Let life be an amazing fairy tale in which only good wins, and let the villains be only drawn. Let the worst mistakes be only in notebooks, and let mother’s kiss and a chocolate bar help with sorrows.

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Birthday wishes for a 7 year old girl

Long live the princess! After all, you are our real little princess! You are turning 7 years old, which means that you have a whole life ahead of you, full of miracles, joy and adventures! And may good luck always accompany you, and someday in the future, you will meet your prince and be happy with him!

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Wish for a girl

Every girl is a little princess, and it doesn’t matter where she lives, in a castle or in a simple apartment. That is why, may everything always be fine in your kingdom, my little princess. May your parents always be happy with you, and never stop believing in miracles.

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Wishes for a 2 year old child

Exploring the world is always interesting and exciting, and at 2 years old you get to know the world literally every day. It opens up for you from a new side and plays with fresh colors! And I want to wish you to continue to explore the world with no less interest. And so that it opens up for you only from the good side!

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Poem wishes for the New Year for children

We wish you smiles
And have fun in the New Year.
And problems without errors.
Only joyful troubles.
Don't get sick, toughen up.
And never quarrel.
Try to be obedient
Not only on holidays, but always.

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Wishes for a little girl

You don't understand it yet, but this is the best time for you. I wish you not to rush it, because you will have time to become an adult, but childhood is irrevocable. I also want to wish you every day to make small, but wonderful discoveries and equally small, but no less significant achievements. Listen to your mom, be a diligent, smart girl, and then everything in life will work out for you!

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Wishing your child success

I wish you success and luck, but remember that success and luck love not so much the talented as the hardworking. Therefore, if you strive with all your might, you will certainly achieve everything you want, and success will certainly come!

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Wish to the student

You have to gnaw on the hard granite of science. You don’t always want to do this, it’s not always tasty and it’s not always well absorbed by the body. I wish you perseverance, perseverance, interest, love of knowledge, good health and excellent memory.

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One year old wishes

Just a year ago you were born into the world as a little thing that doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t know how to do anything. Days passed, and now you began to recognize mom and dad, grab and pull toys into your mouth, delight your parents with your first teeth and first steps.
You still have a lot to learn. Grow up healthy, baby, explore this world, and let it be as kind and open to you as you are to it!

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Wishes for children

I wish you to be careful. Because life is more interesting for an attentive person. He sees what others don’t see, his world is richer and brighter.
I wish you to be patient. Because those who are patient and diligent manage to achieve more than those who are in a hurry. Their lives have more meaning and results.
I wish you to be able to love. Because the one who knows how to love and loves is always happy and warmed by his feeling!

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Wishes for kindergarten graduates

Your infancy is over. Now you are becoming really big. Let this be accompanied by seriousness, accuracy, composure, and the ability to endure failures. May you meet many new loyal friends at the school where you will now study. But I still want to wish you not to forget your own kindergarten and the teachers who gave you a piece of their soul!

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The most elegant and irresistible!

Dear and beloved, you are the most irresistible and beautiful girl, kind and gentle!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
May your life be filled with magic and pleasant emotions!
Receive only the best gifts from fate!
I wish you many joys, good health, longevity!
May you be surrounded by reliable friends, the most positive people, and may I be the one who loves and appreciates you!
You are my treasure and you deserve the luxury and celebrations of life! I promise all this to you, my beloved!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Queen of the evening!

Happy Birthday to a beautiful and charming, luxurious and attractive girl!
I want to wish you, dear, a luxurious life, human happiness and unearthly luck!
Be in a wonderful mood all the time!
May the clouds of sorrows never gather over your bright head!
Always shine with your beauty and irresistible charm, intelligence and talents!
Wishing you daily holidays, pleasant work and an unforgettable vacation!
Remain so sweet and gentle all your life!
Pure love to you and a journey under the sun ahead!

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To my girlfriend - a bright star!

Bright star, my affectionate angel, my dear girl, happy birthday!
I am glad to wish you everything bright and bright, kind and happy!
Let there be joy every day, and no suffering!
May God give you good health and many, many years of life!
Live in beauty and luxury! May your beauty last your entire life!
Be cheerful all your days, just as humorous and optimistic!
I love you, dear, and I want to live with you in love and joy!
But even in troubles, you can rely on me!

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Sunny, my dear girl!

Sunny, my dear girl!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May there always be a lot of light and joy in your life, so that your eyes and your wonderful smile are filled with them!
Let everything be the most beautiful for you: dresses, hairstyle, manicure and soul!
Let no one ever dare to upset you, because they will have to deal with me!
I love you! Be the happiest today and every day!

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Happy birthday greetings in prose to a girl

My girl, I love you and wish you the best!

My clear star, happy birthday!
Always shine on me and be so inimitable throughout your life!
All pleasures and riches are for you!
Always remain the same beautiful and affectionate girl!
Be a passionate heart and the brightest soul!
May every day bring you great experiences!
Let sadness not touch you!
I wish you that all your dreams come true!
Best girlfriends to you! I love you and will always be with you!

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My angel!

My angel, my beloved girl!
On your birthday, I would like to wish you to always keep in your soul that light that makes you special.
May your beauty remain untouched by years or life's difficulties.
Let your tender cheeks not know the bitterness of tears.
Let your hands not know the cold of loneliness.
Let the light always burn in your house and the sound of native voices.
Let the fire of happy love always burn in your heart!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

Attention: publication in open sources is prohibited! All works in this section were purchased and belong to us.

It's quite easy to find on the website. Joyful congratulations from the heart will help you have a pleasant holiday. The usual rules will help you say congratulations. There is no need to choose an overly long congratulation; it will not be interesting to others. Who is interested in waiting too long for the final congratulations? There is no need to choose a congratulatory speech that is too short. Such speech will not be able to fully reveal your feelings. Congratulations must be said at any holiday solemnly, sincerely and clearly. To the readers of the site, each and every one, we would like to wish that the birthday girl and guests will definitely like the wish you were looking for, namely, happy birthday greetings to the girl in your own words. Select your wishes in advance, prepare them, and delight those present and the birthday girl with bright festive greetings!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

Cheerful child
On this wonderful evening!
They brought you a gift
Such a small poem!
Always stay sweet!
Learn! Be smart and beautiful!
Love people and be loved!
Achieve everything and be happy!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

You are still very young, tender,
Like a flower that broke through the ice,
And the weather is all windy and snowy
Gives you strength to live.
Be the same as on this joyful day,
Don't be sad and don't shed tears.
May there always be happiness and sweets
In your home and in your life.

Congratulations to the girl in your own words

Happy birthday to my beloved cutie and beauty! I want you to have a lot of pleasant moments in your life! Let there be a place in life for adventures, gifts and surprises! And if there are troubles, they will only be pleasant ones!

You're a little older today

You've become a little older today. This is a very important event, because you have become a little more mature, I want to congratulate you on this! A lot of new things, pleasant discoveries, new people await you in life. At the beginning of your great journey in life, I wish that life gives you many bright and exciting moments, as well as health, happiness and love!

Wishes for a girl in your own words

When I went to see you for your birthday, I met a tiny fairy. She told me that she will fulfill any wish you make today! I wish you to choose the right desire!

For a 5 year old girl, in your own words

Our sun is clear! You've turned one more year old. I want to wish you to grow up to be a very kind and sympathetic person! May you always remain beautiful, cheerful and happy!

Our young, beautiful girl!

Our young, beautiful lady! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May your life always be sweeter than honey! May good luck and fortune always be with you!

My little flower, my dear, I congratulate you with all my heart. Today is the birthday of the best girl on the planet! Let no storms of life deflect the ship of your destiny from the right course. Let your surroundings support you and give you strength in difficult times of life. Nothing in the world can replace you for me. You are my life treasure, my ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Happy birthday to you, no matter what happens, know I’m nearby! After all, I have never met such sincere children before. May new adventures come into your life every day. Let miracles come to everything and bring with them a piece of happiness that will settle under your pillow. Happy birthday! The brightest day of my life was your birthday. I was pleased with your first steps, your first words, especially when you called me, the sparkles of happiness in your eyes still mean more to me than anything else in the world, I laugh with you and feel sad when you are sad. Congratulations to you, piece of my heart! I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, Happy Birthday! May everything always be fine with you! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and longevity! Always please your parents and study well! A ray of sunlight broke through the horizon and fell to the ground, announcing the coming of a new day. An unusual, special day. After all, today you were born. Beautiful, charming, kind, warm-hearted. Real! Happy birthday to you! I wish that dreams always flutter in your soul like butterflies. So that these dreams lead you into bright and unknown distances. May you always be accompanied on this journey by success, patience, understanding of friends and love of loved ones! May your sweet face never be clouded with sadness, and may there be no place for sadness in your mischievous eyes! May your every moment, every hour, every day and every year be successful and happy! Love, dare, create! Happy holiday to you! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, sweet and naughty. You love to dress up and spend hours standing in front of the mirror. I wish that the prince from the fairy tale finds you after all. You went on an amazing and fabulous journey with him. ©

Our dear girl, we congratulate you on a wonderful birthday. May your life be full of school success, true friendship and places where all your dreams come true instantly. ©

My dear, sunny and unique, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that there are no gloomy days in your life; if it rains, it is only out of happiness. Do not lack anything. Let there be a lot of dolls, games and the most fashionable clothes. All the best to you. ©

Dear and sunny girl, happy birthday to you. You are truly a ray of sunshine. Because where you appear, it immediately becomes warmer and more fun. I wish you eternal warmth in life and only joyful, good events. ©

Oh, what a girl, oh, what a minx, happy birthday and I admire you. May all games be played with fun and enthusiasm, may your studies be easy enough for you. I wish you happiness and health, understanding of your parents. ©

My dear girl, congratulations on a wonderful and sweet birthday. You are becoming more and more beautiful every day. There was a small flower, and now a luxurious, lush, bright flower. Grow up as a happy and successful girl. Good luck in school and good luck. ©