
1. Where did I get the toy?

3. How I play

All good children receive gifts for the New Year. Santa Claus brought me a new soft toy this year. I have long dreamed of a soft fluffy puppy.

The new puppy is yellow. He has small black eyes. The dog's ears stand up straight. His fur is soft and delicate. I love to press it to my cheek.

I often play with my gift with my little sister. We have a lot of toy animals and we play farm.

My favorite toy essay 3rd grade


1. Where did I get the toy?

2. What does my toy look like?

3. How can I play with my toy?

Just recently it was my birthday. They gave me a lot of toys.

My favorite toy is the little housewife set. It includes various kitchen utensils. I have a rolling pin, bowls and cookie cutters. When I play with my set, I feel like a mistress in the kitchen.

Just recently I made cookies. My mom helped me bake it. We drank tea and ate cookies together. This is such a useful set for me.

My favorite toy essay 4th grade


1. How did the toy get to me?

2. Description of my favorite toy

3. How do I play and with whom?

I have a lot of toys at home. They take up all the free space in my room. I have collections of toy soldiers and cars. But the most pleasant surprise for me was that my dad also collected soldiers as a child.

When I was ten years old, my father gave me his tin soldiers. Not only me, but also my friends liked my gift. It is not possible to buy such original toy soldiers in stores because they are no longer produced. All soldiers are divided into two groups: Russians and French. They are so well painted that they seem to be wearing real uniforms.

In the evenings, my dad comes home from work and we play with soldiers. It is very interesting to recreate battles that actually took place in the distant past.

My favorite toy essay grade 5


1. Where did I get my toy?

2. Why this particular toy?

3. Who am I playing for?

I'm into music. Since the third grade I have been attending music school and learning to play the accordion. My whole family is interested in music. Dad plays the guitar. Mom sings beautifully. Oh, my little sister loves to listen to songs from cartoons. One day I found a harmonica in the attic. It became my favorite toy.

Mom said that this accordion belonged to her grandfather. He took it with him to war and played it with his fellow soldiers. A convenient little tool that you can always carry with you. I would like to know what kind of music my grandfather played, I would definitely learn a few tunes. In memory of our ancestor, in memory of all the defenders of our Motherland.

In the meantime, I learned to play my family’s favorite melody on the harmonica. I think it brings our whole family together and makes us friends. Dad plays along with me on the guitar, and mom sings.

Probably, many people have a favorite toy from childhood, which everyone carefully keeps as a memory of the most joyful, significant events that once happened to him. Teddy bears, long-eared hares, young lady dolls in magnificent outfits, the first model airplane or car with a remote control…. Take such a toy in your hands, and you will immediately be flooded with touching memories, and you will be overcome with a light sadness from the understanding that childhood is leaving and will never return. But it leaves us with such a small “piece of joy” in the form of a favorite toy as a souvenir.

I have a lot of toys. I love them all very much and treat them with care. Each has its own unique story of how it came into my life. But I want to tell you about my favorite toy.

This is a little kitten named Punka. She is originally from the United States of America. It was not by chance that my mom, dad, and I came up with this name for her, because her real, native name is Pounce, which means “claw” in English. My dad gave this toy to me, and to him from his work colleagues, when I was only two years old. Since then we have been inseparable.

The punka is small in size and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Only the tail will hang down. It is made of soft fabric reminiscent of velor. The kitten is bright brown, almost chocolate color. Her muzzle and belly are white, and her paws have light-colored socks. Her ears are small, pointed, with white triangular inserts. Small black eyes look like beads and look at everyone with interest. Punka's tail is long and thin. Her tummy is filled with small rustling balls. They roll all over the body. It’s very funny to roll them all over all the paws, then the tummy will become thin and empty, as if Punka was very hungry, but you can collect them all in the tummy, then, on the contrary, it will seem that the kitten has eaten heavily. Thanks to these balls, Punka is very plastic. She can lie with her legs spread wide, or throw them over each other, or she can sit or curl up into a ball.

I really love playing with my kitten, dressing her in different outfits, building houses for her, feeding her and putting her to bed. Mom and Dad also love to rub her. If we go somewhere, I take my little friend with me. When I was six years old, I was hospitalized. Punka was with me and helped me recover. Many children in the ward also liked it, and we all played with it together or in turns. We all loved squeezing her rustling belly.

Punka will forever remain my favorite toy. It is very dear to me because it reminds me of my early childhood. I still love her and feel sorry for her - after all, she was left without a mustache, which my younger brother cut off for her.

Essay No. 2 Short essay describing a toy - Teddy Bear

Every person had or even has a toy in childhood, which everyone remembers with warmth and nostalgia about childhood, for some it’s dolls, for others it’s bunnies, cars, Barbies.

I also have my favorite toy, a bear. His name is Misha. I met him when I was very little. My mom gave it to me for my birthday. We play together, fall asleep, go for a walk, eat together. We watch cartoons and play.

My favorite bear is not big in height, plump, plump, gently pink, more like the heel from the cartoon Blame the Pooh. My bear has a big red heart in his hands. Two pink hearts are drawn on the legs, the bear has blue eyes with large eyelashes, and a potato-shaped nose. He constantly sticks his tongue out at everyone, which makes him even funnier.

I have the best and favorite bear. I tell him all my secrets and mysteries. When I grow up, I will never leave my teddy bear. He will always be by my side.

Teddy bear (for boys and girls)

I have a childhood friend. This is Yasha's teddy bear. My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday. It has a nice light color, gray and beige. The bow on the neck makes the teddy bear cheerful and good-natured. Together with Yasha I learned to walk, read books, and play. Most of all I like to sleep with my soft and warm friend.

When I'm sad, I share my feelings with the bear. He hugs me with his soft paws and becomes calm. If it’s raining outside, Yasha and I sit near the window. Drops flow down the wet glass, the sky becomes gray and gloomy, and we feel warm and cozy. Before going to bed, I read fairy tales to my soft friend, he listens carefully, then falls asleep.

It is especially convenient to relax on Mishka. At the end of the day, when training is over, I rush home to lie on Yasha and watch my favorite cartoons. Despite the fact that the bear cub is many years old, it looks neat. If something breaks or gets dirty, I immediately try to put it in order. I have many beautiful toys, but this bear is my favorite.

My childhood toy

It is generally accepted among biologists that the more an animal is played in childhood, the more developed it will become over time. In this matter, we are not far removed from our smaller brothers. Therefore, it is not at all strange that people are often very attached to their toys. You can often see a teddy bear or a model car in the rooms of adults and family people.

When I was a kid

When I was little, I was often given toys. I really loved it when distant relatives, godparents, or just friends of my parents came to visit. These were always very interesting people who told stories that I listened to with my mouth open.

But still, like any other child, I loved most of all the toys that were brought from far away. Most often these were various blocks and construction sets, because it is believed that they have the best effect on the development of the child. Nevertheless, I loved soft toys more, because you could not part with them even when you went to bed.

Description of the toy (mini essay) 4th grade

I have a lot of such toys! Among them there is a raccoon, for some reason green and with a red breast. However, this did not bother me either before or now. Even with my underdeveloped imagination, I couldn’t come up with an original name for him, so I called him Raccoon.

He used to have a white tuft, but when my older sister and I played hairdresser, she deceived me: she said that it would grow back, and we cut it off. For a long time I could not understand why it remained the same size even after months, when my hair was growing back.


Now I remember this with a smile. When I tell this story to others, they laugh, saying how naive you were. But I’m still so naive, because somewhere inside I still think that Raccoon is very much alive.

When I clean the room, I always take a long time to brush the dust off my green raccoon, and I think that soon it will grow a tuft again.

4th grade, 5th grade. 3rd grade, 2nd and 6th grade. essays for girls and boys

I have my favorite toy that I try not to part with. This toy is a bunny. This bunny was given to me by my godparents for my birthday. It immediately became clear to me that this bunny would become my favorite and best toy. The bunny is very fluffy and big. He has long ears and big beautiful eyes. They remind me of beads. The bunny also has a red tongue and two large white teeth. The bunny also has a cute little fluffy tail. And in his paw he holds a very bright carrot.
When I go to bed, I always take my bunny with me. I cover him with a blanket to keep him warm at night. I like to look after him and read him bedtime stories. The bunny always listens attentively and always falls asleep afterwards.
In the morning we also wake up together. Bunny is not just my toy - it is my best friend and my good luck charm. I try not to offend the bunny. I treat him with love and always take care of him. If he's dirty, I give him a bath.
I know that years will pass, I will grow up, and the bunny will remain the same little friend of mine. I will cherish it to preserve my childhood memories. I am grateful to my godparents for that significant gift for me. After all, they gave me not just a toy, but a beautiful furry friend.

Essay my favorite toy is a plush dog Tuzik, grade 4

The toy I want to tell you about came to me a long time ago. This is more of an ordinary soft plush dog, I call her Tuzik. And even though she doesn’t know how to bark, dance or run and sing songs, she’s still my favorite. Why do I love her so much? Yes, because it appeared to me when I was hospitalized and for a long time could not see my family nearby.

It was then that my mother bought me this toy and gave it to the ward. In her paw there was a note saying that my whole family worries and loves me. And Tuzik supported me all the time with his satisfied face. It was not scary to go to bed in a hospital room with him. Tuzik was with me during all the procedures, and I didn’t feel so much pain.

Now everything is behind us and the disease has passed. Tuzik has settled in my room and at night I sleep only with him. He continues to help me. Now, together with the puppy, we do our homework and go for walks outside. My Tuzik has already become old, his eyes have lost their brightness, and his fur has become matted, but I wash it and put it in order. And sometimes, when I'm alone in the room, I tell my toy everything that worries me and how I feel.

Puppy Tuzik is a soft toy that I will never give up. I love her so much. Every child should have such a favorite toy.

Short mini essay My favorite toy soldiers for a boy

I have toy soldiers. This is a set of 8 people. Among them there is a machine gunner, a sniper, a medic, a soldier with a bazooka, a pistol and a grenade.

They were given to me for New Year. I didn’t immediately realize that for the next couple of years they would become my favorite toys.

When friends come to me, we sometimes play with them. We divide them into teams and arrange a little war. Other toys help us: cars, tanks, an airplane and two helicopters. The winner is the player whose soldiers capture the most objects. Such items are a bed, an armchair, a chair, a table, a stack of books, three shelves on a closet and a basket of toys.

When the game ends, we all tidy up the room together.

Essay My collection of cars

I really love cars and someday I want to collect the entire collection of cars. I really like learning something new about them and playing with them. I want a rug in my bedroom with pictures of roads on it so I can drive on them and if I need a large shelving unit to store them.

I have already been given collectible cars as gifts, and I take great care of them, since they are unusual and are a small copy of large cars. I already know what kind of car I will buy when I grow up. I even want my bed to be in the shape of a racing car, I will imagine how I race in it and take prizes. The main thing is that it is red, because I love red.

Option 10

I have many different toys. Among them there is a large white fluffy bear, a stuffed bunny, two planes, a helicopter and even a railway. But my favorite toy is a set of toy soldiers. This is a set of 6 real military ones. There is a military doctor, a general, and 4 soldiers with different weapons. Each soldier has his own weapon. One has a live grenade in his hands, which he is ready to release at any second. I think he is the most fearless soldier because he can undermine the enemy even by sacrificing his life.

Another soldier is holding a Kalashnikov assault rifle. I really love this soldier because he wields a legendary machine gun and never misses. He can hit the enemy at any distance and in any situation. The third soldier is excellent in hand-to-hand combat. He has a huge sharp knife in his hands. He fights bravely. Its main task is to quietly neutralize an opponent at close range. The fourth soldier is a scout. He always lies down and has a pistol in his holster. This soldier is a real ace in his field. He always obtains the necessary information about the enemy. Once he was taken by surprise, but he did not lose his head and quickly pulled out his pistol, the enemy was defeated. The military doctor is a real magician. He always quickly heals wounds and pulls wounded soldiers out of the battlefield. The general is the most important and important person. He manages all operations. He is always close to his soldiers in every battle. He is already old, but very smart and experienced. There are many wounds on his body that even a wizard doctor cannot heal.

These soldiers are a real close-knit team. She always wins all battles and operations. Sometimes it's boring to play alone and I invite friends to play with me. Here's where the fun begins! I give each friend one soldier, and each one plays his part. Friends bring their toys - military equipment. And it turns out to be a real division. Tanks, cars, planes, helicopters. Our enemies are a white fluffy bear and a stuffed hare. Don't think they're cute and fluffy. I know that they are still villains.

Just recently my team was replenished with new recruits. I was given a new set of 4 soldiers. Now they train every day with experienced soldiers, adopting their skills and abilities. They train at a special base so that they are not found by enemies. And when the recruits are completely ready, the team will give a new battle to their enemies! Their general is still that same beaten old man, but he is already preparing a successor for himself. Who will become it?

4th grade, 5th grade.

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If you are faced with difficulties in writing an essay on the topic “My Favorite Toy,” then the plan we offer and samples of ready-made essays written by 2nd grade students will probably help you.

An approximate plan for writing such an essay is as follows:

  1. Where did you get this toy?
  2. Description of the toy
  3. How do you play with her? With whom?
  4. Why do you love this toy?

Read sample essays written by 2nd grade children and write your own.

Essays “My favorite toy” for boys.


My favorite toy is a monster truck. Monster truck is a big jeep. I've had it for a long time, ever since my dad gave it to me for my birthday. I like to build various obstacles and make the monster truck overcome them. One day I built a large track for my jeep from scrap materials. I had a lot of fun.

Victor Feltham, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is a racing car. My friend Denis gave it to me for my birthday. It is a black car with red, white and gray stripes. This is a push model. If you pull it back and let it go, it will go on its own. The doors and hood of the car open. I really love playing with my car.

Sasha Soltys, 2nd grade

Of all my toys, I love knight figures the most. Knights successfully fight dragons and protect princesses. They are brave and strong. They have swords and shields. My favorite knight is the shiny one with the red shield and long sword. Sometimes I arrange jousting matches. The winner receives the love of the princess as a reward.

Denis Zoshchenkov, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is Lego. I love that you can build anything with Lego pieces. One day I built a huge castle. It sat on the table for several days. When I got tired of it, I took it apart and built a large pirate ship from the same parts. I love Lego because if you use your imagination, you can do anything in the world.

Nikolai Burinsky, 2nd grade

Essays “My favorite toy” for girls


My favorite toy is a pink teddy bear. I call him Teddy. Teddy and I even sleep together. I'm not afraid with him. Teddy has been with me since I was born. My grandmother gave it to me. When I was little, I accidentally tore Teddy, but my mother sewed it up. Now he's better than before. I will never part with him, because for me Teddy is not just a toy, he is my friend.

Eva Ovsyannikova, 2nd grade

My favorite toy is the Elsa doll. She's big and beautiful. She has a fashionable blue dress with snowflakes. She looks very realistic, almost like a living person. I love playing with Elsa. We usually have tea parties to which we invite other toys. Just recently, my mother gave me a toy set of dishes, so our tea parties are just like the real thing!

Eva Shkolnikova 2nd grade

My favorite toy is a plush kitten. His name is Marik. He is very cute. I sleep with him, he helps me calm down when I'm nervous or afraid of something. Marik has two buttons on his tummy - red and blue. If you press the red button, Marik tells you what time it is. If you press the blue button, Marik tells a fairy tale. Marik can tell 10 fairy tales. Of course, I've known them by heart for a long time, but I still enjoy listening to him.

Anna Suliman, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is a Barbie doll in a wedding dress. This is Barbie Bride. This is my sister's doll. When my sister grew up, she gave the doll to me. I love planning a wedding ceremony for my Barbie. Once in the village, the girls and I decorated Barbie's dress with fresh flowers and made festive tables and chairs from sand and clay. It was a lot of fun. True, after such a wedding, my doll’s dress got dirty, but my mother washed it, and now my bride-doll is smart again.

Olivia Olowa, 2nd grade.

My favorite toy is a panda. She is black and white with a blue hat and a red scarf. This is my first toy. My older sister gave it to me when my parents brought me home from the hospital. The panda's name is Pima. I play with Pima every day. When we moved to a new apartment, I was very afraid to forget Pima, so I didn’t let her out of my arms. I hope Pima will be with me when I grow up. I will definitely give it to my daughter, because, as it seems to me, Pima brings me good luck. She is not just my favorite toy, she is my talisman.

Olga Lobanova, 2nd grade

Anastasia Livanova
Essay “My favorite toy Teddy Bear”

As a child I had a lot toys, they were all loved ones. But most of all I liked the soft ones toys, and always when they came to the store toys, I asked my parents to buy me a soft bear or a bunny.

Once, for one of my birthdays, my parents gave me a small brown bear. I didn't give him a name, he was special to me. He was very soft and played a tune when you pressed his right paw. He was dressed in a pink outfit, soft to the touch, he had beautiful ears, with a yellow spot in the middle and a small nose, like a button. He also had a red tongue that showed on his wonderful smile. Beautiful eyes like blueberry beads, so small that you can’t see them right away, and of course a small, completely invisible fluffy tail. When I went to bed, I took it with me and hid under the blanket so that it would not freeze alone on the shelf and would keep me warm at night. Mom told us a fairy tale and, having listened to it, we fell asleep, closing our eyes. In the morning we also woke up together. This the bear is not just a toy for me, he is my best friend. I tried not to offend him, even when they played sick and doctor. I treated him with love and always looked after him.

Years have passed, but the passion for soft toys I still have it. Unfortunately my my favorite bear was lost, but I remember those moments when I played with him. To preserve your childhood memories, you need to take care of your childhood friends. And I'm grateful that my parents didn't give me an easy gift toy, but a beautiful furry friend who was very significant to me.