Birthday is one of the most important days, which should bring positive emotions and joy to a person. Children love and look forward to this holiday, but with age, their attitude towards it changes.

Some people look forward to their birthday and celebrate this date in a big way. Others try to spend this day in solitude, peace and quiet.

It doesn’t matter how exactly a person celebrates his birthday, or whether he celebrates it at all, but his future life and fate depend on how he spends this holiday. It is no coincidence that our ancestors attached such great importance signs, beliefs and superstitions for your birthday.

Since ancient times, people have believed that much in a person’s life and destiny depends on the weather on his birthday, on the behavior of the hero of the day on a significant date, on the guests and the number of invitees, on the mood of the hero of the occasion. This is why it is very important to adhere folk signs for birthdays so that the whole next year goes well.

What you can and should do on your birthday - signs, beliefs and superstitions

There is a popular belief that the souls of ancestors visit their descendants on the day their ward was born. They protect from evil, hear all the wishes of loved ones and friends, and help in their implementation. Therefore, it is very important on your birthday to surround yourself only with those people who sincerely wish you happiness.

Signs advise birthday It’s right to start in the morning and tune in to the good, doing only those things that bring pleasure.

On your birthday, you need to wear new underwear and clothes, putting a few coins and bills in your pockets. As they say signs, this will attract luck and wealth into life. You should not change clothes throughout the day, as this can dissipate the accumulated positive energy.

Popular beliefs advise pay attention to the dreams you have on the eve of your birthday - they will reveal secrets.

According to signs, an even number of guests should be invited to a birthday party., otherwise the person who did not have enough pairing may feel uncomfortable and angry with the birthday boy.

During a birthday celebration, you need to give a small souvenir to each guest. This will turn into gifts of Fate for the birthday boy in the coming year.

There should be as many candles on the birthday cake as the birthday of the hero of the occasion.

On your birthday, to make your wish come true, signs They advise you to think about it and blow out the candles on the cake. There is a belief that along with the smoke, the desire flies to heaven to the Guardian Angel, who makes the plan come true.

If you manage to blow out all the candles the first time, then your wish will definitely come true. If not all the candles have gone out, you can ask your friends to help, and then the dream will come true with their help.

What not to do on your birthday - signs, beliefs and superstitions

You cannot cry on your birthday, so as not to lose the protection of your Guardian Angel.

Signs do not advise visiting the sick or going to the cemetery on your birthday, otherwise the year will bring health problems.

You cannot borrow or lend money on your birthday, or give alms, as this can lead to the loss of good luck and prosperity.

Dishes broken at the holiday table should not be thrown away immediately. The fragments must be removed only after the last guest has left the apartment.

You should not invite to the holiday the person who asked for the celebration himself. Most often, it is an envious person who can put the evil eye on the birthday boy.

It is considered a bad omen if the number of invitees is 9, 13, 18, 21, 51 or 100 people.

In order for a wish made on your birthday to come true, you cannot tell it to anyone. If you voice your plans, they will not come true.

Distributed old superstition, which they try to observe even today: You can't celebrate a birthday when you're nine or forty years old, since these dates are associated with death and funerals.

Superstitions do not advise women to celebrate their 53rd birthday, since it is believed that this age symbolizes a turning point in life, when biorhythms change and children leave the family. Therefore, it is better to “not notice” this date and calmly move on to another stage of life.

It is forbidden to bake or eat pancakes on your birthday; according to ancient traditions, they are prepared on memorial day and on Maslenitsa.

Weather signs for your birthday

If it rains on your birthday, this is a sign of imminent changes in life.

When the morning sun gives way to rain, this is a warning of upcoming difficulties. If the sun comes out again before the end of the day, you will be able to deal with them without difficulty.

A sunny day means that a person behaved with dignity and can safely count on good luck and happiness in the coming year.

If it rains on your birthday, don't be upset. You need to put your hands under the stream of water and mentally ask to wash away all the negativity, troubles, problems and adversities.

Amulet from trouble

On your birthday, first of all, you need to read the conspiracy-amulet from trouble and misfortune:

"Angel of my birth,
send me
Your blessing
Deliverance from trouble, grief,
From my enemies
Nine nine times
From a slander
And blasphemy in vain,
From a sudden and terrible illness,
From the edge in the dark,
From the poison in the cup,
From the beast in the thicket,
From the sight of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment,
From bestial mauling,
From eternal cold and fire,
From hunger and a rainy day,
Save, save me.
And he will come
My hour is last
My angel, stay with me
Stand at the head of the bed
Make my care easier.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Or read such a strong charm charm.

"I am the baptized bone,
My place is sacred. The cross is with me
The cross is in front of me
An angel is walking with me.
The dawn feeds on the sun,
Star with month
The dumb one gave birth to my enemies,
The blind woman has gathered my enemies,
She closed their eyes,
I forgot to open them
How God's River breaks the Sands,
How steep it is, the shores are eroding,
So wash away
Unravel the mind-mind
From my enemies
For now, for forever
On indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

On the third day after your birthday, you can read a charm charm against voodoo witchcraft. They read it over the unfinished wine left by the last guest. The spell words are:

"Lord Jesus Christ,
In Holy Scripture:
“Ask and it will be given to you.”
I ask you, Lord, for my protection in the house
And beyond
My threshold
From all evil
From the strongest
From soap
With which they washed the dead, From the word with which they destroyed,
From a wax doll
From a steel needle,
From the witchcraft schema,
From the black pentacle,
From the white pentacle,
From the yellow pentacle,
From the red pentacle,
From death
Through them in vain,
From a witch's spell,
From the lapel,
What they use to whip
What they cut with
What they inject with
What do they have to do with it?
I believe
In the One God Christ, In His indestructible power, Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Conspiracy against energy vampirism

There are people who bring misfortune to others. without wanting it. As a rule, they suffer greatly from their “abilities”, but cannot do anything about them. However, on their birthday, they can reprimand themselves with the help of a special conspiracy and become the most ordinary people.

To do this, a person must go into an aspen forest and walk backwards, walking on his heels, around any aspen tree there. In this case, the following conspiracy should be read:

Cursed by God
Aspen root.
Like the blue sea
The fire has been conquered
So that I
That aspen submitted,
On whose branch
Judas' soul hanged itself.
Go my grief
Go my dashing way
Go to the aspen tree
Not fast, not quiet.
They're waiting for you here
Here you are accepted
Here my soul from everyone
Likha is released.
Be, my words, strong.
Be, my deeds, modeling:
For now, for forever,
On indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Conspiracy for a cherished wish on a birthday

A conspiracy for a cherished desire is read twelve times in a row on your birthday over three burning candles, which are then allowed to burn out completely. The spell words are as follows:

My God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Go through the gate
Through the window
Through the black pipe
To my oak table
Bring it to me
Dust gilded
Pounded hare lip
And three bones from a heifer.
Like the moon in its hour
Walking across the sky
So for me, God’s Servant (name),
From now on you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, word, deed -
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that people sometimes have prophetic dreams; there are also those who constantly have prophetic dreams and build their lives based on the dreams they have. However, it happens that a person suffers, trying to remember his dream, but he fails. He is sure that he saw something important, on which his future life or the lives of those he loves may depend. Dont be upset. There is a special spell that helps you remember a dream.

A spell to remember a prophetic dream

They read it at three o’clock in the morning, on your birthday (for example, you were born on March 6, which means you can read the plot on the 6th of any month). The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Remember, Lord,
My memory.
Let her wash your head
It won't deceive.
Like the holy fathers
Remember the name of Christ,
So be my memory
Strong and strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Birthday fortune telling

On your birthday, you can tell fortunes about what awaits you throughout the year. To do this in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, look out the window: if a woman catches your eye first, then you won’t have to complain about your health; if it’s a man, you’ll be alone. A cat promises illness, and an empty street promises a quiet life without any changes.

Signs for a birthday

A lot of believers are interested in whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday during Lent. Of course you can. However, if you do not want to sin and want to do everything according to the rules, then you should remember: you can serve Lenten dishes on the table and you must exclude alcohol. If your birthday falls on Easter or one of the days of Holy Week (the last week before Easter), then it is still better to move it to the next week. By the way, then you can serve not only lenten dishes on the table.

Now I would like to talk about the rules that should be followed when celebrating your birthday, so as not to make a mistake and not cause trouble.

You can't celebrate your birthday in advance. It’s also better not to do it later.

If someone wishes you happy birthday in advance, it is not good. In this case, you immediately need to say: May God grant you to live and survive all your enemies.

There is no point in celebrating a birthday on a grand scale if a man is forty years old, a woman is fifty-three years old, and a child is thirteen years old.

Guests are never invited in numbers of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers negatively affect the birthday person, shortening his life.

You should not place three, nine, twelve or eighteen candles on the table. It’s better to completely abandon such decoration.

What to do if you gave an even number of flowers (2, 4, 6, etc.)

It is considered a bad omen if you are given an even number of flowers for your birthday (especially bad if you are celebrating an anniversary). This may not be done on purpose, because modern bouquets can sometimes be very elaborate, and people don’t know all the signs. If something like this happens, break one flower and throw it into a bucket, saying:

"There are two dawns in the sky.
One dawn blooms
The other one is fading.
Without the morning dawn the sun does not rise,
Without the evening dawn it does not set.
The Lord of the apostles believed
And my flowers are countless.
Who's across
He will count my prayers,
That odd number
Key, lock, tongue.

If during the holiday a rice dish (any kind) is served, then guests cannot be treated to pancakes: either one or the other.

If you have a dog in your apartment, it is better to take it out of the house during the celebration. The fact is that guests can start singing songs, and the dog will sing along with them. On any other day there is nothing wrong with this, but if a dog howls on the birthday of one of the family members, then this promises misfortune for the birthday person.

The birthday person cannot borrow money on his birthday.

If dishes break during the holiday, then they cannot be thrown away until the last guest leaves.

It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.

On your birthday, you shouldn’t cry, regretting the years gone by. Instead of being sad, think about it. what the Lord has given you all these years. How many good things have you had during this time, and there certainly have been good things, how many loving relatives, friends and girlfriends you have, how many interesting things you have seen and learned. Of course, it’s a pity for your lost youth, but what a blessing that you were born and lived in this wonderful world. and he is beautiful, no matter what anyone says. You were, are and will be people who love and appreciate you. - Isn't this a miracle? Therefore, do not cry on your birthday, because your tears may offend your Guardian Angel.

If you decide to celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, ask if a wake was celebrated there the day before after a funeral. If you did, look for another place or celebrate at home. If a mistake is nevertheless made, and the person gets sick, then he must be immediately reprimanded. To do this, read a special spell over the lamp oil and with this oil draw crosses on the person’s arms and legs, while reading the same spell:

"In an open field,
In pure expanse
There are four oak trees,
Four vortices.
Fuck you, four whirlwinds,
Spread the misfortune of the Servant of God (name),
So that the trouble goes away from her,
Rolled down
Fell, fell,
As the leaves fall
Frequent from four oaks,
From the four Vikhrovich Winds.
How do you shoot?
Winds, leaves from oak trees,
From their trunks,
Branches and twigs,
So remove all trouble,
From God's servant (name).
Be my word strong
Sculptural and tenacious
And inextricably.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Under no circumstances should a wedding be celebrated on the birthday of the bride or groom. For example, if the bride was born on Tuesday, then the wedding is not celebrated on Tuesday.

It is forbidden to get married on your birthday.

Unfavorable numbers in the date of birth

Some numbers in the date of birth are considered unfavorable and need to be reprimanded with special spells. In the date of birth you need to count eight, six, zero and thirteen.

How to read the number 8 in your date of birth

To reprimand the negative influence of the number “eight” on Good Friday (the last Friday of Lent before Easter), walk around the temple, saying:

"In the name of the Eternal and Living God,
Eight mother
I order you to help me.
Spin, spin,
Come back to me with luck.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

How to read the number 6 in your date of birth

To reprimand the six, take an egg from a black chicken. It’s quite possible to get it, because many people in villages keep chickens, and in cities there is a private sector. Even if you live in a big city, you can always get to the nearest village. This egg must be boiled at midnight, while reading the following plot three times in a row:

"Black Bird-Richor"
With ten claws
With two wings
With troubles, with bad luck,
With dull melancholy,
With a dashing misfortune.
Unhook, fall off,
Curl up, curl up
Roll to your grave
From God's servant (name),
From the body, from her business,
Out of her way, out of her way,
From small paths
From her traces and from her bones, let loose from people
And animals.
Go to the grave
To the black earth
To the sleeping one
And to the blind dead man.
Go and put it in the grave
Bad luck shaking
And black bad luck.

This egg should be taken to a fresh grave. On the way there and back you can’t talk to anyone (until you cross the threshold of your house), and on the way back you can’t even look back.

How to report 0 in date of birth

Mother birch.
You give fire.
Fire produces smoke.
The smoke goes there.
Where the Angel counts the years.
Bright angel.
Holy angel.
With God's servant (name).
Count the servant of God
(name) zeros.
Help her!

In whose name
The power is given.
Martyrs of innocence.
Amen. Amen.

How to read the number 13 in your date of birth

This ritual will be especially useful for those parents whose children were born in 2013. The ritual to neutralize the negative impact of the devil's dozen is carried out on the night from the twelfth to the thirteenth of any month. Twelve minutes before midnight, thirteen small church candles are taken and placed on the table. They light only one, the thirteenth candle, read a spell over it and let it burn out. The remaining twelve are cleared from the table and hidden. The words of the conspiracy are:

"Thirteen are pissed off.
Thirteen little devils.
Baker's dozen.
Demon's army.
You can't take me!
Go to the dark forests.
To the stone mountain.
At the devil's yard.
There are tables
The beds are plank.
You will live there forever.
And I'm twelve
The apostles will live.

This ritual must be performed every thirteen years. who is somehow associated with the number thirteen.

The negative impact of the devil's dozen can be reprimanded in another way. Go to church and ask the priest to name the twelve names of the apostles, without telling you why you need it. If he names all the names, then you will be freed from the influence of the number thirteen.

What birthday signs do you know? Unfortunately, many people forget that a birthday is an important holiday in the life of every person and the birthday person needs to know all the beliefs that are associated with this joyful day. Perhaps they will help make life happier and more comfortable.

Ancient signs for birthdays

But today we have received a wide variety of signs for, for Trinity, and so on. Ancient birthday signs are actually no less important, since they directly affect the entire next year of human life.

Everyone knows the phrase " How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it" With your birthday everything is exactly the same. Unfortunately, most of the superstitions associated with this wonderful day have been lost, but we have the opportunity to preserve at least that part of the storehouse of wisdom of our ancestors that has survived to this day.

Today it is customary to give gifts to the birthday person. This tradition has been around for many years. However, few people know that in ancient times the hero of the occasion had to give purely symbolic gifts to everyone who came to the holiday.

It was believed that in this way you ensure a rich future for yourself. Even during the Soviet era, this tradition was preserved. Women were given perfume, the stronger sex - lighters. However, what is the reason for this belief?

It is believed that it is on this holiday that special spirits come to earth and watch how the birthday person behaves. If he is kind, supportive of everyone, generous and kind, then the spirits give this person all the blessings of life and make him successful.

In order to live in abundance in the next city, there was another sign. It was necessary to prepare a special dish. It was a pie in which buckwheat porridge and chicken eggs were always placed. Its peculiarity was that it was never placed on the table.

However, after the first toast to the health of the birthday boy was said, the eldest member of the family had to break half of the cake over the head of the hero of the occasion. Next, 2 parts of the pie were folded into a scarf. After the feast, the birthday boy had to bring food to the crossroads.

People believed that in this way he appeased both evil and good spirits. In turn, good spirits helped improve personal life, strengthened health, authority, and financial situation, while evil spirits simply did not interfere with achieving their goals and drove away ill-wishers. The ancestors were sure that it was the joint meal of good and evil spirits that would help temporarily pacify their enmity.

If it rains on your birthday, the omen predicts wealth. Therefore, if it rains from morning to night on a holiday, do not despair. All year long, blessings will pour on you like from a horn of plenty, as signs of rain promise.

If you decide to congratulate someone on their birthday, then remember that you need to do it with all your heart. This way you convey all your positive energy to the birthday person. However, if it seems to you that one of the guests was insincere, actually wishes you harm, after you receive congratulations, whisper:

Your speeches hit your shoulders.

It is believed that this short pinch will help. However, it is impossible to say these words to each of the guests, since by such actions you will drive away the positive energy that other people have transmitted to you.

Did you know that candles on a birthday cake are actually more than just decoration? It was believed that when a person is born, another star lights up in the sky. However, after his death it fades away. People believed that this star was capable of fulfilling the deepest human desire, and candles were associated with it.

Therefore, by blowing out the candles, you are getting closer to the fulfillment of your cherished dream. It is believed that the smoke goes directly to your guardian angel and conveys your request to him. However, if you were unable to blow out all the candles at once, you can ask your guests to do it with you. This is not considered a bad sign.

If guests help put out the candles, it means that in the future they will be the ones who will be able to make your dream come true. Remember, there should not be 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99 and 100 candles on the cake. In addition, our ancestors never celebrated their fortieth or ninth anniversary. After all, these numbers are associated with memorial days.

Since ancient times, people have believed that if you ignore these birthdays, you can live a long and happy life, maintain your youth, beauty and health.

There are even beliefs that are associated with the number of guests at the celebration. It is believed that there should be an even number. The ancestors were convinced that an odd number would bring various troubles and sorrows. However, in the modern world this sign is often ignored.

Modern psychics, however, explain the negative attitude towards an odd number of guests this way: the one who came alone, who did not get a pair, can direct his anger at the hero of the occasion. Also, according to ancient legends, it was not worth inviting 13 people to the holiday. A large number of various legends have long been associated with this number.

According to one of them, this number brings death to the one who gets up first from the festive table. The same applies to a large number of guests. It is not advisable to invite exactly 100 people to your birthday party. However, most likely, the sign is connected with the fact that by inviting so many acquaintances, we let unfamiliar people into our close circle.

After all, you don’t know what plans they have for you, and perhaps they want to harm you. That is why it is better to invite those in whom you are confident to such an important holiday.

First of all, the hero of the occasion should not borrow money from someone or pay off old debts on this day. This can only be done before the holiday itself. The same applies to giving alms. Our ancestors believed that with such actions you are giving away your wealth, happiness and health, and not just helping others.

The birthday person is forbidden to change clothes during the celebration, since in this way he will lose all the positive energy accumulated during the day. If the outfit was ruined, this indicates that someone was trying to put the evil eye on you. In this case, of course, you can change your outfit.

Remember, a birthday is never celebrated before the set date. Since ancient times, people believed that in this case the hero of the occasion would become very ill, and maybe even die. After all, only the dead are remembered ahead of schedule.

According to the same belief, you cannot cook pancakes, since this is a funeral dish that was usually prepared for Maslenitsa. It was a bad symbol to hear a dog howling, as this also meant severe illness. Before his birthday, the birthday boy was forbidden to visit the sick, as he would become saturated with bad energy and could spend the next year in the hospital.

Garbage and broken dishes are thrown away only the next day, because otherwise you will throw away the happiness and positive energy that has been accumulated.

There are many signs regarding gifts. The most common of them is that what is given is not given. In any case, along with the gift you will give the message that was intended for you (good or bad).

As for wallets, bags, vases, various utensils, watches - many consider these gifts dangerous and unwanted. However, many people believe that if you give a ransom of a few coins for them, then the negative effects of the sign can be neutralized.

It is considered a bad omen to accept gifts of clothes (in particular ties, since this item can be used to cast a love spell), handkerchief, pearls, figurines and paintings with birds (considered harbingers of misfortune and bitter tears). If you don't want to offend the person, also give them a few coins in exchange for a gift.

It is very important to pay attention to how many flowers were presented in bouquets. It is believed that an even number will attract death, because usually 2, 4, 6, etc. flowers are carried to the graves of the dead. But if you do receive such a bouquet, break one flower and throw it away as soon as possible.

As a child, everyone wanted their birthday to last at least 2 days. In fact, that's how it is. However, the duration of the holiday is slightly longer - 12 days. After all, each of them is a symbol of each future month of the year.

First day characterizes you as a person. Today you can enjoy life, rethink some things, reconsider your value system, sort out your mistakes, and make a clear plan for the coming year.

Second day associated with prosperity. Pay special attention to your menu; it is believed that the more tasty and healthy food you eat on this day, the more productive your year will be financially.

The third day responsible for communication with other people. You can fantasize about relationship strategies, get rid of connections that weigh you down, and think about projects.

Fourth day connected to the family. Spend the day talking with your mom and dad. It is advisable to go to the cemetery and pay tribute to deceased relatives.

Fifth day highlight entertainment. If you have children, spend time with them and relax with friends.

Sixth day- show your loved one that you really care about him.

Seventh day- marriage. It is forbidden to quarrel, show aggression, enjoy time with your chosen one.

Eighth day responsible for magic and the supernatural. Take time to meditate, perhaps you will have a prophetic dream.

Ninth day- education and work. It's time to broaden your horizons, perhaps think about further education or development in the workforce.

Tenth day- success. It's time to get involved in the area of ​​activity in which you want to succeed in the coming year.

There are many different folk beliefs and customs associated with birthdays: how to celebrate, what to give, what not to serve on the festive table and other superstitions. Some anniversaries are not recommended to be celebrated to avoid negative consequences. You cannot celebrate your birthday in advance or postpone it to a later date. Rainy weather on a significant day is considered a good sign. To make the birthday boy’s wish come true, you need to perform one of the simple rituals and cast a magical spell to make your dream come true.

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    Signs for a birthday

    Superstitions associated with birthday gifts:

    • If one of the guests gives a sharp object or item (knives or a set of forks), you must attach a gold coin to the gift to eliminate negative energy.
    • According to popular belief, it is impossible to choose a tie as a gift for an unfamiliar man, since this accessory has a powerful magical effect and can bewitch the young man to the person who presented the gift.
    • A scarf or figurines with birds are considered an unfavorable gift that will bring misfortune and tears to the birthday person.
    • You cannot give jewelry with pearls to single women, since this stone will aggravate her situation, and the young lady will remain alone for a long time.
    • If you give a bag, purse or purse and do not put coins or banknotes in them in advance, it will lead to poverty and material needs for the hero of the occasion.
    • If a man brings yellow tulips or roses to his significant other, the young couple will soon separate.
    • It is not recommended to buy amber jewelry for your beloved girl so that the relationship is strong and the feelings are mutual.
    • You cannot give pillows and other bedding, as well as towels - this will lead to serious illness.
    • Candles should not be chosen as a gift, even decorative ones. Such a gift will bring great misfortune to the house.
    • If a person has chosen an animal as a present for the birthday boy, then the birthday boy must pay a symbolic amount for such a gift so that the pet feels comfortable in its new home.
    • During a festive feast, you need to take your dog out of your apartment or house so that the animal does not howl during the birthday celebration. The howling of a pet is considered a bad sign, foreshadowing the imminent death of the hero of the occasion.
    • Giving cosmetics and detergents means bringing misfortune and tears to the birthday person’s house.
    • Choosing a mirror as a gift is a sign of great misfortune and failure.
    • Giving a watch for a birthday means shortening the life of the hero of the occasion.
    • Flowers in pots are considered an inappropriate gift because they bring negative energy into the home of the birthday person.
    • It is impossible for the bouquet for the hero of the day to have an even number of flowers, because this promises death to the hero of the occasion.

      Birthday signs:

      • If it rains on a significant day, it is a good sign, promising prosperity and happiness.
      • You cannot invite 13, 9, 51, 21 or 100 guests.
      • There should be no baked quails or pork heads on the festive table, and pancakes should not be served to guests to avoid misfortunes.
      • If the hero of the day changes clothes during the day, it means material need.
      • Taking a loan on the eve of your birthday means living in poverty.
      • If a cup or plate breaks during a celebration, you should not throw away the pieces of broken dishes until the last guest leaves the house.
      • If you blow out the candles on your birthday cake the first time and whisper your wish, it will definitely come true this year.
      • You cannot invite envious and unfriendly people to a gala event in order to avoid troubles and troubles in the coming months.
      • For a 40th birthday, you should not decorate the birthday cake with candles, as the number 40 is associated with death and the souls of the dead.
      • Giving gifts means giving your well-being to another person.
      • It is better to celebrate your birthday in new shoes and clothes to attract luck and good fortune.
      • Taking out the trash on a special occasion means depriving yourself of happiness and success.
      • If the hero of the day gives each guest a small gift or souvenir, the birthday person will not know sadness and financial problems for a whole year.

      It is not recommended to celebrate a birthday in advance or much later. According to popular beliefs, it is on this day that heavenly angels descend to the birthday boy and make his cherished dreams come true and listen to good wishes for the hero of the occasion from all those present. If your birthday falls on Saturday, you should avoid noisy parties and celebrate in a quiet home environment with loved ones.

      According to famous psychics, on the eve of a birthday there are prophetic dreams that should be remembered and appropriate conclusions drawn.

      What mood the birthday boy will be in during the holiday - this will be his emotional state this year. Therefore, according to popular belief, one should not cry, be offended or be sad on a significant date.

      Getting sick on your birthday means feeling bad this year.

      If friends or acquaintances confuse the date and congratulate the person in advance, you need to say the following words: “God, let me live and survive all my enemies.”

      Certain age

      Anniversaries and some special dates are of great importance:

      • Representatives of the stronger sex are not allowed to celebrate their 40th and 45th birthdays, and women are not allowed to celebrate their 53rd birthday.
      • The child's 13th birthday is celebrated in a close family circle, since this age is considered a turning point when the teenager is very vulnerable.
      • Celebrations of a baby’s 1st year should only take place among close relatives so that the child is not jinxed.
      • According to church canons, one should not celebrate a birthday at 33 years old, since at this age Jesus Christ was crucified for all human sins.
      • On the 30th and 50th anniversaries, they organize a magnificent celebration and invite all their friends and relatives, so that close people wish all the best to the hero of the day and congratulate the birthday person with all their hearts, giving useful and necessary gifts.

      Conspiracies and rituals for desire

      Getting up early in the morning, you need to look out the window and say the words: “Lord, our heavenly Father, grant me a good fate. I will send my evil fate into the mirror and let bad luck go away and forget the way back forever. I will cover myself with crosses, and my desire ( in short form) will soon be fulfilled, happiness and luck will turn their faces towards me and remain with me forever.”

      An effective conspiracy to fulfill a cherished dream on your birthday: “Merciful and Almighty God, bless your servant (name) and have mercy and forgive all her sins. Ole-yaksh and the devil himself is a knight, through the window, through the gate, through the chimney and to the oak to the carved table. Bring me gilded dust and a hare's lip, three bones from the heifer. Just as the moon floats across the sky at night, or the moon rises in the night, so may the servant of God (name) always be lucky in the sea - sand, a key, a tongue. castle. Lips. Amen.

A birthday is not an ordinary holiday. Having reached a certain date, we think about how this year went and make plans. On this day we can change. To do this, you can think about your life, start over, or read a plot on your birthday. Such rituals help fulfill desires and attract wealth and a comfortable life. It is worth paying attention to the signs that are associated with this day.

A birthday is always a special day on which fate is ready to give you a gift, and you just need to know how to receive it.

Signs for a birthday


Let us list the main signs associated with this holiday.

  1. Don't mark it in advance. According to legend, on this day spirits descend on the birthday person. These are both good spirits and deceased relatives. If you celebrate it in advance, they will not appear at the holiday table and will not be able to protect you. There is also a belief that before a birthday a person is especially vulnerable and can get sick, so the help of good spirits would not be superfluous. You cannot congratulate the birthday person ahead of time. If someone does come with gifts, say:

    “God let me live and survive all my enemies.”

  2. Don't celebrate 40 and 9 years. Everyone knows about the memorial 40 days, so this date is special, just like the ninth anniversary. To have a long life, it is better to skip this holiday. Birthdays when a woman turns 53 and a teenager turns 13 are also considered unfavorable. Those who do not believe in omens can have a grand feast on this day.
  3. Do not accept the following gifts as gifts: knives and scissors (anything sharp), flowers in pots, a mirror, a comb, handkerchiefs. If you don't feel comfortable saying no, give the giver a coin. Then these gifts cannot harm you. Don’t take an empty wallet either, otherwise you won’t have any money. Ask the giver to place a small coin or bill in it.
  4. A dog that howls on this day speaks of misfortune. It is waiting for the birthday boy.
  5. Do not accept an even number of flowers as a gift. Modern bouquets are arranged in such a way that it is difficult to immediately count the number of flowers in it. What to do if such a bouquet is presented? There are rituals that will help prevent trouble. Take one flower from the bouquet, break it and throw it away, and then say:

    There are two dawns in the sky.

    One blossoms at dawn,

    The other one is fading.

    Without dawn

    The sun doesn't rise

    Without the evening dawn

    Don `t come in.

    The Lord of the apostles believed

    And my flowers are countless.

    Who's across

    He will count my prayers,

    That odd number


    Key, lock, tongue.

How to find out the future

On this day, the birthday person can find out about his future, signs will help.

  1. Remember the dream you had. Such a dream should tell you what to expect in the near future. You will find out if this year will be successful. They will help protect you from mistakes. It is especially worth paying attention to dreams in which departed relatives appear. Often they speak prophetic words. An important symbol is the road. It’s good if it’s smooth, without obstacles. Then your life will be easy and interesting.
  2. Have a fun birthday. How you spend your birthday is how the whole year will pass. Therefore, on this day you cannot cry, regret your age, or sit alone, otherwise the whole year will pass the same way.
  3. Watch the weather. If it rains on this day, it promises you happiness. Particular luck is clear weather in the morning and light rain in the afternoon or evening.
  4. Look out the window in the morning. If you see a woman first, you will not have any health problems. But a man means loneliness, a cat portends illness. If there is no one, then a quiet life awaits.

Wish come true

This day is suitable for performing various ceremonies and rituals. What exactly can you ask from higher powers on this day? There are rituals aimed at fulfilling desires or attracting wealth and love.

How to make a wish correctly

What do we want most, especially on our birthday? Fulfillment of at least one cherished desire. There are rituals that should help a small miracle happen. But before you read birthday conspiracies, make the right wish.

For a wish to come true, you need to formulate it correctly.

This can be any desire that will make you happier, i.e. success at work, meeting your soul mate, having a child, etc. The fulfillment of a wish may be delayed a little; there is a whole year for this, i.e. You shouldn’t expect a change right away, the next day. It is forbidden to wish something bad, i.e. You can’t try to take away someone else’s happiness, take away your husband, or take away your job. Moreover, you should not wish illness or death on someone. In this case, the fulfillment of the desire will not only be delayed, it will not be fulfilled. But misfortunes will begin to haunt you for a whole year.


There are rituals that must be performed early in the morning on your birthday. After reading them, you can make a wish come true.

Get up before everyone else, go to the window, bow to the luminary and say:

"Our Father! God! Give me good fortune. I send my evil fate into the mirror, let bad luck go to a distant distance and not return back. I cover myself with crosses and stay with happiness.”

With candles

If you want to use this spell to make a wish come true, you will have to learn it, because... it must be read, without faltering or stuttering, 12 times in a row. Buy three candles from the church in advance. On this day, place the candles so that a triangle is formed that points towards you: one in the center near you, and the other two a little further away. The candles must burn out completely and cannot be extinguished. Sit at the table, light the candles clockwise and read the plot 12 times:

Lord, my God, bless and have mercy. Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, Go through the gate, through the window, Through the chimney, To my oak table. Bring me gilded dust and three bones from a heifer. Just as the moon moves across the sky at its hour, so I, God’s servant (name), will be lucky from this hour. Sand in the sea, the word, the matter is constipated. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Black pepper conspiracy

There are rituals that help fulfill desires and get rid of negativity. You can make a talisman for yourself that will last you exactly one year. The ceremony takes place at 12 midnight, just before the birthday. Prepare in advance for him three candles that you need to buy in the church, holy water, a bag made of red cloth, several black peppercorns and cinnamon (2 sticks).

First, light the candles and pray, making wishes. Then take two plates, put black pepper on one, cinnamon on the other, look at the candles and read the spell:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen". Then drink holy water and say again: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

The main magical property of black pepper is considered to be the neutralization of negative energy.

Crush the pepper with a plate, first placing it on the table. This is how you destroy everything bad that you had last year. Throw the remaining pepper out the window. Now it's the turn of desire. You will need cinnamon sticks. Pass them over the candles and say what you need. Then read the plot:

“Lord God, Most Holy Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

All that remains is to put the cinnamon in a red bag, tie it and leave it under the pillow. There she should lie until her wish comes true. If we take all the rituals, this one is difficult to perform, but it is strong and effective.

Rituals to protect against harm

What is important is not so much the fulfillment of a specific desire as confidence in the future. Nobody knows what this year has in store for us, but we really want to protect ourselves and our family. There are amulets rituals that will prevent trouble.


On your birthday, get up early, at dawn, choose a place to read the plot so that the first rays of the sun fall on you. You can stand by the window or go outside. You can’t wash your face or comb your hair, breakfast or snacks are also prohibited, eat later. Do not collect your hair or pin it up. When you read the plot, light a church candle near the icon and pray. For these rituals to work, the spell must be learned in advance. Repeat it 3 times:

“I, the servant of God (your name), will cross myself. I will leave, blessed. I wash my face with clean water. I will say goodbye to my father and bless my mother. I’ll leave the hut in the hallway, and from the hallway onto the porch, and from the porch into an open field. Beyond the field is the Okiyan Sea, and in that Okiyan Sea is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first one is wooden. In that mansion the Mother of God sits. I’ll go up to her, bow down and say: “Mother Mother of God, just as you watched over your little son Jesus, watch over me. Give me damask health, love and bright beauty.” The second golden tower. In that mansion Saint Paraskeva sits. I’ll go up to her, bow and say: “Holy Mother Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I don’t lack anything.” The third tower is made of jasper. Saints Peter and Fevronia sit in it. I will go up to them, bow and say: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will ask you for hot blood and a heart for ebullient love, a strong spirit for family harmony.” To all my words, a key and a lock for all days, hours and minutes. Amen".

Plot for good luck

These rituals are performed either on one’s own birthday or on the birthday of the mother. It is needed in order to return good luck to your home, to end the black streak. You will need several coins: as many as the letters in your full name. You need to leave the house exactly at 12 noon, holding coins in your hand. Go around the house so that you are on its western side and find the first intersection there. You need to go through it diagonally. Stopping in the center, say these words: “Lord, judge with the one who took my luck.” Walk along the intersection until you cross it, throw money there with the words: “Bills paid.” To complete the ritual, you must walk to the next intersection without looking back or talking to anyone. Once you cross it, you can go home.

From damage and the evil eye

There are rituals that are performed to protect against damage and the evil eye. But not everyone has the time and opportunity to constantly perform rituals, but they want to protect themselves, their health, luck, love and money from negativity. Then read this plot on your birthday. You will be protected from damage all year.

For the ritual you will need icons: the Almighty, if we are talking about a man, and the Mother of God, when a woman asks for protection. Lay a clean tablecloth on the table and place the icon. First, read the prayers addressed to this icon. Then light the candle using a match and recite the anti-damage spell 12 times. You need to put out the candle with your hand, using the fingers of your right hand. Keep this candle behind the icon. She will become your amulet.

“I speak to the servant of God (my name) from the witches and sorcerers, from the witches and witches, from the carkun crow, from the hermit and hermit, from the old woman and the old man. I send everyone away from the servant of God (my name) to walk through the forest, take tar grass from the ground, and bother themselves. As long as the servant of God (your name) is alive, you cannot bewitch her, do not make her drunk, do not take her as a lesson and do not spoil her. Not by deed, not by word, not by aspen, not by spruce, not by candle, not by stake, not on Christmastide, not on Kupala night, not on any cursed day or night. Word and deed. Amen".

To attract money

It’s hard to live without money, which is why rituals for wealth are so popular. These rituals are easy to perform. They must attract money to the house.

There are a great many conspiracies to attract money, they have many names, but the goal is always the same - to increase your income so that you have a lot of money.

From poverty

The plot is read at the hour that the person was born. If you do not know the time of your birth, do it exactly at midnight of your birthday. But there is one caveat. In magic, midnight occurs at the moment when the sun sets, so find out this time in advance and prepare everything you need.

You will need a church candle and an icon of the Almighty. First, read the prayers that you remember, then say the words of the conspiracy 12 times. When you finish reading, extinguish the candle with a pinch of the fingers of your right hand. Then wrap it in a clean paper sheet or rag and put it behind the shrine. You can hide it behind an icon. She should lie there all year. On the next holiday, you will again read the spell for a new candle, and this one can already be taken to church.

“I will be baptized with the cross (be baptized once), I will be blessed by the Lord God (bow). Amen. Lord God, ruler of everything visible and invisible! All the days and hours of my life depend on your holy will. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to live this year. After all, I am a sinner and not worthy of mercy. But you are long-suffering and abundantly merciful, O Lord. Grant me more of your mercies. Extend my life in peace and virtue, in health and abundance of earthly fruits. Grant peace and love to my relatives, so that I can live in harmony with my neighbors. And most of all, clear your conscience, strengthen it on the path of salvation, so that I may be the heir of your heavenly Kingdom. Bless, Lord, my year and all the days of my life. Amen."

For money

This is a strong spell that is read early in the morning, between 4 and 6 am, on your birthday. You need to let your hair down, take off all your clothes, cross your palms, pressing them to your chest, and read 3 times:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, bless myself and cross myself, wash myself with clean water, go out of the hut to say goodbye to my father, and bless my mother. I’ll go from the hut to the porch, from the porch to the porch, from the porch to the open field. Behind that field is the sea-okiyan, and in that okiyan is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first mansion is wooden, in that mansion there is the Mother of God, I will go and bow to her and say: “Mother of God, just as you looked after Jesus when he walked on the earth, so look after me while I walk on the earth and give me damask health and bright beauty . “The second golden mansion, in that mansion is Saint Paraskeva, I will go and bow to her and say: “Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I will not lack anything.” The third mansion is made of jasper, in that mansion there are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go and bow to them and say: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a boiling heart for Love and a strong spirit for family harmony.” Just as the door to the doorframe pretends, so do my words to me pretend, oh all the days, at all hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen"

To attract love

A person may have money and success in business, but his life will still remain empty if there is no loved one in it. There are rituals that promise to help you find your soul mate.

A strong love spell can act with the same power as a love spell.

If you're not in love

It happens that a girl dreams of love, but has not yet managed to fall in love with a guy. Then this conspiracy will help her, which will attract into her life the one she has been looking for for a long time. If you are good at drawing, draw a man who should be next to you. If you don't know how to draw, just imagine it and don't let go of this image. Talk to him, ask him to come to you. But for those who have already made their choice, this ritual is not suitable, it will not work.

On a holiday, place a candle on the table where guests will gather. Choose the one that is thicker. Those invited will enjoy dinner, rejoice, laugh. You mentally think that all this joy is concentrated in this candle and fills it. When you are alone, sit in front of the window and say the words of the spell.

“Just as the bright sun does not exist at night, so I do not know loneliness. Just as the moon walks and meets with the stars at night, So I will meet with my beloved, Days will be spent, nights will be spent, It’s time to get married soon. To walk with him through fate and through the century, With a man dear to my heart. My words are strong, but things are going well.”

Then look outside, light a candle and bring it to the window and say:

“Let my desire bring only good and do no harm.”

For marriage

For those who dream of getting married soon, these marriage rituals will help. On this cherished day, get up in the morning before the sun rises. Nobody should see you. Pick up a broom and start sweeping the trash from the landing into the apartment, saying:

“I’m not sweeping up dirty laundry, I’m bringing in suitors. One hundred, two hundred, I’ll be together with one. Amen".

Place the trash in a bag and hide it. It should be kept in your house until the wedding, and then it should be burned. The conspiracy will take effect within a year. During this time, the girl must get married.