The topic of jewelry for women is vast, I want to focus on one of the attributes - the bracelet. Of course, the choice is not accidental; those who know me will not be surprised.

The wrists and ankles (in summer) are ringed with a pair of bracelets. But in order not to look like a Christmas tree, you must, of course, maintain style. Therefore, there should be a lot of bracelets)) I’m right, right?)) Well, for all occasions.

For a long time I wore a silver bracelet as a universal one: beautiful, calm and massive, it matched everything I wore, and at the time I was working and, having nowhere to go, followed the dress code. And then a bicycle and a baby stroller appeared in my life, and the dress code only terrified me with memories. This is where my bracelet became more for going out than for every day. Leather bracelets appeared, which definitely won’t scratch a child, baubles, knitted ones for the winter and rubber ones - just for all occasions. There are also national, jewelry, costume jewelry, but this is not about me.

My daughter-in-law also loves bracelets and wears them all the time, but she chose an almost win-win option, the PANDORA bracelet. Therefore, for me now a birthday gift for her is not a problem at all. Not only is the product very original not only in appearance, but the idea itself is beautiful, but you also don’t have to rack your brains over the gift, as is often the case. Assembling a composition of charm pendants yourself is exciting, and most importantly, no one else will have this. Girls love exclusivity. The website presents a complete catalog of products, as well as a map of PANDORA stores, where you can purchase not only charms for bracelets, but also other jewelry. Gold and silver, precious and semi-precious stones, enamel and mysterious Murano glass - this is not a complete list of materials used in production.

Well, for those who like to conjure their own magic on jewelry, a small master class on making a denim bracelet:

Blank from a plastic bottle.

Glue the calico onto PVA glue.

Make cuts in the fabric and fold the edges.

Cover the inside with fabric.

We decorate, in this case with denim and colored fabric.

And from a double seam you can make something like this. You'll have to figure out how to do this yourself.


Denim fans, don’t miss this master class, you should definitely have such an original and stylish piece of jewelry.

Take one evening to make your own designer summer denim bracelet. The lace trim gives it tenderness, and the beads add a little glamor, without which it is impossible to imagine a fashionista. It is not necessary to exactly repeat the proposed design; if you have original beads, beautiful buttons or other decorations, feel free to use them.

Preparation of materials for creativity

- a very exciting women's hobby. Start your jewelry journey with this simple accessory. To create a summer women's bracelet from jeans, take:

  • old jeans, maybe even children’s ones;
  • white lace ribbon 10 centimeters wide;
  • a white lace strip no more than 2.5 centimeters wide;
  • two metal buttons on the stem with stasis;
  • pearl beads;
  • large uneven turquoise beads;
  • white thread for sewing;
    a needle;
  • scissors.

Sewing a bracelet from jeans with your own hands

Find jeans in your wardrobe that you will no longer wear for one reason or another. Cut the belt as close to the seam as possible on the loop side. Measure the circumference of your wrist, add another 4 centimeters and cut off part of the belt. This will be the basis of the accessory.

If there is no belt, make the same base from a piece of denim material.

Carefully, without damaging the fabric, undo the harness.

Cut a wide lace ribbon equal to the length plus three times the width of the bracelet base. If necessary, consider the periodicity of the lace pattern. Fold the wide lace in half, right side inward. Using an overcast stitch, sew the end part on both sides.

Sew it to the denim base using a blind stitch. Secure the cut side of the belt with an overcast stitch. This part will hide under the clasp and will not be visible.

Sew a narrow ribbon in the middle of the jeans bracelet. Using a basting stitch, secure the trim around the perimeter.

Considering the pattern of the lace placed in the center, sew on pearl beads.

Sew large turquoise beads along the middle line between the edges of the lace and denim. To make the job easier, sew the beads across one another using a basting stitch. Then use the same seam in the opposite direction to attach the remaining beads in the missing places. From the loop side, decorate with turquoise beads along the perimeter to the beginning of the central lace.

Try on your hand made bracelet made from jeans. Mark the locations for attaching the buttons. Sew on metal buttons with rhinestones.

Now - the final touch. On the reverse side, carefully cut the wide lace at the loops. Sew the sides of the slits while sewing them to the denim. Fix the corners on the sides of the accessory by also sewing them to the jeans.

So the original denim accessory is ready! Using a minimum of materials and effort, you have made a stylish piece of jewelry with your own hands that will be a great addition to your summer wardrobe.

A handmade summer bracelet made from denim can be made together with girls of middle and high school age. By combining materials, color and texture of the decor, you can make many different decorations.

See what else. And if you have an unnecessary piece of leather, then use it to make a luxurious one. See even more master classes on creating jewelry using various handicraft techniques. All instructions are provided with step-by-step photos and descriptions, so you will definitely succeed!

This master class is about how I implemented this idea.

For the bracelet we need seams from old jeans, better with double stitching, and old metal zipper. If you don't have the old zipper, you can buy a new one.

Soldering iron Using a thin tip, we cut (melt) the fabric on one side of the zipper close to the teeth. If you don’t have a soldering iron, you can simply trim the fabric with scissors, leaving 2-3 mm. fabric near the cloves and melt the edge over a candle flame. This must be done so that the edge does not fray.

We get a strip like this.

We sew the top (outer) row through the top to the nearest row. We recess the thread between the teeth so that it is not visible. Thus, row by row we increase the circle.

Depending on the width of the bracelet, the circle of teeth can be 1-2 cm. In my bracelet, this circle is about 1.5 cm in diameter. We cut the zipper with a soldering iron, melting the fabric between the teeth. If you don’t have a soldering iron, you can cut it and be sure to melt the edge so that the teeth don’t come off.

Thus, we make the required number of such elements. You may need from 5 to 8 pieces, depending on the length of the bracelet and the distance between the elements.

We begin to cut the seam from the jeans from the side where it is folded.

On the other side, we cut the seam, leaving a strip of fabric equal to the width of the seam plus 1 - 1.5 cm.

We apply the cut strip to the hand and determine the length of the bracelet. The length of the cut strip should be made 2.5 cm less than in the finished form, because these 2.5 cm will go to the fastener. After you decide on the length of one strip, cut off another exactly the same part along it.

Along the length of the denim strips, we cut off the zipper from the part that was left uncut with a soldering iron.

Using pliers, remove the teeth from each edge of the cut zipper, leaving part of the base of the zipper free from them at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. This is necessary so that when sewing the fastener you do not break the needle on the teeth, and the seam will be less rough.

You need to trim the zipper so that if you put it inside the denim seam, it will not interfere with folding the denim strip along the edge of the inner seam. Place the zipper on the cut seam of the jeans so that the teeth of the zipper are fully exposed. Secure with a basting stitch.

We prepare the second strip in the same way. Please note that the zipper teeth do not reach the edge of the denim part.

Close to the edge, along the remaining stitching on the denim seam, we lay a new line. It is better to use a needle on the machine special for denim or size 100.

And then on the other side.

We cut out an element for the fastener from denim fabric. Its width is equal to the width of the bracelet, length 6 cm.

We fix the element under the clasp on the bracelet as shown in the photo. We sew exactly the same element on the other side.

We sew along the perimeter using a sewing machine, only at the top and bottom we retreat from the edge to the level of the denim seam.

We use Velcro as a clasp for the bracelet. We cut off the required amount of Velcro and work it along the contour with a zigzag.

A bracelet made from seams from old jeans and an old broken zipper is ready. These seemingly unnecessary things have begun a second life as decoration.

Still, for a thin hand, the bracelet should be made narrower. The diameter of the spirals should not exceed 1 cm. In my opinion, it looks a bit rough.

This bracelet looks much better on a friend. I had to give her this bracelet.

Surely every house has a pair of old, worn-out jeans lying around that are simply a shame to throw in the trash. Absolutely correct, under no circumstances is it recommended to do this. You can make many useful things out of unwanted denim clothes - for example, a stylish bracelet.

If you are comfortable with thread and needle, then this will not be difficult for you. Moreover, the women's online magazine “Beautiful Half” prepared a master class with step-by-step photos dedicated to making a denim bracelet based on a plastic bottle.

To make a denim bracelet we need:

First you need to carefully cut out the base for the bracelet with a knife or scissors. Since a narrow oil bottle was used, there was no need to adjust the bracelet to fit the arm. If you are making a bracelet from a wide bottle, then you need to adjust it to the size of your hand, cutting off excess pieces. Then you need to fasten the bracelet with an overlap using a thread and a needle.

This is what a bracelet looks like wrapped in two pieces of denim. When processing pockets on each jeans, iron buttons of different shapes are used, and these are exactly what we will need to decorate the bracelet.

We cut them in the shape of squares - you will need exactly four pieces. Next, you need to cut out four strips of denim and add fringe to each strip on both sides. We sew our metal buttons into the center of the strips with hidden stitches.

After this, carefully sew all four strips to the bracelet.

The next stage is processing the inside of the bracelet. Here, too, everything is elementary. We take a strip of denim, having previously made a fringe on both sides, and sew it again with hidden stitches.

If you don't have enough patience and don't want to fuss with stitches, you can use PVA glue (the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of glue). Well, now - a little free time, and our stylish bracelet is ready!

This bracelet goes well with a denim suit or just jeans. It will complement your unique and individual image. You can also give it as a gift to your beloved friend or sister. After all, there is nothing more expensive than handmade items, since all the positive emotions and good mood are invested in them.

Author's photos of Anna Bykova were used in the design of the master class. Copying is prohibited!

01.03.2016 12:26

Jeans is a universal material loved by everyone. In every home, there are probably unwanted old jeans that are no longer suitable for wear. I really love upcycling denim. Old jeans are used to make new amazing designer things - bags, cases, carpets, panels and paintings. DIY denim jewelry and accessories are a great addition to an everyday look in an urban, fusion or boho chic style. Bracelets, necklaces, bandanas, hair decorations, brooches, clutches - a sea of ​​creative ideas made from denim.
For example, this elegant bracelet.
Jeans are cut into strips of different widths. We roll the strips into rolls. Glue the edges together so they don't unravel. We glue the denim rolls onto a base - any old bracelet, strap or just braid.
The denim bracelet is decorated with three flowers made of denim and braid. They are made using a simple seam assembly method. Flowers are decorated with decorative buttons, beads or other decor that can be found in a jewelry box or for needlework. What do you think of this idea? Happy creativity!

DIY denim bracelet:

Do-it-yourself handicrafts creativity design - interior, furniture, decor, clothing, accessories, hobbies, toys - handmade ideas and master classes on the ArtImperiya.rf website:

Bird costume for girls Fabric flower - 15 master classes