Having decided to dye our hair, we buy dye in the store - there is a very large selection. But even a high-quality product that does not contain ammonia causes harm to curls. With frequent dyeing, they become dry and brittle, and the ends begin to split. The situation is aggravated by the frequent use of thermal devices and styling products. To ensure that the dyeing procedure takes place without harm to the hair, you can use natural ingredients - they do not penetrate the structure of the hairs and do not destroy the natural pigment of the strands, which means they are completely safe for them. Many natural products not only color the strands, but also provide additional care for them. The only drawback of natural pigments is that they do not give an instant effect, and to obtain the desired shade of the strands, several procedures will be required.

Basma - dark hair without dandruff

Basma is obtained from the indigofera plant. The use of this black pigment allows you to dye your hair in dark shades - from light brown to blue-black. The final color of the curls will largely depend on their initial tone and condition. But it is undesirable to use basma in its pure form - it can give the strands unsightly blue or green shades. Often black pigment is mixed with henna. The final color will depend on the proportions in which you mix the dyes.

Basma contains many components that are beneficial for hair - you provide it with additional care. The composition contains natural substances that help eliminate dandruff. Using basma is a safe way to make your hair strong, smooth and shiny.

Henna - dye and treatment for curls

The most popular natural dye among women. It is obtained from dried leaves of lavsonia. Henna is used as an independent dye or diluted with basma. Using a natural product, you can give your hair a bright shade - from golden to bright red. It all depends on the exposure time of the composition and the initial tone of the curls.

It is not for nothing that henna is often used to prepare medicinal hair masks. The pigment envelops every hair, protecting it from negative external factors. Henna, if all the rules of the dyeing procedure or applying medicinal masks are followed, makes the curls elastic, silky, and strong. The dye also stimulates hair growth.

Cinnamon - healthy, beautiful blonde hair

Cinnamon is often used in home skin and hair care, usually for making healthy masks. This aromatic spice has tonic and antiseptic properties. After using cinnamon-based products, curls become shiny, smooth out, and their growth is stimulated.

If you use cinnamon in its pure form, it gives a light brown or golden color. The final color of the curls will depend on their original color. Red-haired girls will get a slightly reddish tint to their hair, and brunettes will add golden tints to their strands. For intensive lightening of curls, cinnamon is mixed with lemon and honey.

Chamomile - lightening and care for blonde hair

Chamomile is the best natural dye for blonde hair. You will not be able to radically change the color with this medicinal plant - it only gives your hair a golden hue. Using chamomile on light brown locks will give them a sun-bleached look.

In addition to soft hair coloring, chamomile has a whole range of beneficial properties - it strengthens hair strands, makes them more manageable and shiny. The natural product also has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp - itching and flaking are eliminated.

To lighten hair with chamomile, a herbal decoction is used - a glass of dried flowers of the plant is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. They rinse the strands with it after washing with shampoo. The effect can be noticed after a couple of weeks of using this balm.

Rhubarb - giving hair light brown and ashy shades

Rhubarb root has long been used to dye curls light brown and ashy. If you treat light strands with a decoction of the plant, they will acquire a light brown tone with copper tints. And using rhubarb on light brown hair will lighten it up to an ashy shade. The plant also shows a good effect when coloring gray hair.

To dye your hair with rhubarb, use a decoction - 2 tbsp. l of crushed plant, pour 200 ml of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with the resulting balm after washing. To enhance the effect of rhubarb, white wine is often added to infusions.

Coffee - chocolate shades of curls

It's very easy to get beautiful chocolate-colored hair with coffee. And if you mix the drink with henna and dye your light brown locks with this product, you can give them a rich chestnut color.

To dye your hair with coffee, brew a strong drink and rinse your hair with it, let it sit for a while, and then rinse. You can repeat the procedure periodically to maintain the color.

Coffee tones and increases blood circulation in the tissues, which has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. You can speed up their growth and make them stronger. To make the coloring procedure even more useful, make a coffee scrub for the scalp - massage the scalp with light movements and only then rinse your hair with the prepared coloring mixture.

Lemon - quick hair lightening

If you want to quickly lighten your curls, take lemon. After just a few procedures, the strands become lighter by at least 1 tone. Take freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix it with the same amount of water, rinse your hair with the resulting solution, and then dry it naturally.

Lemon cleanses the scalp well and gives shine to the strands.

Please note that it is not advisable to dye dry hair with lemon! Sour fruit has a drying effect, which will only worsen the situation.

Linden - rich brown and chestnut shades

Linden gives the curls a beautiful chestnut shade. If you keep the prepared coloring agent on the strands for a shorter amount of time, you will get a light brown shade. Linden is used by both blondes and brunettes.

And linden not only makes hair beautiful, but also makes it healthier. The strands become stronger, shine, and do not become electrified. Linden in comprehensive hair care will help get rid of dandruff.

To get beautiful hair, prepare linden decoction - 8 tbsp. l dried flowers of the plant, pour 2 tbsp of water, boil, strain. Treat your hair with the solution and leave it on for at least an hour.

Millions of women around the world change their appearance every day, experimenting with makeup, manicure and hairstyle. It would seem that such a process as hair dyeing is a very simple task, because the corresponding dyes can be purchased at any cosmetics store. However, many of the products offered have a negative effect on the hair because they contain many harmful substances, such as ammonia or strong alkalis. In this case, you can achieve the desired result by replacing synthetic products with natural dyes of natural origin. They will not only help you achieve the desired hair shade with high quality, but will also contribute to the restoration and treatment of diseased and split ends.

Selecting a shade of natural hair dye

In order for the coloring result to correspond to the original ideas, you should choose the right dye depending on the tone of the hair. Below we describe the main types of coloring tools in accordance with the natural color of the curls.

For painting dark

To give your hair a darker shade, you can use a combination of natural products such as henna and. Color saturation is determined by the proportion of ingredients:

  • brown-haired - 2 parts of henna mixed with 1.5 parts of basma;
  • in order for a darker brown-haired person to come out, it is necessary to maintain a one-to-one proportion;
  • The black color will be obtained if you mix one part of henna and two parts of basma in a container.

Also, to give your locks a darker color, you can use a decoction of sage, which should be applied to the hair roots for a while - this will allow you to paint over even gray strands.

To obtain a chocolate shade

To obtain a chocolate color of various shades, you can use decoctions of various herbs, such as linden leaves, black tea or onion peels, but in this case the hair will take on a lighter brown tone. The color saturation depends on the strength of the infusion.

If you conduct several experiments, you can select the most suitable product and dilute it with water to change the degree of concentration. To obtain a rich chocolate color, an infusion of chopped nut peels is perfect.

For brown hair

You can get a light brown color using a combination of rhubarb and white wine. These ingredients allow you to achieve the best results in transforming white or yellowish hair into a rich light brown tone.

  • To obtain a light brown shade with a copper tint Rhubarb dye is used. Recipe for preparing the decoction: 2 tbsp. l. Finely chopped rhubarb pour a glass of water and boil for about 20 minutes over low heat. As a result, you will get a balm that you need to rinse your hair after washing. To enhance the effect of using rhubarb, add a little white wine to the infusion.
  • To get a beautiful light brown shade I use linden. To prepare a coloring decoction you need 8 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of dried linden. water, boil, strain. Treat the hair with the decoction and leave it on for about 30 minutes. If you leave a linden-based coloring agent for more than an hour, you can get a beautiful chestnut shade.
  • If you want to go from light brown to chestnut color then use a remedy made from coffee and henna. For this purpose 4 l. pour 200 ml of ground coffee. water and boil for 5 minutes. After the coffee drink has cooled, add 1 packet of henna to it. The ingredients must be mixed and distributed over the entire length of the hair. Put a plastic cap on top and wrap your hair in a towel. Keep the paint on for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on what shade you want to get, light or dark chestnut.

For coloring gray hair

If the task is to slightly transform white or gray hair, adding shine and yellowness to it, you should rinse it with chamomile decoction. A mixture of turmeric and cinnamon, infused or diluted in a small amount of water, may be suitable for the same effect.

If you need to dye your hair a dark color, such as brown, and do it as quickly as possible, then you need to mix classic black tea, instant coffee and cocoa powder. This mixture is capable of eliminating gray hair in the least amount of time, no worse than expensive synthetic dyes.

  • Cocoa with tea. To create natural paint 4 tbsp. l. brew black tea, pour 0.4 cup of boiling water. The tea is boiled over low heat for about 40 minutes, after which it is filtered and combined with 4 tsp. cocoa. The mixture should be kept on the fire until the liquid evaporates and turns into a thick mixture. Apply the dye to damp hair, wrap it up and leave for about 1 hour.

Types of natural dyes and their use

It should be immediately noted that coloring with dyes of natural origin should not be carried out on extensions or hair after perm, as well as on curls that were previously dyed using synthetic dyes. Natural coloring ingredients are applied only to clean, washed, still damp hair. For application, it is better to use sponges, brushes or cotton pads; do not forget about gloves, since the skin of your hands can also change its color.

It is also important to note that different types and natural colors of hair lend themselves to dyeing differently - this is partly due to the individual characteristics of the hair. Thin and sparse strands can change their color quite quickly - the procedure for dyeing them will require a lower concentration of the solution and the amount of components included in the mixture. Thick, long and coarse curls require longer exposure to achieve the desired tone. Unfortunately, there is no universal formula, which requires additional control over the hair while it is saturated with dye. Below are the main types of dyes that will allow you to achieve this or that result.

Henna and basma

Henna and basma are the most famous and frequently used hair coloring products. Both elements are powders made from dried and crushed plant leaves, which have a huge number of healing properties, in addition to coloring pigments.

Henna itself gives hair a coppery, rich and vibrant color; it is most often used as a means to dye hair red. Basma, in turn, is a component used as a natural dye only in combination with other ingredients. This is a mandatory condition, because in its pure form the herb dyes the hair blue-green, dooming it to immediate correction. By combining both products, you can get absolutely any tone of curls, ranging from soft warm chocolate to deep black.

Oak bark for hair coloring

A decoction of oak bark is not only used as a natural substitute for industrial dyes, but also as an effective balm that saturates the hair and gives it strength, volume and natural shine. The product perfectly tones curls and can darken strands by four tones.

To prepare the raw materials, you will need to pour four tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a liter of boiling water. After this, the mixture is covered with a lid and infused for 3-4 hours. After this time, the composition is filtered and applied to the hair. A necessary condition is to wrap the treated strands in cellophane, where they should languish for about 4-5 hours. A towel is wrapped around the head, which is also important during dyeing. The duration of hair exposure determines the degree of darkening, for this reason it is necessary to adjust the time so that the result best meets expectations.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction allows you to get a wide variety of shades, especially if you combine the product with other ingredients. Here are several high-quality recipes for tinting strands using chamomile infusion:
to lighten your curls and give them a soft golden glow, you should make a chamomile tincture (a tablespoon of dried leaves in half a glass of boiling water) and add it to the hot henna paste;

To cover gray hair, pour one glass of dried chamomile leaves with half a glass of boiling water, then let the mixture brew for several hours. After time, 3 tablespoons of glycerin are added to the composition. Now the product can be applied to the hair, distributing it over the entire length and concentrating on areas that especially require coloring. Leave the coloring compress on for about an hour and then rinse with water; Rinsing your hair after each wash with a non-concentrated infusion of chamomile will give your strands a golden tone with a natural shine.

Onion peel

Onion peel is primarily a medicinal product that can qualitatively strengthen and improve hair health. By dyeing your hair with this product you can get a golden or light brown tint, but only on the condition that the natural strands are not dark. This dye is perfect for blondes to lightly tint their curls.

To prepare a mixture tinted in gold, pour 50 grams of raw material with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat for 20 minutes. To achieve a darker tone, it is necessary to increase the volume of the original product to 200 grams and mix with the same amount of water and according to the same scheme, boil the composition for 20 minutes.


This dye is recommended to be used to a greater extent for coloring darker hair in order to obtain a rich black or dark chestnut tone. It is useful to know that a coffee solution will allow brown-haired women to drown out the red hair and make the strands more even and dark in color. A rich chocolate shade comes out when dyeing medium and light brown strands with coffee. For brunettes, a dye made from coffee will not give a special constructive change in tone, but it will add shine and beauty.

To prepare coffee paint, mix the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • cognac in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • warm water in the amount of 2 teaspoons.


Mostly dried leaves and stems of sage are used to color dark hair, but the product is also suitable for gray strands. As a result, you can get the most unexpected colors, ranging from light brown with yellow to dark brown. To prepare the paint, pour 6 tablespoons of raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water, then let them brew for 30 minutes. This mixture can be used to rinse hair to give it a light ash accent, or applied to strands in greater concentration to achieve a darker color.

Video: dyeing hair with henna at home

The video describes step by step the process of dyeing hair using henna. The material includes a qualitative description of preparing a mixture based on henna powder and then applying the composition to the hair. The author of the video shares his own opinion and reveals secrets that allow you to more accurately choose the tone for yourself during painting.


The modern selection of hair dyes is simply huge! However, even the highest quality dyes damage your hair over time, making it brittle and dry. How to maintain the healthy shine of your curls and at the same time give them a light or dark shade?

There is a way out: use natural products for hair coloring that do not destroy the natural pigment of the strands. We will talk further about how to dye your hair at home using natural ingredients.

But first, here are a few simple rules that should be followed when dyeing your hair to achieve the desired result.

Hair coloring at home

  1. Use natural dyes exclusively on natural hair if you do not want to end up with green or yellow curls.
  2. Do not use natural dyes after you have permed your hair, as hair that is dry due to this procedure may react unexpectedly to the dye.
  3. Apply coloring to cleanly washed hair.
  4. Rinse off the natural pigment until the water becomes absolutely clean and transparent. If you neglect this rule, then the dye that is not completely washed off will continue to have an effect on the hair, which can ultimately ruin the expected effect.
  5. Any natural dyes do not react for the better by changing color to external factors such as sea water or intense ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, when going on vacation, avoid coloring with natural pigments.
  6. Before using any paint, do not forget to perform a skin allergy test to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

Now let’s move on directly to hair coloring recipes using natural ingredients.

  • Read also: Recipes for the best homemade hair masks: step-by-step instructions

How to dye your hair with beets?

Paint composition:

  • Beets – 2 pcs.
  • Honey – 50 g
  • Henna – 1 tbsp.
  1. Peel the beets.
  2. Grind the beets using a blender (you can grate them).
  3. Strain the beet pulp through a sieve.
  4. Add honey to the strained beet juice and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add henna to the resulting solution.
  6. Mix the ingredients until you get a thick paste.
  7. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for 2 hours, after which we apply the dye to clean hair.
  8. Let the paint sit for 3 hours, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo-conditioner.

How to dye your hair with onion skins?

Onion peels will give your hair a red tint, strengthen and improve the health of your curls. But you should take into account the fact that this natural product is suitable for coloring only for fair-haired women, since on dark hair the tinting effect will be practically unnoticeable, although the hair will acquire a beautiful shine and healthy appearance.

Composition of the decoction:

  • Onion peel - 1 tbsp.
  • Glycerin – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  1. Pour a glass of cold water into the onion peel and bring to a boil.
  2. The broth is simmered over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Next, let the broth cool and strain.
  4. Add glycerin and mix the broth thoroughly.
  5. Apply the decoction to your hair and let it sit for half an hour to two hours (it all depends on the desired color: the longer you don’t wash off the dye, the richer the color you’ll get).
  • Read also: Tomato face masks – skin is bright, smooth and glowing

Lightening hair with lemon

Lemon will help you quickly lighten your hair by one or even several shades.

To prepare the brightening solution we will need:

  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 150 ml.
  • Warm water – 50 ml.

Please note that for long hair you need to take 250 ml of lemon juice and 100 ml of water.

Mix the strained lemon juice with water and apply the solution to your hair using a spray bottle (we do not treat the hair roots with lemon water).

The final stage is washing your hair with cool water and shampoo and applying a moisturizing balm.

The lightening procedure using lemon juice is carried out once a week.

Lemon water not only brightens, but also perfectly cleanses the scalp, giving hair shine. But due to the drying effect, this method is not recommended for those with dry hair and sensitive scalp!

Lightening hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon-based hair masks make hair shiny, smooth and thick. But few people know that this oriental spice is a gentle natural lightener, especially when combined with honey.

Let's give an example of the simplest hair lightening product with cinnamon and honey.

Solution composition:

  • Ground cinnamon – 3 tbsp.
  • Honey – 3 tbsp.
  • Purified water – 3 tbsp.
  1. Melt the honey in a water bath, then add cinnamon to it.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. We saturate washed and still damp hair with the warm mixture.
  4. After applying the product, comb your hair with a non-metallic comb and put on a plastic cap.
  5. It is recommended to keep the lightening composition on the hair for at least 3 hours (maximum time - 8 hours): the longer the exposure time of such a mask, the lighter the strands will eventually be.
  6. After the specified time has passed, you must thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

The current range of hair dyes is amazing, but most of them have chemical ingredients that mercilessly destroy the health of those who use them, as well as the hair.

Fortunately, it is possible to replace chemical paints with natural ones. Dyeing your hair with natural dyes is the best option, especially for those who have allergic reactions to hair dyes.

Natural hair dyes are most often henna and basma , and walnut, tea, coffee, onion peel, chamomile, etc. . It is advisable to use such dyes on hair where there are no traces of perm or coloring with any chemical dye. Natural dyes do not cause any harm to hair. On the contrary, they give hair shine, silkiness and natural color. The only drawback of natural dyes is their lack of stability. Each time after the next hair wash, part of the coloring pigment is washed off. Therefore, if you decide to dye your hair with natural dyes, then after each hair wash you will have to reapply them. The exception is henna and basma, their color lasts longer.

All natural dyes are applied to clean and damp hair using a sponge, brush or cotton swab. You should also take into account that thin and sparse hair is dyed faster with natural dyes and requires less dye. Thick, thick and long hair requires longer exposure and more natural dye.

When starting to dye your hair at home with natural dye, do not forget to throw oilcloth, polyethylene or an old towel over your shoulders, and wear rubber gloves. At the same time, divide your hair into partings and lubricate it with natural dye from roots to ends. As they grow, paint only the roots.

After applying natural dye to your hair, wrap your head in cellophane and insulate it with a terry towel on top. After this, you need to try to increase blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain (so that the dye adheres to the hair better). To do this, you need to drink some strong drink: tea with lemon, coffee, mulled wine. You can just drink 20g. cognac or some coffee with cognac.

When dyeing your hair at home, it is impossible to predict in advance what color your hair will get. To save yourself from unpleasant surprises, we advise you to play it safe: before dyeing all your hair, try dyeing one small strand first.

Before giving preference to a certain shade, it is necessary to take into account many factors: skin color, eyes, as well as the ability and desire to keep your head in order after dyeing your hair. When choosing a hair color, you should also remember that too dark hair emphasizes age, wrinkles, tired skin and tiredness. If you have a lot of gray hair, choose a color that is a little lighter than your natural color.

1. Hair coloring henna And Basma

This is the most ancient way to change hair color.

Henna – dried and crushed alkane leaves, which have a yellow-green color, or lavsonia leaves, which have a red-orange color. The properties of these types of henna are the same.

Basma – crushed indigofera leaves, which have a greenish-gray color. Henna and basma contain tannins; they nourish the scalp, promote hair growth, strengthen hair and restore vitality and shine to it.

Henna It is recommended to dye natural brown or dark brown hair. Bleached and very light hair after dyeing with henna becomes carrot or bright red, and naturally black hair is almost not dyed at all. You should be careful with hair that has previously been permed, as it will instantly “grab” the new color.

Basma dyes hair green or green-blue, so it is not used in its pure form. But in combination with henna, basma gives various shades, from brown to black. Basma is applied to clean, damp hair along with henna or after dyeing with henna. Home hair dyeing with henna and basma is used separately mainly for covering gray hair (first henna, then basma).

Undoubtedly, henna and basma are considered the best and most durable of vegetable dyes. Henna produces shades ranging from golden to reddish. For dry and normal hair, it is better to dilute henna not with water, but with kefir or serum - this will make the dyeing process more convenient and color the hair more evenly. There is no need to heat the kefir.

You can dye your hair at home with henna or henna with basma every week, since it is not only a wonderful dye, but also an excellent means of strengthening and thickening hair.

Depending on the length of the hair, take from 25g. up to 100g. dry henna and basma powder. The ratio between them varies depending on the desired tone and color intensity. So, equal parts of henna and basma will give a chestnut color, 1 part of henna and 2 parts of basma will give a black color, 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma will give a bronze tint.

Henna and basma powder are thoroughly ground in a glass bowl with a wooden spoon with hot water, or with a hot infusion of strong natural coffee, or heated red wine, until the paste becomes thick. You can add flaxseed decoction, glycerin or shampoo to the henna solution. These components help apply the dye to your hair more evenly.

The prepared mixture is applied to washed and slightly towel-dried hair. Along the hairline, the skin is lubricated with Vaseline or cream. If this is not done, then for some time after the procedure your forehead will be “decorated” by a bright yellow stripe.

The remaining pulp is diluted by 1/3-1/4 with hot water and the dye is applied to the ends of the hair. The hair is tucked under plastic wrap and insulated with a terry towel on top.

The paint is kept for 10-40 minutes (to obtain a light tone) to 1-1.5 hours (to obtain a dark tone). After this, rinse the hair with warm water. Shampooing is not recommended. Rinsing with acidified water can be done only after 24 hours.

It is important to know!!!

1. Homemade hair coloring with pure henna has a bright red color.

2. To obtain a light chestnut color, you can add a strong decoction of tea to the henna solution at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons of dry tea leaves per glass of water or strong insoluble coffee!

3. If you like chestnut color with a cherry tint, then dilute the henna not with water, but with Cahors, heated to 70C 0 .

4. To obtain a chestnut color very close to natural, add 3g to henna powder. dried rhubarb leaves powdered.

5. A dark chestnut color will be obtained if you pour henna with a decoction of buckthorn bark: 100g. bark to 2.5 cups of water. Boil the broth for 25 minutes. and strain.

6. To obtain the color of mahogany, cranberry juice is added to henna, and the hair is generously lubricated with the same juice and dried before dyeing.

7. To dye dark hair light, with a golden tint, add chamomile infusion to the hot henna paste at the rate of 1 tbsp. dried flowers per 0.5 cup of boiling water.

2. How paint over gray hair henna And Basma

So, we have henna and basma (it is advisable to buy fresh and high-quality!). First, take henna and add hot water and leave to infuse. Apply warm henna with black brewed coffee (or without) to damp hair (you can do it on dry hair, but the dye will be consumed more). You can wrap it in cellophane and a towel. Keep for a long time (4-5 hours). Rinse off. Hair that was gray will become red, but the difference will still be noticeable.

The next day, apply a warm mixture of basma and henna to dry hair for 3-4 hours (a lot of basma, only 1 spoon of henna). Rinse it off. The hair will become dark brown, closer to black. The gray hair should now be completely covered.

It is important to know!!!

The main secret is painting in 2 stages. First with henna, and then with basma. The second point is that it is advisable to keep the mixture for a long time both times!

Henna dries out hair and skin, so you can make masks 2 times a month with olive oil.

3. Hair coloring onion skins

Natural hair coloring is possible using onion peels. Onion peel itself is very useful for strengthening hair and against dandruff, if you simply rinse your hair with its decoction. But onion peels are also an excellent natural hair dye. How to dye your hair with onion skins?

To dye your hair at home in this way, wipe it daily with a cotton swab soaked in a decoction of onion peels until the desired shade appears.

1. To give light hair a dark brown hue, hair is rubbed every day strong decoction of onion peels, bright golden hue - weak decoction of onion peels.

2. A decoction of onion peels covers gray hair well. For these purposes, it is best to use a strong decoction - pour half a glass of husk with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. Strain, add 2 tsp. glycerin.

4. Hair coloring walnut nut

Dyeing your hair with walnut gives your hair brown tones. Walnut peels can be used for coloring, either fresh or dried. Only green walnut shells are used in hair coloring!

4.1. To give your hair a chestnut tint, mix the following ingredients: 0.5 cups of olive oil, 1 tbsp. alum, 1 tbsp. chopped walnut peel. Pour 1/4 cup boiling water over all ingredients. Place the mixture on low heat and let stand for 15 minutes. Then cool, squeeze out and apply the resulting mixture to your hair using a brush. Leave the composition on the hair for 40 minutes. and rinse with warm water.

4.2. There is another homemade cosmetics recipe that allows you to achieve the same result. The walnut peel is crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with hot water until the consistency of sour cream. The paste is applied to the hair with a brush and left for 15-20 minutes. and washed off with warm water.

4.3. Combination 2 tbsp. juice of green walnut peels per 100g. alcohol gives a chestnut tone. Apply the mixture to your hair. Keep for 10-30 minutes. With this method of home hair coloring, a good and lasting result is achieved.

4.4. You can also take 1.5 tbsp. crushed peel and alum, stir in 50g. water and 70g. vegetable oil. Heat the mixture slightly, apply to hair and leave for 40 minutes.

4.5. Another way to dye your hair at home with walnuts: boil 100g. green walnut peel in 1 liter. water to 2/3 of the original volume, apply to hair. Leave for 20-40 minutes.

5. Dye your hair tea

Have you noticed that if you drink strong black tea, your teeth turn yellow? Same with hair! Dyeing your hair with tea is easy: tea is sold in every store, at an affordable price, easy to use and effective in coloring hair. Tea dyes hair brown.

5.1. For home dyeing of light brown hair red-brown, 2-3 tbsp. black tea is brewed in 1 glass of water. The tea leaves should be boiled for 15 minutes and then infused. The resulting tincture is either rinsed or applied to the hair, left for a short amount of time and washed off with warm water.

5.2. To dye gray hair brown at home, 4 tsp. black tea is brewed in 1/4 glass of water. The tea leaves are boiled for 40 minutes, filtered and 4 teaspoons are added to it. cocoa or instant coffee. The gruel is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the hair using a brush. A plastic cap and towel are put on your head. The mixture is kept on the hair for 1 hour. and washed off with warm water.

5.3. There is another way to dye gray hair with tea. Gray hair will turn straw-yellow if you rinse it with strong brewed black tea after each wash!

6. Coffee hair coloring

At home, coffee hair coloring is often practiced. After all, coffee contains many pigments.

6.1. Your hair will acquire a new shade if, after washing your hair, you rinse your hair with strong brewed coffee (without rinsing).

6.2. You can also use 4 tsp. pour ground coffee into 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. 1 bag of henna is poured into brewed coffee, cooled to 80-90C 0 . Mix everything, apply to the entire length of the hair, put on a plastic cap and a towel on top. Keep for 10-40 minutes. depending on the desired shade.

7. Dye your hair cocoa

Homemade hair coloring can be diversified with a folk remedy containing cocoa. To give dark hair a mahogany shade, 3-4 tbsp. cocoa mixed with 25g. henna and brewed using henna preparation technology. Apply to clean hair for 20-30 minutes. depending on the desired shade.

8. Rhubarb for hair coloring

You can dye your hair at home using rhubarb. Rhubarb for hair was used by our grandmothers to give their hair an ashy or light brown hue.

8.1. To dye blond hair light brown with a golden or copper tint, after washing your hair, rinse your hair with the following mixture: 2 tbsp. chopped rhubarb roots are poured into 1 glass of cold water, with constant stirring, the mixture is boiled for 15-20 minutes, then cooled and filtered.

8.2. To dye blond hair light brown, add a little dry white wine or apple cider vinegar to the above-described decoction (100 g vinegar or wine per 0.5 liters of water). The mixture is brought to a boil and kept over low heat until half the liquid has boiled away. Rinse clean hair with the resulting decoction after washing.

8.3. Another way to get a light brown tint on your hair: 200g. rhubarb (leaves and root) should be boiled in 0.5 l. white grape wine until half the original volume is obtained. Rhubarb prepared in this way is suitable for normal to oily hair.

8.4. Rhubarb for hair is also good for covering gray hair. When you dye gray hair with rhubarb at home, you get a light brown tint.

9. Hair coloring chamomile

Chamomile is often used to color hair at home. Chamomile is especially good for lightening hair. Chamomile makes hair manageable and shiny. Chamomile is more suitable for oily hair.

9.1. In home cosmetics, chamomile is often used to color gray hair. To cover gray hair, 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers is brewed into 0.5 liters. boiling water The mixture is infused for 2 hours, filtered, after which 3 tbsp is added to it. glycerin. The mixture is applied to the hair, a plastic cap and towel are put on the head. Leave on hair for 1 hour. Chamomile dyes gray hair a golden hue.

9.2. Lightening hair with chamomile is possible using the following recipe: 1.5 cups of dried chamomile flowers are poured with 4 cups of vodka. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, then 50g is added to it. hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is applied to the hair and left for 30-40 minutes. and washed off with water and shampoo. Lightened hair with this coloring will have a golden hue.

9.3. Chamomile can be used as a hair rinse after every hair wash. Blonde hair acquires a golden hue.

9.4. To lighten dark hair with chamomile: 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers is brewed with 1.5 cups of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 1 hour, filtered and 50g is added to it. hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. and washed off with water and shampoo.

10. Linden For hair

Linden was used for hair coloring back in Ancient Rus'. These recipes have not lost their relevance today and they confirm that natural hair dye brings not only beauty, but also benefits to hair. Linden gives hair a chestnut or brown tint.

10.1. So, to give your hair a chestnut tint, there is an excellent folk remedy made from linden. 5 tbsp. linden flowers are filled with 1.5 glasses of water. The mixture is placed on low heat and with constant stirring, approximately 100 ml evaporates. water, so as to leave about 1 cup of broth. The broth is cooled and filtered. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and left until the desired shade appears.

10.2. You can make a decoction from linden twigs and leaves. Everything is the same as in the first recipe.

11. Blackberries for hair

What do beauties not use in home hair coloring? For example, blackberries. Apply blackberry juice to clean, dry hair and leave for at least 1 hour. Blackberries will give your hair a reddish-brown tone.

12.Spruce bark for hair

You need to grind the powder from spruce bark, brew it with boiling water, and apply it to your hair. Leave for at least 1 hour. The hair will turn black.

13. Dyeing your hair with sage

Sage decoction is a natural hair dye. 4 tbsp. Brew dry sage with a glass of water. Apply the infusion to the hair roots daily. Even gray hair is dyed. As a result of dyeing your hair with sage, you get a pleasant and rich dark color.

14. Lighten hair with lemon

You can lighten your hair with lemon. You need to squeeze lemon juice, mix in a 50/50 ratio with vodka, apply to damp, clean hair and dry your hair in the sun. Then wash your hair as usual. Hair is lightened by at least 1 shade. The degree of lightening depends on the original hair color and hair structure. Lightening hair with lemon is not recommended for those with very dry hair.

They say that if you want to change your life, you need change hair color. But frequent dyeing spoils the quality of hair, since dyes contain a lot of chemicals.

This does not mean that you need to give up coloring, you just need to change your approach to it. Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 7 options for you natural hair dyes.

Homemade hair dye

  1. Coffee
    Almost everyone has coffee in their home. It's great for darkening hair, gives them a pleasant chocolate shade. You just need to brew a strong espresso. Let it cool down. Mix a glass of coffee, 2 cups of hair conditioner, 2 tbsp. l. brewing black tea - the paint is ready.

    Apply to hair for one hour, then rinse and rinse hair with water and apple cider vinegar. This way the color will set and last longer. And most importantly - no harm to hair.

  2. Tea
    It also gives hair a dark tint, but not as bright as coffee. It is best to use this dye to add saturation. dull hair. Brew 3-5 tea bags in two glasses of water. Apply the liquid to your hair, leave for one hour, then rinse. The mixture can be added directly to shampoo to obtain a light toning effect.

  3. Herbs
    Depending on the color you want to achieve, you can use different herbs. To get dark hair color, use rosemary, nettle or sage. For a red or copper shade, calendula, rose hips and hibiscus are suitable. For light colors - chamomile and sunflower petals.

    Do It decoction from a suitable plant. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply to your hair. After drying completely, wash your hair as usual.

  4. Beet juice and carrots
    If you like natural shades of red flowers, then this advice is for you. Just be careful, these vegetables stain very well. So, let's get started: mix half a glass of carrot juice and the same amount of beet juice, add a little coconut oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap your head with a towel and leave the dye on for one hour.

    Then rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse with cool water and apple cider vinegar. If you want to get a more saturated color, repeat the coloring.

  5. Henna
    An excellent product not only for temporary tattoos, but also for hair coloring. It gives the hair a reddish-red hue. Mix a cup of henna powder with two cups of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Apply the product to your hair and comb it. Wrap in foil and leave the paint for 2 hours. Then wash it off. To soften the color, you can add chamomile decoction into the mixture.

  6. Lemon juice
    He lightens hair and gives them shine. Add it to a spray bottle and apply to your hair. Comb well and let dry. Lemon juice acts slowly, so the procedure must be repeated regularly.

  7. Walnut shells
    It is ideal for obtaining dark brown hair color. Grind the shells and cook for 30 minutes. Cool and strain. Then rub the broth into your hair. Leave the paint on for one hour or longer. The color saturation depends on time. Rinse the decoction from your hair with warm water.