Goals and objectives: support a caring attitude towards the woman - the mother, strengthening the foundations of the importance of the family and the role of the mother - the housewife, intercessor, and keeper of the family hearth. An expression of love, reverence and respect for the hard-working mother.


1. Improving the relationship between parents in the person of the mother.

2. Fostering a sense of devotion to the mother and her importance in the family.

3. Formation of a respectful and caring attitude towards the dearest person - mother.

Preparing for class:

1. Selection of materials for the script (poems, songs, parables, proverbs).

2. Invitation to a gathering of mothers and grandmothers.

3. Prepare original congratulation cards.

4. Photo of the presentation:

a) beloved grandmother's eyes

b) mommy - beloved

5. Multimedia - presentation:

"We are mother's boys"

6. Design of the “Five for Mom” stand.

7. Miniatures “About my beloved mother.” Essays, poems.

8. Songs about mother: T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mother’s Eyes”, T. Povaliy - “To Mommy”.

The main word in any language.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it.

It is the source of everything.

Get up! I'll pronounce it:

“Mother” Rasul Gamzatov


Presenter: Today we are conducting a class hour on a very special topic, today we will talk about the dearest person who not only gave us life, but always thinks about us, cares, helps, protects, loves and hopes that we will be healthy and happy, we are talking about mom. Listen and think about the words of the poet:

I'm in the cradle -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am at the wedding -

sing me a song, mom.

I became a hero -

sing me a song, mom.

I was betrayed -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am in the grave -

sing me a song, mom.

They forgot me -

sing me a song, mom!

What these lines mean is clear to everyone. Mom is shelter in bad weather, warmth in cold weather, a cool breeze in hot weather, a healing bandage for a wound, light in the night, mom is life, pure unselfish love...

Song by T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mom’s Eyes”.

There is a tour of the photo presentation - “Mommy's Beloved”.

Readers' speech:

1. Who do we meet first?

Coming into the world -

So this is our mommy

She's no cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it.

She's been trying all her life

Save us from troubles

She is a pillar of strength in the house.

Busts every hour

And there is no one else.

Who would love us so much

So more happiness for her

And she will live longer

And joy is her lot

And less sad things to do.

2. I do everything for my mother:

I play scales for her

I go to the doctor for her

I teach mathematics

All the boys climbed into the river

I was sitting alone on the beach

For her after illness

I didn’t even swim in the river.

3. I wash my hands for her,

I’m eating some carrots...

Only now we are apart

Mom in the city of Priluka

Fifth day on a business trip

And today the whole evening

I have nothing to do

And, probably out of habit

Or maybe out of boredom

I put matches in place

And for some reason I wash my hands.

4. Mom, very, very

I love you

I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka.

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love you

Here comes the dawn

It's already dawn

No one in the world

There is no better mother.

5. I love you so much

I need you

And at any hour and any day

Has always been with me

I love you so much that I can't even say it

But I don't like it when

Your eyes are in tears.

6. I love you so much

At least go around the whole world

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no one more tender than you

There is no kinder you

There is no one more beloved than you,

No one


My mother

My mother.

7. If you offended your mother, ask for forgiveness

It’s a sin to offend her family

God gave her great patience

I'll worry about you all my life.

Host: And I want to remind you of an old parable: a young man fell in love with a proud beauty, who told him that she would love him only when he brought her his mother’s heart. The young man killed his mother, tore out her heart and carried it to the beauty, he was in a hurry, tripped, almost fell, and his mother’s heart carefully asked: “Son, are you hurt?”

Multimedia presentation:

"We are mother's boys."

Presentation of greeting cards and creative works to the mothers present.

Host: And of course, today we cannot help but say kind and affectionate words about those who gave life to our mothers and fathers - these are our beloved grandmothers. Mom's grandmothers, father's grandmothers, caring, thrifty, always ready to help you, because it is known for sure that they love their grandchildren more even than their own children. Grandmothers will always help with good advice, feed you delicious pies and buns, and understand and judge all your troubles. And modern grandmothers are wise, literate, well-read, beautiful women who are fluent in a foreign language, computer, photography, and the Internet. Is there really such an area of ​​science or economics that our grandmothers could not figure out? Thank you dear, kind women.

And with all my heart, on behalf of your children and grandchildren, I want to say these words

You, as always, are full of worries

After all, life was not easy,

Oh, so many hard, hard days

It passed through your heart,

You deserve joy in life

Many days are already ahead

So be happy and healthy

And every day and every hour

Photo presentation: “Beloved grandmother’s eyes.”

Performance by mothers and grandmothers.

Song by T. Povaliy - “Mommy”.

Conclusion: There is an old saying: “A mother carries her child under her heart for nine months and next to her heart all her life.” Always remember this, do not offend your mothers, they are not eternal, take care of them. Say kind words to your mothers, not only on the day of the holiday, but constantly. Take care of them, protecting them from worry and troubles.

If you want, I’ll tell you one secret: mothers love flowers very much. And even if you are not able to buy her luxurious roses, bring her a modest bouquet of daisies on a summer day. And your mother will smile so much in response to your gift that this radiant smile will forever remain in your memory! And perhaps, in an hour of despondency and sadness, when there is no one nearby who could support you, you will remember your mother’s smile, and a heavy burden will roll off your shoulders, and your heart will feel so light! On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness, and affection.

Thank you dear, proud, strong, gentle! Always live with faith and hope, and, of course, with great love. We wish you health, peace and prosperity. Be happy!

Host: Thank you, dear grandmothers and mothers, for taking the time to come and rejoice with us on your holiday.

Let every day

You will be bright

Let your heart

Will be generous

We sincerely wish you happiness

In work - joyful victories,

May all misfortunes pass you by,

It's as if they don't exist in nature.

Mother's Day holiday for primary schoolchildren. Topic: Love for the motherland begins with love for the mother

Target: to form in children a sense of respect for their mother.


Involve all children in the celebration, reveal (if possible) the abilities of each child;

Develop class organizational abilities;

Develop teamwork skills;

Form a respectful attitude towards each other;

Form correct self-esteem and the ability to reflect.

Preliminary work:

1. Divide the children into teams.

2. Introduce the terms of the competition and distribute responsibilities.

3. Design a wall newspaper.

4. Prepare the guys’ performances:


Dance (comic number “Tick-tock, walkers”).

Think about what the costumes should be like.

5. Learn two songs with the guys: “Mama” by V. Gavrilin and “Song of the Baby Mammoth.”

6. Listen to the poems the children learned according to the script.

7. Prepare (during labor lessons) together with the children crafts - gifts for mothers, in order to present them at the holiday as a sign of gratitude and love.

8. Help children draw portraits of their mothers (you can do it in an art lesson) for the exhibition of drawings “Our mothers are the most beautiful” for the holiday.

9. Prepare soundtracks of cheerful melodies to accompany competitions.

Equipment and props: tape recorder, cassettes (discs); decorations for the class - posters with words of congratulations and a poster with the words “Our mothers are the most beautiful”, “portraits” of mothers; fountain pens and paper; wall newspaper; shreds and needles; potatoes and knives; 2 landscape sheets and 2 markers.

Musical arrangement: recordings of funny songs or melodies; song by A. Varum “Mom”; music for the dance “Tick-tock, walkers”; the melody of the song “Mama” by V. Gavrilin and “Songs of the Baby Mammoth”.

Progress of the event

Children sit opposite each other, forming 2 teams. Three readers come out.

1st reader. Mom is the most respected, dearest and beloved person.

2nd reader. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. And a person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best that is in a person comes from his mother.

3rd reader. We will forever glorify

That woman whose name is Mother.

5 readers come out.

4th reader. Dear mothers and grandmothers! We have invited you to this evening to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you.

5th reader. The first word a person utters is “mother.” It is addressed to the one who gave him life.

6th reader.

We are getting married. There comes a time for everything.

But from a young age until my death

With the beating of the heart forever beating in us

The word “Mom” born of love.

7th reader.

It burns like a good star

Out of thousands of words, a special word...

They don’t age him, the years don’t make him smaller,

It is always both reverent and new.

8th reader. Mom is the child’s first teacher and friend, and the closest one at that. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from harm. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother.

The readers take their places. The choir performs V. Gavrilin’s song “Mama”.

1st reader.

Collect for mom

A job like this

So that all the work

What he did around the house:

And washed and ironed,

Fried and boiled

And the floors in the apartment

Swept and washed.

Leading. We are in eternal, unpayable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love her dearly, respect her, take care of her, and do not hurt her mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind and sensitive, responsive to her. Your mother expects constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, and kind words from you.

How nice it is to see children helping their mother: cleaning the apartment, going to the store, washing clothes, preparing dinner. Don't believe your mom that she doesn't need your help. Make her life easier as much as you can. And she will be happy.

So, 1st competition. Now we will actually check how you have learned to help your mothers.

Each team needs three volunteers who know how to peel potatoes.

Potatoes need to be peeled not only quickly, but also carefully, without cutting yourself and leaving as little waste as possible.

The highest score for the competition is 5 points, and your parents will evaluate you.

Conducting the competition, summing up the results. The readers come out.

1st reader.

Oh, the faith of our mothers,

Forever knowing no limits.

Holy, reverent faith

In us, growing children.

2nd reader.

She is like light in a birch forest,

Nothing in the world will erase:

Not one in the diary,

Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.

3rd reader.

Mothers are such a people -

They sigh, looking at us with a long gaze:

“Let them get mad, it will pass.”

And again they believe, believe, believe.

4th reader.

Only mothers believe this way,

Demanding and patient.

And - not loud - they

They don't think it's a wonder.

5th reader.

I just don’t care about the year

Their faith, reverent and tender!

But we don’t always

We justify their hopes.

Leading. We continue to check which of you is better able to help your mothers. The next competition is for girls, although perhaps there will be some who are interested among the boys. Each team needs one person who knows how to quickly and efficiently sew up holes.

Team members come out.

Leading. You will begin to sew up the two holey patches at my signal.

A competition is held and the skills of the competitors are assessed.

Leading. And now we invite our mothers to join the competition. We offer you the test “Are you a good housewife?” For each “yes” the participant receives one point. There are 14 questions in total. And you guys, at this time, come up with as many kind and warm words about your mother as possible.

Test questions:

1. Do you record your income and expenses?

2. Do you save some money for large purchases?

3. Can you quickly prepare dinner if you have unexpected guests?

4. Can you cook the ten simplest dishes in half an hour?

5. Do you often don’t have enough money before payday, even though you haven’t made any major purchases?

6. Do you always know what is currently missing in the household: oil, salt, matches, etc.?

7. Do you shop in reserve?

8. Do you often throw away stale food, or is this an emergency for you?

9. Does your family have a savings book?

10. Do you clean your apartment every week on certain days or occasionally?

11. Do you know exactly where things are stored that you are temporarily not using?

12. Does the sight of unwashed dishes irritate you?

13. Does the whole family help you when cleaning?

14. Do you manage to find about twenty minutes in the morning to have a quiet breakfast and spend time on yourself (hair, manicure, makeup, etc.)?

Let's summarize the test results.

10-14 points. You run your farm in an exemplary manner. It's amazing how so many talents coexist in one woman! You must have a lot of patience and time, or you must be a good organizer.

6-9 points. You are a skilled housewife, but sometimes you allow yourself to deviate from strict rules. It's not bad. Order in the house is important, but not the only thing.

0-5 points. Housekeeping is not your greatest passion. Apparently you are stronger in something else. But don’t be embarrassed - it’s never too late to learn the art of home economics. Start today.

Leading. Now let’s hold a competition of affectionate and warm words about mom. I hope you were well prepared while the moms were answering the questions. Each team takes turns saying one word. Words, of course, should not be repeated.

A competition is being held.

6th reader.

Beautiful mothers - there are many of you in the world,

You look into the eyes openly and directly.

No matter how far the road takes us,

We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

7th reader.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And a kind mother forgives all this,

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

8th reader.

Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly,

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Leading. We will hold a “Lucky Chance” competition. Both teams participate. The one that gives the most correct answers in 5 minutes will win.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Which note is not needed for compote? (Salt.)

2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach.)

3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can, in the form of a piece of ice.)

4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare.)

5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)

6. Bird of prey at night. (Owl.)

7. Frill on the dress. (Shuttlecock.)

8. The largest state in South America. (Brazil.)

9. What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (ABC.)

10. Variety of noodles. (Vermicelli.)

11. The bird that flies to us first in the spring. (Rook.)

12. Which city “flies”? (Eagle.)

13. Sense of proportion, ability to behave in society. (Tact.)

14. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station.)

15. Which wing never flies? (Car fender.)

16. Fruit of a tropical palm tree. (Coconut.)

17. Birch bark basket. (Box.)

18. Hidden treasures. (Treasury)

19. Smooth shiny surface that gives reflection. (Mirror.)

20. A plot of land for growing vegetables. (Garden.)

21. Sleeveless women's dress. (Sundress.)

22. Old Russian prince, the legend of which was used by A.S. Pushkin for one of his works. (Oleg.)

Questions for Team II:

1. What part of the word can be found in the ground? (Root.)

2. Where is Death Valley? (In California.)

3. Liquid that adds shine to the surface being treated. (Vac.)

4. Water in gaseous state. (Steam.)

5. A fur coat made of skin with fur on the outside and inside. (Doha.)

6. Garden bulbous plant with narrow leaves and large white or yellow flowers. (Narcissus.)

7. Simultaneous move of the king and rook in chess. (Castling.)

8. Patterned stripe, a type of embroidery on fabric. (Hemstitch.)

9. Equilateral rectangle. (Square.)

10. Fermented baked milk. (Varenets.)

11. The top layer of the rind of citrus fruits. (Zest.)

12. Hero of Russian folk puppet shows. (Parsley.)

13. Place on the square for trade. (Bazaar.)

14. Lint-free carpet. (Palace.)

15. Paper bag. (Envelope.)

16. Break between acts of the play, sections of the concert. (Intermission.)

17. Place of performance in the circus. (Arena.)

19. Magazine founded by A. S. Pushkin. ("Contemporary".)

20. A bright green mineral used for crafts. (Malachite.)

21. Single-celled fungi used in winemaking, brewing, and baking. (Yeast.)

22. A chemical element that, due to the color of its vapors, received its name from the Greek word for “violet.” (Iodine.)

A competition is held, the results are summed up, and points are calculated.

Then the game “Find Your Mother” is played: the mothers line up in one line, the child is blindfolded with a scarf, and he must guess his mother by touch. Then a child from the other team does the same, only before this the mothers change places.

Performance by children studying at a music school who prepared a special musical number.

Leading. And now we will hold a “Draw Your Mother” competition.

A competition is being held: One person from each team draws a portrait of their mother with a felt-tip pen held in their teeth. The skill of portrait painters is assessed.

Leading. However, our guys also drew real portraits of their mothers. We invite you to our cool exhibition.

A "tour" is given. Then a child studying at a music school performs.

Leading. There are many proverbs and sayings about mom. The guys prepared some of them.

When the sun is warm, and when mother is good.

The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

There is no friend like your own mother.

The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices at the mother.

Mother is the head of every business.

Without a father, one is half an orphan, and without a mother, one is all an orphan.

The child's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt.

If you make scrambled eggs for your mother, even in your own palm, then you will be in her debt.

Leading. Guys, after these words, let’s give our mothers our crafts, gifts and portraits. You tried so hard to make them happy.

Children give gifts to mothers. Then the “Baby Mammoth Song” is performed.

Leading. And now it’s time to sum up the results of the competition. The team won, it has points, but let’s congratulate both teams with applause. And in conclusion, watch the comic dance number “Tick-tock, walkers” prepared by the guys.

The dance “Tick-tock, walkers” is performed.

Leading. And in conclusion, I want to wish that you guys, with the least desire, strive to help your mothers not only in competitions, but also at home.

The song “Mama” by A. Varum is playing.

The holiday can end with tea.

Scenario for Mother's Day for primary school

Goals: cultivate love and attention to the closest person - to the mother;

Create conditions for the realization of the creative potential of each child;

Foster friendliness and mutual assistance.


    newspaper "My mother is the best!" (with photographs of mothers)

    children's drawings for mothers "Flowers for the holiday"

    gifts from children

    lyrics for parents.


A waltz sounds and the children dance.
Teacher: Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother...
Mother's Day in Russia was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. You can talk about your mother always and forever, without ever getting tired.
And we will dedicate our holiday today to her, and we will speak all the words of love and tenderness not only now, but throughout our lives.

Children sing Mammoth's song.

Congratulations to children in verse.
1. Today we have gathered to tell our mothers:
Together: Thanks a lot!
2. Thank you for your work!
3. For sleepless nights at our children's beds!
4. For your patience during our training!
5. On behalf of all children we say:
Together: Our deepest bow to you, our dear mothers!

1. November walks through the yards
In the rays of coolness and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers
And we are pleased with this.

2. From the bottom of my heart in simple words
Let's talk about mom, friends.
We love her like a good friend
Because she and I have everything together.

3. Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.
We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, tears will disappear.

4. For always being straightforward and straightforward
We can trust her with our hearts.
And simply because she is our mother.
We love her dearly and dearly!

5. Who do we meet first?
Coming into the world, -
So this is our mommy
She's no cuter.

6. All life revolves around her,
Our whole world is warmed by it,
She's been trying all her life
Save us from troubles.

7. She is a support in the house,
It's busy every hour.
And there is no one else who would love us so much.

8. So there will be more happiness for her,
And life is longer,
And joy is her lot,
And less sad things to do!

9. Today we will play games
We will sing and dance for you.
It’s a pleasure for us to be here,
all: Thank you, moms, for existing!

1 competition “Translators”
Teacher: And now some memories. Dear mothers, do you remember when your children were little. They were just learning to speak, their words turned out awkward, clumsy, funny. Those around them did not understand the children well, and you often had to act as translators. And it turned out something like this...
(3 boys are invited, they receive notes with tongue twisters. Each child puts 2-3 candies in his mouth, chews them, but does not swallow. Then everyone takes turns pronouncing the tongue twister written in the note. Mothers must “translate” what they understand.)

2nd competition “Lullaby”
Teacher: Now remember how the children were capricious and did not want to sleep. And my mother’s voice is so dear and gentle. A person recognizes it among many - the voice of his mother. Every mother has her own lullaby, but they are all filled with love for her child. Come on, moms, remember and sing one of them.

Moms sing a lullaby"Tired toys are sleeping"

1. Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping.
Blankets and pillows are waiting for the guys.
Even a fairy tale goes to bed,
So that we can dream about it at night.
Wish her bye-bye.

2. Be sure to do housework at this hour
A dream walks quietly and quietly near us.
It's getting darker outside the window, the morning is wiser than the night.
Close your eyes, bye-bye.

3. Bye bye, all people should sleep at night.
Bye-bye, tomorrow will be another day.
We were very tired during the day,
Let's say good night to everyone.
Close your eyes, bye-bye.

3rd competition “Pantomime”
Teacher: we continue our competition program. Guys, you have gradually grown up and have already begun to learn your first children's poems with your mothers. And when you confused the lines, your mothers tried to tell you.
How did they do it? So, the mother receives a note with the beginning of the poem and a pantomime hint showing the movements of the characters in the poem, and her child guesses and recites the poem to the end.

    “The bull is walking, swinging...”
    “They dropped Mishka on the floor...”
    “The owner abandoned the bunny...”
    “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”
    “Teddy bear...”

Game "Take Your Place"

Teacher: There is no person in the world who would not want to be next to his mother as a child, listen to her voice, fall asleep to her songs, listen to poems and fairy tales.

4th competition “In the world of fairy tales”
Teacher: Indeed, all mothers once read fairy tales to you, and now we will test their memory and observation skills. You need to answer questions about fairy tales:
1. Which fairy tale first shows the mechanism of family contracting? (“Turnip”)
2. How many times did the old man go to the sea in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? What did the net bring and what did the old man ask for? (The old man went to the sea six times: a net came with only mud, the first time he went - a net came with sea grass, a net came with one fish; the second time - he asked for a trough, the third time - a hut, the fourth - his wife wants to be a pillar noblewoman, the fifth - a free queen, for the sixth time - the mistress of the sea.)
3. Which fairy tale talks about the poor work of the director, his evil character and the plight of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key.”)
4. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)
5. What were the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”? (Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister, Wolf-clicking teeth, Bear.)

Teacher: And now guys, we will praise our mother. (the word “Mom” is pronounced by everyone together)

    The sun is brighter for me - mom!
    Peace and happiness for me - mom!
    The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - mother!
    The call of the flying cranes is mother!
    The spring has clean water - mother!
    There is a bright star in the sky - mom!
    Let the songs ring everywhere
    About our beloved mothers.
    We are for everything, for all relatives
    We say "Thank you!"

Waltz of Friendship (mothers with children)

6th competition “Find your mother’s hands”
Teacher Every mother strokes her child many times since childhood, her hands are so warm and tender. Now you need to form 2 circles: in one - mothers of girls, in the other - mothers of boys. One child in each circle stands blindfolded, walks in a circle to the music and identifies their mother’s hands by touch.

Teacher: this is just a miracle! None of the guys made a mistake, but chose their mother’s hands, because they are the warmest and softest and never know peace.
1. Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is no more versatile washing machine than mother’s hands. They calculated that if you piled up all the laundry that mom ironed in her life, you would get a mountain taller than Everest.
2. And if you pour into one reservoir all the water that one mother uses for washing during her life, you will get a reservoir larger than the Black Sea.
3. For my mother’s daily work, warmth and patience
Unfortunately, they don’t give out important medals.
4. But as a class we decided to correct the situation.
The medals were made and now - presentation!
5. - for kindness and tenderness!
6. - patience and care!
7. - beloved mothers, you are awarded the title
All together: “Best Mom – 2011”!
8. And you will all be awarded memorable hand-made medals!

Teacher: It is no coincidence that the awarded medals have the shape of a heart, because a mother’s heart is the most generous in love, the most forgiving. And no matter what happens in life, mom will always understand and forgive, may your guys’ hearts be kind and understanding, and may cruelty never touch you or your hearts

Teacher: I really hope that this story will not become a role model for any of our guys. For today's holiday, the guys have prepared gifts for their mothers. There are different gifts, but the most expensive is the one made with your own hands, feet or anything else. So the guys tried to surprise you today

Children give gifts.

At the end of the holiday, the guys prepared another surprise - a fairy tale. This fairy tale was written by a teacher, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, and dedicated it to his mother. It's called "The Tale of the Yellow Goose." Listen...
1.“...On a hot spring day, Goose took her little yellow goslings for a walk. For the first time, she showed her children the big world. This world was bright, green, joyful: a huge meadow spread out in front of the goslings. The goslings were happy.
2. They forgot about their mother and began to disperse across the huge greenish meadow. When life is happy, when there is peace and tranquility in the soul, the mother often finds herself forgotten. In an alarming voice, Goose began to call the children, but not everyone obeyed her.
3. Suddenly dark clouds approached, and the first large drops of rain fell to the ground. The goslings thought: the world is not so cozy and kind. And as soon as they thought about this, each of them remembered their mother. And suddenly each of them began to need her, oh, how she was needed: they raised their little heads and rushed to her.
4. Meanwhile, large hailstones fell from the sky. The goslings barely had time to run to their mother; she raised her wings and covered her children. Wings exist primarily to cover children - every mother knows this - and only then to fly.
5. It was warm and safe under the wings... it never occurred to them that the wing has two sides: the inside is warm and dry, and the outside is cold and dangerous.
6. The goslings heard, as if coming from afar, the roar of thunder, the howl of the wind and the sound of hailstones. They even began to have fun: something terrible was happening behind their mother’s wings, and they were warm and comfortable.
7. Then everything calmed down. The goslings wanted to go to the green meadow, but the mother did not raise her wings. The little children of the Geese squealed demandingly: let us out, Mom. Yes, they did not ask, but demanded.
8. Mother quietly raised her wings. The goslings ran out onto the grass. They saw that the mother’s wings were wounded and many feathers were torn out. The goose was breathing heavily. She tried to spread her wings, but could not do it. The goslings saw all this, but the world was joyful and kind again, the sun shone brightly and tenderly, the bees, bumblebees, and beetles sang so beautifully that it never occurred to the goslings to ask: “Mom, what’s wrong with you?”
9. And only one, the smallest one, approached his mother and asked: “What’s wrong with you, mom? Why are your wings wounded?” The goose quietly answered: “Everything is fine, son!”... the goslings scattered on the grass, they were happy...”

Teacher: how often we say words of love and gratitude to our mothers too late. A person is not immune from mistakes. But let mothers hear words of forgiveness for the mistakes we make in time so that it is not too late. Love your mothers today and always. Make them happy with your successes, be worthy of everything they do for you, their children. And don’t forget to say “Forgive me, Mom”! and then your mothers will be forever young and endlessly happy.

1. I love you, mom!
For what? I don't know.
Probably because
That I breathe and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day,
This is why I love you, dear!
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,
I love you, mom
You are my best friend!

2. Dear, dear mothers! We are very glad that we have you - after all, you are the closest people to us. We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. We wish you well, good luck and love!
Together: We love you very much!

Teacher: Warm words were spoken today to our mothers, you heard wise words from the lips of your mothers. But it’s impossible to retell all the words. It is necessary not only on one day, the day of the holiday, to congratulate our mothers, but to constantly remember and care, protect them from grief and trouble. The boys decided to make promises to their mothers:

1st student:

We promise, we promise:
First things first, high fives.
Receive in lessons.

2nd student:

Drive carefully down the hill,
Don't tear new trousers.

3rd student:

And don't fight, don't swear.

4th student:

Do not hit glass with washers.

5th student:

Do not climb into the attic.

6th student:

Whoever eats - so be it.

7th student:

You, mothers, understand us.
Moms, please forgive us.
We are such a people - guys,
It's hard to readjust.
But don't talk about us like that
Worry a lot!

8th student:

We often upset you
What we sometimes don’t notice.
We love you very, very much.
Let's grow up kind.
And we will always try
To behave.

9th student:

How to find words worthy
How to say without unnecessary phrases,
That we are very grateful
That we love you very much!

At the end of the holiday, a tea party is organized.

Goals and objectives: to support a caring attitude towards a woman - a mother, strengthening the foundations of the importance of the family and the role of the mother - the housewife, intercessor, and keeper of the family hearth. An expression of love, reverence and respect for the hard-working mother.


1. Improving the relationship between parents in the person of the mother.

2. Fostering a sense of devotion to the mother and her importance in the family.

3. Formation of a respectful and caring attitude towards the dearest person - mother.

Preparing for class:

1. Selection of materials for the script (poems, songs, parables, proverbs).

2. Invitation to a gathering of mothers and grandmothers.

3. Prepare original greeting cards.

4. Photo of the presentation:

a) beloved grandmother's eyes

b) mommy - beloved

5. Multimedia – presentation:

"We are mother's boys"

6. Design of the “Five for Mom” stand.

7. Miniatures “About my beloved mother.” Essays, poems.

8. Songs about mother: T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mother’s Eyes”, T. Povaliy - “To Mommy”.

The main word in any language.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it.

It is the source of everything.

Get up! I'll pronounce it:

“Mother” Rasul Gamzatov


Host: Today we are holding Classroom hour on a very special topic, today we will talk about the dearest person who not only gave us life, but always thinks about us, cares, helps, protects, loves and hopes that we will be healthy and happy, we are talking about mom. Listen and think about the words of the poet:

I'm in the cradle -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am at the wedding -

sing me a song, mom.

I became a hero -

sing me a song, mom.

I was betrayed -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am in the grave -

sing me a song, mom.

They forgot me -

sing me a song, mom!

What these lines mean is clear to everyone. Mom is shelter in bad weather, warmth in cold weather, a cool breeze in hot weather, a healing bandage for a wound, light in the night, mom is life, pure unselfish love...

Song by T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mom’s Eyes”.

Conducts a tour of the photo presentation - “Mommy's Beloved”.

Readers' speech:

1. Who do we meet first?

Coming into the white world -

So this is our mommy

She's no cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it.

She's been trying all her life

Save us from troubles

She is a pillar of strength in the house.

Busts every hour

And there is no one else.

Who would love us so much

So more happiness for her

And she will live longer

And joy is her lot

And less sad things to do.

2. I do everything for my mother:

I play scales for her

I go to the doctor for her

I teach mathematics

All the boys climbed into the river

I was sitting alone on the beach

For her after illness

I didn’t even swim in the river.

3. I wash my hands for her.

I’m eating some carrots...

Only now we are apart

Mom in the city of Priluka

Fifth day on a business trip

And today the whole evening

I have nothing to do

And, probably out of habit

Or maybe out of boredom

I put matches in place

And why do I wash my hands?

4. Mom, very, very

I love you

I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka.

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love you

Here comes the dawn

It's already dawn

No one in the world

There is no better mother.

5. I love you so much

I need you

And at any hour and any day

Has always been with me

I love you so much that I can't even say it

But I don't like it when

Your eyes are in tears.

6. I love you so much

At least go around the whole world

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no one more tender than you

There is no kinder you

There is no one more beloved than you,

No one


My mother

My mother.

7. If you offended your mother, ask for forgiveness.

It’s a sin to offend her family

God gave her great patience

I'll worry about you all my life.

Host: And I want to remind you of an old parable: a young man fell in love with a proud beauty, who told him that she would love him only when he brought her his mother’s heart. The young man killed his mother, tore out her heart and carried it to the beauty, he was in a hurry, tripped, almost fell, and his mother’s heart carefully asked: “Son, are you hurt?”

Multimedia presentation:

"We are mother's boys."

Presentation of greeting cards and creative works to the mothers present.

Host: And of course, today we cannot help but say kind and affectionate words about those who gave life to our mothers and fathers - these are our beloved grandmothers. Mom's grandmothers, father's grandmothers, caring, thrifty, always ready to help you, because it is known for sure that they love their grandchildren more even than their own children. Grandmothers will always help with good advice, feed you delicious pies and buns, and understand and judge all your troubles. And modern grandmothers are wise, literate, well-read, beautiful women who are fluent in a foreign language, computer, photography, and the Internet. Is there really such an area of ​​science or economics that our grandmothers could not figure out? Thank you dear, kind women.

And with all my heart, on behalf of your children and grandchildren, I want to say these words:

You, as always, are full of worries

After all, life was not easy,

Oh, so many hard, hard days

It passed through your heart,

You deserve joy in life

Many days are already ahead

So be happy and healthy

And every day and every hour

Photo presentation: “Beloved grandmother’s eyes.”

Performance by mothers and grandmothers.

Song by T. Povaliy - “Mommy”.

Conclusion: There is an old saying: “A mother carries her child under her heart for nine months and next to her heart all her life.” Always remember this, do not offend your mothers, they are not eternal, take care of them. Say kind words to your mothers, not only on the day of the holiday, but constantly. Take care of them, protecting them from worry and troubles.

If you want, I’ll tell you one secret: mothers love flowers very much. And even if you are not able to buy her luxurious roses, bring her a modest bouquet of daisies on a summer day. And your mother will smile so much in response to your gift that this radiant smile will forever remain in your memory! And perhaps, in an hour of despondency and sadness, when there is no one nearby who could support you, you will remember your mother’s smile, and a heavy burden will roll off your shoulders, and your heart will feel so light!

On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness, and affection.

Thank you dear, proud, strong, gentle! Always live with faith and hope, and of course, with great love. We wish you health, peace and prosperity. Be happy!

Host: Thank you, dear grandmothers and mothers, for taking the time to come and rejoice with us on your holiday.

Let every day

You will be bright

Let your heart

Will be generous

We sincerely wish you happiness

Joyful victories at work

May all misfortunes pass you by

It's as if they don't exist in nature.