The power of family is incredibly strong. This applies not only to living relatives, but to the entire family as a whole. A special ritual and special energy practices will help to awaken ancestral protection.

The strength of our kind is the very initial energy charge that helps us determine our place in life. The knowledge of departed ancestors is passed on energetically and genetically to you and me, helping us to adapt to the world and become stronger spiritually.

When ancestral protection and energy are not activated, health problems arise, luck disappears, and various financial and love problems appear. We previously wrote about what diseases are caused by negative energy. This is just a small part of what can happen, and our tips will help you avoid such problems.

Ritual "Power of the Ancestors"

Folk methods of invoking the help of ancestors are practices proven over hundreds of years. One of the methods that our ancestors used is the “Power of Ancestors” ritual, which was previously called “Memory of the Soul.”

To perform a ritual that can awaken the energy reserves of your family and clear the communication channel, you will need a circle of fire. You can get it in two ways: you can buy a lot of candles and place them around your home, or go out into nature and make three fires around you. Both cases have their advantages. In nature, you are closer to the origins - you are free, like the wind. At home, you are in a calmer environment and don’t worry that someone will see you.

Once the circle of fire is created, you will need the power of water. To do this, you will need to wash your face right inside the circle. The water should be cold and drawn from a natural source. You wash your face three times with both hands, saying: “Mother Nature, cleanse me from filth, from failure and from the evil eye.” We washed ourselves, read the plot - and so on three times. This way you will remove negative programs from your energy field.

After this, you will need the power of fire, which will protect you in the future. Sitting in a circle, say the following spell: “I appeal to the forces of my ancestors who hear me. Grant me the strength that you have known in life and after it. Let my eyes see the light and attract it to me, settling it in my heart and soul. Amen."

After this, you can and even need to meditate for a couple of minutes, sitting in a circle and imagining the endless expanses of the human soul. Imagine that your ancestors are standing behind you and filling your soul with the power that will give you luck, love, wealth and fulfill any of your desires.

Clearing karma

Previously, we talked about how to clear personal karma and change your destiny. There is also such a thing as ancestral karma. It is also purified by performing the above ritual. These are the bad deeds of our ancestors for which we are paying.

“The Power of Ancestors” will help you break away from the karmic curse of your family - from what you didn’t do and for which it makes no sense for you to be responsible. This is true in every sense. Start living free, clean and energetically strong. Every person deserves this.

Read our article on how to strengthen energy according to your Zodiac Sign. Astrological knowledge will complement folk wisdom, making it even more effective. Good luck to you, may all your wishes come true, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

10.08.2016 06:22

Everyone knows the phrase “my home is my castle.” However, any fortress needs good protection. ...

100 most effective rituals for fulfilling desires from the most famous psychics Lobkov Denis

Dilya Abdrashitova: “Call the energy of the family for help”

Dilya Dagievna Abdrashitova is a hereditary witch, sorceress, sorceress and medium from Tatarstan, member of the Russian Academy of Traditional Medicine, honorary member of the Association of Healers of Kazakhstan. She received her gift from her great-grandfather, a Kalmyk shaman. She hosts a reception in Astana, where thousands of people come to see her. She actively cooperates with the prosecutor's office and investigative authorities, investigating crimes; her forecasts are often used to prevent emergency events in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Participant in the VII season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

“I would like to advise you to turn to your ancestors, the spirits of your family, who invisibly exist in parallel with us, to fulfill your desires,” says Dilya. – We often call upon spirits, turn to guardian angels, often without thinking that there were also people in our family who are no longer there. But they can contact us if we want. Contact them and they will help you, they cannot help but help - you are continuing their lineage.”

To summon spirits, it is not necessary to conduct a seance. Everything is done quite simply - you need to call and treat the spirits. You can make a fire somewhere else in a clearing in the forest or meadow, in a dacha behind a high fence (so that nosy neighbors won’t see), throw donations into it - for example, fruits, meat, small coins, mentally asking the deceased relative to hear you . You need to set the table next to the fire or leave a treat on a scarf (tablecloth). When setting the table, you need to ask the spirits to help you fulfill your wish (by explaining what exactly should happen). Leave the table set until the morning.

If it is not possible to go out into nature, you can set the table for the spirits at home, at night, but at the same time lay out the cutlery and be sure to put a glass, which is covered with a piece of black bread on top, as they do at a wake! In the morning, all this should be thrown away; under no circumstances should you eat or drink what is left after the ritual - this can be deadly.

Perfume (if you didn’t skimp and set a good table, expensive and filling, not counting its cost) can be very generous and your wish can come true in a matter of days - in a month, in a week or even in a couple of days!

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3 types of transmission of the Power of the family

There are three types of transmission of power: ancestral transmission through the blood, transmission from person to person, and education (apprenticeship) in tradition.

Transmission by blood- in our understanding, genetics.

This includes abilities, talents, but also attitudes - elements of ancestral memory that form an attitude towards something.

Internal status is transmitted through blood, as an unconditionally felt right to a certain place in life.

By blood we finally receive one or more of the “seven powers of the family,” otherwise they are also called rights. There is a right to health, money, luck, knowledge, power, mission (service) and love. Not every family has all these rights, but almost everyone has one or two.

Everyone gets power through blood! But not everyone is able to use it. For strength to become yours and be useful, it must be felt and developed. More often than not, we do exactly the opposite. The power of the ancestors is rejected as outdated. One of the reasons why this happens is that we confuse the quality of power and its manifestation in the realities of time.

For example, an elderly mother lives modestly and does not spend an extra ruble on herself. The daughter, by the nature of a spender, condemns her: “she’s stingy, she doesn’t know how to live!”, although she almost always runs to her mother for money. And she gives. And if you dig deeper, there was not a single poor person in the family on the maternal side. From an early age, everyone worked, earned money, and slowly acquired wealth.

It’s just that times were such that it was customary to save in savings books, invest in bonds, and there wasn’t much to spend on. That is, the family’s cash flow may not be strong, but it is stable. And the daughter, with her dislike for her mother’s lifestyle, her habit of looking at prices, going to the store where it’s cheaper and not buying too much, refused her birth power. So her money flows like sand.

More recently, about a hundred years ago, children followed the fate of their ancestors. There were exceptions, of course, but still, the son of a blacksmith most likely became a blacksmith, the son of a carpenter - a carpenter. Not only fate was passed on by blood, but also, as they say, reputation. “I am a blacksmith, and my father was a blacksmith, and my grandfather was a blacksmith, and my great-grandfather...” - this was the best “quality guarantee” and stable “bread.”

The fact that we now have the right to choose any destiny, any type of activity is not bad. But you need to understand that if you choose something completely different from what your ancestors owned, you won’t have to rely on generic power. You will need to work out everything yourself, without support from above, relying only on your own strength and intuition.

Transmission power- these are the connections of skills and teachings with the spirit. Usually they talk about personal transmission in the context of folk healing or magic. The herbalist grandmother chose the most nimble and attentive one from among her granddaughters, and began to slowly teach her, taking her with her to collect herbs, showing her what was what. And when she was dying, she called to her, put her hand on her head and whispered something. After her death, the girl began to slowly repeat her grandmother’s recipes, but also her habits, and over the years she became just like her, both in appearance and in character. In such cases they said that the grandmother had a spirit, and this spirit “passed on.”

The spirit was understood both as a force and as an essence - a helper, invited to help and existing in a symbiotic relationship with members of the clan for many generations. Folk knowledge has preserved descriptions of the rituals of inviting the Helper (do not scare with the “contract with the evil one” and spiritualistic seances!).

It cannot be said that all cases when old people taught their grandchildren something were accompanied by transfers, but still this happens quite often. I have heard many times from people, “I have a feeling that someone is helping me.” Or, “I know that when it’s difficult for me, my grandmother from the other world supports me.” Often behind this lies precisely the connection with the ancestral spirit.

The spirit of the clan usually goes to one person from a generation, lives with him until the end of his days, and then passes on to another.

This partly explains why, as they say, “nature rests on the children of geniuses.” The point is that creativity can also be spirit. Gifted - it’s not in vain that they say... Many talented people in the old days were considered almost possessed. We also know stories of people who suddenly acquired their gift in adulthood, under the influence of circumstances associated with death, with transition... If a transfer was made to you, then you better accept it

. If you handle power correctly, your intuition will likely sharpen, your abilities will increase, and you will have greater influence over people. But if you don’t accept it, then, on the contrary, internal conflicts and depression may worsen, and there will be a feeling that you are not living your own life.

There is, however, a third way - to accept and refuse, that is, to expel the spirit. But I would think carefully before doing this. The fact is that ancestral spirits never come into a genus by accident. This is a choice once made by the eldest person in the clan at that time, which was supported by many generations and served the purpose of survival of the entire clan system.

I’ll also add about the spirit that it can be either a life partner (assistant) or a servant, but it should never be a master. We can allow him to become the owner ourselves, if only we show lack of will. Having recognized our strength, we gain power over it and can already choose how and where to direct it.

And finally, the third type of inheritance of power is nurturing tradition. Everything that our ancestors taught us, what values ​​they instilled in us, became our strength. A person becomes stronger when he follows traditions. And it weakens when it floats with the flow, reflexively reacting to the events of the current day. Everything we put our will and effort into makes us stronger. And only in human weaknesses there is no strength.

To understand how much power you have, just ask yourself the following questions:

  • What traits of my character have I inherited from my ancestors?
  • who were my ancestors, what did they glorify themselves with?
  • What traits of my ancestors make me respect?
  • can I say about myself, “I, like (my ancestor) achieved...?
  • Do I feel like I am part of a clan (surname)? Why?
  • what (what qualities) can I bring to my family? how to strengthen it?

This article contains: a prayer to the ancestors of the family for help - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

You can clear karma with the help of the prayer “For the purification of the race.” It removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a generational curse.

This may be a sin that was committed in one generation and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents.”

This could be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now.

In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for the wrongdoings they committed according to the law of karma.

Having prayed for the sins of your ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of your family, you can break the karmic connection and begin to live your own life, without being responsible for your ancestors and freed from “ancestral” damage and curses.

Cleansing must take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing karma with prayers:

Read the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory.

Read the prayer “Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice”:

Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Read the prayer “For the cleansing of the race”:

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Read the prayer of thanksgiving:

“Lord, I thank You for everything You give me.

I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.”

Repeat all prayers three times.

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Prayers-appeals to the Slavic gods: how to correctly ask them for help

In ancient times, each newborn person was assigned a palace according to the Slavic astrological calendar. It reflected not only the main character traits, but also gave the protection of a certain deity and tree.

Slavic palaces are similar to the modern astrological calendar, only we are accustomed to relying on certain constellations, and our ancestors prayed to a whole pantheon of Gods. Higher powers gave patronage, protected and protected people, endowing them with a particle of their power. In order to activate this protection, to merge with one’s patron, there were certain prayers of glory. Anyone who needed protection could pray to their god. While human memory lived, the Higher powers willingly responded to requests and pleas for help.

The ancient Slavs carved wooden amulets from patron trees, and in order for the amulet to work, they first of all asked the plant for forgiveness for disturbing it and causing pain. After a particle of the tree was transformed into a protective amulet, the plant itself was treated, and a new one was planted. Such caring attitude towards nature has existed from time immemorial, because it provided life, shelter and food. The forces of nature were used as protection from any harm and were treated like living beings.

Prayers of glory to the patron gods of the palaces

Each palace, and there are 16 of them, had its own patron. Prayers addressed to him strengthened a person’s connection with the Higher powers. Now people have begun to return to the behests of their ancestors, to take into account their orders and knowledge. Sacred knowledge helps to cope with many life difficulties, as well as find your true path and recognition in life.

Goddess Jiva, patroness of the Virgo's palace (from August 30 to September 22). Responsible for eternal life, imparts health of body and soul, and gives protection to offspring.

“Mother Jeeva! Guardian of my soul! Patroness of my family, I call on You. Merciful, giving consolation and continuing generations! Rule me as you ruled everyone before me. Your healing power has no equal, take me under your protection, give me strength to bypass illness and sorrow. Heal my body, fill it with longevity. Glory to You, Mother!”

God Ramhat, patron of the Boar's palace (from September 23 to October 14). Personifies the Heavenly judge and monitors the execution of justice. Severely punishes blood sacrifices and murders.

“Great Ramhat! Hear the hymn praising You! Come to the defense of your earthly son, grant your protection to my palace! Turn your merciful gaze from heaven to the one asking you. I need Your help, my family, our lives! May Your glory be eternal, from Circle to Circle throughout the years.”

Goddess Rozhana, patroness of the palace of Shchuka (from October 14 to November 6). Goddess of family wealth, patroness of all women in labor. Endows each person born with a unique Destiny.

“Mother Rozhana! I glorify Your tenderness and softness, Your life-giving power, generating health. I appeal to You. Patroness of my belly! May your glory reverberate throughout the centuries. Come to the defense of me, born. Don’t let my family become poor, fill it with children’s laughter, heroic health and fertility. Glory, mother!”

Goddess Makosh, patroness of the palace of the Swan (from November 6 to November 27). The protector of the clan, protects newborns, patronizing them and allowing them to mature in piety and righteousness.

“Makosh, heavenly mother! Weave my life into a bright canvas filled with happiness. Your weary hands spin an endless thread, strengthening the family, glorifying life. I turn to You for help and protection of my palace, given at birth. I glorify Your endless works for the joy of all living!”

God Semargl, patron of the Serpent's palace (from November 27 to December 16). The highest deity, keeper of the cleansing fire and traditions written in the years observed by every Slav.

“Great God Semargl! Your Son calls to You! I call for your protection. All sorts of illnesses that desecrate all life on Mother Earth were eliminated. Your cleansing fire is called upon to eradicate unclean evil. Stand up for my defense like a fiery tornado. Great is Your face and glorious!”

God Kolyada, patron of the Raven palace (from December 19 to January 10). Controls changes in the life of the family, imparts intelligence and secret knowledge.

“Be thrice glorious, Father Kolyada! I thank you with a bow to the ground for the protection of my family. I call on You for protection, tied from you thread to thread, endowed with a palace by birth. Intercede for my deeds, may it be hard beyond my reach!”

God Svarog, patron of the palace of the Bear (from January 10 to February 3). The creator-sage is responsible for crafts, giving people knowledge for their prosperous life in labor and caring for their loved ones.

“Our ancestor Svarog! Be glorious! You gave birth to the holy fire in our souls. Cleanse them from the filth that closes their eyes and imposes fetters! May Your will be done over me in life and to the very end unchangeable!”

God Rod, patron of the palace of Busla, or Stork (from February 3 to February 28). One many-faced God, the collective image of all Deities. Gives wisdom and protects families.

“God Rode! You impart wisdom throughout the ages, connect with the roots and to heaven, heal and strengthen peace and harmony in the heart. I ask for protection, patronage, with bows and devotion. Glory to You!

God Veles, patron of the Wolf's palace (from February 28 to March 25). Responsible for trade, art, wealth. He is a guide to another world, the patron saint of those who breed animals.

“Mighty Veles! Fill our lives with abundance, let our granaries be full of food for the livestock that gives us life. We ask for luck, secret wisdom, integrity of soul and like-mindedness. Glory to Veles, defender of the Wolf’s palace!”

Goddess Marena, patroness of the Fox's palace (from March 28 to April 17). Goddess of cold, winter and eternal life. Meets souls and escorts them beyond the brink, granting them eternal existence.

“Protector Mother, Mother Ra. By Your will, we will all come for instructions after life on mortal Earth. Calm down and deliver from the cold of the soul in an unlived life, let me have time to complete my earthly affairs, with honors to you, and with mentoring. Glorious be it, Mother Marena!”

God Roof, patron of the palace of Tours (from April 17 to May 9). A judge who resolves disputes. A strict and fair guardian of all lives. Guardian of God's laws.

“Glorious be the patron! Listen to our call, protect and give us your knowledge for acceptance. We observe the laws with righteous faith, and we raise our children according to them! Be a protection, Father, and a protector of everyone’s interests.”

Goddess Lada, patroness of the palace of the Elk (from May 9 to June 1). The incarnation of Rod in a female form, the goddess of fertility and the triumph of life.

“Mother Ladushka! Do not leave us without life and its continuation! Grant us arable land, send your grace, may we love life and glorify You in our years! May all-redeeming and healing love be given into our hands, given by You. Glory, mother!”

God Vyshen, patron of the palace of Finist (from June 1 to June 23). A judge who has the power to resolve conflicts between people and Gods. Endows with sacred knowledge and wisdom, and gives the gift of clairvoyance to the chosen ones.

“All-seeing, watching with keen eyes from above, Father Above! Resolve the disputes within me, do not let me take the path of disobedience and exaltation of myself among others! Stand up for my defense, great judge! Glory to the years of Your justice and skillful reconciliation!”

God Kupala, patron of the palace of the Horse (from June 23 to July 16). A bright deity, personifying goodness and giving happiness.

“We smile at You with light, radiant Kupala. Take me under your protection under the palace of life. Grant me the happiness of not knowing troubles and despondency. Glory to Your courage, illuminated with goodness!”

God Perun, patron of the palace of the Eagle (from July 16 to August 7). Warrior, “The Path Is Our Military Joy.” Patron of warriors who follow laws and commandments. God of Thunder, controls storms and hurricanes.

“Perun, Earth-shaking. Vigilantly watching over our thoughts, giving courage and strength to defend our family. Glory to You! Come and stand as a stone in my defense. I entrust my life to you!”

God Tarkh, patron of the palace of Ras (from August 7 to August 30). Dazhdbog is the ruler of goodness, sun and light. One of its manifestations is Yarilo, who gives enlightenment and guidance.

“Fruitful and all-encompassing, You provide food for all life on Earth. You multiply our lives. Your breath is the essence of life. Stand up for my protection, surround me with fruit-bearing greenery, protect me from the unclean with mercy and warmth. Glory to Tarkh Dazhdbog!”

Each deity deserves attention. The pantheon of gods is great, so don’t forget anyone. You can and should pray in your own words, coming from the heart. Giving themselves entirely under the protection of the great and powerful Higher powers, our ancestors increased their wealth, their family, and the glory of themselves and their family over the years. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Cleansing ancestral karma with prayers

Each person, to one degree or another, depends on his ancestors; their actions influence his destiny, making it difficult or successful.

If representatives of past generations did not behave in the best way and sinned, cleansing the karma of the family with prayers will help to avoid universal retribution. This method is effective for energy-informational problems of various types: curses, damage, incorrect lifestyle, sins, suicide, etc.

Briefly about karma

Ancestral karma is usually characterized by a set of events and actions from a person’s life that are deposited in a related information field. The next generations, having received such a gift, may experience negative consequences, facing suicide, various types of addictions, incurable and serious illnesses, celibacy or infertility, and severe problems in society. Opinions about the relationship of such processes have been expressed since ancient times in the traditions of most peoples.

If there are systematic manifestations of negative life circumstances, deep failures in the personal and financial sphere, or poor health, you should study your family tree. In it you can find people who have done wrong before the Universe, but, not wanting to atone for their debt, force their descendants to compensate for the created imbalance. In this case, prayer will help - ancestral karma will be restored through the forgiveness of ancestors and God.

Other ways to cleanse ancestral karma include magical rituals, fortune telling and meditation.

Reading prayers to improve ancestral karma

This prayer complex is designed in such a way that it allows one to get rid of karmic problems received by a person from his ancestors. Most often this is the sin of one of the members of the clan, a curse, or intrauterine damage. This, by the way, may include the negative karmic potential of the previous reincarnation.

The soul of a person, having sinned in another body, cannot escape responsibility before the Universe.

This method of purification is based on begging forgiveness from God for the misdeeds and thoughts of our ancestors. The law of karma, which says that mistakes must be corrected and holds the descendants of the sinner accountable. However, God's forgiveness allows you to reboot the energy-information field. Thanks to this, the karmic connection is broken and the person becomes responsible for his own decisions.

Prayers for cleansing

First, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer once, the text of which is, perhaps, in the home of every Orthodox believer. The next prayer is “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice.” It sounds like this: “Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice, Gracious Mary, Lord be with you; Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

The next prayer - “For the purification of the family” - is not known to everyone. It sounds like this:

“Lord, I ask forgiveness from everyone who, whether by my own will or not, I have offended in this or in one of my past lives. Lord, I forgive everyone who, unwittingly or voluntarily, offended me in this or my past lives. Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my relatives who have died. Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my relatives who are alive. Lord, I ask forgiveness from those who, whether by their own will or not, by thought, deed or word, were offended by the ancestors of my family. Lord, I ask you to cleanse, heal and protect me, my family, my entire family, fill you with the Power of the Holy Spirit, love and light, strength, harmony and health. Lord, I ask you to cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The procedure for prayerful cleansing of family karma requires reading these prayers three times in turn. After this, you need to thank God for his help and forgiveness with a prayer of gratitude:

“I thank you, Lord, for everything that you give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of heaven, light, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.”

The prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord is read once. This ends the session. This simple and noble procedure should be carried out for 40 days. In no case is skipping allowed, because you will have to start all over again.

Prayer with offering for the ancestors

Along with reading prayers, it is recommended to give offerings in the form of food to the ancestors of the clan. To do this, you need to clean the house in the morning and wash, and then put a pack of rice to cook. While cooking, read prayers. You cannot try the cereal - it must be untouched and only from a new pack, from which rice for dishes has not been taken before.

After the porridge is ready, you need to transfer it to a new plate, from which no one has eaten before. Afterwards it must be placed on the window and a prayer corresponding to the professed faith must be read. After 10 minutes, transfer the rice thus consecrated to another new plate, light the candle, and say “I invite members of my family to taste this food!”

At the end of the procedure, food must be taken out of the house and fed to the birds or buried in the ground. People should not eat this food. It is also prohibited from now on to eat from the plates used for the ritual.

This practice should be performed for 7 days in the morning when the sun gives the most energy. The most suitable time of the year for such cleansing and healing of the family is Maslenitsa week.

Prayer to protect family and home

This prayer was originally intended to protect the home from dark forces. For this purpose, it was used in ancient times, as well as to bless warriors before military operations. However, it works on the principle of protecting the family and clan, therefore it is useful and, if necessary, to improve the ancestral karma.

To conduct a church ceremony, you must have the icons of “Archangel Michael”, “Saints” and “Holy Trinity”. In addition, you need large candles, a candle for your home, an incense spoon and the incense itself, red cardboard blanks 15 cm long. In addition, you need three red threads and four large sewing needles.

Before you cleanse your ancestral karma with prayers, you need to lay a white tablecloth on the table and arrange the icons so that a triangle is formed between them. Next, you need to light the same number of holiday candles and place them one in front of each image. In the center of this triangular structure you need to place a dish with other ritual objects.

Now you need to say a prayer spell:

"God help me! Direct! Protect! Holy Undivided Life-Giving Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Rise to the aid of me, servant of God (say your name), and protect my house from evil forces with the power of monastic prayer to deter all evil. Archangel Michael, God's Archangel, help the servant of God (name), protect my house and cover me with your power given to you by God. All Saints, who have pleased the Lord from time immemorial, come to me, the servant of God (name), for protection and help, and protect, close my house with the prayer power given by the Lord!”.

After this, you need to bring a spoon with several pieces of incense to the fire of a burning candle. When smoke comes from it, you should proceed to reading the set of prayers for the purification of the family. At this time, it is necessary to make cross-shaped passes over the dish.

  1. Prayer of detention.
  2. Prayer of Saint Macarius.
  3. Prayer of the Abba of Egypt.
  4. Dogmatic Prayer.
  5. Prayer is the first voice.
  6. Prayer to the heavenly powers.
  7. Prayer Troparion, tone four.
  8. Kontakion prayer, tone two.

Such a prayer complex allows for complete atonement for the sins and misdeeds of relatives, ancestors and one’s own. Thanks to him, not only does it happen cleaning ancestral karma, but also the home, protection from dark forces and various misfortunes is established.

Prayer to the Lords of Karma

The Lords of Karma are the eight members of the Karmic Board who are responsible for maintaining justice in the system of worlds. The Lords of Karma determine the karma of a person and clan based on his personal actions, as well as deeds committed by ancestors.

A person appears before the Board at the moment of reincarnation, accepting his future destiny and his own purpose. At the same time, there is, so to speak, a summing up of the life spent. If a soul has karmic debts remaining, they are assigned to its family, as well as to the person into whom it will be incarnated in a new life.

Each person has the opportunity to approach the Lords of Karma to pour out the gratitude of his heart and ask the Board for Divine Guidance in life.

Meetings of the highest Lords occur twice a year - on the summer and winter solstice. At this time, the petitions of the worshipers are considered and the Grace of Justice is exalted.

The prayer to the Lords of Karma for repentance and purification sounds like this:

“Oh, Great Lords of Karma, whose actions take place in the Great Cosmos, and we, living on Mother Earth, are already under the rule of Your Laws! We ask you to humbly help in cleansing my Spiritual Essence from the influence of Karmic Laws, to untie the knots that were tightened energetically to receive the Lessons of Materiality on Mother Earth! Accept my Sincere Repentance for all actions born of destructive Thoughts, which served as the cause of Earthly antiharmony. I ask you to remove from me what has not yet been completed, and free my consciousness from the burden of these lessons, release my Soul from the promises given to you before its incarnation! For I AM the Supreme Divine Essence, free and passionately loving the One Father-Creator! So it is and will be! Now and forever, Forever and ever. Amen!"

Purifying one’s karma with prayers involves not only reading appeals and performing rituals. It is extremely important to take care of spiritual and personal development. Only that person who follows his own Path, brings goodness and mercy to those around him, and serves as an example and mentor for lost souls can truly free himself from the negative karma of his family.

The energy of the family is also strengthened by reading sacred scriptures, visiting important religious places and holidays. This is how the positive energy and karmic potential of the family acquire a positive characteristic.