A Christmas tree made from pasta is a simple and very beautiful craft. Today we will tell you how to properly make and how to paint a New Year’s beauty. We have also collected several ideas for inspiration so that you can have something to guide you if you are making a Christmas tree with your own hands for the first time.

Working with pasta is quite simple. They “grab” well with glue and can be painted. Well, the variety of their forms gives room for imagination.

To create it, it is best to use “feathers”, “bows”, “shells”. Working with “springs”, “combs” and “horns” is a little more difficult, but they are also suitable. In a word, you shouldn’t take only spaghetti and noodles - feel free to use other options.

What do we need?

  • plastic wine glass or thick cardboard
  • Super glue
  • acrylic paints or spray paint in a can
  • pasta – 1-2 packs


This craft is glued using the same principle as a Christmas tree made from cones. The master class can be viewed here.

If you have a plastic wine glass (the simplest and most budget-friendly one, like the one for picnics), unscrew its stem. The cone will be the base for the tree, and the leg and bottom will turn into a stand. To do this, stick a simple pencil into the bottom.

If you don't have a wine glass, simply roll the cardboard into a cone and seal the side. You can put up a Christmas tree just like this. If you want to make a stand, use a spool of tape, a leg from an old mirror, or something similar as a base.

Pasta must be glued from bottom to top. Glue the bottom layer along the entire diameter. Use a glue gun or superglue: PVA and paste do not stick pasta very well.

Tip: If you don’t have any glue on hand, replace it with plasticine. The craft will not be very durable, but it will “work off” the New Year holidays.

Moving from the base to the top, cover the entire future Christmas tree. The top can be decorated with a separate pasta (the “bow” looks especially beautiful).

Now let's start painting our Christmas tree. Never use liquid paints or too much water, otherwise the pasta will become soggy. Spray paint would be ideal.

If you use acrylic paints or gouache, work on the inside of the pasta with a brush.

The finished Christmas tree can be decorated with pasta of a different shape (for example, “bows”), beads or whole beads, small balls, etc.


Now take a look at some examples for inspiration.

Christmas tree made from inverted “shells”

Christmas tree made of “feathers” with the addition of tinsel between the rows

Christmas tree made of “spirals”

Christmas tree made of “bows” glued vertically

You can create an original Christmas tree to decorate the New Year's table from materials that can be found in every home. A DIY pasta craft is a great idea for a gift for loved ones, or for decorating an office or nursery.

To make a creative Christmas tree you will need a minimum of components:

  • Scissors;
  • a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper;
  • spiral or feather pasta;
  • glue "Moment";
  • spray paint;
  • ribbon, beads or “rain” for decoration.

The process of making a Christmas tree with your own hands

  • Making the base for the Christmas tree. This New Year's beauty made from edible materials is easy to make; even children can handle the task. First you need to make a base for the Christmas tree by rolling a sheet of cardboard or thick paper into a cone. If its lower edge is unstable, you need to cut off the excess part of the Whatman paper with scissors. The edges of the paper must be glued and the cone left to dry;
  • Glue the pasta. When deciding how to make a Christmas tree from pasta, keep in mind that you will need to glue the “needles” of spirals or feathers from the bottom. To do this, step back about a centimeter from the bottom edge and fix the pasta with Moment glue, placing them close to each other. Try not to leave space between the pasta so that the paper is not visible;
  • We form the “body” of the Christmas tree. For a DIY pasta tree, the number of rows depends on the height of the base. Fix the last row of feather or spiral pasta so that the upper ends of the product are connected to each other - that is, place them at an angle;
  • Coloring the pasta on the Christmas tree. If you use aerosol paint, you must paint the Christmas tree yourself in a ventilated area. The color of the paint can be not only green, you can make the tree, for example, silver or gold. Wait until the Christmas tree is completely dry;
  • Painting a Christmas tree with gouache. If there is no paint in the can, you can use gouache for a Christmas tree made from pasta. But you will need to paint the pasta before gluing. Moreover, when fixing them on the cone, try not to smear the gouache;
  • Decorate the Christmas tree from pasta. The craft can be decorated in any way, for example, by tying a ribbon bow on the top of the tree. Several small bows should be hung all over the base, imitating Christmas decorations. If you don’t have colored ribbon on hand, decorate the Christmas tree with “rain” to your liking.
  • A miracle Christmas tree made with your own hands can be placed in a pot of suitable size or placed on a shelf or table just like that.

    Christmas tree made of pasta with tinsel

    It will be even easier to make a Christmas tree from pasta at home by adding tinsel to the flour product. Moreover, this material can match the color of the paint chosen for decorating the New Year tree.
    To make the craft, you need to proceed in the same way as in the first master class, only the rows of pasta need to be alternated with tinsel. It is optimal if the rows with tinsel and pasta are arranged in a spiral - this way it is more convenient to attach the shiny New Year’s decoration. Tinsel can be green, reminiscent of pine needles. And the pasta can be painted after gluing with aerosol paint or you can use spirals and feathers already painted with gouache.

    Christmas tree made from pasta bows

    An elegant Christmas tree will be made from pasta in the form of bows. Since these pasta products are voluminous and difficult to attach, it is worth using not ordinary glue, but a hot-melt gun. You can attach the bow-shaped macaroni to a plastic champagne flute by removing the stem. You need to glue the pasta in a checkerboard pattern. You need to paint the craft after fixing the pasta and drying it.
    You can also make toys for such a New Year tree with your own hands from pasta - stars, letters, flowers and other shapes. Such pasta is often already sold in color - for children. You can use them to glue a whole star onto a Christmas tree or small pendants by attaching them to the craft with glue.

    Children's Christmas tree card made from pasta

    With your children, you can quickly make a Christmas card with your own hands as a gift to your grandmother, teacher or friend. This simple craft is based on a rectangle made of cardboard or thick paper. Pasta of any shape must be glued onto it with Moment glue, for example, in the form of wheels or letters. If desired, you can complement the Christmas tree with a fringe of colored paper. You should paint a postcard with a Christmas tree made of pasta after completing the work of gluing the elements. You can use gouache, and any decorations are suitable here - beads, rhinestones, paper bows and more. This DIY Christmas tree made from pasta can be turned into a pendant by threading a ribbon through its top. And the postcard will become a Christmas tree decoration in a matter of moments. You can also stick it to the wall using double-sided tape. See similar master classes:


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    You can create an original Christmas tree to decorate the New Year's table from materials that can be found in every home. Do-it-yourself - this is a great idea for a gift for loved ones, decorating an office or a nursery.

    To make a creative Christmas tree you will need a minimum of components:

    • Scissors;
    • a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper;
    • spiral or feather pasta;
    • glue "Moment";
    • spray paint;
    • ribbon, beads or “rain” for decoration.

    The process of making a Christmas tree with your own hands

    1. Making the base for the Christmas tree. This New Year's beauty made from edible materials is easy to make; even children can handle the task. First you need to make a base for the Christmas tree by rolling a sheet of cardboard or thick paper into a cone. If its lower edge is unstable, you need to cut off the excess part of the Whatman paper with scissors. The edges of the paper must be glued and the cone left to dry;
    2. Glue the pasta. When deciding how to make a Christmas tree from pasta, keep in mind that you will need to glue the “needles” of spirals or feathers from the bottom. To do this, step back about a centimeter from the bottom edge and fix the pasta with Moment glue, placing them close to each other. Try not to leave space between the pasta so that the paper is not visible;
    3. Forming the “body” of the Christmas tree. For a DIY pasta tree, the number of rows depends on the height of the base. Fix the last row of feather or spiral pasta so that the upper ends of the product are connected to each other - that is, place them at an angle;
    4. Coloring the macarons on the Christmas tree. If you use aerosol paint, you must paint the Christmas tree yourself in a ventilated area. The color of the paint can be not only green, you can make the tree, for example, silver or gold. Wait until the Christmas tree is completely dry;
    5. Painting a Christmas tree with gouache. If there is no paint in the can, you can use gouache for a Christmas tree made from pasta. But you will need to paint the pasta before gluing. Moreover, when fixing them on the cone, try not to smear the gouache;
    6. Decorating a Christmas tree with pasta. The craft can be decorated in any way, for example, by tying a ribbon bow on the top of the tree. Several small bows should be hung all over the base, imitating Christmas decorations. If you don’t have colored ribbon on hand, decorate the Christmas tree with “rain” to your liking.

    A miracle Christmas tree made with your own hands can be placed in a pot of suitable size or placed on a shelf or table just like that.

    Christmas tree made of pasta with tinsel

    It will be even easier to make a Christmas tree from pasta at home by adding tinsel to the flour product. Moreover, this material can match the color of the paint chosen for decorating the New Year tree.

    To make a craft, you need to proceed in the same way as in the first master class, only the rows of pasta need to be alternated with tinsel.

    It’s optimal if the rows with tinsel and pasta are arranged in a spiral - this makes it easier to attach shiny New Year’s decorations. Tinsel can be green, reminiscent of pine needles. And the pasta can be painted after gluing with aerosol paint or you can use spirals and feathers already painted with gouache.

    Christmas tree made from pasta bows

    An elegant Christmas tree will be made from pasta in the form of bows. Since these pasta products are voluminous and difficult to attach, it is worth using not ordinary glue, but a hot-melt gun. You can attach the bow-shaped macaroni to a plastic champagne flute by removing the stem. You need to glue the pasta in a checkerboard pattern.

    You need to paint the craft after fixing the pasta and drying it.

    You can also make toys for such a New Year tree with your own hands from pasta - stars, letters, flowers and other shapes. Such pasta is often already sold in color - for children. You can use them to glue a whole star onto a Christmas tree or small pendants by attaching them to the craft with glue.

    What would a New Year be without a Christmas tree and gifts? Today we have prepared for you a master class on how to make a Christmas tree from pasta with your own hands.

    A Christmas tree made from pasta will not only be a wonderful decoration, but can also serve as a wonderful and original gift for your loved ones and friends. I think it will not go unnoticed and will decorate not only your home, but also your workplace for all the New Year holidays. So, let's begin.

    To make such a cute Christmas tree from pasta we will need:

    • A sheet of thick paper (the size depends on the size of the Christmas tree you will make)
    • Pasta (preferably feather shaped)
    • Glue (for convenience, it is better to use hot glue with a gun)
    • Paint (gold or silver)
    • Green rain
    • Balls for decoration (optional)
    Roll a cone out of thick paper and secure it with a stapler or glue. Trim off the excess.

    The preparation for the future Christmas tree is ready. Now it's time to glue the pasta.

    We begin to glue the pasta from top to bottom as shown in the figure below.

    To make gluing more convenient and smooth, you can make markings on the cone in advance.

    It’s okay if the pasta is of different sizes and lengths, the main thing is not to skimp on the glue.

    Closer to the bottom of the tree, reduce the spiral descent making the circles more even.

    Cover the entire tree with gold glitter or silver paint.

    Leave the tree to dry in a warm place, preferably near heating devices or a radiator.

    Until the paint has dried well, do not proceed to the next step, otherwise you will damage the paint.

    Now that the paint has dried thoroughly, let a green rain flow between the rows of pasta, starting from the top of the tree.

    To make the Christmas tree look more elegant, you can use green rain with gold.

    If you wish, you can decorate our Christmas tree with tinsel and balls.

    Now your beauty is ready for the new year.

    Capable of decorating not only the New Year's table, but also some places in the apartment.

    In addition, making a Christmas tree from pasta does not require much time or expense. And the result is simply gorgeous.

    To begin with, there is an interesting idea for a Christmas tree made of pasta on a leg, only the basis is a disposable wine glass, from which the leg is cut off, and the body of the wine glass is used instead of a cardboard cone.

    1. To create a Christmas tree I will need:

    • disposable wine glass,
    • curly pasta,
    • hot glue gun,
    • aerosol enamel in green and gold colors.

    2. I used a disposable wine glass as the basis for the Christmas tree. Starting from the bottom, from the wide part of the wine glass, we begin to glue the curly “Bows” pasta with a hot glue gun.

    3. Glue them in rows in a checkerboard pattern.

    4. In this way I fill the entire glass with them. Closer to the top of the head I glue pasta halves in several rows.

    5. I glue two coasters from wine glasses together, as shown in the photo. The result is a stand for the Christmas tree.

    6.Using a hot-melt gun, I glue the stand to the wide part of the wine glass.

    7. I paint the Christmas tree with green enamel.

    8. I paint small shaped pasta with golden enamel, it turns out to be New Year’s toys for the Christmas tree.

    9. I glue them to the Christmas tree with a hot glue gun. From them I make an openwork star on the top of the head. The Christmas tree is ready.


    Another Christmas tree made from regular pasta - any will do. The principle of the craft is the same, but this craft is made from hollow, straight pasta tubes.
    You will also need:

    • several sheets of thick cardboard (can be colored or white),
    • heat gun (no gun available? use “moment” type glue)
    • dye.
    • stapler

    And, of course, straight arms should come included :)

    We first paint the pasta “feathers” green and dry them. Several “shells” should be painted red for future transformation into a Christmas tree star.
    Draw a semicircle on a sheet of cardboard, cut it out and roll it into a cone.

    We connect the edges of the cone using a stapler.

    Glue the pasta to the paper cone. It is best to use a glue gun and hot glue for these purposes. By the way, glue gun refills can be used without the device itself. Simply heat the tip of the rod with fire from a match or lighter. As soon as the glue begins to melt, press the tip of the rod towards the joint.

    When all the “branches” are in place, place a star on the tree and decorate with ribbons. You can also cover the Christmas tree with a thin layer of PVA glue and, while the glue is still wet, sprinkle with a small amount of glitter. This will make the tree look more elegant.


    If you want to make the Christmas tree taller, then glue 5 cones from sheets of paper

    And we start gluing the pasta from the bottom up.

    Step by step, tier by tier

    and before your very eyes a wonderful New Year tree will “grow” - a pasta tree

    Then we paint our pasta tree in any color that suits your interior.

    Glue m&m's dragee candies

    And painted pasta bows.

    The result is such a beautiful homemade Christmas tree made from pasta.