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Report from teachers of the first junior group on the work done for the 2014–2015 academic year

Report from teachers of the first junior group

O work done for the 2014-2015 academic year

First junior group"Gnomes" visit 22 person: 15 boys and 7 girls.

Upbringing and children are taught according to the preschool education program "About birth before school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. At work Modern technologies are used with children, such as the socio-game approach (the use of predominantly gaming, story-based and integrated forms of educational activities, games during walks, musical, round dance and outdoor games of an imitation nature, role-playing, health-saving and environmental technologies.

Educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, and various gaming aids. In the future we plan to purchase easels and magnetic boards.

Back to top educational year, we prepared a development environment, which was divided into centers taking into account a gender approach and in accordance with the principle of flexible zoning. The placement of equipment is organized in such a way that it allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

Nami was a lot of work has been done on filling out methodological and didactic collections. We have enriched our theatrical corner with new fairy tales and types of theater, a table theater and a finger theater have appeared. There are plans to purchase a spoon theater, on flannelgraph.

During educational In the past year we have produced various games for cognitive development. A catalog of games on social development and adaptation, games on the development of logic and thinking, games on health, and safety have been selected.

Children's development was monitored at the beginning and end school year.

Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning. Based on the results of the monitoring, it was concluded that more time should be devoted to the development of speech, the development of children’s vocabulary, and playing word games.

For 2014-2015 training For a year we set ourselves the task “Development of hand coordination and fine motor skills. Improving memory, attention, ability to coordinate movements and speech.”

To solve these problems, we carried out the following Events:

Every day we played finger games with the children, such as How: "Mice", "Cabbage", "Finger - boy", "My family", "Egorka", "Bike", "Lock" etc.

Daily, individually work, played board games for hands and fingers (mosaic, lotto, pyramid, games with cubes, lids, clothespins, folding a picture of 2-6 parts, games with plasticine, transferring beans and peas from container to container)

Parents were consulted on this issue.

A file of finger games has been collected

Didactic game made "Cinderella" with containers for bulk products products(beans, peas)

In the future we also plan work in this direction.

To develop fine motor skills of the hands, we plan to make didactic games with pushing an object and drawing in an individual work, carry out unconventional methods: drawing with hands and fingers.

In order for children to get sick less, we carried out hardening procedures:

Morning exercises,

Gymnastics after sleep,

Lightweight clothing

"Barefoot" on massage mats,

Sleeping with access to air (air temperature + 17-19 degrees,

Contrasting air baths (jogging,


To the beginning educational During the year, children's attendance was not particularly high, but by the end of the year the attendance level had increased to 80%.

The average rate of absence of a child due to illness is 3.3%.

Throughout educational over the years we have worked closely with families pupils.

To do this, we held parent meetings, consultations, and created moving folders. We took a creative approach to holding parent meetings (gathered at a round table, had a tea party with cookies prepared by the children together with educators).

Information on current issues raising children in the first junior group collected from various sources.

We held 3 parent meetings. At each meeting, certificates and letters of gratitude are presented to parents.

The world of children and the world of adults are interconnected, and one of the options for strengthening relationships with your child is to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

We have repeatedly held exhibitions of joint work as within the group, and general garden ones. And always our parents groups took part in them with great enthusiasm. Exhibitions such as "Autumn Fantasies" crafts from autumn gifts, "Christmas tree decoration"- handmade toys work.

In our group At the parent meeting, a master class was held for parents on nutrition and hardening procedures, which consisted of 2 parts. IN first In part, the head of the kindergarten made a report on nutrition in the kindergarten; parents were invited to try some dishes from the kindergarten menu. In the second part, we showed how our guys wake up, do awakening exercises, walk along massage paths and perform breathing exercises. At the end of the event, guests were offered a mini-exhibition on hardening procedures and healing.

Thanks to the power of the Internet, designing mobile folders has become interesting and exciting.

We prepared and held all the planned holidays. Such ka: "Autumn Holiday", "New Year", "March 8", "Flower Ball".

Parents took an active part in preparing and holding the holidays. A exactly: we sewed costumes for our kids and holiday characters, made decorations and much more.

In order for children to feel relaxed at the holiday and not react painfully to the presence of their parents, we came up with a small "play" for parents with dressing them in various stage costumes. The children did not recognize their mothers and fathers and felt free throughout the holiday, and the parents really liked this game. This helped us get even closer to our parents and find common ground. And the children learned to speak in front of an unfamiliar audience.

We also made selections for all holidays, designed seasonal folders and other topics related to the lives of children and parents: "Take care of your children", “Communication styles in the family”, "Secrets of Love and Relationships", “Safety Fundamentals and many others.

Thus, in our group We have created a favorable environment for children.

Throughout the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And all the children adapted easily.

Favorable environment in group created in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

We have achieved all the goals and objectives set for this year.

In the next we are planning for the academic year:

1. Continue maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in group;

2. Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents;

3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a child from one and a half to four years old;

4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in your priority area, continue working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle among children and parents;

5. Pass certification for first qualification category and continue training in advanced training courses.

Group teachers: Frolova Alla Alexandrovna and Beskrovnaya Svetlana Mikhailovna


1 Report on the work done in the first junior group for the school year Author: Mayevskaya Vera Anatolyevna MADOOU of the Novoturinsk kindergarten “Lukomorye” group “Goldfish” There are 29 children in the group: 13 boys, 16 girls. Over the course of the year, children developed according to their age, mastered program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. All children adapted well to kindergarten. We worked according to the basic general educational program of preschool education of the Moscow Regional Preschool Educational Institution of the Novoturinsk kindergarten “Lukomorye”. The program provides for solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education. The leading goals of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education are:. creation of favorable conditions; formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual; comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics; ensuring the life safety of preschool children. The goals are realized in the process of various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. All types of activities are included in the main areas of children's development:. Physical;. Cognitive-speech;. Artistic and aesthetic;. Social and personal. During the school year, work was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten: familiarizing parents with the age characteristics of children and the reasons that cause stress during the adaptation period; gave recommendations on preparing for admission to a preschool institution; They tried to establish emotional and physical contact with the children and involved them in joint activities. By the end of the year, the children had grown noticeably and become stronger. Many have become more confident in self-care: they can dress themselves and use personal hygiene items. They began to show cognitive activity, using a variety of actions. The children's interest in group games and communication with peers has increased. They rejoice at their achievements and new successes.

3 Listen to short stories without visual accompaniment. They use speech as a means of communication with peers. READING FICTION. Listen to poems, fairy tales, stories that are accessible in content. When reading again, they pronounce words and small phrases. Read by heart A. Barto’s poem “Toys”; know some nursery rhymes. ARTISTIC CREATIVITY. Artistic and aesthetic development is of great importance for the all-round development of a preschooler. They know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes. There are red, blue, green, yellow, white, black colors. They know how to roll out a lump of dough with straight and circular movements of the hands; break off small lumps from a large lump of dough and flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other. During the year, the children had two clubs. The “Mukosolka” circle was attended by 8 children. The “Talented Hands” circle was attended by 9 children. During the year, the guys and I held such events as: “Journey to the Autumn Forest”, “My Favorite Toys”, “Mother’s Day”, “Journey to the Winter Forest”, “Let’s Help Nastya Not Get Sick”, New Year’s party “Whose Mitten”, “Our little sandy friend”, “Gifts for Valentine’s Day”, “Fun starts” dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day, “Sun at Mother’s Day”, “Summer Holiday”. Over the course of the year, the group systematically carried out work on interaction with parents, consultations, individual conversations, parent meetings, visual and poster information, joint exhibitions, crafts for the holidays, took part in project activities, and in the production of wall newspapers. 3 parent meetings were held: 1. “Child adaptation in kindergarten” (September 2014) “Introducing parents to the tasks of raising and educating children 2-3 years old according to the program, “From birth to school”; consultations were held on “Psychological characteristics of three-year-old children » A parent committee has been elected. 2. “Formation of self-service skills and education of independence in children 2-3 years old.” Prevention of colds. “What our children play with” (January 2015)

4 3. “How our children have matured and what they have learned in a year.” Summing up the results of educational work for the school year. “The role of the family in the speech development of a child” “Educating safe behavior in a child at home and on the street” (June 2015) For the next school year, I set the following goals for myself: - Continue the development of children in all areas of the general education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education; - Maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group; - Maintain partnerships between the teacher, children and parents; -develop speech, memory, attention of children; -continue to work on self-service skills; - develop fine motor skills; -develop play activities; -develop the artistic and aesthetic development of children. Educator Mayevskaya V.A.


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Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group “Visiting the forest dwellers”



Improve the ability to compose group items from individual items and select one item from groups, denote aggregates with the words one, many, none.


Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking.

Educational: Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Materials and equipment:

Toys Teddy Bear and Bunny, Christmas trees, pine cones, a basket, a tray with rings of different colors and sizes according to the number of children, 2 plates - large and small, carrots (big and small) by number of children, Laptop,

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Introductory part.

Guys! -We'll go for a walk in the forest. And to get there, you need to say the magic words:

- "one two Three! I’ll get into the forest!” and blow strongly into your palms.

Oh guys, look what a wonderful forest. -What animals live in the forest? (wolves, bears, hares, etc.) Well done! Let's say hello to everyone in the forest. (slide 2)

Physical education minute:

Hello golden sun! (raise your left hand up)

Hello blue sky! (raise your right hand up)

Hello free breeze (wave your hands above your head)

Hello little oak tree (sit on your knees and show a small tree with your hands)

Hello people (torso turns to the left)

Hello animals (torso turns to the right)

And mother earth (wave your hands below)

  1. Main part.

Well done boys! All the animals are also very happy to see you. Oh, who came out to meet us? (bear) (the teacher shows a toy bear) (slide 3)

How does the bear walk? Let's show.

Finger gymnastics:

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,

(index and middle fingers "they're coming".)

He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.

(collect the cones in a fist.)

Suddenly one of the cones hits the bear's forehead,


The bear got angry and stomped his foot. (stomp your foot)

Oh, guys, you and I stomped our feet so hard that forest All the cones of the Christmas tree fell off. And the bear does not like disorder in the forest. Let's all put things in order together.

Where are the cones? (on the ground)

How many cones are there on the ground? (a lot of)

Let's collect all the cones in a basket. (Children take one cone at a time.) We take one cone at a time.

How many cones did you take? (one) Put it in the cart. (the teacher accompanies the child’s actions with speech: “I put one pine cone in the basket.”)

Game-task “Collect the cones in a basket”

Look, guys, there are more and more cones in the basket.

How many cones are there in the basket? (a lot of) How many are left on earth? (none)

Guys! Mishka is very pleased with you and tells you "Thank you!" And now the bear needs to return back to the forest, and you and I will look around and what do we see? ---Whose house is there? (slide 3)

And you will find out who lives in this house if you guess the riddle.

In winter - white,

In summer - gray.

Children: this is a bunny. (slide 4) (showing a bunny toy)

Educator: Yes, guys, a bunny lives in this house.

Look what the Bunny has prepared for you.

The teacher distributes rings of different sizes and colors

What figure do they resemble? (per circle)

What color is your ring? And you? (children name colors)

Let's circle the ring with our finger. What is it like? (round). And you can play with him (Yes)

Can I ride it? Let's give him a ride on our palm. (children roll rings on their palms)

Guys! How else do the rings differ from each other? How big are they? (big and small) What kind of ring do you have? And you?

And the bunny really wants to play with you.

Physical education minute "The gray bunny is sitting"

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears. (raise your palms above your head and wave, pretending to be ears)

Like this, like this

He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws. (rub your forearms)

Like this, like this

We need to warm our paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumping in place)

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

Well done! The bunny really enjoyed playing with you. Guys! What does a bunny like to eat? (carrots, cabbage...)

Game-task "Arrange the carrots"

He brought you plates and carrots of different sizes and asks you to help put large carrots in a large plate, and small carrots in a small plate. (children lay out). The teacher accompanies the child’s actions with speech: “I took a big carrot and put it on a big plate.” .

  1. Final part.

Farewell to the Bunny

The children say goodbye to the Bunny. And it’s time for us to return to kindergarten too. Let's say the magic words: "one two Three! Go to kindergarten!” Well here we are group. Our walk is over.

Where have we been today? (In the woods). Who did we meet there? (bunny and bear). Did you enjoy your walk in the forest? (Yes).

Report from teachers of the first junior “B” group

for the 2017–2018 academic year

Teachers: Bobritskaya E.A.

Group characteristics:

Composition of the group:

(beginning of the year)

Total people: 26

Boys: 12 Girls: 14

(the end of the year)

Total people: 28

Children's age:

Boys: 13 Girls: 15 (2 girls by age remain in the 1st junior group).

Throughout the year, our group worked according to the Model Curriculum for Preschool Education and Education. The children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Our task was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten: familiarizing parents with the age characteristics of children; causes of stress during the adaptation period. We provided recommendations for preparing for entry into preschool; they sought to establish emotional contact with children and parents, involved them in joint activities, maintained activity and formed a positive attitude towards the kindergarten staff. All children adapted well to kindergarten.

Direct educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the standard curriculum of preschool education and training and the approved ESD grid. The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic and reading fiction.

In our work with children, we tried to use a variety of innovative technologies aimed at implementing the state standard of preschool education: health-saving technologies, music therapy, technology of project activities, information and communication technologies, technology of research activities.

Monitoring children’s achievement of the planned final results of mastering the main standard program implemented in a preschool educational institution allows assessing the dynamics of pupils’ achievements, the effectiveness and balance of forms and methods of work.

The level of knowledge and skills in the educational field of “health” has achieved good results. We set ourselves the following tasks: to strengthen the health of children using general developmental exercises, outdoor games, and hardening procedures; develop basic types of movements; form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

To successfully solve the problem, various forms of work were used: morning exercises, physical education classes, physical education sessions, sports and outdoor games, individual work, independent motor activity of children, compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements (temperature conditions and rational clothing indoors and outdoors), rational nutrition , recreational activities, activities aimed at strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's defenses. It should be noted that during the year a lot of work was done to reduce morbidity during the adaptation period. During the period of the rise of colds, additional preventive measures were carried out in the groups: hardening measures, ventilation, drinking, physical activity, which helped to reduce the incidence, and work was also carried out with the parents of newly admitted children.

At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing harmoniously physically, moving with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned how to do things with physical education aids. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. We learned to complete tasks, act, in general, at everyone’s pace. They are very willing to engage in playful activities with other children.

Conclusion: in the future it is necessary to constantly work with parents Enes V. Kurmangalieva A, Wilhelm Y. on the prevention of ARVI and colds at home, limiting contacts and visiting public places when the incidence increases in the city, etc. Continue hardening activities in the summer with transition to summer schemes. Do not violate the drinking regime or other regulations in the child care facility. Promote sports activities among parents and children.

realized in organized educational activities - speech development,

fiction. 70% of children have developed an interest in works of oral folk art and literary works; they use words to express desires and feelings; share information, may complain about the inconvenience and actions of peers. For the next academic year, we plan to continue working on developing the correct pronunciation of sounds and coherent speech; develop verbal communication skills, vocabulary, expand passive and active vocabulary; develop oral and coherent speech in various forms and activities.

Analyzing the results of observations of the plot-role play of the children of the group, we came to the conclusion: at the beginning of the school year, the children’s games were short-lived, the actions were sometimes chaotic: the children played on their own; kids performed 1 – 2 play actions; Substitute items were not used in the game. By the end of the school year, as gaming skills developed, gaming activities became more diverse; the kids learned to take on a play role, a certain logic began to be traced in the chain of play actions (cook dinner - feed - put to bed); the content of the game has been enriched; all this created favorable conditions for children to interact in games.

Many parents sought advice on the speech development of their children. We gave recommendations to the parents of Khudaikolova M, Zorina A, Ivanova R., Dyusembayeva Zh.

in organized educational activities - sensory, design,

natural science. A comparative analysis of the level of development of children in the middle group at the beginning and end showed that good results were achieved in sensory areas. Children are able to group homogeneous objects that are similar in size, shape, color; understand words denoting different sizes of objects, their color and shape; make up pyramids of different colors from 3 or more sequentially decreasing parts.

The children's horizons have expanded. They recognize and name the species of some domestic and wild animals and their young; know several types of vegetables and fruits. Have a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena.

It is necessary to continue working with Zakalyuzhny B, Kurmangaliev A., Enes V. due to frequent colds. For the summer period, parents were given recommendations on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, ZKR..

Artistic and aesthetic development is of great importance for the comprehensive development of young children. In our group it developed through the educational area “Creativity”. Children know that they can draw with pencils, paints and a brush. There are red, blue, green, yellow colors. They know how to roll out a lump of plasticine, separate small lumps, and flatten them with their palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other. They sculpt simple objects; use plasticine carefully. Know and apply basic technical skills.

In the summer, continue working with children Rak V, Skuratova V, Amanzholova M, Aitenov T. on developing technical skills in sculpting objects of simple and more complex shapes. The mothers of these children were offered reminders and given consultations.

Creating comfortable conditions for the organization of organized activities and free activity of children in the group and on the site allowed us to achieve good results. The group has created a subject-development environment appropriate to the age of the children. A library of colorful books with Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, and riddles has been collected. A corner of theatrical activities has been created, a corner of mummers with elements of costumes and caps for games-dramatization and staging of fairy tales, puppet theaters, tabletop, shadow and finger theaters, didactic and board-printed games: “Pick up a picture”, “Collect a fairy tale”, “My favorites” fairy tales”, “Whose are you, baby?”, “Find your soul mate”. For many literary works there are CDs with recordings of dramatizations based on folk tales.

In interaction with parents they used traditional and non-traditional forms of work. The compiled long-term thematic planning indicates all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, and visual poster information.

Throughout the school year, parents actively took part in the life of the group and the preschool educational institution: they helped to improve the site, in the design of the group, and participated in the campaigns “Become a Friend of Nature”, “Let’s Help the Birds in Winter!” We took an active part in the Competition of family crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn” and the exhibition “It’s a New Year!” Parents of Okulovsky M., Amanzholov M., Zakalyuzhny B., Khudaykulova M., Kurmangalieva A., Rak V. prepared a photo newspaper, a collage on the topic “We are growing healthy” Parents Nurgaleeva I., and Sartai E. made feeders for wintering birds and helped hold the campaign “Let's Help Birds in Winter!”

I would like to say a lot of good words to the parents of Milana Zhulamanova, Yana Wilhelm, Matvey Salii, Miroslav Okulovsky, Amirkhan Arykbaev for their active social partnership. The parents responded with great readiness to the proposal to make non-traditional sports equipment.

We created an information stand in the reception area and a moving folder with consultations and recommendations « Adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions”, “Health is the head of everything.” "Flu. Preventive measures”, “Safe behavior of children on the road” Personal approach during the period of adaptation of children”, “The importance of play in a child’s life”, “How to teach a child to dress independently”

We held parent meetings on the topic “Adaptation. Children's health."; “Speech development”, “Family traditions”.

Tebenbaeva Ailin took part in the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Olympiad on the Internet portal “Video Lesson” and took 1st place. Miroslav Okulovsky “Teremok” and Lera Lukyanova “Forest Kingdom” took 1st place in the international distance Olympiad from the “Infourok” project. Zhulamanova Milana took 1st place in the international Olympiad “Me and the world around me.” All parents received letters of gratitude for their active participation in the projects.

In the next academic year we plan:

Maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group;

Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents;

Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a 3-4 year old child and the ability to apply it in communication.

To improve the joint work of preschool institutions and families on social and moral education.

Educators Bobritskaya E.A. During the 2017-2018 academic year, the following work was carried out: the work on self-education “Development of research and experimental activities in children of the senior group as a condition for successful socialization” was supplemented. During the academic year I am the leader of the creative group “On the Threshold of Discovery”

A certificate was received from the regional expert council at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center “Kostanay Daryny” for the pedagogical development of an educational program for preschool children “The world on the palm of your hand. I know and create!”

She was trained at a seminar on the basis of the JSC National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" on the topic "Pedagogical technologies of the activity approach as a tool for updating the content of preschool education and training", "Game technologies as an effective means of activating the cognitive activity of preschool children."

She completed advanced training courses on the topic: “Organizational and pedagogical aspects of methodological work in the context of updating the content of preschool education.”

I have certificates for publications on the educational portal of author’s developments (cyclograms and lesson notes), for participation in webinars: “Final classes with preschoolers using interactive educational games”, “Integrated use of traditional and interactive technologies”, “Creating your own database of interactive aids”

Took part in the Republican training seminar for teaching staff on the topic “Modern educational technologies”

She received gratitude for her active participation in the international project for teachers.

She took part in the project of reading the literature of her native land: “My land through the mystery of pages” (JSC “Orleo”). In the second republican distance competition of children's crafts “Gifts of Autumn” (“ZIAT”).

She was awarded diplomas for participation in the competitions “Legal Competence of a Teacher”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Internet Space”, “Teacher Organizer”, “Modern Educational Environment”, “Project Activities of Students”, “Features of Writing a Scientific Article”, “Modern Children’s kindergarten”, “ICT competence”, “Educator sounds proud”, “Global education”, “Erudition”, “I work with children”

Prepared the winners of the project video lesson “Olympiad “Visiting a Fairy Tale””, “Forest Kingdom”, “Winter 2018”.

Moskina Nadezhda
Analytical report for the academic year in the first junior group

MDOU Chuchkovsky kindergarten No. 2

Analytical report for 2015-2016. 1 junior group

Educator: Moskina N. N.

At the beginning of the year the first younger group consisted of 10 children, at the end of the year there were 9 people.

Over the course of the year, children developed according to their age, mastered program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. All children adapted well to kindergarten. The upbringing and education of children is carried out according to the preschool education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa. The program provides for solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

The leading goals of the Federal State Educational Standard are:

Creation of favorable conditions;

Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual;

Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics;

Ensuring the life safety of preschool children.

Goals are achieved through a variety of processes activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

All types of activities are included in the main areas of development children:



Artistic and aesthetic;

Social and personal.

For educational year, the work was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten garden: familiarizing parents with the age characteristics of children and the reasons that cause stress during the adaptation period; gave recommendations on preparing for admission to a preschool institution; They tried to establish emotional and physical contact with the children and involved them in joint activities. By the end of the year, the children had grown noticeably and become stronger. Many have become more confident in self-service: can dress independently, use personal hygiene items. They began to show cognitive activity, using a variety of actions. The children's interest in group games and communication with peers has increased. They rejoice at their achievements and new successes.

Attendance is not high, since the children are 2–3 years old and the children often get sick. The reasons for absences are acute respiratory viral infections, as well as the adaptation period.

Physical development. At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing harmoniously physically, moving with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned how to do things with physical education aids. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. We learned to complete tasks, act, in general, at everyone’s pace. They are very willing to engage in playful activities with other children. Anthropometric indicators (Height Weight) fine. Possess age-appropriate basic movements. They show a desire to play outdoor games with simple content and simple movements. They perform age-appropriate hygienic procedures independently or with a little help from an adult and have age-appropriate self-care skills. Have primary ideas about themselves as a person, know the names of the main parts of the body, their functions.

Conclusion: In the future, it is necessary to constantly work with parents on the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and colds, limiting contacts and visiting public places when the incidence increases. Continue hardening activities in the summer with a transition to summer schemes. Do not violate the drinking regime or other regulations in the child care facility. Promote sports activities among parents and children.

Cognition: In cognition children have learned group objects by color, size, shape. There are one and many objects. Distinguish between large and small objects and name their size. Recognize the ball and the cube. They recognize and name some domestic and wild animals and their young. There are some vegetables and fruits (1-2 types). Have a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena.

Listen to short stories without visual accompaniment. They use speech as a means of communication with peers.

READING FICTION. Listen to poems, fairy tales, stories that are accessible in content. When reading again, they pronounce words and small phrases. Reading poems by A. Barto by heart "Toys"; know some nursery rhymes.

ARTISTIC CREATIVITY. Artistic and aesthetic development is of great importance for the all-round development of a preschooler. They know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes. There are red, blue, green, yellow, white, black colors. They know how to roll out a lump of dough with straight and circular movements of the hands; break off small lumps from a large lump of dough and flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other.

Brief description of events held during the year.

During the year in group work was carried out on unconventional drawing techniques on topic: "Funny Fingers". This is drawing with fingers, palm, poking. Work has been done to replenish the methodological and didactic collections. During the year our group participated in project activities. Short-term projects were implemented. During the year, work was done on a project in mathematics. Subject project: « First steps into mathematics» . The project is aimed at developing mathematical abilities. Over the years, notes on mathematics and visual teaching aids have been developed. Our parents groups took part in the project "Help the birds". Parents and students made houses for birds, and the most active ones received certificates and gifts.

Children participated together with their parents at the New Year's party.

I took part in the demonstration of an open intra-institutional lesson in the Educational field - Mathematics. Subject: "Find your house". Participated in a garden-wide project "Theatrical Activity".

I made various types of theater and prepared a performance at a methodological association with a video presentation.

IN group Work was systematically carried out to interact with parents. A long-term plan has been drawn up. It lists all joint events, consultations, and parent meetings.

Children's achievements

Starting % Final %


33% 25% 42% 70% 26% 4%

At the beginning of September -10 children (__ girls and __ boys)

At the end of May 9 children (__ girls and __ boys)

At first educational years of children's games were short-lived, actions sometimes - chaotic: children played on their own, performed 1-2 game actions, some children called themselves by their name (Gleb is carrying a car, they did not use substitute objects in the game.

By the end of the year, as play skills developed, play actions became more diverse, children learned to take a play role, a certain logic began to be traced in the chain of play actions (preparing lunch, feeding - putting them to bed, the content of the game was enriched, all this created favorable conditions for children’s interaction in games.

All the children have started talking, I plan to continue working on the topic of self-education, individual work with children on speech development.

Next time training I set these for myself for a year tasks:

Continue the development of children in all areas of the general education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;

Maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in group;

Maintain partnerships between the teacher, children and parents;

Develop speech, memory, attention of children;

Continue to work on self-care skills;

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop play activities;

To develop the artistic and aesthetic development of children.