The course of pregnancy at the 26th week

The growing belly puts pressure on the diaphragm, which restricts the breathing of a pregnant woman. She may have shortness of breath , feeling that there is not enough air. It will become more difficult to put on shoes and walk long distances and steps.

Useful tips

For the expectant mother useful to read not only novels and magical love stories, but also more practical books. So, on the shelves of bookstores there is now a sufficient assortment of good literature about pregnancy, and you can also begin to get acquainted with books on baby care, breastfeeding and children’s health in the first year of life. Such knowledge never hurts.

It's time to get busy shopping for baby , now it will be much easier to go around stores and look for everything you need than in a few weeks. If a pregnant woman still regularly goes to work, getting to know baby things in reality should be postponed for a couple of weeks for now, and devote time to evening walks and gentle activities, such as swimming, fitball or yoga for pregnant women.

At the 26th obstetric week of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to pay attention to the regularity of the baby’s movements, monitor nutrition and weight, and prepare for maternity leave. You have already come a long way. There are approximately 100 days left until you meet your baby! How the 26th week of pregnancy goes for a woman, and how the child will grow and develop, we will find out in this article.

26 weeks how many months is it? 26 weeks is the end. This week also ends the second trimester of pregnancy.

Weight, height, fetal development at 26 weeks of pregnancy

The baby has grown to 35 cm in length and weighs about 800 g. Your baby weighs about the size of a small cauliflower.

This week, the baby's eyes are already beginning to open. Of course, inside the uterus he is surrounded by complete darkness, but, in any case, he can blink now. Also, there is another change that is noticeable to you - now the activity of the baby’s brain is commensurate with his motor activity. That is, when the baby perceives any loud sound, he begins to move. For example, if you listen to loud music or you hear any loud sound, then your baby also hears it, responding to it with a movement inside you.

By this time, the fetus has already developed well. Sense organs are formed, and the child is able to respond to light, sounds, and distinguish smells and tastes. It is interesting to note the fact that the baby perceives low sounds better than high ones. Thus, male voices are more accessible to him than female ones, and heavy loud music causes great anxiety.

City bustle, sharp shouts, loud noise can even frighten him. The most pleasant sound for a child is the beating of the mother's heart, which has a calming effect on him. Children's facial features continue to form. The face becomes more and more clear, eyebrows are clearly visible, a small nose stands out, ears are clearly visible, and the neck gradually lengthens. At this stage, the skin tone of the fetus changes slightly. While it is covered with small wrinkles, this is a consequence of the child’s constant presence in water.

But when there are only a few weeks left before birth, the baby's skin will smooth out. The legs and arms become more rounded, the elbows become covered with thin folds. Brown fat has managed to accumulate in sufficient quantities. Its main difference from adult white fat is that it is very easily broken down if necessary. Brown adipose tissue is deposited mainly in the back area.

The active development of the central nervous system of the fetus continues. Connections between the brain and adrenal glands are formed. The pituitary gland begins to synthesize the hormone responsible for growth. The baby’s skeletal system is actively continuing its formation, and muscle tissue is growing. Now the fetus moves more sharply and intensely, its movements can cause some discomfort in the mother.

Normally, the fetal heart beats from 140 to 160 beats per minute. Now only the placental circulation works. And after birth, the baby’s blood will circulate in a large and small circle. Passing through the placenta, the blood is saturated with all the components the baby needs and then passes through the umbilical vein to the baby. The umbilical vein first passes through the umbilical ring and leads to the liver. The blood then enters the inferior vena cava, where it connects with venous blood coming from the internal organs of the fetus.

Pregnancy is a magical period for every woman. Despite all the inconveniences, the heavy “load” and various manifestations of toxicosis, after the birth of a child a woman begins to miss this condition. This is probably the best feeling in life - when a new life is born inside you.

This is already the seventh month of pregnancy (one obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks), and it means that the expectant mother has already entered the third trimester. The baby's height reaches 32 centimeters, and his weight is about 900 grams. The baby begins to move actively, making up to 250 movements per day (about 10 times per hour). Also, the third trimester means that the baby is already stronger, and his movements in the womb can be felt not only by the mother, but also by those around her through tactile touch.

It is from the 26th week of pregnancy that obstetricians recognize the fetus as a full-fledged person. Despite the underdevelopment of tissues and organs, the child will be able to independently “develop” in case of premature birth.

The expectant mother's uterus has risen by 26 centimeters and is now located 6 centimeters above the navel. All organs rise, so starting from the 26th week, a woman is characterized by shortness of breath, heartburn and bloating. Every next week the uterus will rise another 1 centimeter.


Due to the rapidly growing belly, shortness of breath appears, and the desire to take a deep breath becomes constant. The gait has changed, putting on shoes has become much more difficult, and long distances and stairs are a real challenge.

Heaviness in the legs, pain in the lower back or back appears. Both the spine and muscles hurt. The center of gravity shifts forward due to the weight of the abdomen.

The baby's kicks become more painful: he becomes larger, there is less room for him, and his legs can hit the bladder or liver. On average, a child sleeps 20 hours a day, the rest of the time he spends in an active state.

A woman may suffer from heartburn (it can be prevented with special portioned meals).

Many mothers note that they began to sleep worse and dream about the child. This is due to the uncomfortable position of the mother’s body: the child begins to move more actively, trying to wake up the mother so that she turns over.

Mom at 26 weeks

By the 26th week, the mother’s total weight increases by an average of 9 kilograms from normal. This is a normal number. The belly looks more rounded and protrudes forward significantly.

At the beginning of the third trimester, the child’s thinking is finally formed - brain cells reach their maturity. In this regard, the baby is diagnosed with:

  • Sleep cycle - he already distinguishes between the time of rest and the time of wakefulness, so now you can already accustom him to a daily routine. During periods of sleep, an ultrasound scan can show the baby sucking his thumb (at the 26th week the sucking reflex appears, the baby is preparing for future breastfeeding) and even smiles.
  • Taste - now the baby can distinguish sweet from bitter. For example, when a mother eats sweets, the baby may kick harder, recognizing the taste as pleasant.
  • Discrimination of sounds - the child begins to understand where “mother’s sounds” are (heartbeat, intestinal rumbling, lung sounds, mother’s voice), and where are strangers (the sound of pouring water, music, voices of other people). This can be seen by the child’s accelerating pulse - when he hears his mother’s voice, his heart begins to beat faster.

Also at week 26, the baby opens his eyes for the first time. Their color has already been determined by this period, although it may darken with age.

The child's ears are already formed and extend slightly from the head. Eyebrows and eyelashes appear - you can even see them in an ultrasound image.

The bone tissue continues to strengthen, and the first signs of growth of molars appear. The milk teeth have already formed.

The lungs finally take their usual place around the heart, and the descent of the diaphragm ends.

Subcutaneous fat has finally formed. Now the muscles begin to form and grow, and therefore the child will rapidly increase in size.

At the 26th week, the formation of the genital organs and vagina ends in girls, and the testicles begin to descend in boys. After a month they form a full-fledged scrotum. The accuracy of determining the sex of the child will be 100%.

Examinations and concomitant diseases

Urinalysis, measurement of weight, abdominal circumference and blood pressure of the mother have become commonplace. At the 26th week, the height of the uterine fundus is also measured (the absolute norm is 27-28 centimeters).

Also added to the usual examination:

  • Ultrasound. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, ultrasound is prescribed only a few times in nine months. The second appointment usually occurs at week 26. The main task of the examination is to exclude malformations of the fetus, its internal organs, nervous system and skeleton; give a general assessment of the baby's growth. Ultrasound also evaluates the condition of the amniotic fluid and placenta.
  • A clinical blood test is prescribed to determine glucose levels (glucose tolerance test) to rule out diabetes in the mother. Diabetes occurs in only 2% of cases, but it can lead to rapid weight gain in the baby and slower blood circulation in the arteries. The analysis will also allow you to examine your hemoglobin level and determine whether the pregnant woman is developing anemia.


Possible complications at this stage of development:

  • Premature birth;
  • Preeclampsia (loss of protein in the urine, low blood pressure, swelling);
  • Fetal growth retardation;
  • FNP (fetoplacetarial insufficiency, dysfunction of the placenta).

All these complications will be detected by the doctor during the next examination.

Various discharges can also signal complications:

  • If itching, burning or strange discharge occurs, be sure to consult a doctor. This indicates an infection that can affect the amniotic fluid and even the fetus itself. Such an infection will negatively affect the development of the baby.
  • Excessively watery discharge also raises suspicions - they may mean “leaking” of amniotic fluid. Even with small portions of discharge, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.
  • Bloody discharge, coupled with painful sensations in the lower abdomen, signal placental abruption.

Video - 26 weeks of pregnancy


During this period, it is necessary to provide the child with all the necessary vitamins, so meals should be as complete and frequent as possible.

Eat small portions, but often - this will help maintain the correct sugar level and avoid dizziness and fatigue.

Any allergens are excluded from the diet - honey, milk, red fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate.

Carbonated drinks, fried and smoked foods, and fast food are also prohibited (they should be abandoned at the very beginning of pregnancy).

Don't experiment with unfamiliar or exotic fruits. Try to eliminate salt from your diet.

All dishes are preferably baked, boiled or steamed.

When going out for a walk, always take yogurt or fruit with you so as not to go hungry.

Although your child will almost certainly enjoy the sweet taste, it is advisable to limit yourself from confectionery products. However, sometimes you can pamper both yourself and your baby, but remember about increased glucose levels.

It is very useful to periodically make fruit porridge from grated apples and carrots - such a dish will ease congestion in the intestines. The digestive system will also be calmed by a glass of curd whey, drunk on an empty stomach.

If your feet are very swollen, limit your salt intake as a matter of urgency. Drink water half an hour before meals and do not eat after 18:00. Brew and drink cranberry juice every day, it helps remove water from the body.

Due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, white stripes appear on the skin. Then they will turn into ugly stretch marks. Experts recommend using pregnancy gels to reduce and lighten them at an early stage. Rub this product during water procedures. From folk remedies, slightly warmed olive oil is suitable.

If you notice an arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) in your child, most likely there are no complications - the heart is still developing and growing. The arrhythmia will go away when it is finally formed.

If your back hurts badly, it is recommended to perform special exercises, you can go to the pool. Start wearing a bandage, it will take the pressure off your back. If you have restless sleep, you can buy a pregnancy pillow: hug it with your arms and legs while sleeping, the pillow will support your stomach and relax your back muscles.

Constipation often occurs during pregnancy. Monitor your bowel movements and avoid sitting for long periods of time. To prevent constipation, it is recommended not to eat spicy or smoked foods, spices and flour products. Walk more often, but don't overdo it. Too frequent constipation can lead to hemorrhoids.

At this time, it’s time to prepare for breastfeeding - wipe your breasts with a damp towel, take air baths, carefully wipe your nipples with a hard cloth (due to the sensitivity of the nipples, the uterus may begin to contract, do not overdo it with pressure).

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

Sex during pregnancy is very welcome if there are no complications or contraindications.

During orgasm, the functions of the placenta are activated, and the body of the expectant mother produces a hormone of happiness. The baby also receives it.

Remember that the poses should avoid putting pressure on the abdomen.


  1. Protect yourself from stress. The baby senses the slightest changes in his mother’s mood and also begins to feel bad and upset. Do not play loud music and try to avoid sharp sounds, as the baby may be scared. Remember that the sound of the mother’s heart and the surrounding world muffled by the amniotic fluid are his native habitat. Avoid pointing bright light at your belly.
  2. Try not to eat smoked and spicy foods; your child will not like the sharp taste sensations.
  3. Try not to stand in queues for a long time, do not walk for several hours without rest.
  4. Don’t worry about possible contractions, the baby is still “training.” But be sure to tell your doctor about this.

If you haven't been on vacation yet, now is the time to take one. By law, you can go on paid leave immediately before maternity leave. Usually people go on maternity leave at the 30th week (if two or more fetuses are pregnant, maternity leave is scheduled two weeks earlier).

Remember that the risk of premature birth is especially high in the summer. Mom’s body loses a lot of fluid, and in hot weather you need to drink water constantly.

Consult a doctor immediately if the uterus contracts 5 or more times per hour; the water leaves (if you can hold back the stream, it’s urine, if not, amniotic fluid comes out); there is severe pain in the lower abdomen and pressure in the pelvis; if there is bleeding from the vagina.

Listen to yourself and your child. Remember about the baby's comfort:

  • Sudden changes in pressure cause hypoxia in the baby, so be sure to consult a doctor before flying.
  • Acclimatization is stressful even for a healthy person; avoid sudden climate changes.
  • When vaccinated, the substance penetrates into the baby, and a lot of effort is required to fight the vaccine.
  • Extreme sports are dangerous due to premature birth and a lot of stress on the mother’s body.
  • When dehydrated (this applies not only to travel), the water-salt balance of the mother’s body drops, and the amniotic fluid becomes saltier. This affects both the baby’s development and his mood. Always have at least one liter of water with you.

Don't change your diet suddenly. In the last trimester, the child’s taste preferences have already been formed, and the baby may not like the new sensations when swallowing amniotic fluid.

From 26 weeks of pregnancy, the child is considered viable. In other words, in the event of his unexpected birth, he will already be able to survive with the help of special equipment.

Fetus at 26 weeks of gestation

Now the baby’s face looks more like the face of an elderly person - just as wrinkled, but all the limbs have already gained fat mass. In addition, the baby continues to actively develop his skeleton. Before this, the baby had cartilage instead of bones.
Fetal size and weight at 26 weeks of gestation approximately 32 cm and 900 grams. The baby is becoming larger not only in size, but also in its development. Now he will be able to distinguish music and hear his mother's voice. Doctors recommend that expectant mothers listen to classical music more often, because it has already been proven that it has a beneficial effect on the development of the child. In addition, he already knows how to open and close his eyes. At first just a little, but every day the eyes open wider. Movements at 26 weeks of pregnancy active, but replaced by calm. By the way, at this stage it is already possible to determine what type of activity the child will belong to, an owl or a lark. You just need to track for some time what time of day the baby is more active. If you find out this now, then in the future it will be easier for the mother to decide what time to put the child to bed.
Another interesting fact that doctors note at this stage is that the fetus develops a love for sweets, but when it tastes bitter, it can make a grimace.

Woman 26 weeks pregnant

For a woman 26 weeks pregnant Now is the time to sign up for yoga for pregnant women or special courses for expectant mothers. As a rule, all courses last several months, so by the time a woman gives birth, she will not lose the acquired skills. A very big advantage of such courses is that during them you can already find your own doctor who will deliver the baby, because very often doctors from the maternity hospital act as specialists in such courses. If the courses have a swimming pool, this is another advantage, and lactation consultants will help the expectant mother learn everything she needs to feed her baby.
Now the woman’s visits to the doctor have become more frequent, because it is necessary to constantly check the baby’s heartbeat and what happens at 26 weeks of pregnancy. Now the woman still has a lot of space in the uterus and the total amount of amniotic fluid is approximately 0.7 liters. For this reason, the fetus is constantly spinning and, as a rule, its head is located at the top. Every week the uterus will rise up one centimeter. If a woman eats right, then during 26 weeks of pregnancy she gained about 8-9 kg.

Dangers at 26 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage of gestation, the mother may experience severe headaches, leg cramps, pain in the pelvis and back. In addition, the baby's kicks also become more and more sharp and can cause considerable pain to their expectant mother. In order to somehow alleviate these moments, there are special mattresses for pregnant women. Besides, feelings at 26 weeks of pregnancy may be spoiled by severe pain in the legs, perhaps vision will deteriorate and blood pressure will increase. As a rule, this is the time when a woman rapidly gains weight and her legs become very swollen.

Belly at 26 weeks pregnant has become even larger, and accordingly there is a greater load on the legs. As a result, varicose veins may develop. To avoid it, you need to buy a special bandage that you need to wrap your legs with every day.
This is also a great time to think about specifics. For example, you need to decide whether there will be a christening, and how long the mother will not go to work. If a mother decides that her child will definitely go to kindergarten, then you can already look for the best option and find out how to get in line.
Don’t forget about your health: you need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to sign up for courses for young mothers. It’s even better to attend such courses together with the future dad.

The 26th obstetric week is the third trimester. Nowadays, a woman’s body is working at an increased rate, so a pregnant woman often experiences fatigue, drowsiness and irritation. What else happens during this period with the baby and mother you will find out in the article.

26 weeks of pregnancy is the beginning of the third trimester or the seventh month of bearing the baby. Mommy's general well-being changes. Now she no longer feels as carefree as in the early stages, when her tummy was still very small. Even doing daily housework becomes a real challenge for a woman. It is becoming increasingly difficult for her to bend, squat and turn.

Due to the growth of the uterus and its compression of internal organs, at the 26th week of pregnancy, a change in the breathing rhythm appears in the mother. This happens because the uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm. Shortness of breath often occurs, especially when walking. In addition, the growing fetus puts pressure on the bladder and intestines. Frequent trips to the toilet do not give rest both during the day and at night.

Physiological and emotional changes

During this period, there is a rapid increase in body weight. Now you should carefully monitor your diet, because extra pounds can negatively affect the birth process. In addition, along with the mother, the baby also gains weight, and a fetus that is too large during childbirth can cause ruptures in the woman and injuries to the uterus.

The emotional mood of the pregnant woman changes. The thought of meeting your baby haunts me. Many girls experience the so-called “nesting syndrome” at 26 weeks. It manifests itself in the desire to tidy up the apartment, arrange a crib for the baby, iron the baby's undershirts, and so on. Scientists explain that such a desire is absolutely natural, because nature itself has created the “nesting syndrome” in a woman. The task of loved ones during this period is to support the pregnant woman as much as possible and protect her from unwanted emotional stress. Sometimes you even need to fulfill some of mommy's whims. Of course, if they are within reason.

Baby's height and weight at 26 weeks

Baby weight – 700-750 g.

The child's height is 32-35 cm.

A baby in the seventh month of pregnancy is already a full-fledged little person. The face has eyebrows and eyelashes. The eyes, mouth and nose are located in their anatomical places. The ears are fully formed. Now they are still quite soft, but this does not prevent the baby from clearly hearing the world around him. The formation of the inner ear at 26 weeks is almost complete. Every day, the little one listens to his mother’s heartbeat, intestinal rumbling, the voices of others and other sounds.

What else happens to the fetus:

  • At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby's eyes gradually open. Mommy must remember that now it is better to avoid too bright light sources.
  • It is also undesirable to play loud music or stay in noisy places for a long time. It’s better to sing calm songs to your child, turn on classical music, and tell fairy tales.
  • It is important that not only mom, but also dad talks to the tummy. The baby remembers the voices of the people around him while still in the womb. Communication with the father at this stage will help establish close contact between them.
  • The baby's skeleton continues to grow and strengthen at this stage of pregnancy. The rudiments of primary and molar teeth are fully formed. Permanent teeth begin to ossify.
  • Lung development is completed. At the seventh month, the baby is ready to take his first breath. Often, babies born at 26 weeks survive.
  • Every day of pregnancy, the baby’s skin becomes lighter and wrinkles are smoothed out. This occurs as a result of the accumulation of brown fat. The child needs this material for heat exchange. Baby folds appear on the baby's arms and legs.

Do you want to know how a child develops from birth to one year? Read.

Important changes occur in the brain.

Now its close connection with the adrenal cortex has already been established. This is necessary for the pituitary gland to produce its own growth hormone and other hormones.

What does the baby do in the womb?

During the 26th week of pregnancy, the baby sleeps most of the time. Sleep takes 18-20 hours. During the waking period, the toddler actively moves, rolls over, moves its arms and legs, touches the umbilical cord, sucks its thumb, hiccups, yawns, squints and performs other actions. There is less and less space in the mother's tummy for the fetus. Now not only the woman feels the tremors, the movements can also be noticed by close people around her.

The size of the uterus at 26 weeks is already quite large. It occupies almost the entire abdominal cavity, greatly constricting other internal organs. The height of the uterus reaches about 26 cm, and the width is about 17 cm. It is located 5-6 cm above the navel and at a height of 25-26 cm above the pubic bone. The organ rises 10 mm weekly. Due to compression of the intestines and other organs, the mother may develop diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, nausea and other dyspeptic disorders at 26 weeks and later.

The cervical canal of the uterus at this stage of pregnancy is filled with a thick mucus plug. It will depart at 38-39 weeks just before childbirth and will become its harbinger. Now the uterus is actively preparing for the birth of the baby, which is characterized by the occurrence of periodic false contractions. In medical practice, such contractions are called false contractions.

Training or Breston-Higgins contractions do not cause any unpleasant sensations to the pregnant woman and are not of a regulatory nature. They do not pose a threat to the child. Read more about false contractions.

You should immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance if regularity appears between contractions and their intensity increases. This symptom indicates the onset of labor.

Pain at 26 weeks of pregnancy

Painful sensations in a woman at the beginning of the third trimester occur for various reasons. Let's look at them:

  • The baby already weighs about 700 g, his pushing and turning can be very painful for mommy. At the same time, the uterus seems to turn to stone, pulling the lower abdomen. If the discomfort goes away quickly, there is no need to worry.
  • Due to the softening of joints and ligaments under the influence of certain hormones, a girl may feel pain in the back, lower back, lower abdomen, tailbone and pubic area.
  • Back discomfort during pregnancy occurs due to increased load on the spine and a shift in the center of gravity.
  • The stomach hurts due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus.

In addition, at the 26th week of pregnancy, the mother often experiences headaches, and cramps may occur in the lower extremities. This is due to increased load on the legs. To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to rest more, wear shoes without heels, and when lying down, try to raise your legs to a height, for example, on a pillow.

Relaxing in a cool room will help eliminate headaches during pregnancy. The room should be quiet and well ventilated. If you have a headache for a long time, it is better to consult your doctor.


There is a certain norm of discharge during pregnancy. At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the mother is allowed clear mucous secretion from the vagina without a strong unpleasant odor. Other discharges are considered pathological and can lead to such serious consequences as premature birth and loss of the child.

A condition in which watery spots appear on mommy’s underwear is considered especially dangerous. Liquid discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid and depressurization of the placenta. In addition, you should immediately contact an antenatal clinic during pregnancy if a secretion of the following nature appears:

  • Brown, light brown or bloody - indicate the presence of blood, which often becomes a sign of beginning bleeding.
  • Gray, yellow, green with a sharp unpleasant odor - indicate infection of the woman’s reproductive organs.
  • White curdled ones - appear with thrush.
  • Watery spots are a sign of amniotic fluid leakage.

Sometimes mothers at 26 weeks of pregnancy confuse the leakage of amniotic fluid with involuntary urination, which often develops due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

There are special tests that distinguish amniotic fluid from others. If, after the test, a pregnant woman’s concerns are confirmed, she should immediately consult a doctor.

26 obstetric weeks are 6 months and 14 days. Obstetric period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation.

If we talk about the embryonic period of pregnancy, then it is quite difficult to calculate it. This refers directly to the date from conception. In this regard, in medical practice it is the obstetric term that is used, since it is not always possible to accurately calculate the embryonic term.

What does a baby look like at this stage?

In the photo you can see what the baby looks like at 26-27 weeks on an ultrasound.

At this stage, the baby usually lies head down, but sometimes pregnant women experience a breech presentation of the fetus. By the way, the size and shape of the mother’s tummy depends on the position of the baby. In addition, a 3D ultrasound can be performed. This procedure is paid, so it is not included in the screening.

Normal fetal movements

At the twenty-sixth week, the baby continues to actively move in the mother’s tummy. The baby is already being pushed quite painfully into the ribs and this is an excellent way to manipulate a woman. For example, if a pregnant woman somehow sat down awkwardly and there was not enough space for the baby, he will certainly let you know about this with the help of pushes. Normally, the baby should move about 8-10 times within an hour, of course, this does not apply to the period when he is sleeping. If the movements stop for 2-3 hours, there is no need to worry.

You should be wary of a situation when the fetus does not move, pushes little or its movements, on the contrary, have become too active. This behavior of the baby may indicate various abnormalities (fetal hypoxia, etc.). Having noticed a change in the rhythm of movements, the mother should immediately inform the doctor about it. The specialist will prescribe an ultrasound and some other examination methods that will help make sure everything is okay with the child.

If a woman is pregnant with twins, the number of movements must be multiplied by two.

Dangers for mother and baby in the seventh month

At 26 weeks, women face many problems. Let's consider common pathologies:

  • Frozen pregnancy. Fetal death occurs for various reasons. These include hormonal imbalances, developmental defects of the baby, infections, injuries and much more.
  • Cold. It is quite difficult to protect yourself from viral and bacterial infections, especially in winter. Treatment of ARVI should be carried out exclusively under medical supervision. If mommy is sick, self-therapy is dangerous for her and the baby. Seeing a doctor should be mandatory.
  • Increased tone of the uterus (hypertonicity). This condition is often diagnosed in pregnant women. The use of relaxation methods and sedatives helps to cope with it. During pregnancy, the use of herbal medicines is allowed, strictly as prescribed by a specialist.

Another dangerous complication is late toxicosis or gestosis. With gestosis, a woman’s general well-being at 26 weeks deteriorates greatly, swelling appears, mommy feels nauseous, and has a headache.

This pathology in the later stages is very dangerous and often leads to the death of the fetus and serious consequences for the girl. With the development of late toxicosis, a woman should be under close medical supervision. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Complications at week 26 also include:

  • Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios. Pathology of amniotic fluid can be provoked by such factors as the mother’s exposure to infectious and inflammatory diseases, congenital defects in the fetus, Rh conflict between mother and child, and much more. Treatment depends on the cause of the condition being described. If the fetus does not suffer, only dynamic observation by a doctor is indicated for the pregnant woman.
  • Short cervix. This pathology develops for various reasons. Treatment depends on them. If shortening is caused by hormonal disorders, the pregnant woman is prescribed hormones (Utrozhestan, Duphaston). If the problem is of non-hormonal origin, minimally invasive surgical techniques are used (putting on a ring, suturing the neck).