Mom at 28 weeks pregnant

A few more rules that relate to the healthy development of the Baby and are related to the mother’s diet.

  1. To make your child comfortable, try to eat a little, but more often. The baby constantly needs nutrients, and only a limited amount of food can be absorbed at a time. By the way, newborn babies follow this principle without difficulty, demanding mother's milk every 2-3 hours, and sometimes more often.
    There is one more point. The space for the Baby to move decreases every month, and in the second half of life before birth it becomes very small. And if mom’s stomach or intestines are full, he won’t like it. The movement of a tiny fist, knee or heel, especially in the last trimester, can be quite noticeable for a mother's overloaded stomach or intestines.
  2. If you decide to eat a hearty meal before bed, remember: a “fed” Baby can be active - after all, how much strength has immediately increased! But this is not the best solution, since he needs more time for healthy sleep than you. Therefore, it is better to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The other extreme is diet. A “hungry” baby can also be active, but for a different reason - his anxiety is caused by a lack of nutrients and building materials - proteins. In general, it will be better if you discuss all issues related to dietary restrictions or food choices with your doctor. The main thing is to remember that with chronic malnutrition, the Baby runs the risk of being born with low weight - a consequence of the fact that cell division in his body stopped too early, and the developing organs turned out to be small.
  4. A good solution would be the principle “Eat only fresh food,” that is, cook for one meal. Yes, it takes time - but this is what you will be doing after the baby is born, so it makes sense to practice now. Needless to say, only fresh food contains useful substances and there are no processes of rotting and fermentation, which inevitably occur in products undergoing storage. In other words, with fresh food, your Baby gets nutrients without toxins.
  5. Positive emotions while eating are also a good habit. Now it helps to ensure that digestive juices are better secreted in your body, intestinal motor activity increases, food is better absorbed, and as a result, more nutrients reach the Baby.

In the future, after childbirth, positive emotions will contribute to milk production and greater sucking activity of the child, which means better weight gain. And remember that mother’s milk is the key to a child’s strong immune system.

28th week of pregnancy: Video "Partner birth"

The third trimester of pregnancy is often marked by new discoveries for the mother, new sensations, not always pleasant. Most of the pregnancy is over, and the woman is looking forward to meeting her baby for the first time. Many expectant mothers feel great, but it is still recommended to visit a doctor every two weeks to monitor any changes in the body.

The seventh month of pregnancy is the beginning of real recognition for the baby; from this week, legislation officially recognizes the child as a human being, and in case of birth he is issued a birth certificate. Children born at this stage are quite viable, and if modern equipment is available in the maternity hospital, they grow and develop normally. But this is a last resort, since the baby will still have to live in the mother’s tummy for some time.

  1. At the twenty-eighth week, a woman must undergo an examination, and if she has a risk of Rh conflict, then an immunoglobulin injection must be given. This helps to avoid complications in the baby’s health after childbirth.
  2. Mandatory monthly examinations by an obstetrician are now becoming more regular and frequent; women must undergo tests and visit the doctor twice a month. Such regularity allows you to notice any deviation in the course of pregnancy in time and take timely measures.
  3. Most expectant mothers go on maternity leave at this stage, which is preceded by an additional examination. Relaxing at home should not turn into constant lying on the couch, unless there are strict bed rest requirements. A woman should move a lot, walk, and do special exercises.
  4. The baby at the twenty-eighth week can be positioned in the uterus in a way that is convenient for him. Pelvic or cephalic presentation should not bother a pregnant woman, since the baby will take its final position in the uterus about a month before birth.

Signs and symptoms

A sign that the seventh month has arrived is the growth of the uterus, which already protrudes four centimeters above the umbilical cavity.

  • Occasionally, especially during periods of rest, light, painless contractions and tension of the uterus are felt.
  • The breasts increase by about two sizes, clearly visible veins appear on the mammary glands, and colostrum may be released.
  • Weight gain reaches six to eight kilograms, sometimes it exceeds ten kilograms. This is normal only if the weight was gained gradually, every month, and not suddenly over two weeks.
  • Thrombophlebitis very often worsens, hemorrhoids or painful dilatation of the veins on the labia majora may appear.
  • Some expectant mothers develop stretch marks, which do not depend on weight gain, but only on the skin's reaction to hormonal changes. Women belonging to the Mongoloid or Negroid race do not have stretch marks, as do some representatives of the European type.
  • Heartburn may be painful, especially after a heavy lunch or dinner. The uterus supports the stomach, and when full, its contents are thrown back into the esophagus. The simplest treatment is not to eat a lot, take small portions of food.
  • Vaginal discharge may become a little heavier, but this is normal.
  • A pregnant woman goes to the toilet more often, especially if the baby is restless, and the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, forcing you to urinate every hour.
  • Very often the baby behaves so restlessly that the mother wakes up at night or cannot fall asleep in the evening. The shock of small heels or knees can be very noticeable.
  • Pain in the calves and swelling of the ankles can bother you in the evening; morning swelling is an alarming sign of late toxicosis!
  • In the seventh month, a woman may get tired faster than usual.

Description of 28 weeks

What happens to the baby's body

Week 28 is a new stage in the development of the fetus, since from this moment it is able to live separately from the mother’s body. And although its size is still small, averaging about a kilogram of weight and thirty-eight centimeters in length, it is quite viable. The layer of subcutaneous fat has not yet formed, and the body looks thin, with reddish, wrinkled skin.

The baby's lungs have already developed enough to take their first breath, but it still takes some time for the bronchial tubes to fully develop. The fetus has already begun to produce a substance that prevents air bubbles from sticking together in the lungs, and the blood vessels needed to transport oxygen are actively developing.

The most interesting transformations occur in the baby’s brain. The beginning process of convolution formation will continue until birth. The sense organs are so developed that he can not only see light or shadow, but also begins to toss and turn, trying to turn away from the beam of light aimed at the mother’s belly.

The baby can dream, this is recorded on the encephalogram, which records changes during various phases of sleep. The child hears sounds, muffled, but quite distinct, and his little heart begins to beat faster at the sound of his mother's voice.

Changes in the mother's body

There are still twelve whole weeks left before the birth, and the mother’s body is already intensively preparing for the important event. The adrenal glands are working at full capacity, the body consumes large doses of iron and oxygen, which the baby needs.

  • The ligaments and muscles relax, the woman becomes slow, calm, and may feel some “dullness” - this is the influence of hormones and everything will go away after childbirth.
  • Colostrum produced by the mammary glands is bright yellow in color. It does not release spontaneously, but when you press on the nipple, a few drops may come out. Colostrum is the baby's first food for another day or two after birth, until milk appears.
  • Many pregnant women notice that they feel dizzy and weak - this is the result of anemia. All expectant mothers must be prescribed an iron supplement, since it is not possible to obtain it in full from food. A child with maternal anemia feels oxygen starvation, so taking medications is mandatory.
  • A woman’s kidneys are working at full capacity; scientists have proven that the mother’s body, after the twenty-eighth week, is subject to wear and tear comparable to the state of a nuclear power plant before the explosion. This is why regular examinations are necessary in the third trimester. If protein is detected in urine tests, this means that some kind of pathology has arisen in the functioning of the kidneys. This is very dangerous, it can signal inflammation or gestosis, so the pregnant woman is recommended to go to a hospital for treatment.

What is gestosis

Late toxicosis or gestosis is a pathological disorder of the water-salt balance, in which fluid penetrates the tissues, causing internal swelling and oxygen starvation. The advanced form of the disease leads to heart attacks and strokes, pulmonary edema and eclampsia - a fatal condition. Preeclampsia begins with mild swelling of the hands and ankles, increased blood pressure and slight nausea.

During gestosis, the placenta also swells, causing the fetus to experience a severe lack of oxygen and its development slows down. There is an opinion that the placenta is the culprit in the occurrence of late toxicosis, but the impetus for its onset can be obesity or hypertension, unhealthy diet or infection.

Prevention of gestosis is the most effective way to combat it. A pregnant woman, starting from the twenty-eighth week, is advised to carefully monitor her diet and completely eliminate or sharply reduce the consumption of salt and sugar. All canned foods, fried foods, sausages and pickled cheeses are prohibited. Weight gain should stop.


The third trimester dictates its own nutritional rules for a pregnant woman, which completely eliminate all processed foods, salty and sweet foods, smoked fish and meat. All this retains fluid in the body, contributing to increased stress on the kidneys.

Particular attention should be paid to spices that are added to dishes, since many of them, for example, harmless basil, can cause uterine contractions and premature birth. You should also be careful with herbal treatment, which in most cases are contraindicated during pregnancy. There are special herbal teas for pregnant women that are sold in pharmacies, but if a woman suffers from hypotension or high blood pressure, herbal medicine is prohibited.

The diet should include porridge with water or milk, boiled or steamed meat, eggs, dairy products, and fresh cottage cheese. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities throughout the day, but in small portions. As a healthy drink, it is recommended to drink cranberry or lingonberry juice, which contain a natural antibiotic that prevents inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Rosehip decoction or apple compotes, seasoned with a spoon of honey, are also very useful.

The twenty-eighth week is a period when the expectant mother should pay maximum attention to her condition and the health of the baby. To do this she needs:

At the twenty-eighth week, you need to pack an “alarm suitcase” - a bag that a pregnant woman should take with her when contractions occur or when going to the maternity hospital. In addition to basic hygiene items, there must be documents according to which the woman in labor will be admitted to the maternity ward. If there is no exchange sheet with an extract of all the tests, then the woman may be placed in a department where there are patients or women in labor brought from the street.

Ultrasound at 28 weeks

Usually a routine ultrasound examination is carried out at the thirty-second week, but if there are any indications, the pregnant woman can undergo this procedure. The monitor can clearly see what gender the baby is and whether there is a multiple pregnancy. The condition of the uterus, the degree of maturity of the placenta and the level of amniotic fluid - the doctor displays all these indications in the study protocol.

28 obstetric week of pregnancy ends the second trimester. The expectant mother is one step closer to the long-awaited birth. During this period, a woman’s ability to work is still at its best, but her rapidly growing belly no longer allows her to be very active.

The baby feels great - he lungs begin to open, the brain and internal organs are developing. Born this week, with medical help and constant care from his mother, he has every chance to survive.

Fetal size and development at 28 weeks of gestation

By the 28th week of pregnancy, the child gained from 1 to 1.2 kg of weight, his approximate height 34-37 cm. These indicators are rapidly increasing, and a subcutaneous fat layer begins to appear.

The fetus is already completely similar to an ordinary child. At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy appearance changes crumbs:

  • the body and face are covered with a layer of protective lubricant;
  • nails grow;
  • long eyelashes grow;
  • the amount of hair on the head increases, pigmentation begins to actively develop and
  • they acquire color;
  • the layer of subcutaneous tissue increases, the skin smoothes and becomes more elastic.

Not only the appearance of the unborn baby changes - everything internal organs and systems continue to improve:

  • the pupillary membrane disappears, the child learns to blink;
  • all bones have been formed and will still be flexible until several weeks after birth;
  • The baby sets his own hours of sleep and wakefulness;
  • muscle tissue begins to form;
  • grasping and sucking reflexes appear;
  • the cerebral cortex is covered with convolutions and grooves, its mass increases;
  • The baby reacts to sounds, the beginnings of understanding the native language are laid.

By the 28th week of pregnancy, some babies take desired position in the uterus- head down. If this has not happened yet, do not worry, the child is very active and changes position several times a day, as long as there is enough space and he has room to turn around.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, there is still enough space in the uterus, the fetus is actively moving, delighting the mother constant movements, which can now be felt by placing your palm on your stomach. The facial muscles are fully formed, and the baby can grimace and smile. The legs and arms have grown, the body has become proportional to the head, it no longer seems huge.

Sucking reflex The baby’s favorite pastime during this period – sucking his thumb – also makes itself felt.

Pulmonary alveoli begin to contact the blood vessels, preparing the baby for independent breathing. He is still making his first attempts to breathe, while swallowing amniotic fluid. Such actions lead to the fact that the mother begins to feel rhythmic kicks in the tummy - baby hiccups.

Woman, pregnant twins, after the 28th week of pregnancy it may calm down a little - premature birth is no longer so scary, children born in the middle of the seventh month are wonderfully cared for.

Weight of each fruit slightly less than during a singleton pregnancy - up to 1000 grams, growth parameter up to 32-35 cm. The development of twins is no different from other babies, organs and systems develop and form in due time.

What happens to mom at 28 weeks

Most of the pregnancy has passed, 10-12 weeks remain until labor begins. During this period, the mother’s body continues to prepare for the upcoming meeting with the baby.

Belly, weight and chest

At 28 weeks of pregnancy Nothing can hide the belly anymore, he has grown enough and is noticeable to others. The figure of the expectant mother is becoming rounder every day. An actively growing belly gives a woman unpleasant sensations - the skin becomes tense, and this area of ​​the body begins to itch and itch, becoming covered with stretch marks. You can see photos of bellies at 28 weeks of pregnancy above.

From the moment of conception to the present time, the future is about 6-9 kg. Normally, a pregnant woman at week 28 should add up to 500 grams weekly. Now weight requires strict control. Too large an increase may indicate the danger of developing late gestosis, which is unfavorable in the last months before childbirth.

If there is significant weight gain, the doctor may recommend that the mother reconsider her diet and give up unhealthy foods.

Breasts fill up, and sometimes you can notice the release of a few drops - a harbinger of breast milk.

Uterus and training contractions

By 28 weeks of pregnancy the uterus increases significantly 4 times in size - now it rises 80 mm above the navel and 290 mm above the pubic symphysis. She continues to grow with the growing child inside.

At this stage of gestation, a woman may feel irregular, short-term uterine contractions. If they are not accompanied by pain or unusual discharge, there is no need to worry - this is a physiological process. Thus, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth.

Mom's feelings

Every day the fetus grows in the uterus, and the space for its free movement becomes less and less. At week 28, the baby’s activity is great and the expectant mother feels constant tremors in different parts of the abdomen. Movements become especially frequent when the mother is at rest, resting or trying to sleep.

The uterus grew and began to push on the diaphragm, breathing became difficult, taking a deep breath is no longer as easy as before. Shortness of breath appears. It also puts pressure on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, causing heartburn and cramps.

As a result of the weight gained, a woman's movements become slower and she feels clumsy. Fatigue is accumulating, spending all day on your feet or in work mode is already difficult.

Pain at 28 weeks of pregnancy

An enlarged belly creates additional stress on the spine; a pregnant woman may feel constant or recurrent back pain.

The uterus puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, and the pregnant woman may feel pain in the lower back, hips, and ankles. Not uncommon leg cramps. Such pains arise without warning and also pass unnoticed. To avoid them, you need to do light exercises, stay on your feet less and rest more.

Abdominal pain have different origins. Sharp and short-term pain can be caused by the fetus itself, actively turning over and resting against the ribs. It will go away as soon as the baby changes position.

Pain in the lower abdomen may arise due to false contractions, and if they pass quickly and are not accompanied by discharge, then they are not dangerous.

Any pain that does not subside for a long time, especially when discharge from the birth canal appears during it, requires medical intervention. If such pain occurs contact your doctor immediately.

Discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy

During normal pregnancy at 28 weeks, the character does not change - they remain light, of uniform consistency, with a slightly sour odor.

Be sure to consult a doctor if discharge appears:

  • a green or yellow tint, accompanied by a strong burning sensation - this is a sign of a genital tract infection;
  • with curdled formations – true;
  • with mucous clots or traces of pus;
  • abundant watery – indicate or damage to the amniotic sac;
  • - this may mean the onset or premature onset of the labor process.

Psychological condition

Maternity leave is in a couple of weeks, and trying to finish all the things, the woman overexerts herself, becomes nervous and irritable. An active baby and a constant desire to go to the toilet prevent you from getting enough sleep.

Changes in hormonal levels cause unmotivated attacks of aggression, a good mood is replaced by tears in a matter of minutes. You just need to endure this period, trying to restrain your emotional outbursts and not rush at those around you.

Tests, examinations and ultrasound at the 28th week of pregnancy

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, medical examination and tests are necessary only in case of complaints from the pregnant woman.

Possible deviations:

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an exception.

At 28 weeks it is carried out if there is some pathology in the development of the fetus or when the pregnant woman did not have time to do it earlier. On the monitor screen, the expectant mother can watch the baby: how he moves, blinks, and puts his finger in his mouth. At her request, the uzologist can take a photo or record the procedure on disk.

We invite you to see an ultrasound of the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy, and above you can see a photo of the child.

If mom is sick

Colds and infectious diseases dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. It is necessary to use folk remedies and methods; the use of medications is undesirable.

If you have a cold, start treatment immediately:

  • drink warm tea with honey;
  • ventilate the room you are in;
  • maintain the required level of humidity;
  • rinse your nose and throat with saline solutions.

Remember Self-medication is not allowed, all medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, after determining the cause and severity of the disease.

Mom's diet, exercise and skin care at 28 weeks

Mom's nutrition

Expectant mother's menu must be balanced to ensure the supply of nutrients and in sufficient quantities. Fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products should be included in the daily diet.

From the 28th week of pregnancy, weight gain accelerates, so it is recommended to limit or completely give up sweets and baked goods. They have little benefit, but they have plenty of calories.

To avoid it, watch the amount of salt you consume. Excess sodium retains fluid in the body, which is especially dangerous in the third trimester.

Eat foods rich in fiber. They will improve intestinal motility and normalize stool.

Exercise and physical activity

Exercising in the gym after 28 weeks of pregnancy becomes unbearable. The weight gain, big belly and increased fatigue prevent you from fully exercising.

Fulfill light gymnastic exercises possible at home. There are specially designed ones that help fight edema or influence the location of the fetus in the uterus. The main thing is to do them with pleasure and not to get tired.

Appearance care

Rapid weight gain and growth of the uterus provoke appearance of stretch marks on the hips, stomach, chest area. The skin begins to itch, there is a feeling of constant itching and burning. The use of cosmetics for stretch marks cannot be avoided.

There are many types of creams, gels, ointments based on oils and substances that restore elasticity to fabric fibers. They can be used even before stretch marks appear to prepare the skin. If this does not remove existing stretch marks, it will prevent the appearance of new ones.

Choose clothes according to size. It should be loose and not have elastic bands pressing on the stomach. Be sure to buy a nursing bra made from natural fabrics.

Sexual relations at 28 weeks

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the only contraindication may be the threat of premature birth. If it is not diagnosed and you feel well, they will only provide positive influence, especially on the psychological state of the pregnant woman.

You just need to choose a position so that during sex there is no external strong pressure on the stomach. The best positions are considered to be when mom is on top or dad is on the side behind.

Childbirth with husband

Spouses must make a decision about partner childbirth together. Many women feel more confident when their husband is present at the birth, while others, on the contrary, consider this unacceptable.

Before giving birth, a man should undergo certain preparation:

  • do fluorography;
  • get tested;
  • bypass the necessary doctors.

During childbirth, he must wear a change of clothes and a robe.

Emotional and moral support from the head of the family is very important. Yes, and physical exercise won’t hurt. It is advisable for a man to go training courses to know what kind of help you need to provide to your wife during labor.

Joint partner childbirth will only strengthen the relationship of a married couple, because they both witnessed a miracle - the birth of their baby.

  • control the baby’s movements – normally there should be at least 10 movements per hour;
  • from this week, visit the antenatal clinic once every 14 days;
  • walk in the fresh air before bed;
  • give up tight clothes;
  • eat small meals, make up your diet from foods rich in proteins and vitamins;
  • start actively preparing for maternity leave.

Video about 28 weeks of pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video guide on the 28th week of pregnancy, where you will learn about the development of the baby, as well as useful information about childbirth with your husband.

Being a mother is wonderful! It’s not at all difficult to remember each week’s development of your beloved baby. Some pregnant women keep diaries in which they describe their feelings and changes associated with the unborn child.

What do you remember? What interesting things happened or are happening to your body in the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy? Would you agree to a partner birth? Share your opinion with us!

We are already in the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy! It's time to decide on the choice of maternity hospital, because there is very little time left! Many expectant mothers are still working at this time. Try to rest more and devote time to health.

The baby can already distinguish tastes and smells, because all substances that enter the mother’s body reach his receptors. Taste preferences for food are beginning to form, and now is the perfect time to start instilling healthy eating habits in your baby!

The weight of the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is slightly more than 1 kilogram, and its height is 35 cm!

How many months have you been pregnant? The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is a full seven months (one obstetric month is twenty-eight days).

What's happening?

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

A week later, the baby has grown a little more, the mother feels how his activity is increasing, how his movements are gaining strength. The baby is already good at opening his eyes. If you watch the video, you can see how he curiously looks at his body, the umbilical cord, and tries to touch everything with his hands. At this stage, all babies have blue eyes. Already closer to childbirth, pigmentation will change.

The baby is very active, he is constantly trying to change his position in the uterus, but there is not so much space anymore, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this. Active strong movements can already cause discomfort to the mother.

A child at 28 weeks of pregnancy already has taste preferences. Like all kids, he loves sweets most of all. But depending on the mother’s diet, the baby’s preferences may change, and by this time every expectant mother already understands what he likes.

The baby responds well to various sounds, he is more active with loud music and calms down when he hears the voices of mom and dad.

Photo of the baby, ultrasound

Mother's feelings at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother’s well-being remains the same. Swelling of the arms and legs may bother you. This condition can occur after overwork, and then it is enough to rest, do light exercises for the legs (slightly raise them from a horizontal position and lower them), which will improve blood flow, and do a light lymphatic drainage massage. If severe swelling occurs, be sure to consult your doctor! He will help determine the cause, prevent conditions that threaten complications for you or your baby, and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications.

Be sure to ask your doctor what vitamin supplements you need and what microelements to add. If leg muscle spasms are bothering you, you may need to prescribe calcium and magnesium supplements. But only a doctor can do this correctly. Muscle spasms in the legs can be relieved by warm baths or a special massage that your spouse can help you do. To do this, you need to lie comfortably on your back, and your spouse, holding your leg slightly elevated, first brings your foot to your shin, stretching the back group of muscles, and then kneads the calf muscles with intense movements.

The third trimester is the best time to take care of proper nutrition, because the baby, who already feels all the tastes, remembers everything! The frequency of food intake, as well as its quantity, is of great importance. Follow the following dietary rules:

  • Eat small portions, but often. This is useful for both the baby and you, because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach. When nutritional components are supplied to the baby in doses and often, he feels very comfortable. It is on this principle that the nutrition of newborns is based - most often babies choose their diet at intervals of 2-3 hours. A large portion of food in the stomach can also disturb the mother, because the baby has already grown up, there is less space in the uterus, and the blows of fists and heels on an overfilled stomach are very noticeable.
  • Try to allow about two hours between your last meal and bedtime. Immediately after eating, the baby becomes active, his body receives a large amount of nutrients. And he really needs healthy sleep. If too much time passes after eating, the baby will be active, but due to a lack of nutrients - he will simply be hungry. Therefore, even if you strictly control the caloric content of your diet, do not forget about the needs of your baby. Excess weight is not necessary, but fasting can lead to insufficient weight gain in the fetus.
  • Switch to eating only freshly prepared foods. Prepare the dish for one meal. This way the nutrients will be preserved as much as possible. Yes, it takes more time, but after the baby is born, you will prepare dishes for him this way, and the training will only be beneficial.
  • Experts say that positive emotions during meals improve the absorption of valuable substances and activate the functioning of the intestinal villous apparatus. The baby gets more benefits this way.

Belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already located 28 centimeters above the womb or 8 cm above the navel.

In the seventh month, the belly has significantly increased in size and may prevent the mother from leading her usual lifestyle. The figure is becoming more and more rounded, and stretching skin on the abdomen can cause concern. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as unpleasant subjective sensations (the skin may itch), you can use special pharmaceutical skin care products during pregnancy. This will help maintain elastic, tightened skin and recover faster after childbirth.

Pay special attention to proper nutrition, because an enlarged uterus can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins is accompanied by even greater subjective discomfort, because the size of the uterus is much larger than in a singleton pregnancy. A woman should definitely rest, lie on her side several times a day with her legs slightly adducted - this eases the load on the spine and reduces pain in the lumbar region.

As a rule, by this time the expectant mother has already gained about nine kilograms. Despite your increased weight and rounding belly, you can still be quite active. However, be more careful about the load: do not overexert yourself, do not lift heavy objects. But gymnastics for pregnant women should be a must in your daily routine. Watch your diet, as in the third trimester it is very important not to gain extra pounds - this will make childbirth and recovery easier.

Fetal movements at this stage

This period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the baby’s activity. The mother feels his movements very clearly, she already feels where the elbow rests and where the heels are, she understands what position the baby is in. Movements at the 28th week of pregnancy are very clearly visible on the surface of the abdomen: when the fetus changes position, the abdomen may shift slightly to one side or the other. However, the baby's weight still allows him to actively change his position.

Therefore, the ultrasound conclusion “Pregnancy 28 weeks, breech presentation” cannot be final - the baby can easily roll over, and more than once.

Possible pain at 28 weeks

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman already feels training contractions. This is usually a sensation of contraction of the uterus, which is completely painless. If you experience severe pain, or your stomach aches constantly, be sure to consult a doctor. Abdominal pain during pregnancy may be associated with an enlarged uterus, stretching of its ligaments, pressure on neighboring organs, and may also be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. You should not take painkillers or antispasmodics on your own, because only a doctor can determine the cause of this condition and prevent danger.

Necessary studies and analyzes

Usually at this stage standard tests are taken: general, may be prescribed. During this period, women with Rh-negative blood type are prescribed an antibody test. This study makes it possible to determine whether there is a Rh conflict and to prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth. If there is still a Rh conflict, then immunoglobulin is administered. It prevents the synthesis of antibodies to the child’s blood components in the mother’s body.

From the beginning of the third trimester, the expectant mother should already visit the gynecologist more often - twice a month. If your stomach hurts at 28 weeks of pregnancy, you must tell him during your consultation.

An ultrasound scan at 28 weeks of pregnancy is not included in the routine examination. If your pregnancy is progressing normally, then you have already done two ultrasound examinations, you already know the sex of your baby, you know that he is growing and developing normally. An ultrasound at this stage can be prescribed if there are health problems on the mother’s part. But ultrasound is an absolutely safe method, and if the mother wants to see her miracle again, take an ultrasound photo at 28 weeks of pregnancy, this can be done!

Useful video

Questions - answers

Tell me, is abdominal pain at the beginning of the third trimester normal? My stomach hurts slightly from time to time, I’m afraid that labor will not occur at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Abdominal pain during your pregnancy may occur due to stretching of the uterine ligaments and the impact of the enlarged uterus on nearby organs. But these sensations should not be too intense and should be regular. In the third trimester, training contractions are already felt; these sensations resemble muscle contractions, but should not be accompanied by pain. If you are worried about abdominal pain, and especially if it is accompanied by bloody discharge, be sure to consult a specialist.

What kind of discharge can there be at 28 weeks of pregnancy? It seems to me that I have a water leak, but it’s still very early...

During this period, discharge may normally increase slightly. Liquid, clear, light discharge is considered normal. Typically, women report water leakage as more intense. However, it is possible to accurately determine whether it is discharge or leakage only after a smear. If water leaks in large quantities, this is an alarm signal: be sure to contact the clinic.

I am 28 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus according to ultrasound is normal, and my stomach is very small. How can this be?

The belly size of each expectant mother is individual. A more important criterion is the height of the uterine fundus and the size of the fetus. If these indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. If you look at the photos of bellies at 28 weeks that mothers exchange on forums, you can very clearly see that the visual parameters are different for everyone. This depends on the woman’s weight, the size of her pelvis, whether this is her first pregnancy, and a number of other factors.

What to do if uterine tone is increased at 28 weeks? How bad is this and is it possible to have sex?

If you have tone at this time, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. He will determine whether the tone is really increased and will give appropriate recommendations. Try to rest more and limit physical activity. Sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy with increased tone should be limited.

Can the position of the fetus change at 28 weeks of pregnancy? And then we were diagnosed with breech presentation, and I was very upset...

Yes, at this stage the position of the fetus may well change. The baby is very active, he still has enough space, and he can still roll over into a cephalic position. In some cases, special gymnastics are recommended to help change the position.

The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the seventh month. From this article, the mother will find out how the baby is doing, how much he has grown and what his needs are.

What steps on the path to development will the baby have to take this week? What important points do mothers need to remember in order to feel good?

28 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

This week the child confidently reaches the mark 1 kg. His height is, on average, 35 cm.

The baby is almost completely formed. But before it is born, many systems must be fully developed.

What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

The skeletal system continues to strengthen. This process will continue until childbirth. And even after birth, the baby’s bones will get stronger every year until he becomes an adult.

The pituitary gland produces somatotropin - growth hormone. But the baby increases not only muscle mass. His layer of subcutaneous fat continues to increase in order to please his mother with plump cheeks at the time of birth.

The fluff on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows become darker. He learns to blink and fixate his gaze.

There is less and less space for movement in the uterus. Therefore, the mother feels not only her baby’s legs. He can push with his elbows and knees. During the day, mothers' movements calm him down, so many babies prefer to lead an active lifestyle at night.

From a legal point of view, a child born after 28 weeks is officially considered a human being and is subject to mandatory registration. Until this moment we had to wait 7 days.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At 28 weeks, ultrasound is usually not provided.

Such a study can be prescribed only in a few cases:

  • If for some reason a woman did not have time to undergo this procedure at an earlier date.
  • Pregnant women with negative Rh blood factor.
  • If you suspect possible deviations in the development of the child.

With the help of ultrasound, doctors can determine whether the child’s development corresponds to the norm. Also, based on the results of the study, an assumption is made about whether a caesarean section will be necessary or whether the woman will be able to give birth on her own.

Note to parents. It is better to take a photo of the baby now, since at a later date it will not be so clear.

Video: Ultrasound 28 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate at 28 weeks

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the baby's heartbeat will be clear and rhythmic. The heart of a little man must beat with frequency 120-160 beats in a minute.

All possible deviations from this norm indicate a violation in the child’s development. Early diagnosis in most cases helps prevent unpleasant consequences.

What happens in a woman's body?

Many pregnant women experience “nesting syndrome” during the seventh month of pregnancy. This feeling pushes them to such feats as rearranging furniture, repairs, and buying children's things. In a word, the pregnant woman begins to arrange her home in every possible way.

The uterus is located midway between the navel and the chest and continues to grow. The weight is also growing - on average, mommy gains 50 grams per day. In this regard, the load on the mother’s body is growing every day. All this leads to shortness of breath, dizziness, and back pain.

Also, almost all pregnant women experience a feeling of heat and increased sweating. These symptoms are explained by the fact that during pregnancy, metabolism increases by 20%.

You need to be very careful about the appearance of edema. On the one hand, this is a normal phenomenon for pregnancy, on the other, it may be the beginning of a serious disorder.

If your hands and face become swollen and the swelling persists for more than 24 hours, you should inform your doctor. Especially if they are accompanied by sudden weight gain and high blood pressure. This may signal pre-exlampsia. This diagnosis can be confirmed by checking the level of protein in the urine.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 28th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The tummy begins to create noticeable discomfort. If a woman has to stand on her feet for a long time, using a bandage will be very useful. It will support your tummy and help avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

As for the breasts, they also need special care. Contrast showers and air baths will be useful for skin elasticity. Due to the release of colostrum, some women may experience a slight tingling sensation in the nipple area.

If you don’t take any skin care measures now, it will be almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth.

Movements during pregnancy

Expectant mothers need to prepare for the fact that the baby will be more active from now on.

Observations of pregnant women have shown that the most active movements are felt in the period from 28 to 32 weeks.

Now the baby’s activity becomes noticeable to others. In addition, the movements become more meaningful. If you carefully observe your child, you will notice that his reaction to different stimuli is different. You can even calm him down with light strokes on the tummy and calm, unhurried speech.

Video: 28 week of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman during pregnancy?

Starting from the seventh month, a woman should visit a gynecologist approximately once every two weeks. It is highly undesirable to skip these checks. Since now it is very important to monitor the progress of pregnancy.

As at the very beginning of pregnancy, you need to be careful about your diet, avoiding high-calorie foods. If you are prone to edema, you should, if possible, limit your intake of liquids and foods that cause thirst.

By this time, the woman needs more rest. During the day, be sure to find time to rest with your feet elevated. Another important point. It is very important for pregnant women to visit the restroom on time.

Avoiding urination increases the risk of bladder infection, which in turn can lead to infection of the uterus.

Now is the time for expectant mothers to think about the upcoming birth. In order for everything to go smoothly and with minimal consequences, you need to take care of the condition of the vaginal muscles. To do this, it is useful to do intimate gymnastics (Kegel exercises).

There is another unusual way to prepare the muscles for childbirth - oiling the perineum. In India, women perform this procedure every day.

28 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

It happens that a pregnant woman is overcome by doubts about the condition of the baby. Sometimes such experiences are purely psychological in nature. But it also happens that such suspicions are justified.

The first thing you need to do to find out that everything is fine with the baby is to monitor his movements. They are strong evidence that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

The next thing the mother can do is listen to the baby’s heartbeat. To do this, you will need a stethoscope or a special device for listening to the fetal heart activity at home. If there is neither one nor the other, the husband can do this by pressing his ear to his tummy.

If the mother continues to have doubts, she can undergo an ultrasound with Doppler.

Popular questions about pregnancy - answered by a specialist

Obstetric and embryonic term - how are they different?

Embryonic term determines the exact age of the baby from the moment of conception. The difference between these periods is about two weeks.

Is discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

The discharge at this time should be light milky in color, homogeneous, with a slightly sour odor. The appearance of blood may be the beginning of premature birth or other pathologies.

You should not ignore the appearance of yellow, greenish, thick discharge. This may be a symptom of an infection in the genital tract. You definitely need to take a smear test.

If at 28 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

The absence of a heartbeat, if confirmed after several checks, indicates intrauterine death of the baby.

If the heartbeat is difficult to hear, the culprit may be poor-quality equipment or polyhydramnios.

If at 28 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

Pregnant women can sometimes be bothered by such nagging pains. At the same time, it seems that the uterus hardens and becomes stone. This tone of the uterus indicates training contractions and does not pose a threat.

The ovaries hurt or hurt at 28 weeks - reasons?

In order for the tummy to continue to grow, it needs the support of neighboring muscles and ligaments. As the baby grows, the ligaments stretch more and more. This explains the pain in the ovarian area.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 28 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

A small amount of blood does not always indicate a problem. Especially if it appeared after a doctor’s examination or lovemaking. But if the blood is scarlet or brown, the pregnant woman must undergo an unscheduled examination.

28th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

A woman who is Rh negative will need a blood test to check for antibodies. If necessary, doctors administer immunoglobulin (at this stage it does not pose a threat to the baby). Also, all pregnant women undergo a blood test for HIV.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

Even a small rupture of the membranes can lead to unpleasant consequences, including premature birth. Understanding the difference between normal discharge and amniotic fluid can be difficult. They appear transparent, liquid, and may be slightly yellowish.

To understand the nature of the discharge, a woman needs to lie down for 10 minutes, then get up. If after this a certain amount of liquid discharge is detected, in all likelihood, this is a sign of rupture of the amniotic sac.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 28 weeks or does it rarely freeze at this time?

Fetal freezing can be determined by several signs. This is an abrupt cessation of the child’s motor activity and the absence of signs of pregnancy in the mother.

This happens more often in the early stages. But if the pregnant woman does not follow all the recommendations, freezing may occur in the later stages.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

As a rule, influenza and ARVI at this stage no longer pose a danger to the baby. But a pregnant woman still needs to try to avoid contact with sick people.

Infectious diseases of the genitourinary area are much more dangerous. If an infection occurs during this period that poses a threat to the fetus, the immune system's response may stimulate premature labor to save the baby. For this reason, in order to reduce the risk of intrauterine infection, doctors advise using condoms in the last months of pregnancy.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good?

If all the tests are normal and the baby is developing correctly, the mother only needs to follow all the doctors’ recommendations and calmly wait to meet her baby.