Goals. Develop aesthetic feelings; consolidate graphic skills in drawing a complex object.

Equipment. Matryoshka dolls, Bogorodsk toys.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Introductory conversation

Teacher. Guess the riddle:

Although we are small,
But so nice:
All painted with flowers,
And one is for the main one.
There are little ones among us.
Who are we?

Children. Matryoshka dolls.

Display of nesting dolls.

U. What were the nesting dolls made from?

D. Made of wood.

U. Now listen to the story of how other wooden toys came to be.
This happened a long time ago, maybe two hundred years ago, or maybe more, in the village of Bogorodskoye, near Moscow.
In winter the nights are long and it gets dark early. It's boring for the kids in the peasant hut. And then one day a mother wanted to please her children with a toy. And there’s nothing to buy it with. She began to think: if you weave it out of straw, it will quickly be torn apart. If you mold it from dough, it will dry out and fall apart. And she took a log from under the stove, cut out the doll with an ax and a knife.
The children were happy with the toy. They lulled them to sleep and said: “Ay, ay.” And they named her Auca. And when they grew up, they abandoned their Auku.
One day my mother was going to the market, saw a toy, took it with her and sold it.
Once a cart is driving through the village, a man sits in it and shouts:
– Who sold a wooden toy at the market?
“I traded,” says the woman, “why do you need it?”
– Aren’t you going to cut more of these? I'll buy everything.
- Okay, come for the holiday.
The woman made toys and ran around the village to talk about her luck and show off her skills.

Her fellow villagers began to make various toys and sell them to merchants.

U. III. Getting to know new material
Shaggy spruce, oak, birch, and linden trees surrounded the village of Bogorodskoye on all sides in a dense ring. In some neighboring villages they wove bodies and bast shoes for sale, in others they made wooden spoons and dishes, and the Bogorodians carved toys. They were considered the best toy makers.

D. They brought toys to the fair not in bags or baskets, but in whole cartloads. The toys were inexpensive, but is it really the price that matters? The main thing is the joy that Bogorodsk toys gave to both children and adults.

U. The craftsmen developed their own artistic style, their own style of carving. They saw that toys made from unpainted wood could be even more interesting, and they stopped painting them.
The subjects of the sculptures are varied: peasants, hunters, animals and birds, scenes from everyday life, fairy tales.
What fairy tale characters do you recognize?

D. Bogatyr Ilya Muromets on horseback, Tsar Dodon and the Astrologer from the fairy tale “The Golden Cockerel”...

U. In Bogorodskoye they learned how to make toys with movement. You pull the two bars and the toy comes to life. Knock-knock - the blacksmiths are loudly hitting the anvil with a hammer: a man and a bear.
But there are chickens standing on the board - pull the string, and they will quickly begin to peck the grains.
Soldiers are marching, horses are galloping dashingly, bear cubs are playing balalaikas. The hero of many compositions is a bear, so we will learn to draw him today.

IV. Independent work


1. Place the sheet vertically.
Draw a vertical line. Using light strokes, outline the height of the bear.
2. Mark the place of the head, establishing how many times the height of the head fits into the height of the entire figure.
3. Use light straight lines to outline the position of the paws. Pay attention to the symmetrical nature of the figure.
4. Using the light sketch technique, continue to clarify the position and size of the paws and torso.

5. Color the bear brown.

Children do the work step by step.

V. Lesson summary

Hello friends! It is no secret that elementary school is an additional source of creative inspiration not only for children, but also for their parents (at least for those parents who are not averse to making crafts in their spare time). Various competitions and creative tasks (for example, decorating a classroom for a holiday) will not let you get bored. And sometimes they prompt very interesting experiments that would hardly have a place in their own schedule.

Our son Volodya is in third grade, and now the school is holding a competition on making a Slavic toy with his own hands from any materials. The competition is for students, but parental participation is implied. :)

By the way, while collecting material for our venture, I also read about the history of the Bogorodsk toy. So, the birthplace of this folk craft of carved wooden toys and sculptures is the ancient village of Bogorodskoye near Moscow. At the end of the 16th century, the village was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, which was one of the major centers of artistic crafts in Rus'.

It is believed that it was thanks to the influence of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery that the Bogorodsky craft was born and developed. The Blacksmiths toy is over 300 years old, and it is rightfully a symbol of the craft.

According to references in ancient documents, Peter I gave “Kuznetsov” to his son Tsarevich Alexei. And the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, looking at this Bogorodsk toy, said: “The people who created this toy are a great people.”

If you wish, you will find a lot of interesting information on the Internet about the history and modern development of the Bogorodsk craft.

In the meantime, we will move on. Of course, we didn’t even think about making the “Blacksmiths” toy, as expected, out of wood. But to make it from a softer and more pliable material - corrugated cardboard - this idea seemed quite feasible to us.

As it turned out later, we were not mistaken in our predictions; the toy turned out just right! The characteristic feature of the Bogorodsk toy - the mobility of the elements - was fully realized: a man and a bear are happily pounding on an anvil, and the sound is made almost like knocking on wood.

In general, the product turned out to be quite durable thanks to its multi-layer construction.

But let's move on to the manufacturing process itself, and you will see all the nuances for yourself.

Master class: Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths” made of cardboard

Materials and tools:

— sheets of A4 size office paper (for printing templates);
- micro-corrugated cardboard;
- wooden skewers;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- metal ruler;
— a punch and a hammer or an awl;
— glue “Moment Crystal”;
- double sided tape;
- acrylic paints and brushes.

It all started with this drawing of the “Blacksmiths” toy, found on the Internet.

Based on it, templates for cutting out of cardboard were prepared, and things started to work. You can immediately download the templates here:

I would like to dwell separately on the main material for making toys. We used micro-corrugated cardboard (this is one of the types of corrugated packaging cardboard). It is three-layer (two flat, one corrugated), its thickness is 1.5-2 mm.

Why micro-corrugated cardboard? In addition to the fact that we have a long-standing warm relationship with corrugated cardboard, this material is very easy to process. It is easy to cut, and when several layers are glued together, the parts are quite dense and durable.

In principle, as an alternative, you can use, for example, 1.5 mm thick bookbinding cardboard. But it's harder to cut. It will be especially difficult to cut out the heads of the man and the bear.

In addition, microcorrugated cardboard is much cheaper. And if you use used boxes, it will generally cost free. Microcorrugated cardboard boxes are usually used to pack confectionery, tableware, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, and much more.

Finding suitable boxes is not difficult. And given the scale of the parts, you won’t need much cardboard at all.

1. Preparing the parts of the “Blacksmiths” toy.

We cut out all the details from cardboard using templates. For convenience, the number of templates is equal to the number of parts.

The technology is simple: we cut out a template or a group of templates with small allowances and attach them to the wrong side of the cardboard with pieces of double-sided tape, after which we cut out the parts. This process is demonstrated in more detail and clearly.

When placing templates on cardboard, pay attention to recommended directions of corrugated layer waves(the file contains the corresponding designations). Both the appearance and mechanical characteristics of the parts depend on this.

Here are all the parts of the anvil cut out:

Two trapezoidal parts (they are needed to fill the gaps between the anvil parts and the bar) need to be flattened.

Cut out the sledgehammer parts. Well, everything here is extremely simple.

The handles will be pieces of wooden skewer length 30 mm. In this case, it is better to use a thicker skewer.
Next, cut out the details of the planks. Here, to increase rigidity, pieces of a wooden skewer are inserted into the middle part of each plank, just in case (this skewer is smaller in diameter than a skewer for sledgehammers).

In principle, this is not necessary. It’s just that the parts are narrow and long, so they bend easily (especially taking into account the transverse arrangement of the waves of the corrugated layer). I didn’t want to take any risks - they strengthened it just in case.

When you glue layers of planks together even without skewers, their strength and rigidity will noticeably increase. And no transverse forces should be applied to the slats when the finished “Blacksmiths” toy is functioning. I think everything should be fine either way.

But if you still want more reliability, you know what to do. :)

On the outer parts of the bottom bar, immediately use the tip of a knife to make small marks where the anvil should be.

We make holes on all parts of the planks. We used a punch from the Bison set.

If such a tool is not available, then simply pierce the holes with an awl, and then widen them with a skewer, the pieces of which you will use as rods when assembling the toy.

Important point: The skewer should rotate freely in the holes of the bar.

We move on to the most difficult and important stage - cutting out the details of the man and the bear.

There are 2 groups of parts in mirror image. This is done so that the finished figure has external parts on both sides with the front layer facing outward.

At first we even drew the fingers on the bear's paws and the man's hands. But cutting it out is too much of a chore. Although it seems to have worked out.

The final templates in this part have been simplified, so it will be a little easier for you. :)

For those who will be cutting out similar figures from cardboard for the first time, clue: complex small contours (for example, a man’s face or a bear’s muzzle) should be cut with short pressing movements with the very tip of the knife blade. First, push the outline of the area in this way, then cut the line through the entire thickness of the cardboard.

And on some parts, you immediately need to make holes for the rods on which the figures of our “blacksmiths” will be attached.

Important point: and in this case, the skewer should fit tightly into the hole.

2. Assembling the “Blacksmiths” toy.

Glue together the parts of all the elements of the toy.

Drop a little glue into the hole of the sledgehammer (it’s convenient to use a toothpick for this) and insert the handle.

We glue the anvil parts together with blocks, as shown in the photo.

Then we glue the blocks. Press the work surface of the anvil against the table until it is level.

Glue the parts of the top and bottom strips together.

At the same time we will prepare 4 rods. The length is determined depending on the number of layers and thickness of the cardboard.

Apply glue to the trapezoidal parts of the anvil and glue them to the bottom bar. Insert the top bar as well to make sure it moves freely.

Gluing the man's parts together. Here, assemble the entire middle part, glue one assembled side to it. Do not attach the other side yet.

We prepare the parts of the bear in the same way.

Well, all that remains is to attach our “blacksmiths” to the movable slats.

We insert it into the holes on the bear's leg and glue 2 rods, as shown in the photo.

We insert the rods into the holes of the planks.

Apply glue to the surface of the middle part of the bear, as well as the holes on the second leg. And glue the rest of the figure so that the rods fit into the holes.

Insert and glue the sledgehammer.

If you plan to paint the toy, you don’t have to glue the sledgehammer for now. It’s even better to first paint the parts of the Blacksmiths toy, and then start assembling.

We attach the man to the slats in the same way.

That's it now. Our cardboard copy of the Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths” is ready!

It’s funny to say, but we ourselves experienced childish delight when we tried it out. :) It works! Everything is moving, the hammers are knocking - it’s just a miracle))

What can we say about our third-graders, who, when we finally presented the result, were also happy to move the planks and listen to the ringing clatter of cardboard sledgehammers.)

By the way, in the process of preparing the description, an idea appeared on how to make the cardboard “color” of the toy at the ends more uniform. Now, as you can see, one half is darker, the other is lighter. A trifle, of course, but still...

So, you can alternate mirror layers: 1 layer from one group of parts, then a layer from the second group, etc.

With this, our work on creating the Russian folk toy “Blacksmiths” was completed. But it’s too early to draw a conclusion. The toy still had to be painted.

A team of artists from our class took on this task. And Volodya took upon himself, let’s say, coordination functions. :)

The toy was painted with acrylic paints.

The girls got down to business seriously, even studying samples of folk costumes.

The result was such an elegant and fun moving toy with a traditional plot.

Now we are waiting for the results of the competition. :)

Friends, how do you like this embodiment of the Bogorodsk “Blacksmiths”? It seems to me that such a toy is quite worthy of being used for its intended purpose - for children to play with.

Ultra-budget option. But this, of course, is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you can easily make a toy with your own hands and even involve children in this entertaining process. If, due to age, it is still too early to cut and glue cardboard parts, then there are no age restrictions for coloring.

* * *

PS. On the eve of the March 8 holiday, Olya Kachurovskaya developed new thematic cutting templates to continue the series of festive chocolate bowls.

If you have not yet downloaded free templates from the Kartonkino store, pick up our holiday gift right now:

Happy upcoming holiday, dear readers! Have a sunny mood! Let the coming spring fill you with fresh strength, energy, and inspiration! Let there be more reasons for joyful smiles! Love, happiness, family well-being all to you!

See you again at KARTONKINO!

Your Inna Pyshkina.

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Slide captions:


In the Orthodox heart of Russia, not far from the city of Sergiev Posad, on a picturesque hill, on the banks of the Kunya River, stands the village of Bogorodskoye - the birthplace of a wonderful folk craft of carved wooden toys and sculptures.

Bogorodskoye is an ancient village. Already in the 15th - 16th centuries, local peasants, at that time serfs of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, laid the foundations for the artistic craft of woodworking that subsequently developed. The village has become one of the centers of folk art in the history of Russian applied art. Already in the 19th century in the village of Bogorodskoye there were more than a hundred households, and everyone - from young to old - was engaged in the manufacture of wooden toys. They said that there “children will be born with a knife in their hand.”

Local legends and traditions are associated with the appearance of the first Sergiev wooden toys. They say that the founder of the monastery, Sergius of Radonezh, began to cut the first toys from wood, giving them to the peasant children who came to him.

Another story of the Bogorodskaya toy also begins with a legend. They say that in a small village near modern Sergiev Posad there lived a peasant family. They were poor people and had many children. One day the mother decided to amuse the children and make them a doll. I sewed it from fabric, but after a few days the children tore the toy. She wove it out of straw, but by evening the doll fell apart. Then the woman took a sliver and carved a toy out of wood, and the children called her Auka. The children had fun for a long time, and then they got bored with the doll. And her father took her to the fair. There was a merchant there who found the toy interesting and ordered a whole batch from the peasant. Since then, they say, most residents of the village of Bogorodskoye have taken up the “toy” craft.

And finally, a more authentic legend tells us about some deaf-mute tradesman “Tatyga”, who about a hundred and fifty years ago carved a large doll from a linden tree and sold it to the merchant Erofeev, who sold bast shoes, mittens, sashes, etc. near the monastery. Erofeev , having bought a doll for seven hryvnia in banknotes, sold it for a higher price. Obviously, “Tatyga” was not slow to receive a number of orders for such dolls, since soon he, not being able to cope with the work alone, began to recruit students from the townspeople’s children. Accepting the legend as a genuine event, some authors of works about toys are inclined to attribute the birth of the Sergiev toy craft to this moment. However, most likely, these are just legends.

But seriously, folk crafts arose under the influence of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery - one of the largest centers of artistic crafts in Moscow Rus' 350 years ago. In Bogorodskoye, funny toys have long been carved from soft aspen or linden wood. White carved items, the so-called “linen”, were taken by Bogorodsk residents to Sergiev Posad. There the figures were painted, and the sculptural skill was filled with subtle humor. In the 19th century, 12 dynasties of craftswomen worked in the village of Bogorodskoye, turning wooden toys famous throughout the country. By the way, even now in Bogorodskoye there are several times more carvers than carvers.

In 1913, Andrei Chushkin and his like-minded people organized a “handicraft and toy artel in the village of Bogorodskaya.” The artel included 19 “founding fathers” - the most talented carvers. In 1923, the artel received the name "Bogorodsky Carver". Now the factory is called that. There is an assortment room at the factory - actually a museum of crafts.

The traditional Bogorodsk toy - these are unpainted figures of people, animals and birds made of linden, compositions from the life of a Russian peasant, clean, unsullied wood - have become traditional for Bogorodsk toys. The “man and the bear” are still considered a symbol of the craft in various plot productions, the first of which was the movable toy “Blacksmiths”. The Blacksmiths toy is over 300 years old. “Blacksmiths” became a symbol of the Bogorodsk craft, one of the early toys depicting a peasant and a bear sitting astride on slats. You move the bars, and immediately the brisk work begins. The figures move rhythmically, their wooden hammers knock on the anvil.

They say that at the end of the last century, at the World Exhibition in Paris, the famous French sculptor Rodin saw the “blacksmiths”. He admired the work of the village carvers for a long time and called it a brilliant work of folk art. The Bogorodsk residents had the amazing ability to create a whole world of animals and birds from wood, endowing them with special characteristic features. Animal figurines have long had a symbolic meaning. The goat personified good power and patronized the harvest. The ram and cow symbolized fertility, the deer - abundance, a successful marriage. But, probably, the most common hero of Bogorodsk carvers is the bear, a character in many folk tales; according to pagan beliefs, it is a symbol of power. The bear has long been one of the leading characters in folk tales - it foreshadowed the awakening of nature. Toy makers have always portrayed the bear as good-natured, a little funny, and trusting.

Toys for children have always been in particular demand. Their main feature was a simple, but accurately conveyed movement, which was achieved by attaching figures to slats, a balance or springs. And it turned out that by pulling the cord, the child set in motion a woodcutter who was chopping wood, or a galloping horseman, or chickens pecking grain.

For a long time, the folk toy was made to teach a child; the master put into it everything that he wanted to see in the younger generation. Well, what can a crafty fox or a bird family that has built a cozy nest teach? Hard work, affection, joy, kindness. They can please and amuse the child. The Bogorodskaya toy is man-made. It is hand-carved from wood (birch, linden, aspen, pine) and is not painted. Thanks to this, the natural color of the wood, its warmth and a very pleasant to the touch surface, impeccable in terms of hygiene for a small child, are preserved.

The Bogorodsk wooden toy arouses special interest and a feeling of joy in children due to the fact that it has movement. The mobility of individual parts of the toy and the simplicity of the mechanism that sets them in motion expands the possibilities of using the toy in the pedagogical process. With the help of a Bogorodsk toy, adults can show a theatrical performance to the youngest children: chickens have gathered in a circle and are pecking grains, a bear cub has sat on a swing and is swinging, etc. The actions of the wooden figures cause laughter and encourage sound pronunciation: knock-knock, kach-kach, etc.

The opportunity to experiment with a toy and still achieve results is very important for the development of a young child’s personality. In the process of acting with a toy, the baby simply and naturally displays curiosity, cognitive activity, and initiative, and the resulting result contributes to the formation of self-confidence and their capabilities. The Bogorodsk toys reflect the world of animals, which is especially loved by children, and familiarity with which is necessary for their cognitive development.

Thanks to the cognitive and aesthetic developmental impact of toys, a small child simply and naturally forms correct ideas about the appearance of animals, he masters the techniques of setting a toy in motion, and at the same time the prerequisites for artistic taste are laid in him. With age, the child's interest in actions with the Bogorodsk toy decreases, but its aesthetic impact remains. The Bogorodsk toy becomes an important part of the child’s object-developmental environment - it decorates everyday life, organizes it ideologically and emotionally: it teaches to love and appreciate the beauty of the art of its people and prepares the little Russian to meet other types of decorative, applied and fine arts.

An important feature of Bogorodsk wooden toys is that they, reflecting life and being works of folk art, are not in a museum, but can “live” next to children in families and preschool educational institutions. Thanks to this, the child has the opportunity to constantly communicate with genuine works of art and what is called feedback in science occurs - works of art have an imperceptible, beneficial effect and create an atmosphere of peace and beauty in the home or kindergarten.

Summary of educational activities on drawing “Bogorodskaya toy” in the senior group

Program content:

1. To form children’s knowledge aboutBogorodskaya toy.

2. Introduce children toBogorodskaya folk toy– as a work of Russian folk art.

3. Teach to see the beauty of woodBogorodskaya toys, her entertainingness.

4. Develop interest in folk musictoy.

5. Foster a caring attitude towardstoy, interest in its production, in folk craftsmen - masters - wood carvers.

Materials: Sheets of paper ½ A 4, simple pencils, erasers, colored pencils, photo illustrations or pictures depicting the Bogorodskaya toy.

Progress of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment. Conversation with children.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Bears, cubes, cars

And the designers are big,

And balls and trinkets -

These are all my...toys!

Educator: That's right, toys. Guys, do you have any toys? What toys do you like to play with? (children's answers)

The teacher shows illustrations depicting the Bogorodskaya toy and asks questions:

Educator: Guys, look at whattoys you see here?

Children: Beautiful paintedtoys.

Educator: What do you think they are made of?

Children: Made of wood.

Educator: Absolutely right! Thesetoys made of wood, since ancient times, village artisansBogorodskoyeThey were cut out of soft wood with a knife - alder, linden, aspen. They say that a peasant family lived in a small village. They were poor people and had many children. The mother decided to amuse the children and make them a doll. I sewed it from fabric, but after a few days the children tore ittoy. She wove it out of straw, but by evening the doll fell apart. Then the woman took a sliver of wood and cut it outwooden toy, and the children nicknamed her Auka. The boys played for a long timetoy, and then they got bored with the doll. And her father took her to the fair. There was a merchant there, a man who comes to buy things at the fair. To the merchantthe toy seemed interesting, and ordered the peasant to make many of thesetoys. Since then, they say, most of the village residentsBogorodskoe and took up the “toy” craft, that is, to make woodentoys.

Educator: What's unusual about thesetoys?

Children: They are not like ustoys, soft, and made of wood.

Educator: Yes, guys, Bogorodsk toys are kind, funny, “alive.” You pull the string of the smiling little Teddy Bear, and he will spread his paws to the sides, greeting us. Blacksmiths Mishka and Muzhik hit the anvil with hammers if you move the bars one by one. The woodcutter bear is mounted on a bedside table stand, inside of which a spring is inserted, which powers the figure.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, has the bear from the fairy tale become strong?

Children: Yes

Educator: How else can you and I become strong?

Children: Need to exercise

Educator : That's right, let's do some exercises too

Physical education minute.

Every day in the morning we do exercises (walking in place).

We really like to do it in order:

Have fun walking (walking), raise your hands (hands up),

Squat and stand up (squat 4-6 times),

Jump and gallop (10 jumps).

2. Drawing the Bogorodskaya toy - a bear

Educator: Now let's try to draw a wooden

toy The hero of many compositions is a bear, so we will learn to draw him today. Before we start drawing the bear, let's take a closer look at it.

Showing an image of the Bogorodsky bear.
Let's look at the torso first. What shape is the body? (oval). What else does the bear have? (head). What shape is the head? (round). Don’t forget, if you look from the side, its muzzle is elongated. Where is the head located? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher answers that the head is located in front (above) the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck). What do the paws of a bear look like, what shape are they (oval, but elongated)? Where are the bear's paws (at the bottom of the body)? How many paws does a bear have (2 front paws and 2 hind paws)? What is on the bear's head (ears)? What shape are they? (semicircular). Are the bear's ears big or small? (small). What else is on the bear’s head (eyes, nose)? Look closely at the bear's paws, what do they have (claws)?
Guys, what color are the bears? (brown, brown). What color are the eyes, nose and claws? (black). Well done, you examined the bear carefully.

Teacher's demonstration. Drawing the Bogorodsky bear with a simple pencil.

Educator: Before decorating our bear with colored pencils, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Who sleeps in winter?”
The bear in the den is fast asleep, (clench the fingers of the right hand into a fist, starting with the big one)
He snorts all winter until spring.
Chipmunks sleep in winter,
Prickly hedgehog and badger.
Only the little bunny can’t sleep - (shows little finger, twirling it)
Runs away from the fox.
He flashes among the bushes (the fingers of his left hand depict the clicking face of a fox catching up with a hare)
He screwed up and was like that!

Independent activity of children. Coloring the Bogorodsky bear with colored pencils.

3. Bottom line. Exhibition design.

Educator: What did you guys like today?
- Why not?
- What difficulties did you experience? (
Children's answers.)
The teacher holds an exhibition of children's works.
Children look at the drawings and share their impressions and express their opinions.

Tatiana Voronina
Lesson summary “Introducing the Bogorodsk toy”

Subject « Getting to know the Bogorodsk toy» .

Target: introduce children to the Bogorodsk toy, attract children's attention to toy, promote understanding of its content.

Tasks: 1) to form children’s interest in folk toy; introduce with a history of origin Bogorodsk toys; 2) develop children’s memory through repetition of Russian folk nursery rhymes; the ability to listen to a story carefully; 3) cultivate interest in folk crafts.

Material: Bogorodsk toys, illustrations showing Bogorodsk toys, sat down Bogorodskoye; basket, bagels for treats for children.

Preliminary work: View presentation « Bogorodskaya toy» ; repetition of Russian folk nursery rhymes.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, guess the riddle

The beast is shaggy, clubfooted,

He sucks his paw in the den (bear).

Children's answers.

(The teacher shows bear toy) .

Educator: This toy created by folk craftsmen. Near the ancient town of Sergiev Posad, near Moscow, on a high mountain, among forests and fields, there is a village Bogorodskoye. A long time ago there lived a family in a village. The mother decided to amuse her children. She cut out a figurine from a block of wood and named it Auka. The children rejoiced, played and threw Auka behind the stove. Once my husband was going to the fair and speaks: “I’ll take Auka to the market and show her to the sellers there. They bought Auku and asked to make these toys. Since then the carving appeared toys in Bogorodskoye village and it began to be called « Bogorodskaya toy» . By using toys tell tales. But before you listen to the story, let's play with our fingers.

Finger game "Bear"

Knock-knock, bear (knocking fists together)

Runs to his little house (running fingers).

Runs into the yard

And the gate is locked! (clasp hands)

Hid in the little house (arms above head, representing a roof)

Our furry bear.

The bear loves to sleep very much

Suck a fat paw (both hands are folded near the ear).

Educator: Guys, look what I have (draws the children's attention to the basket). This basket is not simple, but magical. A fairy tale lives in it. I know a lot of fairy tales, but today I don’t want to tell you a fairy tale, but show you, and you will help me.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather “Grandfather Egor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains.”(show illustration "Grandfather rides a horse") and grandmother “Shadow-shadow-shade in the garden there is a fence. The stove is burning in the hut, and grandma is in a hurry.” Grandmother took care of the house, knitting socks (showing illustrations "Granny knits socks"). And grandma had chickens (showing illustrations "The chickens peck the grains"). Once upon a time, my grandfather and grandmother were doing well, but the trouble was, they were old and it was hard for them to do everything. And they lived on the edge of the forest, on the edge. The animals found out that the grandparents were having a hard time coping, and they decided to help them. Mikhailo Potapych worked with his grandfather in the forge, hammering “What’s that noise, what’s that knocking? Knock-knock, knock-knock"(show illustration “Grandfather and the bear are knocking with hammers”). And Nastasya Petrovna decided to steam her little bear cub in the bathhouse “Water, water, wash my face so that my eyes sparkle, my cheeks blush, my mouth laughs, my teeth bite” (illustration shown) "A bear bathes a bear cub"). While the animals were busy with their business, the grandmother baked a bagel. In the evening, everyone sat down at the table, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi, look at the bagels, piping hot, hot from the oven, all rosy, hot.” (The teacher shows the children the bagels on a tray).

Educator: Hardworking animals lived in this forest. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened. Guys, is it an interesting fairy tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: Children, what do you think, Mikhailo Potapych, is he very strong? And why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Probably because he was doing physical education. Let us show you how we can do it

Physical education minute

I ask you to rise - this time,

The head turned - that's two.

Hands down, look forward - that's three,

Pressing them forcefully to your shoulders is five.

Now sit down quietly - that’s six.

Educator: Children, what toy told us a fairy tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: And from what village did the craftsmen make this toy?

Children: From Bogorodsky.

Educator: What are they made of? toys?

Children: Made of wood.

Educator: So what are they like?

Children: Wooden.

Educator: These things have come to visit us today,

To tell us the secrets of ancient beauty.

To lead us into the world of goodness.

To say that there are miracle masters in Russia.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the educational activity “Introduction to the Dymkovo toy”“Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy” Junior group. MBDOU "Berezka" Educator: Mukhametshina N.V. Types of children's activities.

Short-term project “Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy” State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 14 of a combined type in the Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg.

Types of children's activities. Gaming, cognitive-research, speech, communicative, productive, artistic. Tasks: 1.

Summary of the open lesson “Acquaintance with the Russian folk wooden toy-whistle, painting of the bird whistle” Goal: To introduce the Russian folk toy - the whistle. Teach children to build an elegant pattern on the silhouette of a bird using alternation.

Lesson summary for junior group 1 “Acquaintance with the Russian folk toy matryoshka” Topic: “Acquaintance with the Russian folk toy matryoshka” Implementation of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”. Goals: Continue.

Lesson summary “Acquaintance with the folk toy matryoshka” Purpose: 1. Introduce children to didactic folk toys 2. Exercise children in the ability to group objects by color and size. Material:.