A woman's calling card is beautiful, well-groomed hands. To get a manicure, you don’t have to go to a salon; you can do the procedure at home. The main thing is to purchase the necessary tools and follow the recommendations.

Home manicure technique

Mastering the intricacies of manicure is not difficult. First, select your tools:

  1. Knipser with sharpened blades. He easily bites off his nails.
  2. Cuticle nippers to create a trim manicure. Choose small-sized models that fit comfortably in your hand and do not cause discomfort when working.
  3. (another name is trimmer). Most often double-sided, made of a metal alloy. On one side there is a spatula for pushing back the cuticle. The other edge is pointed; it is used to remove dirt from under the nails or a thin layer of cuticle attached to the nail plate.
  4. Nail scissors. Straight ones are designed to shape the length and shape of nails, and rounded ones are designed to remove cuticles.
  5. Orange sticks made of soft, but at the same time dense material. With their help, you can easily remove the cuticle without damaging the surface of the nail.
  6. 180 grit file, ideal for shaping natural nails. And - a polishing file with different grain sizes. You need to start polishing the nail with the largest one, ending with the smallest one. Don't get carried away with polishing. For those with healthy nails, 1-2 times a month is enough.

Photo gallery: necessary tools for the procedure

Using a nail clipper, you cut the nail at an angle of 90°, preventing it from splitting
The tool must be of high quality, durable and lightweight. Buy pushers made of hypoallergenic steel. They are comfortable and will last a long time
Give preference to nail scissors made of medical steel
The material from which orange sticks are made has antiseptic properties.
The surface of the file should display the grit

You will also need a deep bowl, a towel, nail polish remover, cotton wool, and moisturizing oil. If you want to do an unedged manicure, then buy a cuticle softener.

Now you need to select a form. By choosing it correctly, you can make your nails visually longer and your fingers more graceful. Remember that all nails must be the same length, otherwise it will be obvious.

Features of edged manicure

Wash your hands with soap and remove old nail polish. Spread a towel on the table and place a bowl of warm water. If desired, add a little liquid soap to the water. Now start the procedure:

  1. If you are right-handed, start your manicure with your left hand. Place your hand in the bowl and hold for a few minutes.
  2. Remove your little finger from the water, dry it with a towel, and use a trimmer to move the cuticle to the base of the nail.
  3. Clean the nail plate from rough skin. Use cuticle clippers or special nail scissors to carefully trim the cuticle.
  4. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining fingers (start with the little finger and end with the big).

After treating your left hand, change the water. Place your right hand into it. Carry out the manipulations that you did with the left one. After this, polish your nails and apply oil to the cuticles, thoroughly rubbing into each finger.

If you don't want to use colored polish, apply a base or clear coat to protect your nail surface from the harmful effects of detergents and powders.

Video: DIY trim manicure

Features of the unedged version

In beauty salons they do hardware unedged manicures. If you don't have a special device, it doesn't matter. Making it unedged is quite simple.

The essence of the method is that the cuticle is not cut, but softened and pushed back. To soften the cuticle, a remover is used - a product based on alkali or acid. An acid-based remover should not be left on the cuticles for more than two minutes. Alkaline removers are more gentle, but their effect is noticeable only after 15–25 minutes.

Advantages of unedged manicure:

  1. The action of the remover occurs in 1.5 – 20 minutes, depending on the composition. In any case, there is no need to wait for the skin and nails to dry, as is the case with the use of softening baths.
  2. The simplicity of this manicure also makes it popular. Even a beginner can handle applying the remover and then removing the cuticle, even on his own hands.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. There is a risk of damaging the nail plate. A remover is a certain chemical composition that, in addition to keratinized areas of the skin, can also corrode the nail plate at the base, and this is dangerous.
  2. Tissue burns and plate splitting are possible. Therefore, it is not recommended to use potent drugs containing aggressive acids at home.

Before the procedure, wash your hands and wipe dry. There is no need to soak your brushes in water. Actions during the procedure:

  • apply remover to the cuticle;
  • starting with the little finger, use a special ceramic hoof or an orange stick to push back the skin and clean the nail plate;
  • remove the softened skin and give the nails the desired shape;
  • wash your hands and wipe your nails with a piece of cotton wool and an alcohol solution to degrease the nail plate;
  • Apply regular or clear varnish.

The main advantage of an unedged manicure is that there is no pain associated with cutting the cuticle, and the risk of infection is minimized.

Video: unedged manicure at home

Secrets of sustainable coating

When doing a manicure, every woman dreams that it will last as long as possible. It has long been noted that with an unedged manicure, cosmetics stay on the nails longer than with a trimmed one.

On polished and degreased nail plates, the polish adheres better and lasts longer. The main thing is not to be overzealous when polishing your nails so as not to damage them.. Degrease with alcohol solutions. Soak a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe each nail thoroughly.

The quality of the varnish is also important. It is better to buy products from well-known companies. If you bought a polish that lasts a long time, store it in a dark and preferably cool place, such as the refrigerator.

Do not shake the bottle before applying the polish to your nail. The coating will lie on the surface unevenly and cause bubbles to appear. It's better to roll the bottle between your palms before opening it.

One layer of varnish is not enough, but three or more is already too much. The best option is two layers. Before applying polish, cover your nails with a protective coat or base coat. When it's dry, apply varnish. Apply the second layer no earlier than after 5–10 minutes; Allow the first layer to dry, otherwise there is a risk of wrinkling. If something goes wrong and defects appear, then the varnish must be erased and everything must be started again.

At the finish, apply a fixer to the nails. Allow the polish to dry for 15 minutes before starting your daily routine. Don't rush - and then everything will work out.

Do your homework with gloves. This will extend the life of the manicure and also protect the skin of your hands from the harmful effects of detergents.

To make your manicure look fresh, apply a coat of topcoat every few days.

Video: how to make nail polish stay on your nails for a long time

Design ideas

The easiest way to apply polish is to apply a single color coat on all nails. If you want variety, paint each nail with a different color of polish or highlight only some of your fingers.

Appeared in the middle of the last century, it quickly gained popularity among women of all ages. You don’t have to limit yourself to white varnish; bright colors are also suitable for a French coat.

You can easily make a chess manicure at home that looks original. You will need black and gold varnish, paper tape and a fixative. First, coat your nails with black polish and let them dry. Using tape, cover the nail so that only a quarter remains free, onto which gold varnish is applied. When it dries, do the same manipulations with the second quarter.

Lunar manicure looks luxurious. You will also need paper tape for this, as well as a thin manicure brush.

Using a thin manicure brush, you can apply a stunning polka dot manicure.

Your nails will be admired if you cover them with medium-sized colorful polka dots.

Apply a simple design to your nails. First, practice on paper, and then start drawing on your nails. Try to apply the picture not to all the nails, but to select only a few.

Don't forget to cover the polish with a sealer at the end to preserve your manicure for a long time.

Modern manicure has turned into a work of art. But even simple, neatly painted nails with a single-color polish evoke admiration. By following simple recommendations, you will get a high-quality manicure that will delight you for a long time.



Beautiful and simple nail designs- a great way to diversify your everyday manicure. Making such a manicure is not at all difficult, and at the same time, simple nail designs are in trend today. There are many ways to create beautiful nail designs at home. Today we will focus on simple techniques that are suitable for beginners.

Simple designs on nails using tape

Scotch tape is a faithful friend of all novice manicure lovers. You can use special adhesive strips that are sold in stores to create a manicure. But you can get by with regular tape.

The simplest manicure using tape is a manicure with various stripes or color blocks. First, you cover your nail with one color of polish and wait for it to dry. Then stick tape on half of the nail and cover the second part of the nail with another varnish. This way you can get a very simple but beautiful two-color manicure.

In a similar way, you can create several stripes on the nail, as well as various geometric shapes and color blocks.

Photo tutorial on how to create a simple manicure with tape

Another option for creating a simple but effective manicure using tape is to cut out a template of the shape you need from tape. These can be thin stripes, circles, etc.

Photo tutorials on creating simple designs on nails

Photos of simple designs on nails

Simple nail designs with dots

The most common dots of different colors and sizes will help you create a huge variety of simple designs on your nails. Special tools are sold to create dotted nail designs, but you can do without them. To perform a manicure with dots, you can use various things that are in any home: hairpins and bobby pins, old pen refills or pencils, toothpicks.

If you have found enough small objects at home that allow you to create dots of different diameters on your nails, then you can start experimenting. For inspiration, look photo of a simple manicure with points below.

Photo tutorials on creating a simple manicure with dots

Simple manicure with a needle

Manicurists can create truly complex and beautiful designs with a needle. But since the article is devoted to simple nail design for beginners, I offer you a very simple video tutorial on how to create a manicure using a needle. It looks almost like a water manicure, but doesn't require as much effort.

Gradient on nails

Many people love a beautiful transition of color on their nails, but not many can easily create such a design on their nails. But everything will become much easier if you know one manicure life hack. You can quickly and easily create a gradient on your nails using a sponge and eye shadow. All you need to do is coat your nails with varnish, which will be the main color in the manicure, and wait until the varnish dries, but does not dry completely. After this, apply a matching eye shadow with a sponge and cover the nail with clear varnish.

Another easy way to spice up your manicure is to add glitter to it. You can use varnishes with glitter or, again, eye shadow.

And one more important point. If drawing on your nails is difficult for you (especially with your left hand!), then start with a simple manicure, where the drawing is done on only one nail.

After all, it’s always easier to draw or write something on one nail and you’ll definitely succeed. And over time, your skills will get better and better and you will be able to move on to more complex drawings. Have a great manicure everyone!

Looking through the Instagram feed, my eyes widen from the abundance of designs. I want to try each of them on myself and show off my brand new nails to my friends. You can repeat the beautiful coating or decorate your fingers at any nail salon. But how to do a manicure yourself?

It is enough to understand the technique and study the principles of application. It is not necessary to buy expensive equipment and a huge number of tools. The simplest design ideas can be accomplished with the help of a few bottles of varnish and imagination. How to perform an original manicure with your own hands for beginners and what is the easiest way to do it?


Any nails must first be put in order and the plate properly prepared for application. Only then can color be applied. All procedures will take no more than 30 minutes of free time.


You need to give it the desired shape with a nail file. Classic and popular forms today:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • soft square;
  • almond.

How to choose the right nail file? There are many types of materials:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • ceramic;
  • plastic;
  • sand.

First you need to determine how hard your nails are. The numbers written on the files indicate abrasiveness. The average abrasiveness for natural nails should start from 190 and end at 270 grit, for extensions from 90 to 180 grit. It is recommended to cut them in one direction, touching them lightly so as not to damage them too much.

When doing a manicure with your own hands, the best and most natural option is a glass nail file.


After this, you need to steam your hands. Place the hands in a warm bath with aromatic salt for 10-15 minutes. It nourishes the nail plate and also softens the cuticle.

Then you need to cut it off with special nail scissors. And treat all places with nourishing oil. If you don’t have scissors, you can use products that soften the cuticle. It can be easily removed with an orange stick.


A special procedure that gives your fingers a well-groomed and healthy look. You need to prepare in advance:

  • buff (special nail file);
  • oil;
  • cream.

The nail plate is polished with a buff. You need to cut carefully, lightly touching the surface. Particular attention should be paid to the cuticle, the area of ​​the side ridges and the tip. After the procedure is completed, a nourishing cream is applied.


How to do a manicure yourself? Just a few years ago, girls used ordinary varnishes, which were washed off literally on the second day. Each time I had to re-paint the nail, which was very inconvenient. It was replaced by gel. This is a whole system, thanks to which the color lasts longer on the nail for about 2-3 weeks.

Preparing for a manicure with your own hands, step-by-step video instructions.

Materials and tools

After we took care of our nails, it’s time to choose materials and tools to do your own manicure. You can now work with the prepared nail. If gel polish is chosen as the coating, then a manicure like a pie consists of several layers. It includes:

  • primer;
  • base;
  • 1 layer of color;
  • 2 layer of color;
  • clinser;
  • lamp.

The primer strengthens the adhesion between the nail and the polish. It is best to use acid-free ones. It can be applied to the entire nail or to the tip. Some masters and girls neglect the primer. But with the first piece of gel polish that flies off or peels off, the situation changes.

A beautiful DIY manicure starts with a base coat. It provides a strong connection between the nail surface and the gel polish. It is applied in a thin layer. The base dries in an LED lamp for about 10 seconds, and in a UV lamp for about 1 minute. After drying, it is recommended to remove the sticky layer using a lint-free cloth.

Painting has its own subtleties. Before starting work, you need to lightly shake the bottle, rotating it in different directions to avoid bubbles. If there is too much varnish, then there is a high probability of getting a wavy and swollen coating during polymerization in a lamp.

Remember that 3 thin layers are better than 2 thick ones.

When the shade density is sufficient, you can apply the top. It can be either glossy and catches glare, or noble matte. The top is dried in an LED lamp for about 30 seconds, and in a UV lamp for about 2 minutes. When the manicure is finished, it is necessary to remove the dispersion (sticky) layer with a cleaner.

Step-by-step instruction

Next, we have prepared for you several DIY manicure ideas in the form of step-by-step instructions. With just a few bottles of colored polish in your arsenal, you can already create a simple design on your nails. It is recommended to complement the images with manicure accessories and gradually complicate the design. All tools are available for sale at any nail store.


Classic manicure is so universal in everyday life that it not only matches with any feminine look, but is also easy to perform. The French finish consists of a camouflage pattern that replicates the shade of the natural base and white smile. As a base, you can choose any beige and light pink shades. To draw a thin white smile line, you can use arc-shaped stencils.

The good thing about the design is that you can always add modern touches to the classics. For example, snow-white holes, patterns and the intersection of straight lines will look luxurious on a nude base. A laconic and simple design can always be diluted with sparkling rhinestones and ribbons. And also change the colors of the holes and the substrate to contrasting ones. , made with your own hands, can be seen in the photo.


When monochrome is too ordinary, a gradient comes to the rescue. This is a transition from one tone to the next. It is best to choose those shades that are in harmony with each other, or are nearby on the color wheel and differ by a couple of tones. It is done in several ways:

Option 1

  1. Before application, it is recommended to protect the skin around the cuticle with skin defender or cover it with tape.
  2. Apply 2 or 3 shades onto a sponge or kitchen sponge, slightly overlapping each other. White varnish can serve as a middle tone.
  3. Use a sponge to transfer the colors onto the nail using light patting movements.
  4. For brightness, repeat the procedure 2-3 times, updating the colors on the sponge.
  5. After reaching saturation, apply gloss varnish. It will smooth out the transition well.

Option 2

  1. Apply the first color to half of the nail. Apply a second color to the remaining half.
  2. Using a thin brush, carefully blend the border between the shades.
  3. Repeat the second color layer.
  4. Cover with topcoat and dry in a lamp.

Ombre can't always be on just one finger. The color transition can be done by using all fingers at once. Starting from the largest, which will be covered in dark shades, and reaching the little finger, which will be painted in the lightest.

Multicolored nails

This manicure can be done by yourself and is suitable for all beginners because it is very easy and simple to do. It is recommended to experiment endlessly with this design. Paint each finger in different shades or combine colors on one nail. On a darker substrate you can paint figures with a light varnish or vice versa. You can also create entire shapes or divide an area into several parts using color.

Patterns, drawings and sparkles

There is nothing easier than diluting a monochromatic design with elegant patterns or beautiful designs. You can draw with a dots, toothpick or bobby pin. The simplest options:

  • peas;
  • symbols;
  • figures;
  • stems;
  • straight and smooth lines;
  • glitter.
  • In addition, we recommend trying it. You need to perform a light manicure with your own hands step by step:
    1. Cover the skin around the cuticle with tape.
    2. Add a drop of the first colored varnish to a warm glass of water.
    3. When this drop spreads over the surface, forming a circle, have time to drop a drop of the second varnish.
    4. You can alternate shades in any quantity and order. There should be about 30 circles in total.
    5. Use a toothpick to draw pictures.
    6. Lower your finger for 10-15 seconds, picking up the design on the nail.
    7. Cover with a layer of top.

    The secret of overflow

    There is no girl who has not seen those original mirror nails. Whether it's a gold surface that looks like a smooth foil, a glittery sparkling effect or a shift from one shade to another. But few people know how to do such a manicure themselves.

    To perform this you will need a special powder, which consists of small multi-colored particles. The future effect depends on its texture. You can find different types of rubbing in any cosmetic store. After applying the base and top coat onto the nail, use an eyeshadow applicator to carefully rub in small particles. The result will be original iridescent nails. That's the whole secret.
    velvet Looks good in New Year's and summer designs.

    With these simple methods, you now know how to do your own manicure.

Well-groomed hands are always beautiful. Modern standards are such that manicure is an important component of a woman’s image. Neat nails, even covered with clear varnish, improve your mood and self-confidence.

If you don't want to spend time and money going to a beauty salon, why not do a manicure at home?


At the preparatory stage the following will be useful:

  • Nail scissors;
  • A file is better to have a set of different degrees of grit (this indicator is responsible for the amount of abrasive per cm 2). Now we need: 180-240; 400-2000 – for polishing.
  • Polishing buff;
  • Nippers or tweezers;
  • Pusher – a spatula for pushing back the cuticle;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Hand bath;
  • Towel, cotton pads;
  • Disinfectant;
  • Care product: oil, cream, scrub.

Orange sticks are convenient for working with cuticles. This is generally a fairly universal tool: you can use it to clean the inner surface of the nail and apply additional elements (rhinestones, stickers).

Try not to use so-called “forks” for manicure. It is understood that they can be used to cut off excess skin around the nail. If handled carelessly, it is very easy to get hurt and damage the nail. Tweezers are best suited for working with cuticles and eradication.

In the second step you need:

  • Lucky;
  • Base and fixative;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Additional accessories and tools for working with them.

Preparatory stage

Follow the simple instructions for beginners to learn the basic secrets of manicure.

A proper manicure always starts with care. First of all, remove the old coating. Use scissors or a nail clipper to obtain the desired length and use a nail file to shape it. The file should be used from the edge of the nail to the center. Carefully push back the cuticle with a spatula.

Steam the skin around your fingers in a hand bath with warm water and emollient. Add lemon juice or sea salt to strengthen the nail plate.

A drop of iodine will solve the problem of delamination, and glycerin will help deal with burrs. After a few minutes, dry your hands with a towel.

There are several ways to care for your cuticles. When cutting a manicure, it is cut off with tweezers or scissors with rounded ends. This approach is very traumatic, so you need to act carefully and try to press the scissors to the nail. It is necessary to act in such a way that the skin is removed as a single element. All instruments should be disinfected in advance.

After processing the cuticles, proceed to side rolling and deburring. Treat your nails and the skin around them with oil. Cocoa butter and shea butter are excellent for this purpose. If you plan to paint your nails, this step is performed at the very end of the manicure.

The last step is to wash off any remaining oil, degrease the nail and hole, and disinfect the instruments. With this the first part is completed, you can move on to manicure with varnish.

Applying varnish

The polish should be applied to a flat surface of the nail. In other words, it needs to be sanded before doing this. Do not work too hard so as not to damage the surface.

Roll the jar of nail polish between your palms a little. This way he will become more obedient. Apply foundation. This is not necessary, but it will level the plate and protect it from the harmful effects of the varnish.

Apply the base varnish in 2 layers. Apply exactly as much product to the brush as needed. Work from the hole to the edge. Ideally, three strokes should be enough: one in the middle and two extending to the edges. After applying the first layer, you need to let it dry.

Now the result needs to be consolidated. Again, you can skip this step, but with a layer of finish your manicure will look better and last longer.

Dry the varnish well. If time permits, do not touch the result for about an hour. Using a drying agent will speed up the process. Dipping your fingers into cold water will not bring the desired result.

Remove excess coating from cuticles and finger skin. This is how easy it is to do a manicure!

With practice, you will learn how to make the most amazing patterns. Look at the photo of a manicure done at home: you don’t need to go to a salon to create this beauty.


Gradient manicure looks beautiful and impressive, and is very easy to do. In addition to the already known materials, you will need a piece of foam rubber (sponge) and 1-2 more shades of varnish.

Follow all steps before applying color. If one of the varnishes is very light, you can use it for the first coat.

Take the prepared foam rubber. Using a brush, apply varnishes on it in the order you want to achieve. Make strokes from darkest to lightest.

Apply the “stamp” to your nail several times until you achieve the desired result. Remove excess varnish with a cotton swab dipped in liquid. Secure the result.

French manicure

Making a French manicure is also not difficult at all. Additionally, adhesive stencils and white varnish will be useful. The base is usually pale pink. Complete all preliminary steps. Apply foundation.

Glue the stencil so that a strip of the desired width remains between the edge of the nail and the stencil. Paint it white. Let the varnish dry. Secure the result.

Matte manicure

This manicure is also suitable for short nails. This coating does not shine at all and looks velvety and unusual. There are several ways to achieve a matte effect:

  • Use of matte varnish;
  • Use of sand (texture) coating;
  • The easiest way is to hold your nails over the steam for a few seconds while the polish dries.

Water manicure

The highlight of this technique is that the drawing turns out unique every time! And it’s very simple to do.

Fill the container with water. Drop a little polish in there and let it spread. Add other colors, try to create some kind of pattern.

Gently dip your nail into the colored water. It should be parallel to its surface. When the liquid around your finger becomes clear, remove your finger and enjoy the result!

Photo of manicure at home

It is known that every representative of the fair sex dreams of beautiful and well-groomed nails. But they won’t become like this on their own; they need daily care, especially in winter. If you spend a little time on them, they will delight you with their healthy appearance. You will learn how to do this from this article.

How to make beautiful nails at home

Beautiful nails are the key to success for any woman. You can, of course, go to any beauty salon, where a specialist in his field will do everything necessary. But you can take care of your nails yourself, at home, which is much cheaper.

To keep your nails beautiful, you need to file them at least once a week so that they don’t break or flake. You will learn how to do this correctly below. Of course, it is necessary - cuticle care, filing, polishing of nails. They should be filed to the same length, because even nails look much better than nails of different lengths. The cuticle must be cut very carefully and evenly, lubricated with special oil or wax.

Apply clear or colored varnish as you wish. But you should choose the shade with caution. For example, dark varnishes, such as red, black, when erased from the nail plates, eat into them very strongly, after which the nail darkens. But you can easily get rid of this by dipping your nails in halves of a lemon; its juice will whiten the nail plates. It is best to apply a colorless strengthening varnish as the first layer, and then a dark one. When decorating, you can use not only varnishes, but also sparkles and much more.

Nail care

In fact, caring for your hands and nails is very simple and does not take much time. You just need to watch them, take care of them and not be lazy. To begin with, a healthy body means proper and healthy nutrition. Naturally, these are fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, sour milk, a minimum amount of baked goods and sweets.

Clean water every day is also the key to a good and healthy state of your body. It is necessary to support your immune system, because when it weakens, it all affects the skin, nails and hair. Therefore, at such moments, fruits will save you, and...

Be careful with your nails - no need to wrap screws with them, gnaw, pick, or peel oranges and coconuts. Then they will not break or flake, but will look beautiful and well-groomed. Housework, washing dishes, stoves, bathrooms, floors with any means is best done only with rubber gloves. Experts recommend lubricating the handles with cream, putting on gloves and fiddling around in hot water - due to the thermal effect, care and hydration will occur while you are cleaning.

Regular manicure, or, is at your personal discretion. Ideally, once a week, and all the tools should be yours, so as not to suddenly pick up any infection or fungus from another person. with salt, herbal decoctions, ethers can be done a couple of times a week, due to them the nail plates will be nourished, saturated with necessary microelements and vitamins, which will have a beneficial effect on their appearance.

Massage with oils, paraffin therapy, masks also have a good effect on the general condition of the nails. They can also be done 1-2 times a week. Apply nourishing cream to your hands and nails daily, or better yet a couple of times a day. In winter, you should not go outside without gloves, and in summer you need to constantly moisturize. And you should not use color remover with acetone, it destroys the nail plate.

How to shape your nails

A very important aspect is the shape of the nails. There are several types of them: square, oval, sharp, almond-shaped. It is important to choose the shape exactly for your nails. For short nails, a square or oval would be better, but for long nails, absolutely any shape will do.
If you have already decided on the shape, then the next step is choosing a nail file. It is better to throw away metal ones immediately. The ideal option is a glass file or a file with a cardboard and rubber base. These files file well without breaking the nails. It is necessary to file only in one direction, otherwise brittle and peeling nail plates will not be avoided.
Files can only be used on dry nails and before starting any manicure or bath procedures. After treatment, the nails should be the same length and the same shape.

How to grow your nails in a week

To do this, you need to choose special products and care for your hands and nails. An excellent remedy for rapid nail growth is ground red pepper. You just need to mix it in equal parts with any hand cream and rub it into the nail plates until the burning begins.

Lemon halves can also help in rapid growth, you need to place all your fingers in them for 10-15 minutes. At night, iodine can be applied to the base of the nails. And massage your fingers and nails daily. In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find products that stimulate nail growth. They are high in vitamins, minerals and elements necessary for healthy growth.

Nuts, vegetables and herbs are also good growth stimulants. You can also eat jelly, jellied meat and other dishes containing gelatin.