Good afternoon, dear readers! Amethyst is a stone, the mere sight of which evokes mystical experiences in many, not to mention purposeful work and interaction with it. In this article you will learn what this semi-precious clot of energy is and how you can use it for your benefit, what each color of the mineral means, and what its beneficial, healing properties are.

In addition, after reading the article, you can choose an amethyst for yourself and your loved ones. We'll take a closer look at what this natural stone means for each zodiac sign. And if you dream of buying amethyst products or plan to give original products made of this material to your friends, our publication will not only help you make the right choice, but will also warn you against purchasing fakes.

The nature of the material or everything about the amethyst stone

Amethyst is a representative of the quartz rock, which is rightfully considered the most expensive of all the silica family existing in nature. In nature, amethyst is a diamond-shaped rock formation that cannot be missed. As a rule, the mineral has a purple color that stands out against the background of the gray mountain substrate.

By the way, when amethyst is heated to 200 degrees, the nugget changes color: as a result of the thermal reaction, the stone becomes colorless, and as it cools, it returns to its natural color.

The answer to the question why a mineral changes color lies in its composition. In its structure, this mineral contains impurities that, when heated, change their valence and become colorless. After cooling, everything returns to normal.

The main deposits of the stone are the territories of South America, Africa, Asia, Germany, Armenia, and Ceylon. In some countries, the extraction of precious nuggets is carried out at different depths. In Russia, amethyst is found in the Urals, and also occasionally in the spurs of the mountainous Crimea.

However, the quality of the Crimean stone allows it to be used exclusively for collection purposes. It is not suitable for the jewelry industry, which cannot be ignored for the luxury gems of the Middle Urals.

As a rule, the thickness of amethyst crystals ranges from 5 mm to 10 cm. Individual crystals can reach up to 1 meter in girth and the height of an adult. The mass of such a crystal can reach half a ton.

The color of the stone varies from violet shades of varying saturation to blood red, blue and green. This color variation is determined by the percentage of iron, manganese, cobalt and nickel in it.

It is worth noting that cobalt and nickel are only rarely found in amethysts, which is why their color is predominantly purple.

Interesting information: in the National Collection of America there is a Brazilian amethyst weighing 1362 carats, which in everyday language is 272.4 g. Of course, you can say that the weight is small. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that only stones suitable for jewelry processing are measured in carats. Brazilian amethyst:

  • transparent;
  • evenly colored;
  • does not contain any foreign inclusions;
  • has no chips or cracks.

In a word - an ideal stone for the jewelry industry.

However, none of us will ever wear earrings with inserts made of this amethyst. And not because its carats are not enough for all the fair sex of our planet. The reason lies in the fact that such crystals are very rare and they must remain untouched for future generations.

Today, the most precious and high-quality amethyst is mined in the Urals, which is known throughout the world as “Ural” or “deep Siberian”. Minerologists claim that this stone has high hardness (7 points according to the Mohs table) and density (2.6 g per cm3).

By the way, the weight of one carat is 0.2 g. Therefore, the next time you go to a jewelry store, you will have something to start with when considering the numbers: 2, 3, 5 or more carats. In the meantime, let’s continue our acquaintance with amethyst.

Amethyst stone in legends

If you translate the word “amethystos” from ancient Greek, you get the adjective “not drunk.” Scientists associate this translation with a beautiful romantic story-myth of Ancient Greece.

There is a legend that the God of wine, Dionysus, fell in love with the beautiful nymph Amethyst. However, the girl's heart was occupied. After numerous attempts by Dionysus to be with his beloved, the goddess of female chastity Artemis intervened in the situation, who turned the nymph into a hard stone of a rich purple hue. As a reminder of the love of Dionysus, Artemis endowed the mineral with the unique property of protecting against intoxication.

According to legends, during feasts, the ancient Greeks often decorated their dishes with amethyst, and also put on various jewelry made from a precious (at that time) gem. In this way, they protected themselves from the strong effects of the intoxicating drink.

There are other names for the gem, for example, “bishop” (Old Russian) and “apostolic” (in the Christian tradition) stone. It is interesting that back in the 16th century. in Rus', amethyst, which has a red tint, was called “dumpling” or “amephis”.

At that time, this mineral was valued higher than ruby. The gem was the favorite stone of the church fathers, which is why the altar, icons of saints, and crosses were often decorated with the help of a purple nugget.

Amethyst is also called the “widow’s stone” (together with pearl and alexandrite). The mineral is a symbol of a woman’s strong love and fidelity. Such jewelry is worn by beautiful ladies who have lost their beloved husband, or who have taken an oath of eternal fidelity to their lover.

Medicinal properties

Experts studying the influence of natural stones claim that natural unprocessed amethyst is beneficial for women, men, and children.

  • The mineral strengthens the central nervous system, normalizes metabolism, stabilizes hormonal levels, as well as the production of endocrine glands.
  • In addition, lithotherapists confirm that the amethyst mineral enriches the blood with oxygen, which as a result promotes the normal functioning of the intestines, kidneys, liver and stomach.
  • Lithotherapists recommend using the stone for women who want to maintain youth, because the mineral helps reduce the number of wrinkles, improve skin color, as well as relieve swelling and eliminate bruises.
  • For absolutely everyone, jewelry made from an amethyst nugget helps in the treatment of fears, insomnia, and headaches. To do this, you need to apply the stone to the temples and forehead.
  • The mineral can relieve stress, overexertion, and negativity. It is often used during the course of treatment of mental disorders, schizophrenia, and paranoia.

White metal, such as steel, silver, white gold, platinum, perfectly emphasizes the appearance, color, and enhances all the beneficial properties of amethyst.

However, it is important to know that amethyst should be placed in a white gold frame only if it is combined with other precious or semi-precious stones.

For example, for a woman it could be a gold ring with amethyst and crystal or gold earrings with amethyst and zirconium, and for a man it could be a ring with a purple gem and quartz.

Magical properties of the mineral

The stone has not only healing properties, but also magical, or more precisely, esoteric properties. If we talk about the interpretation of the mineral using Tarot cards, then the amethyst crystal belongs to the category of the Major Arcana - Temperance.

It is believed that the mineral can remove anxiety, mental pain, has a beneficial effect and fills the human aura. A quartz nugget is used as an amulet against drunkenness, bad thoughts, and promotes prudence and wisdom. The energy of the stone helps cleanse the space of accumulated negativity.

  • You should not wear amethyst jewelry all the time. It is recommended to remove such jewelry 1-2 times a week.
  • Amethyst jewelry is recommended to be worn by women wishing to become pregnant and men suffering from infertility.
  • If the stone is worn around the neck in a gold frame, the human body will constantly be in energy balance.
  • Amethyst in silver, whose properties are also beneficial for most people, is best worn around the neck or wrist. It is believed that a silver amethyst bracelet normalizes a person’s thought processes and improves his memory.

Before wearing the products, it is recommended to test the properties of the stone in the house. It is important to know that the amethyst mineral influences and cleanses the frontal chakra, as well as the crown chakra, revealing the magical abilities of each owner. In a closed space, natural amethyst has Yin energy, i.e. transform negative vibes into positive ones.

There are several amethyst stone conspiracies for protection from everything bad and negative, which will help in life, regardless of the year of birth, gender, faith, or zodiac sign of the owner of the purple mineral.

According to Feng Shui theory, amethyst also has a positive effect in love. In addition, the stone attracts wealth to the home, stone crystals attract material well-being in the family. To do this, you simply need to place a raw amethyst or druse (a mineral aggregate from a collection of crystals randomly fused together) in the southwestern side of the room.

Today you can buy amethyst figurines and interior decorations. Druses look quite impressive in spacious and small rooms.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for an amethyst nugget?

The amethyst mineral represents the element of Air, so the stone is suitable for people of all zodiac signs belonging to the air element, as well as those under the influence of the planets Saturn, Venus and Neptune. When choosing products from a nugget, it is important to pay attention to its color, because its effect on a person depends on the color of the mineral.

  • For Aquarius, Gemini And Capricorn It is better to choose a pink stone that personifies tenderness, calmness, and harmony. For people of these zodiac signs, pink amethyst will help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthen the nervous system. In addition, wearing jewelry made from pale pink mineral every day reduces the negative effects of stress on the human body.
  • Black amethyst is the perfect gift for Libra, Virgo, Cancer And Scorpio. Autumn zodiac signs have selfishness and increased emotionality. The “black king” will help you cope with all this, harmonize and calm your inner state.
  • For people who want to be the center of attention, e.g. Aries And Lviv, it is preferable to opt for a purple color scheme: lilac or lavender shades. The stone will help you make important decisions, help you cope with personal ambitions and drive away all the surrounding negativity.

Especially green, blue, blue amethyst jewelry is useful to wear Aries. It is the owners of this sign who will be helped by a natural gem to discover the supernatural abilities that they possess from birth.

  • For personal development, establishing business relationships, success in business and career Pisces And Sagittarius It is recommended to purchase a lilac stone. This color of the nugget can remove all angry feelings, protect against envy, and bring peace of mind.

Exactly the opposite is the picture of the influence of the lilac mineral on Taurus. In contrast to the positive impact on such a sign as Fish, For Taurus Amethyst stone does not work, it can even neutralize the positive emotions of the owner.

If we talk in general about the horoscope, then representatives of the sciences of numerology and astrology agree that an amethyst gem of any color is a real “C” mineral. This means that the nugget has a triple effect on people who have the numbers “3”, “12”, “21” and “30” in their date of birth.

In addition to numbers, the stone has a connection with people's names. An amethyst nugget can become a real talisman for Arkady, Evgeniy, Leonid, Marina, Elizaveta, Anton, Violetta.

How to distinguish an amethyst stone from a fake

It is impossible to clearly determine from a photo whether an amethyst is natural or not. The authenticity of a material can be determined by several criteria. By color - the natural material has a violet color range. The second parameter is color saturation, i.e. the brighter the color, the better and more expensive the stone.

Here are some simple tests that can tell you whether the material is natural or synthetic:

  1. Check the color: uneven tone and the presence of a cloudy coating indicate naturalness.
  2. Heat the material: non-synthetic stone takes longer to heat up than artificial stone.
  3. Examine the nugget under a magnifying glass: in natural amethyst you can see a heterogeneous structure.

Whether the stone is expensive or artificial (for example, completely transparent), amethyst requires care. You can preserve all the properties and appearance of a gem if:

  • Protect from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  • Store it in a soft cloth.
  • Rinse once or twice a month with running cold water.

In the video below you can see in more detail what a natural crystal looks like, find out its deepest characteristics and meaning in spiritual practice.

Team LyubiKamni

Until the middle of the 18th century, only crowned heads and church hierarchs could wear it. Its properties and significance as a love talisman and a powerful amulet against intoxication are recognized. All this is an amethyst stone.

In ancient Greek the word means “not drunk.” According to myth, the god of wine and fun, Dionysus, was inflamed with passion for the beautiful Amethys. But she loved the shepherd. Dionysus did not retreat, then Artemis intervened. The goddess turned the nymph into a magnificent violet stone, protecting her from intoxication. Rings with amethyst were worn at feasts.

Amethyst and the magical properties of the stone were valued by the rulers of Sumer, the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, and the Chinese even today store precious aromatic oils in vessels made from it. The crowns of the British Empire and Russian Tsars are decorated with it.

This is one of the 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah. Every new cardinal receives a ring with this stone upon his ordination from the Pope.


Amethyst and the description of its properties have been studied thoroughly for a long time. In fact, it is silica, the most expensive of quartz. In nature it is represented by diamond-shaped crystals of varying degrees of transparency.

The main advantage of the stone is its bright purple hue, which can be seen in the photo. The full color range - from pale pink to black - is determined by the following factors:

  • impurities of manganese, iron or cobalt;
  • organic pigments;
  • defects in the crystal structure plus iron ions.

Looks most impressive in natural light.

However, intense ultraviolet radiation is destructive: no matter what color the amethyst was originally, it fades and turns pale. It may discolor when exposed to strong heat, but will return to its original color as it cools. Regardless of storage conditions, a percentage of color intensity is lost annually. Solid mineral: characteristic on the Mohs scale 7 units out of 10 possible.

The gem is not considered rare; deposits are found all over the world. The most valuable stones in the Urals are supplied by tons from Brazil, but they are of low quality.

A precious mineral of the second order, amethyst acquired the significance of a first-class stone thanks to the luxury of its violet hue.

Green crystals (prasiolites) are prized; they are a true rarity, a black mineral with a deep, opaque color. Pink is even less common. Although the classic description of the stone by color is a deep purple crystal.

Therapeutic effect

The property of a stone to prevent a person from getting drunk is well known. However, stone treatment specialists - lithotherapists - recognize the importance of amethyst for solving many health problems.

The water in which the amethyst lay all night, drunk before breakfast, helps:

  • cleanse blood vessels, liver, kidneys, defeat colds;
  • debug the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • relieve swelling, remove bruises, reduce joint pain, normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen the nervous system, reducing tension and stress; it helps cure mental disorders (except paranoia or schizophrenia);
  • for diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart;
  • for gout;
  • to saturate the blood with oxygen.

People's requests to nature for help did not go unanswered. The Creator of the surrounding world generously gifted humanity with everything necessary for a happy existence.

Amethyst is an underground gift that gives the inhabitants of the planet energy, knowledge and the ability to cope with opponents of the human race, evil forces and vices.

History and origin

Ancestors created legends about the formation of a wonderful crystal. The story of the intoxicating passion of the ancient Greek god Dionysus for the nymph Amethys, which led to the death of the unfortunate woman, is the most famous among fans of myths.

The ancient Roman interpretation of the story about the origin of the gem sounds somewhat different, but the essence remains the same. The God of winemaking, having decided to punish people for not showing proper worship, set fierce beasts on the laity. The predators, having stumbled upon a nymph petrified with fear, took off running.

With the help of wine, Bacchus tried to revive the girl, but did not get any results. The stone into which Amethys turned was turned into pure water by the strong drink. In the old days, thanks to legends, people could learn a lot. The myth of the petrified nymph gave humanity the knowledge that a magic crystal helps get rid of drunkenness and aggression.

The mineral is formed among crystalline rock formations. Amethyst druses or brushes are found in cracks in volcanic rocks and inside agate ores. There are stones with inclusions and... A widely known natural mixture of amethyst and, called.

Place of Birth

South American mines are famous for their deposits of high-grade gems. The deposit located in Mexico produces high-quality precious crystals of a dark purple color. Gems from Asia and Africa enter the world market.

However, gems mined on the hot continent are not as numerous as in other locations. Unique specimens of gems are mined in Russia. The loud name “deep Siberian” is given to a purple pebble from this region. Jewelry amethyst, mined in the mines of the Urals, has a high collection value.

Physical properties

The semi-precious stone is transparent, with a glassy, ​​pearlescent luster. Due to the physical properties of the stone, amethyst is widely used in jewelry, as it is processed and cut. Hard and durable colored crystals are highly valued as an ornamental material.

FormulaSiO2 (silica)
ImpuritiesFe²+, Fe³+
Density2.63 - 2.65 g/cm³
Refractive index1,543 - 1,554
KinkConchoidal, rather fragile.
ShineGlass, mother-of-pearl.
ColorViolet to pale reddish-violet, black, pink.

Healing properties

The ability of amethyst to heal any ailment has been known since ancient times. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks believed in the healing power of the stone and knew in which cases the properties of the gem were most effective.

The mineral, sacred in those days, helped to overcome any addiction. In modern times, you can also cope with harmful addictions with the help of amethyst. Constantly carrying a crystal framed in silver with you acts on the mind as a way to weaken the craving for a bad habit.

In addition to the main healing property of liberating from addiction, the gem helps the body cope with the following problems:

  • eliminates disturbances in the endocrine system, normalizes the production of hormones;
  • gives a calming effect, relieves muscle tension, restores emotional state;
  • has a beneficial effect on the mental state, eliminates nervousness, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation, promotes blood saturation with useful substances;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure;
  • helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract, helps cure diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
  • helps restore the liver, rids the body of toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • helps improve the health of the genitourinary system, relieves kidney disease, reduces swelling;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • gives an analgesic effect, relieves migraines;
  • has a beneficial effect on sleep, helps get rid of nightmares.

In the old days, medical luminaries used amethyst to treat people with a weakened psyche. Tinctures with the mineral were used in the treatment of apathy and depression.

Important! A healing stone is not a medicine, but a battery charged with positive energy that enhances the effect of drugs and accelerates the absorption of nutrients. By the force of vibration, the crystal “forces” the body to accumulate vital energy, which gives a speedy recovery.

Magic properties

In the distant past, due to its miraculous properties, amethyst was called the “apostle’s stone.” The gem is the personification of purity of spirit, devoted feelings and bright thoughts.

The sacred crystal gives peace, drives away anxious feelings, and helps to understand premonitions. The beneficial energy of the mineral protects from adversity and protects from negative influences.

As a magic stone, amethyst is very picky in choosing the ward whom it will favor. Selflessness and honesty are the qualities that the owner of the amulet should be endowed with.

For a person with a similar set of traits, the gem helps to take a happy path, gain health, well-being and get rid of evil influences with the help of black magic, damage and the evil eye. If the owner of the talisman has bad character traits, the energy of the stone is unlikely to cope with the assigned tasks.

A magical artifact affects the state of mind and harmonizes the inner world. Protects the owner of the stone from “bad” thoughts, conflict mood, and helps to cope with attacks of aggression.

Finding yourself in the midst of a quarrel or a brewing scandal, you have to remove the jewelry with the stone, since the gem is not able to quickly transform the negative charge and this flow rushes towards the owner of the amulet. After the event, the crystal requires cleansing of negativity.

It is not for nothing that one of the varieties is purple, the same as the ajna chakra. The crystal helps to reveal superpowers and develop clairvoyance.

For those who do not intend to reveal hidden psychic talents, the gem helps to avoid lies and insincerity, and to expose evil intentions. Anxiety and worry develop suspicion and irritability. The amethyst talisman helps to clearly contemplate on current events, which helps dispel all doubts and relieve tension.

Natural stone helps to improve relationships in the family and work team. The amulet protects its owner from pretense and flattery, which makes communication open and truthful. Using a gem for communication helps you see through your interlocutor.

Empathy awakens in the owner of the amulet, which not only promotes empathy, but also makes it possible to get to know a person better. The highest spiritual quality helps to understand the people around you and set the tone for communication.

For family relationships, amethyst has a special purpose, the settlement of relationships. This is the case if the partners have common views on life, if they have common goals.

When a couple does not have unity, if there is violence or aggression in the relationship, then this union should not exist; the gem can speed up the breakup. If a stone looks like a heart, it is the best protector of sincere feelings. The talisman becomes a reliable protector of lovers.

What matters for a person living in today’s hectic world is his predisposition to art, sports, and maybe science. For whom amethyst can be used as a magical artifact, it is recommended to use it to reveal natural talents, artistic or musical taste, or a thirst for knowledge.

Important! In some cases, amethyst jewelry is used to attract a loved one. The enchanted item can be donated as a love spell artifact. The ritual will have an effect, however, the result obtained is unlikely to be satisfactory. Such actions do not give happiness, but the bitterness of disappointment. This is even more true for minerals, like the Apostle’s Stone.

Jewelry with Amethyst

Amethyst is popular among jewelry lovers who enjoy the healing and magical properties of the stone. The gem is used as a precious, semi-precious and ornamental mineral.

Rare collectible samples are in private collections, but many unique items are put up for sale. The compatibility of the mineral with other gems contributes to the creation of jewelry masterpieces. The crystal is combined with various types of precious and inexpensive metals, which greatly affects the cost of the product.

  • Brazilian amethyst for a keychain costs only $3;
  • a crystal fragment from Kazakhstan, measuring 1.5x2 cm, costs $3;
  • crystal (tumble) of the highest quality, from Zambia, size 1.5x2 cm costs $5;
  • earrings made of jewelry alloy with amethyst beads, diameter 10 mm, cost $5.5;
  • Brazilian mineral pendant costs $6;
  • heart pendant, Brazil costs $7;
  • a dowsing pendulum made of amethyst and cupronickel costs $8-10;
  • a crystal drop pendant from Namibia costs $11;
  • cupronickel pendulum, gem from Botswana costs $13;
  • cut jewelry amethyst, weighing 0.5 carats, Zambia deposit, costs $15;
  • druse size 7x8 cm, lavender color, Uruguay, costs $30.

From the above statistics it is clear that the price varies depending on the size of the stone, its deposit and the quality of the mineral. Judging by the list presented, anyone who wishes can buy a natural gem.

More information about jewelry with Amethyst:


It is known that the colors of gems depend on what impurities they contain. The most popular variety of amethyst is considered to be the one that has a purple hue. However, the stone is also found in other colors and is therefore of considerable interest among jewelers and collectors.

How to distinguish a fake?

Many people know about artificially grown minerals. To distinguish a natural crystal from a fake, it is proposed to test the stone.

  • The first is a careful examination of the gem for the presence of inclusions and microcracks. A perfect stone that has no defects is most likely fake.
  • the second test is the study of appearance and color. A crystal that is too bright and does not have imprecise drawing lines casts doubt on its originality.
  • The third method is immersion in water. A natural gem will appear much lighter around the edges, which will not be true for a fake.

Important! Hard and durable stone is difficult to scratch. If you run the point of a needle across a natural crystal, it is unlikely to leave a mark on it.

Caring for stone products

With proper care, jewelry adorns its owner for a long time, and later passes into the possession of descendants. In order for an amethyst to serve as a decoration or amulet for as long as possible, there are certain care rules for this.

  • Do not use chemicals to clean dirt. Can be cleaned with soapy water and running water.
  • Do not dry in the sun or near heating devices. Can be dried in a dark place, at room temperature, or using a fabric that absorbs moisture well.
  • You cannot save a magic stone together with other jewelry. Can be stored in a separate case or box.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Anyone interested in the magical, healing properties of the mineral will be curious to know what astrological properties amethyst has, and which zodiac sign will receive greater support from the crystal.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-
  • Aries - these representatives of the zodiac circle receive protection and support from purple and lavender crystals. The gem gives control over emotions, promotes the right choice, and helps in resolving conflicts.
  • Capricorns, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini get the help of the pink variety. The gem has an effect on improving health, improving relationships in the family and at work.
  • For Virgos and Scorpios, the best amulets will be black amethyst. The gem relieves negativity and bad thoughts. Sets you up for positivity and gives a favorable solution to the problem.
  • Cancer and Pisces are favored by the influence of the lilac crystal. The mineral protects family ties and helps in the implementation of plans.

Names that harmonize with amethyst:

  • Alexander, with the help of the stone, gives up excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Alexey reveals his creative potential.
  • An amulet helps Ivan on the path to enlightenment.
  • Daria ceases to be ashamed of her own judgments.
  • Elena limits herself from bad habits that lead to poor health.
  • Taisiya receives a favorable charge of energy that improves health.

The correct choice of amulet is based on purely personal preferences and inner feelings.

Is this stone right for you?

The amethyst stone, the properties of which have been known to man since ancient times, continues to captivate people with its beauty, spontaneity - and more. The mineral belongs to a variety of quartz and is not very expensive, but, nevertheless, it is very beautiful. Many legends and traditions are associated with it. That is why lovers of natural stones are always interested in what magical properties this stone has and who this amazing gem is suitable for according to their zodiac sign.

Legends about the stone and facts from its history

Many people believe that amethyst brings good luck, and this is one of its main characteristics. Astrologers and fans of esoteric teachings have no doubt about the miraculous power of the stone, the magical properties of which are reflected in many tales and legends.

It is known that the mineral got its name in honor of a nymph from ancient myths, whose name was Amethys. The god of wine and fun, Dionysus, fell in love with Amethys, but she did not reciprocate his feelings and preferred to love a simple village shepherd, not succumbing to the temptations of fun and debauchery. Since Dionysus sought her reciprocity for a very long time and stubbornly, the goddess of hunting Artemis, out of solidarity with Dionysus, decided to teach the proud nymph a lesson. In anger, she turned it into a purple amethyst, which to this day is a beautiful and effective talisman or amulet that protects a person from drunkenness and other excesses.

If you literally translate the word “amethyst” from Greek into Russian, it means “sober” or “not drunk.” No matter how hard the god Dionysus tried to seduce the beautiful nymph, she did not succumb to his seduction and remained sane, not afraid of the wrath of the wayward Artemis, who turned her into a beautiful crystal. Since then, this mineral has been deservedly revered as a symbol of sobriety and self-esteem. Of course, this was reflected much later - in the Christian worldview.

Many centuries later, the French writer Anatole France wrote a novel called The Amethyst Ring. After the victory of the Christian worldview in the territory of Rome and Greece, the high priests began to wear rings with amethysts, and this became an ingrained tradition. Anatole France, expressing the thoughts of one of his characters, unequivocally says that the mystical amethyst is nothing more than a symbol that denotes the strength of the spiritual marriage of a priest with the Christian Church.

By the way, the concept « mystic amethyst" does not always mean that the mineral has been carefully processed in any way. Now, with the development of laboratory technologies, many stones are subjected to processing, which gives them an additional degree of transparency or a unique playing color. However, for the most part, this concept is a marketing ploy. With its help, sellers try to attract the attention of potential buyers. Although there are already many people who believe in the healing and magical properties of amethyst.

Like other similar stones, amethyst does not belong to the class of very expensive “jewels,” but this has not stopped it from time immemorial from being famous for its purity, purity and resistance to worldly temptations and temptations. It was the ancient Greek legend that became the basis for the fact that over time this particular mineral would take an honorable place among Christian bishops.

Any clergyman who wears this mineral knows the content of the ancient ancient legend, which is not only sad, but also instructive. It is of particular importance for those who have seriously decided to connect their lives with a spiritual calling. Therefore, a minister of the Church, whose choice is to wear an amethyst, must throughout his life uphold the ideals of modesty, chastity and abstinence from worldly temptations.

Despite the fact that this gem is now inexpensive compared to precious stones (emeralds, rubies, etc.), it has only become available as jewelry for the laity since the 18th century. Until the Age of Enlightenment, wearing it was appropriate only for high-ranking church ministers. However, scientific discoveries significantly undermined the authority of the Catholic Church in Europe, and this became the reason for the emancipation of human thought. When European society tacitly decided that a beautiful gem could be worn by everyone, it became available to both women and men, regardless of their affiliation with church circles.

Mineralogical description and properties

The amethyst stone, the properties of which scientists have studied for a long time, is a quartz variety. This is silica, the most expensive type of quartz, which occurs in nature in the form of crystals with different levels of transparency. The most popular color of the stone is bright purple, which is often the “calling card” of amethyst in all photos and videos on the Internet.

You should be aware that intense ultraviolet radiation from the sun is detrimental to the mineral: its color fades and becomes faded. The stone should be stored in a cool and dark place. Then its original color is restored. However, it is important to keep in mind that a natural gemstone will still lose color intensity every year.

The properties of the amethyst stone in terms of hardness are quite decent: the indicator on the generally accepted Mohs scale is seven out of ten. It is not a rare stone; it is found often and in many places. One of the large deposits is located in the Urals, as well as in Brazil. But Ural gems are significantly superior to overseas ones both in quality and beauty. The mineral is very malleable in processing, so jewelers try to use its full potential in order to fully reveal its natural splendor.

Variety of colors

The amazing beauty of stones from a scientific point of view is the result of oxidative processes that occur in iron and manganese. This is one of the versions. The second suggests that the variety of colors of amethysts is due to complex chemical reactions between aluminum and iron. In any case, we are talking about impurities of various kinds, thanks to which the wonderful and unique color of this or that natural specimen is created.

The range of shades of amethysts varies from classic bright purple to soft lilac. Jewelers often have to deal with stones with a pinkish tint and crystals that contain secondary tones, such as blue and red. There are soft lilac specimens, which are characterized by greenish tints.

There are also dark gems with an admixture of purple flowers. Sometimes there is a blue stone, as well as unusual representatives - green and black amethyst. The green mineral is also called praseolite. It can be found in Brazilian deposits. It has excellent optical characteristics, which was noticed long ago by jewelers. Due to its unusualness, it has been honored to be the center of the most unusual and original jewelry. Their prices on the market are sometimes very high. The rich color of the mineral is in amazing harmony with its needle-shaped inclusions, and the silver cut gives it a special splendor.

Black amethyst is characterized by a wide range of therapeutic effects. Mainly, it protects its owner from witchcraft. The magic of this stone involuntarily attracts the eyes of even those people who do not have a special love for jewelry.

Magical properties of the mineral

Of course, the magical properties of the stone extend not only to the rare black gem. The magic of other amethysts is no less powerful. Especially if a person has the natural ability to feel the energy emanating from various objects or living beings. Sometimes the decisive factor is not so much the color as the history of the mineral and the purpose for which it is acquired.

Since in the Western Christian tradition its properties were and remain closely associated with the institution of the priesthood, amethyst will have a beneficial effect on its owner in terms of spiritual cleansing. It symbolizes moral purity and will certainly help a person in achieving it. Considering the ancient Greek myth about the confrontation between the nymph Amethys and the dissolute god Dionysus, it is not surprising that this particular stone is the best talisman that will protect a person from alcohol and drug addiction. It will make a wonderful amulet that will protect you from being in bad company and getting into trouble.

When wearing jewelry with this gem and setting off on a long journey, a person can be sure that the magical properties of amethyst will protect him from troubles and will have a beneficial effect on all circumstances that arise during the journey. It is not for nothing that sailors from ancient times wore amulets made of amethyst. This helped them overcome the hardships of the water elements and survive after severe shipwrecks.

Amethyst is a stone of love, unconditional and sublime, which ennobles the human soul and contributes to its purification. Traditionally, the purple mineral is considered to be associated with the “third eye” and higher abilities. Of course, the legend about the ancient Greek nymph and her sad fate gave rise to the superstition that amethyst is a stone of loneliness.

It is believed that if you receive it as a gift, you may never find a worthy life partner. However, this is not the case. The mineral will not make anyone lonely and unhappy. He will cultivate in a person a desire to find solitude for the purpose of meditative reflection, which will later become a valuable guide to action.

Medicinal qualities of the mineral

Since ancient times, the healing properties of amethyst have been best demonstrated in alleviating mental illness. Anyone who is in a state of deep depression can really feel the healing power of the stone.

The mineral helps with colds, helping to mobilize immune forces, and also exhibits its healing qualities if its owner suffers from blood diseases.

It can provide significant relief from migraine headaches. Lithotherapists claim that in this particular case there is no better assistant among stones than amethyst: the significance of the stone here can be decisive. Of course, you should not refuse professional medical help. But women who suffer from migraines find it difficult to find a more suitable mineral to relieve their condition.

The healing properties of the stone are intended by nature to relieve a person from insomnia. Place the mineral under your pillow and it will be much easier to fall asleep, and your sleep will become calm and healthy. In general, the gem has a restorative effect on the entire body, and the combination of lithotherapy with qualified medical care will give a brilliant healing effect.

Amethyst and the signs of the Zodiac

For those who build their lives according to astrological predictions, it is important to know how amethyst is combined with them, what the properties of the mineral are and to whom it is suitable according to the zodiac sign.

So whose stone is it? Amethysts will fit perfectly into all zodiac constellations and suit all signs. It is traditionally believed that the mineral especially favors Aries and Aquarius. He will always help Aries to relax and gain sanity in a difficult situation, and will soften their difficult character. It will help Aquarius to strengthen their intuition and protect them from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Who is amethyst suitable for according to their zodiac sign, except Aries and Aquarius? It will also bring a lot of benefits to Pisces, especially in matters of the heart. The mineral will help both Pisces men and women gain mutual understanding with their significant other and avoid quarrels and disagreements. It gives Sagittarius success in the professional sphere and gives self-confidence.

Amethyst is well suited for zodiac signs associated with the water element. Stones of any color are perfect for Cancers: it is in interaction with them that minerals realize their healing qualities to the maximum.

Who else is suitable for amethyst according to the horoscope? It will give Libra family happiness and peace of mind, and it will relieve Gemini from insomnia and help resolve conflicts in a professional environment. For Virgos, the stone can become an indispensable assistant at the moment when they have to overcome what is called a black streak in life. He will help representatives of this zodiac sign gather together their spiritual strength and overcome any crisis.

If you answer the question about which zodiac sign this mineral is suitable as a talisman, we are talking about Scorpio. The effect of the stone will be especially enhanced if a man or woman wears an amethyst ring or ring framed in silver. The talisman will not only protect Scorpio from the evil eye, but will also give him success in the financial sphere.

The gem is also favorable to Leos, and most of all to women, giving them determination and courage. Thanks to the stone, the zodiac sign Leo will be able to pacify his pride and become more accommodating and compliant. As for Taurus and whether amethyst is right for them, the horoscope advises to think and decide whether Taurus agrees to become more humble and turn to spiritual issues. If his pride is too great, he should postpone wearing the mineral.

It should be noted that the mineral expects honesty, decency and high morality from its owner. Otherwise, you shouldn't expect anything good from him.

How to wear a gem correctly

What stones are combined with this wonderful mineral and how to wear this miracle of nature? Everything is very simple. Since it itself has a wide range of colors, you can combine pebbles of different colors in jewelry. Amethyst belongs to quartz and goes well with any quartz “relative”.

For example, a soft purple gem will harmonize perfectly with rose quartz, and green stones can create a wonderful ensemble with yellow ones of different shades. In any case, how to choose combinations of stones with each other and how to wear them - The owner himself will decide, and intuition and a more experienced jewelry lover will suggest the optimal solution.

Regardless of which zodiac sign the stone is chosen for, rings are usually worn on the ring fingers. Women are recommended to wear it on their left hand, and men - on their right hand. The gold frame of the jewelry will restore the emotional background, and silver will strengthen business and friendly ties.

We advise amethyst lovers to wear them, protecting them from sunlight. As for caring for the gem and cleaning it - if there is dirt, you can hold the jewelry in a soapy solution, then wash it and wipe it with a soft cloth.

So, who is the amethyst stone suitable for? Of course, everyone, regardless of horoscope, gender and age. In order to purchase a natural mineral, it is better to contact trusted sellers and ask for advice from those who are well versed in jewelry.

Amethyst is a semi-precious variety of quartz. The stone is indeed very beautiful, it is possible to find large specimens. In addition to the stones themselves, gemologists are also attracted by their configuration in the ground, so sometimes amethysts are cut out as whole druses of bizarre shapes up to 50 centimeters in size. How amethyst is mined and where it can be purchased are questions that interest fans and collectors of this mineral.

The stone is a full-fledged crystal, so it has been growing in the ground for centuries. For its formation, not only the SiO2 substance in the soil is necessary, but also special temperature conditions. You also need to maintain a certain pressure. During crystal growth, impurities of manganese and other substances enter it, which form a purple tint.

Amethyst mining

Amethyst can be found near volcanic rocks, for example, as part of rock crystal, and sometimes specimens are found in sedimentary rocks. The durability of its color will depend on where the amethyst was mined: if it is among volcanic rocks, such a stone is more protected from high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

When the stone is heated, it becomes either yellow or colorless. This is how citrine is obtained. But with uncontrolled overheating, the crystal becomes very fragile and can crumble in your hands.

Methods for extracting stone

Stone mining is carried out both at the amateur and industrial levels. To do this as a hobby does not require any special skill or training. Amethyst mining happens:

  • Using underground quarries or workings. The rock is raised to the surface by people or machines. This type of deposit is called geodes. These are large cavities in which the walls are chalcedony, and the insides contain amethyst. The shape of the deposits is called drusen, which means the accretion of thousands of small crystals. The method is the most expensive from a material point of view, since equipment is needed to lift drusen from geodes to the surface. The sizes can be quite large, druses are sawed and citrine is found. Sometimes such finds are used for interior decoration in an unchanged form. But due to the financial costs, this method is used less often than others.
  • Normal collection of stones from the ground. This is how stones were mined a hundred years ago. But minerals do not always lie free on the ground. Most often, amethyst has to be chipped from rocks or stones using a pickaxe, hammer or other tool, sometimes by blasting the rock. This method is the most cost-effective, since it is quite easy to notice the stone. The main thing is to look for amethysts near deposits. The shape of such stones will be less beautiful than that of geodes, but if the material is processed and cut, then the extraction method does not matter.
  • Extraction of material from placers. There are especially many placers on the shores of the White Sea. There is a high probability of finding amethyst near the surf or in the crevices of coastal rocks. Sometimes you can just pick it up, but it's best to carry a pickaxe or hammer with you.
  • Artificial extraction, produced in a laboratory. The idea is to quickly grow quartz crystals. They are more durable in color and can be given any shade during the procedure. Such crystals have no defects, and their cost is much lower than natural specimens.

Amethyst druse, amethyst brush

Where are amethysts found?

Most semi-precious amethysts are mined in countries such as:

  1. Uruguay.
  2. Brazil.
  3. Russia (Ural).
  4. Mexico.
  5. Namibia.

But if you want to not only find out where amethyst is mined, but also extract the stone yourself, it is best to go to Finland. There is a famous mine called "Lampivaara" in the city of Luosto in Lapland. This is the only operating mine in Europe with a centuries-old history and manual extraction of stone. Each tourist can find his own copy and even take it with him. Such deposits, which are open to tourists, can be found in the USA. There, the stone mined by tourists will be immediately processed and can even be inserted into some product of the client’s choice.

Different deposits had different conditions for the formation of stone. Therefore, amethysts will also differ from each other. At a minimum, gemologists identify several shades, which determine the cost of the stone.

The most expensive shade is considered to be Deep Siberian (deep Siberian), which is mined in large quantities in Russia. It amazes with its brightness and richness. And the most popular and frequently used color in sales is the “Rose of France” color. It is forbidden to heat the stones; it is better to store them away from sunlight and not wear them in the summer. When buying an amethyst, do not forget to inquire about the documents of the stone, its origin and authenticity.

Mining amethyst is not a difficult matter from a mineralogy point of view. The popularity of the stone is still great; you don’t even have to process the found mineral, but simply use sections. The stones are truly diverse, so mining will remain profitable for a long time.