Diagnosis based on dents, holes and other irregularities has been made with great accuracy since ancient times. At the same time, warning signs (for example, pits) on the nails appear long before changes in well-being and the appearance of primary symptoms of the disease; this knowledge will help us in resolving the issue of determining the causes of unevenness of the nail plates.

Why do pits and holes appear on nails, what do they mean?

When the human body is in a balanced, healthy state, its nails should be pink, shiny and hard. Nutrition, environment, cosmetic care, physical, chemical and mechanical stress are important factors that affect the appearance of such troubles as pits on the nails. The manifestation of any health disorders is the same reason for a change in the appearance of nails, as is a change in any of the above elements in an unfavorable direction.

Transverse dents

The appearance of transverse dents on the thumbnail most likely indicate the presence of problems with the respiratory, that is, bronchopulmonary apparatus.


In cases where dots in the form of holes appear on the nails, a person wonders: what could it be? Very often, the presence of small holes and pores indicates a pathology of the spleen.


However, there is also the concept “ thimble symptom”, in which small dents appear on the nail - pinpoint “weariness”. The pits can be located one at a time randomly or in many “slender” longitudinal rows. The appearance of a dimple is possible both with psoriasis or dermatoses, and with systemic diseases, such as alopecia areata (the main symptom is the appearance of bald spots on the head).

Dents on nails and their causes (depending on the shape).

We will consider such serious reasons in more detail below.

Fungal infections

Infection with fungi can occur in public places - saunas, swimming pools, baths. At the same time, flip-flops do not always protect against infection. To make a diagnosis, a dermatologist takes a scraping from the nail plate. The type of fungus that caused the infection is determined in the laboratory.

Most often, this problem appears on the toenails. Outwardly it looks far from aesthetically pleasing, but pain with such an infection is rare. Fungus infection is also possible on the hands.

Lack of vitamins

Do you have dimples on your fingernails or toenails? Possible cause: vitamin deficiency!

With vitamin deficiency, pits most often appear on the fingernails. However, in addition to this symptom, hair fragility or increased hair loss may be observed. The nail can “tell” which microelement is missing in the body. If the dent looks like a transverse groove and there are several of them on the plate, this indicates a lack of iron in the body.

Injuries, chemical exposure

Regular exposure to chemicals can lead to nail diseases such as onychochigis or onychoya, the symptoms of which can also be the nail pits. The disease leads to dystrophic changes in the body, in particular, to the splitting of the nail plate into transverse elements in the form of small leaf-shaped plates.

The reasons mainly lie in the exposure of nails to chemicals during the performance of professional duties. The disease is common among chemical industry workers and medical workers who come into contact with disinfectant solutions. However, excessive use of varnishes together with products containing acetone for its removal sometimes leads to the development of this health disorder.

The constant use of detergents and disinfectants in household use only aggravates this process.

Onychoschisis is also a disease that develops due to constant mechanical stress on the nail plate.

Recently, IT workers are susceptible to this disease because they constantly type a large amount of information manually. So frequent communication via a computer may not be a harmless activity.

Nail psoriasis

Pits on the fingernails (with psoriasis).

In patients with this disease, only the nails are rarely affected. Usually other parts of the body are also affected - very often the skin, sometimes the bones.

  • Symptoms can be different, the main ones are:
  • the color of the nails becomes yellow with brown tints;
  • horizontal lines (transverse dents) and white spots appear on the fingernails;
  • plate thickenings form;
  • the nail plate may separate from the bed.

Many patients are interested in how to get rid of psoriasis. The answer is clear - it is impossible. However, it is possible to cope with the symptoms with the help of ointments and injections, which the doctor can select (individually for you).


This topic is covered in the video:

In general, this is a separate, big topic.

What to do, how to treat

Symptoms consisting of the appearance of various dents, grooves, pits and depressions on the nails are possible due to completely different reasons. Some require only a little effort to heal, while others may take the rest of your life to heal:

  1. Infections. To prevent fungal diseases, baths with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar are used. Treatment of fungal infections is not a quick matter, since the penetration of drugs in the form of ointments through the nail plate takes a long time. Comprehensive treatment, including tablets, ointments and vitamins, brings the greatest effect.
    ⇒ For more details, see articles about,.
  2. Vitamin deficiency can be compensated for by taking vitamin complexes orally and restoring a balanced healthy diet. It is necessary to have less contact with detergents and washing powders. The most effective methods of nail restoration can only be found together with your doctor.
  3. The chemical effect on the nail plate can only be restored with complex treatment. It is necessary to restore minerals and vitamins in the body. Vitamin injections and tablets are also prescribed.
  4. Nail psoriasis. For this disease, treatment is carried out using traditional therapy or phototherapy, and surgery is also possible to remove deformed nail plates. Instead of the latter, medications with urea compounds can be used, which allow the nail to separate from the bed without surgery. The drugs used can be either external use, directly applied to the nail, or internal or in the form of injections. A defect in the nail plate can hide a manicure.

It is necessary to realize that the condition of the nail plate is an indicator of human health. The better your nails look, the better you will feel.

In contact with

The appearance of nails is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health perspective. The fact is that it is on the nail plates that many diseases manifest themselves first. Therefore, it is very important to examine your nails from time to time and pay attention to the slightest changes in their relief, color and appearance. For example, if dents appear on the nails, this may be a reason to consult a doctor.


This disease is transmitted by contact, through the skin flakes of a sick person. It is incredibly contagious and very difficult to treat. There are several types of fungus, and therefore, almost any deviation from the norm in the condition of the nails can be associated with this lesion, including dents. It is very easy to become infected with a fungus, since the only thing that can protect against it is the body’s immunity, and those whose immunity is weakened almost always become infected.

Toenail fungus can be contracted in places where people walk barefoot or wear flip-flops, which also do not protect against fungus. These could be showers in fitness clubs, saunas, solariums, etc. The situation is more complicated with fingernail fungus, since it can become infected almost everywhere. However, it is less common, probably because most people wash their hands frequently and bacteria do not have time to enter the bloodstream.

These bacteria are very viable and can withstand both maximum heating up to 180 degrees and cooling down to -60. Therefore, the only way to get rid of them is to treat the surface using an aggressive chlorine-containing detergent. In addition, the best environment for them is a moist, neutral environment, so it is worth keeping your feet dry to reduce the risk of infection. An acidic environment is destructive for infectious agents, and therefore, for prevention, you can make foot baths with lemon juice or vinegar. Also, the likelihood of infection increases in the presence of injuries and wounds on the skin, so the integrity of the skin also needs to be carefully monitored.

The reason why, with this disease, dents and pits appear on the nails is due to the uneven thickening of the plate. This usually occurs at fairly late stages of the disease. Therefore, it is likely that you have already noticed earlier symptoms in yourself before. In any case, if you have symptoms such as discoloration of the plate, brittleness and fragility, thickening or dimples on the nail plate, it is recommended to immediately consult a dermatologist.


If you have dents on your fingernails, then the reasons may lie in the general condition of the body. A lack of vitamins can have a very significant negative impact on the condition of the nail plate. In this case, most often, there is also increased hair loss or fragility, poor skin condition, etc. Vitamin deficiency may be seasonal or have other causes, for example, recent childbirth, etc. In particular, if the dents are located in the form of transverse grooves, and even several on the plate, then this indicates a lack of iron. This symptom is often observed in vegans at the very beginning of a change in diet, when the body has not yet adapted to the absence of meat and is experiencing an acute lack of zinc.

In order for both your nails and your entire body to return to normal, you need to start eating right and including the necessary vitamins in your diet. If we are talking about nails, then to improve their appearance it is important to get enough vitamins B, found in cereals, E - in butter, A and others. Of the microelements, the most important role is played by calcium, which can be obtained by consuming cheese and dairy products, as well as iron and zinc. If eating the right foods does not bring the expected results, then you can start taking multivitamin complexes sold at the pharmacy. However, it is better to have them prescribed by a doctor.

Somatic diseases

Quite often, quite serious diseases of the internal organs manifest themselves through the pits on the fingernails. Thus, if a dent has formed on the thumb, then this is evidence of problems with the lungs and/or respiratory system. On the index - with the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, and also, sometimes, with the intestines.

If pits appear on the nails of the middle finger, then this can serve as evidence of a whole range of problems. This may indicate problems with blood circulation and oxygen saturation. In addition, about problems in the cardiovascular system. A similar diagnosis can be assumed with such manifestations on the little finger. Problems with the nervous system may explain the appearance of indentations on the nail of the ring finger.

If all the fingernails have dimples and grooves, then we can talk about changes and disorders in the urinary system, kidneys, adrenal glands and liver. Small pits indicate an unhealthy state of the pancreas. Hidden inflammatory and purulent processes can also manifest themselves in a similar way.

Naturally, the condition of the nails cannot serve as a basis for establishing an unambiguous conclusion about the state of health. Thus, in order to determine what dents in the nails mean, it is important to evaluate the entire range of symptoms. And if suspicions of any diagnosis are confirmed, immediately seek qualified medical help.

Often, it is the nails that reveal the health status of their owner. Sloppy hands and deformed nails can ruin even the most elegant and impeccable look. Unfortunately, today few people can boast of absolutely healthy and strong nails, and a very common problem is an uneven nail plate with many depressions and stripes. Why do waves appear on nails and how to return them to their original appearance? In this article we will try to answer a pressing question that worries both women and men.

What do uneven nails look like?

The problem of uneven nails looks different for different people. “Waves” can be located both lengthwise and crosswise, there can be a different number of tubercles and stripes, they can be deep or barely noticeable. It is better to study the number and depth of depressions on a note from the side, so to speak, in the profile of the hand.

Often, uneven nails appear on the thumbs, since this area of ​​the hand accounts for the majority of injuries and mechanical impacts.

It happens that the depression does not go away, even as the plate grows, and longitudinal waves appear even after the tuberous part of the nail has already been cut off. It is possible to get rid of a defect only after finding out the cause of its appearance; sometimes consultation and assistance from a specialist is required.

Reasons why wavy fingernails

Often, various waves and bumps on the plate appear as a result of improper care of hands and nails. Perhaps the manicure or pedicure was done incorrectly, a file was used that was too rough, or the cuticle was cut too sharply and not neatly. Also, waviness and deformation of the nail on the thumb may be associated with the harmful habit of gnawing and biting nails during nervous tension. In the future, any damage and incorrect movements can affect the condition of the nail.

In everyday life, you constantly have to come into contact with chemical components found in detergents and cleaning products. And, unfortunately, not every woman protects her hands with gloves during household chores, and over time, the nail is destroyed due to the negative effects of aggressive chemistry, the plate becomes weak, brittle and lumpy.

These are the most common and popular options for the appearance of relief on the nail. But these are far from the only reasons why nails become wavy, and the problem is not always purely cosmetic. In some cases, defects on the nail plate may be the first signals of the development of certain diseases or health problems.

It can be quite difficult to unambiguously determine the causes of dents on fingernails on your own. Therefore, if you find hollows and tubercles on the nail plate, the best solution would be to contact a qualified specialist, and in general, get into the habit of seeing a doctor annually, performing a visual examination, taking the required tests, and also notifying the doctor if any changes occur or problems are noticed in the body.

How to cure lumpy fingernails?

Before moving on to treating the problem, you first need to find and eliminate all sorts of reasons why nails grow in waves.

If the nails have waves, the causes are infectious, for example, a fungus or other skin or nail lesion has appeared, then it is extremely undesirable to self-medicate. The risk of complications is very high, and there are often cases when a “neglected” patient requires surgical intervention and removal of the affected plate. Treatment should be comprehensive, using antimicrobial and antifungal medications, as well as treating infected areas with lotions, ointments and creams.

But, regardless of the cause of ribbed nails, you can follow a set of measures and carry out medical procedures that will help cure the wavy nails, and in the future prevent the appearance of such a flaw.

  • , give preference to unimaginative European manicure.
  • Wear gloves when in contact with water and household chemicals.
  • Stop doing nail extensions for a while.
  • Do not polish your nails too often and over-moisturize the cuticle and plate.
  • Use only high-quality care products and varnishes, and apply a base or strengthening agent before decorative coating. Read more about strengthening nails.
  • Keep your diet balanced.
  • In order to prevent transverse dents or longitudinal waves from appearing on the nails, it is recommended to periodically drink special vitamin and mineral course preparations, especially in the autumn-spring period.

We have analyzed the most likely causes of crooked fingernails; it is quite possible to correct the situation, the main thing is to approach the problem with all seriousness.

Maybe you have your own answer to the question of why dents appear on nails, and a personal proven way to overcome lumpy nails; we would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments.

Be impeccable!

A beautiful and well-groomed appearance of nails is important both from an aesthetic point of view and is associated with health care, because nails can symbolize many problems of the body that are difficult to notice at first glance. That is why, when a depression appears on the fingernails, this problem can be solved either independently, with the help of folk recipes and medicinal drugs, or by directly contacting your doctor.

Pits on the nails, photos of which look ugly and unaesthetic, can appear as a result of infection with a fungus, weakened immunity, blows or bruises. It is very easy to become infected with a flexible one, especially with a weakened immune system; this can be done anywhere, and the bacteria instantly penetrate the blood and remain viable for a long time. To protect yourself from them, it is recommended to wash your hands and feet as often as possible and use a special detergent containing chlorine, after which you will need to wipe the washed area dry.

It is believed that the pits on the thumbnail indicate a problem with the lungs or respiratory tract, the index finger carries the health of the intestines and stomach, the middle finger, like the little finger, indicates problems with the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system, and the ring finger indicates problems with the nervous system. In the event that there are depressions on all or most fingers, this is considered a sign that the functioning of the kidneys or urinary system is impaired; of course, there are other symptoms of disease than a simple dimple on the thumb, so you should not blindly trust such statistics .

A deep groove on a nail or several at once is a fairly common occurrence, so experts recommend periodic preventive maintenance aimed at solving this problem. Often, dimples on the fingernails appear due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body, in particular, you need to pay attention to the consumption of B vitamins, iron, and also drink enough fluid daily (at least 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water) and maintain a balanced diet.

Nail hygiene is of great importance; in order to reduce the risk of indentations on your fingernails, you must remember to follow simple steps aimed at improving their healthy appearance. For example, nails should always be protected from bad weather and exposure to chemicals, moisturize and nourish both hands and nail plates, which can be done using special creams or fatty oils (for example, olive, jojoba or vitamin E in liquid form). It is recommended to apply cream or lotion to hands after each contact with water to maintain moisture, and oils are applied immediately before bed, at night.

If the problem has already arisen, then you can solve it by using folk recipes, the most popular of which is treatment with baths and lotions made from various herbs. The following will have a positive effect on nails: sage, bay leaf, chamomile, celandine, string, oak bark or St. John's wort. One or several of them can be brewed with a small amount of boiling water, infuse and hold your hands in it for 10-15 minutes.

A deep groove on the nail is both an indicator of internal diseases and a signal that the body lacks any vitamins. This problem, of course, can be solved on your own, but for a better understanding of it, it is recommended to contact a competent specialist who will prescribe treatment.

“Hands are the most honest part of a woman: they will tell you what her tongue will never reveal,” the French joke, hinting that you can tell your carefully hidden age by looking at your hands. In fact, hands are much more eloquent. By the condition of the hands, and especially the nails, one can judge about disorders in the human body.

Nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:

* If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a problem in the circulatory system.
* Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
* Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
* Horizontal dents or pits remain after a sudden change in diet that adversely affects the body.
* Brittle nails are most often caused by frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious cause of brittle nails is metabolic disorders.
* White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
* Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate diseases of the respiratory tract.
* The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
* Concave nails (spoon-shaped) can be a sign of anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body.
* Nail holes become whitish or pearlescent if the skin does not receive enough nutrition.
* Nails begin to peel or split if there is a problem with the ovaries.

Using the nails, you can also determine the approximate time of the appearance of deviations in the functioning of a particular organ. In a week, fingernails grow by about 1 mm, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation, due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole, appeared about 3 months ago.

Hands can also reveal the secret of internal changes in the body:

* What your hands will tell you Purple color of your fingertips indicates poor functioning of the digestive system.
* The dark red color of the fingertips with a lilac tint indicates problems with the kidneys.
* Spots on the skin of the tubercles of Venus indicate disorders of the reproductive system.
* Red nodules between the fingers may appear due to thyroid disease.
* Rough skin on the back of the index fingers is a sign of gallbladder dysfunction.

Is it true that nail polishes contain toxic substances?

The opinion about the harmful effects of varnishes on the health of nail plates is widespread. This is only partly true. Only low-quality varnishes of dubious origin have a harmful effect on nails. High-quality varnishes not only do not harm nails, but, on the contrary, nourish, strengthen and protect them. Nail coatings enriched with proteins, calcium, natural oils and vitamins are especially useful. However, even under the highest quality nail polish of a bright or dark color (scarlet, purple, dark brown, black, etc.), a protective base should be applied - it does not allow bright coloring pigments to be absorbed into the nail plate, and then the nails do not change their natural color.

What are different manicure products - varnishes, bases, fixatives?

All manicure products are complex compositions made up of chemical substances of five basic groups: solvents, thinners, plasticizers, film-forming substances and dyes. In addition to the basic components, manicure products include specific additives aimed at nail care (natural oils, vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc.). Attention: low-quality varnishes may contain substances hazardous to health. These substances not only can cause allergic reactions, but also stimulate the growth of cancer cells and can cause fetal deformities in pregnant women (!).

The following are recognized as dangerous components of nail polishes: toluene, resin sulfonamide, formaldehyde, methacrylate, dibutyl phthalate (DBF).

The base for varnish (base) is the same varnish, only without dyes. The content of caring components in the base is usually higher than in decorative varnish. The purpose of the base coat is to prevent the penetration of bright pigments into the nail plate, which over time give the nails a yellow color. The special base can be replaced with regular light or clear varnish.

A fixative (protective coating) is a product that protects not nails, but decorative varnish. Its task is to protect the varnish pigments from fading in light, impart strength to the varnish coating and maintain the original shine of the varnish. There are no caring components in the fixative, since they cannot penetrate the nail plate through the layer of decorative varnish.

The following nutritional supplements will help strengthen your nails: vitamins A and D, calcium, proteins. But perhaps the most pleasant way is to eat 200 grams on an empty stomach for a month. fruit jelly, as gelatin is good for nails. It stimulates their growth, makes them stronger and smoother.