Makeup removal– a daily and familiar procedure for all women. Therefore, we rarely analyze what harm we cause to the skin and eyelashes by removing cosmetics with insufficiently high-quality products that contain components that are quite aggressive to the skin.

Today the Secrets of Perfection will tell, how to make homemade makeup remover, and why it is better than store-bought ones.

Effective makeup removers at home

Store-bought makeup removers usually contain chemical components that negatively affect the health and appearance of the skin; in particular, alcohol is very harmful, as it dries and irritates it. Therefore, an alternative to store-bought remedies are homemade, homemade remedies.

Traditionally, of all natural makeup removers, women choose. They dissolve any type of cosmetics well, do not injure or dry out the skin. In addition, all oils additionally nourish the skin, which is especially useful for dry types and for those with mature skin.

Unexpected but effective at home are makeup removers based on cucumber, green tea, rice milk and other ingredients that provide an additional positive effect for the skin.

Almost all products prepared at home are stored in the refrigerator, preferably for no more than 3 days.

Homemade makeup remover. Natural Recipes

Recipe 1. A recognized leader in this field is considered . It removes makeup well, including mascara, without leaving an unpleasant greasy film on the skin and eyes. After applying a few drops of it to a tampon, gently wipe the skin and eyes with it, without rubbing too much.

Recipe 2. is in great demand, in particular because it removes even ultra-resistant eye makeup well. True, it is quite oily, so large amounts of it are not applied to the face. Olive oil is used as follows: moisten and squeeze out a cotton pad, apply a few drops of oil to it and carefully wipe the skin around the eyes.

Recipe 3. Those with thin and dry skin are advised to remove makeup sesame or sesame oil. It very gently cleanses the skin, in addition, it nourishes and has a protective effect on delicate skin.

Recipe 4. Very effective for removing mascara from eyelashes and Castor oil.

Recipe 5. An effective product that removes cosmetics and at the same time cleanses and normalizes oily, acne-prone skin. cucumber and milk. To do this, peeled cucumber is crushed and boiled in 100-150 g of milk for about 10 minutes. When the resulting product has cooled, gently wipe the skin with it.

Recipe 6. Green tea in combination with rice milk works well with make-up. Makeup remover is prepared as follows: 100 ml of tea is mixed with 50 ml of rice milk, after cooling, this liquid is used to remove makeup using a cotton swab.

Recipe 7. You can even prepare natural two-phase makeup removers with your own hands. Many of them are oil-based. An effective homemade makeup remover is prepared as follows: 50 ml of almond oil is combined with a much smaller amount (5 ml) of castor oil - this way the first, oil phase is obtained. And the aqueous phase is created by adding an aqueous infusion of chamomile or cornflower. By combining these components, they are used to remove cosmetics, shaking each time before use to achieve a uniform structure.

Recipe 8. Create and cleansing milk. This homemade makeup remover includes cream (1 glass), egg yolk, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, and sometimes a spoonful of cognac is also added. Those who are against the use of alcohol in skin care refuse cognac. If the skin is dry, the milk recipe is modified: the content of lemon juice is reduced to a minimum, and to moisturize the skin, an infusion of chamomile or string is added to the product. By excluding lemon juice and cognac from the recipe, you can also remove mascara with this milk. But natural oils work better with waterproof mascara. They are also recommended for removing makeup at home for skin prone to drying out and aging.

But are we now ready to give up the benefits that decorative cosmetics, hair volume shampoo or cellulite cream provide? Hardly. Although each of us is not at all averse to using some folk recipes.

And rightly so, why deny yourself the use of natural remedies, which, moreover, can give quite remarkable results.

It is unlikely that you will be able to put on makeup using folk remedies. Here we have only the experience of Marfushenka-darling with her rosy cheeks created with the help of boiled beets. But modern girls will not appreciate this method of “tuning” their appearance, so all that remains is to look for folk remedies for removing makeup.

Carrier oils are great homemade makeup removers.

Here there is already a place for the soul to roam. The oils alone are worth it. No, we are not talking about the experience of another fairy-tale heroine who tried to remove makeup using oils traditionally used in everyday life.

Let the butter and sunflower oil still remain for frying, boiling and salad dressing. But some carrier oils are excellent homemade makeup removers.

Don’t be afraid of the unusual wording “base oils”. These are high quality vegetable oils that can be used either independently or enriched with various essential oils.

Preparing aromatic mixtures from base and essential oils is a whole science, but to determine what homemade natural makeup removers are, it will be enough for us to know the properties of base oils that such oils have when used independently.

Let’s immediately say that to remove makeup, a few drops of oil applied to a cotton pad pre-moistened in water are usually enough.

Almond oil is an excellent homemade makeup remover that can be used to remove makeup from both your skin and eyes.

Moreover, regular use of almond oil as a makeup remover improves skin condition. The vitamin A contained in this oil makes it an excellent moisturizer, vitamin E slows down the aging process and protects against harmful UV radiation, and vitamin F normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

These diverse properties of almond oil make it beneficial for almost any skin type.

However, almost all base oils benefit the skin. For example, peach oil not only does an excellent job of removing foundation and mascara, but also normalizes metabolic processes in the skin and makes it more elastic.

And sesame (sesame) oil is a real godsend for those with thin, sensitive skin. It can be used both to remove makeup and to care for facial skin and thin eyelid skin. Castor oil is also distinguished by its ability to dissolve mascara well.

Do you still want to show off your cosmetological abilities and prepare a natural makeup remover yourself from available products? Well, this is a commendable initiative, and such a remedy will indeed be fully justified in being called homemade.

Homemade Makeup Remover

The base of such a cosmetic product will be milky, so it is quite justifiable that we can call our own cosmetic product makeup remover milk.

Add the yolk to a glass of cream, constantly stirring the resulting mixture. Then dilute the resulting milk-egg liquid with a tablespoon of cognac and three tablespoons of lemon juice. You can add chamomile or chamomile infusion to this homemade makeup remover milk for dry skin.

Since the homemade makeup remover milk recipe includes lemon juice, it is not recommended to use it to remove eye makeup.

But this doesn’t mean that you can’t make your own eye makeup remover. There are very simple recipes for preparing such products. Moreover, you can even prepare a two-phase eye makeup remover yourself.

To do this, take 50 ml. sweet almond oil and 5 ml of castor oil, which will make up the oil phase. And to recreate the aqueous phase, take 10 ml. cornflower and chamomile hydrolate (water infusions). Mix all of the above ingredients in a bottle and shake the contents of the bottle before each use to mix the two phases.

This eye makeup remover has several advantages:

  1. The castor oil contained in the composition stimulates the growth of eyelashes.
  2. Cornflower hydrolate, or, as it is also called, cornflower water, relieves tired eyes. And, of course, the most important thing is the absolute naturalness of the resulting makeup remover. It should only be taken into account that cornflower blue hydrolate is not recommended for use as eye make-up remover for those who wear contact lenses.

For a long time, we have suffered from the lack of natural products on the cosmetics market that will provide the skin with the necessary care and can perform other cosmetic functions. Today, such products exist, and they are made with the same love and care as homemade products.

For example, cosmetic mixtures of oils for makeup removal are a ready-made mixture that has all the best properties of the oils included in its composition. And natural milk is sometimes no worse than the one you prepare yourself. But thanks to the knowledge of scientists and cosmetologists, such milk can be stored much longer than a home-made product.

Our grandmothers love to tell stories about how young beauties used to do without makeup, and looked no worse than modern youth, and maybe even many times better.

They smeared their faces with sour cream, rinsed their hair with nettle infusion and they didn’t have any problems. So why do we now use a huge amount of cosmetics and yet 70% of the population is treated for various manifestations of allergies.

Creams, lotions, masks - we can prepare all this ourselves at home. Fortunately, there are plenty of folk recipes for all occasions. But we are unlikely to be able to do makeup with home remedies. But still, it is simply necessary to help our skin, after such an impact of professional cosmetics on our skin. And folk remedies for makeup removal, which must be used every evening, will come to the rescue.

Folk remedies

Makeup remover milk

The real makeup remover milk can be made from milk, or any fermented milk product. Soak a cotton pad in warm milk and gently remove makeup. After using makeup remover, wash your face with cool water.

Remedy with egg, cognac and lemon

Removing makeup can be a hassle, but with the help of the following recipe you can easily cope with this task.

Mix one glass of cream thoroughly with 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of cognac and 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. If you have dry facial skin, you can add a little chamomile infusion or string to the resulting mass.

Pour the finished makeup remover into a glass container and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Due to the fact that this cosmetic product contains lemon juice, it is not recommended to use it.

Makeup remover oil at home

Almost any oil can be used to remove makeup. For example:

  • Almond oil - suitable for any skin type;
  • Peach oil will not only perfectly remove makeup, but will also make the skin more elastic;
  • perfect for sensitive skin;
  • Olive oil perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Castor oil works great on makeup, even if you have super-resistant mascara.

To remove makeup, just a few drops of oil are enough to apply to a cotton pad.

Many beauties use oil to dilute dried mascara. But you shouldn’t do this, otherwise your makeup will be ruined. To do this, you can use distilled water and eye drops. product for contact lenses, but the best thing, of course, is to buy new mascara.

Lemon Potato Lotion

Mix 1 tablespoon of potato juice with 3-4 drops of lemon juice, and remove makeup with the resulting lotion. This product will not only remove makeup, but also refresh your facial skin and help get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

Most girls and women love to do make-up, because it is creativity, transformation and an opportunity to highlight the advantages of the face and hide flaws. Of course, removing makeup is a daily routine, but we all know that the condition of our skin greatly depends on how well we carry out the makeup removal procedure.

Nowadays, all kinds of cosmetic companies offer cosmetic removers of various textures that work well with makeup on different areas of the skin. Today we’ll talk about homemade makeup removers, because natural ingredients are our skin’s best friends.

Baby oil

You should know that baby oil is an excellent, effective and gentle eye makeup remover. Apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and, closing your eyes, wipe the delicate skin around your eyes. If all cosmetics are not removed the first time, you need to repeat the procedure again.

You might like this recipe better: in a convenient bottle, mix your favorite makeup remover and baby oil in equal proportions. A homemade two-phase product (don't forget to shake it before each use) that removes waterproof makeup well and moisturizes the skin!

Organic almond oil

This is another great way to remove eye makeup and is very popular in France. You can apply it on your eyes just like you would apply baby oil.

Olive oil

Olive oil has a greasy texture than almond oil, but when nothing else is available, it is a great makeup remover. It works very gently, however you should not use it all over your face. For convenience, lightly moisten a cotton pad with warm water, then apply a few drops of olive oil and wipe the area around the eyes. Cosmetics are removed perfectly.

Miracle recipe for two-phase makeup remover

This oil-based product also does a great job of removing makeup. In addition, it perfectly nourishes the skin around the eyes, promotes eyelash growth and eliminates minor swelling. To prepare the product, mix 1 tsp. grape seed oil with 1 tsp. castor oil and add 100 ml of still mineral water or chamomile infusion. It can be stored in the bathroom for about 1 month.

Traditional recipes for removing makeup


Peel the cucumber and chop it well. Add half a glass of milk and cook for about 10 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be used to remove makeup.

For acne-prone skin, a product made from fresh cucumber juice and a few drops of baby oil is suitable.

Green tea and rice milk

Green tea is great for skin care. Mix 50 ml rice milk with 100 ml green tea well. When the product has cooled, apply it to your face with a cotton pad and remove makeup.

Lemon juice and rice milk

Mix 2 parts rice milk and 1 part lemon juice and gently wipe the skin, avoiding the eye area. Another good recipe with lemon juice for removing makeup from the face: beat 250 ml of fresh cream with yolk, add 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. cognac

Banana and soy milk

Mash one banana and mix the paste with a tablespoon of soy milk until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face with your hands, leave for ten minutes and then rinse. This way, you will not only remove makeup, but also provide nourishment and smoothness to your skin.

Home remedies are non-irritating, nourishing and remove makeup perfectly. Once you try it, you will never want to go back to store-bought cosmetics.

Currently, the beauty industry offers a wide range of cosmetic products for makeup removal and facial cleansing. Each woman can choose the most suitable option for herself.

It usually contains chemical components that, when reacting with the pH of the skin, disrupt its protective lipid layer and can cause allergic reactions.

In this case, homemade makeup removers come to the rescue, which can also provide invaluable assistance in emergency situations when the necessary cleansing cosmetics are not at hand.

Natural ingredients not only thoroughly remove makeup - as studies have shown, this natural method of makeup removal can improve the condition of the skin and has a proven positive anti-aging effect.

List of the best homemade cleansers

Cleansing components primarily include base oils, which perfectly dissolve fat and dirt. They can be safely used for all skin types. For example, peach and olive oil perfectly remove waterproof makeup, including from the eyes. Soak a cotton pad and place it on your closed eyelids to dissolve makeup, then lightly wipe from the outer corner to the inner corner of your eyes.

Rub the oil pad over your face in a circular motion, leave the oil on your face for 15 seconds and thoroughly remove any remaining dirt using a damp cloth or pad.

Coconut oil is ideal for dry and aging skin as a homemade makeup remover. The product is known for its powerful moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. Cleanses the eye area well. Take some butter; the warmth of your hands will melt it. Massage your face with light movements, then wipe with a napkin.

Castor and almond oils not only remove mascara well, but also perfectly strengthen eyelashes, promoting their growth.

Jojoba oil has natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and deeply moisturizing properties. Decamedogenic, therefore it is an ideal option for removing makeup for problem skin.

Green tea is an excellent home remedy for removing makeup. Dampen a cloth or cotton pad and wipe your face several times until no dirt remains. Green tea works well with other herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, linden, violet). You can read more about the benefits of a healthy drink in facial care.

Mash a banana and apply the paste on your face. Leave on for 5 minutes to allow the fruit enzymes to penetrate the pores and dissolve dirt and makeup. Rinse off the mask with cool water. The pulp of tomato, kiwi or strawberry has the same cleansing effect, but it cannot be used for the eyes.

Honey (2 tbsp) with the addition of a pinch of soda is a wonderful natural home remedy for removing any type of makeup. Simply apply the mixture to the skin in a circular motion, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. However, this method is not suitable for the delicate area around the eyes.

Fermented milk products - yogurt, sour cream or kefir effectively wash away dirt and cosmetics. They are applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly wiped with a cloth or disk and rinsed with water. You can simply moisten a napkin or cotton wool and wipe your face several times. No less useful are warm milk or cream, which is also used to thoroughly wipe the skin of the face and eyes several times until the cotton pad is clean.

Lemon and natural yogurt - this mixture is ideal for all types of epidermis. All you need to do is mix 1 tbsp. l. plain yogurt with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Apply to the skin and leave the mixture for a few minutes, then remove with cotton wool soaked in water. The procedure also acts as a light peeling, deeply cleanses and evens out the complexion.

Recipes using aloe

The gel or juice of the aloe vera plant, which can often be found in our homes, well moisturizes the epidermis, reduces irritation, suppresses inflammatory processes and is suitable even for sensitive skin types.

1 tbsp. l. fresh juice, half a tbsp. l. honey and, if desired, 2-3 drops of lavender, orange or rose essential oil. Can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month in a closed container.

Mix well 2 tbsp. l. any base oil (sunflower, flaxseed, almond, etc.) and 1 tbsp. l. aloe gel. Apply the mixture to your face using a cotton pad and leave for a few minutes. Wash your face with warm water. Store the finished mixture in a dark, cool place and use within 2 - 3 weeks, and shake before use. Suitable for the eye area.