How to make a contest or giveaway on VK? Every day, many companies hold VKontakte competitions. At the same time, some receive influx of new subscribers and clients, while others, at best, just give out gifts, at worst, get banned(ban on publishing posts for a week until the community is completely blocked).

The fact is that VK has a set of rules regulating this method of promoting groups, such as competitions and sweepstakes. Violation of the rules may result in sanctions, including lifelong ban. Complaints about the competition to the support service are written by users themselves, including competitors. In this post we will tell you how to create a contest or giveaway that will help and will not lead to negative consequences.

Goals of competitions

First, it’s worth thinking about the goals of the competition. You shouldn't do pranks because everyone does it. Create and conduct competitions only with a full understanding of why you need it and how it will work for you.

  • Attract subscribers to the group;
  • Promote sales;
  • Tell about a new product/service;
  • Image, recognition;
  • Loyalty.

VKontakte competitions can be held for one of the above purposes or include several.

There are often competitions in which you really want to participate, but the mechanism for participation is so complex that you either scroll past it or postpone it until later. From this follows the main rule for creating conditions for participation in competitions - create a mechanism for participation as simple as possible, this will attract many more participants. Also, try to be very specific about what you need to do to participate and add a call to action at the end.

Here are the most common examples of competitive conditions:

  • repost (there will be a lot of freeloaders);
  • add your photo to the topic;
  • VK beauty contest;
  • comment competition;
  • creative competition (poems, drawings, videos);
  • photo in the store or with the product;
  • photo review (win-win competition).

Today, the walls of many VK users are littered with reposts of various competitions, and some specifically create fake accounts just to participate in competitions, so a competition with reposts, although it turns out to be effective in terms of attracting new subscribers and increasing reach, does not work well in attracting clients. The conditions here are simple: join the group, repost it on your wall and don’t delete it until the end of the giveaway. But making several reposts is already too much.

Be sure to indicate the timing of the event and make it limited so that users do not put off participating (and then completely forget) and participate right now.

How to post?

The design of the text with the terms of the competition and the attached picture should also be given attention.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, and each paragraph should be highlighted using emoji, which fits the meaning. Such text will be easier to read and perceive by users. Here is an example of a concise description:

Using an image attached to the post, you need to attract attention and, in an even more concise form, inform about the conditions, prizes and the date of summing up.

Prizes for the competition

Most SMM specialists are sure that the success of the competition largely depends on the value of the main prize (that’s why everyone is playing for the latest version of the iPhone). But it is not always necessary to set aside such a budget for a competition - it is in such competitions that there are the most “professional participants”, while others, on the contrary, may have doubts - “I won’t participate anyway, I won’t win such a prize / or it’s a scam.”

It is best to give away not one prize, but several and make them desirable primarily for your target audience. You can also give away your product or service.

In addition, according to the rules of VKontakte, in order to hold a competition you must immediately determine what the prize will be. And if there are several of them, write down which prize corresponds to which place, so that there is no confusion and dissatisfaction later.

Attracting participants

If you have already managed to talk about your giveaway on all your pages and even on your website, but there are still few participants, there are two more great ways to promote yourself:

  1. Paid: .
  2. Free: find all the giveaway groups in your city, most of them will be happy to repost your competition completely free of charge.

Determining the winner of a competition or drawing

Depending on the conditions of the competition, there are several main ways to determine the winners.

  1. We produce using special services, random number generator, etc.
  2. According to the results audience voting(beware of markups).
  3. Expert jury— for this method of selecting winners, it is worth describing in detail who will be on the jury and by what criteria to select the winner.

If you do not want to be accused of rigging the results of the competition, then provide evidence that everything was fair. For example, make a live broadcast of the drawing or at least just a video recording. As a last resort, you can take a screenshot of the service page that identified the lucky winner.

After the winner is determined, write a post where the winner’s name is a link to his page, then he will receive a notification and other community members will see that everything is fair. And under the entry with the competition, publish a link to the post with the results.

The social network “Vkontakte” was originally conceived for communication between students and graduates, but today people of different ages and social statuses successfully communicate on it. The network is similar to the well-known Odnoklassniki, but there are some differences between them. If in Odnoklassniki you can see who is visiting the page, then on VKontakte there is no such thing.

There is a slightly different interface for photos and albums. But basically everything is the same: users register, upload photos, can leave comments, write statuses. In Odnoklassniki, on each page there is a special forum where friends congratulate each other on holidays or write whatever they want. VKontakte also has a special place for such messages - this is the wall. Many people wonder what can be written on the VKontakte wall, because this is the only way some people can show sympathy for each other.

First, answer yourself honestly some questions. Is a wall on such a social network working for your relationship? Can you be sure that by writing a message on the wall of the girl you like, you will improve her mood? If there are few posts on your page, then analyze whether the page is interesting not only to you, but also to other users? If a page is not of interest, then it is natural that your readers will not stay on it for long. In this case, you should reveal yourself from a new, different side, so that people who come to you can be surprised, delighted and leave messages accordingly. The same applies to attracting attention to groups created by VKontakte. A service such as promoting a VKontakte group for free will give you the opportunity to attract visitors to your group, as well as create live communication between users. Don't be afraid to create interest groups and invite your friends there. When people are united by a common idea, progress moves forward. But let's get back to the messages on the wall.

You must post messages on walls and forums yourself. So it will be sincere, let the messages be copied from you, and not you copy them. If you borrow phrases from your friends or from clever aphorisms, this will only show your tendency to borrow. Get your page in order. Delete unnecessary spam messages, update your photo, delete those where you are with your ex-boyfriends or girlfriends. Add information to the page that would attract the attention of visitors to your page. Don’t think that you only need to take care of your visitors when you sell something in groups or on your page, this is not true at all. A page on any social network, including Vkontakte, shows your true face. One page can tell you some of the features of your character. The words that you write under your photos, how you respond to comments, what you write on forums, walls, how your page is generally designed, whether you care about it, all this tells about your character and your manners. You need to attract the people you need, don’t let them forget you.

There are some tricks that will attract attention to your page. Regardless of your gender or age, you should use as little pink as possible, and do not put photographs of animals, especially cats, as well as children, especially strangers. You shouldn’t litter your page with different applications and jokes. It’s better to install applications based on your interests, it will be interesting for both you and your visitors, and you will certainly leave your mark on them. Set only your own statuses, you can even use household ones. But various wise thoughts will not become something special.

The key to success in any business is proper preparation and strategy planning. Like moths flying towards a bright light in a dark night, guys wander only through attractive profiles, looking for their soul mates, mercilessly sweeping aside boring profiles of gray mice and sickeningly sugary glamorous pussies. How to attract a guy in contact, draw his attention to your person, beating cunning rivals in a difficult race? Let's bring virtual chic and shine!



At the end of the party, your new friend, with whom you talked all evening, asks: “Are you on VKontakte?” Before you continue communicating online, make sure that your profile and privacy settings will make a good impression on him and send the right signals. Start attracting a guy in contact with basic information. If you do not have a permanent partner, check your marital status as “single” (on Facebook – “single”). Or keep the intrigue and hide all personal data from him. But leave your friends and their posts on your wall freely available - let him see that being with you is fun and interesting, you have many friends and you are open to the world.

Pay attention to the profile photo. It doesn't have to be staged. Ideally, this is a user pic in which you look happy. You can even take a photo of yourself. The main thing is to be natural and positive in the frame. It is these qualities, as studies by many psychologists show, that attract guys in contact and, in general, all normal men.


You shouldn't delete all compromising photos just because you're looking for a serious relationship. But a light revision of the albums will definitely not be superfluous. A photo report from a trip to Portugal with an ex-boyfriend will have to be deleted or access to it limited by checking in the settings “Only for friends, except...” and excluding your potential boyfriend from the list of those who can view this album. Don’t forget about the photos that used to be on your avatar, get rid of bad shots. Also look at the “Photos of me” block. If a friend tags you in a bad photo, you can remove the tag yourself or ask her to do so.

Another important component of the profile that immediately catches your eye is status. You can hide it from some users if you don't want to attract too much attention from the guys you're targeting. On VKontakte, you do not put a checkmark in the “Tell Friends” pop-up window. On Facebook, next to the “Publish” button, click on the “Available to everyone” option and select those who should not read your post. Now make sure your contact page looks just right to attract naive guys. Go to the “Settings” -> “Privacy” block and follow the last link. Enter the name of your new pen pal and you'll see your profile through their eyes. On Facebook, you just click on the “See how...” button and do the same. »


On social networks you have every chance to show your best side. And photographs are not the only opportunity to emphasize your merits and attract a guy in contact. The interests and addresses that you indicate in your profile, the applications that you use, the user pages that you like, will say much more about you than the most impressive avatar. The communities you join will help him understand in general terms what you are passionate about. What if it turns out that you agreed to participate in the same event? A great reason for a real meeting! But adjusting your list of groups and events to suit other people's hobbies is not a good idea. Don’t hide your real interests, and then you will be able to find a like-minded person with whom you will have something to discuss when you meet. Constantly update your status - it must correspond to reality. Discussing

I welcome everyone to the pages of the magazine website. More recently, I was a reader, but Vitaly (the author of the project) made me an offer that I could not refuse. I won’t tell you what and how, I’d rather share my thoughts (in fact, why I’m here).

Every guy periodically has a question about how to interest a girl in VK, how to continue communicating with her. Everyone has different goals - to brighten up their leisure time, have a pleasant conversation or find a soul mate for a possible relationship.

But to implement each of them, it is important to awaken reciprocal interest. The article contains useful recommendations, sometimes simple truths that lie on the surface, but can be so difficult to understand.

Stage number one - PREPARATION

The answer to the question of how to interest a girl in correspondence lies not only in thinking through specific messages, but also in preparing for communication. A person’s profile on a social network is public information. In it we show ourselves as we want to appear in the eyes of others. Pay attention to the girl’s photographs, her public subscriptions, and posts on the wall. Try to find at least something in common that could connect you.

Girls, just like guys, are looking for communication and are not averse to making new acquaintances. Guys, understand that social stereotypes sometimes force us to show our independence and indifference. But this does not mean at all that even the most seemingly proud girl will not be happy to communicate with someone who can virtually charm her. And finding at least something in common is the easiest way to start a conversation.

Communication between like-minded people develops easily and naturally, and what it develops into depends on the initiator.

It is also important to evaluate not only the information, but also the emotional coloring of its presentation. Try to imagine what kind of girl is in front of you- positioning herself as a timid, touchy person or a daring rebel, kind and positive, or flaunting her vices. This will help with the construction of phrases and the general mood of the correspondence.

People love when people speak the same language with them, this especially applies to us, the female gender. If you are a discerning person, then understanding the mood of the desired object will tell you what to write to a girl on VK in order to interest her and in what way to continue communication.

There is also the other side of the coin: a person is greeted by his clothes. In our case, according to the information in the profile. And here it is important not to contradict yourself. Do not forget that the girl will study your profile before continuing communication. By the way, this is a reason to think and create an interesting online image for yourself; it can both shock and touch, it all depends on the target audience.


Having carefully studied the object of interest, you can move on to understanding how to interest a girl on the Internet in practice. If you find common topics, you can start communicating; like-minded people will always understand and support each other. And it doesn’t matter whether you get together to discuss new club movements or breeding aquarium fish.

However, it is worth recognizing that such coincidences are rare. You shouldn’t invent hobbies for yourself based on what interests the girl. From a female point of view, such attempts look pathetic; interest in communication instantly disappears.

The key to success may be honesty, or its relative manifestation. Show interest in what the girl is interested in, even if this area does not interest you at all. It will not be possible to imitate similar hobbies, but anyone can pretend to be sincerely interested. Few girls can resist the opportunity to tell some information from the perspective of the original source; this instantly awakens pride and understanding of their own exclusivity. A kind of hidden compliment that hits the target exactly.

Often users close their pages, the question is how to interest a girl in social media. networks with an “empty” profile is more complex, but at the same time interesting. Here it is worth starting from what causes the opposite effect, that is, repels:

  • "Hello. How are you?" - These kinds of messages are a little annoying. If you are not a friend or at least not an acquaintance, then we will not discuss our affairs with you. It is still possible to have a conversation using such a beginning, but the likelihood of this is minimal;
  • "You look great!" in all variations of possible compliments - sorry, but in women’s eyes this is read as an outright “trick”. If a girl really considers herself beautiful, then she does not celebrate such compliments much, and otherwise (this happens) she will even regard it as an offensive statement;
  • “Let's get to know each other” - of course, this is honest, but most often it is to no avail. Not every girl eager for communication will readily admit this; we all, to a greater or lesser extent, want to be proud, or at least look like one.

I would like to add that no one likes stereotyped thinking, just like people from the incubator, and the above methods of starting a conversation are cliches, they will not surprise anyone. It would be much better to come up with something new and catchy.

Unusual ways to start a correspondence

Don't act like everyone else! Conduct a survey on an interesting topic. The text of the survey can be invented based on the information on the page of the lady you are interested in, or you can come up with it out of your head. The main thing is that this topic allows you to discuss it succinctly, endlessly. You can start from topics in which you are strong, but only from those that are simple for girls to understand. Having received a laconic answer to the question, tell them that it is very rare and ask what caused it. When someone is interested in your opinion, it is very nice, especially for women.

If this is not a survey, then at least just a question. Ask how they liked the next new movie, a new store in the city, or even changes in traffic rules. You have the right to ask the opinion of your fellow countryman, peer, colleague on any issues. The choice of the girl you like as the recipient should seem random.

Ask the girl with a request, ideally it should be general in nature (as if it were a mailing to many recipients), but at the same time be very noble. A request for help to a person in need with a heart-warming description of his story, the need to give a home to a stray animal, to find a lost item - this is very interesting, awakens nobility and a desire, if not to help, then at least to inquire.

Even if the desired effect does not follow, you can always get in touch after some time and report the results, again in the form of a supposed newsletter. A lost item found its owner, a person received help, and a stray animal found its owners (through your efforts, of course). This news is very pleasant, and it is not difficult to start communication on a positive wave.

It is also important to use psychological subtleties, for example, formulating your message as a question. A question has less chance of going unanswered than a statement. Having received the first feedback, it’s too early to relax; now it’s important to start pleasant communication and develop it to the desired consequences.

Stage three, the most important - COMMUNICATION CONTINUES

It is not so important to understand how to interest a girl in contact, but how important it is not to lose this interest. In continuing the conversation, you should rely on your intuition, act according to the situation, but follow the unwritten rule - do not contradict yourself. The girls are disappointed when they notice the falseness.

You should also take into account the unwritten rule - making suggestions or moving the conversation in another direction should either be very smooth or very abrupt. The changes in pace and intensity in this matter look comical, as if the guy wants to try everything at once just to achieve what he wants, and this is not interesting. It’s interesting when a person knows what he wants and moves towards his goal with clear and measured steps.


As you can see, the author of the article is a girl. Therefore, some facts may seem like a bunch of words to guys, but the female gender will immediately understand what was meant (if the female gender, of course, reads this article). I recommend re-reading things that are incomprehensible to the male gaze again, and also try to put them into your head. Apply them wisely in practice, and you will not regret it!

Thank you for your attention. I would be grateful if you write a comment or share my article with your friends.

Good luck on the love front!

Good afternoon, dear readers! I think many of you will be surprised if I say that I was inspired to write this article by simply surfing the Internet, or rather scrolling through my VKontakte news feed. The whole point is that every now and then I have to stumble upon such creative and original advertising, that I involuntarily click and follow the link. I am amazed by the imagination of SMM people who came up with such non-trivial posts. I must admit that recently a lot of interesting advertising has appeared on VKontakte, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. In this regard, I decided that today’s review I need to devote to how to make a post in contact not only informative, but also attractive. Just imagine how the number of subscribers in your group will increase, how the event will progress and how many products you will be able to sell if you can “ catch a wave” and make a killer offer, making it in the most ordinary, at first glance, post on a social network.

What is a post in contact?

I have already told you about it and formalized it. However, no matter how much I would like it, even a perfectly designed group will not become popular if you do not care about quality content and post second-rate news in it. Those who are involved in the promotion and promotion of businesses on the Internet know that high-quality, and, most importantly, correctly formatted posts can become first-class advertising. However, before we proceed to the actual creation of advertising, I suggest spending a couple of minutes on the theory. First of all, we need to find out what a VK post is?

Posting You and I will call messages that are posted on the walls of VKontakte user accounts, published in groups and communities. It is with the help of posts that we can share interesting news and all kinds of information with each other. All those posts that you post on the wall of your page, repost from other groups and publics, can be viewed by all guests who are on your page. In addition, all posts are displayed in the news feed of your friends and subscribers.

Despite the fact that today there are a great many different types of posts, I would like to draw your attention to two main, which we meet almost everywhere:

Looking ahead a little, I will say that they are more willing to like and repost messages second type.

Basic set of popularity: what must be in a post?

Posting on VKontakte is a delicate matter. It is very important that the material you post in your group is interesting to her readers. Any high-quality VK post should consist of:

In general, I think you understand how to create a post on VK. However, just structuring the ad to promote the project will not be enough for you. To be effective and fruitful, you must follow registration rules advertising posts.

Publication size

Consider the size of the VK post. Since more than half of social network users view their news feeds from mobile phones, you should ensure that the size of your advertising banner is small. An ad with parameters is considered optimal 560*360 . It is not recommended to place text at the very edge of the picture. It is better if you place it in the center, thereby focusing all the reader’s attention on the essence of the post. If you use not a classic banner as advertising material, but a selection of several photos, pay attention to how they will look after publication in the news feed of your subscribers. Often, after posting such posts, the pictures line up in a single row and are greatly compressed. In addition, here you also need to remember that most users will view images from the screens of mobile phones and tablets.

Pay attention to the size of the title and the text itself

Even if you don’t take into account all the features and subtleties of copywriting, and neglect the specifics of selling texts, you still need to take into account the following points when creating a post:

Use the signs

It is important that when creating VK posts on the wall, you use arrow pointers. With their help, you need to check the final direction to the link. remember, that the link should be located at the beginning of the text. An exception to this rule can only be considered publications that are advertising in nature and in which the advertising is hidden. Do not forget also that the link must certainly appear at the very bottom of the banner.

Use symbols and emoticons

This is not the first year that the social network VKontakte has pleased us with an additional option that allows us to significantly increase the number of views of posts. In order to attract as much user attention as possible to your ads, select emoticons and symbols in accordance with the theme of your ad and the overall design of the post.

Don't forget about moderation and try to avoid using too many emoticons, as this will only irritate and alienate customers. It is important that the symbols set accents in the text and not be the basis of the ad.

Don't make mistakes

Advertising posts for the VK group should under no circumstances have errors. You must clearly understand that clients never forgive mistakes and perceive them as neglect. No one will be interested in a sentence that is written with wild spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors. Even if there are users who will forgive you for a typo, flooding in the comments of other subscribers will undoubtedly discourage them from buying products from you or using your services.

If you are not lazy and spend only 1-2 minutes checking your advertising material and 4-5 minutes correcting errors, then the conversion of your group will increase by 2 or even 4 times! Rest assured potential clients Necessarily They will appreciate your work and attention.

What kind of posts can there be?

In order for you to understand how to make an advertising post on VKontakte attractive and interesting, remember what news evokes the most emotions in you, what news do you pay attention to when scrolling through your feed on a social network? I am sure that most of you, just like me, are more “clinged” to visual content. If the image interests us, then we involuntarily proceed to read the text accompanying this post. So, if you are really interested, adopt these news design techniques.

Group topic

One of the easiest ways to attract subscribers is to talk about the group and its topics. The success of promoting your “brainchild” in this case will depend on how correctly you select the group to buy advertising. It is very important that the public in which your community will be promoted is filled with your target audience.

Since you already know how to make high-quality and attractive posts in a VKontakte group, make sure that your advertising contains attractive pictures that will interest your target audience. This is what will help you ensure an increase in subscribers.

An honest story about your public

An excessive amount of advertising in the news feeds of VKontakte users leads to the fact that people simply get used to it. This is why SMM marketers have to spend more and more time and effort on inventing new methods of attracting subscribers to their public pages. I advise you to stand out among the crowd of these creatives, try to simply tell your audience about the public, its topic, why you created it, and what useful things they can find in it. It is very important to do personal appeal, indicating the maximum number of personal details and small details. Such frankness will certainly find echoes in the hearts of readers and will arouse more trust in them.

Pictures depicting what the target audience dreams of

This technique is often used by all kinds of information businessmen, owners of bookmakers and casinos. Think about what their target audience might dream about? Of course, about how to quickly and easily earn a lot of money, thereby providing yourself with a comfortable life. As a rule, advertising posts of such groups and communities use pictures with images of money, expensive cars, luxurious women, and branded clothing.

Think about what the target audience of your public page wants, and make this desire an advertising “hook”. I want to give you one piece of advice right away: do not use stock images for posts. It will be much better if you take a couple of photos yourself, thereby instilling more trust in your readers.

Pictures that evoke emotions

Choose images to design your posts that would stand out in the general flow of news in the reader’s feed and attract attention. Do not under any circumstances think that the photos should be shocking. Although, I admit, when you see something unexpected, your gaze lingers on the image, and you involuntarily return to the news headline. You don't have to attract readers with nude photos. The most important thing is that the images stand out and evoke certain emotions.

Right now, scroll through the VKontakte news and pay attention to which pictures you lingered your gaze on for a long time. I assure you that the pattern will be discovered very soon.

Appeal to the target audience

If you need to attract the attention of your target audience to your group, then there is one very effective way to do this. Its essence is to begin the text of the message by addressing users of a certain group. For example, if you are promoting a group that is dedicated to cars, then you should start your greeting text with the phrase: “ Attention all motorists!».

This tactic is incredibly simple, but quite effective. You can use it not only to promote your own groups, but also to sell any goods and services.

Several links in a row

When I first came across an ad with several absolutely identical links, I didn’t immediately understand why it was done. I clicked on each one to make sure they took me to the same page. When the page I already knew opened up in front of me again, I understood the idea of ​​​​advertising.

The fact is that the link block immediately catches the eye, and the fact that it uses links from one page arouses the reader’s curiosity and desire to double-check the direction of the links. Thus, much is accomplished more transitions, which leads to increased activity in the group.

Emoticons and symbols

The most common and familiar to us emoticons can create the necessary accents in a post and direct readers’ attention to certain parts of the message. By using all kinds of exclamation marks, arrows, index fingers, etc., you draw the attention of subscribers to the text that you want them to read.

For example, an emoticon with the image “ gift“subconsciously gives us the feeling that something pleasant awaits us. If we see in the post " palm tree" or " Sun”, then we assume that the message will be about relaxation. Feel free to add emoticons to your ad that match its theme. However, remember that their number must be moderate. If you overdo it with symbols, not only will you not attract readers, you will literally repel them.

The most important information in the picture

Most of the VKontakte images have either small or medium-sized inscriptions. However, despite this, the text always matches the image perfectly in color. If you can contain all the information about your news in one picture, then this will definitely attract the attention of a huge number of people who will want to visit your community.


Just recently VKontakte released updates that launch all GIFs automatically. This allowed marketers to take advantage of another way to interact with their audience. We all know that a gif is a small video translated into a specific format. Since videos are always more effective than texts, the success of GIFs (which, among other things, also plays automatically) in promoting projects simply cannot be overestimated.

A personal recommendation from someone we trust is one of the strongest promotion methods of all time. It is for this reason that SMMers actively use it when composing their advertising posts. In the screenshots you saw examples of what recommendations look like in the context of public news. If you decide to use this particular promotion option, then make sure that your recommendation is as detailed as possible, and most importantly, personal. For example, if you are the admin of a well-promoted public page and are thinking about it, then you can give the following advice. “I’ve been reading this community for several months now and am absolutely delighted! Found here incredibly cool ideas, which I have never seen before in any other public. For example, the last thing I liked was a life hack for creating a projector with your own hands. If you are not yet subscribed to this group, add now!

Don't subscribe if...

One of the most effective promotion templates that plays on the pride of subscribers. The title of the post screams: “ Don't sign up if you don't have certain qualities" This type of handling is quite rough, but at the same time it gives an incredible return. The whole point of success is that a person always responds to a challenge. For example, if the public gives the following message: “Public for smart people. If in doubt, don’t join.” Anyone who sees this phrase will immediately think, “I’m smart. It is likely that there will be no stupid posts in this public. So it should be interesting here.” Considering that an extremely small number of people position themselves as stupid, such advertising will bring the creator of the public more than one hundred fresh subscribers.

99 out of 100 people will miss this

Appeal to a person’s individuality, emphasis on his individuality and difference from the majority is always a compliment for our EGO. In addition, on a purely psychological level, the negative connotation, when they say that the majority will not do something, is perceived as an incentive to prove that “I’m not like everyone else, I’m different,” “I’ll definitely succeed!”

Chat on your phone

Relatively recently, VKontakte introduced a new feature with the publication of screenshots of correspondence between two users. The idea is this: in a mobile chat, two users exchange barbs, jokes, interesting facts, music, and so on. One of the conversation participants certainly advises the other to join the community from which he draws his inspiration and witty phrases. In this case, the advertisement can look either like a regular link, or like a repost of some post from the wall of the group that is being promoted in this correspondence.

I don’t know how popular this method of promotion is, since I myself no longer react to such posts in my feed. Anyway, Every method is worth trying and testing. Only through trial and error will you figure out how to make a post on VK interesting and catchy.

Continued in source

The point is that the post provides only part of the information, and the end of it must be read by following a link to another community. Any person will be interested to know how the story ends, and he will go to your public page.

So that you don’t have the problem of how to create a link to a post that will definitely be clicked on, make sure that the content of the ad itself is interesting and intriguing.

How to create and publish posts in communities?

Before we move on to the actual creation and posting of a post, I want to tell you that per day you will need to post approximately 3-8 ads(depending on your topic: an author’s blog has 2-4 posts, and for example a public with films 5-8). At the same time, 20% of this number should be occupied by selling posts, and 80% should be allocated to posts of an information and entertainment nature. It is advisable to select pictures for all publications, since, as practice shows, they are the ones that give the greatest response.

If you know that you won't have enough time over the next week to compile and publish material, then it makes sense for you prepare posts in advance and send them to standby mode. Making a scheduled post is as easy as making a standard one. To do this you need:

  1. Write ad text
  2. Add photos to it by clicking on the " Attach» — « Photo»
  3. Set the timer for the date and time the post appears
  4. Send the resulting message using the " In queue» to the list of deferred publications

You can create no more than 10 scheduled posts in one day. If this amount is not enough for you, you want to post more news, or you need to create preparations for several days in advance, then it makes sense for you to resort to services for automating work on a social network. For example, software such as or will perfectly cope with the task.

Often there is a need to raise a certain post to the very top of the page and keep it there for a certain time. To pin the material, you can use the pinning function. To do this, you simply click on the text of your ad, open it on top of the current page and at the very bottom of the window select the “ Pin».

In general, this is where the creation and posting of publications in a community or public page ends.

Where to post?

So, since our post is ready, it means it’s time to put it to work. In order for new subscribers to join our group, we need to find a place to publish our content. In order to get likes on a VK post and find new readers for the group, we can:

  1. Post a post on your page/group. This option is completely free. You simply publish the material on the community wall of which you are the admin, repost it to your VKontakte page and wait for your friends and subscribers to notice the news and start subscribing to your page
  2. Contact for help markup services and order repost posts for money. Here I can advise you to interact with such promotion sites as , Socelin , VK surfing . I have already told you about each of them, and therefore I suggest looking for more detailed information in separate reviews dedicated to these sites
  3. Buy advertising through admins of other groups. This option is one of the most economical, since you contact directly to the performer. All you have to do is write to the administrator of the community in which you want to place your advertisement, informing him that you need to publish a post, discuss with him the details of placing your order, pay for advertising and wait for the influx of new subscribers
  4. Buy advertising space on exchanges associate , plibber . This will allow you to save your own time and be confident that all the terms of the agreement will be met. Again, you can find out how these services work in my previous reviews.
  5. Buy space for publication on . This option is the most expensive, and therefore is more suitable for already relatively promoted pages. You can find out more about the specifics of how the advertising exchange works in a separate article.


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