We wish the summer resident
Strength and patience
Let the “engine” not let us down,
My knees don't hurt.

It’s not easy every day
Under the scorching sun
The letter "Zu", with a sore back,
Fight the weed!

Let the cucumbers grow
And the tomato turns red,
Well, be healthy,
And smile, quickly!

  • Congratulations for a neighbor at the dacha in Moscow

    Dear neighbor. You and I have been living together for many years, and we share all the secrets of dacha life between us. Muscovite is a concept filled with high and noble meaning. There is no business in which you would not take part in all the fullness of wisdom, spiritual beauty, integrity, expressed by the unique metropolitan charm. You know, dear neighbor, I want to tell you openly and seriously: in your work you have no equal in the world, from morning to evening you are on the beds. Relax, let's talk.

  • Congratulations for a neighbor in the country

    Dear neighbor. You and I have been living together for many years, and we share all the secrets of dacha life between us. You know, dear neighbor, I want to tell you openly and seriously
    You have no equal in the world in your work; morning and until evening you are in the garden beds. Relax, let's talk.

  • Comic congratulations and wishes to the summer resident

    Dear summer resident, congratulations,
    And, of course, I wish
    May your seedlings always be
    She grew up the way she should.
    Excellent cucumbers for you:
    Both ground and greenhouse.
    Mow onions, dill with an oblique,
    Carry buckets of radishes.
    Huge harvests!
    And also, to be sure,
    From their wonderful beds -
    Tons of berries for wrapping.
    And compotes and jams.
    Accept my congratulations,
    With best wishes
    At your beautiful dacha!

  • Humorous congratulations to the summer resident

    The summer season is coming,
    It brings troubles with it.
    Only the summer resident is “on fire”
    He is grateful to nature.

    So we wish you clear days,
    The sun, during the rains,
    So that the pests are afraid,
    They didn’t go into the area.

    Summer resident, be healthy and cheerful,
    The fruit harvest is wonderful!
    Your dacha day after day
    It will flourish with your work!

  • See also:
    -Toasts to the leader
    Comic congratulations to a colleague
    Congratulations to the boys on February 23
    Congratulations on January 1 - New Year
    Congratulations to friends on March 8
    Anna Akhmatova poetry
    happy birthday poems
    Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
    Comic poems about builders
    Love SMS

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Happy Birthday! We wish that your plot has a record harvest every year and that you have fifty jars of compotes, cucumbers, tomatoes and other foodstuffs in your pantry...

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Among the smoky streets, without ozone

    all the months of winter have passed.

    But finally we came to life

    Happy start of the summer season!

    We broke through the winter siege!

    And so that bitter shame does not torment you,

    let everyone keep it carefully

    your priceless seedlings!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Happy birthday greetings to my summer resident husband (author Igor Korotkevich)

    You are a good knight by nature,
    You respect the law and public catering,
    On holiday in Cannes or Nice
    You can’t change your country life!

    I wish you, my love:
    Be above all praise!
    Let dates and oranges
    They bloom everywhere you plowed!

    Let the boss be meek
    And doubly so for subordinates!
    Let hundreds come easily
    (We're talking about the dacha - not about the wine!..)

    Be healthy, don’t be afraid of doctors,
    Let the house be full of friends!
    Lubricate the runners of fate with hope
    And harness your happiness quickly!

    Happy birthday greetings to a summer resident
    We already know about your palace.

    We wish you comfort in it!

    And by the way, we’re packing up our things.

    and we are waiting for an invitation to visit!

    Congratulations to the amateur gardener
    The work is burning in your hands,
    You are always planting something somewhere.
    Shovel, rake and bucket
    They are shy with you.

    You are in mortal combat with woodlice,
    You are patching holes in the greenhouse,
    You drag manure into the garden,
    You plant flowers at the gate.

    We're celebrating your birthday
    Of course, we are at the dacha again.
    We are a summer resident, we congratulate you,
    We wish you sunshine and good luck!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Why do we need shopping and business tours?
    And all sorts of bullshit there,
    When do you have a garden?
    There's a mouth full of worries there.
    But what cucumbers, what tomatoes!
    Radishes, sorrel, parsley mountains!
    And the air, and the forest - well, just grace!
    Heavenly paradise - neither give nor take.
    Here’s to your health and dacha success!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Not a ladle full of gold,
    And your soul is kind
    And earthly joys... Without boredom
    Your hands grow with Love
    The color of green herbs, root vegetables,
    So from now on let the firmament
    Lives in harmony with you
    For rain or dry wood
    The garden was not damaged
    So that the fruit is juicy and sweet,
    So that he brings you Health,
    After all, you raise him with Love
    And not sparing the weekend,
    And such holidays for you,
    Like birthdays again
    With love, many years to come!

    You are not just a summer resident with us,
    Gardener, horticulturist,
    And also lucky,
    Your income is growing!

    Happy Birthday, our farmer,
    Let blessings flow like a river,
    Take care of your nerves,
    Strength, vigor and peace!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    Live beautifully and richly!

    Always seen in the garden
    We will shape your figure in the summer
    And always dress in fashion,
    And you laugh at the same time!

    Happy Birthday!
    We'd like to stay
    In force without end and edge
    And in health for 120 years!

    Let's have fun
    You, summer resident, until you drop,
    And always be with the harvest,
    Live beautifully and richly!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    The beauty around is nature!

    You know a lot about gardening,
    Your dacha is like a palace,
    The beauty around is nature,
    And you are a great fellow!

    Happy Birthday,
    I wish you a lot of strength,
    To work with pleasure,
    So that the disease does not mow down!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    I wish you to live richly!

    How wonderful it is in nature
    Stays all day
    And dig in the garden,
    I see that you are not lazy!

    I respect you so much
    That I can’t find words,
    Happy Birthday,
    And I'll buzz a little bit,

    I wish you to live richly,
    Gather your harvest
    As much as needed
    Just take care of your health!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    Congratulations to the summer resident

    Dear summer resident, congratulations, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
    So that all your seedlings are surprisingly good,
    So that the weeds from your favorite beds are blown away at your steps,
    Let order reign in the greenhouses, as in all your affairs!

    Let the sun warm your back, bringing you a resort tan,
    Let the birds, without touching the berries, sing songs in your ear,
    So that when harvesting, you look for the bucket more and more!
    May every day bring joy, luck, happiness and goodness.


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    Happy birthday to the summer resident

    Beets, cabbage, eggplants,
    You water every day
    You'll be nibbling grass at five in the morning,
    How are you not too lazy?

    After all, you are a summer resident, everything is clear,
    Everything is for your pleasure
    And every day more than once,
    You carry everything home on yourself.

    On your birthday, today,
    I want to wish you
    Patience, joy, health,
    And never get tired.

    Happy birthday greetings to a summer resident

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    To the summer resident

    You, like with children, my friend, fuss with your family
    With cabbage and carrots...
    And you spend every weekend
    At the dacha among your favorite vegetables!

    We wish you a happy birthday!
    And let everything grow in the garden and vegetable garden!
    So that you are proud of your lush harvest,
    And may he feed you throughout the coming year!


    The lights are dim and slow music is playing.

    On both sides of the entrance to the hall there are ladies holding candles. The birthday girl is invited to the hall. Each man in turn approaches the birthday girl and spins her around in a waltz. The music ends and everyone is invited to the table.

    Leading: Hello, dear birthday girl! Good evening dear guests. We gathered on the occasion of Olga Semyonovna’s anniversary. But today we won’t talk about age, because beauties like Olga Semyonovna are getting younger every year. And our main task for today is to make sure that the smile does not leave her face and her eyes shine with a dazzling light, so that when men see her, they pile up and do not leave quietly in English.
    Your anniversary birthday
    We are happy to celebrate now,
    And from the bottom of our hearts we want everything together
    I wish you health and happiness.
    So that joy comes to your home
    And she always remained in it,
    Love to fill your heart
    And the family was friendly
    And for this we raise the first birthday toast!

    They raise their glasses. Pause 5 minutes.

    Leading: Let's give the floor to the head of the logistics department, Sergei Nikolaevich Bakumenko.

    After congratulations, everyone raises their glasses.
    Break 5 minutes.

    Leading: To make sure that our birthday girl is not only very beautiful in appearance, but that all internal organs are in order, we invited a qualified doctor and his assistant.

    Congratulations from doctors

    Doctor : Ambulance help at your doorstep! Gentlemen, make way for the doctors...
    Nurse (takes the birthday girl to the middle of the hall): Don’t worry, don’t be scared, but relax, smile... The doctor will just examine you and give you an accurate diagnosis.

    The doctor examines the hero of the day.

    Doctor. Thoughts are clear, slightly intoxicated...
    Passionate eyes. What time!
    Swan neck,
    Pulse slightly agitated.
    Shoulders are not strong
    But very sexy
    I can hear it clearly in my lungs
    Inhale and exhale.
    Heart beats joyfully
    And full of desire...
    The insides are harmonious
    Work with dignity
    Tasting drinks
    The body is preparing...
    Nurse: So, well-being
    Not autumn at all?
    Doctor: My diagnosis is accurate
    “Youth is fiery!”
    Nurse. Youth-fieria?
    What kind of diagnosis is this?
    Decipher... ,
    What does it mean?
    Doctor: Eternal aspiration
    Eternal burning
    Responsibility for business
    Overcoming adversity
    And souls bloom.
    Nurse: Only half my life has been lived,
    So to sum it up,
    Regret and write off
    The time has not come.
    Doctor: I confirm my youth!
    Optimism and vigor!
    And so that you are always in shape
    Live and abide
    Need to toughen up
    Appearing in the bathhouse...
    Nurse: Here is the pharmacy recipe
    For your personal basin.
    Shower yourself at night
    Of it three times.
    Doctor: Let's all raise a toast
    Not counting the years.
    Bloom for the souls,
    Wisdom and recognition
    Striving for better!!!

    They hand over a basin and a recipe for it. Text of the recipe: “Association of Emergency Physicians, Medical Company “Yanvar-Invest”. Recipe. FULL NAME. sick. Diagnosis of the disease "PEY8YUYYO-PEP1A". The prescribed drug is BAYII1 TANK. Directions for use: douse 3 times at night. Side effects: s/"/poe rgMkat"e, neobpositosis (po$1ouappodo/vro/goyan/a. Signature and personal seal of the doctor. The prescription is valid for 15 days. If you have difficulty purchasing the prescribed drug, contact the company "Yanvar-invest" "

    Doctors invite guests to raise a glass to the health of the birthday girl. And they announce a smoke break. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Health warns about the dangers of smoking. (10-15 minutes)

    Leading: Friends and employees, without sparing words,
    They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
    (words are provided to those wishing to congratulate the hero of the day) 10-15 minutes

    A man with two children enters the hall.

    Nyan: Wonderful, everything is wonderful.
    Shouldn't we fall back into childhood?
    Women are yin, men are drunk,
    Well, I'm a mustachioed nanny.
    Let's take a quiz “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

    Children sit on chairs and begin to talk about the qualities of the birthday girl. There are three characteristics for each quality. If someone from the audience guesses right, the nanny receives a present from Usatiy

    Girl: This is when a person cannot sit still and is always doing something...
    If she doesn’t go to work, then she still doesn’t sit at home or at the dacha, but walks, and walks, and (oops)...
    She doesn't like to sleep, doesn't like to watch TV, but loves (oh)... (Hardworking.)
    Boy: She always does everything (ouch), which sometimes makes her legs tired...
    Sometimes she looks like a running car, spinning, running, and everything works out for her...
    It also looks like a mountain river, because it (oh) flows. (Energetic, fast.)
    Girl: She always takes pity on everyone, helps everyone...
    The fairy from the fairy tale is also like that (oh)...
    She doesn’t offend anyone, but, on the contrary, invites them to visit, treats the children with sweets... (Kind.)
    Boy: They give her little money, but she is still happy...
    And when it’s good and when it’s bad, she doesn’t cry, because she (oh)...
    And she doesn’t like to sit at home, she likes to be with other guys (you thought wrong) and with other aunties, because she’s interested in them... (He’s life-loving.)

    Nian (addresses the children): Let's pour some for you guys,
    And I should read a fairy tale for the birthday girl.
    The hen Ryaba laid an egg,
    Grandfather is annoyed, and grandmother is angry.
    Well, the explanation for this is simple:
    This egg is not golden. (hands the birthday girl a kinder surprise)

    New crystal shoes
    The prince gave it to Cinderella, voila!
    She dances in them, goes to bed
    The prince smeared superglue on the insoles. (hands over shoes)

    Vanya Tsarevich in the Koshchei rear
    The swan shoots an arrow from a bow.
    Let Koschey waste away without a swan,
    Vanka lives with his little frog!

    Rolling across the field, Kolobok rushes,
    A hare and a wolf run after him,
    Both the fox and the bear are running there...
    But the pole-field is full of mines!

    The fox stole Petenka again,
    Drags him over the mountains, through the forests...
    A fool doesn't know what the point is in life.
    Riot police ambushed her there!

    Well, how do you like my fairy tales?
    Come on, everyone, open your eyes,
    Raise the container higher!
    Let's drink to the hero of the day's childhood!

    Leading: Yes, in childhood almost everyone loved listening to fairy tales and playing naughty games. I propose to please our birthday girl with a fun competition.
    There is a competition with balloons. (the balls are tied to a chair and they must be burst using the butt).

    After the competition, the winner is awarded.
    A break is announced and dancing begins.

    Leading: Many congratulatory telegrams were sent to our hero of the day. Let me read them out:
    From the stage of “The Crooked Mirror” We want to say our word: We wish to be drunk with happiness, As in Petrosyan’s humoresques. We wish you joy, fun, but not a severe hangover. If something is wrong, drink vigorous kvass. Bye! Flower and Matryona.
    Whoever wants to become a millionaire must visit the First! You come to Moscow. Ask where Galkin is, that is, I, Maxim. Then catch your luck! I'm waiting for you on the show! You become an example for your homeland and just be a millionaire!
    Sorry for my clumsy handwriting, Now I’m just an angel: I’m leaving for bed on time... I’ve been writing a letter to you for two days, To congratulate you on your birthday! And you send me some cookies, I’ll eat them steamed with Karkusha. I miss you. Wait for a visit. Piggy.
    Like the phantom of the opera, come to you
    I wish you some vodka, caviar and a cup of tea,
    Congratulations on the holiday and sing “Hurdy Organ” for you.
    But it’s very hard to wake up early!..
    You yourself drink and, having eaten the sausage,
    Congratulate yourself! Kolya Baskov.

    I send greetings from St. Petersburg,
    I wish you many, many years.
    I wish I had your young age -
    I would create a mess!
    I wish you love, peace and success from the bottom of my heart. Piekha.
    Yes, definitely, on this day even a tree stump is obliged to love.
    I wish you all the best, Even though it is not cheap.
    But first, for example, join us in the LDPR.
    And everything will be successful for you. Vladimir Volfych, definitely.

    During the reading of the holiday mail, Said enters the hall.
    In his hands is an impressive stack of business folders, a guitar behind his back, a dagger in his belt. He puts down the folders and sits on them. Waiting.
    Sukhov enters.
    Sukhov and Side look at each other.

    Sukhov: Side, how did you end up here?
    Side : Anniversary.
    Sukhov: Again? Side, I'm going home...
    Side : Tell that to someone else...
    Sukhov: So, should I spend the rest of my life wandering around these anniversaries?
    Side: East is a delicate matter. Your words.
    Sukhov: Will they at least give you millet for the journey?
    Side (playing with a dagger). I'll agree.
    Sukhov: How old is the hero of the day?
    Side : Woman.
    Sukhov : We apologize. Well, at least describe it. What does he do, advantages...
    Side (patting the folders). List, Comrade Sukhov...
    Sukhov (appreciating). In short?
    Side whispers in his ear, Sukhov nods.
    So... So... To the College of Soviet Trade? In 1989? Does he like songs?.. Since childhood?.. (Strictly.) Do you have an instrument with you?
    Side throws the guitar from behind his back and sits down on the floor.
    Yes, but what’s your name? Olga, you say? Heh!
    Sukhov adjusts his tunic and clears his throat into his fist.
    Get started, Side. (Sings.)
    Your Honor, dear beauty.
    You have confirmed this truth since childhood:
    “If misfortune in life is difficult,
    Everything will be different, just sing the song!”
    Your Honor, Madame Singer!
    You know that anything can happen on stage:
    I suddenly forgot a line, my memory is stagnant,
    Sing “la-la-la-la-la”, and keep singing!
    Your Honor, Madam Queen!
    Happiness is far away yesterday, but today is close.
    If your salary is tight and your pocket is empty...
    You and your friend sing this song.
    Your honor, you are like a ray of light.
    This means your song is not completely sung.
    To stay young longer,
    Sing this song more often, Olya.
    Thank you for your attention.
    Well, happy anniversary, then. (raises a toast to the birthday girl) I'm off. It's time.
    Side. : Maybe you can wait? There’s also an anniversary coming up... And then, lo and behold, rides will turn up...
    Sukhov : No... And so he gave a big detour. Now I’ll go along the hypotenuse - it’s shorter. Sorry if something is wrong. (Leaves.)
    Side: Well, well... We'll meet again. (Collects folders and leaves to the tune of the song “Your Honor.”)

    Leading: It has been scientifically proven that our love for the countryside helps our birthday girl stay in good shape. It practically replaces morning, evening and afternoon training. Members of the Colorado Beetle club learned about this passion and came to congratulate Olga Semyonovna.
    We arrived at the dacha
    And then there’s trouble right away:
    We need to celebrate being fast
    This glorious anniversary!

    Guests stay here for a week
    Without water - these are miracles!
    Two weeks and no food
    And without vodka - three hours!

    What should they do now?
    What to do?
    And they decided everything
    Digging in the beds!

    Having planted a bag of potatoes,
    Reimbursers are all in full:
    In the fall the bag was collected...
    Not a single one was missing!

    Gardeners : Today we would like to congratulate the birthday girl and give her gifts grown in her garden bed:
    We give you carrots: Peace to your home, advice and love
    But the tomato is red: so that the sky above you is clear
    And this is a fork of cabbage: so that the house is not empty
    Onions and garlic: for future health
    But beets: so that they remain beautiful and slim
    And this is a cucumber in addition: so as not to drown the dacha.




    After the song there is a toast.

    Break. Orange competition. Dancing

    Before the competition with ice.
    Extreme after name day
    Have you ever been to Antarctica?
    It's a shame you lost a lot.
    We are waiting at the penguin camp
    Right after the name day.
    Let's go fishing and laugh
    And we'll ride on an iceberg,
    And then on the road
    Let's take a sip of the sea
    Yes, we’ll wear furs for future use.
    You'll look amazing
    Remembering the generosity of penguins.
    Among the envious and spiteful
    It will just make your mouth water.
    We've gone a little wild here,
    People's NZ was devoured.
    So take us as a gift
    A ton of red caviar
    And to try... popsicle,
    We don't know it.
    And see you later, lady! All!

    To Egypt to Pharaoh
    I am writing to you... My papyrus
    Sends greetings to Cupid from the Nile,
    And Pharaoh Ramses II
    You are invited to a banquet.
    Over a vat of coconut mash
    He will impressively ask about business:
    What prices, muses, fashion,
    What happened to you over the centuries?
    And he will be pleased with what is said,
    Will enroll you in the staff of sages,
    That they live freely at the palace,
    Like messengers of the gods.
    Ramses hears everything with his soul,
    Though shriveled in his tomb,
    And having received “okay” from you,
    He will be resurrected and come out of prison.
    Our address is as simple as two and two:
    Egypt, pyramid sector.
    Ramses won't meet you - it doesn't matter,
    You will be captivated by the majesty of the view.


    See also:
    Congratulations to friends on March 8
    Anna Akhmatova poetry
    happy birthday poems
    Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
    Comic poems about builders
    Love SMS
    Congratulations to the dentist
    -Funny toasts
    -The best toasts
    Happy birthday to the doctor

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Happy Birthday! We wish that your plot has a record harvest every year and that you have fifty jars of compotes, cucumbers, tomatoes and other foodstuffs in your pantry...

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Among the smoky streets, without ozone

    all the months of winter have passed.

    But finally we came to life

    Happy start of the summer season!

    We broke through the winter siege!

    And so that bitter shame does not torment you,

    let everyone keep it carefully

    your priceless seedlings!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Happy birthday greetings to my summer resident husband (author Igor Korotkevich)

    You are a good knight by nature,
    You respect the law and public catering,
    On holiday in Cannes or Nice
    You can’t change your country life!

    I wish you, my love:
    Be above all praise!
    Let dates and oranges
    They bloom everywhere you plowed!

    Let the boss be meek
    And doubly so for subordinates!
    Let hundreds come easily
    (We're talking about the dacha - not about the wine!..)

    Be healthy, don’t be afraid of doctors,
    Let the house be full of friends!
    Lubricate the runners of fate with hope
    And harness your happiness quickly!

    Happy birthday greetings to a summer resident
    We already know about your palace.

    We wish you comfort in it!

    And by the way, we’re packing up our things.

    and we are waiting for an invitation to visit!

    Congratulations to the amateur gardener
    The work is burning in your hands,
    You are always planting something somewhere.
    Shovel, rake and bucket
    They are shy with you.

    You are in mortal combat with woodlice,
    You are patching holes in the greenhouse,
    You drag manure into the garden,
    You plant flowers at the gate.

    We're celebrating your birthday
    Of course, we are at the dacha again.
    We are a summer resident, we congratulate you,
    We wish you sunshine and good luck!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Why do we need shopping and business tours?
    And all sorts of bullshit there,
    When do you have a garden?
    There's a mouth full of worries there.
    But what cucumbers, what tomatoes!
    Radishes, sorrel, parsley mountains!
    And the air, and the forest - well, just grace!
    Heavenly paradise - neither give nor take.
    Here’s to your health and dacha success!

    Congratulations to the gardener
    Not a ladle full of gold,
    And your soul is kind
    And earthly joys... Without boredom
    Your hands grow with Love
    The color of green herbs, root vegetables,
    So from now on let the firmament
    Lives in harmony with you
    For rain or dry wood
    The garden was not damaged
    So that the fruit is juicy and sweet,
    So that he brings you Health,
    After all, you raise him with Love
    And not sparing the weekend,
    And such holidays for you,
    Like birthdays again
    With love, many years to come!