neon orange color. Basma and henna together give a softer shade. They allow you to mute the flashy color and bring it as close to natural as possible.

It is advisable to act in stages: first apply henna, and after washing it off, apply basma. It is worth considering that graying strands are less susceptible to dyeing. Therefore, you need to keep the composition for a long time (up to 6 hours) or do several procedures with an interval of several days. It is also important that hard hairs absorb pigment more slowly, while soft hairs absorb pigment faster. Color saturation depends on the exposure time.

  • To get a very light blonde, you need to distribute henna over the strands for 5-10 minutes. Then apply basma for 1-2 minutes.
  • For dark blonde, the exposure time of the powders must be increased to 15-20 and 8-10 minutes, respectively.
  • Light brown hair can be achieved by keeping henna for 20 minutes and basma for 10 minutes. The longer you wait, the richer the tone will be.
  • How to get chocolate color? Coloring with henna and basma must be done within 80 minutes and 1 hour, respectively.
  • For a chestnut tone, henna should be left for 2.5 hours, and basma - for 2 hours.
  • To dye your hair black, you will have to leave lawsonia powder on your hair for 3 hours, and indigofera powder for 2 hours.

Don't forget - if the color turns out to be insufficiently saturated, you will have to repeat the procedure after a few days.

Neutralizing dark tones

In the case of natural dyes, it is quite difficult to predict the end result. If the shade turns out to be unsaturated, you can simply repeat the procedure. If it turns out to be too dark, you will have to do a wash. For example, this often happens when you want to get a “chocolate” color, but it turns out chestnut.

Natural ingredients will also help correct the situation. Oils (vegetable, olive and any cosmetic) are very effective. They perfectly wash out pigment and care for hair. How to wash with such ingredients after dyeing with henna and basma? First, you need to wash your hair with shampoo immediately after the procedure. Heat the oil in a water bath and distribute it over the strands. Put on a plastic cap, a towel and walk like this for about an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo several times. Most of the pigment should be removed the first time. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week until the desired color is obtained.

The following products can also help get rid of too bright or dark tones. Kefir and any fermented milk, onion, soda or vinegar solution. It is necessary to proceed in the same way as in the case of oils. In order not to correct the disastrous result of dyeing with henna and basma, it is easier to first check the composition on several strands.

Hair coloring with henna and basma is available to everyone and can be used at home. You can dye your hair black and cover up gray hair with henna and basma, without PPD or any other chemicals!

Hair coloring with henna and basma relaxes curly hair and makes it glossy, smooth and black, almost like kittens!

Hair coloring with henna and basma: method 1

Wash and dry your hair. Comb your hair so that it can be separated comfortably. As you can see in the photo, the hair was previously dyed with chemical dyes, but the hair was peeled off and the natural hair color became visible. The beauty of this method is that natural dye with basma and henna can be applied to already colored hair.

Just don’t be afraid that after coloring your hair will not have the color you wanted!

The night before, mix henna with lemon juice to make a puree. Leave the mixture overnight so the dye can develop. In the morning, add enough water to the mixture to make it like thick yogurt.

Wear gloves! Because your hands may become stained! Apply a thick layer of dye and distribute it through your hair. So that all the hair is covered with a thick layer of dye, right up to the scalp. Henna will not harm your scalp.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: Apply a thick layer of the coloring mixture
Hair dyeing with henna and basma: Using a comb, distribute the dye Hair dyeing with henna and basma: Apply the dye in sections until all hair is covered.

When the hair is completely covered, clean the hairline and ears of the dye. Wrap your hair in cling film and leave for 2 hours. Rinse hair and dry with a dry towel.

hair dyeing with henna and basma: Henna dyed the hair roots red

After the henna is washed and the hair is dry, prepare the basma.

Combine basma powder with water until it reaches the consistency of yogurt. To make the paint more stable, add a teaspoon of salt. And you can immediately start coloring your hair.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: Paste with basma must be applied right up to the scalp
Hair coloring with henna and basma: Continue adding basma, distributing it throughout the hair Once all the hair is covered, wrap your head with plastic wrap.

When all the hair is completely covered with basma paste, wrap the hair in plastic wrap, wipe the scalp to remove excess dye and leave for 1 hour. Rinse the dye out of your hair.

After washing your hair, you can see that the hair has turned black

Hair coloring with henna and basma method 2

This is a faster coloring method if you don't have enough time to color your hair separately. The combination of henna with basma allows you to achieve a variety of shades. If you dye gray hair with henna and basma, your hair will be better and evenly colored. By mixing henna with basma in different proportions, you get shades from light brown to black.

1 Take henna and pour the powder into a bowl (preferably plastic) and pour boiling water (90 degrees), stir with a spoon so that there are no lumps, you should get a thick paste. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes in a steam bath. It is also necessary to do the same with basma, diluting it to the state of a thin puree. Add the basma paste to the henna cup.

Hair dyeing with henna and basma Preparation of dye with henna
Hair dyeing with henna and basma Preparation of dye with basma
Hair coloring with henna and basma Combining henna and basma

You can make different shades of dark color by mixing basma and henna in different proportions (1/1, 1/3, 2/3). The more basma, the darker the hair color will be.

1. Wash your hair and dry it. Comb your hair so that you can easily divide it into sections. Section your hair and apply the mixture very thickly all the way to your scalp.

2. Massage the mixture into your hair down to the roots. It is advisable to apply more mixture.

3. When your hair is completely in the mixture, put on a plastic cap and clean your hairline and ears of the mixture. Then you need to leave the mixture on your hair for 2-4 hours so that it begins to give color to your hair.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: recipes and resulting shades

— For a red-brown color you need 2 parts of henna and one part of basma.

— For dark brown, one part of henna and two parts of basma.

— For a very dark color you need one part of henna and 4 parts of basma,

— For copper color, 4 parts of henna and one part of basma.

— If you apply only henna to blond hair, you get a copper color

— If you apply only basma to blond hair, you get a blue color

— If you apply henna with basma to light hair, you will get dark tones

— To get a black color, first apply henna to your hair and leave for 1 hour. Then rinse and dry your hair. Then apply basma and leave for 30 minutes for light brown hair; 1.5 hours for brown hair; 3 hours for black hair.

— To obtain “cooler” shades of color, mixtures of amla, henna and basma are used in different proportions.

Carry out the same process as with henna and basma, mix one part amla and three parts henna, then mix them with water into a paste, after 10 minutes add basma. Then start painting.

— After dyeing your hair with basma, you should not wash it for three days.

— If you want to make your hair lighter after dyeing it with henna and basma, rinse it with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

If your hair:Using ¾ clear henna and ¼ hennaUsing hennaUsing 2/3 henna and 1/3 basmaUsing 1/2 henna and 1/2 basmaUsing 1/3 henna and 2/3 basmaUsing henna first and then basma separately
WhiteGlossy blondeBright redBlonde(Light brown)BrownDark brown(chocolate)
Dark whiteCopper redBright redBlonde(Light brown)BrownBlack, but may need more than one color
RedheadsBurning redBright redReddish brownBrownDark brown, but may need more than one colorBlack, but may need more than one color
Light brownEmphasizes the red tintChestnutBrownBrownDark brownblue-black
Dark brownEmphasizes the red tintDark ChestnutDark brownWarm brownDark brownblue-black
BlackAdds red shineBlack with red tintBlackBlackBlackblue-black
Gray hairedGolden copperCopper redLight brownBrown, although more than one color may be neededDark brown, but may need more than one colorBlack, but may need more than one color

Hair coloring with henna and basma, recommended amount of powder for hair of different lengths

– 100 g of each for short hair

- 200 g of each of them for hair up to the neck.

- 300 g of each for shoulder-length hair.

- 500 g of each for waist-length hair.

Don't skimp on the mixture. You can dye your beard, sideburns and mustache with henna and basma using the same technology as described above

Hair coloring with henna and basma: warning

1. Do not use a metal spoon or utensil to prepare paint.

2. Wear gloves before applying paint.

3. If you see a greenish tint, don't panic. It will disappear in a day or two as the basma oxidizes. After 2 days your hair will be completely black.

4. Sometimes gray hair is dye-resistant, and you may have to dye it several times, or leave henna and basma on longer.

5. Some people have noted that their hair turns reddish after a few weeks because the basma fades.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: Pros and cons

Henna is very useful as it contains many essential oils and tannins. It strengthens and heals hair, treats hair roots damaged by chemical dyes or improper care, protects against the harmful effects of the sun, stops hair loss, and helps eliminate dandruff. Interestingly, when dyeing, henna does not penetrate into the hair structure, but colors it for a long time, almost like paint. It contains substances that tighten the outer scaly layer of the hair and give noticeable shine.

Basma stimulates hair growth and gives it a natural shine, improves hair structure and strengthens roots, eliminates dandruff. If henna can be used without adding other ingredients, then henna must be added to basma, otherwise the hair will be dyed green, “frog” color.

Disadvantages of dyeing hair with henna and basma On chemically dyed hair, henna and basma behave unpredictably, so you will have to wait until the dyed hair grows back. The same applies to perm. Coloring with henna and basma usually lasts for several months, but can gradually acquire a red or blue-violet tint, so to maintain the desired color it is necessary to tint your hair in a timely manner

Hair coloring with henna and basma: questions and answers

Is it possible to lighten hair after coloring it with henna and basma?

We never recommend bleaching your hair after using basma, because bleach cannot wash off basma. All other colors will disappear from the hair, but the basma will remain and the hair will be green.

After coloring your hair with henna and indigo, you can dye it with chemical dyes

If you want to dye your hair in light colors, it is better not to do so and your hair will turn out green. If it’s dark, you can try it on a small strand of hair first.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: video

Coloring gray hair with henna and basma: How do henna and basma color gray and other hair colors?

Everyone has their own hair color. After dyeing your hair with henna and basma, the color will be different for all people. The following figure shows how henna and basma affect different hair colors. We present to you the possible results after coloring your hair with henna and basma, but do not guarantee it.

People have different hair colors and textures. Each person's hair reacts differently. There are a large number of henna and basma brands on the market today, but you may find that some are more suitable for you than others. This is due to the fact that henna and basma grow on different soils and under different conditions. To find the option that suits you, you may have to try several henna and basma manufacturers.

Hair with different percentages of gray hair: From left to right

1) natural white

2) Light brown, gray hair 50%

3) brown, gray hair 20%

4) dark brown, gray hair 10%

5) black, gray hair 10%

6) black, gray 80%

Henna and basma color the outer layer of hair keratin. They do not change the color of the melanin in the core of your hair. If you dye gray hair, the color of gray and non-gray hair will be different. These photos show what results you can get after coloring your hair with henna and basma.

In the image above, the hair was dyed with the same henna at the same time. The blonde's hair turned red. Henna dyed all the gray hairs red. Henna hardly changed dark brown and black hair, but gave it a reddish tint.

Dyeing gray hair with half henna and half basma

In the image above, each hair color was dyed with a mixture of half henna and half basma. Henna and basma dyed gray hair brown. Henna and basma hardly changed dark brown and black hair, it just added a warm shade. Gray and brown hair are mixed and the gray hair is almost invisible.

Gray hair dyed with 1 part henna and 2 parts basma

To color the hair shown above, we used 1 part henna and 2 parts basma. The blonde and gray hair turned light brown. Dark hair became even darker. As a result, all the hair turned brown, but each hair has its own shade.

Gray hair dyed first with henna and then with basma

In the photo above, the hair was dyed first with henna and then with basma. All hairs are well colored, but the black color varies on different hairs. If you re-dye your hair with henna and basma, your hair will become even darker.

Gray hair dyed with basma

In the image above, all the hair was dyed only with basma. The resulting colors are simply ridiculous, look unnatural, and the texture is not as silky as when coloring hair with the addition of henna.

What do we women do when we want to change something in life? Of course, we change our hairstyle, and even more often, our hair color. After all, changing your appearance is easier than changing your apartment, husband or job. This helps relieve stress and get positive emotions. And if the result is successful, it will make your girlfriends turn gray with envy!

The hairstyle is simple; you can’t handle it on your own. You need to go to the master and hope for his professionalism. But with hair color it’s more interesting, you can experiment at home. Buy a special dye, dilute it, apply it... and ruin your hair with the chemicals that are included in its composition. To avoid such consequences, it is better to use natural paint, which is given to us by nature itself - henna and basma.

Henna and basma for hair are dyes of natural origin, which are obtained from the leaves of shrubs growing in African and Eastern countries. The dried and ground foliage of non-prickly lawsonia turns into henna, which looks like a yellowish-brown powder. And the raw materials collected from indigofera turn into grayish-green basma.

Henna dyes hair reddish-copper shades. Since time immemorial, it has been a popular dye for women of the East, with the help of which black, coarse hair is given a reddish tint, softness and a special aroma. The smell of henna is pleasant and persistent; it will not disappear even after repeated shampooing.

In Asian countries, mehndi patterns are applied to the body using henna. This special, ritual painting was used in religious rites. Our contemporaries apply mehndi to decorate their hands, feet and other parts of the body.

Henna has an antiseptic effect. Ancient doctors used such properties to heal wounds and treat skin diseases.

Basma gives hair shades from light chocolate to black. When dyeing, use only together with henna, otherwise the hair will have an unwanted greenish tint. Previously, basma was used to dye fabrics and wool blue and green and was widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Application for hair

Henna and basma are a universal, natural product that has a positive effect on the condition of hair, improves its structure, and does not cause allergies. You can dye your hair at any age. Henna and basma are suitable for both teenagers who are starting to experiment with their appearance, and older women who need to properly cover their gray hair.

These dyes are not harmful, even if the body is weakened during illness. Suitable for pregnant women who want to be beautiful, but are afraid that the chemicals contained in classic paints will harm the baby.

You can dye your hair in any shade, the main thing is to choose the right proportion and duration of the procedure. It should be noted that the lighter the starting hair color, the faster the result will be and the brighter the final shade. For dark and black curls, the dyeing time required is significantly longer, and the color will not be bright, but rather tinted.

Gray hair should first be dyed with henna, and then using basma to achieve the desired color. Henna and basma accumulate on the hair. The more often you dye, the more saturated the color will be.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any, even the most ideal natural remedy has its advantages and disadvantages. and basma has the following advantages:

  • The first thing to note is how the hair “comes to life” after dyeing. The beneficial substances contained in henna and basma have a beneficial effect on the structure, giving the strands a luxurious shine and silkiness.
  • There is no need to watch the time, you will not overexpose the dye on your hair. Even if you walk for two hours, six hours, your curls will only get better.
  • Dry scalp? Dandruff? Split ends? Henna and basma will help you! After the first procedure, you will forget that you had such problems with your hair.
  • The composition of henna and basma is completely natural, which makes it possible for women prone to allergic reactions to use them. But it is still recommended to conduct an allergy test before painting.
  • Bonus for those who have gray hair. Henna and basma will do a great job even with this problem. You just need to keep the dye on your hair longer.

The disadvantages include:

  • The dyeing process takes a long time. If you are limited in it or you simply do not have the patience to walk for hours with a turban on your head, then choose other painting methods.
  • Henna and basma will not suit you if your hair has recently been dyed with regular dye, permed or artificially straightened. After such processing, the result may be unexpected and not at all positive. It's better not to take risks.
  • If you do not use gloves while dyeing, then for the next week the skin of your hands will delight you with all shades of brown. It does not look aesthetically pleasing, and others will think that you are not friends with soap. You can’t explain to everyone that this is the result of the struggle for the beauty and health of hair. Clothes should also be covered with a cape, otherwise it will be almost impossible to remove stains.
  • The desired shade of curls depends on many factors. Independent experiments, especially for the first time, will not always please you. Consult your hairdresser before using henna and basma.

When not to use

Let us separately dwell on why it is impossible to alternate chemical and natural dyes. The hair won't come out, that's for sure, but you won't be able to get the desired color. The fact is that the coloring pigment contained in henna and basma not only penetrates the hair structure, it also envelops it from the outside.

For this reason, chemicals simply will not adhere to the curls or will do so only partially. It's unlikely that you dream of being a colorful spotted leopard. It’s especially not worth lightening your hair; you risk becoming a green mermaid or an orange orange.

How to mix correctly

Hair is dyed in two ways: first use henna and then basma, or immediately mix both dyes in the required proportion and apply to the curls. The second option will help save time at least twice.

Let's take a closer look at the second method. To prepare the color mixture you will need a plastic or ceramic container, hot water, a mixing brush and, of course, henna and basma powder. Pour the required amount of powder into a prepared, clean plate. Mix the dry mass thoroughly until smooth. This must be done so that the color is even during dyeing.

Next, add hot water, the temperature of which should not be higher than 85 degrees. Steep boiling water can significantly affect the color intensity and not for the better; it will become dull and inexpressive. You should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Mix everything again with a brush.

Be sure to ensure that there is no dry powder left at the bottom. When the paint has cooled to body temperature, it can be applied to the head.

Pay attention to the variety of colors that henna and basma can produce; proportions are very important here. To obtain a bronze shade, mix henna and basma in a 2:1 ratio; we get a rich chestnut shade if we combine henna with the same volume of basma, more precisely, 1:1; To obtain black color, we take henna and basma in a ratio of 3:1.

The initial tone of the hair has an important influence on the coloring result. It is quite expected that a burning brunette will not be able to get a honey-blond shade after using henna and basma, and a girl with an ash-blond tone will have a problem getting it. But if you adhere to certain rules and proportions, the result will be desired.

Let's decide on the amount of powder needed for one procedure. Everyone understands that it depends on the length of the hair. 25-50 grams is quite enough. This is approximately two bags, since the standard packaging of both henna and basma contains 25 grams of dry powder. If your hair length reaches your shoulders or slightly below, take 3-4 packs (75-100 grams). For curls below the shoulder blades or up to the waist, you will need at least 8-10 bags of henna and basma or 200-250 grams. After several coloring procedures, you will already know how much paint you need to buy, but for the first time, take it with a reserve. It’s better to have some henna and basma left over than for you to be short of just a little bit.

Recipes for dyes with henna and basma

Eastern beauties like to dye their hair with basma. When dry, the powder has a gray-green color, but when basma is poured with boiling water, it turns black. But don't be fooled by this color. If you apply this dye to your hair, you will get a greenish tint, so you need to use it with henna.

Black color

To get a beautiful black, resinous shade, you need to mix one tablespoon of henna (20 grams) with four tablespoons of basma (80-90 grams). Mix the dry mixture thoroughly and steam it with hot, freshly prepared natural coffee.

Gently cover clean hair with the creamy mixture and keep it under film and a towel for at least four hours. Wash off with warm water. To add shine and fix the color, rinse with water acidified with vinegar. We do not use conditioners or shampoo. You can wash your hair only after three days, otherwise the color will begin to wash out.

Chocolate coffee color

Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of henna (about 20 grams) and two tablespoons of basma (40 grams) into a glass bowl and mix well. Brew one teaspoon of black tea with boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes. Then pour hot tea leaves into the dry mixture of henna and basma, making sure the paint has the consistency of sour cream. Tea will help avoid a greenish tint on your curls.

To add one tablespoon of cocoa powder to the resulting mixture. If your goal is to get a cold coffee shade, then instead of cocoa, add three dessert spoons of instant coffee to the mixture. Apply the resulting slurry to clean, pre-washed hair. Let it sit for two hours, wrapping your head in cling film and a terry towel. Wash off with warm water, rinse with a weak solution of natural vinegar to fix the color.

Bronze shade

Take two heaped tablespoons of henna (approximately 40 grams) and add to it one tablespoon of basma (20 grams). Gently mix both powders until smooth. We gradually pour hot water (remember that you should not use boiling water) into the mass and bring it to the consistency of homemade cream. Wait for the mixture to become warm and carefully distribute the mixture onto clean hair.

Cover your head with cling film and a warm towel, make a turban. To give your hair a light copper tint, leave it on for about an hour and then rinse with warm running water without shampoo. Fix the color by rinsing with apple cider vinegar diluted in the proportion of one tablespoon per liter of warm water.

It is not recommended to wash your hair for three days after dyeing, as during this time the hair will still acquire a rich shade. For a darker color, the contact time of the paint with the curls needs to be extended.

Golden-copper shade

To get this color, you only need to use henna; you do not need to use basma. Pour one tablespoon (20 grams) with a light infusion of chamomile; weak tea is also suitable.

If you dream of becoming the owner of reddish-copper hair, then henna can be brewed with natural dry red wine, preheated to 80 degrees. Wait for the mixture to cool and apply to your head. If you apply hot henna to your hair, you can burn not only your scalp, but also your hair. And instead of a therapeutic effect, you will get dry, damaged strands. Keep the dye on your head for one hour, rinse with water, rinse with vinegar, dry and enjoy the result.

Long hair that is not dyed with a chemical dye will get a golden-copper color after using henna and basma

Everyone knows that the most common and harmless natural dyes are henna and basma. Even in ancient times, these products were used to color hair. These components rarely cause allergies. Hair can be dyed in different colors. Of course, chemical components provide a more diverse palette of colors, but they also cause significant harm. But henna and basma have a very gentle effect on hair, even strengthening it and making it better.

What shades can be obtained by dyeing hair with henna and how does it differ from paint?

When choosing the color you want to get, you should know what shades can be obtained after mixing certain proportions. By choosing certain proportions of components, you can get a wide palette of colors. Also, exposure time plays an important role. With this, you can see that the colors start from light chestnut to black.

The photo shows the results of hair dyeing with henna and basma:

If you like to experiment, you can try to get a rich red tint. In this case, you need to add cranberry juice or Cahors to the composition. Natural coffee helps to obtain a chestnut color with a rich tint. Beetroot juice helps produce the burgundy color.

Correct procedure - how long to hold on, how to mix, how to paint correctly, how to wash off

Henna is a product that is obtained from the leaves of Lawsonia. Moreover, only yellowish-greenish powder can be used for coloring. Basma is also obtained from the leaves, but of a different plant called indigofera. If the strands are constantly dyed with basma, the color will gradually accumulate and become richer.

During the coloring process, you should use some recommendations that will help you avoid some mistakes. Here are some tips:

  1. Metal or plastic utensils are not suitable for diluting henna and basma. To do this, you need to use porcelain dishes, and use special brushes for stirring.
  2. Regarding the dyeing time, you need to know that it will depend on how long you keep the mixture on your head. So the minimum exposure time can be 15 minutes, and the maximum can reach 3 hours.
  3. If your hair is dyed with henna, you need to use a plastic cap. In the case of basma, a hat is not required. But it is possible that it will leak. Therefore, you should have napkins on hand.
  4. You need to wrap your neck, it’s better to wear old clothes that you don’t mind at all. As a result, you will not be afraid of any contamination.
  5. Be sure to treat the contour of the forehead and neck with cream to avoid staining the skin. After all, henna and basma can color not only curls.
  6. Be sure to take plenty of time to rinse off. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to comb your hair later, as powder will remain in the strands.
  7. Limit hair washing for the first three days, especially shampooing.
  8. Only after the first wash you will see the best coloring result. If you decide to put on makeup before an important meeting, it is better to do it in advance, about a week before the event.

Video of hair coloring with henna and basma:

Knowing these rules, you can protect yourself from important and serious mistakes. But it is also important to know how to prepare the ingredients for coloring. Therefore, you need to read the instructions for painting. Henna tends to dry out hair. Therefore, we need to make sure that this does not happen. Henna can be diluted in kefir or added essential oil. As a result, they will not only be colored, but will also receive nutritional components.

When breeding basma, only water is used; no other liquids are suitable. If your hair is dry, then it is better to dilute the henna with kefir.

If your hair is oily, then vinegar and water will do. 50 grams of Cahors is enough for the strands to turn reddish. Under no circumstances should you warm henna. This is fraught with the fact that the coloring pigments will die, and the hair will not receive the desired rich color.

When preparing the coloring composition, you must make it the desired consistency. If the composition is liquid, it will color the curls unevenly and simply spread. If the composition is very thick, then its coloring ability will not manifest itself in any way. The composition will simply harden on the surface.

By pouring boiling water over basma, you can make the color more saturated after dyeing. Be sure to wear gloves when dyeing your hair. If you wash your hair first and dry it a little, the coloring ability of the composition will manifest itself better.

Video of hair coloring with henna and basma, proportions:

How to dye your hair depending on the length of the strands

For a certain hair length you will need approximately the following number of components:

  1. For short ones, 30 to 50 grams of powder is enough.
  2. If your hair is up to your neck, you need about 100 grams of product.
  3. If the length is up to the shoulders, 150 grams of coloring composition will be required.
  4. For long hair you will need up to 300 grams of powder.

It is also worth understanding how to return natural hair color after dyeing:

What are the best shampoos for oily, colored hair? The video from this will help you understand.

To obtain a light brown shade, leave the product on for 20 minutes. It will take about 1.5 hours to obtain chocolate flowers. Cool and black colors will require the coloring composition to be left in for 2 or even 3 hours. To cover gray hair, you need to keep the composition on for at least 3 hours.

What proportions of henna and basma should be taken to obtain chestnut, black chocolate and bronze shades

  1. To obtain a chestnut color, henna and basma must be taken in equal proportions.
  2. Two parts of basma and one part of henna should be taken to obtain black hair color.
  3. Two parts henna and one part basma are mixed to obtain bronze flowers.

If you doubt the chosen ratio, you can conduct an experiment on only one strand. What components will help make the color more interesting, and how to mix it correctly?

  1. A spoonful of saffron is added to water and boiled for 5 minutes, after which henna is diluted with this mixture. As a result, you can get a color similar to old gold.
  2. A honey-golden hue is obtained by adding turmeric and chamomile decoction.
  3. A rich golden color is obtained by adding well-ground chamomile flowers to the henna composition.
  4. It has long been known that coffee is added to the composition to obtain a chocolate tint.

Video of henna and basma on colored hair:

If you have chosen the composition, then you need to decide on the coloring method. The choice is not that big, but it is there. The first method is separate. In this case, henna is applied to the hair first, and only then basma. The second method is simultaneous. In this case, the hair is dyed immediately with the prepared mixture.

After dyeing, the hair is not treated with shampoo; you need to wash off the remaining mixture with a balm. The balm will help preserve the color, and all the grains of sand will leave the hair faster.

How to dye gray hair, how to choose a color

Gray hair can also be dyed using a mixture of basma and henna. But you should know that the best result can be achieved if you paint several times. Sometimes gray hairs not only stand out from the total mass of hair, but also occupy a large part. In this case, you must first dye your hair with henna. Re-staining is carried out using a mixture of components. You can choose the required combination of products yourself.

If after dyeing you see that the color is too bright, then there is no need to worry. In this case, vegetable oil will help, which needs to be distributed over the entire length of the hair. The oil is first heated and then applied to the hair, wrapped in a bag. After this, the hair is washed with shampoo. This way the rich shade will disappear and become softer. And your hair will receive a portion of nutritional components. This procedure should not be carried out more than once. Otherwise, your hair will only become more oily. Another way is to treat each dyed strand with soap.

In the video, hair coloring with henna and basma for gray hair:

Dyeing blonde hair - how to mix dyes, ratios and proportions

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to dye blond hair with basma and henna. Many experts can express their categorical “no”. But in fact there is another opinion. So, you shouldn’t dye your blonde hair with just basma. In this case, you can not only dye your hair poorly, but also get an unpredictable result. Therefore, it is necessary to add henna to the composition.

If you have dyed your hair with the natural ingredients presented, you can prolong the effect of dyeing. To do this, the curls need to be rinsed with the solution. You need to mix 2 tablespoons of basma and 2 tablespoons of henna, pour 2 liters of boiling water. Once the entire mixture has cooled, you just need to strain it. Now they simply rinse their hair with it after each shampoo.

Also, under no circumstances should you dye your hair with chemical compounds until the basma is completely gone. Be sure to rinse your hair with cool water upon completion, but it is best to wash your hair with warm water.

For those who want to understand what types exist, the information from the article will help them understand.

But you can see what coloring shatush on light brown hair looks like in the photo in this

For those who want to understand how it’s done, follow the link and watch the video.