This article tells you how to remove unnecessary inscriptions, blots, ink, mastic, seals and stamps from paper using simple means, and also provides a recipe for invisible ink that completely disappears 6 days after writing

Method 1. Tools for removing / flattening what is written in ink, a regular fountain pen, and stamps.

To make the liquid, take 70% vinegar concentrate (about 1 teaspoon) and a small amount of potassium permanganate in crystalline form (at the tip of a knife). Everything is mixed, the liquid is ready for use.
Under the sheet from which you want to remove something, place a clean, white sheet of paper. Take a brush (the softer and thinner it is than her hair, the better), dip it into the prepared liquid and begin to brush over the inscription until it disappears. At this point the paper acquires a brownish tint; remove it with a piece of cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide (all components are sold at the pharmacy).

Then, the area of ​​the wetted sheet must be ironed with a warm iron. To do this, soft matter is laid down, a clean, white sheet of paper is placed on it, and a sheet from which the inscription has been removed is placed on it and ironed (the surface of the iron must be clean, if there are black spots, then a clean white sheet is placed on top of the wet sheet and ironed) .

Note: This method removes inscriptions better from thin sheets; to remove from thick, dense sheets, it is advisable to use a sharpened match instead of a brush. Wrap a small piece of cotton wool around the sharpened tip (several of these brushes are made because they quickly break down), moisten them in liquid and carefully trace it with a back-and-forth movement along the inscription.
Everything else is done in the same way.

Method 2: Tools for combining (erasing, deleting, outputting) stamps, inscriptions, blots, etc.

Oxalic acid 10 g, citric acid 10 g, water 100 ml. - stir thoroughly.
The stamp or inscription is moistened with this solution with a soft brush 2-3 times, then moistened with clean water using a brush and the etched area is dried with a blotter.

Method 3: Tools for combining stamps, inscriptions, blots, etc.

Hydrochloric acid 10 g, table salt 10 g, water 30 ml. - stir and apply as the previous two products.

Method 4: Removing / flattening blue (purple, red, green) paste, fountain pen ink, stamp mastic.

You need to prepare two solutions:
Solution 1. Potassium permanganate (3-10 g) is added to distilled water (50 ml) at a temperature of 20-30°C in small portions and stirred until completely dissolved. After the solution becomes saturated and the next portion of potassium permanganate no longer dissolves, add glacial acetic acid (50 ml). The solution quickly loses its activity during storage. Prepare immediately before use.
Solution 2. Add 1-2 tablets of hydroperite to distilled water (100 ml) at a temperature of 20-30°C.
Application: Using a thin cotton swab on a glass rod or match, apply solution No. 1 with a light touch to the stain to be removed, starting from the center. DO NOT RUB. After 10-15 seconds the treatment can be repeated. The stain from solution No. 1 is discolored with solution No. 2.

Method 5: Removing / flattening black paste, ink, stamp mastic

The difference from method 4 is that you first remove the first layer of black with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and then proceed in the same way as in the first recipe. When using the method on paper that has a colored protective grid or inscriptions in printing ink of all colors except black, in some cases the color of the dyes may change. It is recommended to carry out preliminary tests on a small area.

Method 6: Mixing ink and stamps

Sodium sulfite or any other substance containing SO3 ion must be mixed with water. The gas released during this process with a sharp unpleasant odor returns the leaf to its original whiteness.

Method 7: How to remove ink stains

1. They can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and ethyl alcohol (in equal proportions).
2. Fresh ink stains can be easily removed with warm fresh milk or curdled milk.

Method 8: Removing stamps from postage stamps
When you send a letter and enclose an answer envelope in it, carefully rub the stamps or postal letters with paraffin (candle). When it is stamped at the post office, the stamp ink will remain on the paraffin. When this letter is returned to you, you will carefully scrape off the paraffin (with a sharp knife or fingernail). Cut out the stamp and soak it in a water bath (steam) or warm water so that the paraffin with the remaining traces of stamp ink comes off. Then dry the stamp, place it between two clean, white sheets of paper and iron it with a warm iron. And the brand is ready. You can stick it on the next envelope.

Method 9: Removing seals from postage stamps
The whole operation is carried out similarly to the first method, only instead of paraffin, laundry soap (preferably white) is used. Rub the postage stamps with it, and when this letter with stamps is returned to you, you can easily remove the seal or stamp from the stamps using laundry bleach and a soft brush, carefully wiping off the stamp ink, then dip the stamp in boiling water, where it will separate from the stamp in a few seconds paper Then dry the stamps and use again with soap.

Method 10. Removing stamps and seals from postage stamps
Postage stamps can be coated with a special layer, from which the stamp ink used to put postage stamps on postage stamps is easily wiped off.
The special layer consists of two parts:
1. Apply a thin layer of PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate emulsion) to the stamp and dry it.
2. Mix acetone and turpentine (1:2.5 ratio), drop castor oil into the mixture (1 drop per 5 ml), stir. Then put pieces of polystyrene foam into it, without stirring them, until you get a homogeneous thick mass. When the liquid mixture no longer remains on the surface of the thick viscous solution, the composition must be mixed and applied in a thin layer to the prepared stamps. After drying, they can be glued to envelopes and sent by mail. When you need to remove a stamp from a stamp, just wipe it with your finger, after breathing on it, or with a damp cotton swab.
Notes: If you do not apply a layer of PVA glue to the stamp, but immediately apply a second layer, then acetone and turpentine may blur the image on the stamp.

If castor oil is not added to the mixture of acetone and turpentine at the beginning, then the second layer will turn out brittle and may crack during stamping; stamp ink gets into the cracks during stamping and will not be removed by simple means.
The best substance for preparing the second composition is, as experience shows, white synthetic porous egg packaging.

The most convenient tool for coating stamps is an old-style dental spatula.
When using stamps, do not put protected stamps together with unprotected ones on the same envelope, because when compared closely they are slightly different from each other.
Once you learn how to apply the second coat in one precise motion, then a layer of PVA will not be necessary.
Note: Composition 2 “compacts” during storage, that is, it separates. Therefore, it is better to use it immediately or a few hours after preparation.

Method 11: recipe for invisible ink that disappears after 6 days after writing

A method for making secret ink that can be used to “seal” solemn agreements: take a willow twig, burn it into coal, then finely grind it or grind it with water on the stove on which painters rub their paints. Then dilute it with water so that the ink becomes capable of writing on a sheet of paper.

Most likely, there is not a single person in the world who has not at least once encountered such a nuisance as ballpoint pen stains in unnecessary places. So is there a truly effective way to deal with this problem?

The answer is clear - way wash a ballpoint pen Yes, but you should take into account the characteristics of the material of the soiled item. Otherwise, the likelihood of not only getting rid of an unnecessary stain increases, but also irreversibly damaging the item.

How to wash paste off a handle from a leatherette sofa or a doll?

In families with small children, the problem of removing stains is especially acute. Children show their artistic talents wherever they can. But the most favorite place for children to create is sofas.

It often happens that a sofa or a kitchen corner ends up with writing written all over it with a pen. What to do if traces of a ballpoint pen appear on leatherette upholstery? There is one effective way wash off pen paste from a sofa or doll. It is necessary to rub the stained area with a slice of lemon, and after the lemon juice has dried, wipe the upholstery of the sofa with cotton wool soaked in lightly salted water.

Ink stains Clean leather items with salt: cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it like that for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe the area where the stain was with a damp sponge or cloth, apply turpentine and polish until shiny.

You should not experiment with alcohol, solvent and oil. Alcohol, of course, will remove stains from the handle, but it will also erase the paint of the upholstery. And the oil will leave greasy stains.

From plastic, for example, from a doll, a ballpoint pen can be easily washed with pharmaceutical alcohol.

It also happens that on linoleum appear ballpoint pen stains. Where? We are of little interest to this now. The main thing is to get rid of this annoying misunderstanding. To remove a stain, you need to rub it with a sponge soaped with ordinary laundry soap. It may take a few minutes, but the stain will definitely come off.

How to remove ink stains from clothes?

It often happens that they also appear on clothes. ink stains from a ballpoint pen. You can try withdraw them with baking soda. It is necessary to wet the stain with water and sprinkle with soda. Leave until dry. Then just rinse. But this method is effective provided that the stain is relatively fresh.

Fresh ink stains on wool can be removed by immediately washing the stained area with water, or even better, by adding 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda to the water.

In case of stains from a ballpoint pen on clothes, a solution is very effective: glycerin + ethyl alcohol in equal proportions (you can buy them at the pharmacy). Using a cotton swab dipped in the solution, remove the contamination.

Ink stains from clothes can also be removed with a solution of ammonia or citric acid (from white and colored thin fabrics).

Remove old ink stains from wool and natural silk with a mixture of five parts denatured alcohol and two parts glycerin.

How to remove a ballpoint pen from fabric and wallpaper?

The methods listed above will help, including remove the ballpoint pen from wallpaper and fabric. On white surfaces, ink stains are neutralized by hydrogen peroxide. However, it should not be used on colored fabrics and wallpaper, so as not to discolor the item itself.

Another headache for parents is drawings on the wallpaper... Turpentine will help solve this problem. The area written with a ballpoint pen must be rubbed with turpentine. And after 20 minutes, wipe with cotton wool soaked in plain water. It is only necessary to carry out the last manipulation as quickly as possible, since there is a high risk of rubbing the wallpaper to holes.

Upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery can be saved from stains using nail polish remover. Just be sure to look at the bottle: it should be marked that the liquid does not contain acetone. Use a soft cloth soaked in nail polish remover to wipe the stained area. This must be done carefully, otherwise the upholstery may peel off.

From paper and wallpaper ballpoint pen is washed using alcohol and a cotton swab.

Using the tips described above, you can save your favorite things without spending work and a lot of money.

Paperwork requires care and caution. After all, it happens that one mistake affects the work performed over a long time.

Therefore, very often, office workers, students and students are concerned about the problem: how to erase a pen from paper without leaving a trace. Difficulties can be solved using different options.

Let's start with the fact that pens are produced in different types:

  • ball;
  • gel.

For each type, a way is selected to remove an unnecessary element of the written text. We must remember that strict adherence to the rules and maximum attention to work will not complicate the process.

Let's try to figure out how to remove ink from paper without leaving a trace. The following methods will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Cleaning text using salt and soda

To clean text elements, you need to have baking soda and salt. The ingredients are mixed equally. The resulting composition is distributed on a clean, dry, flat surface.

On top of the contents is a sheet with an inscription made in pen. The written part is positioned so that it lies on the prepared mixture. Glass with a hole made the same size as the ink drawing is placed on top of the sheet.

Afterwards, concentrated citric acid is drawn into a syringe and applied in small drops to the area to be removed. In this case, the contours of the written text are taken into account.

It destroys ink well. A mixture made from soda and salt has an immediate reaction to the interaction between the stain remover and the paste.

Hydrochloric acid and table salt

Removal is perfectly accomplished with a composition that includes table salt and hydrochloric acid.

The number of ingredients includes:

  • table salt – 2 tsp;
  • clean water – 30 ml;
  • hydrochloric acid – 10 ml.

First, salt is mixed with water, then hydrochloric acid is added to the contents. Apply the mixture with a brush. After the text disappears, the treated area should be moistened with water using a cotton pad. The cleaned sheet is dried in a room where there is excellent ventilation or in the fresh air.

How to deal with gel pen stains

This type of pen is very comfortable when writing. It happens that they can leak too. The question arises: “How to erase a gel pen?”

It is slightly different from the ball one. It has a special paint that is more difficult to deal with.

To reduce the consequences of sloppy writing you must have:

  • table salt;
  • mustard;
  • lemon;
  • valerian;
  • soda;
  • ethyl, ammonia;
  • glycerol.

Methods for cleaning gel pens.

  1. You can take a stain remover. To do this, you need to mix vinegar with potassium permanganate. You will need one teaspoon of vinegar, potassium permanganate - on the tip of a knife. A thick white sheet is placed under the written paper. Apply the prepared solution to the inscription with a cotton swab. This will remove the ink from the paper, but will leave a small mark of brownish-pink color. It can be removed by ironing the desired area with a warm iron. Place a soft cloth under the sheet and a clean sheet on top.
  2. White mixed with water removes gel pen marks well. Using a cotton swab, carefully treat the desired area. This method is not suitable for colored paper.

How to erase a ballpoint pen

When preparing important documents, it may be necessary to correct an inscription made using a ballpoint pen. Sometimes, children require such steps from their parents by coloring important papers. What should you use in this situation?

If a person is really interested in the process of how to erase pen from paper, he must complete it, adhering to the rules.

The old method, which is performed using a blade, is very popular. Unnecessary inscriptions should be removed carefully. The blade must be sharp and new.

Use the corner of the blade to clean a certain area. The sheet should lie perpendicular to the plate. The paper fibers remaining after stripping are trimmed with a blade. The plate is pressed against the sheet. It is necessary to monitor movements so as not to make unnecessary cuts. Then rub the cleaned area with an eraser. This method is more suitable for thick paper.

Another option is to use a rubber band with abrasive particles. She carefully erases the pen's writing from the paper. To keep the surface smooth, you can smooth the treated area with your fingernail.

In addition, ultraviolet light is used. The process will take several days. A sheet of paper lies under the sun's rays. Text that does not need to be deleted is covered with a blank sheet. Ink fades in sunlight. The remaining paste can be removed using the methods described above.

How to clean pen marks

A ballpoint pen can be cleaned, but you should pay attention to the material and its features.

Young children can show their talents all around. Their favorite place is the sofa. After which parents worry about how to remove the ink.

Salt is most suitable for this case. The pasta needs to be covered with salt, only in a thick layer. The salt remains on the damaged area for two days. Then the area is wiped with a damp cloth, smeared with turpentine and cleaned.

How can you reduce ink writing?

To solve this problem, natural and chemical means are used.

How to erase ink using natural methods?

Natural remedies include oxalic and citric acid, which you can prepare yourself. Add half a glass of water and mix everything.

To apply the mixture you will need a soft thin brush. The text is blurred several times. Then the treated area should be moistened with water and dried with a napkin.

Baking soda and salt are always found at home and will come in handy during difficulties.

Sick leave can be corrected with a solution made from 70% vinegar, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. Vinegar, in an amount of 30 g, is mixed with potassium permanganate until it turns dark purple. The area to be cleaned is lubricated with the liquid. Then, with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, the remaining inscriptions are blotted.


Many people are interested in the question of how to remove ink from paper using chemical means. Acetone helps a lot. This is a powerful solvent that can remove any stains.

To remove ink stains, it is better to use a cosmetic product used for nail polish remover. It does not have such a strong concentrate as acetone, and it is available in every home.

To ensure that the removal area is invisible, apply the solution in small drops and then blot with a paper napkin.

Another handy method is hydrogen peroxide. You need to use a twenty percent solution. It is applied to the cleaned area with a cotton pad or cotton swab.

After applying the product, you need to dry the area with a paper towel. It absorbs the contents of the stain well. After the stain disappears, the sheet should be dried with a paper napkin.

Marks are removed with a mixture of ethyl alcohol and glycerin. Glycerin is heated and mixed with alcohol equally. The solution is applied exactly to the text.

The methods listed above are always useful at home.

You will need

  • ammonia;
  • nail polish or makeup remover;
  • milk;
  • lemon juice;
  • mustard powder;
  • gasoline soap;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • white;
  • cotton swab.


Make a solution of ammonia and water; to do this, add one teaspoon of alcohol to a glass of water. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the stain. Instead of ammonia, you can use a solution of white spirit or acetone. If you heat it in a water bath, the effect will be better. Then iron the stain through wet gauze. This is a good method for linen or cotton fabrics. It is possible that after exposure to this product, stains will remain on the tissue, which can be removed with a 10% ammonia solution by moistening a cotton swab in it. It is advisable to check in advance whether the paint on the fabric is resistant to ammonia.

If the ink is fresh, soak the fabric in warm sour milk for several hours. After this, wash the clothes in a soapy solution, adding a little ammonia to it. Warm milk is also good for removing ink stains from velvet fabric.

Soak a cotton swab in lemon juice and place it on the stain for a few minutes. Then rub until the ink disappears. Do not use this method on whites as it may leave stains.

Wipe the ink stain with a soap solution or aviation gasoline, then wipe off the remaining traces with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrochloric acid (2%). This method works well for wool or silk items. Silk stains can be removed with mustard. Make a paste of mustard powder with water and apply. After a couple of hours, scrape it off and wash the item in cold water.

If you don't have the above mentioned products on hand, try spraying hairspray on the ink. Rub with regular soap and rinse in cold water. Use makeup or nail polish remover instead of polish.

Make a paste of baking soda and water and place it on the stain for a few minutes. Rinse off the soda and wash the item. Baking soda removes ballpoint pen paste well and leaves no residue. Using it, you can not be afraid of damaging even very delicate fabric.

Try washing the item using special detergents or stain removers. If chlorine-containing products can be used on white items, soak them in bleach or another bleaching agent. Chlorine is a corrosive substance, so use it carefully. Check the label on your clothing to make sure that these products can be used. Choose the amount and concentration of whiteness carefully.

Ink stains are removed from leather items with salt. Sprinkle salt on the paste marks and leave for a few days. Shake it off and wipe the skin with a sponge soaked in turpentine. You can also use glycerin. Rub warm glycerin into the stain, but be careful - light spots may remain.

It is very easy to make a blot in a school notebook or make a mistake when filling out a document, but eliminating an unnecessary letter or blot without notice is not an easy task. How to erase pen from paper without leaving marks? To effectively clean a sheet of paper from traces of ink, you will have to be patient, because it is not always possible to tear out a damaged notebook sheet or fill out a new document. There are some tricks that you can use to easily get rid of unnecessary recordings. In our article we will tell you how to remove pen paste from paper quickly and efficiently, while maintaining the integrity of the document.

Is it possible to remove ink from paper without leaving a trace at home?

It doesn’t really matter how you made the mistake: bustle at work, a bad grade in your diary, a typo when filling out an important document, drawings of small children on your wallpaper or in your passport. Clearly, such consequences need to be dealt with somehow. There are several ways to get a good result, but before you use one of the remedies we suggest, pay attention to two important factors:

  • Type of paper - thick, thin, glossy or fleecy.
  • The special feature of the ink is for fountain or ballpoint pens.

Perhaps you have once come across the opinion that there is no way to erase pen from paper without leaving marks. This is explained by the fact that incorrectly selected methods may not only not help in solving the problem, but may aggravate it even more. To prevent this from happening, it is important to consider the type of ink you need to get rid of.

Types of ink

Ink is a so-called liquid dye that comes in different colors. The composition of ink pastes is almost the same for all types of pens, but there are some differences that affect the process of removing it from paper:

  • Ink for fountain pens has a thick, viscous consistency. As a rule, the inscription produced with such a paste is of a rich dark shade and has a matte surface. Because of these properties, removing blots from a thin sheet is a very painstaking task, and sometimes even overwhelming.
  • Ballpoint pen ink is the most popular product. The consistency of the paste is liquid; the inscription may have a slight shine. Thanks to these qualities, it is much easier to remove blots on documents.
  • Gel ink, very common among schoolchildren. Ink gets its name from the gel-like shiny pastes that it consists of.
  • Capillary pens or ink, in other words markers and felt-tip pens. Their paste contains alcohol, and the outline of the line is bold and rich.

How to erase gel pen from paper without leaving marks?

The following information will be very useful for schoolchildren who like to color and highlight everything in their notebook, and sometimes in a book. It doesn’t matter which pen you use: red or black. It is also quite often recommended to use gel pastes to fill out documents, because in this case the font has a rich color and does not smear during writing.

Important! Before using any chosen remedy, try its effect on a similar sheet. Apply the same ink and try to remove it on the “draft”. If one option doesn't work, try another. This will prevent you from making another mistake and completely ruining an important document.

How to remove ink from paper using manganese and peroxide?

Want to know how to remove gel pen from paper without leaving marks? To do this, you will need medications that can always be found in your home medicine cabinet.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix manganese and peroxide in a small glass container until it becomes a paste.
  2. Carefully apply the resulting product to the inscription you want to get rid of.
  3. After five seconds, dip a cotton swab in the peroxide and, without any effort, remove the mixture.

Important! When removing the product, do not press on the cotton swab so as not to damage the paper.

  1. Also remove the dark mark on the treated area with peroxide. To do this, prepare a clean cotton swab or roll up a small roll of cotton wool, dip it in the liquid and blot the mark.
  2. Finally, place the cleaned sheet between two clean ones and iron it with an iron.

Manganese and acetic acid

An excellent way to erase ink from paper without leaving a trace with a proven result is to use acetic acid and manganese.

Mode of application:

  1. In a shallow glass container, combine potassium permanganate and acetic acid. The end result should be a rich purple solution.

Important! Don't worry about the color of the liquid - the mark will disappear from the white sheet without leaving any residue.

  1. Using a cotton swab, apply the colored solution to the ink and wait until it dries completely.
  2. Finally, use a cotton swab dipped in peroxide to remove stains from the manganese-acetic liquid.

How to remove pen paste from paper mechanically?

Minor blots in the document can be corrected mechanically. To do this, prepare a sharp blade and an eraser.

Important! This method is universal and can be used for any type of ink.

Cleaning method:

  1. Using gentle pressure, rub the ink with the abrasive side of the eraser.

Important! If there is no abrasive side on the eraser, just wet the tip a little.

  1. When the writing has faded, use the tip of the blade to rub away the ink mark.

Important! When using the blade, do not press down on the paper to avoid cutting the document.

  1. Remove any paper dust and smooth out any roughness with your fingernail.

How to remove ballpoint pen ink from a document?

Ballpoint pens are the most common stationery product. The cost of pens is insignificant, so most offices and other businesses use them. Amid the hustle and bustle of work and haste, a situation very often occurs when you accidentally write a different name on a form, make a small blot, or put a tick in the wrong place. At the level of disaster, accidents are perceived when ink flows onto an important document. What to do in this situation? Is it possible and how to remove a ballpoint pen from paper without leaving marks? In the modern world, nothing is impossible for people who are looking for answers. There may be several options for subsequent actions.

How to erase pen from paper using chlorine-containing liquid?

To whiten a white blouse or shirt, experienced housewives use the time-tested “Whiteness” product. If you follow some rules, you can also use the product to whiten ink on paper. Before applying liquid to an important document, perform a small test.

Checking the paper's reaction to liquid:

  1. Drop one drop of “Whiteness” from a pipette onto paper of a similar type.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes for the liquid to act.
  3. If the paper does not turn yellow, you can apply the product on the main sheet.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour some white into a glass container.
  2. Using a pipette, place 2-3 drops onto the inscription. The ink should disappear from exposure to chlorine.

Important! If there is a slight mark on the surface, rub it with an eraser.

How to remove a ballpoint pen from paper using nail polish remover?

If you urgently need to erase the pen from the paper without leaving a trace, but you don’t have the necessary products at hand, use nail polish remover. Acetone, which is part of the product, will effectively dissolve the ink blot.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in the liquid.
  2. Lightly rub the damaged area of ​​paper.
  3. Leave the sheet until completely dry.

Important! This method is suitable for removing fresh traces of ink.

How to remove pen from paper without traces of citric or oxalic acid?

Acids that are suitable for food use are old, proven helpers for removing marks from paper, including wallpaper. To get rid of unnecessary recording, it is enough to prepare a special composition.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix citric or oxalic acid in equal proportions with water.

Important! Thoroughly dissolve the acid until a liquid without grains is obtained.

  1. Use a cotton swab to apply the product to the blot.
  2. Leave the piece of paper to dry, after blotting the wet areas with a clean, dry cloth.

Important! As an alternative, you can use hydrochloric acid by first mixing it with saline solution in the following proportions: 1 part hydrochloric acid, 1 part salt and 3 parts water.

How to erase pen from paper with glycerin?

Are you looking for a way to remove ballpoint pen ink from paper? To do this, prepare a small amount of liquid glycerin and medical alcohol.

Mode of application:

  1. Glycerin and alcohol must be mixed thoroughly.
  2. Using a cotton swab or a rolled roller, apply the resulting product to the inscription.

Important! For best results, the product must be applied immediately after preparation.

  1. Iron the cleaned document between two clean sheets of paper.

How to remove ink from paper with stain remover?

Modern means for removing stains from clothes can make the process of cleaning a document easier. For these purposes, you can use a Vanish type stain remover. The principle of applying the product is similar to those described above.

You have seen that there are a large number of ways to remove ink from paper, and each of the methods described above affects pen paste differently. Perhaps you need to remove an incorrect number on a certificate, or remove a spot from a sick leave certificate. When getting rid of unnecessary inscriptions, be patient, because the process is quite painstaking and time-consuming. As a result of the work done, all mistakes will be a thing of the past.