Holiday scenario for the preparatory group

"Autumn Disco".









Child heroes:




Boy DJ:




Girl presenter:




vegetables for the scene:




hostess (children):




vegetable caps, housewives, watering can, crow props, costumes for the shop on the sofa, umbrellas

Celebration progress:

Introduction: video clip: topic: how our children grew up in kindergarten.

(at the end of the story: the last preschool autumn…)

1Entrance: dance composition “Golden Autumn”

At the end of the composition, the presenters come out, one has a maple leaf in her hand, the other has an open umbrella.

2 Presenter 1

Autumn, you are autumn - boring rains. Don't rush to us, autumn,

Wait a little.

Presenter 2:______________________________________________________

The leaves flew, forgetting about summer.

On a trotting horse, the autumn wind rushes.

Autumn can’t wait, no matter where it is: the rain keeps pouring and pouring.

Presenter 1 hands leader 2 an autumn leaf.

Presenter 1: ______________________________________________________

Don't be sad! The wind from the north flew to the east,

I tore off a maple leaf. He was born last spring

All so beautiful and carved. I give it to you from my heart.

Dry him in a thick book. He will warm you in winter,

The autumn leaf is my gift. Do you want us to have a party now?

Do you want guests? What about you guys? Then close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three - boredom go away quickly!”

(all the boys wear baseball caps backwards, we turn one of them into a DJ, all the boys go out with the girl).

3 DJ: ________________________________________________________

Dear friends! Dear guests! We congratulate you on the Autumn holiday and begin our autumn disco!

Girl presenter: _________________________________________________

Let the music play and cheerful laughter sound. Our disco is open to everyone!

The children come out and take turns:

  1. What is a disco?
  2. Lots of music and light
  3. Lots of dancing, lots of songs,
  4. Lots of fun things to do.


Are we starting a disco?

In chorus:

Let's start quickly!


  1. Well, let's get started, keep up with me, everything around is sparkling, everything is shimmering, our disco is just beginning ( sit down)

Presenter 1:

What is our disco dedicated to?

In chorus:

Autumn Festival!

4 The next block of children comes out :

  1. The beautiful autumn splashed colors, the sky blue as if from a fairy tale,
  2. In yellow there are birches, in purple there are rowan trees, scarlet beads on bunches of rowan trees.
  3. The spruces and pines are dressed in green, the willows are silver, the maples are in gold,
  4. Autumn has laid out a carpet of mosses, with golden mushroom caps in it.
  5. October is turning its golden pages, and the white birch trees are already dreaming of winter.
  6. The rain will play songs for us on the strings. Autumn invites children to the holiday.

5Everyone stands up and performs the Song “Wonderful Time” by Yu. Verizhnikov.

The days have long become shorter, but the nights are longer.

It smells like yellow grass. The apple trees have long ripened,

The branches of the apple trees have thinned, and the garden is strewn with leaves.

A wonderful time - autumn.

The wind carries and carries leaves.

The birds are flying away again.

Melting in the sky, melting in the sky, melting in the sky.

I'm wandering around the house alone. Everything here has been familiar to me for a long time,

But I freeze in excitement.

Like birds in the sky, everything around me is interesting,

I don’t know why yet.

A rowan bush waves a branch. The rain dances quietly on the roof.

I'll open my window.

Hello, golden autumn, soon, soon I will find out

The secrets that you carry with you.

2 times chorus

6 sat down


A great song! And our disco continues with a fun game.

7Game “Sort out the gifts of autumn”

(two baskets contain dummies of mushrooms and vegetables mixed in them; two teams select mushrooms and vegetables on trays, each with their own).


What do I hear? Somewhere, it seems, heels are clicking. Autumn is coming to us!

8Autumn enters the hall.


Hello! Hello! Did they really start without me? Well, I don't play like that. I was literally a minute late, and you...


Autumn, don't be upset. We were waiting and waiting for you, but why were you late for our holiday?


The autumn rain is to blame for everything: the weather is bad. I had to wait for it to end.


You simply didn't have an umbrella! Look at our girls - they are not afraid of any rain.

9 Girls come out with umbrellas:


All around, colored umbrellas opened in the rain.

Someone's boots started running from the rain


Why did mom gasp? Is it raining? Well, let!

I'm not made of sugar at all, I'm not afraid of melting!


Cloud flew across the sky-
She kept getting fatter and fatter.
And then to our delight
It burst loudly at the seams.
"Bang-bang-bang!" - THUNDER struck,
And the rain poured down like a bucket.

10 Girls Dance: “Fly away the cloud”

11 Presenter 1:

These are the umbrellas that save us from the rain.

Presenter 2:

Wondering how you should dress this autumn?


Guests from the store on the sofa will answer this question for us.

Presenter 1:

Let's see who is the most fashionable.

Come in, admission is free.

Where the sleepy ash tree sleeps,

12 We demonstrate styles. (children enter as if they were entering a beauty contest)

1Child: ___________________________________________________

Beads made from rowan are fashionable,

On green silk.


Pea necklace

Thistle brooches.

3Child: ___________________________________________________

Belt made of maple leaves,

And the oak scarf is green.

13 Music plays, the girls make a walk and show autumn clothing models.

14 Presenter 2:

These are the outfits that will be fashionable this season. Applause to our models. And our holiday continues with a cheerful song.

Girl: Let the rain be cold outside, but we’re having fun

We'll sing a song now and cheer you up!

15 The song “Wonderful Song” is performed

Wonderful song

I met you.

Wonderful song

With kind words.

The song smiled

It became more fun.

The song smiled

Smile at her.

A wonderful song

Learn with us

A wonderful song

Hum with us.

Wonderful song

2 funny words.

Wonderful song

I'm ready to help everyone.

16 The DJ and all the boys go to the center and rap:

Who doesn't dance, sits against the wall? Everyone should have fun at our disco.

Turn on the music quickly, let the lights flicker,

After all, there is no better activity for us today!

17 Girls are invited to the modern dance “Childhood”.

18 Let’s sit down (children participating in the skit “Why did the tomato turn red” put on the props)

Presenter 1:

To be healthy and strong,

You need to love vegetables. All without exception!

There is no doubt about it. Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide which of them is tastier, which of them is more necessary.

Presenter 2:

Thank you for the wonderful poems.

And I want to introduce my guests to everyone.

We greet the retinue of vegetables with applause!

19 Scene “Why the tomato turned red.”

Presenter 2:

In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden

(The vegetable children come out one by one and introduce themselves).

1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

2. The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.

3. Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

4.Children have loved delicious sweet tomatoes for a long time.

Presenter 2:

The owner loved her small green garden and watered it every day.


I will water my garden, he also drinks water. (Waters from a watering can).

Presenter 2:

The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably, never quarreled, but one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to boast


I am the tastiest person in the world: rounder, greener than everyone else. Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.


Listen, it's just a laugh, bragging that you're better than everyone else.

He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to ask questions.


And the tomato kept saying its own thing.


I am the tastiest person in the world, rounder, greener, adults and children love me more than anyone else in the world.

Vegetables in unison:

He boasted and boasted and fell from the bush!


At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.

The hostess takes away the vegetables.


A raven flew past.


Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us!

No one will need you!


The tomato was ashamed! He cried and he blushed with shame!


Forgive me, friends, take me with you.


The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then the tomatoes always turn red in the fall.

20 Children skits sit on chairs


Guys, how cheerful, beautiful and perky you are, I’m even sorry to leave you.


We had a lot of fun - well done! Our disco is coming to an end. It's time to say goodbye to autumn.



How, Autumn, you were beautiful, we remember the falling leaves,

Autumn rowan clusters burn with bright red fire.


We say goodbye, Autumn, to you, with beautiful yellow foliage,

With the rain that washed all the paths, with mushrooms in a cheerful basket.


With a noisy caravan of geese that flies to the hot south.

We say goodbye to you, Autumn. The last song sounds.

21 Song Goodbye, autumn! (Kudryashov/Yavorovskaya)

So the birds fly away,
Children see off autumn
The breezes ran through the alleys.
Everything around is very beautiful,
Children see off autumn
And golden leaves
Like checkboxes.

We'll wave our hands to her,
We'll tell her goodbye
Goodbye autumn,

So the asters are blooming,
Children see off autumn
All the paths near the river were deserted.
The kindergarten is very elegant,
Children see off autumn
And golden leaves
Like checkboxes.

At the end of the song, autumn says goodbye and leaves in one direction, the children in the other.

Scenario of the Autumn matinee in the preparatory group.

Children enter the hall to the music.


Today autumn invited

Children from kindergarten to their place,

She sewed an autumn outfit

And he wants to show you and me.

She gifts with a generous hand

It will give to adults, and to you and me.

There are so many delicious things in her basket.

Would you like to try it?

You'll have to be patient a little!

We need to collect autumn gifts,

But we just need to work together.

Are you ready to bend to the ground?

Can you reach a high branch?

Then you need to go out of town,

Autumn will be glad to meet us,

She will help you collect the harvest,

But just don’t give in to laziness.

The train whistle sounds.


Here the train gives us a signal,

And our path says - forward!

Under the sound of wheels, in a cramped carriage,

There's enough room for all of us guys.

(Children sit on chairs arranged as in a train carriage.)

Let your feet tap on the floor

After all, this train is for the guys.

We are going to the field, to the garden,

Let's take a look into the forest and the generous garden.

To the sounds of the train, children, sitting in their seats, stomp their feet (imitate the sound of wheels). The train stops. Take out the “Field” sign.

Which station is meeting us?

Or maybe one of the guys

Will he read what the letters say?


An endless field greets us,

Rye greets the early morning.

Tight ears of corn bent to the ground,

They are so happy to bow to you.


Now you too have to bow to the waist,

To cut off a ripening ear with a sickle.

We will bind the ears of corn into tight sheaves,

While they dry, we will dance for you.

Dance "Spikes"

Performed by 8 girls or 4 boys and 4 girls of the preparatory group to the soundtrack of the song of the group “Ivan Kupala” “Ay, bunny”.

The rest of the children join the dancers, and everyone sings the song “Golden Spikelets.” After finishing the song, you can add a fragment of the song “Mowed Yas Konyushina” performed by the ensemble “Pesnyary”. Under it, a boy with a “sickle” or “scythe” collects spikelets from the girls and shows the audience a large “sheaf”.

The train whistle sounds. The children take their seats on the “train.”


How quickly we got it done!

Can you hear the signal?

We coped with the harvesting of bread -

The train was waiting for us.


The wheels are knocking loudly: “Let’s go!”

And the children are in their places.

Don't forget to look out the window,

You will see the landscape there.

Child(sitting on the train)

Or maybe there’s a still life there,

Or maybe a portrait,

Or maybe the liner arrived at the port...

The picture there is nothing more beautiful!


White birch trees nod their branches to us,

They really want to go with us in the summer.

But you, birch tree, don’t be sad now,

Listen to the song, take us on our way.

Children sing, sitting in their seats, the song “White Birch Tree”, music and words by I. Osokina. The assistant brings in the “Garden” sign.


While on the road with a song

We looked out the window,

Somehow we didn't notice

That Sadovaya station

It has been visible in the window for a long time.

1st child.

Autumn even looked into the garden,

Pears and plums are ripe here,

Apples, watermelons, grapes

So fragrant and beautiful!

2nd child.

On high cherry branches

They came out slyly to wink,

Each of us is told:

“You will be happy with the harvest!”

3rd child.

We are in the garden with a big basket

We'll form a very long chain,

We collect fruits together,

We know a lot about vitamins.

The “Pick the Fruit” relay race is being held.

They bring out two fake trees with fruits: an apple tree and a pear tree. If there are no dummies of fruit according to the number of children playing, they can be replaced with flat paper fruits. Children are divided into two teams: one collects apples, the other collects pears. The first child on the team has an empty basket, with it he runs to the tree, picks one fruit from it, puts it in the basket and returns to the next player, passing the basket to him. Thus, the whole team must quickly collect the fruits from the tree. Whichever one does it faster wins. You can complicate the task - hang not only fruits on the trees, but also nuts, mushrooms, vegetables and more.


Now let's look into your baskets,

Let's see which one of you is quicker

He will treat his friends to the fruits of the garden.

They sum up the competition, count the fruits, put aside what does not grow in the garden, and name the winner. The train whistle sounds. Children stomp their feet and say.

Don't forget to wave your hand,

Behind us is a garden and a field,

There is plenty of space ahead!

(They bring out the sign “Ogorodnaya.”)


Now let's read everything,

What kind of station awaits us?

We already know all the letters -

Let all the people hear.

All children read the name of the station.

The song “Autumn, we ask for a visit” is performed, music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva. Children get up from their chairs, but do not leave the “train”; at the end of the song they sit down.


Come out, honest people,

The garden has been waiting for us for a long time.

The vegetables are ripe here

They invite us to their place.

The dramatization “Which of us, among the vegetables, is tastier and more necessary?” is performed.

Children-artists take masks from the table, put them on their heads, and squat to the side. Everyone, having read their poem, sits down again on the “bed”.


In the garden in a warm bed

The vegetables got into an argument.

It is up to you to find the answer to the riddle.

They are still arguing.

Carrot comes out in the middle.


I ask you to tell me, children,

Who is the most useful person in the world?

Because, of course, it's me -

The whole family loves me.

They put me in soup, in salads

And they gnaw on those who are too small.

Because I help

Children will grow up to be stars.

Only I have vitamin

The most important thing is carotene!

Beetroot comes into the middle.


And I’m a beetroot, everyone’s amazed

So blush and beautiful.

Without me, borscht is tasteless,

The cabbage leaf will be sad in it.

And the potatoes will be pale,

She is the only one so sad, poor.

I will paint the children's cheeks,

My juice is the most delicious in the world!

Garlic comes out.


Yes, vitamins will help

From diseases... But sore throats

Don't kill them outright

I've known about this for a long time.

Because there are germs

From which all sicknesses,

I will destroy them, friends,

Only I can handle them!

Cucumber comes out.


Yes, garlic is my dear friend,

In the bank I am with you forever.

I'm ready to be friends with you,

After all, in winter the guys love

Eat pickled cucumbers.

Cabbage comes out.


I ask you to remember, children,

The main vegetable in my diet.

You can’t cook cabbage soup without me,

Borscht won't work,

I - cabbage - is more important than everyone else,

Everyone tastes better and is more necessary.

I shouldn't be proud

I became the hare's favorite!

Potato comes out.


Listen a little

After all, potatoes are the most needed

Even though it may be unprepossessing in appearance,

But only from the ground will I emerge

Yes, I’ll settle in the barn,

(in secret. True, I’m afraid of mice),

People will be happy with me

After all, I am needed in every dish.

An important Pomodoro emerges.


You are talking stupid nonsense

And end this argument.

Look all here -

(Points to himself.)

I'm handsome, no matter what!

There is nothing more important than a tomato!

Come on, stand along the fence!

(All vegetables stand in a line.)

You guys answer us -

Who is more important than anyone in the world?

Which of us, from vegetables,

Healthier and tastier than everyone else?


You are useful and tasty,

Children should know this.

You give us health...

Vegetables. Do you drink juice from us?


Yes - both juices and salads,

Vinaigrettes and soups,

After all, we are still too young,

And we will grow to the moon.

The vegetables bow and sit down.


Well, the children told us -

They are friends with vegetables.

Is it possible to taste them?

Guess their taste yourself.

Only, mind you, with your eyes closed!

There is an attraction called “Guess the Vegetables by Taste”.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: beets, boiled potatoes; carrots, garlic, onion, cucumber - fresh. They select several children, according to the number of pieces, and blindfold them. Each child tastes vegetables from the hands of the teacher (served on a spoon) and says what he ate. After the child’s answer, the second teacher shows a replica of the eaten vegetable. In this way, the correctness of the child’s answer is determined.


We visited the garden,

But they forgot something like...


They forgot to collect the harvest,

After all, aren’t we the helpers?


Our harvest is good

And you will find helpers!

The song “Gather the Harvest” is staged , music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina. Four children squat in a line in front of the audience. On their heads they wear masks of cucumber, zucchini, beans and peas. There remains a distance between them for gardeners. Four girls (gardeners) with a basket in their left hand, their right hand on their skirt, stand along the side wall of the hall. To the side are two children (the gate) and a boy (the driver with the steering wheel).

We carry baskets

Let's sing a song in chorus.

Girls with baskets on their toes run along the central wall. Stand behind the vegetables (each behind its own).

Gather the harvest

And stock up for the winter.

Oh yes, collect it

And stock up for the winter.

Girls, standing behind vegetables, perform a “spring” with a turn: left, straight, right, straight.

We guys are great,

Picking cucumbers

The first girl runs up to the “cucumber” from behind, takes it by the left hand with her right hand, and lifts it up. The two of them return with their backs and take the girl’s place.

And beans and peas,

Our harvest is not bad.

The second and then the third girls run up to their vegetables, take them by the hand and lead them to their place (backwards).

Oh yes, and peas,

All children in the line perform a “spring” with a turn (see above).

Our harvest is not bad.

You pot-bellied zucchini

The fourth girl runs up to the “zucchini”, shakes her finger at him,

I rested my barrel,

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,

And get into the basket.

Oh yes, don't yawn

And get into the basket.

takes the left hand, moves it back into the general line. All children in the line perform a “spring” with a turn (see above).

We're going, we're going home

By truck,

The “gate” boys raise their clasped hands up, the “driver” with the steering wheel stands in front of the column of children in pairs.

Open the gates

The harvest is coming from the field.

Oh yes, open it

Everyone “travels” behind the driver with a stomping step, passes, bending over, through the “gate”, which sits behind the last couple and moves at the same pace.

The harvest is coming from the field.

All children line up along the central wall and bow.


The sun is shining, the sky is clear,

Let's rest a little now.

The train whistle sounds. Children, sitting in their seats, rock their torso back and forth, while saying words in unison.

In the field, in the garden and in the vegetable garden

We looked, guys

Something awaits us ahead...

They bring out the “Lesnaya” sign. Everyone reads the name of the station out loud.

Presenter. Squirrels, hedgehogs, bunnies!

A girl in a squirrel cap runs out into the middle.


Squirrel girlfriends,

Put your ears higher

I am very glad to tell you:

Our guests are from kindergarten!

The girls run out and put on squirrel masks.

1st squirrel.

Let's dance for them

We will welcome them

Let them look at the squirrels

We changed our outfit. (Bragging)

2nd squirrel(sad).

And I didn’t have time to change my fur coat,

Winter won't come soon...


Oh, beautiful squirrel, who knows?

The leaves are already flying away from the forest. (Points to the side.)

Let's hide in the forest

Let's show everyone our beauty

They run behind the curtain.

Squirrel dance to the soundtrack of the song “Just Dance”, performed by Diana (V. Tyurin, V. Sotova), size 4/4

The squirrel remains in the middle of the hall.


We are already ready for winter

Stock up on nuts for future use

And spruce and pine,

And in winter their time will come.


And did you dry the mushrooms?

After all, in winter you can’t do without it!

So that you are healthy,

You need to eat them on an empty stomach.


And the hedgehogs collected mushrooms.

And winter is not scary for them,

They began to have fun

After all, now they have no time to sleep.

The hedgehogs go to the table, take masks, and put them on.

Dance of hedgehogs to the soundtrack of the song “Cucaracha”, pop version.


Yes, guys, autumn is generous with gifts,

It's time for us to collect them into baskets.

Get into two teams

Let's play fun

Berries, mushrooms - gifts of nature -

We need to sort it out quickly.

The relay race “Pick up the berries and mushrooms” is being held.

At the far end of the hall (facing the audience) there are two flannelographs. At the other end of the hall, children line up in two teams, one after another, with pictures of mushrooms and berries laid out on the table in front of them (they are mixed up). At the leader’s signal, one team collects mushrooms in a relay race, the other collects berries, one picture at a time is placed on a flannelgraph. Whoever completed the task faster and correctly won. The sound of rain is heard.


Oh, hurry up, guys, get on the train!

The rain came down like buckets,

Don't rush, there's enough space

It's time to hit the road!

Children sit on chairs and sing the song “Conversation with the Rain,” music by L. Aksenova, lyrics by S. Koroleva.

Helpers remove all the decorations.

Presenter. Our autumn journey has ended, we returned to kindergarten.

Now you are convinced that autumn is not a sad time at all. Autumn is the beautiful wilting of nature and the generous gifts of the sun and earth.

Children get off the “train” and stand facing the audience.

1st child.

Autumn is golden!

Thank you for being here.

Always be like this

Your gifts are countless.

2nd child.

You sent the birds south

Colored the forests

It became brighter around,

Your beauty is everywhere.

3rd child.

Let the rain pour and puddles

On our pavement,

People need your coming,

We want to be friends with you.

4th child.

Listen to the song

I'll eat it for you

And every year after summer

We are waiting for you to visit.

5th child.

You, so sweet,

And not at all sad,

Rich in gifts.

Stay with us longer.

The song “Autumn Has Knocked” is performed, music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva. The children remain in place, the cook comes in with a loaf of bread and puts it on the table.


People gathered the harvest.

Now you can put it on the table

Here is this magnificent loaf.

It’s easy to find out whose gift this is.

Children. Autumn!

The cook gives the loaf to the host.


We gladly accept the gift,

And we invite all the guys to tea.

Children go into a group, the leader carries a loaf.

Entertainment scenario for children of senior preschool age “Autumn Disco”

Characters:Presenter - Autumn - Antonova L.V., Clown - Bolshakova O.N.

Children enter a beautifully decorated hall accompanied by music, followed by Autumn (showers everyone with golden rain). Autumn: Hello, my friends, I came to you for the holiday! I dressed up everything around me, I gilded the dark forest, it became as bright as day, the leaves there were burning with fire!

Performing “Dance with Leaves”

Autumn: Here is the autumn breeze - Its path is not close, not far, It flies around the world and blows the leaves.

Reading poems by children about autumn1st child. Summer quickly flew away like a migratory bird, Autumn wonderfully spread the fading shawl.

2nd child. The guest-autumn gifted her with fruit harvests and drizzling rains. A body of forest mushrooms.

3rd child. So let's glorify autumn with song, dance and games. The meetings will be joyful, Autumn, this is your holiday!

Children sing a song about autumn_______________________________________________Autumn. Oh, guys, what a miracle? The miracle tree is standing. How beautiful it is, amazing to look at! Birch leaf, oak leaf, rowan leaf, maple leaf. We pick off the rowan leaf and greet the guest together!

Music sounds and a Clown runs into the hall.

Clown. Let's celebrate the autumn holiday, let's start the disco! The most unique, the most musical!

Autumn: Oh, who are you?

Clown. Everyone calls me Ryzhik. And today we will have a great disco here!

Autumn: Disco? Oh, how interesting. And besides, I know that girls and boys all love to dance disco!

Clown. Well then what are we waiting for? Let's start the dance right away.

Children performing a dance"Game of Color"

Clown. Of course, you saw the miracle tree in this room?

Autumn: We sang a song to him and saw the leaves.

Clown. That’s the secret in the leaves. When you tear off a leaf, there’s an envelope in it. That envelope is not for a message, but for a task competition.

Autumn. Now we will pick a maple leaf. What task is in it?

The game “Guess the taste” is being playedAutumn: We pick a birch leaf. I wonder what's in it?

Clown. And hidden in the envelope was a torrential rain (splashes water on the children) Guys, are you afraid of rain?

Autumn: No, our guys are not afraid of rain, and now they will sing a song about it.

Children sing the song "Rain"_____________________ Three girls run out.

1st girl. Rain, rain all day

Drumming on the glass.

2nd girl. All the earth, all the earth

Got wet from the water.

3rd girl. And under our umbrella

We're not afraid of rain at all!

Girls (prepared) perform “Dance with Umbrellas”Leading. Well, the rain passed and left behind a lot of puddles. But for this case we have real rubber galoshes.

The game “Funny Galoshes” is played with children.The game involves two teams of 5 people. For each team, four hoops are prepared, placed at a short distance from each other. Each participant in a galosh and with an umbrella runs forward, running around the hoops, and returns back in the same way, passing the baton to the next player.

Clown. I tear off an oak leaf and announce a new competition.

Riddles about autumn.

Autumn: And now we will play the game “Find your fungus.” We will check whose circle everyone will be more attentive. And we hope no one will forget their mushroom!

Game "Find your mushroom"

Autumn. You guys have seen everything, the harvest is rich today.


We will dance merrily and continue the celebration. Well, come on, everyone is behind me, have fun, honest people!

Dance "Round dance at the mountain ash"

Clown. Oh, thank you, friends, I’m so happy today! Autumn is so wonderful, it's tasty and healthy. And it’s not boring, it’s not sad, and everything around is so beautiful. Autumn is a wonderful time!

Autumn. Help yourself, kids!

Autumn and the Clown hand out apples and pears, say goodbye and leave.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18"


autumn holiday

in the senior preparatory group:

"Autumn Disco"

Teachers: Antonova L.V.

Bolshakova O.N.

Musical director: Kulikova N.I.

November 2013

Natalya Nikolaevna Gulina
Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory group “Autumn Disco”

Scenario of the autumn holiday for the preparatory group« Autumn disco» .

Children walk in to the music festively the decorated hall is in pairs, standing scattered.

Song: "Multi-colored autumn knocking on our window"

The sound of rain is heard (phonogram).

A boy and a girl come out, the boy has an umbrella in his hand.

Boy: Autumn, You autumn - boring rains.

Don't rush to us autumn,

Wait a little.

Girl: The leaves flew, forgetting about summer,

On a trotting horse, rushing autumn wind.

Doesn't wait autumn, Where there: The rain keeps pouring and pouring.

The boy hands it to the girl autumn leaf.

Boy: Don't be sad!

Look what a beautiful leaf!

I give it to you from my heart.

Dry him in a thick book.

He will warm you in winter,

Sheet autumn is my gift.

If you want, we'll arrange it now holiday?

Close your eyes and repeat me:

“One, two, three - boredom go away quickly!”

Rotate the umbrella (the boy turns into a DJ and puts on his baseball cap backwards).

DJ: Dear friends! Dear guests! We congratulate you on Autumn holiday and start our autumn disco!

1. Let the music play and cheerful laughter sound. 2. Ours disco is open to everyone!


What's happened disco?

Lots of music and light

Lots of dancing, lots of songs,

Lots of fun things to do.

Begin disco?

In chorus: Let's start quickly!


Well let's get started

Keep up with me

Everything around sparkles, everything shimmers,

Our disco is just beginning.


What is ours dedicated to? disco?

In chorus: Autumn Festival!

Dance « Disco»

There is a knock on the door.

Leading: Children, someone is knocking on our door.

Children sit on chairs.

The knock is repeated.

I brought you a letter!

Leading: Children, Pechkin brought us a letter!

Shall we open the door? Shall we let Pechkin in?

Children: Yes!

Pechkin rides into the hall on a bicycle. (To the tune from the cartoon "Prostokvashino")

Pechkin: Hello, I am a local postman, my Pechkin

Surname. I brought you a letter.

He takes out an envelope.

Pechkin: What is the name of your kindergarten?

Children's answer. Berry.

Pechkin: Right! And to whom?

Leading: And to whom – our children will read it themselves...

It's written on the envelope: "For the children!"

Leading: Thank you, Pechkin! You are so kind!

Pechkin: I’m so kind now, because I didn’t have a bicycle before, but now I do.

Pechkin says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: What's in the letter?

What she wrote to us Autumn?

The presenter reads the letter.

Hello, dear children!

I'm in a hurry to see you holiday.

I'll be there soon...


Leading: We will Wait for autumn to visit,

Sing, play, dance with her.

Again autumn outside the window,

The leaves are falling rustling -

How autumn is good!

Song: « Autumn is very good»

Enters the hall Autumn.

Autumn: Are you talking about me?

Here I am!

Hello my friends!

I came to holiday to you

Sing and have fun

And I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Get up in the circle quickly,

Games and dancing begin!

Musical game with in autumn.

Children sit on chairs.

Autumn: Do you know the poems?

About autumn days?

Poetry: 1. Autumn golden leaves decorated

And painted the viburnum berries red

Sun autumn warms up slightly

Migratory birds fly away to the south.

2. Flocks of birds fly away,

Less light and heat

The leaves from the maples are flying away,

Means, autumn has come to us.

3. It’s time for the leaves to fall,

It's time for the birds to fly away,

Mushroom pickers wander in the fog

The wind is howling in the chimneys.

4. The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off from branches.

Yellow leaves are flying

Right under the guys' feet!

Song: "It came after the summer autumn, autumn»

Child: Autumn, your dress is beautiful

A pattern painted on it!

Sundress with colored border,

Wreath with bright foliage.

Autumn distributes wreaths to the girls.

Dance of girls with wreaths.

Russian folk melody.

Autumn: Great dance! Let's applaud!

And ours the disco continues!

Who's in our park today?

Did you paint the leaves?

And he spins them around and blows them off the branches.

Children: It's arrived autumn!

Leading:I wonder how one should dress in this autumn time?

Autumn: Guests from the fashion studio will answer this question for us.

Leading: Let's see who is the most fashionable.

Come in, admission is free.

Where the sleepy ash tree sleeps,

We demonstrate styles.

1Child: Beads made from rowan are fashionable,

On green silk.

2Child: Pea necklace,

Thistle brooches.

3Child: Belt made of maple leaves,

And the oak scarf is green.

Music plays, children show autumn clothing models.

Leading: These are the outfits that will be fashionable this season.

Applause to our models!

Song - dance "Rain".

(There is bad weather outside the window again.)

Child: There's a cloud in the sky, oh-oh-oh!

Everyone is running, hurrying home.

I'm the only one laughing

I'm not afraid of the black cloud.

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder

I'm walking under an umbrella!

Leading: We will also take umbrellas and play with them!

Our disco The fun game continues!

Amusement game with umbrellas “Whose team will move the toys first?”

Children with toys read poetry.

. Child: The rain is crying outside the window,

The rain doesn't stop. Since he cries, it means -

He says goodbye to summer. The ball barks. To whom?

I run out onto the balcony. The linden branch gives chills,

Darkness creeps in from all sides.

Somehow everything changed

Unnoticed, by chance. This autumn has come to us.

You won't drive me away, bark, don't bark.

Child: If you meet a Mongrel,

Who looks sad

Just ask her, poor thing.:

How is your health? What hurts?

Child: If you meet a kitten,

Invite the kitten into the house.

Call your sister

Play with him together.

Autumn: Let it rain autumn outside the window,

And we're having fun

We are dancing joyfully

Let's improve your mood!

Dance: "Cockerels and Mistresses".

Leading: And now we have a moment of frolic.

A game "Sort out the gifts of the forest"(two baskets contain dummies of mushrooms and vegetables mixed in them; two teams select mushrooms and vegetables on trays, each with their own).

Autumn: I see a lot of guests in the hall.

Even to adults sometimes

Childhood returns

And a colorful rainbow

Smiles in the morning...

The presenter addresses parents:

Our children love fairy tales very much. And now we will ask moms and dads to show their children a short fairy tale. There are many different roles in it. Moms and dads will draw by lot the role they will have to play.

Pulling out the role ( Autumn, Breeze, Rain, Leaf, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on a horse, parents choose the attributes necessary for its execution (Wreath for autumn, a scarf for the princess, wooden spoons, a wooden horse, wolf masks, dogs, 2 crowns for the prince and princess, plumes for wind rain, etc.)

Presenter: Have all the artists selected the necessary attributes?

Is there anything left over? And I will tell the tale.

And you (addressing your parents, newly minted actors, during the course of the fairy tale, in the right place, will depict the actions of your character. We won’t rehearse, many of you already have experience performing. And so, the fairy tale begins...

Grandmother: Arrived autumn. The wind blew strongly. Fuck cold autumn rain. The trees rustled their leaves. Far in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response. And in a beautiful castle she cried bitterly princess: She wasn’t allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly the clatter of hooves was heard from afar; it was the prince who had arrived. He put the princess on a horse, and they rode together to the ball.

(As the tale progresses, the heroes perform the actions of their character.)

Presenter: Thank you for the funny fairy tale. What talented mothers, fathers, and grandmothers we have! Our children are very lucky, they were born into happy families, and all this is thanks to you, dear parents! We wish that in your

Friendship, happiness, peace and harmony have always reigned in families.


And we continue our holiday. We all know that the harvest ripens in autumn, let's sing a song called "Harvest".

Children come out wearing vegetable hats.

1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

2. The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.

3. Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

4. Children have loved delicious sweet tomatoes for a long time.

To the music “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” with noise and the crash of empty cans, enters "Scarecrow", dances, then stops and sings.

Whether in the garden, in the vegetable garden,

The scarecrow stood.

Nimble jackdaws and crows

It quickly accelerated.

Ved: Children, who came to us with such noise?

The children answer.

Scarecrow: I live in the garden,

And although it seems harmless,

I put on rags, rags,

I scare everyone with my scary appearance.

Ved: Oh, garden scarecrow, shame on you. You drove away all the birds in the dachas, gardens and orchards, but why did you come to us, who did you decide to scare?

Scarecrow: In the hot summer I work hard

And I am proud of my work.

When I see a flock of birds,

So I wave my rags

(waves his arms).

Ved: Not "waving", and I wave-

Please speak Russian.

Scarecrow: I didn’t go to kindergarten,

And I missed school.

But I work skillfully:

Less words, more action.

Ved: Oh! Worker, you praise yourself. Why now not at work, but at the holiday has come to us?

Scarecrow: The harvest has already been collected

Birds (o-o-o- threatens)

They fled to Africa.

The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing,

I can smell winter with my long nose!

Ved: Ah, now it’s clear why you’re huddling closer to the warmth.

Scarecrow: Warmth is not that important to me

I am experienced and brave.

I would like to be closer to society,

You're having fun here, I see.

Ved: Yes here we have holiday, we show who can do what. What will you surprise us with?

Scarecrow: Do you still want to play?

The wind scattered leaves, maple, oak, birch, showing that we need to collect them into hoops (one child collects maples, etc.)

Attraction "Collect leaves".

Scarecrow: Your children are great,

Like cucumbers in a garden.

They dance and sing wildly,

And they are waiting for my gifts.

I have a treat for you kids.

(takes out a basket of apples).

There are no tastier ones in the world,

Eat your vitamins, kids.

Ved: Let's say thank you to Scarecrow.

Children: Thank you

Ved: Scarecrow, we really liked you. Won't you stay in our garden?

Scarecrow: I’d better go to the garden!

In general, as the people decide.

Will you take it for allowance?

You will live the best life.

How I howl, how I bark,

I'll scare all the thieves.

Ved: Well, thank you, Scarecrow, stay with us.

We'll fix your hat

Let's put on a bright rag,

We'll give you a new mop,

You are the only one we have.

Scarecrow: Well, thanks, kids!

It's time to go to the garden.

Autumn: And I prepared a treat for you, children.

Time flew by quickly

It's time for us to part

I still have worries waiting for me

Goodbye, kids.

Presenter: We had a lot of fun - well done! Ours is coming to an end disco. It's time to say goodbye to in autumn.