Class hour on the topic: "Valentine's Day"


    To introduce students to the traditions of different countries during the Valentine's Day holiday.

    Develop students' creative abilities.

    Foster a culture of relationships between boys and girls.

Preliminary work:

Assignments for groups of students:

1. Find information about how “Valentine’s Day” is celebrated in different countries.

2. Design a class on the theme of the holiday.

To all students:

1. Prepare “Valentines” with wishes.

The progress of the holiday

Organizational moment.

Main part.

IN 1

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

It has not completely faded away in my soul.

But don't let it bother you anymore

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

AT 2

Everyone knows these lines about love. Yes, love is one of the most sublime, noble and beautiful human feelings. It is unique and eternal, like life. True love is always selfless and selfless. “To love,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy, “means to live the life of the one you love.”

IN 1

We generally believe that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can giggle and tease the child: “Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!” But this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten.

AT 2

Every year on February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day. This holiday dates back to the 15th century. It is also called “Valentine's Day”.

A student in your class will introduce us to the history of the creation of this holiday.

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. It is associated with a touching and sad story of two lovers

In the 3rd century. AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having discovered these “anti-state” marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed

In prison, Valentin, deprived of holy books, diversified his forced leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. Apparently, the notes were good, and so was the daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called “Valentine’s Gate.”

Six centuries have already passed, but the holiday lives on and, I think, will live forever, as long as people live, love lives!

IN 1

This day has become one of the most beloved holidays abroad and in our country.

AT 2

How is Valentine's Day celebrated in different countries?

Let's listen to our speakers.

Groups perform with messages.

In France Valentine's Day has long been highly revered. The traditional gift on this day is jewelry. The peculiarity is that this holiday is not only for two loving people, but also for everyone they love: grandparents, friends, acquaintances.

By the way, it is the French who claim the right to be the first to “introduce” the now so popular “Valentines”.

In Italy , in which matters of love have always been treated with respect, this day received the unspoken name “sweet”, because Italians consider it their duty to give their other half sweets.

Germany does not really fit into the general celebration, because the Germans consider Valentine the patron saint of the mentally ill, not lovers. The tradition of this day was to decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons and hold special services in chapels.

In Denmark people send each other dried white flowers and “valentines” without a signature.

In England children go from house to house and sing songs:

Good morning, Valentin!

Congratulations to you - one

Two - congratulate me,

Give me a Valentine card.

As rewards, children are treated to goodies and given small money.

In Wales they carved wooden “love spoons” and gave them to their loved ones. The spoons were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant “you found the way to my heart.”

Americans Traditionally, heart-shaped sweets are given as gifts. Another traditional gift is red roses. According to statistics, on February 14, about 20 thousand roses are bought per minute on the American continent.

In Japan , perhaps the most original celebration of Valentine's Day. The highlight of the holiday is an event called “The Loudest Love Confession.” A special platform is built where everyone who wants to tell the world about their feelings climbs up and takes turns shouting out confessions. The loudest one or the loudest one is awarded a prize. Another distinctive feature is that on February 14, gifts are given mainly to men. All girls should give chocolates to boys they know. This happens not only among young people, but also among older age groups. These chocolates are cheap and are called “girichoko”. Men do not remain in debt and also give chocolates to their chosen ones, not only on February 14, but also a month later, on March 14. Moreover, white chocolate, because March 14 is called “White Day”.

ConcerningRussia , then we draw a little from all these customs! Everything ingenious is simple!

Bottom line.

IN 1

Many thanks to all the speakers for the interesting information!

Now let's draw “Valentines” and give them to each other.

Competition and game program on Valentine's Day “Love Mosaic”


Nurturing spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, mutual respect between girls and boys;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

Equipment: for the first part of the class hour: a sheet of Whatman paper (or two sheets of Whatman paper glued together), lined into 9 cells. The numbers are written in the cells: top row - 1, 8, 4; average - 6, 2, 9; lower - 3, 7, 5; two multi-colored flags; sheets indicating body parts, for example: “Head”, “Legs”, “Arms”, “Waist”, etc.; easels or tables on which to draw, a set of felt-tip pens, two hoops, a set of small children's toys.

For the second part: leaves in the form of hearts with questions (two sets of 5 pieces), a set of felt-tip pens, a set of “Valentines” (at least 10 pieces).

Musical arrangement- audio recordings of love songs, funny dance tunes.

Preliminary work:

Two teams are formed in the class - girls and boys (8-9 people each). Jury members are selected. The playing teams are assigned “homework” - to stage a clip of any love song (up to 3-4 minutes). The program is led by two presenters (preferably a boy and a girl). It is better to spend class time in the school assembly hall.

Class progress

Introductory talk from the class teacher about Valentine's Day:

Among the ancient Slavs, February was aptly called “lute”. Gloomy, blizzardy, sometimes with real severe frosts, sometimes with nasty wet snow, this month evokes in us far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word “February” evokes cheerful and pleasant thoughts. And this is not due at all to the difference in climate, but to the fact that Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14th.

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day received its name after the Christian martyr Valentine, sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the 3rd century. n. e. The Roman Emperor Claudius issued a decree prohibiting people from marrying. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having learned about the “illegal marriages,” the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

In prison, Valentine, deprived of holy books, whiled away his leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. The young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and near death, Valentin did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called “Valentine’s Gate.”

Later, the Church canonized him, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

Since Rome was still largely pagan at that time, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient holiday of Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All rituals were performed by Luper priests, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing the women they met with whips cut from the skin of a sacrificial goat, which was supposed to promote their fertility.

According to legend, on this day birds choose a mate, and the forests are filled with ringing bird voices. Lupercalia was also a holiday for lovers; it was patronized by the goddesses Juno and Fauna, who favored women and marriage. A kind of youth festival was taking place. The girls threw beautifully decorated letters into the vessel, and the boys pulled them like lottery tickets and thus chose a boyfriend and girlfriend for the next year.

At one time, choosing a couple by lot became widespread. Papers with the names of marriageable girls were placed in a special box, from which potential suitors pulled them out.

In England, Valentine's Day began to be accompanied by the secret presentation of gifts and cards “with meaning.”

The tradition of writing messages on Valentine's Day has survived to this day. Having written touching words of love to his beloved, Saint Valentine could not even imagine that they would turn into a huge number of love notes in poetry and prose, serious and playful, from young to young and from old to old. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love! Advertisements in the newspaper, both with expressions of love and even marriage proposals, as well as humorous, often encrypted messages, the key to which only initiates know, also became a kind of congratulations for Valentine’s Day.

On Valentine's Day, the demand for flowers, especially roses, increases sharply. The custom of presenting on the feast of St. The Valentine's bouquet with a special message was borrowed by the British from the gallant French at the beginning of the 18th century. and reached the peak of fashion during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). A young man in love expressed his feelings to his chosen one with the help of a carefully selected bouquet, where each flower had its own subtle meaning.

And yet the flower emblem of St. Valentine is considered a red rose.

The rose remains an open declaration of true love.

Soon lovers in Russia will begin to receive their “Valentines”, and in our harsh February we will feel the breath of spring.

It is probably unnecessary to explain why the accepted symbolism of this holiday is the image of a heart.

Two presenters appear on stage.

1st presenter: What is love?

2nd presenter: Probably no one knows this except our hearts and... the participants in our game today.

1st presenter: “Tic-tac-toe” is a children’s game, but today is February 14th - Valentine’s Day, so our

"Tic Tac Toe" is about love. And in the game, as you may have guessed, the beautiful half of humanity are girls...

Nine girls take the stage.

2nd presenter: ...the other half are young men.

Nine young men take the stage.

A draw is held: who will draw “toes” in the squares of the poster, and who will draw “crosses”.

1st presenter: Where does love begin?

2nd presenter: From the ideal. She, having read and watched enough TV series, decided that he should be tall, slender, handsome, tanned, smart, talented, witty, with a great future and a mysterious past.

A stereo tape recorder, a car are a must, a bathtub made of blue tiles is desirable. And so that he was young - from 30 to 70.

1st presenter: He is more modest in his requests: living space - at least 30 square meters. m per person, character, if not golden, then at least Nordic. In short, if not Venus, then definitely Miss Uryupinsk.

2nd presenter: And now the task: the girls must draw a portrait of an ideal man, and the boys must draw a portrait of an ideal woman. We will draw as a group, each participant his own part of the overall portrait. We'll see what happens - an ideal or a caricature.

Team members pull out sheets of paper with the names of the body parts they will have to draw and take places on the side of the stage.

On the other side of the stage there are easels. At the signal, participants take turns running to the easel and

draw. It is not speed that is assessed, but quality. The winning team draws their sign in cell 1.

1st presenter:

The two of us.

Late hour.

Silence enters the room.

How old are we all?

The first date lasts.

2nd presenter: First date - the beginning of the beginning. The first date is unforgettable, especially the kind the teams are about to show us.

Situation for girls:“Hot summer morning. Small lake. In the middle of the lake there is a boat, there are two people in the boat: he and she. They selflessly admire nature. Suddenly water quickly begins to flow into the boat. The young man and the girl frantically scoop up the water, but it keeps coming. It’s a pity, but neither the boy nor the girl can swim.”

Situation for young men: “A beautiful summer morning. Sochi, you are far from the city, on the beach. Hot sand, warm sea. You feel good, you sunbathe. Suddenly you hear a woman's voice. She says her clothes were stolen, so she can't leave the beach. When you turn around, you don’t find your clothes either.”

Teams offer a way out of the current situation and stage it. The winning team draws their sign in cell 2.

2nd presenter: And now we will talk about the secrets of happiness.

1st presenter: The secret of happiness is simple - you have to love. When a person loves, he sings, and, of course, sings about love.

2nd presenter: We invite you to play musical football.

Teams will take turns singing a line from a song that includes the word “love.”

The team that sang the song last fills in cell 3.

1st presenter: It all starts with love, and often ends in legal marriage. The symbol of marriage is, of course, wedding rings. An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it will tie you in marriage forever.

2nd presenter: We also have our own wedding rings.

The teams join hands, and the first team members receive a hoop. The entire team, without breaking the marriage ties, that is, without unclasping their hands, must go through the hoop. Whoever does it faster will win.

The first players lift the hoops a meter from the floor, and the presenters can do this too. The winning team places its sign in the square with number 4.

1st presenter: Love, where have you taken me? Of course, it’s not a bad idea to relax in the Canaries, and I’ll definitely be there, I’ll just take a song for the road.

2nd presenter: No, it’s better to go to the Canaries on a cruise surrounded by stars.

1st presenter: Let's do that.

The teams received homework: to dramatize a video of any song on today's topic. So, on board our ship...

Teams take turns showing clips. In this competition, the winner is determined by the number of applause from the audience. The sign is placed in cell 5.

2nd presenter: He often tells her: “We won’t register, my bird, because there’s such a fuss with divorces...” But if he and she have already tied themselves in marriage, then this is already a real family.

1st presenter: Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance; it is no coincidence that the word “spouses” means “walking in the same harness.” Nothing brings a family together like joint business activities.

2nd presenter: We have a small economic quiz, and girls will answer men’s questions, and boys will answer women’s questions.

Questions for girls.

1. What is dran?

a) Firewood for kindling.

b) Woodworking costs.

c) Wooden sticks used to attach plaster. +

2. What do you do with a jigsaw?

a) Measure.

b) They undermine.

c) Cut out. +

3. The birthplace of Chrysler...

a) Austria.

c) Great Britain.

4. Radicchio is...

a) make of car.

b) plant - chicory salad. +

c) the name of the sports club.

6. Bucanary is...

a) men's trousers.

b) men's shirt. +

c) boots.

Questions for young men.

1. How many grams of rice are in one tablespoon?

2. Praline is...

a) type of clothing.

b) cosmetic product.

c) nut filling for sweets. +

3. Poultry is plucked...

a) from top to bottom. +

b) from bottom to top.

c) across.

4. Vapazon is...

a) precious stone.

b) a device for irrigating the face with steam. +

c) cosmetic product.

The winner is determined by the number of correct answers. Representatives of the winning team place a sign in square 6.

1st presenter: The key to a successful family existence is a decent budget and a great ability to increase it.

2nd presenter: And for this, spouses must be breadwinners. Everything for the house, everything for the family. Choose the most enterprising person on your team and listen to the task.

1st presenter: We blindfold your “breadwinner” and he must bring home as many toys as possible. But you will have to collect them only by listening to your commands “cold - hot”.

The competition lasts three minutes. The commands suggest the direction of the search. The number of collected toys is counted and cell 7 is filled.

2nd presenter: Family life, as you know, is not without scandals.

1st presenter: The nature of the scandal is simple: word for word, and then, you see, we move on to decisive action.

2nd presenter: Bring in the black box! In a black box - a useful attribute of a scandal. Whichever team names this item first will win.

1st presenter: We will make your task easier: each team has the right to ask three questions in turn, but those that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

The black box may contain a rolling pin, a frying pan, a wooden spoon, and an iron. The correct team puts its sign in square 8.

2nd presenter: The decoration of the family, the flowers of life are children.

1st presenter: As they say: little children - little troubles, big children - big troubles. The teams will now have small children, but the task will be big. You will have to compose a new lullaby based on the old tune.

2nd presenter: Remember: “Bayushki-bai, don’t lie down on the edge”? You must not only compose a lullaby, but also sing it using the relay race method - each one a line - carefully passing from hand to hand your baby.

Whoever does it best will write his sign in cell 9.

While the teams come up with a lullaby, the presenters conduct a game or quiz with the audience. After the lullaby is performed, the last cell of the table is filled in, the results of the game are summed up, and the winning team is awarded.

1st presenter:

Believe in the great power of love!

Believe sacredly in her victorious light,

Into her light, radiantly saving!

2nd presenter:

A world mired in dirt and blood!

Believe in the great power of love!

1st presenter: But our meeting is not over yet, we want to invite five people from each team to participate in another program - “Love at first sight” and determine the ideal couple. Think about who will participate for now.

2nd presenter: You, of course, remember that today we have gathered with you to talk about love...

About love at first, and maybe second sight... Do you believe in love at first sight? Me too. And in general, I think that love and school are inseparable things. After all, as a rule, a person’s first love comes at school age. What is love?

1st presenter: We can read about love from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel “Eugene Onegin.” We can learn about love from a school history course. After all, it is historians who introduce us to the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned social life and luxury, went to distant Siberia to hard labor, where their husbands were exiled.

But let's not go into history... It's better to turn to the poets. After all, they are the ones who sing of love.

2nd presenter:

Love. We read about this in books.

Love. We couldn't understand this.

But gradually the boys matured and grew up to her.

Do you remember - we didn’t want to know each other,

And often choosing paths for her,

We considered her to be about thirteen years old

A feeling that despises everything.

(R. Rozhdestvensky. “Love.”)

1st presenter: Let me remind you that we have gathered in this room to choose the ideal couple. We welcome our participants who will make up, so to speak,... a “couple” with our participants.

(Five participants come out.)

1st presenter: Our participants... We greet them with thunderous applause... (Five participants come out.)

2nd presenter: And now, according to the rules of the game, we, the presenters, must briefly talk about each participant in our game called “Love of all ages...”.

1st presenter: We met the participants. And now we are waiting to meet the participants.

(The cards are filled out and read out.)

2nd presenter: So, let's start our game.

1st presenter: The first task for our competitors. And we called it... “Tell us about yourself.”

I am giving you pieces of paper (in the shape of a heart), on which - questions:

1. Favorite singer (singer).

2. Favorite dish.

3. Favorite animal.

4. Favorite subject at school.

5. Name the book you read last.

3-5 minutes are given for answers. While you are filling out our “hearts”, I ask questions to everyone present at our class hour:

1. Name the largest and multi-page poem by A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus)

3. Name the Moscow pop singer who released the most disco albums in the 80s and 90s of the last century. (Alla Pugacheva)

4. Name the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra)

5. Name the lady of the saddest knight Don Quixote. (Dulcinea Toboso)

Students and invitees who answer questions correctly are encouraged by the class teacher or members of the jury.

2nd presenter: So, our participants have filled out their cards and are ready to answer situation questions.

The first situation is for girls.

You like a guy from your senior class. You don't know him. And you really want him to notice you. Your actions:

1. You will “flirt” with him, flirt, and try to get to know him. And in the end you will achieve your goal.

2. You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid him, that is, suffer and sigh alone.

3. Tell him everything at the right opportunity (for example, during a dance, naturally, by inviting him).

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter: Our acquaintance continues. Well, now let’s listen to our young men.

The first situation is for young men.

The situation is similar. You like a girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

1. Do everything possible and impossible to get to know her.

2. Quietly, in splendid isolation, you will sigh for her, afraid to speak to her.

3. Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

(Answers from the young men)

2nd presenter: Our acquaintance continues.

And here is the second situation for girls.

You are dating a guy who really likes you. But he is not for you. But you meet him according to the principle “Everyone has a boyfriend and I do.” But this is not interesting, without reciprocity. You're bored of it. Your actions:

1. Tell him about it immediately.

2. You are afraid to tell him and wait for him to understand everything himself.

3. Don’t say anything to him, pitying him and his feelings.

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter: The second situation is for young men.

You promise your girlfriend an amazing evening, go to the video store to watch a new film. But the show was canceled due to insufficient number of spectators. The girl is disappointed. You decide to go with her to the nearest cafe. There is no ice cream in the cafe. It’s autumn outside, there’s a cold wind, and you have guests at home. Your actions:

1. Apologize and accompany her home.

2. You walk with her until you’re blue in the street.

3. Your own option.

(Answers from the young men)

1st presenter: The third situation for our participants.

A boy you know that you really like invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, citing the fact that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

1. You will not listen to your mother and go to the birthday party.

2. You will stay at home, worrying and crying into your pillow.

3. Your own option.

(Girls' answers)

2nd presenter: And the third situation for our young men.

You accidentally found out that your girlfriend agreed to participate in the Miss City beauty contest. Your actions:

1. Throw a scandal at her and set the condition: “It’s either me or the competition.”

2. Pretend that everything is fine. And you and your friends will go to this show.

3. Do something different.

(Answers from the young men)

1st presenter: The second round of our game “Love of all ages...” has ended. Let's move on to the next round. It's called "Talk to me, my friend!" What is the essence of this tour?

Now each of you, our dear participants and participants, will be able to ask each other a question.

So, who do we start with?

(Questions - answers)

2nd presenter: And the last, fourth round.

Questions for girls:

1. You like a guy who is currently friends with the girl with whom you are in a quarrel. Your actions?

(Girls' answers)

2. How do you get rid of a guy who is already boring you?

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter:

Questions for young men:

1. You will take revenge on the girl who left you for your friend.

(Answers from the young men)

2. If you like a classmate, will you pull her hair or take away her textbook?

(Answers from the young men)

2nd presenter: And now our participants must make their choice.

On the back of your heart with a name, you write the name of the girl or boy you like. While you make your choice, the audience and I are watching...

(A pre-prepared amateur performance number is performed - a dance or song.)

1st presenter: And now we will see if our pairs matched. So, your choice...

(The cards of girls and boys are read out.)

We got... steam. We hope that your choice is correct.

2nd presenter: (Addressing the participant in the “ideal couple” by name). Why did you choose exactly...?..., what did you like most about your appearance...? Etc.

1st presenter: We thank everyone for their participation. We present you with our “Participant Diplomas” and see you off with thunderous applause.

And our ideal couple (determined by the volume of applause) awaits the comic competition “Mothers and Daughters”.

(The girl and the boy stand next to each other, their hands are tied. Each one has one hand free - they need to dress or swaddle the doll.)

2nd presenter: Well done! And this test was successful. Please accept modest prizes from us and our sponsors.

Presenters (together)". Goodbye! See you again!

May love always accompany you through life!

Valentine's Day is becoming increasingly popular among Russian youth. However, Russia also has its own Valentine's Day - July 8, when the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patron saints of the couple. In 2008, this day became a new public holiday. All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, unlike the Western holiday of all lovers, is a holiday of marital love.

This, according to Patriarch Kirill, is the continuation of a cultural spiritual tradition associated with both Orthodoxy and other traditional religions.

The proposed scenario is a round table during which issues of love, family, and fidelity will be discussed in the light of national traditions.

Goals: introduce children to the legend of Peter and Fevronia; promote the development of children's interest in the Russian spiritual tradition; develop a positive attitude towards family values; encourage children to in-depth study of the moral experience of our ancestors.

Preparatory work: appoint experts (3 students). Their task is to present the script material and answer questions from the round table participants.


Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia;

Toy or paper-cut hares.

Class plan

I. Interactive conversation “Someone else’s holiday.”

II. Round table "The Mystery of Love".

1. Infatuation and love.

2. The feat of fidelity and love.

3. Love is the work of the soul.

III. Final word.

IV. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I. Interactive conversation “Someone else’s holiday”

Classroom teacher. Guys, we have holidays ahead of us: Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8, but already now I see: many people are buying postcards with hearts. What is this connected with? And what do these hearts mean? (Children answer that Valentine's Day is approaching, that hearts are a sign of sympathy, a kind of declaration of love - on such a day this can be done openly.)

Yes, I agree with you that we really don’t have enough love. Falling in love is a rarity in the modern world. Not every person is able to fall in love now - there are too many cynics around. It’s good if love comes into the lives of young people, if this love is reciprocal, mutual. It's good if it's pure and real. But so far the opposite is happening. For 20 years now, our youth have been celebrating Valentine's Day, but there are fewer and fewer happy families, every second marriage breaks up. Why does this happen? Maybe our youth have not solved the mystery of love?

(Children speak out.)

The secret of love - today let's try to find out what it is. Our round table is dedicated to this topic.

Meet the experts who will set the tone for the conversation. (Lists the guests.)

I invite you all to take part in the round table.

(The experts come out and sit facing the class.)

II. Round table “The Mystery of Love”

1. Infatuation and love

Classroom teacher. So, let's open our round table.

The first issue for discussion is two holidays: Valentine's Day and Family, Love and Fidelity Day. Generalities and differences. Word to the expert (name, surname).

Expert 1. Recently, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day, has been widely celebrated in Russia. According to medieval legend, Emperor Claudius forbade his soldiers to get married so that they would not be distracted from their service. And Bishop Valentin secretly married the lovers, for which he was executed. The bishop was ranked among the saints of the Catholic Church and was revered as the patron saint of lovers. On Valentine's Day, as a sign of love, everyone gives each other paper hearts, candies, and flowers.

Our people have their own holiday of love - this is the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. The Russian Orthodox Church reveres them as patrons of love and fidelity.

According to legend, the noble prince Peter, who ascended the Murom throne in 1203, suffered from leprosy. His serious illness could not be treated, but one day in a dream the prince dreamed that the maiden Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land, could heal him. The virgin healed Prince Peter, became his wife, they suffered persecution, but then again reigned safely in Murom. Their union became a model of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness. According to legend, they died on the same day (according to the new style - July 8) in 1228, and their bodies, laid in different places, miraculously ended up in the same coffin.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized. The Orthodox Church has been celebrating their day on July 8th for about eight centuries. On this day, thousands of people come to Murom, light candles near the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, and ask for happiness, love, and prosperity.

In 2008, this day was declared an official public holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday can be called our Russian Valentine's Day. They just celebrate it completely differently than Valentine's Day.

According to Orthodox tradition, people pray in church for happiness in marriage and good luck in love. On the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, it is not customary to write notes to each other or give hearts. It is not customary to go to cafes and restaurants on this day, because the holiday falls during Lent. On this day in Rus', girls were given figurines of rabbits, and boys were given souvenir knives. According to a new tradition, on this day it is proposed to give daisies to loved ones, as well as Fevronia - small icons with the image of Peter and Fevronia.

Classroom teacher. Let's compare the two holidays.

(Sequentially asks questions.)

Western holiday Valentine's Day and our Orthodox Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia: what do they have in common and what are the differences?

What is the difference between infatuation and love?

How many times have you fallen in love, and at what age did you fall in love for the first time?

Should you be faithful?

Does love last a lifetime?

Do you know examples of faithful, selfless, great love?

Twenty years ago, no one in Russia celebrated Valentine's Day. Why do you think this holiday has become so popular in modern Russia?

Sample answers from children:

Both holidays are dedicated to love, but the Western one is a holiday of fleeting love, and the Russian one is a holiday of love and fidelity, that is, a deeper feeling.

Falling in love is a feeling that flashes instantly and quickly passes, but love is a constant, strong feeling that lasts a lifetime.

You can fall in love with different girls, but love only one.

It happens that you can fall in love for life. In the program “Wait for Me,” old people remember their first love and look for it.

Yes, an example of great love for me is the love of my grandparents (mom and dad, Romeo and Juliet, etc.).

The popularity of Valentine's Day has a commercial basis - this holiday has aggressive advertising, there is an active sale of gifts, souvenirs, etc.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity can also become commercial if everyone starts chasing gifts, if there is advertising. It’s better not to allow this to happen, so that it’s a quiet holiday.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, these holidays are different - Valentine's Day is celebrated as Valentine's Day, and falling in love does not always end with love and the creation of a family. Falling in love is one thing, but staying in love is another. And in the traditions of the peoples of Russia, love is precisely connected with fidelity, with family. It is this kind of love that Saints Peter and Fevronia patronize. Therefore, our Russian holiday is a holiday of marital love and fidelity.

2. The feat of fidelity and love

Classroom teacher. In the Russian cultural tradition, fidelity has always been the companion of love. Loyalty in love was equated with feat. Is it really a feat to remain faithful in love? Word to the expert (name, surname).

Expert 2. There are many examples of fidelity and love in our history. After all, in the old days it was not customary to get divorced - they lived according to the proverb “If you endure it, you will fall in love.” But the fate of Princess Dolgorukova has been called a feat of love and fidelity for three centuries.

Natalya Borisovna Dolgorukova - princess, daughter of Count Sheremetev, comrade-in-arms and friend of Peter I. Noble, beautiful, smart, rich, she was one of the most enviable brides in Russia. The future seemed sunny and wonderful to her.

At the age of 16, one of the same eligible suitors in the state, the Tsar’s favorite, Ivan Alekseevich Dolgorukov, wooed her. The young prince - handsome, dandy - immediately charmed Natalya. The whole cream of society was present at their engagement party: members of the imperial family, ministers and generals. The groom seemed so sincere and gentle, young Natalya fell in love with him with all her heart and considered herself the happiest in the world. But the girl-bride did not know that outside the gates of the house the adored groom was leading a dissolute and dirty life. She also had no idea that courting her was only a calculated move for Ivan to strengthen his influence on the Tsar.

But the groom’s calculations did not come true - literally on the eve of their wedding, the tsar died, and the new tsarina’s favorite hated his former favorite and vowed to exterminate the entire Dolgorukov family. Natalya's relatives, in a hurry to get rid of the dangerous relationship, were already looking for another groom for her. But Natalya did not want to love one person today and another tomorrow. She took love very seriously, believing that love is a gift from heaven that is sent only once in a lifetime. And the wedding took place. With tears, she entered her husband's house, and on the third day after the wedding, a decree came about the exile of the entire Dolgorukov family to distant estates, and from there to the North, to the Trans-Urals, to the Berezovsky prison.

And the young wife did not leave her husband, she went with him the whole long way, shared all the hardships of exile. For ten years this young woman, accustomed to splendor and luxury, endured hardship for the sake of her beloved. A dull area, savages who ride dogs, wooden huts, ice in the windows instead of glass, winters 10 months a year, severe frosts. .. But she did not lose heart, she was warmed by the love of her husband, who often cried looking at her suffering. She constantly thanked fate for connecting her with this man, whom she considered a model of perfection, who was worth “paying for his love with her life, wandering for a whole century and enduring all sorts of troubles.”

In Berezovo, Dolgorukova had two sons, and she found happiness in motherhood.

In the eighth year of exile, Natalya’s husband was arrested and taken away from Berezov, subjected to cruel torture and put to a cruel death - being thrown on the wheel. Only then was she allowed to return to Moscow. She was 26 years old, she was still young and beautiful, but she abandoned personal happiness and devoted herself to raising children. And having raised her sons, she retired to a monastery, indulging in prayer and asceticism.

“I proved to the whole world that I was faithful to my love,” she wrote in her notes.

Classroom teacher. You have heard a story about the feat of fidelity and love. Princess Dolgorukova thanks God and considers herself happy.

Do you think she is happy?

What is her happiness?

Was this the fate she dreamed of at the dawn of her youth?

Was Prince Dolgorukov an ideal person? (No, he was a libertine, an intriguer, a calculating and cunning careerist.)

Natalya's husband in his youth was far from an angel, but she fell in love with him. Why? (Obviously, she saw something good in him that was hidden from others.)

Did Natalia have a crush on her husband? (She was, he immediately charmed her.)

When did this crush turn into love? (When I saw my husband not only in brilliance and joy, but also in decline, in humiliation, in grief.)

How did this manifest itself? (She began to sacrifice her health, peace, and comfort for him.)

Did your husband love Natalia? Did you trust her? (Loved and trusted because she proved her fidelity.)

Why is the life of Natalia Dolgorukova called a feat? [She sacrificed everything to make her husband’s situation easier, forgave him everything, and did not blame him for anything.)

Classroom teacher. Love and fidelity work wonders and fill life with high meaning. They can even change a bad person. The feat of Princess Dolgorukova became an example for the wives of the Decembrists who went into exile after their husbands. Young, beautiful, noble, rich women abandoned social life and went to distant, harsh Siberia to support their loved ones and share their hardships with them.

Loyalty in love is a real feat. To be faithful means to go through life with your loved one to the end, to share all the trials with him.

3. Love is the work of the soul

Classroom teacher. What kind of power lies in love? Why do they say that it is stronger than death?

Is love everlasting? I give the floor to the expert (name, surname).

Expert 3. First you need to agree in what sense the word “love” is used. Nowadays they even use such a phrase as “making love.” But when they talk about the mystery of love, they mean something completely different. As in the poem by Olga Vysotskaya:

Love - it comes in different forms.

There is a reflection on the ice,

It can be a persistent pain,

There is an apple tree in bloom.

It happens like a whirlwind and a flight.

Sometimes there are chains and prison...

We give her peace and work,

And we sacrifice our own lives!

But there is still such love,

What will fit unnoticed

And, lifting, helping,

Will lead you through the years

And it will be until the last days

Your soul and conscience.

This is the kind of love that lifts, helps, guides you until your last days, and is real, eternal.

On the day of the holiday of family, love and fidelity, many families who had been married for more than 25 years were awarded medals “For Love and Fidelity.” Among these families there were also those who celebrated a golden, diamond wedding and preserved their love. They explain the secret of their love simply: “Love is the work of the soul.”

And it seems to us that Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh spoke best about the mystery of love. (Reads.) “The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to rule over him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed the beauty that was revealed to us.”

Classroom teacher. “Love comes in different forms,” the poet notes. “It can be a reflection on the ice, / It can be a persistent pain, / It can be like an apple tree in blossom.”

What do you think the poet means? (Love can be fleeting, like a reflection on ice, persistent, like an obsession, an apple tree in blossom - mutual, bright, but short.)

Can love lift, elevate, as the poem says? (Love makes a person better, purer, kinder when it motivates him to heroic deeds, to good deeds.)

Do you know families who celebrated a silver (25 years), gold (50 years), diamond (60 years) wedding?

Love is the work of the soul. How to understand this expression? (This is patience, forgiveness, renunciation of selfishness, greed, this is caring for another person.)

The desire to possess, to dominate, to take advantage of the gifts of another person - how is it expressed? (When you want to subjugate a person, change him, when you command or order, when you are looking for some benefit from communicating with this person, when you think only about yourself.)

Is such a desire compatible with love? (No, selfishness and selfishness are incompatible with love.)

Metropolitan of Sourozh spoke about the mystery of love, that it begins at the moment when we simply look at a person and are amazed at his beauty that has been revealed to us. What kind of beauty are we talking about? (We are talking about inner beauty, which is revealed only to the lover.)

Why does the beauty of a loved one, according to Anthony of Sourozh, amaze us? (Because it doesn't open right away, we're surprised we didn't notice it before.)

Read L.N.’s statement on the board. Tolstoy about love. What kind of gift is this that you give away, but you still have it?

Love is a great feeling that elevates a person and gives him the strength to overcome all adversity. Love is the work of the soul, a feat of patience, forgiveness, selflessness. Anyone who is capable of this discovers the true beauty of a loved one. This is the secret of love. These are the conclusions we came to during the discussion.

III. Final word

Classroom teacher. About 8 centuries ago, Peter and Fevronia lived on Russian soil and became saints. Thousands of married couples turned to them with a request for the gift of love and family happiness. And now the ancient tradition is being revived in the form of a new holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

The Russian people have long believed that love is manifested only in sacrificial and joyful service to another, and this is only possible in family life, because only a family can teach a person this sacrifice. This sacrifice is the most important secret of love.

IV. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What new did you learn today? How has this affected your views? Sample answers from children:

We learned about our Russian saints, about what true love is.

We found out that we also have our own Valentine's Day.

We learned how to celebrate Peter and Fevronia Day.

I wanted to visit the places where these saints lived.

I felt ashamed that I knew so little about the customs and traditions of my people.


    give information about the history of this holiday;

    develop a love for Russian classics;

    arouse interest in “eternal” problems: love, happiness, mutual understanding;

    promote team cohesion;

    evoke a special, lyrical mood of the soul, which will allow the children to think about love.

Equipment: visuals, postcards, poster, hearts.

Class plan:

1. Quiz.

2. The history of the creation of the holiday.

3. “Three declarations of love.” L. Tatyanicheva.

4. Competitions

    "Hidden Hearts"

    "Who remembers each other better"

    "Broken hearts"

    "Halves of a Man"

Hello guys! Our class today is dedicated to Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day. This holiday came to us from the West, and now it is a great success here too. And, before moving on to the history of this holiday, let's check what you know about this holiday. Answer the quiz questions!

    In what century did Valentine's Day begin to be celebrated in Europe? (XIIIcentury)

    Name the city in which St. Valentine lived and served. (Rome)

    Why was St. Valentine sent to prison? (For marrying lovers despite the ban)

    Name the emperor whose decree Valentine disobeyed. (Claudius)

    Who was Valentin himself in love with? (To the jailer's daughter)

    What was the signature in the farewell note from Valentine to his beloved? (Your Valentine)

    Name the symbols of Valentine's Day. (Rose, heart, cupid).

    What alternative holiday existed in Rus'? (Peter and Fevronia Day)

    When did they start celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia? (Early 1990s)

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. It is associated with a touching and sad story of two lovers.

In the 3rd century. AD Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome.
The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having discovered these anti-state marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed.
In prison, Valentin, deprived of holy books, diversified his forced leisure time by writing notes to the daughter of the prison guard. Apparently, the notes were good, and so was the daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the priest’s death remained forever in people’s memory.

On Valentine's Day, it was customary to send "Valentines" to your loved ones and friends - letters with declarations of love and friendship.


As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Soul and blood are inseparable -
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you.
Love and death are always together.
You will carry it with you everywhere
Don't forget me, darling!
You will carry it with you everywhere.
Native land, sweet home.


But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?


After parting there will be a meeting.
Don't forget me, darling.
After parting there will be a meeting,
We'll both come back - you and me.

Boy :

But if I disappear into obscurity -
The short light of a daylight beam, -
But if I disappear into obscurity
Beyond the star belt, into the Milky Way.


I will pray for you.
So as not to forget the earthly path,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.


Don't part with your loved ones.


Don't part with your loved ones.


Don't part with your loved ones -
With all your blood, grow into them!



And every time say goodbye forever!


And every time say goodbye forever,
When you leave for a moment.

Do you know how Valentine's Day is celebrated in different countries of the world?!

    The French customarily give jewelry on Valentine's Day.

    But the British congratulate not only people, but also their beloved animals on Valentine's Day.

    And the Japanese turned Valentine's Day into “March 8th” for men. On this day, gifts in Japan are given mainly to men.

    In romantic Denmark, people send dried flowers to each other.

    The girls of Europe write their names on pieces of paper, put them in a box, and then the boys take out a piece of paper from there, thereby choosing a mate.

    In Spain, on February 14, men present only flowers to their loved ones, and they, in turn, give gifts.

    In Taiwan, it is customary to give roses to women on Valentine's Day. Quantity matters. If a man sends one flower, it means he declares his love, and if a luxurious bouquet of 100 roses means he proposes marriage.

Who can name traditional gifts? (Valentine greeting cards, sweets in a heart-shaped box, flowers, jewelry, soft toys).


We've been sitting too long. It's time to play. Let's split into two teams. Each team will come up with its own name. I suggest going on a search for hearts. And so, the first competition.

    "Hidden Hearts"

Hearts are hidden in the most unexpected places in the classroom. The team that finds the most hearts will win.

    Who remembers each other better

The competitors of each pair stand with their backs to each other. After this, each of them is asked five questions about the partner’s appearance (eye color, clothing, number of buttons on the shirt, presence of earrings and other jewelry, presence of watches, etc.). The pair that completes this task best receives a bonus point.

    "Broken hearts"

There are halves of hearts on the desk. On one side is written part of a love poem. The guys must find the other half of the poem, and therefore their hearts. Afterwards, the guys must say which classic these poems belong to.

“Loving others is a heavy cross » B. Pasternak

Loving others is a heavy cross,
And you are beautiful without gyrations,
And your beauty is a secret
It is tantamount to the solution to life.

In spring the rustling of dreams is heard
And the rustle of news and truths.
You come from a family of such fundamentals.
Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

It's easy to wake up and see clearly,
Shake verbal trash out of the heart
And live without getting clogged in the future.
All this is not a big trick.

“I love you more than the sea, and the sky, and singing...” K. Balmont

I love you more than the Sea, and the Sky, and the Singing,
I love you longer than the days I have been given on earth.
You alone burn for me like a star in the silence of the distance,
You are a ship that does not sink in dreams, or in waves, or in darkness.

I fell in love with you unexpectedly, immediately, accidentally,
I saw you - like a blind man suddenly widens his eyes
And, having regained his sight, he will be amazed that sculpture in the world is welded together,
That turquoise poured down excessively into the emerald.

I remember. Having opened the book, you rustled the pages slightly.
I asked: “Is it good that ice is refracted in the soul?”
You flashed your eyes towards me, instantly seeing the distance.
And I love - and love - about love - for my beloved - he sings.

"Love" Anna Akhmatova

Then like a snake, curled up in a ball,

He casts a spell right at the heart,

That's all day long like a dove

Coos on the white window,

It will shine in the bright frost,

It seems like a lefty is slumbering...

But it leads faithfully and secretly

From joy and from peace.

He can cry so sweetly

In the prayer of a yearning violin,

And it’s scary to guess it

In a still unfamiliar smile.

“I like that you are not sick with me” Marina Tsvetaeva

I like that you are not sick of me,

I like that it's not you that I'm sick of

That the globe is never heavy

It won't float away under our feet.

I like that you can be funny -

Loose - and don't play with words,

And do not blush with a suffocating wave,

Sleeves touching slightly.

I also like that you are with me

Calmly hug the other one,

Don't read to me in hellfire

Burn because I don't kiss you.

What is my gentle name, my gentle, not

You mention it day or night - in vain...

That never in church silence

They will not sing over us: Hallelujah!

Thank you with my heart and hand

Because you have me - without knowing yourself! -

So love: for my night's peace,

For the rare meeting at sunset hours,

For our non-walks under the moon,

For the sun, not above our heads, -

Because you are sick - alas! - not by me,

Because I'm sick - alas! - not by you!

“I bless everything that happened” Alexander Blok

I bless everything that happened
I wasn't looking for a better life.
Oh, heart, how much you loved!
Oh, mind, how much you burned!

Let both happiness and torment
They left their bitter mark,
But in a passionate storm, in long boredom
I have not lost my former light.

And you, whom I tormented with something new,
I'm sorry. We can be together.
All the things you can't say in words,
I recognized it in your appearance.

Attentive eyes look
And the heart beats, worried, in the chest,
In the cold darkness of a snowy night
Continuing your faithful path.

We walked side by side, but towards me

You didn’t dare look anymore,

And in the wind of a March day

Our empty speech was lost.


The clouds were white with cold

Through the garden where the drops fell,

Your cheek was pale

And, like flowers, the eyes turned blue.

Already half-opened lips

I avoided touching with my eyes,

And it was still blissfully empty

That wonderful world where we walked side by side.

Mikhail Lermontov

No, it’s not you that I love so passionately,
Your radiance of beauty is not for me;
I love the past suffering in you
And my lost youth.

When sometimes I look at you,
Looking into your eyes with a long gaze:
I'm busy talking mysteriously
But I’m not talking to you with my heart.

I'm talking to a friend from my younger days;
I am looking for other features in your features;
In the mouths of the living, lips have long been mute,
In the eyes there is a fire of faded eyes.

"I was again in your garden..." A.A. Fet

I was again in your garden,

And the alley took me away

To where we are together in the spring

They wandered around, not daring to speak.

How a timid heart was drawn

Pour out hope, fear and penalties, -

And then out of spite the young leaf

He sent us so little shade.

Now even the shadow in the garden is dark,

And the fragrance is stronger than herbs;

But what silence

What languid silence!

One nightingale will dawn,

Hidden in the darkness, he whistles timidly,

And under the canopies of branches

The gaze searches in vain for someone.

    Test "Halves of a Person"

A sheet of paper is folded in half and pierced through in five places. Players in pairs take turns drawing half of a person. One player is on the right half, the other is on the left. Each test subject's drawing must necessarily pass through five points. Until the end of the test, you are prohibited from looking at your partner’s drawing. The points at the beginning of testing are drawn on the basis that the ear will pass through the first point, the neck will pass through the second, the palm will pass through the third, the waist will pass through the fourth, and the foot will pass through the fifth (however, the test takers cannot be informed about these conditions and they are not obliged to adhere to them).


General form. The more accurately the halves match and the more harmonious a person is, the better the compatibility of the test takers. In the example figure, the overall compatibility of the test takers is quite good.

Head. The person in whose picture the head is higher is the leader in the pair. Sticking hair on the head means a desire for leadership.

Facial features. If a person draws facial features, it means that he is aimed at communication. In this case, couples are more harmonious in which either both people are aimed at communication (there are facial features) or both are not directed (there are no facial features). Complementary facial features also work well together (for example, when one draws the mouth and the other draws the ear).

Hands. By the way the hand is drawn, you can tell which of the test takers is doing the main work. Moreover, a long, wide hand shows a hardworking person, and the presence of fingers indicates the test taker’s skill in any practical area.

Legs. Feet indicate how firmly and confidently you stand on the ground.

Guys, there is a poster with a picture of a tree hanging on the board in front of you. There are empty hearts on this tree. In every heart you will see the inscription Love is... We invite you to express in your own words what Love means in your opinion.

Today's class hour was one of the brightest, kindest and most fun. I hope you all received only positive vibes.

Valentine's Day is a holiday for everyone who loves, for everyone who is in love. The path will bring you happiness and joy. May love accompany you not only on this day, but throughout your life.

Class notes for 4th grade for February 14th “Gift in the palm of your hand”

Goals: promote the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of children; promote the unity of the children's team; to form ideas about aesthetic norms of communication between the sexes.

Preparatory work:

1. Ask 2-3 students to prepare a story about the history of Valentine's Day.

2. Give the children the task of learning a poem about love, preparing a surprise gift for their friend or whoever they like best in the class (a prerequisite is that the gift must fit in the palms of their hands).

Equipment: tape recorder; two boxes; halves of paper apples (according to the number of children in the class); candies with strings tied to them; incentive prizes for competition participants.

Class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Information message “History of the holiday.”

III. Competitions.

1. Find your soul mate.

2. On the side of the road.

3. Winders.

4. Song of love.

IV. Final word.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about love.

Not only on this day, my friend,

You can hear your heart beating.

May every day that you are near

It will be a celebration of love for us.

What holiday are we celebrating today? (Children's answers.)

That's right: Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day.

II. Information message “History of the holiday”

Classroom teacher. In Russia, the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day appeared recently, so for us it is, one might say, a new holiday and we know little about it. But

Valentine's Day, like any other holiday, has its own interesting history. (names, surnames) will tell us about this.

(Students make presentations.)

III. Competitions

Classroom teacher. On this day it is customary to give gifts and make surprises. All this will happen, but a little later. Now I suggest you play a little. (Reads a poem.)

Valentine's Day -

Like a premonition of spring.

These are the hearts of the name day,

This is the joy of newness.

It all started with love:

Both the earth and this sky,

Just don't say anything.

Without love, no one would exist.

1. Find your soul mate

Classroom teacher. You probably know that your loved one is also called your soulmate. According to an ancient legend, God once created happy beings with full souls, containing the male and female principles, and settled them in heaven. But the devil divided all souls, like apples, into two halves and threw them to Earth. Since then, these halves scattered all over the world have been looking for each other to find happiness again.

I suggest you find your soul mate. Whoever does it faster than others will receive a prize.

(One box contains halves of apples for boys, and in the other box there are halves of apples for girls. While the music is playing, you need to find your soul mate. The winning pairs receive prizes.)

2. On the side of the road

Classroom teacher. They say people in love can read each other's thoughts. I invite couples who have found their soul mate using an apple to participate in the next competition. Imagine that you are standing on different sides of the road. There is noise on the street. A boy invites a girl on a date with gestures. The girl must guess where she is being invited: to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a cafe, etc.

3. Winders

Classroom teacher. Do you want to treat your other half to some candy? Then take part in the competition.

(Two people participate. Everyone receives a pencil and a thread; a candy is tied to one end of the thread. The task is to wind the thread around the pencil faster than your opponent. In this case, you can only twist it yourself

pencil. Holding a pencil with one hand and winding the thread with the other is prohibited.)

4. Song of Love

Classroom teacher. At all times, lovers dedicated poems to their halves: some read their own, some read other people's works. I suggest you take part in a poetry competition.

(Students recite poems.)

IV. Final word

Classroom teacher. Our holiday dedicated to Valentine's Day has come to an end. We gave each other a good mood, but that's not all! It's time to give each other gifts and say kind words to the one you like. Of course, you already know in advance who you want to give the gift to. But be careful, we have one mandatory condition: if the one you want to approach already has a gift, then you need to carefully look around and give a gift to someone who doesn’t have it yet. I hope that making your choice will not be difficult, because each of you has many friends in the class.

Additional material

Valentine's wishes

I give my love and valentine,

To melt away the February sadness.

I wish you the best impressions

Sincere and kind congratulations!

Guess whose valentine it is?

Who gave with all their heart?!

Who confesses tender feelings

Hurry up quickly?!

Receive this Valentine with a smile

And look carefully at the picture!

I give words of love and admiration

And on Valentine's Day - cake and congratulations!

Guess whose "heart"

Are you holding in your hands now?

Who loves you so much

And his head is in the clouds?!

Accept this valentine as a gift,

By spring it’s healthier than a vitamin!

Read three times a day and be moved.

I love you, smile more often!

I'm looking forward to mid-February

All winter, starting in December!

I want to quickly congratulate you all,

I give you a scarlet heart as a souvenir!

May life always go well:

In everyday life, in study, in friendship, in personal life!

And on Valentine's Day I wish

Much love! And congratulations.

I wish you only shared feelings

And I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day!

Get the entire flower market as a gift,

And in addition to the flowers there are mountains of valentines!

I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day,

I give you a Valentine's card as a souvenir!

Admire, read and keep,

And if you miss - call!

I don't know anyone better

In the whole world, in the whole world!

You are the treasure of the universe

My happiness on the planet!

From the history of Valentine's Day

February 14 is Valentine's Day, International Day of Lovers and Lovers. This holiday has been known in European culture for a very long time: the tradition of celebrating the holiday of unmarried girls and unmarried men has been recorded since the 14th century. True, it was called differently in different countries. For example, in Sweden this holiday is called All Hearts Day, in Norway - Romantics Day.

There are several versions of the origin of Valentine's Day.

Version one. According to popular belief, on February 14, nature makes a sharp turn towards spring, birds begin mating games, fly in pairs in the sky and thereby open the “season of love.” In William Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream, Valentine's Day is called Bird Day.

Version two. According to the Roman calendar, New Year falls in mid-February. It can be assumed that in Ancient Rome, as in Rus', during the New Year holidays it was customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed. Perhaps that is why they began to celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th.

Version three. It is associated with the name of a young Christian, the doctor Valentin, who, following a denunciation, went to prison when spring was raging in Rome and the birds were ushering in the “season of love.” Children ran to the windows of the prison and threw notes to their older friend with congratulations, declarations of love, greetings and wishes. The children tried to help Valentin, support and encourage him. The prison warden, a stern man who hated Christians and a fan of Emperor Claudius, drove the children away. But when he read the children’s naive notes, he learned about the prisoner’s unusual healing abilities. The warden's beloved daughter was blind from birth. On holidays, she stayed at home as usual. She was not destined to find a loved one - who needs a blind bride? And then, breaking the law, the warden brought his daughter to the imprisoned doctor, not expecting that one tragedy would give way to another.

Valentin restored the girl’s sight, and she fell in love with him. But her love was short and unhappy. Soon Valentin was executed. There is only one piece of evidence left of their love, which legend has not forgotten - a small letter, almost a note, a valentine, as we will say now, which was composed by a young man for his beloved, modestly signing at the end: “Your Valentine.”

It is not known to which god the overseer’s daughter, raised in paganism, subsequently prayed, but perhaps it was she who first exclaimed: “He is a saint!”

There is also a legend that before his execution, Valentine wrote many notes to all his acquaintances and followers. This is how the tradition of giving valentines was born. It is this saint who is considered the patron saint of all who are in love.

Version four. It is believed that Saint Valentine is the Bishop of Ternius. He married young couples against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who preferred to have as many single men in his army as possible, as he believed that married soldiers were poor warriors. The bishop was caught and burned at the stake, according to one version, on February 14, 270 in Rome, according to another - in 360 in Terni.

Valentine's day is also the day of the angel of everyone called Valentine and Valentina. On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate all the people you love: moms and dads, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and, of course, friends. Of course, February 14 is an extremely convenient date to confess your love to a long-adored object, remembering that all ages are submissive to love.

In the 15th century The British began to view this date as an excellent opportunity to declare their love in writing. Valentine cards were framed with ornaments, drawings, paper and real lace. These were real works of art. One detail was repeated in all the messages - a drawing of a heart, which became the emblem of this holiday for all time. And in 1820, in the same England, the production of special holiday cards began. Despite the fact that postal services in the 19th century. did not work as quickly as in the 20th century, statistics recorded: on February 14, 1834, for example, about 60 thousand written confessions of innermost feelings were dropped into mailboxes in London alone. However, this figure cannot be compared with the number of declarations of love via mail in 1988. About 16 million postcards were sent then. According to rough estimates, in 1995 their number was close to 30 million.

Interestingly, there are special etiquette rules for sending a Valentine's card. First: the sender must do everything to arouse special interest and curiosity. Second: the sender is obliged to maintain secrets and remain anonymous. There is a third rule: all year long to be a faithful knight or lady of the heart of your cherished recipient. However, this rule is rarely followed by anyone.

By the 17th century the tradition of choosing a lover or beloved for a period of a year already existed only as a joke, very often simply as child's play. And having become innocent entertainment, the custom was no longer supported only by unmarried youth. In the diaries of S. Pepys (1633-1703) we find a vivid picture of London life, reproduced with many picturesque details. On the day of the holiday, valentines were sent to all friends and acquaintances. Adult, married people also acquired their Valentines and Valentines as favorite friends of the year. And since all this was already just a game, a man and a woman were now allowed to have several Valentines or Valentines. Men - Valentines - were supposed to give women gifts, give flowers, write love letters.

Features of celebrating Valentine's Day at school

1. Delivery of baskets and bouquets of flowers through school mail.

2. On glass windows or specially prepared stands with felt-tip pens, you can write any love confessions, aphorisms about love, your own and other people’s poems.

3. Anyone can tell fortunes using a paper daisy. Daisies are attached to the walls, on the back of the petals they write the words: loves, dislikes, spits, kisses, presses to the heart, sends to hell. (Comic predictions can also be written, for example: “Your companion will be a person with blue eyes, with a good and flexible character, but... one meter taller than you. We wish you happiness!”)

4. Participants of the holiday write their names on hearts: girls - on pink ones, boys - on red ones. Hearts are thrown into beautiful jugs. Then they will take out these hearts, finding out the name of the betrothed, betrothed.

5. In English villages, young people gave each other bows woven from straw on this day - a symbol of a love union. The bow had to be stored all year. At a school holiday, girls can give the boys hand-made men's bows or bow ties. And the guys can give the girls a handmade flower or large homemade sweets. You need to come up with them: both the filling and a special candy wrapper - with a name, a picture, poems.

6. On Valentine's Day, you need to have as many heart-shaped appliqués sewn on your suit and dress as possible and decorate yourself with other heart-shaped accessories. A costume on this day is a space for creativity.

7. All participants of the holiday enter the hall with a pass. A pass is a piece of paper with an aphorism about love and a fictitious signature, for example: “Beatriz of Zaragoza”, “Montigomo - Hawk Claw”. A special jury will select the 10 best aphorisms, read them, identify those who selected or came up with the best, and award each one accordingly.

Games and fun for Valentine's Day

Heart to Heart. Cut the paper hearts into two shapes. Give each player half a heart. On command, all players converge in the center of the hall. The players who find their match first are the winners. At the same time, the presenter times the time to find out how quickly the players can find their match.

Hidden Hearts. Cardboard or rag hearts of the same size and color are hidden in the most unexpected places in the hall. The presenter talks about them and invites everyone to look for them. The one who finds the most hearts becomes the winner and receives a reward - heart-shaped gingerbread.

Happy Valentine's face. A large number of hearts are cut out of paper. They need to be glued onto a sheet of whatman paper so as to create a “heart-shaped face” of the “sitter” sitting on a chair. Whoever does it most interestingly and similar to the original will receive a prize.

Profile portraits. In the Swiss city of Winterthur there is a Museum of profile portraits cut out of black paper. Art historians believe that this unique type of graphics was “brought” to Europe from China in the 17th century, where it arose in ancient times. The prototype of the profile portrait was, apparently, a shadow theater. The art of profile portraits has now almost disappeared.

Give the players (boy and girl) black paper, scissors, and let them try to cut out each other's profiles as they go. Whoever has the most similar one wins a prize.

Broken hearts. Large paper red and pink hearts are cut into two parts. On one part of the heart they write a question about St. Valentine, on the other - the answer. The youth player receives half a heart with a question. Answering each question, he receives the other half of the heart from the girl if the answer matches the question. In this case, the “broken” halves are connected.

"The heart of a beauty..." From the letters included in these two words, it is necessary to form words - common nouns in the singular, nominative case. The winner is not the one who came up with a lot of words, but the one who has more original words left after crossing out the same ones.

Whose compliments are better?. There are several options in this fun. A boy and a girl can take turns saying compliments to each other without repeating themselves.