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Profession "Teacher"
To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. Vasily Klyuchevsky

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General characteristics of the profession
A teacher is a unique profession, beyond time, fashion and geography. Being one of the oldest professions, it remains necessary and in demand to this day.

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History of the profession
Once upon a time, when there was no division of labor, all the eldest, most experienced representatives of the tribe/community became teachers.

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History of the profession
Then teachers became people who mastered this or that craft and passed on this or that skill/knowledge.

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The beginning of the development of pedagogy dates back to ancient centuries. Pedagogy arose in the form of rules and instructions for adults on caring for children and monitoring their behavior. The pedagogical traditions that laid the foundation for the development of pedagogy as a science appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th-4th centuries BC. The Athenian and Spartan education systems are of particular interest.

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The Athenian system of education assumed the beginning of education at the age of 7, when the teacher (the so-called black slave) took the child to school, where he first learned reading and counting, then it was the turn of literary and aesthetic education. A large role was also given to physical education (running, jumping, swimming, javelin and discus throwing). The Spartan education system focused on developing fortitude, physical endurance, and character building.

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Athenian education system
Spiritual education

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Spartan education system
Physical education

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Education in the Middle Ages was mainly religious in nature

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It was only in the 18th and 19th centuries that teaching as an officially recognized profession became a mass phenomenon in Europe and throughout the world.

Any holiday should be amazing, but since we are talking about the professional day of teachers who give not only their knowledge to their work and children, but also a piece of their soul, you will have to try especially hard. On Teacher's Day, a presentation can serve as a background for a concert, the main source of information during a class hour, or accompaniment at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to a professional holiday.

Depending on where the presentation will be used on Teacher’s Day, you will have to decorate it with appropriate content. In addition to poems and beautiful pictures with congratulations, a presentation on the theme “Teacher’s Day” can be filled with photographs of teachers for whom the holiday is organized. As a holiday screensaver on the eve of the start of a big concert, you can also use a multimedia development that has musical accompaniment for the slides.

There is very little time left before the holiday. Each head teacher of educational work is busy preparing a big celebration. To relieve you, dear teachers, at least a little on the eve of your own holiday from the need to compose your own multimedia product, we offer you to download free presentations for Teacher’s Day from our website and use them in your school during class hours or extracurricular activities.

Presentation Teacher's Day - World holiday, download for class

A presentation on the theme “Teacher’s Day” can be used for a classroom lesson in primary school. On 13 slides there is a story about the most humane profession in the whole world - about a teacher. These people are always with their children, so they themselves are in no hurry to grow old. They are no strangers to children's jokes and fun. They are not tired of constant lessons and a huge stack of notebooks.

Presentation for Teacher's Day Happy holiday, colleagues for extracurricular activities

Can't a teacher congratulate his colleagues on a day that is called their common holiday? A presentation on the theme of Teacher's Day "Happy Holidays, Colleagues" can be used to accompany any special event that the head teacher of educational work prepares together with the children. It will also be appropriate at a teacher’s corporate event, as a moment of pleasant relaxation. Along with the multimedia work, the archive contains two songs, “Teachers have no time to grow old” and “Our Teachers,” which can be used as musical accompaniment to this work.

Presentation on the theme Teacher's Day 2018 - 2019

The presentation “Teacher's Day” is the work of a 10th grade student, which was done from the heart about those people who left a deep mark on her life. There is nothing personal in the work, so its slides can be shown at a class hour in middle school to interestingly talk about this difficult profession and tell schoolchildren about the history of the establishment of a holiday around the world - Teacher's Day, which in most countries is celebrated on October 5.

Presentation Teacher's Day - holiday

A presentation with a very intriguing title, which is displayed on the first slide “Teacher's Day!!! Holiday?" makes you think a little about what a teacher means in the life of every person and what was the path to the formation of this profession. In addition, the presentation very interestingly tells about the history of the mark. You will be interested to find out for yourself and tell the children about how the first schools appeared in Greece, called the word “schole”, which was translated not at all as learning, but as free time, because people could study only when they were free? We offer you to download this development on 37 slides to use it for a class hour for Teacher’s Day? .

On the first of September, on the streets of cities and villages in Russia and the CIS countries, you can meet joyful, beautifully dressed children and students: the new academic year begins. This day is especially exciting for first-graders and first-year students: for both, a new stage in life begins.

We often forget that this day is exciting not only for children and their parents, but also for teachers. Among them there are also “new kids”, primary school teachers and class teachers who have taken their first class. Teachers ask themselves questions: How will students greet me? Will I be able to interest them? Will they trust me? What kind of relationship will there be with their parents?

The first impression the teacher makes on students and parents is of great importance, so teachers are very responsible when choosing a topic. What would a class hour be without a presentation? And in a PowerPoint presentation, “everything should be perfect”: the content, the background, and the template.

What should be the presentation on September 1?

Presentations during the holiday help create an emotional mood, as well as highlight the main points of the speech. During the organizational moment on September 1, in the presentation on the screen you can show: the names of all teachers, the schedule of lessons and bells. But the main thing in the presentation is to create an emotional mood for the upcoming school year, create motivation, and form a positive attitude towards school, studies, classmates and teachers. Therefore, PowerPoint backgrounds on Knowledge Day are usually bright, light, and festive.

Templates about school traditionally depict the usual school attributes:

  • pens and pencils;
  • satchels and backpacks;
  • school boards;
  • students, first graders with flowers;
  • teachers;
  • notebooks and diaries, textbooks;
  • letters, examples;
  • and etc.

Many patterns are associated with autumn: they are made in orange-brown tones with images of maple leaves, rowan trees, and fruits. Such templates can be used not only during the holiday, but also when creating any presentation on a school topic.

This section presents templates and backgrounds for presentations on a school theme, including those for Knowledge Day on September 1. Watch, select, download and share with your colleagues. We're sure you'll find plenty of school PowerPoint templates for the entire school year ahead.

We wish you success in your teaching and learning!

GOKU JSC “Comprehensive school at penal institutions UKP at FKU IK-8



prepared a presentation for Teacher's Day

biology and chemistry teacher

I qualification category I. A. Trukhina


On an autumn day, when at the threshold The cold has already begun to breathe. The school celebrates teacher's day. A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor. Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart In these sounds that are dear to us. Everything related to youth, childhood We owe it to the teachers!

You give us a lot of strength And love - no matter what. How much do you believe in us! And perhaps No one can believe like that. Life tells you to teach, we need to learn. Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom. Everything we took from you will be useful And it will become a hundred times more significant.

As long as the earth turns, Dear fragile planet, There are teachers in the world And that means there will be more light.

We wish you endless patience, Thank you for your friendship and love. We often caused grief But let them disappear like smoke. With a wise, kind and cheerful smile You have always been able to understand us. We will grow up, leave school, But we promise not to forget you.

Study, work, think boldly, Step. The roads are good... There is no happier thing in the world, What is the education of the soul! There is no more beautiful position in the world, Work more courageously and kindly... Blue shines. It is a holiday today Our teacher friends. Joy! Good luck! Happiness!

Do you believe that...

1. …school means “leisure” in Greek?

Yes. But the Greeks understood leisure not as idleness, but as free conversations during leisure hours with wise philosophers about various sciences.

  • Are there higher educational institutions whose names translated from Latin mean “universe”, “world”, “whole world”?

Yes, these are universities, derived from the Latin word “universum”.

  • In ancient Greece, teachers were those who taught?

No, a teacher was a slave who took a child to school and monitored his behavior.

  • In the old days, a student who stumbled through a given lesson was called a dunce?

Yes. In old gymnasiums, a student who did not prepare a lesson and read a book with hesitation was mockingly called a stutterer. In Latin, a stutterer is a dunce, which is where the Russified version of the word “boob” comes from.

Fun flip-flopping contests. Titles of works.

Beautiful swan.

Ugly duck

Blue baseball cap.

Little Red Riding Hood



Fathers and Sons

Mothers and parents

Puss in Boots

Mouse in sandals .

Treasure Island

A continent of poverty.

Law and encouragement

Crime and Punishment


cat house

The Snow Queen

Sunny Prince

Red mustache.

Blue Beard

Happiness comes from stupidity

Woe from mind

Cockerel one color

Chicken Ryaba

Girl with a palm.

Tom Thumb

Proverbs and sayings - shifters

Happiness moves in heaps.

Walk away from the new washing machine.

Baldness is a male disgrace.

The back of the head is small from courage.

The policeman's felt boots are getting wet.

You can't go lower than your heels.

Hid that algae, get out of the aquarium.

Chicken is a boar's friend.

You can improve the borscht with sour cream.

Persuade a smart guy to go to hell, and his leg will heal.

A cow will occasionally hide a speck of dust.

A teetotaler is dry to the chin.

If you start having fun, you stay at home like a coward.