Petrova Yana Vitalievna

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student.
RU. Emerson

The profession of a teacher is one of the oldest and most honorable in the history of mankind. However, it is impossible to determine the exact timing of its appearance. Materials from archaeological excavations allowed scientists to make the assumption that education began to take shape during the period of primitive man’s transition to work. During the Upper Paleolithic period, articulate speech appeared and an objective need for education began to form in society. Initially, this need was satisfied in the joint activities of adults and children. Educational relations between adults and children were not limited to the sphere of work. Adults directed the behavior of children, teaching them to comply with the rules, requirements and prohibitions that existed in the community. This was the beginning of the first forms of education.
The word teacher originated in Ancient Greece. In wealthy families, a slave who monitored the child and his behavior was called a teacher (literally, a teacher). Later, from an ordinary slave, the teacher turned into a home educator.
The word teacher, of course, has lost its original meaning. Educators began to be called educators, and then teachers.
According to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, “an educator is a person who educates or has educated someone.”
Educator is one of the modern pedagogical professions, which arose in the 17th-18th centuries, with the emergence of the first preschool institutions. In Europe, including Russia, such institutions were originally intended for orphans. Later, charitable institutions were created to help families of poor people ("Shelters" in France, "Child Protection Schools" in Germany, "Nursery Shelters" in Russia. Later, paid child care institutions appeared for children of wealthy parents. I would like to note that among There were more male educators than women.
In 1840, the outstanding German teacher F. Froebel gave his institution the name kindergarten. And the task of his kindergarten was to teach mothers how to properly raise their children.
F. Frebel's ideas spread to preschool institutions in many countries around the world. In Russia, kindergartens were organized according to the Froebel system, as well as training courses for teachers to work in them. Such teachers began to be called “gardeners.”
A teacher is one of the most socially significant professions; his activities are aimed at the development, formation, and spiritual creation of the individual.
The functions of a modern teacher are to help students adapt to the changing sociocultural situation of modern society. The very activity of the teacher contains a humanistic principle. It is realized in the desire to cultivate humanity in a person.
Humanization and democratization of all spheres of public life, and primarily the education system, have led to the strengthening of the social function of the teacher. Modern society places increased demands on teachers of any educational institution.
The purpose of pedagogical activity is also determined by society. At the moment, our modern society has formed a new standard for the work of teachers. The Federal State Educational Standard clearly regulates the current goals of teaching activities:

  • Increasing the social status of preschool education.
  • The state ensures equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education.
  • Ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development.
  • Preserving the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education.
The uniqueness of pedagogical activity lies in the specificity of the subject, the object of work. The object of pedagogical influence is a material unique in its value. This is a constantly changing and developing personality. The nature of these changes is largely determined by the position of the teacher. The teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of the student, his needs, emotions, capabilities, stimulate his activity, curiosity, interest, without suppressing his authority. The main goal of the teacher is to educate the individual.
In the process of education, we build on important postulates:
  • Protect children from all forms of physical and mental abuse.
  • Show respect for the human dignity of students, form and maintain their positive self-esteem, confidence in themselves and their capabilities.
  • Support children's initiative and independence in various activities.
  • To build an educational process focused on the capabilities of each child, taking into account the social situation of his development.
  • Provide children with the opportunity to choose materials and types of activities.
  • Interact with the families of pupils in order to ensure the full development of each child. The teacher, working in the present, “grows the future”

Olesya Konnova
Consultation “The emergence and development of the teaching profession. Image of a modern teacher"

“Image of a modern teacher”

Government position. consisting

in all possible care and education

boys and girls. - this position

much more significant than the highest

positions in the state.

The emergence and development of the teaching profession

In ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of a community or tribe - adults and children - participated on an equal basis in obtaining food, which was the main meaning of existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was “woven” into work activity. Children, being involved in it from an early age, acquired knowledge about methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills. And only as tools improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, did it become possible not to involve sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with the duty of being fire keepers and supervising children. Later, as the processes of conscious production of labor tools became more complex, which entailed the need for special transfer of labor skills, the elders of the clan - the most respected and experienced - formed in the modern understanding the first social group of people - educators, whose direct and only responsibility was the transfer of experience , caring for the spiritual growth of the younger generation, their morality, preparation for life. Thus, education became the sphere of human activity and consciousness.

The emergence of the teaching profession has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older generation, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

Teacher's profession- one of the most ancient and honorable in the history of mankind. However, it is not possible to determine the exact timing of its appearance. The history of the teaching profession originated in Ancient Greece, but in those days, a child in wealthy families was raised by a slave, who took him to school and carried all the necessary supplies for his studies. The rest of the time, the slave monitored the child’s development, protected him from dangers, and involuntarily shaped the child’s actions and behavior in general. Such a slave was called a teacher, which literally translated from Greek (paidagogos) means teacher. Some time later, the work of the slave was continued by the home educator, and subsequently, after the popularization of public education, the profession of educator appeared.

The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the root word “to nourish.” Not without reason, the words “educate” and “nurture” are now often considered synonymous. In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person.

The position of a kindergarten teacher is especially important and responsible. After all, this is actually the first person who introduces a child to society, teaches communication and gives initial knowledge and general concepts that allow the child to navigate.

It is the teacher who draws the first boundary between “I want” and “I cannot,” between “I don’t want” and “I must.”

And this needs to be done as tactfully and competently as possible, so as not to cripple the child’s mobile psyche.

The teacher must be able to introduce the child into the team in such a way as to eliminate the slightest discomfort, which could later lead the child to complex psychological trauma.

The first kindergarten opened in 1840 in Blankenburg. Not only the name of the preschool institution was new, but also its purpose, namely, to teach mothers, with the help of practical guidance and showing techniques, how to properly raise children. In the second half of the 19th century, kindergartens began to open in Russia and St. Petersburg.

After the Civil War, the network of preschool institutions gradually expanded; they were opened by city and rural authorities, enterprises, and cooperatives. The training of teaching staff began.

At the end of the 60s, a new institution appeared - a nursery-kindergarten, so familiar to us all.

Working with children, the teacher is directly involved in organizing their lives in the conditions of a certain preschool institution, carrying out all the provided activities.

Currently, teachers are people who have appropriate training and are professionally engaged in teaching activities.

A teacher is a special profession. These are the people who are always in sight; students, colleagues, and parents are next to them.

The appearance of a teacher is one of the factors in the success of teaching activities. Often the first impression of a person is created by his clothing, which expresses preference, idea of ​​beauty, and level of human culture.

Each of us creates a certain image - an image - an idea of ​​a person, formed on the basis of his appearance, habits, manner of speaking, mentality, actions, etc.

What is the image of a modern teacher, educator? What are its components?

Translated from English, image literally means “image.” Consequently, when they talk about a person’s image (“he has a negative image” or “he has the image of an excellent teacher,” they are talking about the image that other people have. Moreover, by image we mean not only a visual, visual image, appearance or appearance, but and the way of his thinking, actions, actions, etc.

« IMAGE“is an opinion, a judgment that expresses an assessment of something, an attitude towards something, a look at something” (Ozhegov S.I.)

« IMAGE- An idea of ​​someone’s internal appearance, the image formed by a leader” (Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary)

« IMAGE“The image of a person, which includes appearance, behavior, communication, etc., contributing to the impact on others.”

(Efremova. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. 2012)

Who creates the image?

Firstly, the person himself, who thinks through which facet to turn to others, what information to present about himself.

Secondly, image makers are professionals involved in creating an image for famous people such as politicians, statesmen, artists, etc.

Third, a large role in creating an image is played by the media - print, radio, television.

Fourth, it is created by friends, family, and employees.

A. G. Ovodova believes that the components of a teacher’s image are:

1. Visual appeal - the color scheme of the suit, properly done makeup, fashionable haircut or styling, etc.

2. Eloquence - the art of speech, that is, its flexibility, expressiveness, originality.

3. Non-verbal image - pleasant manners, gestures, facial expressions, posture.

4. Living space - design of the workplace, car brand, handle, case, etc.

5. Lifestyle - relationships with others, relatives, moral principles, virtues, behavior, character, personality traits.

6. Attractiveness in the eyes of others. “It’s not necessary for people to like you, they just have to like you.”

The approach proposed by A. A. Kalyuzhny puts forward certain requirements for each of the components of the teacher’s image:

Appearance helps a person attract attention, create a positive image, and show himself not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher.

The teacher must win over pupils and adults with his entire appearance. It should harmoniously combine a rich inner world, love for children and care for them. The appearance of a teacher or educator can, of course, create a working or non-working mood in the classroom, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication.

A real teacher will not emphasize his appearance with clothes; he will demonstrate his intelligence, professional skills and abilities. You should always remember that children learn from adults and, above all, from their favorite teacher how to dress correctly. One of the main rules is manifested in the manner of dressing: to look beautiful means to show respect for the people around you.

Appearance, first of all, should be neat. Particular attention should be paid to hairstyle, makeup and manicure. Hair should always be clean, and the hairstyle should be neat - not shaggy, without stray strands. Makeup should be in natural colors; bright colors should be avoided. Hands must be well-groomed, nails must not be broken, and in no case should peeling nail polish be allowed, especially in bright colors.

In clothing, you need to wisely combine fashion trends with your appearance, observing the following rule: being dressed too fashionably is a sign of bad taste, but falling behind fashion is unacceptable, that is, you need to dress in fashion, but closer to the classic style.

Classics are the basis of a teacher's style. It symbolizes the following qualities: self-confidence and self-control, determination and psychological flexibility, as well as authority. Classic style is a style approved by time, but with the inclusion of fashionable elements. For example, clothes of a classic style have clear and sometimes strict shapes, but fashionable proportions and nuances of cut are not ignored, fabrics of new textures and current color shades are used.

A teacher’s clothing carries a great psychological load:

1. A neatly, cleanly and tastefully dressed teacher cultivates these same qualities in students.

2. Teacher clothing can be a distraction during class, disrupting the learning process.

3. Tight-fitting, excessively revealing and short, as well as transparent clothing can generate sexual fantasies and experiences in children's heads instead of comprehending and remembering educational material. That is, an incorrectly dressed teacher can give rise to a lot of pedagogical problems that will have to be solved for more than one day.

Speaking about clothes, we especially need to focus on accessories. Business style presupposes the absence of jewelry, and if jewelry is used, then only from noble metals (gold, silver, platinum) and natural stones. The ideal option is to have a watch (on your wrist or hanging on a chain) and a smooth wedding ring.

If there is a need for earrings, then they should be small, not dangling. Dangling earrings will move in time with head movements, which will distract children from the content of the lesson. The same can be said about dangling bracelets and numerous chains. They need to be excluded because they are not consistent with business style.

Accessories can also include glasses. Glasses should be precisely matched to the facial features and should not distract from facial expressions and eye expression. The frame should be thin. Glasses must be adjusted so that they do not move when you move your head, do not slide down, and do not pinch anywhere. Otherwise, you will have to constantly correct them, which distracts the students and the teacher himself.

The teacher's face is an instrument of powerful influence on students. You must learn to master this “tool” perfectly and be able to control it very precisely. People who are not specially trained usually are not aware of the expression on their face. This is due to the fact that facial muscles have few nerve endings, and their weak impulses must be learned to be perceived. When our face is in a calm state, the facial muscles are relaxed and the face sometimes takes on an expression that is inappropriate in a specific communication situation (for example, the corners of the lips droop and the face takes on a dissatisfied or offended expression).

In standard communication situations, standard facial expressions are assumed among its participants. Psychologists call such standard facial expressions masks. The psychological significance of the mask is very high. On the one hand, its presence allows you to not be personally involved in a specific communication situation, preserving mental energy.

The teacher's face should be friendly and interested. The child’s expression on the teacher’s face should create the impression that he is waiting and wants to communicate with him. This facial expression creates an attitude, something that happens in the lesson is interesting and important to the teacher himself, and therefore should be interesting and important to the students.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are important components of the image - what and how we say, whether we can attune a person to ourselves with words, what gestures, facial expressions and postures we use, how we sit, stand and walk. To improve his professionalism, a teacher needs to pay attention to the ability to present himself to others in the most favorable light. Explanations must be clear both in style and relevance.

It is worth noting that auditory perception of information is less voluminous than visual, so sentences should not be very long and with pauses. Before each lesson, the teacher should think over his speech so that it sounds smoother and more understandable, but, nevertheless, one cannot exclude the improvisational moment, thanks to which the lesson becomes more interesting and exciting for students. The teacher must also master the style of informal communication with students in order to inspire their trust.

The teacher’s voice is of great importance: it is a means that can increase the significance of speech, but often acts as a means of reducing this significance. Typical mistakes of novice teachers are a voice that is too quiet or too loud. A monophonic voice does not allow the teacher to create the rhythm of his speech, its melody. Voice should contribute to the success of the teacher. Working on speech technique can play a positive role in the professional development of a young specialist and increasing the success of an experienced teacher in his activities.

We should not forget about non-verbal behavior (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gaze, gait, posture). Nonverbal behavior is the language of the subconscious. It historically preceded the appearance of speech, which means it is less controlled by the intellect. But this is not a reason to let things take their course. Nonverbal behavior is a manifestation of culture (both personal and national).

The nonverbal component of communication plays a significant role in the process of interaction between a teacher and children, since it is known that various means of nonverbal communication are in some cases more effective than words. A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of a teacher is occupied by the system of gestures.

As E. A. Petrova notes, the teacher’s gestures are for the teacher one of the indicators of his attitude towards them. A gesture has the property of “making the secret obvious,” which the teacher must always remember. Gestures play an important role in ensuring children's attention, which is the most important condition for effective learning. Gestures can illustrate the teacher’s story; with their help, visual perception, memory, and visual-figurative thinking can be activated. It is important to remember that explanatory gestures with children contribute to better assimilation of information.

It has been proven that a person receives 35% of information through verbal communication and 65% through non-verbal communication.

The internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner “I” - is considered the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional communication.

It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the internal attitudes of the teacher and corresponds to his character and views. By creating our own image, we thereby educate ourselves. The internal image is the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, play of imagination, grace, the way of posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson scenario, an internal spirit for creativity, self-control in public conditions and many other components.

External image is a special form of expressing attitude to the material, conveying an emotional attitude to reality, the ability to self-presentation, bringing students to the playing level, skillfully staging the entire course of the lesson.

Thus, despite significant differences in the classifications of the components of a teacher’s image by different authors, it is possible to identify some common components: appearance, oratory, non-verbal style, the inner world of the teacher, as well as professionally significant qualities of the teacher’s personality.



    Relevance of the topic



    Object of study

    Subject of study


    Fundamental Question

    Research methods

Theoretical part…………………………………………………………………..4-7

    Unique aspects of the profession

Practical part……………………………………………………………..8





Relevance of the topic:

Raising children is a special function of adults who take responsibility for the physical safety and development of children. I wanted to know what makes this profession interesting. As a result of this, the topic of my project arose: “What is interesting about the profession of a teacher.”

Purpose of the study: Expand knowledge about the teaching profession.

Research objectives:

    Find out why this profession is interesting

    Study material on this project topic

    Learn to find a common language with children, understand their intentions and mood.

    Take part in the entertaining and educational programs of the kindergarten group.

    Summarize the collected material and present it in the form of a presentation

Object of study: Variety of professions.

Subject of study: Profession "Kindergarten teacher"

Hypothesis: If a kindergarten teacher loves his profession, he will be able to raise many good people.

Fundamental question:

What do you need to do to become a good teacher?

Working methods:


    practical work;

    collection of information;

Theoretical part

Raising children is a special function of adults who take responsibility for the physical safety and development of children.

The art of being a kindergarten teacher is as multifaceted and complex as any art. Depending on the circumstances, the teacher has to act in different roles: he is a teacher for children, who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a loved one who will understand everything and help in difficult times.

A teacher must love children, live for children - without this, his work has no meaning. In addition, he always needs to remember his duty: after all, the state has entrusted him with a great responsibility - to raise a worthy member of society from a child.

The profession of a kindergarten teacher is one of the noble and necessary for people.

History of the teaching profession

The teaching profession appeared relatively recently at the beginning of the last century. This is due to the fact that women began to work. Especially many preschool institutions appeared with the restoration of Soviet power. In the pre-revolutionary period, there were orphanages where there were teachers. In wealthy families, it was customary to hire tutors to raise children. Then, boys and girls from impoverished aristocratic families who received a good upbringing and education at various institutes or universities became tutors. After a break of several decades, this profession has become in demand again. Tutors are invited to visit children over three years of age. Home education is not easy work. The tutor’s task is not just to organize the child’s leisure time, he must comprehensively develop and train his ward. That is why the tutor must have a pedagogical education and experience in teaching any subject (tutoring), as well as the desire and readiness to work with children. Women are more likely to become home caregivers. Now a new profession has appeared for real men - tutor-bodyguard. Applicants for this job, in addition to higher education and knowledge of a foreign language, must be in good physical shape and have no bad habits. Knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques and the ability to drive vehicles are also welcome.

Unique aspects of the profession

The teacher must know and be able to do a lot. The task ahead is not a simple one - to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry. The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He must have a good knowledge of children's fiction. The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's team as a whole, but also the personal relationships between children. The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in raising children. Pleasant appearance and gentle demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents. The teacher faces a difficult task: as an adult who develops and teaches a child, to understand and feel the children's world, to combine rigor and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. The main method in teaching, developing and raising children is play. Wise educators prohibit little and play a lot. After all, children live in play. The teacher’s skill lies in the fact that he knows when to support a timid child, “assigning him as a wolf,” and to teach an aggressive child empathy, “making him a kid.” Having noticed the child’s abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he cannot do without observation, good memory and tact.

Conditions and content of work of the profession of educator

The teacher works with children of preschool age, organizes the lives of children in a preschool institution, and carries out all routine activities with them. The teacher must know: developmental psychology, pedagogy, children's hygiene, content and principles of organizing preschool education. Professionally important qualities: · observation; · responsiveness; · attentiveness; patience; · communication skills. Qualification requirements: Pedagogical school or pedagogical institute. Medical contraindications: · infectious diseases; · dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system; Nervous and mental illnesses.

For me, the profession of a kindergarten teacher is a profession worthy of respect. After all, whoever helps children helps all of humanity!

The teacher must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices. We must move forward, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but we must not forget the good old things that have been preserved by the people for centuries, for example, oral folk art. A variety of knowledge is needed to satisfy the curiosity of a modern child and help him understand the world around him. The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's team as a whole, but also forms personal relationships between children, in communication with adults, and in general with the world around the little person. We must not forget the most important thing in the work of a kindergarten teacher - this is his responsibility for each child. It is he who makes sure that there are no broken knees or noses in the child’s life, and that every stay in the garden gives him undisguised pleasure and a desire to go to “work” with great impatience!

Calm and restless, restless and serious, thoughtful and inquisitive “whys.” And everyone needs their own approach, their own key. Only then will the soul of this little person be revealed, and a trusting, open look will appear. And the baby initiates me into the most intimate secrets: and much more. I touch the vast world of goodness, I enter this world. I tune in to the melodic sound of a child's voice, purity and sincerity! Their joy is my joy.

There is no need to be afraid to praise your child once again, even when his successes are very modest. This builds self-confidence in children and makes them want to take the next step. It is important for me that the child trusts me and maintains respect and appreciation. Justifying his trust is a great and honorable responsibility.

And so, day after day, together walking along the path of knowledge, on which they learn to distinguish between good and evil, they get to know themselves and the world around them, and I constantly learn from them devotion, sincerity, openness, love...

Practical part.

Now I am 9 years old, I have already graduated from kindergarten, but the memories of it remain the most joyful and magical. Every day in kindergarten was filled with magic, joy, and games with friends.

When I come to see my mother at work, I remember how good it was in kindergarten. How much fun we had playing games, our wonderful holidays, the appearance of fabulous guests, interesting activities that helped me achieve success at school. Now I’m big, but I can help educators make the childhood of other children as bright, joyful, and filled with bright moments as mine.

I helped the children of the group on duty in the dining room, during classes, helped them change clothes, wash themselves, and did morning exercises. (Appendix No. 1)

I enjoyed taking part in the New Year's party. She played the role of little Baba Yaga. (Appendix No. 2)

Together with the children, she sculpted, drew, showed the procedure for doing this or that work, and read fairy tales. (Appendix No. 3)

She took part in puppet and finger theater shows and learned new outdoor games with them. (Appendix No. 4)

I made two didactic games for children: “Young Architect” for mathematics, “Dress a Doll” for speech development. (Appendix No. 5-6)

She took part in the design of an exhibition on the theme “Gifts of Autumn”. (Appendix No. 7)


Conducting my research, I sought to find an answer to my question: “What is interesting about the profession of a teacher?”

Summing up the results of my research, I came to the conclusion that this is a very interesting and important profession.

The requirements for a teacher are very high. He must be a wise, knowledgeable mentor and artist at the same time, possess all the knowledge that develops and educates children and be able to use it professionally in classes with children in kindergarten.
A teacher is the first teacher, after the mother, that children meet on their life path. For me, the profession of a teacher is an opportunity to constantly be in the sincere, understanding and accepting world of childhood, in a daily, and sometimes every minute, land of fairy tales and fantasies. And you involuntarily think about the importance of the teaching profession when you see delight and expectation of something new in the wide-open, trusting eyes of children, catching every word, look and gesture.

The main thing in this profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them a piece of your heart every moment, and to love them as if they were your own, without compromises or conditions.
A teacher is a patriot of his homeland, because the country trusts them with the most precious thing - its future.

I believe that I have done my job and achieved my goal. In my work, I became more familiar with this profession, fell in love with it and realized that this is one of the most important and interesting professions.


    A.A. Smolentsev “Plot-didactic games with mathematical content”;

    N.B. Khalezova “Folk plastic and decorative modeling in kindergarten”;

    T.N. Karamanenko, Yu.G. Karamanenko “Puppet theater for preschoolers”;

    B. Nikitin “Developmental Infrastructure”;

    L.V. Kompantseva “Poetic image of nature in kindergarten”;

    A.K. Bondarenko “Word games in kindergarten”;

    N.P. Sakulina “Methods of teaching drawing, modeling and appliqué in kindergarten”;

    N.N. Poddyakov, S.N. Nikolaev, L.A. Paramonova and others “Mental education of preschool children”;

    G.A. Tumakova “Familiarization of a preschooler with a sounding word”;

    T.I. Osokin “Physical education in kindergarten”;

    Republican pedagogical magazine "Kindergarten";

    Republican pedagogical magazine “Child in kindergarten”.

Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4

Appendix No. 5

Appendix No. 6

Appendix No. 7

A kindergarten teacher is both a caring mentor and a wise first teacher who prepares children for school. His task is not only to look after the child while parents are at work, but also to teach children to take serious knowledge in a playful way.

Average salary: 15,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


The work of a kindergarten teacher requires a special character, endless endurance and the desire to devote oneself entirely to children, which is why women usually choose it.

A kindergarten teacher is a teacher who teaches and educates children in preschool institutions.

History of the profession

In Russia, the profession of a kindergarten teacher appeared in the 50-60s of the 19th century along with the first preschool educational institutions, which began to open in Helsingfors, St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in other cities. The institutions were paid, so only children from rich families could study there.

In the USSR, preschool education became completely free (parents paid small amounts for meals). In 1959, the first nurseries appeared, where children could be placed from 2 months of age. Nowadays, most children at the age of three begin their education in preschool institutions, of which there are over 45 thousand in Russia.

Description of the profession

The kindergarten teacher not only looks after the children when their parents are at work, but, in accordance with the program, conducts classes with the children in mathematics, music, speech development, drawing and modeling, and physical education. The teacher needs to be able to find contact with all children, their parents, grandparents. He is obliged to give the child knowledge about the world around him, the system of relationships between people, promote his socialization, and help him figure out how to distinguish good from evil.

Kindergarten students are children aged 3 to 7 years. Experts divide preschool age into 3 stages:

  • 3-4 years - junior;
  • 4-5 years - average;
  • 5-7 years old - senior.

The profession of a teacher presupposes knowledge of the characteristics of these age periods and the use of suitable teaching and educational methods during study. The main technique is a didactic game, during which the student, without noticing it, gains new knowledge and skills.

What specialties are best to study in?

To become a kindergarten teacher, you can graduate from both a secondary and a higher vocational educational institution. Colleges and technical schools offer two specialties:

  • preschool education;
  • special preschool education (training is aimed at further work with children with developmental disabilities).

The main direction of training for kindergarten teachers at universities is “Preschool Education”, within which you can receive one of the specialized specialties:

  • preschool education and speech therapy;
  • psychology and pedagogy of preschool education;
  • early childhood education and music;
  • preschool education and foreign language;
  • pedagogical activity in preschool education.

What subjects need to be taken to the teacher

In colleges, school graduates are not required to take exams; it is enough to pass a certificate competition and an interview. You can study after 9 grades in 3 years 10 months, and after 11 grades - in 2 years 10 months.

University applicants must submit their Unified State Exam results in social studies and the Russian language. In addition, depending on the university and the chosen profile, exams in biology, mathematics, a foreign language, as well as the results of a creative or professional test (music, choreography, physical education) may be required. Study for 4-5 years.

Educational establishments

In every region, and not only the capital, there are many colleges where you can get a profession as a kindergarten teacher, for example:

  • Udmurt Republican Social Pedagogical College (Izhevsk). They teach here full-time after 9th grade and part-time after 11th grade, and there are also distance learning programs.
  • Pedagogical College No. 10 (Moscow) trains specialists to work with preschool children.
  • Institute of Secondary Vocational Education named after. K.D. Ushinsky of the Moscow City Pedagogical University trains a kindergarten teacher for further work with ordinary children and children with special needs.
  • Chelyabinsk Pedagogical College No. 2 offers full-time and distance learning programs for training teachers in preschool institutions.
  • Novosibirsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after. A. S. Makarenko trains kindergarten teachers to work with different categories of children.

Non-metropolitan universities:

  • Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. Kh. M. Berbekova;
  • Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I. N. Ulyanova;
  • Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg);
  • Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg).

In which you can obtain (including remotely) the specialty “Preschool Education” with various profiles.

Responsibilities at work

The job responsibilities of a kindergarten employee include:

  • carrying out activities that are aimed at the physical development and health promotion of wards;
  • teaching children basic preschool general education subjects in accordance with the approved program;
  • maintaining a daily routine (eating, sleeping, studying, walking);
  • monitoring the health status of children, informing the nurse if necessary;
  • organization and holding of various holidays, competitions and other types of active leisure;
  • organization of work taking into account the individual characteristics, character, abilities and inclinations of each child;
  • cooperation with parents and other teachers for the best development of the child;
  • records management;
  • providing first aid if necessary.

This official description of the profession of a kindergarten teacher does not reveal all its diversity and complexity. After all, the teacher must receive each child from their parents in the morning, listen and take into account all their requests and advice, help the children eat during lunch, and when preparing for a walk, help them get dressed. Also, the teacher puts the children to bed on time during the day, and then wakes them up, conducts educational activities and organizes outdoor games, calms crying babies and does many other things.

Who is it suitable for?

A person with a pedagogical education can work as a kindergarten teacher. The specialist is required to know:

  • methods of teaching various subjects;
  • methods of educational work;
  • fundamentals of child developmental psychology;
  • age-related physiology and hygiene of boys and girls;
  • procedure for providing first aid.

A good teacher will be a specialist with the following personal qualities:

  • responsibility and activity;
  • patience and endurance;
  • presence of good logical and creative thinking;
  • good memory;
  • love for children and kindness;
  • fairness and sincerity;
  • sociability and ability to find an approach to each child.

Now about the pros and cons of the teaching profession. The positive aspects include:

  • communication with children;
  • demand in the labor market;
  • long vacation, stable salary;
  • constant improvement of your qualifications;
  • shift work (from morning to lunch or from lunch to evening), which makes it possible to better manage your time.

Disadvantages - relatively low wages, great responsibility for students and nervous tension, the need for constant self-control. Relationships with children’s parents are also often difficult.

How much do they get

The average salary of a teacher in the country is 15 thousand rubles, specific amounts vary depending on the region. Thus, in Moscow in 2018, a qualified kindergarten worker earned 35-40 thousand rubles; in remote regions (Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Republic of Sakha) they pay about 30 thousand rubles. The teacher’s income level is also influenced by the status of the preschool institution (municipal, departmental or private) and the employee’s work experience.

How to build a career

The teaching profession does not have any promising career path. In principle, you can grow to become the head of a kindergarten, but for this you must have a university diploma. If you study additionally, the option of a career as an official in the field of education will be available.

You can tutor children at home privately in your free time or lead small groups in one or another area of ​​early child development (for example, using the Maria Montessori method). The most promising, but difficult option is to open your own private kindergarten.

Prospects for the profession

In the coming decades, a revolution in the way of social life is not expected, so we can say with confidence that the profession of a preschool teacher will continue to remain in demand. But before you become a teacher, you need to clearly decide whether this job is right for you, since in reality it is much more complex and responsible than it seems at first glance.

Not everyone can work with children. The teacher must have nerves of iron to listen and respond to the requests and demands of at least 25 kids. A girl who is sincerely in love with her work shared her thoughts on this matter and also answered the question: “Why did I choose the profession of a teacher.”

History of the profession

If you look into the past, such an activity as a kindergarten teacher did not exist. It arose during the period of the emergence of a new type of education for preschool children and opposed to tutors who taught children at home. In Ancient Greece, children were supervised by a slave. Then it grew into such an important profession as a teacher, but at home. It was to some extent reminiscent of the activities of a kindergarten teacher today.

What is the job of a teacher?

Initially, you need to understand that the profession requires constant contact with children, from a particularly tender age to preschoolers. To put it simply, a teacher is a person who takes care of children during the period when parents are busy at work.

Then why does he need a higher education, because his job is to constantly monitor the kids so that they don’t get hurt? As educators say, supervision and care is a general description. It is necessary to have extensive knowledge and skills that only a pedagogical institute can provide. In these universities, future teachers acquire knowledge related to child psychology and developmental techniques. After all, during classes the child needs to be given the necessary information in a form that is understandable to him.

Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? All teachers answer this this way: this profession is creative and creative and is suitable for people with special thinking. Therefore, not every person will become a teacher; one must not only truly love this work, but also live it.

Features of working in kindergarten

To work as a teacher, you can graduate from a pedagogical school or institute with a specialty as a preschool teacher. And then there will be a story about the activity itself.

What is the description of the teaching profession? He usually works 2 shifts. At 6:30 a.m. the working day begins and the teacher receives the children. They must be greeted with a smile and joy on the face in order to create a good mood for the whole day for both children and parents.

At 08:15, the kids do morning exercises so that they fully wake up and get a boost of energy. At 9:00 the children have breakfast. After this, age-specific classes are held in each group, which are approved by the methodologist at the beginning of each academic year. They are aimed at developing various talents in children. They are engaged in modeling, drawing, appliqué and mathematics. After the children play in the group, they are accompanied for a walk.

The second shift begins at 11:30, but the first teacher does not leave the group until 13:30. He helps the kids have dinner and puts them to bed. Rising after a nap occurs at 15:00; after the afternoon snack, the teacher plays calm games with the children or tells them fairy tales.

Throughout the day, a junior teacher (nanny) is with the children in the group, thanks to her, the cleanliness of the room is maintained. She washes floors and windows, feeds and clothes the children and provides them with comprehensive assistance.

What qualities should a teacher have?

And now I would like to tell you what personal qualities a teacher should have. Since the advent of this profession, the main requirements for a person who dreams of becoming a teacher have been love for children, sensitivity and kindness. Since the work involves monitoring 20-25 children, the teacher must have emotional stability, endurance and great patience.

The profession of a kindergarten teacher requires a person to:

  • observation;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • justice;
  • erudition;
  • activity;
  • cheerfulness.

In addition, a good teacher is able to instantly switch his attention, have excellent visual and auditory perception, and have creative and logical thinking.

Advantages of the profession

If you write an essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher,” then it will definitely describe all the pros and cons of such work. There are many advantages to being a teacher. Therefore, when teachers have to answer the question “why did I choose the profession of a teacher,” they highlight several points:

  1. Communication with children, unobtrusive playful atmosphere.
  2. Participation in the development of the child and the opportunity to give him something new.
  3. Creative people are able to realize their potential and make crafts, applications with children and come up with their own fairy tales and stories.
  4. Many teachers speak positively about the work, saying that it cannot be called monotonous and routine.
  5. Long vacation (42-56 days) depending on the length of work in this position.
  6. Demand - good teachers are always needed.

Despite the fact that the advantages of being a teacher outweigh the disadvantages, they exist, just like in any other job.

Negative aspects of the profession

The main disadvantage of working as a teacher is low wages, which only a person completely out of touch with reality is not aware of. Other disadvantages of the profession include:

  • noisy environment;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • enormous responsibility, including criminal responsibility, for the life and health of children;
  • constant control of one’s own emotions;
  • continuous presence at the workplace, due to the teacher’s full responsibility for the safety of children.

When answering the question “why did I choose the profession of a teacher,” many teachers who love their work do their best to downplay its disadvantages.

However, despite this, they are often in a state of stress. Many educators are so tied up in their work that their lives fade into the background. In this case, teachers need to take care of their moral health and treat their activities calmly.

Where can I get a job as a kindergarten teacher?

Currently, specialized education can only be obtained at a specialized or humanitarian university, on the basis of which such specialists are trained. In many Russian institutes, training in the specialty of a preschool teacher is well developed, so the choice of educational institution is not of fundamental importance.


Why did I choose the profession of teacher? When teachers with extensive experience talk about the benefits of their work, they invite young people to think carefully before becoming an educator. After all, he will have to spend a lot of time with the children, read to them, braid their hair and clean up after them. An excellent job for a young mother, but the profession itself is very difficult. Often girls who have received such an education face many difficulties, because in institutes they do not teach that they will need to help a child go to the toilet, or how to understand that a child has a stomach ache if he cannot tell about it on his own.

It is necessary to teach children to find compromises in communicating with each other; sometimes the teacher has to teach them understanding in relations with their parents, which can sometimes be very difficult, and in some cases unrealistic.

Therefore, you can write in the essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher” that the road is open only to people who love children and are inspired by them, and have the qualities of fantasy actors. If a person is peaceful and completely open to communication, then work will bring him only pleasure.