Beautiful congratulations for mother on the birth of her daughter

For every woman, the birth of a child is the happiest event in life, which she will never forget. All the worries and worries, pain and fear are behind us. A great miracle has happened and a little treasure - a newborn daughter - is gently snoring in her mother’s arms. Charming eyes, a snub nose and bow-shaped lips - her family will argue for a long time about who she looks more like.

And now the happy mother is at home, surrounded by family, friends and colleagues who rush to congratulate her. Bouquets of flowers, happy smiles and her daughter’s first rattles await her. But no less important than warm words for every woman will be postcards containing congratulations for the mother on the birth of her daughter. Tender and heartfelt poems will not leave any woman indifferent. The new mother will definitely keep all the greeting cards and will re-read them for every birthday of her baby. Therefore, it is so important that the congratulations are not only sincere, but also beautiful.

Our site offers ready-made poetic congratulations written in different styles: tender and sincere, perky and funny, short and long. From the large number of proposed poems, everyone will find beautiful and sincere words for congratulations.

Congratulations dear,
You gave birth to a daughter today.
This is a great joy in life,
All these flowers are for you.

Your husband is also incredibly happy,
He always dreamed of a daughter
He prayed to God about it in church,
And the Lord listened to his prayers.

Let her grow up kind and honest,
Let success make you happy.
Congratulations dear!
Happiness, joy and all the best!

With a tiny light
A star lit up in the sky
This is her, your daughter
Miru said “Yes!”
Tender baby girl
Will grow and mature -
Day by day, little by little -
And get prettier day by day.

She wrinkles her nose so funny
And asks for a warm bottle
You now understand overnight
How he sniffles and what happiness looks like.

My daughter filled the world with herself,
Not even an hour free:
Walk, play, do laundry,
Give her a bath at night!

The day is full of warmth and kindness -
A bedtime story, a smile in the morning,
And the phone is turned off again -
It can become a hindrance to sleep!

Late in the evening, covering my daughter,
And with difficulty putting me to bed,
Smile, brew strong tea,
You will leave fatigue in the day that has passed.

Be happy and joyful yourself,
Kind, gentle and affectionate mother!

Happiness to mother and daughter
The Lord blessed you with a beautiful, gentle angel,
Now you will go through life, leading your daughter by the hand.
She is still very small, but the world is so big and complex,
So let a good angel protect your daughter.
Let your girl grow up to be a good, wise person,
May she always be lucky in everything, and may her life be long and bright.
We also wish for scarlet sails and a prince in the future...
Congratulations on your daughter, mommy, with great happiness!

When the light came on
In the soul of a born child,
It was the most magical day
The first diaper is sacred.
Her beautiful eyes
They will outshine the light of the sun.
The first tear will be shed
There is no happier day in the world.
Today we congratulate mom,
Happy birth of my dear daughter,
We wish all sorrows
You were passed over.

You gave the world a miracle,
Gave my daughter a glorious life,
Came from nowhere
She's in a big, dangerous world!
Please accept congratulations today,
And wishes from the heart,
For my daughter's first birthday,
Hurry up to accept gifts!

So you became a mommy,
Your daughter is in your arms,
The long-awaited sweetie,
Your clear sunshine.

This is the secret!
This is the most important thing in life!
Most precious
And my favorite thing.

It will be a little difficult
Don't be shy - everything will work out.
Will you be your little one?
The best mom.

May your day be joyful
Well, the night is serene,
May you give to each other
The sea of ​​happiness is endless.

The birth of a child is a great blessing,
The birth of a girl is doubly beneficial.
Congratulations to you, happy mother,
Happy birth of your wonderful daughter.

And the road of your destiny will be wider,
After all, you should guide your daughter along it now.
The path of a mother is both anxious and difficult,
But the light of maternal happiness is stronger.

And let the little one grow up with joy,
And let him smile every day.
And soon you will hear the cherished phrase:
“I love you so much, mommy!”
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Congratulations to mom on the birth of her daughter
What delicate work!
The child is simply adorable.
We congratulate you guys
And we don’t hide our envy.
Let your little daughter
Grows up faster
And, like a scarlet flower,
Everything is blooming more and more.
We wish mommy today
Be joyful, beautiful,
Give birth to another son,
May daddy be happy!

A little man was born to glorify the world,
Sparkle like a precious mineral.
To leave your good mark on earth,
The Almighty gave him life as a reward.
Let the baby gain weight,
The baby is growing by leaps and bounds.
We wish mommy love and happiness,
And may your daughter bring you joy.

Today there is a halo over my mother’s head,
Her soul glows with happiness.
The daughter was born to glory,
Like a bright angel, she came into the world.
We wish you to enjoy the happiness of motherhood.
Let the beauty grow to the joy of everyone,
Swim in love and joy.
And let it add more joyful troubles to mom.

You have a girlfriend now
And a family helper,
You became a mother today,
Daughter sent by fate!

Buy dolls, dresses,
Play mother and daughter
Your life is now like a fairy tale
Like a holiday, sweet paradise.

Discuss secrets with your daughter
Go to the shops with her
And a crown for the princess
You should definitely buy it!

We congratulate our daughter,
And we always wish you
To be healthy and to
The family was filled with happiness!


Congratulations, mommy, on the birth of your sweet princess. I wish that my daughter grows up to be smart, beautiful and the most wonderful girl, so that for her mother her own daughter will always be joy, pride, happiness, and hope. I wish you both strong strength and health, great happiness and all the best to your family.


A miracle happened! Congratulations!
You are now the mother of a daughter.
We wish you peace -
It is the most important, believe me.

We wish you to enjoy happiness:
Let there be time to rest,
Sweet sleep at night,
And during the day, play with the baby.

Let dad help too -
From the heart and without unnecessary words.
May the angel protect your daughter
Love also gives health.


A compliment from heavenly powers
You got a big one -
Your princess daughter
Here it is given by fate.

I want to wish the baby
Just grow healthy
With his amazing appearance
Bring light to your family.

Let the smile never leave your lips,
The eyes only glow with happiness,
And mom is only out of happiness
Tears glisten on your cheeks.


Congratulations to you, happy mother, on the birth of a beautiful daughter, on the birth of a beautiful princess and bright joy. I wish the baby to grow up healthy and happy, cheerful and cheerful. I wish you family happiness and abundance, understanding and strong love.

SMS congratulations to mother on the birth of her daughter


Mother's daughter was born
More beautiful than a red flower
Brighter than the stars of heaven,
A source of wonderful joy.

I congratulate you and your daughter,
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Let this cradle
Good fluttering fairies.


Your daughter is the sun
What will shine for you,
This is the light in your window
After all, it’s better to live with light!

May she always laugh
And growing healthy
And shines brighter than the sun,
Only brings you light!


Mischievous eyes, rosy cheeks,
Congratulations, mom, on the birth of your daughter!
Let my dear princess grow up happy,
The world will become a wonderful song for her.

May every day be warmed with kindness and affection,
And as if in a fairy tale, a girl grows up,
Happiness and health for mother and daughter,
Hurry up and take your first steps!


Nine months under my heart
You carried your daughter
Now the baby is near,
Together you are day and night,
Congratulations on the newborn
We love you with all our hearts,
May she be healthy
We wish her great strength!


My dear, please accept my congratulations on the birth of your daughter! So you have the good fortune to experience all the delights of motherhood. May this happiness bloom more in your hands, in your eyes and in your heart. I wish you a quick recovery, so that your health does not suffer, so that the baby does not get sick either. Strength to you and patience, support and more pleasant rest.

Heartfelt and touching congratulations to mother on her newborn daughter


Finally a miracle happened -
You have become a mother.
Your princess is born
The sun was shining.

There is no happier woman
Now in the whole world,
You kiss with adoration
Your favorite nose.

Let your daughter grow
Sweet and healthy
Let him make you happy with a smile,
The sound, the first word.

Every girl's success -
There's a reward for you.
You are happy, you are a mother,
No more needed!


Today the stork knocked
To your window. Here in my arms
Mom turned out to have an angel.
And happiness shines in the eyes.
What a sweet girl!
I have never seen anything more beautiful in the whole world.
Dolls and rattles are waiting for her
And princes with a thousand carriages.
Let him grow up healthy
Cheerful girl-star.
Let him know and study
The whole world is around. With your own hand
Lead your daughter for life,
Like a bird to distant lands.
Love your daughter, take care of her.
Let there be a happy family!


You waited with such excitement
Little daughters are born!
And today in the bright hour
Happiness was born to you.

Become a wonderful mother
Kind and beloved herself.
Let Baby grow up
How a flower blooms!

I wish you good health,
Let them surround you with love
All family and friends
And of course I’m with them!


Let a gentle warm ray of sun kiss your newborn on the head and from this kiss she will be the happiest, most beautiful and happiest in this life. I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. I wish health to both mother and girl.


You are so beautiful today
Your eyes glow
You became a mother today
Charming daughters!

May you always be healthy
Do not know grief, troubles,
So that you have fun,
Laugh and play!

Let your daughter grow up
Always makes me happy
Let the angel protect
Long years!

Cool poems and wishes with a newborn daughter for mom


Today a great miracle happened
Your daughter has been born.
She's my mother's assistant when she's older,
Your most beloved man.

Let the girl be the most obedient,
May you live as a happy and friendly family.
Your daughter is healthy and you should not get sick.
Talents in Malyshka are discovered every day.


Congratulations on the birth of your child,
I wish her to be healthy and beautiful.
May all your dreams come true
Let him enjoy life.

Let her life be sweeter than honey,
Let there be one prince in life,
May she never know grief
Let there be a house by the sea in your life.


Your daughter was born
Little angel, little angel.
Let her decorate the family,
How priceless your flower is.

With her you will feel the moment
Happiness and peace.
And in her sweet eyes
You will begin to draw your strength.

How he will stretch out his arms to you,
This will disperse the clouds in the heart.
You'll feel at peace
Your child is the best.


With a newborn girl.
I wish you peace
Understanding with a child.

May she grow up healthy
Let him coo, laugh,
May you have a happy fate
Your bunny will smile.


Let him grow healthy
Beloved daughter,
Will bring joy to mom
Life is unique!

Will you kiss your daughter?
Happy mommy
My daughter will grow up -
The most beautiful!

Funny, cheerful and humorous congratulations on a newborn daughter for mom


Congratulations mommy
With the advent of the sweetie!
Let the heart be SMALL
Taken care of by mom.

Let every day make you happy
And it grows to the envy of everyone
Mom's beauty.
Happiness will increase for you!


My mother gave birth to a daughter,
You are now like two flowers,
Just to admire you -
Impossible to tear yourself away!

We are for you, happy mother,
Let's say with these verses,
That you are the best in the world
Let happiness shine like the sun!


You have become a mother, dear,
And life is completely different now.
Let it be your girl -
Like a mother - kind, gentle.
May daddy protect you
And God sends health!


With a beautiful newborn daughter!
We wish you well and great happiness,
Let the baby grow up kind, sweet, beautiful,
Wonderful, bright and loved by everyone.


With your newborn baby, dear mother,
I congratulate you today with all my heart!
May she grow up healthy
May she be lucky in everything in life.

Let love surround her everywhere,
Happiness illuminates with a gentle light.
Let Beauty beat her to everyone
And let any height be easy.

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a daughter for mom


You hold your daughter in your arms,
What a strange creation.
Daughter is a compliment from God.
You are worth repeating.

Congratulations on your baby
Take it from me now,
I wish your family
A sea of ​​happiness and love.

May the heiress be healthy
Joyful always grows,
Positivity and inspiration
May she bring it to your life.


Congratulations mommy
With a little princess!
May you both be healthy
Avoid stress.

Let your daughter grow up smart
Imposing and beautiful,
For the stars to shine
Her path is happy.


Here is an angel in my arms,
Looks like something out of a holiday card
All in ruffles, in delicate lace,
He looks at his mother's smile.

And it’s impossible to convey
Those feelings that overwhelm
When baby wants to sleep
And he yawns so touchingly.

May it be in every corner of your soul
Great happiness should be left,
And we are in a hurry for mommy
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!


What happiness, dear daughter
Now you have it in your life!
She's so beautiful
Words cannot describe it!

May she be a beautiful lady
Always grows healthy
Will be the happiest person in the world
And it only brings positivity to everyone!


Congratulations to a wonderful and happy mother on the birth of her daughter. I wish that the baby grows up to be a real smart and beautiful girl, a kind girl and a great craftswoman. May your daughter be healthy and happy, may she deeply love her mother and her life.

Original words of congratulations on a newborn daughter for mother


Dear young mother! Congratulations on the best and desired gift of fate! Congratulations on your newborn daughter! I wish you and your daughter good health, strength and positivity. I wish my mother wisdom, patience and more joyful moments! I wish my daughter to be a strong and strong baby, to grow and develop, to be inquisitive and a cheerful little one.


A compliment from heaven -
Daughter for mom,
To forever
Become happy yourself.

Life now has meaning -
Let your eyes shine.
The miracle happened -
Congratulations on your daughter!


The girl is charming
Mom was born
The most wonderful
Her dream came true!

Let's wish mommy
With love and soul
Grow a beauty
Great clever girl!

Joy, health,
Happiness and patience
Let them not be forgotten
First excitement!


Your girl is born
Nipples, diapers, pacifier...
This is all for your joy,
After all, you are a mother - this is sweetness.

Your dear daughter,
The most expensive one in the world.
Let all things go away,
After all, you gave birth to happiness!


Happy birth of my dear daughter!
Let the most fierce grow.
A cheerful, happy smile
Gives you inspiration!

So that you give her care,
Love's mischievous rays,
And from daily work
Your strength has only increased!


Became a mommy, beauty.
Please accept congratulations,
I wish your child
Happiness, peace and love.

Let your girl grow
Bright, pretty, mischievous,
May life reward the girl
Good, bright fate.


You and the newborn
Congratulations to my daughter,
A daughter is a joy for a mother
The biggest.

Let him grow healthy
Gaining strength
May fate be happy
The girl will get it.

Don't be sorry for your daughter
Tenderness and caresses,
Let your girl
Lives in a happy fairy tale.


Now you are the mother of a sweet lady,
She is the most beautiful in the world!
There is no more beautiful angel in the world,
Let your daughter grow up beautiful!

I wish your baby
Warmth, love in abundance,
To make her eyes smile
And all dreams came true!


Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
May your flower grow healthy
Makes you happy, loves, plays, laughs,
Life will turn out to be a fairy tale for her.

You will never know sadness,
And together so that you don’t get bored!
Only joy, love in front of you
Let your daughter only grow stronger over the years!


Congratulations to mommy
Me with the newborn
Let the whole world be in yours
Daughter is in love.

May fate be good
Happiness has no regrets
Let her grow in love
And don't let him get sick.

Let the angel protect her
Will protect you from trouble
Happiness is near now
Let him live with you.


Today you became a mother,
She gave birth to a baby daughter.
I send greetings cheerfully
And I shout: “Hurray-hurray!”

Let the baby grow up healthy,
And I wish you strength.
Happiness in a small hand
God gave today.


It happened - congratulations on your daughter.
I admire this miracle with all my heart,
You can handle it, dear, I know for sure.
I wish you patience and love.

I wish your heart to skip a beat
From tenderness and from anxiety,
So that my daughter can blossom as she grows up.
Please, take care of yourself and your daughter!


Pink cheeks in diapers -
Newborn daughter!
So you became a mommy,
Fate sent an angel.

There is now a baby in the house,
He's covered in bottles and pacifiers,
In shirts and socks.
This is all for my daughter now.

Let her grow up beautiful like you,
And healthy and loved,
Like a flower it will bloom,
It gets better every year!


Mommy, congratulations on this magical, unique day! From now on, your life is truly rosy and therefore I wish you only happiness, you will cope with everything!


Congratulations mommy!
After all, today is happiness,
You gave birth to a daughter
Despite the bad weather!

Let it grow beautiful
Healthy and strong.
Let him be smart
The best in the world!

Mom's health,
Strength and patience
To raise a daughter -
Like a spring flower!

The beloved woman became a mother again and gave her beloved a daughter! A wonderful celebration and celebration of the birth of a child should not push the mother herself aside. Congratulating her herself should be delightful and memorable. A happy father, relatives, parents who have already become grandparents - they are all obliged to congratulate the mother who gave new life to her sweet little daughter. The first thing to do is to say congratulations to this woman’s loved one. Having caught the moment and with deep tenderness, looking into her eyes, say that from that moment the sea of ​​love turned into a boundless ocean with the addition of joy, gratitude and happiness.

You even came up with the name in advance
I knew that you were expecting a girl,
And spring came so early,
Now you're walking with a stroller.
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter,
Your life is now all for her!
You can cope with any difficulties,
Your child would be happy!

You've dreamed about her for so long,
I bought toys and dresses.
And now the happy hour has come -
You have become our mother!
We sincerely congratulate you,
There is no more happiness - we know that!
May your daughter grow up to be a beauty
How a scarlet rose blooms!

Happy birth of your daughter, dear,
We would like to congratulate you and wish you happiness
To you and your beautiful princess!
We wish you long and joyful days,
We wish you a peaceful, peaceful night,
Let your daughter grow by leaps and bounds,
Gives smiles and songs to all of you,
Let her be smart beyond her years!

Chubby cheeks, bow lips,
Perfection baby, sweet dove,
Mommy glows with happiness above her,
Let bad weather pass you by.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
I wish you both good health,
Have a nice day and tender caress,
To your princess from a fairy tale.

As in a fairy tale, a daughter was born,
There is a new flower in God's bouquet,
She was born for happiness,
Let health be a strong and clear voice.
We gladly congratulate you on your daughter,
We wish you all the best, health and good luck,
May she be happy in life
May the golden angel always protect her.

We wish you health, we wish you well,
May your daughter grow up beautiful and smart!
So that the sun always shines for her,
May your heart make you happy
You have been waiting for this joyful day for a long time,
And she kept her child close to her heart.
So let it grow as a reliable support,
Bring love and luck to your home!

Here is a new life born -
Today you became a mother!
You have become older, you have become wiser,
You have become the happiest one!
And may this bright and joyful moment
Will go through life with you
We wish your family so much love -
Can't express it in words!

Sleepless nights don't count!
There are so many sorrows.
Behold, your joy is born,
Darling baby, sweetness!
We wish you patience
And in the life of family luck.
Let your little daughter grow up quickly,
And may it bring you joy!

All the torment and suffering are behind us...
You were made to win.
You now bear a proud title,
Whose name is mother.
You experienced a great miracle
She lit a star in the sky.
New life, beginning
You gave me a heart.
The main secret in the world
Keep it in your soul.
Remember, our children are for us
Like an ocean of love.
The first chapters in a fairy tale
You finish it to the full stop.
Be the most beautiful mother!
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!

Happy! You have become a mother!
A cherished dream has come true!
I'm tired after nine months,
And then the daughter was born!
Let the baby grow up
And greedily sucks milk,
At the same time, it gains strength,
And the rest will come!
I wish you for a girly
Be a smart, gentle mother!
Give wonderful toys,
Cherish, pamper and love!

Little, tiny, heavenly angel!
Your birth is a miracle of miracles!
And each of the relatives today wants
Find out your height and weight immediately!
You don’t yet know how happy you are
You are all our best friends!
You will be a joy for your parents!
The whole family congratulates them!

A girl - a daughter was born,
Mom was glowing with happiness at that moment!
This is wonderful, everyone is immensely happy,
Let's love her devotedly, right!
Let it be bright, like a summer flower,
Let her voice be clear!
Let him be affectionate and tender, like a mother,
Let her be proud, let her dad admire her!

Mom's only joy is her baby daughter,
How the cap suits her and the pacifier suits her face!
Dad is delighted - the sun is in the crib,
Sleeps like an angel, sweet dreams!
Fairy tales for her, toys, dancing and laughs,
In the New Year - gifts, lace snowflakes!
Let her grow up healthy, kind and beautiful,
Sweet and sincere, joyful, happy!

We will hasten to congratulate
With my parents' firstborn.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
He has a long life.
Don't let your parents sleep
(Far to retirement) -
There will be a dozen guys
Your best song.

Congratulations on your birthday
Your dear daughter!
Not a child - a sight for sore eyes!
Everyone wishes her happiness!
Grows up and becomes a fairy tale
White light for the baby!
And while he’s lying in the stroller -
Cheeks are like the color of poppies!
Don't get angry if you're stubborn
There will be a daughter some other time!
Become an unsurpassed mother!
Here is your order from us!

The secret of life, the secret of birth
You were able to comprehend everything today
The angel “dedicates” you to your mother
Dressing up my two wings
What's there ahead, you don't know
Only the night gives its wisdom
Sing a song quietly, swaddle
And you cradle your little daughter
Let the baby grow up healthy
She will be happy for a long time
A new world will open up for her
Mom is the dearest person!

Please accept congratulations
Let's fill the lines with warmth
Delicate beauty, good luck
We wish your daughter!
Dad's eyes...where from?
Mom's voice is clear
May you be happy in life
This sweet girl!

Sweet, lovely creature!
Mommy's tenderness and love!
You captivate with your charm!
You touch your mother again and again!
You open your tiny eyes,
It immediately becomes brighter!
The world around is taking on colors!
There is no dearer mother than you!
We wish you both happiness!
And warmth to your family!
There is no greater joy in the world,
The one who came to your house with her daughter!

A baby daughter was born,
Mom's copy, exactly,
Let him walk and let him laugh,
Let her have fun!
She will be smart and smart,
Kind, polite and modest!
Let her be a beauty
Everyone in the world likes it!

There is nothing more important for a woman
Than a newly born child.
Caress him, and caress him, and cherish him
Anyone wants a mommy from the cradle.
So your dream about the main thing has come true!
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Become the most tender, kindest mother,
We wish you with all our hearts!

Eyes and smile - everything is like mom’s,
Relatives stand solemnly, as if in a temple.
A small miracle, the baby has appeared,
Happiness was reflected in my mother's eyes.
We wish you all the best and joys,
May there be many sweets in life.
We wish much happiness to mother and daughter,
Now all I have to do is think about my son.

You lit a star in the sky -
She gave birth to her daughter.
You've been waiting for her for so many days
And I thought about her so much.
And now she's with you,
Your beloved angel!
Let her be the sweetest of all,
Smarter, more beautiful and kinder,
Let him always take care of her
A star lit by you!

Congratulations, mommy, on the birth of your sweet princess. I wish that my daughter grows up smart, beautiful and the most wonderful girl, so that for her mother her own daughter will always be joy, pride, happiness, and hope. Good strength and health to you both, great happiness and all the best to your family.

A miracle happened! Congratulations!
You are now the mother of a daughter.
We wish you peace of mind -
It's the most important thing, believe me.

We wish you to enjoy happiness:
Let there be time to rest,
Sweet sleep at night,
And during the day, play with the baby.

Let dad help too -
From the heart and without unnecessary words.
Let the angel protect your daughter
Love also gives health.

Congratulations to you, happy mother, on the birth of a beautiful daughter, on the birth of a beautiful princess and bright joy. I wish the baby to grow up healthy and happy, cheerful and cheerful. I wish you family well-being and prosperity, understanding and strong love.

Your daughter is the sun
What will shine for you,
This is the light in your window
After all, it’s better to live with light!

May she always laugh
And growing healthy
And shines brighter than the sun,
Only brings you light!

A compliment from heavenly powers
You got a big one -
Your princess daughter
Here it is given by fate.

I want to wish the baby
Just grow healthy
With his miraculous appearance
Bring light to your family.

Let the smile never leave your lips,
The eyes only sparkle with happiness,
And mom is only out of happiness
Tears glisten on your cheeks.

Congratulations, happy mommy. Now a bright star has lit up in your life - your daughter, and may this star always shine and inspire you. I wish you and your baby wonderful health, great strength for fun ideas, interesting activities, constant hobbies, joyful walks, magical holidays. May mother and daughter always be a beautiful harmony of smiles and happiness.

Here the princess was born -
A different life has begun!
I wish mom and daughter
Sleep soundly both day and night.
Let the baby not get sick
Grows up and gets smarter
Will delight you with a smile,
There will be fewer tears and bumps,
Let your good daughter grow up,
Both beautiful and healthy,
And for my mother I wish
Live without being discouraged for a day!

Congratulations mommy
With a little princess!
May you both be healthy
Avoid stress.

Let your little daughter grow up smart,
Stately and beautiful,
For the stars to shine
Her path is happy.

My dear, please accept my congratulations on the birth of your daughter! So you have the good fortune to experience all the delights of motherhood. Let this happiness bloom more in your hands, in your eyes and in your heart. I wish you a quick recovery, so that your health does not suffer, so that the baby does not get sick either. Strength to you and patience, support and more pleasant rest.