Black tourmaline is considered the most common type of this stone, which has special energy. There is another name for this mineral - schorl. It is worth noting one unique property - the ability to be reflected in light, which is inherent only in glass. The rich color is due to the large amount of iron it contains.

The magical properties of black tourmaline

The first thing I would like to note is the ability of the mineral to cleanse a person of negative energy, grievances and other negative feelings. Jewelry with black tourmaline has a powerful magical influence. By the way, when a bad person approaches the owner of a piece of jewelry with a mineral, the stone itself becomes cold. To protect yourself in public places, it is recommended to carry a pebble in your pocket or bag. At home, you should place tourmaline near the door to protect your home from the penetration of negativity. With its help you can cope with depression and find harmony in yourself. Recommended for use by people who face various stressful situations during the day. An important magical property of the black tourmaline stone is that it promotes the opening of the chakras, which allows energy to circulate freely through the channels, and this in turn allows a person to feel as good as possible. It is worth noting that not every esotericist can establish a relationship with a stone, since the mineral requires considerable spiritual potential.

The mineral is also called a symbol of faith, which promotes the development of creative potential. For men, jewelry with tourmaline will help improve their personal life and increase self-esteem. The properties of black tourmaline help improve financial well-being. A person who uses it can achieve success in business and develop.

Healing properties of black tourmaline

It is worth noting the analgesic effect of this mineral, which will quickly reduce pain. The stone also helps improve immunity. Lithotherapists note that the power of black tourmaline is effective in treating inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as in treating problems with the digestive system and kidneys. It is worth using the stone for skin massage, since cell rejuvenation occurs, and the mineral also promotes the outflow of accumulated fluid, leading to swelling.

The properties of black tourmaline stone are also used in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. For example, it will help men improve potency and increase fertility. Traditional healers also use the mineral in the treatment of cancer. After heating, black tourmaline is able to create a magnetic field that improves metabolism, restores the functioning of internal organs and systems, and also normalizes blood circulation.

It is also worth talking about how to wear black tourmaline correctly. The best setting for it is gold. You should give preference to pendants or rings, but you should wear them either index finger of the right hand, or on the middle finger of the left.

Who is suitable for the properties of black tourmaline stone?

Astrologers believe that this mineral is best suited for Aries, who will be able to learn how to properly use and distribute their energy. Tourmaline will help Leo people get rid of their temper and find harmony within themselves. Sagittarius, Capricorn and Scorpio will also be able to appreciate the positive properties of this stone. Black tourmaline is not contraindicated for other signs, but it has a strong effect on them.

People who often give in to emotions need to pay attention to this mineral, as it will help them soberly assess the situation and make the right decision.

Black tourmaline is the most common type of tourmaline. In another way it is also called sherl. It is believed that the stone received its name from the village in the vicinity of which it was discovered. The stone is mined all over the world, but the most famous deposits are in the USA, Germany, Transbaikalia and the Urals. It is distinguished from its bright analogues - colored tourmalines - by its high iron content. This is what explains its opacity and black color. This slightly limits the use of schorl for jewelry making. Nevertheless, brooches, necklaces, and beads made by skillful hands from strict, elegant tourmaline find their fans.

It is impossible to call a Sherl absolutely faceless and expressionless. After all, this is a type of tourmaline, and it is considered a very extraordinary mineral. The fact is that such tourmaline is fraught with unusual properties. But if you look closely at it in bright light, you can see blue tones in the depths of blackness. In addition, the stone is able to absorb rays like black velvet.

There is a demand for this black stone. Rings, earrings, and pendants with tourmaline are most suitable for women who prefer a discreet style. In this case, the products will emphasize feminine perfection no worse than a diamond.

The magical properties of sherl

Black schorl has been known since ancient times. The Romans used it to ensure complete, restful sleep. Indians from America and shamans from Africa made amulets from this stone that could protect against dangers. And witches used it for witchcraft. In mental magic, the stone was used to destroy areas with a high concentration of negative energy, thereby fighting dark witchcraft. And today, schorl tourmaline is considered the most powerful talisman, as if specially created by nature to protect humans. It does not absorb negative energy, but deflects it. This may be due to its unique properties. The stone is able to protect against such negative phenomena as damage, the evil eye, envy, and curse. If you wear a stone on a pendant, then in the place where it comes into contact with the skin, a person will feel a slight chill. If there is someone nearby who is envious or negative, the chill from the stone will intensify.

It is recommended to carry a schorl crystal with you for protection from those called energy vampires. After all, after communicating with them, you are left with a feeling of emptiness. Black tourmaline helps men achieve success in the love field, increases self-esteem, directs their sexual energy in the right direction, and increases fertility. Black tourmaline also has a positive effect on financial well-being and success in business.

Tourmaline is good to carry in a coat pocket or purse, especially for those who often visit crowded places, travel on public transport, or return home alone late in the evening. If you put black tourmaline on a shelf in the hallway, it will neutralize negative energy flows coming from outside.

In addition, tourmaline will protect its owner from negative environmental influences: radiation from computers, televisions, phones and tablets. The stone will help you concentrate on work, relieves negative thoughts, feelings of anxiety, and anger. It also makes it possible to look at what is happening positively, regardless of the circumstances.

In addition, schorl tourmaline not only protects a person from negative influences, it also allows you to look beyond the real world and develop magical abilities. For those who are not interested in magic, the stone will help develop intuition and make them closer to nature. But not every esotericist can withstand communication with a stone. To cope with the visions that tourmaline conveys, you must have considerable spiritual potential. With due persistence, anyone can learn to “get along” with the stone, but astrologers recommend it only to Scorpios as the most mystical sign. Others can use it only occasionally and then only for its intended purpose.

In order for a stone to fully display its magical properties, it must have the shape of a cabochon or not be treated with a crystal at all, otherwise it will be of no use. Gold is considered the best setting for black tourmaline: it enhances its magical properties.

It is better to wear a black crystal in the form of a pendant or on the right hand (on the index finger). If the owner of the stone prefers to wear it on his left hand, then it is better to put the jewelry on the middle finger. Those women who want to achieve maximum effectiveness should keep the stone under their pillow, but for men it is best to carry the stone in their trouser pocket.

Healing properties of the stone

As a variety of tourmaline, schorl has unusually strong healing properties.

The stone will help restore hair and nail growth, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart, strengthens the immune system, helps in treating the intestines, and relieves drug and alcohol addiction. To heal, you need to bring the stone to the problem area and rotate it counterclockwise, which allows you to remove negative energy.

Those who have a black crystal need to treat it with care and care for the stone, regularly discharge it under running water. To restore its healing power and restore its properties, the stone should be charged from the sun's rays. In this case, it will serve its owner faithfully for a very long time.

Black tourmaline is one of the rarest gemstones that belongs to the tourmaline family. The uniqueness of the latter lies in the variety of shades, each of which is given its own name.

Today there are more than 50 colors of tourmaline. Among the popular minerals classified as precious, it stands out with the most saturated color palette. This is due to the unique combination of chemical elements in the composition: Na, Al, Fe, B, Mg, Mn, Li - in total their number is 25.

Black tourmaline - composition and properties

Sherl – hardness – 7-7.5. This black stone has the ability to reflect in light, which is usually found only in glass. Let us remember that its black color of tourmaline is due to its rich ferum content. Iron-rich minerals are not transparent, with a predominant black or deep marine color.

This mineral consists of regularly structured columnar prismatic crystals up to 30 cm high and higher. Its edges are sharply hatched. There is another type of change in its shape - tourmaline suns - beautiful radial-radiant aggregates.

The emergence of the concept “schorl” does not have any validity. There are rumors that in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Germany designated black stones from ore tailings as nothing other than “schirl” or “schrul”. With the development of mining, gems characterized by crystals that are close to black in color continued the naming tradition begun by German miners.

At the end of the 18th century, the French scientist J.B. Romé de Lisle gave this term an official meaning. Since then, it has been inextricably linked with dark tourmaline. In practice, it is often called stone jet, iron tourmaline, black schorl, turpelin.
Tourmalite is a stone of fabulous beauty!

Transparent quartz, which combines some of the properties of scherl, is in high demand among connoisseurs of beauty. Minerals of unusual beauty with graceful threads of schorl intertwined inside tempt with truly original images. They cause unprecedented delight among collectors who give their preference to tourmaline quartz (tourmalite).

Black tourmaline has healing and magical properties

In nature, there is often a rock that consists entirely of black tourmaline - sherl slate. Sherl, as one of the most common types of tourmaline, is found more often than its analogues. Its origin occurs in granitic pegmatites. For example, in Russia it is successfully mined in the Urals and Transbaikalia.

In Madagascar, you often come across the same crystals, reaching 50 cm in height. Larger specimens are also available in Brazil. And in the state of Bahia, a case of finding a 24-kilogram sample was recorded. The USA (Colorado, California), Great Britain (Cornwall), Germany, Kyrgyzstan (Kirk-Bulak), Romania can also boast of large occurrences of nuggets.

Despite the particular extravagance of its external form, scherl is not destined to be in such demand as its “relatives” - red rubellite, green verdelite or polychrome tourmaline. Unprepossessing color is the main obstacle on the way to a leading position in jewelry production. But products made from black tourmaline appeal to many modern fashionistas. And in the West it has found its wide use in mourning rites. Large nuggets are not used to create souvenirs.

In addition, the special properties of tourmaline to cleanse the body of negative energy, anger, resentment, feelings of fear and depression make it simply an indispensable stone for obtaining peace of mind. It helps to get rid of stress and nervousness caused by routine work or accumulated problems, which often occurs in our lives.

Black tourmaline has:

  • analgesic properties;
  • increases immunity;
  • stabilizes nerves;
  • charges with positive energy.

Black tourmaline, whose properties have not yet been fully appreciated, ideally opens the chakras, giving the opportunity to freely circulate through energy channels, control oneself and manage one’s emotions.
Black tourmaline will become a reliable assistant if you need to soberly assess the situation and take the right step in your life, without unnecessary emotions and spontaneity.

It is noted that ancient healers used its healing properties for such ailments as inflammation of the lymph nodes. In lithotherapy, this type of mineral is effectively used in the treatment of the digestive system, intestines and even kidneys.

Tourmaline is used to massage the skin to rejuvenate its cells, cleanse dead cells and retain fluid in them.

In the mystical realm, black tourmaline has the most powerful magical properties. It is used to protect the human aura and protects against the evil eye, damage, conspiracies and other curses. The field that the sherl creates around itself mirrors repels negative influences from the outside, preventing it from penetrating inside. When worn on the body, it creates an aura of harmony and balance around a person. If necessary, this mineral will serve instead of a magic wand or a wolf's fang to neutralize dark witchcraft.

In addition, schorl is characterized by piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects, that is, it has electrical conductivity. Therefore, it can also be found in everyday life, for example in sensors and valves.

Shungite provides protection from the negative effects of electromagnetic waves.
Suitable for Capricorns, since this solar sign is ruled by Saturn, and Mars is especially strong in it. Not recommended for Fire signs.

Products made from colored tourmaline

The element of tourmaline is Earthy.

Related materials:

Sherl stone or black tourmaline is the most mysterious stone among gems. Black, like the eastern night, it has a pronounced effect on people and objects. Its scope of application extends from participation in magical rituals and medicine to use in radio engineering.

This stone manifests its properties unnoticed, protecting its owners from evil people and diseases. However, Sherl is not suitable for every zodiac sign - its energy is most favorable for people with strong and bright constellations.

Black tourmaline - history

Black stone came to Europe at the border of the 17th and 18th centuries. It was brought from Ceylon by traders. In those days, a rare stone in Rome was valued quite dearly and was popular, but in the East it was purchased for next to nothing. The fashion for black stone spread. In Rome and Greece it was worn as a mourning decoration. Thanks to its velvety blackness, traders sold it either as a talisman or as a jewel that gives strength and health.

At the same time, the sherl stone acquired the fame of a witch. Its magical properties began to be used by healers, sorcerers, astrologers, and fortune tellers. People could not explain the beneficial, calming effect of schorl energy. Inexplicable was, for example, the low incidence of illness among miners mining tourmaline ore.

The stone had the status of a precious stone until its own deposit was discovered in Germany. After which tourmalines fell in price. However, scherl or black tourmaline still proudly bears the name of a gemstone if it is a good crystal in decent processing.


Historians have two versions of the origin of the name “sherl”. The first considers the source of the settlement of Scherlau, where the first German mines for the extraction of tourmaline were created. The second prefers the colloquial language version of Schörl “schorl” - the word that miners used to designate rock or slag.

Until the 19th century, all tourmalines were called “sherl”, prefixing the name with the color of the stone. So there was a pink sherl, a green sherl and a black sherl. Later, the common noun “Sherl” became a proper name and began to belong exclusively to the black stone of this family. The rest remained the name “tourmaline”.

Composition and properties of the stone

Schorl stone has a complex chemical composition and belongs to ring borosilicates, while other tourmalines are called aluminosilicates. In addition to aluminum, boron and silicon, the crystal lattice of black tourmaline includes divalent iron and sodium. The stone owes its impenetrable black color to the last two metals.

The stone has a crystalline structure, is completely opaque, and is capable of absorbing light rays. The crystals are long, in the form of needles or triangular prisms, oriented parallel.

Physical properties of black tourmaline:

  • At the fracture, the stone is heterogeneous; deep shading is clearly visible.
  • The crystal lattice is ditrigonal-pyramidal.
  • There is no cleavage or luminescence.
  • Glass shine.
  • Hardness is within 7-7.5.
  • The density of the stone ranges from 3.02 to 3.26 g per cm3.

A distinctive feature is the ability to acquire a pronounced electromagnetic charge, with a clear distinction between plus and minus. The scorl is magnetized by friction and the heat of the human body. Black stone has the ability to redirect light rays, polarizing them.


The schorl stone is not rare. Its deposits have been found on every continent.

There are tourmaline mines in the following countries:

  • Europe (Germany, Italy, Switzerland);
  • USA (Maine, Colorado, California);
  • in Mexico;
  • in Brazil;
  • in Afghanistan and Tajikistan;
  • in India, Sri Lanka;
  • in South Africa;
  • In Canada;
  • on the Australian continent.

In Russia, schorl is mined in Karelia, Transbaikalia, and the Kola Peninsula.

The mineral is of hydrothermal origin. Its crystals are formed deep in the earth's crust under the influence of high pressure and hot aqueous solutions. Sherl is a granitic pegmatite, found in nature in the form of large and huge veins.

Varieties, colors

Tourmaline quartz

The color is rich, deep, velvety black. Sherl may have a bluish sheen due to the iron it contains, but this is not typical. In nature, there are crystals of transparent quartz (tourmaline quartz), pierced with needles of black tourmaline.

It should be noted that Sherl is not positioned as an exclusively jewelry stone. The scope of its use is much wider.

Magic properties

Already in the Middle Ages, scherl was credited with magical powers. Despite the impenetrable blackness, the stone has a positive effect. Its vibrations resonate with the vibrations of a person, its energy enhances the energy of the owner.

Here are the magical properties attributed to black tourmaline:

  1. When worn on the chest or near the heart, the stone outlines a protective field through which neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor condemnation, nor human envy penetrates.
  2. Cleanses the Sherl stone and the owner himself. Those who wear it constantly become purer in their thoughts, gain the opportunity to meditate and communicate with higher powers.
  3. He helps those who are depressed, angry or resentful.
  4. Black tourmaline heals human energy and through this heals physical ailments.

Note! Although sherl is often called the “witch’s stone,” its main purpose is protection from evil spirits and human malice.

It is believed that only a strong person with pure thoughts can wear a sherl stone. It deprives people with a black soul of vitality.

The magical power of the stone brings prosperity to the home of an enterprising person. Magicians claim that owners of Sherla, whether male or female, always make the right decisions regarding investments, choice of activities or partners, and purchase of real estate.

The magical power of the black sherl actively helps when traveling. The stone synchronizes a person’s biorhythms with his place of residence. This helps to quickly and painlessly adapt to changing time zones, to a new climate or continent.

Medicinal properties

Official medicine uses black tourmaline only as components of medical devices, where the stone is used to polarize light or in temperature and pressure sensors.

The medicinal use of schorl among traditional healers is much more extensive. Their experience shows that with the help of a witch stone they cure:

  • female anemia and weakness after childbirth;
  • male age-related ailments associated with sexual dysfunction;
  • nervous diseases;
  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • addiction to tobacco and alcohol;
  • mental illness.

Black tourmaline plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. Those who wear it constantly are protected from flu and colds in the off-season. The radiation of the stone has a positive effect on the activity of the heart and blood circulation.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Although anyone can experience the effects of tourmaline, schorl is the stone of the brightest signs of the zodiac. It is on them that it manifests itself to the maximum.

The horoscope recommends five signs to constantly wear tourmaline:

  1. It will give strength to hardworking and stubborn Capricorns and somewhat pacify their ambition.
  2. Aries will be helped to curb the exorbitant lust for power, which at times blurs the eyes and leads to wrong decisions.
  3. It will help fair archers to withstand human malice.
  4. It will calm down explosive Scorpios somewhat and “land” where necessary, helping them climb to the top of their success.
  5. Leos will be given the desire to work with pleasure.

The favorites out of these five are Capricorns and Scorpios. Sherl will help these signs in their perseverance to achieve everything in life with their mind and hands. Representatives of other zodiac signs can wear jewelry with this mineral occasionally, putting it on for several hours. There are no prohibited signs, but the stone should be removed from children.


Black tourmaline is used to make two types of jewelry. In the first case, the stone is left with its natural structure. These jewelry have an elongated shape, a surface with a pronounced stroke and a crystalline structure. As a rule, untreated stone is used in “solo” jewelry.

The second type of jewelry is polished stone, which is subjected to special processing. Here the shape can be oval, semicircular. The stone becomes matte, smooth and combines well with other minerals in one piece of jewelry.

All types of women's jewelry are made from black tourmaline, but it is more of a masculine mineral. Rings, cufflinks, rosaries, pins with black sherl - these are the things that men especially love.

Other uses of stone

In addition to the manufacture of costume jewelry and jewelry, sherl is used in instrument making, radio engineering, and optics.

A separate area is esoteric practice. Amulets, talismans, and various magical attributes made from this mineral have been in strong demand for three centuries.

Price and care

Due to its prevalence, scherl is considered an inexpensive stone. However, some jewelry goes up to several hundred dollars.

The stone does not require special care; just wash it in soapy water and dry with a soft cloth. The mineral does not tolerate mechanical impact and abrasives. Jewelry should be protected from falls and impacts.

How to distinguish from a fake?

A reliable way to identify natural tourmaline is to simply rub it between your palms and bring it to your hair. If the hair is magnetized, then you have a natural stone in your hands.

Try to scratch the stone - if it is natural, then you will not succeed.

Fake diamond

Attempts to produce scorl artificially have been made. However, the cost of synthetic stone is not inferior to the cost of extracting natural stone. Today, artificial black tourmaline is not made.

Black tourmaline, or as it is often called schorl, is a unique mineral that contains a lot of iron. Plus, this iron usually predominates over other chemical elements that make up the rock. This black schorl stone can be safely classified as a boron-containing silicate. The texture of the stone is opaque, which gives it even more mystery and magic. Despite its incredible hardness, the rock is easily processed by high temperatures, pressure and other external influences. Black schorl tourmaline was first discovered many centuries ago. It was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. A similar schorl stone is distinguished by its magical and healing properties, so it is very important to understand who such a black structure is suitable for and what properties it differs from other minerals.

Magical properties of crystal

This is a unique stone that has powerful magical energy. Sherl crystal has a long history. It was used by almost all peoples of the world, even those that no longer exist. The magic of the mineral lies in the fact that it can protect its owner and balance his inner state of mind. Many experts in the field of paranormal phenomena claim that the purpose of black tourmaline is to adequately protect the person who owns it. Within a radius of several meters, a raw crystal can protect a person from various negative influences. We are talking about negative energy, damage and other negative influences from strangers, from whom we do not even expect this. Sherl is able to protect even from the evil eye. Not every stone can boast of such capabilities.

Still, a processed Sherl stone can also help a person. Any bracelet, ring or earrings can redirect a negative message in the opposite direction. In simpler terms, a sherl can return all negative wishes to the person who sent them. The natural mineral does not absorb negative energy, but rather rejects it. This allows you to use Sherl for many years without worrying that sooner or later the whole portion of the negative will spill out anyway. This black stone is often used to return normal consciousness to a person after carrying out serious magical rituals and ceremonies. Indeed, often after such procedures a person becomes immersed in himself and does not notice anything around him.

Black tourmaline is useful for travelers or people who, for some reason, often visit other countries. The fact is that this stone is capable of reuniting the energies of man and the planet together. Thanks to this, the owner of such a talisman easily goes through the adaptation period, and jet lag is also not detected.

Sherl also repels negative energy. If you notice that for no particular reason you have stopped communicating with one or another new person in your life, you can be sure that this is the merit of the crystal. But this does not happen because the black tourmaline stone itself wanted it. Most likely, this person did not show his true colors and could harm you. Therefore, you should not regret the departure of such people. They're not worth it. Naturally, not a single fake can boast of any of the above capabilities. Magical properties are inherent only in products made from natural crystal in silver. And this is not all the magic inherent in this wonderful mineral.

Medicinal properties

Black tourmaline is a fairly strong gem that belongs to the category of precious minerals. This black, opaque variety of the mineral can charge a person with positive emotions, strong immunity and, naturally, increased physical strength and activity in everyday life. Sherl is great for those who are in a state of tension and stress on a daily basis. Wearing black tourmaline is also recommended for athletes who spend more than one hour every day in the gym training. They say that such a stone can quickly restore strength.

The black, opaque variety of tourmaline is capable of emitting infrared rays, which in turn dilate blood vessels. Due to this, shorl accelerates metabolic processes and improves the functioning of cells of different tissues in the body. It has been proven that black schorl tourmaline is capable of purifying the environment from radiation and dust in the air. Therefore, if you want to breathe only clean air, be sure to carry a ring, pendant, bracelet and other jewelry made of black mineral with you.

Those who are prone to colds should also wear a sherl. Many magical specialists claim that tourmaline will help eliminate cancer and other malignant tumors. Sherl can cleanse any body of negativity and provide it with a feeling of joy and peace. The black variety of the stone can also relieve a person from insomnia, which is also quite important.

Tourmaline in all its forms can relieve you of problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland. A mineral of this color also has a positive effect on joints. That is why even doctors of traditional medicine often prescribe black tourmaline to people who suffer from gout, constant pain in the spine and other places. The healing properties of this mineral are difficult to overestimate. After all, it has a positive effect even on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. For girls this has special meaning. And, of course, tourmaline copes well with diseases of the nervous system. The black breed calms and pacifies even the most aggressive person.

What zodiac signs is Sherl suitable for?

It should be noted that the black variety of the mineral can suit a variety of zodiac signs. The magical properties of sherl manifest themselves in relation to all people, but still some of them were lucky enough to feel its special influence. As a talisman, tourmaline is suitable for many representatives.

  1. Leos - in this case, the properties of the stone are aimed at realizing a person in work processes. This sign, carrying black tourmaline with it, will feel its strength and power in solving this or that matter.
  2. Capricorns - this sign will feel more serious and will get rid of its inherent suspiciousness. Plus, the sherl will increase the material wealth of this person.
  3. For Sagittarius, the value of tourmaline in this case is difficult to appreciate. The magical properties of sherl in this case lie in establishing relationships with family and friends.
  4. In Scorpios, a true black sherl eliminates excessive aggression and discontent. Thanks to this, Scorpio can carry out his plans to the end without hysterics and quarrels.

Tourmaline should not be worn by those people on whom it has split at least once. This means that the mineral is not suitable for this particular person. There is no other way to find out about the compatibility of a stone and a person.