It is especially important to monitor any changes in a woman’s tests during pregnancy, because deviations in them may indicate the onset of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Each visit to the doctor is accompanied by a mandatory general clinical urine test, which is necessary for the timely diagnosis of pathological conditions at all stages of gestation.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, however, each episode of acetonuria should be carefully monitored by a gynecologist. Its causes are determined, and if necessary, additional diagnostic procedures are carried out.

Factors contributing to the increase in acetone in urine tests in pregnant women, and why it is dangerous

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes a number of complex hormonal, physiological and biochemical changes. Her body is preparing to fully bear a child, so almost all organs begin to work at an increased volume (the speed of blood flow accelerates, the frequency of breathing and heartbeat increases, etc.).

In order to provide the body of the woman and the unborn baby with the necessary amount of energy, all glycogen reserves are activated, and glucose is actively used. If serum sugar levels become low and the source of glycogen in liver cells is cut off, alternative pathways for energy production are activated. To do this, protein and fat reserves are broken down. In addition to the necessary “heat,” ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid and beta-butyric acid) are formed, which are very toxic.

With gestational diabetes mellitus, high levels of glucose are not able to be absorbed by the body's cells, a sharp energy deficiency occurs, which leads to massive destruction of protein and fat cells

Causes of acetonuria:

  • An increased level of ketone bodies during pregnancy may indicate the onset of such a serious disease as gestational diabetes mellitus (due to a disruption in the production of insulin by pancreatic tissues). The disease occurs in women who have a history of episodes of increased glucose levels, established pathological processes in the liver or pancreas, alcohol abuse, the presence of the disease among close relatives on the paternal or maternal side, etc.
  • Insufficient level of glucose that comes from food, low calorie content of food, irrational and irregular nutrition.
  • Purposefully keeping a woman on a hunger strike or daily consumption of high-protein and fatty foods (eggs, fatty cottage cheese, fried foods, etc.).
  • Dehydration of the body against the background of feverish conditions, during severe physical exertion, during prolonged exposure to hot rooms or under the open sun.
  • Acetone in the urine of pregnant women quite often appears during toxicosis in the early or late stages, which often leads to dehydration and severe complications.
  • During gestation, an exacerbation of any chronic diseases may occur, or pregnancy becomes a “push” for the emergence of new ones (for example, pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract or thyroid gland).
  • Quite rarely, acetone appears in the urine due to alcohol intoxication or chemical poisoning.

If a woman continues to use alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy, the level of ketone bodies in their body is usually increased

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is extremely sensitive to any changes in the biochemical composition of blood and urine, which directly affects the baby’s health. If the level of acetonuria is high, then in the early stages there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, which is why it is very important to diagnose any abnormalities in the tests in a timely manner.

Brain cells are especially sensitive to acetone, which leads to a sharp inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system of a woman and her child.

Principles for managing pregnant women with high levels of acetone in the urine

In order to avoid serious complications and adverse effects of acetonuria during gestation, it is necessary to take all tests on time and seek help from a doctor if any discomfort or symptoms occur.

As a rule, all pregnant women with elevated levels of ketone bodies in the urine are subject to hospitalization, where further monitoring of the woman and her child is carried out.

It is very important to constantly monitor the baby’s condition, assess the level of hypoxia and other life support indicators.

Principles of nutrition

If we are talking about gestational diabetes, then therapy begins with prescribing the woman nutritional therapy, the task of which is to normalize blood glucose levels.

All dishes containing an excess of easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded: confectionery, chocolate and chocolate products, sweet carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, etc. Products containing an excess of protein and fat are also limited: fatty varieties of cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, fried meat or fish.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are introduced into the diet to provide the pregnant woman with essential vitamins and minerals.

Food should be consumed frequently and in small portions (5-6 times a day), while due attention is paid to the volume of fluid drunk (at least two liters, if the woman does not have edema and there are no disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys).

Drug treatment

When the level of ketone bodies in the urine and blood of pregnant women many times exceeds the permissible normal limits, then it is necessary to initiate active therapy aimed at reducing them.

For diabetes mellitus, glucose-lowering drugs are prescribed, and if their effect remains insufficient, treatment with insulin is started (under constant monitoring of the sugar level in the pregnant woman's serum).

Sorbents (Smecta, Filtrum and others), as well as cleansing enemas with chamomile or soda, help remove acetone from the body.

Replenish fluid loss by intravenous infusion with saline solution, as well as by oral administration of Regidron and other drugs.

Preventive actions

An important role is given to the prevention of acetonuria during pregnancy:

  • visiting a doctor should be timely, and it is very important to regularly take all tests;
  • it is necessary to observe the principles of adequate, nutritious and rational nutrition;
  • do not abuse fatty and fried foods;
  • it is necessary to give up all bad habits;
  • Drink enough water and other fluids daily.

During pregnancy, it is important to spend enough time outdoors and take daily walks.


Even a single increase in the level of acetone in urine tests of a pregnant woman means that there are various kinds of disorders in her body, the exact cause of which must be established as soon as possible.

To avoid complications of acetonuria, you need to follow all medical recommendations that relate to dietary habits and lifestyle changes.

During pregnancy, any changes in the tests are alarming and make the expectant mother nervous. They may reflect physiological changes in the body or indicate a health problem. These include the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine

Acetone in urine during pregnancy is nothing more than ketone or acetone bodies. Normally, they are synthesized by the liver and are present in the body in trace concentrations. This amount of acetone in the blood does not pose any threat to health. Moreover, in certain situations - for example, during fasting - ketone bodies serve as an energy source for brain cells. They also nourish muscles, kidneys and other organs.

However, when formed in excess quantities, these compounds can exhibit toxic effects. This occurs when there is a metabolic disorder. When the body does not receive enough carbohydrates, metabolism starts in a different way. Proteins and fats begin to be intensively broken down to produce glucose from them.

As a result of these complex biochemical processes, a large amount of acetone is formed in the blood, which is called acetonemia, or ketonemia. Ketone bodies are excreted in the urine, where they are detected during analysis.

Causes of ketonemia

During pregnancy, acetone may be elevated in the urine due to various conditions. It is not always a disease. It happens that the analysis turns out to be positive even in the absence of any complaints during a routine examination of the expectant mother.

But most often, an increase in ketone bodies in urine is associated with the following pathological processes:

  • Toxicosis of the first and second trimester.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Overeating.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • ARVI.
  • Diabetes.

That is why, if increased acetone is detected in the urine during pregnancy, the woman requires a mandatory examination by the attending physician and further examination to determine the cause.


Not every toxicosis causes the appearance of ketones in the urine. We are talking about vomiting during pregnancy, especially moderate and severe forms. In this pathological condition, the body loses a large amount of fluid, and if it is not adequately replenished, dehydration develops.

Metabolism in such a situation is disrupted, the level of acetone in the blood becomes elevated.

  1. The appearance of a characteristic odor of acetone from the mouth and body.
  2. Change in urine odor.
  3. Development of intoxication - lethargy, apathy, poor health.

For dehydration associated with vomiting, the only remedy is rehydration - replenishment of lost fluid. However, if you drink a lot of water or tea at once, vomiting will worsen. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish losses in small portions, one sip at a time. Drinks should be sweetened to restore glucose levels and normalize metabolism.

Unbalanced diet

Losing weight is a common activity in everyday life, but during pregnancy it is much less common. But still, some expectant mothers, concerned about the beauty and ideal parameters of their figure, resort to this correction method even when carrying a child.

What are the risks of dieting during this period? Not every dietary change is dangerous for a woman and child. During pregnancy, it is not at all necessary to eat every time you want, and for two. It is quite enough to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - frequent and small, without overeating at night. And a slight weight gain is, as a rule, inevitable.

However, women who specifically want to lose weight often resort to a low-carb diet. It really effectively gets rid of fat deposits, since the body has nowhere else to get carbohydrates from. However, the level of ketone bodies with such metabolism is increased.

Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with diets, and every woman needs to remember this.

Binge eating

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy may be a consequence of overeating. This is the second extreme of malnutrition. And it occurs much more often during pregnancy. Sometimes overeating turns out to be a consequence of a completed diet, when the expectant mother can finally afford previously prohibited dishes. But often the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine is associated with eating large amounts of fatty foods - for example, during a feast. This leads to impaired functioning of the pancreas and changes in metabolism. The liver actively processes incoming substances and synthesizes acetone, which is manifested by its excess in the blood and urine.

In this case, characteristic symptoms will also be noted:

  • Specific smell.
  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Changes in stool.
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur.

During pregnancy, it is very important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. And although it is believed that an expectant mother should not restrain herself in food, an increased appetite should be treated with common sense.

Intestinal infection

Most often, expectant mothers encounter rotavirus infection when carrying a baby, especially if there is another child in the house. Young children are the main source of infection with this unpleasant disease.

Rotavirus affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Often, against the background of these manifestations, dehydration develops. This is what leads to the appearance of acetone in the blood and urine.

A positive test for ketone bodies in this disease is a very common companion.


Vomiting and diarrhea are not always necessary for dehydration to occur during pregnancy. If ARVI or flu is accompanied by a high temperature, this also leads to fluid loss.

In addition, with these diseases, the body actively fights infection and uses glucose to provide energy processes. If you do not replenish the consumption of carbohydrates - for example, with sweet tea, their deficiency will very quickly develop.

And in this situation, metabolism will take the alternate path - it will begin to break down proteins and fats in order to synthesize glucose from them. And the urine test for acetone will be positive.

As a rule, with a common acute respiratory viral infection, rarely does anyone think about acetonemia and do not prevent this pathological condition. You can suspect it by a sharp deterioration in health, weakness, lack of appetite and the smell of acetone from a woman.


Ketone bodies in urine can be a manifestation of diabetes. As a rule, they are detected in case of decompensation of this disease - when the body’s ability to cope on its own has been exhausted.

Outside of pregnancy, diabetes mellitus is rare in women aged 22–40 years. The first type of this disease usually develops in childhood, and the second - after 50–60 years.

However, during pregnancy, a completely special pathology may arise - gestational diabetes, a disease of pregnant women. After childbirth, it disappears, although sometimes it transforms into regular diabetes mellitus. Often, the expectant mother does not even suspect that she has developed such a disease. And only detected acetone in the urine will be a reason to conduct additional research.

Confirming gestational diabetes is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to determine the blood glucose level - on an empty stomach and after eating. In both cases it will be elevated.

Currently, all expectant mothers are screened for carbohydrate metabolism disorders at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester. To do this, they take a test called a “glucose tolerance test.”


Increased thyroid function is called hyperthyroidism, and its extreme degree is called thyrotoxicosis. At the same time, certain changes occur in the woman’s body. They also concern metabolism.

Metabolism in hyperthyroidism accelerates, the processes of catabolism - breakdown - predominate in it, this is especially true for proteins. As a result of such disorders, the liver synthesizes a large amount of ketone bodies, which accumulate in the blood.

In addition to a positive urine test for acetone, thyroid pathology can be suspected based on the following symptoms:

  1. Losing weight.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Insomnia, emotional lability.
  4. Tendency to diarrhea.
  5. Shake in your hands.
  6. Increased blood pressure.
  7. Arrhythmias, rapid heartbeat.

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy requires urgent treatment from an endocrinologist.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy does not always indicate a serious illness, but this is a reason for examination by a doctor and a comprehensive examination.

With the onset of pregnancy, when a woman is registered at the antenatal clinic, the doctor, in addition to examining her in a gynecological chair, issues many referrals for tests, the results of which can be used to judge the general health of the expectant mother. Most often, a pregnant woman has to undergo urine tests, since it is from them that the doctor determines the condition and functioning of the kidneys and other vital organs. An indicator for a detailed examination and treatment is the detection of acetone in the urine.

The norm of acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman

There should be no acetone in the urine of a healthy pregnant woman. The appearance of this substance in tests indicates that internal organs are not working properly or that the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body is disturbed. Normally, the expectant mother’s body absorbs from food the substances necessary for the growth and functioning of the fetus, then a series of chemical reactions occur, during which proteins and fats are broken down into monocomponents that are easily absorbed by the small intestine. In the case when the chemical reaction is disrupted and proteins and fats are not completely broken down, so-called ketone bodies (acetone) begin to accumulate in the body, which poison the body and prevent internal organs from working properly.

Why is an increased level of acetone dangerous for mother and baby?

The accumulation of ketone bodies is similar to the accumulation of toxins in the body. They disrupt the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, and weakness. That is, the mother develops signs of intoxication, which in itself is dangerous for the development of a normal pregnancy. The higher the level of acetone in the body, the more intense the vomiting and diarrhea will be, accordingly this is fraught with the following complications:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Impaired heart function;
  • Blood thickening;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • Development of placental insufficiency.

Reasons for increased acetone in urine during pregnancy

Initially, acetone appears in the blood, but as soon as ketone bodies accumulate and the body is unable to neutralize them, acetone is detected in a urine test. There are many reasons for the appearance of this substance in the urine, it depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. In the early stages, acetone appears in the urine due to toxicosis. Proteins, fats and other substances are not absorbed from food, do not have time to be broken down, and the woman suffers from constant nausea and vomiting. As a result of frequent vomiting, the pH of the blood changes, which leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies in the body.

Other reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine during pregnancy are:

  • Diseases of the pancreas in the expectant mother;
  • Fasting - often, due to fear of nausea, the expectant mother limits herself to food, which leads to various pregnancy complications, in particular acetone;
  • Improper diet, predominance of fatty foods or fast carbohydrates in food;
  • Obesity of a woman;
  • Diabetes;
  • Thyroid diseases.

In the later stages, the appearance of acetone in a urine test may signal the development of gestosis, a condition that poses a threat to the health of the mother and the life of the baby. One of the reasons for the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine in late pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia. A lack of hemoglobin in the blood of an expectant mother is not uncommon, but in order not to trigger the disease, it is necessary to eat a healthy and balanced diet. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe iron supplements to the patient.

Diagnosis of increased acetone in urine during pregnancy

Often, diagnosing acetone in expectant mothers is not difficult for doctors. It is extremely important to exclude diabetes mellitus in a woman, so a blood test for fasting glucose and a glucose tolerance test are additionally prescribed. Regular testing allows you to timely identify pathology and begin treatment. The reason for an unscheduled examination is the increasing weakness of the pregnant woman, complaints of headaches, uncontrollable vomiting, the appearance of an unpleasant odor of pickled apples from the mouth and urine, and tachycardia.

To determine the level of acetone in urine at home, use an acetone strip test. If “+++” or “++++” is detected, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the maternity hospital for detoxification therapy.

Treatment for elevated acetone in a pregnant woman

The main principle of treating acetonemia and acetonuria during pregnancy is to replenish the fluid balance in the body and remove ketone bodies. The expectant mother is shown:

  • Drink plenty of fluids - if a pregnant woman is vomiting, then she needs to drink frequently, literally a teaspoon every 5 minutes. Alkaline drinks, raisin decoction, dried fruit compote are ideal;
  • Fasting - the paradox is the fact that eating food provokes another vomiting, and fasting causes an even greater accumulation of ketone bodies and fetal hypoxia. The way out of the situation is an infusion of saline, glucose and vitamins;
  • Droppers - intravenous infusion of solutions of glucose and sodium chloride will quickly restore the volume of circulating fluid in the body, blood pH and will support the condition of the expectant mother, since she is weakened and cannot eat.

As soon as the pregnant woman’s condition stabilizes and the vomiting stops, you can carefully introduce liquid porridge with water (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), vegetable soup, biscuits, and drink plenty of fluids. The diet should be expanded gradually, always with the permission of a doctor, so that the situation with acetone does not repeat itself.


Prevention of acetonuria during pregnancy is to plan conception in advance, since some chronic diseases can provoke the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood.

During pregnancy, you should eat a balanced diet and engage in light exercise if there are no contraindications. In case of early toxicosis, in order not to provoke attacks of vomiting, you should get out of bed slowly in the morning, eat your first light breakfast without getting up - this could be a glass of cold green tea and a couple of biscuits.

During the entire period of pregnancy, a woman must undergo a large number of different tests. In some cases, a urine test may show the presence of acetone in it. Not many women, while pregnant, think about how dangerous the presence of acetone in the urine is and whether this could subsequently affect their health and the health of the unborn baby. Every disease or unhealthy lifestyle is fraught with undesirable consequences and corresponding symptoms, in our case this is an increase in acetone in a woman’s body.

Formation of acetone in the body

Acetone begins to form in the body as a result of protein not being completely broken down. The human body regularly contains ketones, but in very small quantities that are not dangerous to health. In addition, ketone bodies are physiologically necessary for any body, especially for women during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, due to disturbances in the system of metabolic processes, protein can begin to disintegrate en masse into molecules, which subsequently threatens the woman and, in particular, in the urine, which removes it from the body. The body becomes unable to neutralize it, so it passes through the digestive system to the liver, and then to the kidneys.

Reasons for high levels of ketone bodies

There are a huge number of reasons that could result, but one of the most common of them is considered to be prolonged toxicosis. During toxicosis, women often feel nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting. It is vomiting that dehydrates, as a result of which the body begins to accumulate those same ketones.

In addition, experts believe that ketone bodies can appear in a woman’s body as a result of the fact that her body simply does not have time to cope with the load that is placed on it during an “interesting period of time.” Often, the female body and all its organs are rebuilt in the first trimester, but if this does not happen, then in such a situation this threatens the presence of acetone in the urine and often throughout pregnancy.

Main factors:

  1. Toxicosis in early pregnancy.
  2. Unbalanced diet (predominance of fatty foods or large amounts of carbohydrates in the diet).
  3. Complete refusal to eat or strict diet. During pregnancy, many begin to rapidly gain weight and, in order to avoid this, begin to go on intensive diets, not realizing that they are causing great harm to their health and the baby.
  4. Eclampsia is a kind of late toxicosis that occurs in some women in the last trimester. Such toxicosis is very dangerous for the life of not only the child, but also his mother, and high blood pressure and seizures may occur. In some cases, specialists diagnose a pregnant woman with...
  5. Anemia or anemia. Low hemoglobin and lack of red blood cells. Accompanied by pale skin, dizziness or headaches.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Dehydration (due to fever or acute respiratory viral infection)
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Pathologies and liver diseases.
  10. Recent brain injuries.

Consequences of ketonuria

The presence of harmful substances is dangerous both for the health of the woman and her baby. Ketone bodies in urine are one of the types of toxic damage to the body. Its increase has a strong effect on the functioning of the liver; during this period of time, the organ works for two (mother and baby).

In addition, ketone bodies can cause the development of gestational diabetes. Such a disease can either go away after the baby is born or later develop into type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent). Both mother and child are susceptible to development. Therefore, it is so important to monitor and undergo timely tests during pregnancy.

What tests need to be taken

During pregnancy, it is one of the most common. Since its color or may indicate various anomalies occurring in the body during this period of time.

If acetone was found in the urine of a pregnant woman at least once, then this can happen again and again. Therefore, a woman needs to regularly undergo urine tests to determine ketones. In addition, you can determine the increase at home by testing for the presence of ketone bodies. To do this, you should purchase it at a pharmacy kiosk. Outwardly, they resemble well-known pregnancy tests; the research is carried out identically to them.

In addition, the pregnant woman must also take:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for the presence of ketones;
  • sugar curve.

How to reduce the concentration of acetone in urine

The principle of treatment and lowering the level of acetone in the blood directly depends on the cause that led to such consequences.

If there is acetone in the urine in the third trimester of pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of gestational diabetes, then the pregnant woman is prescribed an appropriate diet at the first stage.

It is necessary to exclude from your diet:

  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks, mostly sweet;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty varieties of cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • It is not recommended to eat a lot of eggs;
  • fried meat and fish products.

In addition, it is recommended that the pregnant woman adjust her food intake; it should consist of at least 5-6 meals throughout the day. Particular attention should be paid to fluid intake. If a woman does not have edema, then in this case she needs to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day (not counting tea, soups or other liquids).

If ketone bodies in the urine appear due to the presence of diabetes mellitus, then the pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that lower blood sugar levels, and insulin therapy is also started.

In addition, absorbents can significantly reduce the level of ketone bodies:

  • smecta;
  • Activated carbon;
  • filtrum.

If acetone does not drop in the body for a long time, then doctors may prescribe an intravenous infusion of saline or Regidron solution, which balances the water balance, thereby removing the harmful substance from the body.

Prevention of the occurrence of acetone in the urine or blood of a pregnant woman includes:

  • regular check-ups with your doctor;
  • timely completion of relevant tests (as prescribed by the doctor);
  • a balanced diet, including the consumption of equal proportions of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as healthy vitamins (vegetables and fruits according to the season);
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • Minimize the consumption of fatty and fried foods.

Even a slight increase in acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman may indicate various kinds of disorders in her body, the cause of which must be established as soon as possible. To prevent a pregnant woman from developing ketone bodies, she must follow all the instructions and recommendations of her attending physician, this will allow her to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Why does acetone appear in a pregnant woman’s body? This happens because the protein supplied with food is not completely broken down. Doctors say that a small amount of acetone is constantly present in the body, but its value is so small that the component is not displayed in tests. It is simply excreted in the urine.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences severe stress, the processes that occur are disrupted, which leads to the appearance of acetone.

Why does acetone appear in urine?

For good health, the human body every minute synthesizes and processes various components that enter the body with food. If a failure occurs, ketones begin to be released, which lead to the formation of acetone.

The reasons for the appearance of this disease are as follows:

  • Too long intervals between breakfast and lunch. If a pregnant woman feels hungry, but there is no opportunity to eat, she needs to have a snack with chocolate and be sure to wash it down with warm tea;
  • Poor nutrition. Acetone in urine during pregnancy is often found in women who lead an antisocial lifestyle. Remember, food should be high in calories and nutritious;
  • Excessively intense exercise. In this case, the body lacks energy;
  • Food poisoning;
  • A severe form of toxicosis, in which food is not digested at all;
  • Stage 2 diabetes;
  • Depression, constant stress, neuroses;
  • Diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection.

All of these factors can lead to acetone. To detect ketones, you need to undergo appropriate tests.

Symptoms that should alert you

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the presence of acetone in the urine:

  1. The woman sweats a lot;
  2. There is a pronounced smell of acetone coming from the mouth;
  3. Urine becomes dark in color;
  4. There is rapid fatigue, you want to sleep all the time;
  5. Body temperature drops to 35 degrees;
  6. Dizziness and black spots in the eyes appear;
  7. Fainting;
  8. I want to drink constantly.

If these signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not possible, you can conduct a rapid test for acetone at home. To do this, you will need special strips that determine the presence of ketone components in the urine.

How to detect pathology?

How to detect acetone in urine during pregnancy? The surest way is to take a urine test in a laboratory. It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. In the evening, you do not need to eat fatty, salty foods, or a large amount of sweets;
  2. You need to collect morning urine. Only it will give an accurate result;
  3. Wash yourself well before the procedure;
  4. To prevent secretions and discharge from the genitals from being included in the analysis, it is better to close the entrance to the vagina with a sponge or cotton swab.

If acetone is detected, it is advisable to repeat the analysis the next day to make sure it is correct.

If it is not possible to visit a laboratory, you can conduct the diagnosis yourself. To do this, you need to purchase special test strips at the pharmacy.

They are sold in a tube that does not allow air or light to pass through. A set usually contains 30, 50 or 100 pieces. Each strip is covered with special litmus paper that reacts to the presence of ketones in the urine.

After the analysis, it will be enough to compare the results with the indicators indicated on the tube itself.

How to analyze:

  1. Take a clean glass;
  2. Pee in it;
  3. Take the test from the tube and lower it into the urine to a certain level;
  4. Hold for 3-5 seconds;
  5. Use a paper towel to remove excess moisture;
  6. Leave the strip on a flat surface for 1 minute;
  7. Compare the color of the test with the indicator indicated on the tube.

It's time to evaluate the results. They may be as follows:

  • 1+ - indicates that there is no acetone in the urine, or its amount is within normal limits;
  • 2+ - the indicator may be caused by severe toxicosis;
  • 3+ - indicates poor nutrition or starvation of a woman;
  • 4+ - the situation is serious, you need to see a doctor immediately.

It is important! Acetone may appear at the first signs of diabetes in a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is better to purchase test strips that detect not only ketones, but also show the level of glucose in the urine.

Treatment methods

What treatment methods should be used when acetone is detected? In advanced cases, hospitalization of the woman is necessary to prevent gestosis and preeclampsia.

  • If a woman does not have diabetes, she is prescribed glucose. Every hour you need to dissolve 1 glucose tablet. If the pregnant woman does not vomit, you can prescribe a 7% glucose solution in ampoules;
  • To prevent dehydration, taking Regidron is mandatory. 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes for 5-7 hours. You can also add alkali. To do this, gases are released from Borjomi or Narzan water and drunk in small sips;
  • If there are signs of poisoning, sorbents are needed: “Polysorb”, “Enteros gel”;
  • For diarrhea, Stop Diar and Smecta are prescribed.

This treatment must be carried out comprehensively.

In addition, you can use traditional methods:

  • Rose hip decoction. It is rich in vitamin C and is an excellent diuretic;
  • Raisin tincture. A handful of dried fruits should be brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew and drunk in unlimited quantities (if there is no swelling).

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. Remember, acetone can cause serious pathologies in the fetus, so you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Why is acetone dangerous for the fetus and the mother in labor?

In addition to the fact that when acetone appears in the urine, a woman feels unwell, ketones can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. So, in the first trimester there is a high probability of miscarriage and severe toxicosis. In addition, the child may have developmental delays.

In the second and third trimester, there is a possibility of diabetes mellitus due to an increase in acetone. In this case, the baby is born quite large, over 4 kg. At first he may need special treatment.

Acetone in urine during pregnancy is a pathology that needs to be eliminated. Self-medication is not the best way out of the situation. Consult a doctor immediately; remember, in severe cases, hospitalization cannot be avoided.