Valentine's Day is considered one of the most romantic holidays of all. And even if this date falls on a chilly February day, we have the power to make it truly special and wonderful, even if the weather outside is bad. We have prepared for you 50 romantic gifts for a guy on February 14, with which you will definitely delight your boyfriend. This will not be difficult to do, because they are all original and non-standard ideas that come from the heart.

Romantic gifts

The holiday of February 14 is unique in its own way. This is the only celebration entirely dedicated to the feeling of love. Therefore, congratulations should not just please with some universal gift, but become an expression of sincere attitude, tenderness and affection. An excellent choice would be a romantic gift for your boyfriend. Even if your chosen one is an example of brutality and one hundred percent masculinity, in his soul he still expects such a sign of attention.

List of 10 romantic gifts:

  • Unique Valentine- the most suitable gift for St. Valentine's Day. Valentina. In addition to the paper version, you can purchase very attractive models made from unusual materials - wood, metal, wicker, beads and even burlap. Similar products are sold online on handmade gift sites, or you can show your imagination and make them yourself.
  • Jar with confessions “100 reasons why I love you”– a very sweet and romantic gift for a man who wants to be sure of your feelings and needs your admiration every minute;
  • Heart-shaped LED lamp- a magnificent piece of furniture that will decorate the decor of your home and create an intimate, romantic atmosphere.
  • Breakfast table in bed– an interesting and functional gift that you can use many more times, turning any day off into a holiday for two.
  • Declaration of love on canvas– made from the photograph you provide, printed on matte material with a stretcher. Your happy faces, beautiful words of love - what could be better for a gift for Valentine's Day.
  • Lingerie set– suitable for a guy with a good sense of humor. Choose men's briefs with cool prints and slogans that highlight your partner's sexuality and stamina. Despite the humorous nature, your companion will take such a gift as a compliment.
  • Board game for adults– will please your man and give you several hours of pleasant time alone.
  • Puzzle "Heart"- a romantic gift for a loved one on February 14th, who is interested in various intellectual pastimes. Every time, solving this “love” Rubik’s cube, your boyfriend will think about you and remember this day.
  • Wine stand “Romance”– a cute accessory in the form of a wooden case, decorated with various holiday attributes – a heart-lock and a key with wings. Very stylish, romantic and relevant.
  • Erotic “packaging” scarlet bow- an original way out of the situation if you don’t know what romantic things you can give to your husband. No material object can compare with your love and sensuality, so a present in the style of “your best gift is me” will pleasantly surprise and delight your rightful half.

A classic gift option for February 14 is a romantic dinner. And it doesn’t matter where it will take place, in a pretentious restaurant or in a modest one-room apartment. The main thing is how you feel for each other, and that atmosphere of harmony and sincerity that no amount of money can buy.

Luxury gifts

If you are used to pampering your man with exclusive and expensive products for every holiday, then St. Valentine's Day is a great occasion to choose an interesting premium gift for your loved one.

5 elite VIP gifts:

  • Decor elements of the corresponding theme– porcelain figurines a la pastoral, an antique candelabra with candles, a painting on a love theme, an hourglass in the form of two intertwined figures. The choice depends only on your taste and financial capabilities.
  • Expensive perfumes– the aroma of eau de toilette from a famous brand will every time remind your loved one of a wonderful day spent with you, returning him to an atmosphere of love and joy.
  • Men's jewelry– elegant cufflinks for a formal suit, a bracelet with Swarovski crystals or a massive ring with a stone. Look for a gift that matches the style and wardrobe of your loved one.
  • Amber wine glass– give your man the opportunity to feel like an emperor. Previously, such dishes could only belong to a particularly noble person, but now you can present this luxurious cup as a gift to the person you truly love and appreciate.
  • Parker pen- stationery may not be the most romantic gift, but who knows, maybe with this pen your betrothed will finally put the cherished signature in the registry office, making you his only and beloved on all legal grounds.

All the gifts that we reviewed in this section are classified as expensive and elite. But the number of banknotes spent is not always equal to the strength of the feelings experienced. Sometimes a homemade romantic gift for Valentine's Day can be much more valuable. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What to give if you are on a limited budget

What to do if you don’t have much money, but you have a great desire to please your loved one? We will introduce you to interesting ideas for original gifts for a guy on February 14, which you won’t have to spend a lot on.

15 gifts from the heart:

  • Sweets made with your own hands.
  • Warm wool scarf.
  • A computer mouse pad with a touching inscription.
  • Love calendar on the wall.
  • A set of jelly sweets “For a real man” in a jar.
  • Mug with your text.
  • Sky Chinese lantern.
  • Keychain with hidden object function.
  • Fortune cookies.
  • Cool apron “Superman”.
  • Erotic cubes with tasks are an inexpensive but very intriguing surprise for a guy on February 14th.
  • An unusual pendant for your keys, backpack or bag.
  • Holder for cards and business cards made of crocodile leather.
  • Personalized whiskey glass.
  • The wooden bowtie “Agent 007” is a unique accessory for those who like to stand out from the crowd.

As you can see, even for a small amount on February 14, you can give a guy a romantic and original gift. The main thing is to approach your search creatively and, of course, read our advice!

Universal gifts

Suppose your young man is completely devoid of romantic impulses, does not understand the meaning of this holiday, and agrees to celebrate it only because of his love for you. What to give if the guy is not a romantic? Probably some practical and functional products that will reconcile him with the need to succumb to the general excitement about this event.

5 universal gifts for an unromantic young man:

  • Set of tools– he will definitely be pleased with a multifunctional multitool, because it can help out in any situation.
  • Belt- a subject of special pride for a self-respecting gentleman and a necessary item of clothing. Quite practical and tasteful.
  • External battery– will ensure uninterrupted operation of mobile devices and eliminate the need to constantly look for an electrical outlet to recharge your phone or tablet.
  • Shoe cleaning kit– will allow a man to always feel confident in society, because everyone knows that “dirty shoes are worse than darned socks.”
  • Electric razor plus shaving set- an obligatory attribute of a man’s life, starting from the age of fifteen, so it is never superfluous.

Universal gifts also include a gift certificate to your favorite electronics store, sports equipment, a heated glass scraper, a thermos and many other, slightly boring, but undoubtedly useful things. If you are absolutely sure that a gift of this kind will please your chosen one, give it without hesitation.

Gifts for two

Couple gifts for Valentine's Day are a great way to celebrate the holiday in a good mood. By congratulating your man in this way, you will thereby show that you want to share everything in this life with him equally. And we are ready to start doing this right now.

5 gifts for two:

  • A warm and soft blanket with sleeves, made especially for a couple.
  • A set of T-shirts in which the phrase on one T-shirt is a continuation of the inscription on the other.
  • Couple mugs for lovers with your photo.
  • Pendant or keychain in the form of two halves of one heart.
  • Home textile sets - robes or pajamas of the same color.

Couple gifts allow you to once again emphasize the romance of your relationship. With their help, you will become closer, and your man will appreciate your care and sincerity again and again.

List of the best gifts for a guy on February 14

In conclusion, we have collected for you the TOP 10 gifts for February 14 that will appeal to men of all ages and social status:

  1. Magnetic board for notes.
  2. Interior lightbox with a photo of you together.
  3. Night light-projector of the starry sky.
  4. Bedsheet for Kama Sutra.
  5. Digital photo frame.
  6. Set for mulled wine.
  7. Certificate for a joint trip to another city.
  8. House slippers “Bear paws”.
  9. Beard care kit.
  10. Box of handmade dark chocolate chocolates.

So we have completed our list of 50 gifts for February 14th. We hope that among them you definitely liked something special. After all, Valentine's Day is a great occasion to present something romantic to your boyfriend, friend or legal spouse. Invite a man on a date in a romantic setting, forget about all your misunderstandings, and start a new period of your life in which you will celebrate your own Valentine's Day every day.

Girls prepare especially carefully for Valentine's Day: they buy new outfits, think them through, visit a stylist, even create a holiday themed one to amaze their other half with their beauty. Some people limit themselves to presenting valentines on holidays, but it’s much nicer to arrange a real surprise for a loved one.

What to gift?

You can give a standard present: a cute trinket, perfume, clothes. But why not surprise your loved one with an unexpected surprise that he is not expecting at all?

What gift can be an unexpected surprise for the holiday:

  • Board game. Do you spend your free time watching TV or computer? An exciting board game will diversify your everyday life. You can invite friends or relatives to fun get-togethers playing Monopoly or Battleship.
  • Pair of mittens or gloves with hearts. As you walk holding hands, the halves of the hearts on your gloves will join together to form one heart. Romance!
  • Heart from photo frames. Print out your photos together in advance, place them in small frames and hang them in the shape of a heart on the wall. If you can't hammer the nails yourself, attach photographs without frames. The main thing is that the panel of photographs looks like a big heart.
  • Delicious bouquet. Why not give your beloved man a bouquet on February 14, not of flowers, but of his favorite products? The bouquet can consist of a bottle of alcohol, hunting sausages, vegetables, herbs, fruits, cheese and other delicacies that your partner prefers.

Notes with declarations of love

A surprise for a guy on February 14 can be a large number of notes with declarations of love. How to express your love to your significant other in an original way:

  1. Buy a beautiful box or decorate a regular box, for example, a shoe box, with colored paper, hearts, lace, bows. Cut out little valentines from red cardstock. On each Valentine's card, write why you love your man. Place all the hearts in a box and present them for Valentine's Day. Your loved one will be happy to take out notes and find out for what advantages or, perhaps, disadvantages you fell in love with him.
  2. You can write a lot of notes with love messages and place them in the most unexpected places: in your loved one’s purse, his trouser pocket, lunch box, car seat, etc.
  3. Give your man a box of candies, just wrap each candy in a note with a declaration of love.
  4. Notes can be written not only on paper, but also on homemade cookies. Bake cookies in the shape of hearts, cover them with colorful icing, and on top of each cookie write with an edible marker or melted chocolate what qualities you value in a man: “Kind”, “Smart”, “Sexy”, “Generous”, “Reliable”, "Unique."
  5. Cut out large hearts from thick paper or cardboard. Place them in the places where you last hugged, kissed, made love, watched a movie, had dinner by candlelight. Be sure to describe in each message how memories of your time together make you feel. From the threshold, lay a path of red hearts to your messages. When your loved one returns home, he will immediately see that a quest awaits him. Men love treasure hunt games, and your original congratulations will definitely be to their liking.

An obligatory component of the Valentine's Day is a romantic dinner. Think through all the nuances when preparing dinner for your loved one: decorate the apartment with heart balloons, arrange scented candles, select pleasant slow music. Make a menu in advance of those dishes that your loved one will definitely like. Prepare delicious, light dishes, because the purpose of a romantic dinner is not to eat to your heart’s content, but to spend time together and continue. Do not buy strong alcoholic drinks; a bottle of champagne or light wine will be a suitable addition to the festive dinner.

On a note! Don't forget that many products are aphrodisiacs that will help a man get ready for a sensitive, erotic evening. Include oysters and other seafood, citrus fruits, celery, eggs, herbs, nuts, and exotic fruits in your menu.

For your husband, with whom you have been married for quite a long time, you can organize dinner at a restaurant. Book a table in advance for February 14th in a cozy place. You can choose the restaurant where your spouse proposed to you, or where he took you at the first meeting. On Valentine's Day, invite your spouse on a real date, because in married life, couples often forget what it is. The husband will be pleasantly surprised when he arrives at the specified place, approaches the reserved table and sees his wife there, dressed in a beautiful dress, with evening makeup and a stylish hairstyle.

Surprise with balloons

Decorate your apartment with a large number of balloons with the inscriptions: “I love you”, “To my beloved”, “Unique”, etc. The number of balls will depend on the size of your apartment. If your living space allows, buy more balls so that they hang from the ceiling, lie on the floor, and bundles of balls decorate the corners of the room. Tie gifts to several balls, and let the man find where the gifts are hidden. Gifts can be very diverse: fur handcuffs, underwear, a bottle of champagne or any other gift that a man will like.

An excellent DIY bouquet of balloons. Blow up more heart-shaped balloons and write words of love on each balloon with a marker. Tie ribbons to the balloons and combine them into one large airy bouquet.

Romantic evening in the style of 1000 and 1 nights

A surprise for your loved one on Valentine's Day will be a romantic evening where you will play the role of Scheherazade. To do this, you don’t have to dress up in the costume of an oriental beauty, just fulfill all the wishes of your master that evening.

Romantic evening ideas:

  • When your loved one returns home in the evening, in the hallway he will see a path of scattered rose petals or lit candles. Along the path he will come to a room where his beloved woman in a transparent peignoir will be waiting for him on the bed, with champagne and slow music, as well as an erotic massage and a pleasant continuation.
  • The classic option is a bubble bath for two. Place small candles in the bathroom, dissolve aromatic salt in water, turn on a relaxing melody and enjoy each other.
  • Take several oriental dance lessons with elements of striptease in advance. Give your loved one a performance accompanied by oriental music, slowly undressing in front of the man. Guys love a beautiful striptease, especially when performed by the woman they love.

Incredible transformation

An amazing surprise for Valentine's Day will be transformation into a different image. A man will be delighted when his beloved meets him from work dressed as a flight attendant or nurse. If you haven’t practiced role-playing games before, this will diversify your sex life and add a spicy touch to your relationship.

Buy special paints and brushes for body art and set up an art workshop in your bedroom. After a romantic dinner, blindfold your loved one and show him to the bedroom. Do not remove the bandage until you are undressed! When the beloved opens his eyes, he will see a beautiful canvas lying on the bed. All he has to do is draw whatever he wants on your body.

On a note! Buy edible paints in advance so that your loved one can lick his creation from your body. This will become a dessert and at the same time the beginning of a passionate night.

Scenario for the whole day

If you and your loved one decide to spend February 14th together, think through the scenario in advance so that this day will be remembered for unexpected pleasant surprises. How you can spend Valentine's Day unforgettably:

  1. After breakfast in bed, tell your significant other that today you have turned into a beautiful fairy and will fulfill all the wishes of your loved one. Surely, you know what your man dreams of: attending a theater premiere or art exhibition, going ice skating, watching a sensational film, having lunch at a new Japanese restaurant, buying a new shirt. Give an unusual gift to your loved one on Valentine's Day, making his deepest wishes come true during the day.
  2. Go for a walk to your favorite places. You can remember where you liked to go at the very beginning of your relationship: a park, a bridge, a cinema, a cafe. Be sure to visit all the significant places in the city that you associate with each other.
  3. Traveling together is the best scenario for Valentine's Day. You don’t have to go to exotic countries; the two of you can go skiing, skating, and see the sights of a neighboring city.
  4. People who are constantly in the bustle and rush of the city miss spending quiet time in the company of a loved one. A married couple can take the kids to grandma's and enjoy each other and doing nothing all day. After a leisurely breakfast, stay in bed until lunch: watch movies, read books, listen to music. You can walk around the park in comfortable clothes or have lunch at a nearby restaurant. Spend February 14th together, without phone calls, computers, or social networks.

If you can't be together on February 14th

Unfortunately, it often happens that loved ones for some reason cannot celebrate Valentine's Day together. In this case, make every effort to arrange a surprise for your loved one on Valentine's Day. We offer several ideas on how to congratulate a man from a distance:

  • Make a film about your relationship and send it by email.
  • During the day, bombard your spouse with loving SMS messages.
  • Let the courier deliver a gift on February 14 to your loved one, who probably wasn’t expecting a surprise.
  • Place a heart-shaped box of candy and a note declaring your love in the glove compartment of his car. Hint to the man that the iron horse will deliver a gift, and let him guess where you hid your surprise.

An unusual congratulations on Valentine's Day will surprise and delight your soulmate. Be bolder, more decisive, more creative, make your wildest desires and dreams come true in order to please your loved one on the most romantic day of the year.

Coupons for making wishes come true

I really like Valentine's Day, and for me, it's also a family holiday - my dad's name day :)!

But first of all, I adore the sea of ​​creative and unusual ideas that you can implement with your own hands. For a week, I literally “live” on Pinterest in search of new ideas.

Of course, not every recipient will be delighted with plush toys, chocolate hearts and other assortment of “Valentines”. I personally, vaguely imagine that my husband will exclaim: " Oh my god, a teddy bear from Muhlenthal? This is the dream of my entire adult life!” or “Oooh, something fruity in chocolate on a stick?! No need for meat, I’m already happy!”

But, if you want to give a gift to a loved one, then you need to take into account his preferences and remember what he likes most, what he dreams of and what he will be 100% happy about!

A Valentine's Day gift doesn't have to be expensive. It’s more important to make it memorable, original and, most importantly, to give it from the heart!

Recently, the whole family and I made for Valentine's Day, I decided to make "Wish Jar". There are several filling options.

Wish coupons for your loved one:

Before filling out notes (“coupons” of desires), we must take into account that we are all very different: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Depending on this, you can think of romantic “surprises”.

How can you fill a “heart” jar:

1. "100 reasons why I love"

The most popular idea is to write a sea of ​​reasons (from 5 to 100) why “I love you.” But in fact, writing so many reasons may not be so easy. Why rewrite them from the Internet if the imagination is over with the first 5? To make the confession as personal as possible, you can remember the situations that brought you together and facts from your personal life. By the way, this is also a psychologically interesting analysis:)! You can, so to speak, renew your feelings in your memory.

2. "Jar of Memories"

Another option you can try is to write the most memorable facts and stories related to your relationships and feelings, for example, how was your first date, your first trip together, etc. And then, take it out and read it together over a romantic dinner or every day during February.

3. “Wish Grant Jar” or wish coupons

Here, we need to take into account one more important point in the area of ​​happy “parenting”. Some items from popular wish lists will not be relevant if you have small children, you understand. Therefore, we must proceed from the reality of what can be done for each other, preferably for free and certainly from the heart, so that at the same time there is time and opportunity :)!

Recently, I read a book Rubin Gretchen "Happy at Home", where she emphasizes the importance of small signs of attention and surprises for a married couple: “People respond more strongly to unexpected pleasures than to expected ones.”

Breakfast or coffee in bed,
- sensual kiss,

Foam bath and glass of champagne/juice/mineral water
- relaxing massage,

Tender hugs

Romantic dinner by candlelight,

Favorite romantic music for two ("that" song),
- bath for two,
- winter picnic,
- love story photo shoot in nature,
- sensual dance,
- cooking your favorite dish together,
- watching a movie about love together,
- all day without disagreement,

Coupon for a restful sleep (please, please, there are 50 such coupons :)),
- trip out of town for the weekend,
- dinner at your favorite restaurant,
- words of love and compliments,

4. "Kino-can for Valentine's Day"

An interesting option for movie lovers - on pieces of paper, write down the names of the most popular films about love or your favorite ones, and then, like a lottery, we pull out the package and watch a new film together!

For making jars, I took:

- an ordinary glass jar for bulk products,

- pink stickers,

- lace paper napkins.

I wrote wishes and coupons on each piece of paper, tied it with a satin ribbon and put it in a jar. This is such a simple idea and another reason to remember the most important thing in our relationship :)!

  • "Wish Jar" for Valentine's Day

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    I propose to congratulate your loved ones on Valentine’s Day in an original and inexpensive way! Of course, this is not a generally accepted holiday, but isn’t it a great reason to once again say to each other: “I love you!” I offer an electronic version of the Valentine's Day kit...

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A pleasant surprise can bring more joy than any gift. Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday for two. On this day you just need to surprise your other half with something.

There is still some time until February 14th. Here are the 10 best ideas for congratulations, from which you can choose one or more - your choice. The main thing is that both you and your loved one like the gift; only this will ensure a pleasant pastime on Valentine's Day.

Handmade heart pillow

A gift that was made with your own hands is the best gift. We have known this fact since childhood. A homemade surprise will show that you really think about your other half, care about them and want to give a little warmth on this day. The easiest way is to make a heart-shaped pillow. The gift will be not only very appropriate, but also useful.

For sewing you will need a plain base pillow, beautiful fabric and glue. You need to cut out a heart patch from the fabric and glue it to the pillow. You can sew this same heart yourself if you know how to handle a thread and a needle, or crochet it. Embroider a wish, words of love or your initials on the pillow. Such a gift will remind your loved one of you every day and make him happy.

Don't know how to sew or crochet? It's no problem either. You can simply bake a beautiful cake. It doesn't have to be a complicated recipe, just make any cake you're good at in the shape of a heart. Those with a sweet tooth will like this valentine much more than a postcard.

Beautiful dance

And we are, of course, not talking about amateur striptease. You will have to prepare much more seriously and in advance. You can study for some time in strip dance, Go-Go or oriental dance courses. These courses will help you not only learn the correct movements, but also choose the right music and costumes.

Romantic dinner

What man doesn't like to eat delicious food? Prepare him a spectacular dinner, but do not choose the most complex and original dishes that you have never cooked before. Let your menu include a light salad, hot dishes and a beautiful dessert. On February 14, dinner may well include aphrodisiac foods.

These include:
seafood (fish, oysters, etc.);

Home spa

If your bathroom has enough space to prepare a surprise, then this is an option you should definitely consider. You should take a full bath of water and foam, light candles, and scatter rose petals around. A bottle of champagne and strawberries wouldn't hurt either.

Relax in a warm bath with your loved one. If desired, you can also use face and hair masks, body scrubs and other spa “procedures”. Give your husband some care and attention.

Temptation by a dream

A very simple method for which you only need a role-play costume. You probably know all these options - nurse or maid costumes, leather dress or mesh dress. Choose appropriate music and let this evening be enjoyable for both of you.

Surprise photo

Print out your best photo together and buy a nice frame to go with it. This gift is especially good at the beginning of a relationship. For brave girls, there is another option - to give your loved one a candid photo.

A long-awaited surprise

Let it be a practical gift, but it will also surprise your loved one. Find out in advance what your boyfriend would like and give it to him on February 14th. This option will definitely fit the theme, and combining it with any other method from these ten will help make it romantic.

Lots of hearts

You will need to buy a lot of heart shaped balloons. They can be left in the apartment or in the car. You can put a love message in each of them. The same notes can be left everywhere - in clothing pockets, cigarette packs and a work suitcase. They will remind your loved one all day long about you and that a romantic evening awaits him.

Games and tasks

To implement this idea, you will need to place notes with tasks throughout the house, each of which will bring your husband or boyfriend closer to receiving a gift. Riddles can be your own, for example, about different stages of a relationship and your tastes.

Dancing and plastic arts

For this option, it is important to create the right atmosphere. You will need champagne, flower petals, incense sticks and candles. You can dance something for your loved one, and if it’s to his favorite music, then you don’t even have to take a dance course.

You can think of many more ways to congratulate your loved one. The main thing is that yours is appropriate and from the heart. What interesting way of congratulations could you offer?

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If there were no such holiday, it would have to be invented. Necessarily. After all, the most wonderful feeling in the world has the right to its own special day of the year.

Don't miss the opportunity to congratulate your soulmate on Valentine's Day, and website will tell you how to do this.

1. Come up with as many compliments as you can.

Write them on sticky notes and stick them in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Your significant other will definitely appreciate this start to the day.

2. Create talismans that only you two will know about.

3. Organize a romantic dinner in the place where you had your first date.

The more unusual the place, the more interesting the meeting will be. If you still can’t get out, remember the circumstances of the date and reproduce them at a table in a restaurant, because on the first date there are always special situations that are remembered for a long time.

4. Order or make your own birthday cake with your names on it.

A trifle, but what a pleasant one! And although it is not customary to set the table on Valentine's Day, having tea with such a wonderful treat will make your day.

Something as seemingly mundane as cooking can be made fun and inspiring. Show your loved one that you are ready to share the joys of everyday life with him.

6. Finally learn to dance tango.

In every major city there are tango parties that regularly gather for milongas - open events where everyone dances as they want and with whomever they want. Try joining and believe me: it will be unforgettable.

7. Say an original hello on his/her favorite radio.

Find out in advance what programs your significant other listens to and how to get on the air (you can find this out on the forums). Well, only you know what to say to your loved one so that he does not remain indifferent.

8. Make a colorful confession poster and decorate your front door.

Find the coziest photos together, remember a special expression that only you two know, and off you go! Freelance resources will help you find a suitable designer, and you can print your masterpiece in any digital printing house or photo salon.

9. Book a massage master class for two.

Prepare slippers, terry robes and your favorite oils and go to a spa salon or find a one-time massage training service in a professional salon. It’s great if there’s a sauna or bathhouse with a plunge pool nearby: you can immediately try out new skills.

10. Pamper your significant other with new bedding.

Buy a set of new linen for your bedroom, and let it be the most unusual set of all: silk, absolutely black or with lace frills.

11. Place tiny valentines in the most unexpected places.

Can you imagine how your loved one will smile when, some time after the holiday, he finds signs of your attention in his linen closet, purse, handbag or in the toe of his own boot?

12. Record his/her favorite song with a backing track and your own vocals.

This can be done both in the studio and at home on the computer. And then “accidentally” play your song during a romantic dinner. Neither the idea itself, nor your ability to laugh at yourself (if singing is not your thing) will definitely go unnoticed.

13. Order the creation of a film about your life together.

Collect your childhood photographs, videos and photos together, select musical accompaniment that would mean something to both of you, come up with a plot, or find a performer on special resources who will solve all the creative and technical problems for you. And don’t forget that you should watch this movie strictly together on the couch.

14. Sit down together and write a message to the future for the two of you.

Share your common dreams, plans, ideas, and tell us about what you would like to change. Make your most trusted friends the guardians of the letter and agree in advance with them on the date on which they will have to return the letter to the authors. Or keep the letter at home and simply re-read it in moments of dissatisfaction with each other. Remembering the day when you wrote a message together will make you softer, more tolerant and make you fall in love with each other again and again.

How do you spend time together and remind each other of your most tender feelings? Share in the comments.